Stanton SMX 211

Manuals and User Guides for Stanton SMX 211. We found 2 manuals for free downloads User manual, Owner's manual

Below you will find brief information for Professional Preamp Mixer SMX 211. This mixer features a compact design and user-replaceable crossfader. It has 2 phono, 2 line, and 1 microphone input, and includes gain, treble, and bass controls on each channel. The mixer also offers a powerful stereo headphone output, cue pan selector, bright LED output indicators, and selectable fader start.

Key Features

  • Compact design
  • User replaceable crossfader
  • 2 phono, 2 line, 1 microphone input
  • Gain, Treble, and Bass Controls on Channels
  • Powerful stereo headphone output
  • Cue Pan Selector (Ch.1-Ch.2)
  • Bright LED Output Indicators
  • Selectable Fader Start (Ch.1–CH.2)

Pages: 6 Stanton SMX 211 User manual

Brand: Stanton Category: Audio mixers Size: 732 KB

Languages: English

Open manual

Other manuals and documents

12 Pages

Owner's manual

Languages: English

Frequently Answers and Questions

How do I replace the crossfader?
To replace the crossfader, unscrew the two large screws that hold it in place, lift it out and disconnect its cable. Re-attach the new crossfader and screw the mounting plate back onto the unit.
What inputs does the mixer have?
The mixer has 2 phono, 2 line, and 1 microphone input.
How do I use the fader start function?
The fader start function works in conjunction with a compatible fader start CD player. When used with a compatible CD player, you can use the crossfader to start and stop the CD player with the slide of the fader. The fader start switch activates the fader start feature.
What is the maximum output of the mixer?
The maximum output of the mixer is more than 18dB (8V) for the Master (RCA) and more than 5dB (1.8V) for the Phones (load = 32 ohm).
