xpr B100PROX-EH

Manuals and User Guides for xpr B100PROX-EH. We found 6 manuals for free downloads Installer Manual, Owner's manual, User manual

The xpr B100PAD-M is a versatile and feature-rich access control device that offers a wide range of functionalities to enhance security and convenience in various applications. Its sleek design and compact size make it suitable for both indoor and outdoor use. With its ability to store up to 30,000 users and process up to 30,000 events, the B100PAD-M can effectively manage access for a large number of individuals and maintain a detailed audit trail of all activities.

Key Features

  • Biometric & Proximity
  • 100 Fingerprints
  • Wiegand Output
  • Anti-Spoofing
  • PC Configuration
  • Indoor Use
  • Card/Finger Authentication

Pages: 20 xpr B100PROX-EH Installer Manual

Brand: xpr Category: Power plug adapters Size: 5 MB

Languages: English

Open manual

Other manuals and documents

20 Pages

Owner's manual

Languages: English

20 Pages

User manual

Languages: German

20 Pages

Owner's manual

Languages: German

20 Pages

Owner's manual

Languages: Dutch

20 Pages

Owner's manual

Languages: Spanish

Frequently Answers and Questions

What are the main authentication methods supported by this reader?
The B100PROX-EH supports authentication by finger, card, or both methods, providing flexibility for different access control needs.
How many fingerprints can the reader store
The device can store up to 100 fingerprints, suitable for managing a moderate number of users.
How do I configure the reader's settings and enroll fingerprints?
Configuration and fingerprint enrollment is done through PC software. The manual provides detailed instructions on how to connect the reader to your computer and use the software for both tasks.
What kind of connection does the reader use for data transfer and configuration?
The reader uses an RS-485 bus for communication with other devices and the PC software. The manual provides instructions for setting up and configuring the RS-485 network.
