Wayne Kerr 3260B

Manuals and User Guides for Wayne Kerr 3260B. We found 2 manuals for free downloads User manual

Below you will find brief information for Precision Magnetics Analyzer 3260B, DC Bias Unit 3265B. The Precision Magnetics Analyzer 3260B measures inductance, impedance, capacitance, leakage inductance, turns ratio, insertion loss and return loss. The optional DC Bias Unit 3265B provides up to 125 A DC bias current.

Key Features

  • Wide frequency range (20 Hz to 3 MHz)
  • Fast measurement speed (up to 20 measurements per second)
  • 0.1% basic accuracy
  • Up to 125 A of DC bias current
  • Telecom measurement functions
  • Analysis mode with graphical displays
  • Comprehensive measurement functions
  • Straightforward intuitive operation

Wayne Kerr 3260B User manual

Brand: Wayne Kerr Category: Multimeters Size: 397 KB

Languages: English

Open manual

Other manuals and documents

225 Pages

User manual

Languages: English

Frequently Answers and Questions

What is the frequency range of the Precision Magnetics Analyzer 3260B?
The 3260B has a frequency range of 20 Hz to 3 MHz.
What is the basic accuracy of the Precision Magnetics Analyzer 3260B?
The 3260B has a basic accuracy of 0.1%.
What is the maximum DC bias current that can be applied using the 3265B DC Bias Unit?
The 3265B DC bias unit can provide up to 25 A of DC bias current. Up to five 3265B units can be used in parallel to provide a maximum 125 A of DC bias current.
What types of measurements can be performed with the Precision Magnetics Analyzer 3260B?
The 3260B can perform a wide variety of measurements, including inductance, impedance, capacitance, leakage inductance, turns ratio, insertion loss, and return loss.
What is the purpose of the Telecom mode on the Precision Magnetics Analyzer 3260B?
The Telecom mode is used to measure insertion loss (IL) and return loss (RL) on line matching transformers operating in the telephone speech band (100 Hz to 20 kHz).
What is the purpose of the Analysis mode on the Precision Magnetics Analyzer 3260B?
The Analysis mode allows you to plot any of the measurement functions, such as inductance (L) or impedance (Z), against frequency, AC drive level, or DC bias current.
