Sony DVP-S525D

Manuals and User Guides for Sony DVP-S525D. We found 10 manuals for free downloads User manual, Operating instructions, Owner's manual

Below you will find brief information for CD/DVD Player DVP-S525D. This Sony CD/DVD player plays DVD VIDEOs, VIDEO CDs, Audio CDs, and Audio+Video CDs. It offers various playback options, including different speeds, frame-by-frame playback, resume play, and menu navigation for DVDs and VIDEO CDs. Enjoy surround sound capabilities with appropriate connections to your audio system. The user manual provides detailed instructions for setup and operation.

Key Features

  • Plays DVD VIDEO, VIDEO CD, Audio CD
  • Multiple playback speeds and modes
  • Resume play function
  • 5.1 channel surround sound support
  • On-screen menus and displays
  • Remote control included

Pages: 68 Sony DVP-S525D User manual

Brand: Sony Category: DVD players Size: 935 KB

Languages: English

Open manual

Other manuals and documents

68 Pages

Operating instructions

Languages: English

68 Pages

Operating instructions

Languages: English

68 Pages

Owner's manual

Languages: English

136 Pages

Owner's manual

Languages: German, French

136 Pages

Owner's manual

Languages: Italian, Dutch

136 Pages

Owner's manual

Languages: Norwegian, Swedish

136 Pages

Operating instructions

Languages: Danish, Estonian

136 Pages

Operating instructions

Languages: Spanish, Portuguese

156 Pages

Operating instructions

Languages: Spanish, Portuguese

Frequently Answers and Questions

What types of discs does this player support?
DVD VIDEO, VIDEO CD, Audio CD, and Audio+Video CDs.
How do I resume playback from where I left off?
The player remembers your last stopping point and allows you to resume playback unless you open the disc tray, disconnect the power, or make certain settings changes.
Can I get surround sound?
Yes, it supports 5.1 channel surround sound with proper connections to a compatible receiver.
What languages are supported for on-screen displays?
The manual lists several languages including English, French, German, Italian Spanish, Dutch, Danish and Swedish. The exact languages available depend on the disc.
