illumina Infinium HD Assay Ultra

Manuals and User Guides for illumina Infinium HD Assay Ultra. We found 1 manuals for free downloads Manual

The Infinium HD Assay Ultra is a high-throughput genotyping assay that allows you to analyze thousands of genetic variants in a single experiment. This comprehensive manual will guide you through the assay process, providing detailed instructions for each step, from DNA quantitation to data analysis.

Key Features

  • High-throughput genotyping
  • Comprehensive manual
  • Detailed instructions
  • Data analysis
  • Single-base extension
  • BeadArray Reader
  • iScan System

Pages: 32 illumina Infinium HD Assay Ultra Manual

Brand: illumina Category: Industrial & lab equipment Size: 355 KB

Languages: English

Open manual

Frequently Answers and Questions

How many genetic variants can be analyzed in a single experiment?
The Infinium HD Assay Ultra can analyze thousands of genetic variants in a single experiment.
What are the different steps involved in the Infinium HD Assay Ultra?
The Infinium HD Assay Ultra consists of several steps, including DNA quantitation, fragmentation, hybridization, single-base extension, staining, and imaging.
What is the purpose of the BeadArray Reader and the iScan System?
The BeadArray Reader and the iScan System are used to image and analyze the BeadChips, which contain the genetic information.
What type of data is generated by the Infinium HD Assay Ultra?
The Infinium HD Assay Ultra generates genotype data, which can be used to identify genetic variants associated with disease, traits, or ancestry.
