moon MC-8

Manuals and User Guides for moon MC-8. We found 2 manuals for free downloads Owner's manual, User manual

The moon MC-8 multi-channel power amplifier offers exceptional audio performance with its state-of-the-art design and construction. It features a high damping factor for superior musical dynamics, improved signal speed, and refined timbre accuracy. The fully balanced differential circuitry up to the output stage ensures accurate reproduction and minimal distortion. With a very short signal path and extremely fast circuitry, the MC-8 delivers real-time amplification with virtually non-existent transient intermodulation (TIM) distortion. It also boasts proprietary MOON Bipolar Output transistors for unprecedented gain linearity, resulting in improved bass response and overall sonic accuracy. The MC-8 is designed to operate in Class A up to 5 watts for greater efficiency and is equipped with a 12 Volt trigger input for remote operation.

Pages: 16 moon MC-8 Owner's manual

Brand: moon Category: Musical Equipment Size: 956 KB

Languages: English

Open manual

Other manuals and documents

12 Pages

User manual

Languages: English
