Tascam DM-24

Manuals and User Guides for Tascam DM-24. We found 20 manuals for free downloads Owner's manual, User manual, Manual, Quick start Guide, Product information, Service manual, Operation manual, Reference manual

Tascam DM-24 is a digital mixing console with 32 channels that combines the convenience of digital technology with the tactile feel and intuitive operation of an analog console. It features 24 mic/line inputs, 8 channels of ADAT lightpipe I/O, 24 channels of TDIF I/O, and two option slots for expansion. The DM-24 also has 6 aux sends, 4 assignable sends, and 4 assignable returns, making it a versatile choice for a wide range of recording and mixing applications.

Key Features

  • Internal mix data storage
  • SysEx MIDI dump for data transfer
  • Touch-sensitive faders for automation
  • Time code synchronization (LTC/MTC)
  • Intuitive automation control surface
  • Auto mode switching for different controls
  • Write/Trim modes for mix moves
  • Static/Dynamic automation modes
  • Safe mode for preventing accidental writing
  • Store/Edit/Recall mix files

Pages: 12 Tascam DM-24 Owner's manual

Brand: Tascam Category: Musical Equipment Size: 505 KB

Languages: English

Open manual

Other manuals and documents

12 Pages

User manual

Languages: English

6 Pages


Languages: English

12 Pages

User manual

Languages: English

28 Pages


Languages: English

36 Pages


Languages: English

3 Pages


Languages: English

146 Pages

Owner's manual

Languages: English

16 Pages

Quick start Guide

Languages: English

10 Pages


Languages: English

32 Pages


Languages: English

19 Pages

User manual

Languages: English

16 Pages

User manual

Languages: English

Frequently Answers and Questions

How many channels does the Tascam DM-24 have?
The DM-24 has 32 channels, but only 24 of them are available for use as tape returns.
Can I use the DM-24 to record 24 tracks simultaneously?
Not unless you add an analog I/O option card. With two IF-AN/DM cards, you can have up to 32 channels of analog input, but you'll need to make specific settings in the DM-24 to do this.
Can I use the DM-24 as a live mixer?
Yes, you can use the DM-24 as a live mixer by adding two IF-AN/DM analog cards. This will give you 32 channels of analog input and 6 aux sends, which can be used for foldback and effects.
Can I use the aux sends on the DM-24 with external effects processors?
Yes, you can assign any of the six aux sends to the two-channel AES/EBU and S/PDIF digital outputs for use with external effects processors with digital I/O. The returns of these external processors can be routed to the DM-24 via digital inputs 1 and 2.
Can I use the assignable sends and returns on the DM-24 as inserts?
Yes, you can configure the assignable sends and returns as assignable inserts. This allows you to use outboard dynamics processors on the tape return path.
