Sunrise Medical Fortress 1700 DT/TA

Manuals and User Guides for Sunrise Medical Fortress 1700 DT/TA. We found 1 manuals for free downloads Owner's manual

The Fortress 1700 DT/TA is an electrically driven scooter for general use in outdoor and indoor environments. It has an adjustable seat height, rotating seat, foldable armrests and adjustable steering tiller for comfortable driving. The Fortress 1700 DT/TA is powered by gel batteries and equipped with a safety circuit breaker to prevent damage.

Key Features

  • Adjustable seat height
  • Rotating seat
  • Foldable armrests
  • Adjustable steering tiller
  • Gel batteries
  • Safety circuit breaker

Pages: 30 Sunrise Medical Fortress 1700 DT/TA Owner's manual

Brand: Sunrise Medical Category: Scooters Size: 8 MB

Languages: English

Open manual

Frequently Answers and Questions

What is the maximum user's weight for the Fortress 1700 DT/TA?
The maximum user's weight for the Fortress 1700 DT is 350 lbs and for the Fortress 1700 TA is 300 lbs.
How do I inflate the tires on my Fortress 1700 DT/TA?
The tires are equipped with a car valve. You can have the tires inflated at your dealer or local gas service station, or you can do it yourself using a foot or hand pump. To inflate the tires, remove the cap from the valve.
What are the battery specifications for the Fortress 1700 DT/TA?
The Fortress 1700 DT/TA is equipped with gel batteries. The maximum permissible charging current (per battery) is 8 Amp.
