ZK Software A5/A8/T5 U160

Manuals and User Guides for ZK Software A5/A8/T5 U160. We found 1 manuals for free downloads User Guide

Below you will find brief information for Time & Attendance Terminal A5/A8/T5 U160. The A5/A8/T5 U160 is a time and attendance terminal that can be used to track employee hours. It features fingerprint recognition technology for user authentication and can also be used with RFID cards. The A5/A8/T5 U160 can store attendance data for a large number of employees, and can be integrated with various time and attendance software applications.

Key Features

  • Fingerprint Recognition
  • RFID Card Support
  • Attendance Data Storage
  • Software Integration
  • User Management
  • Advanced Settings
  • Power Management
  • Communication Options
  • Logging Options
  • Auto Test

Pages: 198 ZK Software A5/A8/T5 U160 User Guide

Brand: ZK Software Category: Home security & automation Size: 642 KB

Languages: English

Open manual

Frequently Answers and Questions

How do I enroll a new user on the A5/A8/T5 U160?
To enroll a new user, press the MENU key, select "User Manage", then select "Enroll User". You can choose to enroll a user with fingerprint, password, or both, depending on the user's preference and fingerprint quality. Follow the instructions on the screen to complete the enrollment process.
What are the different authority levels available on the A5/A8/T5 U160?
The A5/A8/T5 U160 has four authority levels: User, Enroller, Administrator, and Supervisor. Each level has different permissions and access to features. Users have no administrative privileges, Enrollers can enroll new users and delete them, Administrators can perform other operations except setting advanced options and enrolling administrators, and Supervisors have access to all functions.
How can I change the date and time on the A5/A8/T5 U160?
To change the date and time, press the MENU key, select "Options", then select "System Opt". Choose "Date Time", and use the ▲/▼ keys to change the year, month, day, or time. Use the keypad to enter the desired values and press OK to confirm the changes.
