Samsung SCH-R451C

Manuals and User Guides for Samsung SCH-R451C. We found 2 manuals for free downloads User manual

Below you will find brief information for Mobile Phone SCH-R451C. This user manual provides information on how to enter code entry mode on your Samsung SCH-R451C phone and explains the function of code entry mode, which allows you to enter codes into the phone for certain events. There is also information about the battery, how to insert it correctly, and the risk of damaging the phone if you attempt to enter the same code more than three times.

Key Features

  • Code Entry Mode
  • Battery Insertion
  • Prepaid Function
  • Text Entry Mode
  • Unlocking Instructions

Pages: 66 Samsung SCH-R451C User manual

Brand: Samsung Category: Mobile phones Size: 1 MB

Languages: English

Table of contents

Open manual

Other manuals and documents

2 Pages

User manual

Languages: English

Frequently Answers and Questions

How do you enter phone codes?
You enter a series of numerical codes while in Code Entry Mode.
What is the new code to enter in code entry mode on my SCH-R451C?
Code entry mode does exactly what the name states; it allows the user to enter codes into the phone for certain events. Entering Samsung Codes on the Galaxy S4, just enter these codes in dial pad. Samsung Galaxy S3 doesn't respond to some secret codes.
What is code entry mode on my Samsung SGH t105?
You do this by entering a series of numerical codes while in Code Entry Mode.
Can u give me the code for code entry mode for my cell?
Entering Samsung Codes on the Galaxy S4, just enter these codes in dial pad. Samsung Galaxy S3 doesn't respond to some secret codes.
What is the code entry mode on the samsung?
Code entry mode does exactly what the name states; it allows the user to enter codes into the phone for certain events. Entering Samsung Codes on the Galaxy S4, just enter these codes in dial pad. Samsung Galaxy S3 doesn't respond to some secret codes.
