Kenwood TS-480

Manuals and User Guides for Kenwood TS-480. We found 2 manuals for free downloads User manual, Manual

The TS-480 radio transceiver is a popular choice for amateur radio operators. This modification guide discusses replacing the standard 2.4 kHz filter with a wider 4 kHz filter, the 10M4D. The 10M4D filter provides a wider bandwidth, which can improve reception in crowded bands. However, there have been some issues reported after installation, such as distorted sound and carrier signal problems, so caution is advised.

Key Features

  • Wide 4 kHz IF filter
  • Improved reception in crowded bands
  • Potential for ESSB
  • Requires careful installation
  • May cause audio distortion
  • Carrier signal issues reported
  • Caution advised before modifying

Pages: 59 Kenwood TS-480 User manual

Brand: Kenwood Category: Audio amplifiers Size: 2 MB

Languages: English

Table of contents

Open manual

Other manuals and documents

7 Pages


Languages: English

Frequently Answers and Questions

What is the purpose of the 10M4D filter?
The 10M4D filter is a 4 kHz monolithic crystal filter that provides a wider bandwidth than the standard 2.4 kHz filter in the TS-480. This can improve reception in crowded bands.
What are the potential benefits of installing the 10M4D filter?
The 10M4D filter can improve reception in crowded bands by providing a wider bandwidth. It also has the potential for ESSB (Enhanced Single Sideband) operation, which can provide improved audio quality and clarity.
What are the potential problems with installing the 10M4D filter?
Some issues have been reported after installing the 10M4D filter, such as distorted sound and carrier signal problems. The IF SHIFT rotary knob may also become inactive. This modification is not recommended until these issues are resolved.
