Phonak Lyric 3

Manuals and User Guides for Phonak Lyric 3. We found 6 manuals for free downloads User manual, User Guide, Owner's manual

Phonak Lyric 3, a revolutionary hearing aid, offers exceptional features for a superior auditory experience. Its discreet design allows for 24/7 wear, providing continuous hearing support without the need for daily maintenance or battery changes. With Lyric 3, you can enjoy clear, natural sound in various listening environments, enhancing your ability to connect with the world around you.

Key Features

  • 100% invisible hearing aid
  • Extended wear (months at a time)
  • Placed in the ear canal by a professional
  • 24/7 use
  • Water resistant
  • Natural sound quality

Pages: 14 Phonak Lyric 3 User manual

Brand: Phonak Category: Medical Equipment Size: 1 MB

Languages: English

Open manual

Other manuals and documents

22 Pages

User Guide

Languages: English

48 Pages

User Guide

Languages: English

21 Pages

User Guide

Languages: Portuguese

20 Pages

Owner's manual

Languages: Estonian, Dutch

20 Pages

Owner's manual

Languages: German

Frequently Answers and Questions

Can I use headsets / earbuds with Lyric?
External headphones and external hearing protection can be used. Do not use inserted headsets, earbuds, or earplugs, because they may dislodge the hearing aid. Standard iPod earphones can be used.
Will an MRI scan, X-ray, or CT scan damage Lyric or place my ear at risk?
Lyric must be removed before you have an MRI scan because the hearing aid contains metallic parts. Unlike an MRI scan, an X-ray or CT scan will not damage or dislodge the hearing aid because a magnet is not used. However, you should inform the physician and/or technician about the hearing aid. If an X-ray or CT scan of the ear or head is needed, the hearing aid may need to be removed. Let your physician know that you are wearing Lyric if you are having surgery of any kind.
Can I fly on a plane with Lyric?
Yes. It is safe to fly while wearing Lyric (provided the aircraft cabin is pressurized).
