Shaw-Box Series 800

Manuals and User Guides for Shaw-Box Series 800. We found 2 manuals for free downloads Manual, User manual

Below you will find brief information for Wire Rope Electric Hoists SERIES 800. This manual contains important information for the installation, operation, maintenance and service of your new SHAW-BOX electric hoist. It details the hoist's construction, installation procedures, operating precautions, lubrication requirements, inspection and maintenance schedules, troubleshooting tips, and adjustments. This document provides a comprehensive guide for all aspects of using your hoist effectively and safely.

Key Features

  • Precision-built wire rope and drum type
  • Available in 5 rated load sizes (1/2, 1, 2, 3 and 5 tons)
  • Integrally welded mounting lug for rigid attachment
  • Optional built-in mechanical overload clutch (WEIGHT WATCHER)
  • Multiple rope reeving configurations for various lifting needs
  • Three-reduction gear train for efficient power transmission
  • Disc-type motor brake for controlled load lowering
  • Electrical system components enclosed for safety and protection
  • Convenient pendant push button station for easy operation
  • Upper limit stop for preventing over-travel and damage

Pages: 44 Shaw-Box Series 800 Manual

Brand: Shaw-Box Category: Industrial & lab equipment Size: 4 MB

Languages: English

Open manual

Other manuals and documents

44 Pages

User manual

Languages: English

Frequently Answers and Questions

What are the different models available for SHAW-BOX Series 800 Wire Rope Electric Hoists?
There are five rated load sizes: 1/2, 1, 2, 3 and 5 tons, with various lifts, lifting speeds and electrical service options. Some models may have optional base mounting or other supporting methods. For more information, contact the factory at Muskegon, Michigan 49443.
What is the function of the WEIGHT WATCHER overload clutch?
The optional overload clutch helps prevent lifting of excessive loads that could cause permanent deformation of the hoist or trolley. If the load exceeds the clutch setting, the hoist motor will run without lifting the load.
How often should I lubricate my SHAW-BOX Series 800 hoist?
It is recommended to lubricate the hoist at least every six months, coinciding with spring and fall seasons. Refer to Section IV of the manual for detailed lubrication instructions.
What precautions should I take when operating the hoist?
Always read and follow the instructions in this manual. It is critical to understand the hoist's operating controls, procedures, and warnings to ensure safe operation.
What are the maintenance requirements for the hoisting cable?
Regular inspection of the hoisting cable is crucial. It should be lubricated at installation and kept well lubricated with LUBRIPLATE Chain and Cable Fluid, or an equivalent, suitable for all temperature ranges.
