TouchKit TouchScreen Controller

Manuals and User Guides for TouchKit TouchScreen Controller. We found 6 manuals for free downloads User manual, User Guide

Below you will find brief information for Touchscreen Controller. The TouchKit Touchscreen Controller is a device that connects to a computer via RS232, USB or PS/2 and provides control of the computer through the touch screen. The TouchKit software contains drivers and two utilities: configuration support for calibration and draw test, and right button support for emulating the right and left button of the mouse.

Key Features

  • RS232, USB or PS/2 connectivity
  • 4, 5, or 8 wire touch panel support
  • Calibration and draw test utilities
  • Right button emulation for mouse
  • Support for various OS including Windows and Linux
  • Configuration utility for panel settings
  • Support for multiple controllers
  • Advanced features: monitor rotation, multiple monitors
  • Sound notification options
  • Double click speed and area configurability

Pages: 18 TouchKit TouchScreen Controller User manual

Brand: TouchKit Category: Touch pads Size: 115 KB

Languages: English

Open manual

Other manuals and documents

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Languages: English

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Languages: English

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User Guide

Languages: English

Frequently Answers and Questions

What interfaces are supported by the TouchKit Touchscreen Controller?
The TouchKit Touchscreen Controller supports RS232, USB and PS/2 interfaces.
What types of touch panels does the TouchKit Touchscreen Controller support?
The TouchKit Touchscreen Controller supports 4, 5, and 8 wire touch panels.
What operating systems are supported by the TouchKit Touchscreen Controller?
The TouchKit Touchscreen Controller supports various operating systems, including Microsoft Windows 95/98/ME/NT4/2000/XP/XP Tablet PC Edition, Windows CE 2.12/3.0/.NET, Linux, iMac and DOS.
How do I install the TouchKit Touchscreen Controller driver?
The TouchKit Touchscreen Controller driver can be installed automatically or manually. The automatic installation method uses a setup script, while the manual installation requires adding settings to the X Window configuration file and copying driver files to specific directories.
What utilities are included with the TouchKit Touchscreen Controller software?
The TouchKit Touchscreen Controller software contains two utilities: configuration support and right button support. The configuration support utility allows you to calibrate and draw test the touch panel, while the right button support utility emulates the right and left buttons of the mouse.
How do I calibrate the touch panel?
You can calibrate the touch panel using the configuration utility. The utility allows you to correct 4 or 25 point locations on the screen with the panel.
How do I emulate the right button of the mouse?
The right button emulation feature is provided by the right button support utility. You can toggle between right and left mouse buttons using this utility.
