Testo Digital thermo hygrometers, 625

Manuals and User Guides for Testo Digital thermo hygrometers, 625. We found 1 manuals for free downloads Owner's manual

Testo Digital Thermohygrometers, 625, is a compact instrument for measuring indoor humidity and temperature. It features a permanently attached probe and connects to the testo Smart App via Bluetooth for data logging, analysis, and advanced settings. Ideal for building climate monitoring, the 625 provides accurate readings and offers features like alarm thresholds, data logging, and unit selection (metric/imperial).

Key Features

  • Compact design
  • Integrated probe
  • Bluetooth connectivity
  • Alarm thresholds
  • Data logging
  • Metric/Imperial units

Pages: 37 Testo Digital thermo hygrometers, 625 Owner's manual

Brand: Testo Size: 1 MB

Languages: English

Open manual

Frequently Answers and Questions

How do I switch the testo 625 on and off?
To switch on, press the On/Off key (0.5 sec). To switch off, press and hold the On/Off key (2 sec).
How do I change the units of measurement (Celsius/Fahrenheit)?
Enter configuration mode (press MENU/ENTER). Select "UNITS" and use the ◄/► keys to choose between "METR" (metric) and "IMPER" (imperial), confirming with MENU/ENTER.
Can I connect additional sensors to the testo 625?
No. The required probes are permanently connected or integrated. Additional sensors cannot be connected.
How do I reset the maximum/minimum values?
Press ◄ until Max or Min is displayed. Then, hold down ◄ (approx. 2 seconds).
How do I print data from the testo 625?
A testo Bluetooth®/IRDA printer (order no. 0554 0621) is required. Connect it via Bluetooth and press and hold ► to transfer data.
