Avaya IP Office™ Platform Short Code and Button

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Avaya IP Office™ Platform Short Code and Button | Manualzz

Avaya IP Office

Platform Short Code and Button Action Reference

Release 9.1

Issue 01.03

February 2015



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Hosted Service






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Avaya grants You a license within the scope of the license types described below, with the exception of Heritage Nortel Software, for which the scope of the license is detailed below. Where the order documentation does not expressly identify a license type, the applicable license will be a Designated System License. The applicable number of licenses and units of capacity for which the license is granted will be one (1), unless a different number of licenses or units of capacity is specified in the documentation or other materials available to You. “Software” means computer programs in object code, provided by Avaya or an Avaya Channel Partner, whether as stand-alone products, pre-installed on hardware products, and any upgrades, updates, patches, bug fixes, or modified versions thereto. “Designated Processor” means a single stand-alone computing device. “Server” means a Designated Processor that hosts a software application to be accessed by multiple users.

“Instance” means a single copy of the Software executing at a particular time: (i) on one physical machine; or (ii) on one deployed software virtual machine (“VM”) or similar deployment.

License type(s)

Designated System(s) License (DS). End User may install and use each copy or an Instance of the Software only on a number of

Designated Processors up to the number indicated in the order.

Avaya may require the Designated Processor(s) to be identified in the order by type, serial number, feature key, Instance, location or other specific designation, or to be provided by End User to Avaya through electronic means established by Avaya specifically for this purpose.

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Avaya, at its sole discretion, bases the pricing of its licenses and can be, without limitation, an agent, port or user, an e-mail or voice mail account in the name of a person or corporate function (e.g., webmaster or helpdesk), or a directory entry in the administrative database utilized by the Software that permits one user to interface with the Software. Units may be linked to a specific, identified Server or an Instance of the Software.

Database License (DL). End User may install and use each copy or an Instance of the Software on one Server or on multiple Servers provided that each of the Servers on which the Software is installed communicates with no more than one Instance of the same database.

CPU License (CP). End User may install and use each copy or

Instance of the Software on a number of Servers up to the number indicated in the order provided that the performance capacity of the

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Heritage Nortel Software

“Heritage Nortel Software” means the software that was acquired by

Avaya as part of its purchase of the Nortel Enterprise Solutions

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Third Party Components

“Third Party Components” mean certain software programs or portions thereof included in the Software or Hosted Service may contain software (including open source software) distributed under third party agreements (“Third Party Components”), which contain terms regarding the rights to use certain portions of the Software

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Note to Service Provider

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Preventing Toll Fraud

“Toll Fraud” is the unauthorized use of your telecommunications system by an unauthorized party (for example, a person who is not a corporate employee, agent, subcontractor, or is not working on your company's behalf). Be aware that there can be a risk of Toll Fraud associated with your system and that, if Toll Fraud occurs, it can result in substantial additional charges for your telecommunications services.

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Contact Avaya Support

See the Avaya Support website: http://support.avaya.com

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Avaya), scroll to the bottom of the page, and select Contact Avaya



Chapter 1: What's New in Release 9.1..................................................................................  13

Chapter 2: Short Code Features............................................................................................ 14

Acquire Call

..........................................................................................................................  14

AOC Previous Call

................................................................................................................  14

AOC Reset Total

...................................................................................................................  14

AOC Total

............................................................................................................................. 14

Auto Attendant

......................................................................................................................  15

Auto Intercom Deny Off

.........................................................................................................  15

Auto Intercom Deny On

.........................................................................................................  15

Break Out

.............................................................................................................................  16


..................................................................................................................................  16

Busy On Held

........................................................................................................................ 17

Call Intrude

...........................................................................................................................  18

Call Listen

............................................................................................................................. 18

Call Park

............................................................................................................................... 20

Call Park and Page

................................................................................................................ 21

Call Pickup Any

..................................................................................................................... 21

Call Pickup Extn

.................................................................................................................... 22

Call Pickup Group

.................................................................................................................  22

Call Pickup Line

....................................................................................................................  23

Call Pickup Members

............................................................................................................. 23

Call Pickup User

.................................................................................................................... 24

Call Queue

...........................................................................................................................  24

Call Record

........................................................................................................................... 25

Call Steal

.............................................................................................................................. 26

Call Waiting On

.....................................................................................................................  26

Call Waiting Off

.....................................................................................................................  27

Call Waiting Suspend

............................................................................................................  27

Cancel All Forwarding

............................................................................................................ 28

Cancel Ring Back When Free

................................................................................................  28

Change Login Code

............................................................................................................... 29

Clear After Call Work

............................................................................................................. 30

Clear Call

.............................................................................................................................  30

Clear CW

.............................................................................................................................. 31

Clear Hunt Group Night Service

.............................................................................................. 31

Clear Hunt Group Out Of Service

............................................................................................ 32

Clear Quota

..........................................................................................................................  32

Coaching Intrusion

................................................................................................................  33

Conference Add

....................................................................................................................  33

Conference Meet Me

.............................................................................................................  34

February 2015 Avaya IP Office

Platform Short Code and Button Action Reference


Comments? [email protected]



......................................................................................................................................  35


......................................................................................................................................  36

Dial 3K1

...............................................................................................................................  37

Dial 56K

...............................................................................................................................  37

Dial 64K

...............................................................................................................................  38

Dial CW

................................................................................................................................ 38

Dial Direct

............................................................................................................................. 38

Dial Direct Hot Line

................................................................................................................ 39

Dial Emergency

..................................................................................................................... 40

Dial Extn

............................................................................................................................... 40

Dial Fax

................................................................................................................................ 41

Dial Inclusion

........................................................................................................................  41

Dial Paging

...........................................................................................................................  42

Dial Physical Extension by Number

......................................................................................... 42

Dial Physical Extension By ID

................................................................................................. 43

Dial Speech

..........................................................................................................................  44

Dial V110

.............................................................................................................................. 44

Dial V120

.............................................................................................................................. 44

Dial Video

............................................................................................................................. 44

Disable ARS Form

................................................................................................................. 45

Disable Internal Forwards

......................................................................................................  45

Disable Internal Forward Unconditional

...................................................................................  46

Disable Internal Forward Busy or No Answer

........................................................................... 46

Display Msg

..........................................................................................................................  46

Do Not Disturb Exception Add

................................................................................................  47

Do Not Disturb Exception Delete

............................................................................................  48

Do Not Disturb On

.................................................................................................................  48

Do Not Disturb Off

.................................................................................................................  49

Enable ARS Form

.................................................................................................................  49

Enable Internal Forwards

.......................................................................................................  49

Enable Internal Forward Unconditional

.................................................................................... 50

Enable Internal Forward Busy or No Answer

............................................................................ 50

Extn Login

............................................................................................................................  51

Extn Logout

..........................................................................................................................  52

Flash Hook

...........................................................................................................................  52

FNE Service

.........................................................................................................................  53

Follow Me Here

..................................................................................................................... 53

Follow Me Here Cancel

.......................................................................................................... 54

Follow Me To

........................................................................................................................  54

Forward Hunt Group Calls On

................................................................................................  55

Forward Hunt Group Calls Off

................................................................................................  56

Forward Number

...................................................................................................................  56

Forward On Busy Number

...................................................................................................... 57


Avaya IP Office

Platform Short Code and Button Action Reference

Comments? [email protected]

February 2015


Forward On Busy On

............................................................................................................. 57

Forward On Busy Off

............................................................................................................. 58

Forward On No Answer On

....................................................................................................  58

Forward On No Answer Off

....................................................................................................  59

Forward Unconditional On

...................................................................................................... 59

Forward Unconditional Off

...................................................................................................... 60

Group Listen Off

.................................................................................................................... 61

Group Listen On

.................................................................................................................... 61

Headset Toggle

..................................................................................................................... 62

Hold Call

............................................................................................................................... 62

Hold CW

............................................................................................................................... 63

Hold Music

............................................................................................................................ 63

Hunt Group Disable

...............................................................................................................  64

Hunt Group Enable

................................................................................................................ 64

Last Number Redial

............................................................................................................... 65

MCID Activate

....................................................................................................................... 65

Mobile Twinned Call Pickup

...................................................................................................  66

Off Hook Station

.................................................................................................................... 66

Outgoing Call Bar Off

............................................................................................................. 67

Outgoing Call Bar On

............................................................................................................. 68

Private Call

...........................................................................................................................  68

Private Call Off

...................................................................................................................... 68

Private Call On

...................................................................................................................... 69

Priority Call

...........................................................................................................................  69

Record Message

...................................................................................................................  70

Relay On

..............................................................................................................................  70

Relay Off

..............................................................................................................................  71

Relay Pulse

..........................................................................................................................  72

Resume Call

.........................................................................................................................  72

Retrieve Call

.........................................................................................................................  73

Ring Back When Free

............................................................................................................ 73

Secondary Dial Tone

.............................................................................................................  74

Set Absent Text

....................................................................................................................  75

Set Account Code

.................................................................................................................  76

Set Authorization Code

..........................................................................................................  76

Set Hunt Group Night Service

................................................................................................  77

Set Hunt Group Out Of Service

..............................................................................................  77

Set Inside Call Seq

................................................................................................................ 78

Set Mobile Twinning Number

.................................................................................................. 79

Set Mobile Twinning On

......................................................................................................... 79

Set Mobile Twinning Off

......................................................................................................... 79

Set No Answer Time

.............................................................................................................. 80

Set Outside Call Seq

.............................................................................................................  80

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Set Ringback Seq

.................................................................................................................. 81

Set Time Profile

....................................................................................................................  82

Set Wrap Up Time

................................................................................................................. 83

Shutdown Embedded Voicemail

.............................................................................................  84

Stamp Log

............................................................................................................................  85

Startup Embedded Voicemail

.................................................................................................  85

Suspend Call

........................................................................................................................  85

Suspend CW

......................................................................................................................... 86

Start After Call Work

.............................................................................................................. 86

Toggle Calls

.......................................................................................................................... 87

Unpark Call

........................................................................................................................... 87

Voicemail Collect

................................................................................................................... 88

Voicemail Node

..................................................................................................................... 90

Voicemail On

........................................................................................................................  90

Voicemail Off

........................................................................................................................  91

Voicemail Ringback On

.......................................................................................................... 91

Voicemail Ringback Off

.......................................................................................................... 92

Whisper Page

.......................................................................................................................  93

Chapter 3: Button Programming Actions.............................................................................  94

Abbreviated Dial

.................................................................................................................. 102

Abbreviated Dial Pause

.......................................................................................................  102

Abbreviated Dial Program

....................................................................................................  103

Abbreviated Dial Stop

..........................................................................................................  104

Account Code Entry

............................................................................................................. 104

ACD Agent Statistics

...........................................................................................................  105

ACD Stroke Count

............................................................................................................... 106

Acquire Call

........................................................................................................................  107

AD Special Functions

..........................................................................................................  107

AD Special Function Mark

.................................................................................................... 107

AD Special Function Wait

..................................................................................................... 108

AD Suppress

....................................................................................................................... 109

After Call Work

.................................................................................................................... 110


........................................................................................................................  111

Automatic Callback

.............................................................................................................. 113

Automatic Intercom

.............................................................................................................. 114

Break Out

...........................................................................................................................  115

Bridged Appearance

............................................................................................................ 116


................................................................................................................................... 117

Busy On Held

...................................................................................................................... 117

Call Forwarding All

..............................................................................................................  117

Call Intrude

.........................................................................................................................  118

Call List

..............................................................................................................................  119

Call Listen

........................................................................................................................... 120


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Comments? [email protected]

February 2015


Call Log

.............................................................................................................................. 121

Call Park

............................................................................................................................. 122

Call Park and Page

.............................................................................................................. 123

Call Park To Other Extension

...............................................................................................  124

Call Pickup

.........................................................................................................................  125

Call Pickup Any

................................................................................................................... 126

Call Pickup Group

...............................................................................................................  126

Call Pickup Members

........................................................................................................... 127

Call Queue

.........................................................................................................................  128

Call Record

......................................................................................................................... 129

Call Screening

....................................................................................................................  130

Call Steal

............................................................................................................................ 132

Call Waiting Off

...................................................................................................................  133

Call Waiting On

...................................................................................................................  133

Call Waiting Suspend

..........................................................................................................  134

Cancel All Forwarding

.......................................................................................................... 135

Cancel Leave Word Calling

..................................................................................................  136

Cancel Ring Back When Free

..............................................................................................  137

Clear Call

...........................................................................................................................  137

Clear CW

............................................................................................................................ 138

Clear Hunt Group Night Service

............................................................................................ 139

Clear Hunt Group Out Of Service

.......................................................................................... 140

Clear Quota

........................................................................................................................  141

Coaching Intrusion

..............................................................................................................  141


......................................................................................................................... 142

Conference Add

..................................................................................................................  143

Conference Meet Me

...........................................................................................................  144


............................................................................................................................... 146

Coverage Appearance

......................................................................................................... 146


....................................................................................................................................  147

Dial 3K1

.............................................................................................................................  148

Dial 56K

.............................................................................................................................  149

Dial 64K

.............................................................................................................................  149

Dial CW

.............................................................................................................................. 150

Dial Direct

........................................................................................................................... 151

Dial Emergency

................................................................................................................... 151

Dial Inclusion

......................................................................................................................  152

Dial Intercom

....................................................................................................................... 153

Dial Paging

.........................................................................................................................  154

Dial Physical Extn by Number

..............................................................................................  155

Dial Physical Number by ID

.................................................................................................. 156

Dial Speech

........................................................................................................................  157

Dial V110

............................................................................................................................ 157

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Dial V120

............................................................................................................................ 158

Display Msg

........................................................................................................................  159

Dial Video

........................................................................................................................... 159

Directed Call Pickup

............................................................................................................  160


............................................................................................................................. 161

Do Not Disturb Exception Add

..............................................................................................  162

Do Not Disturb Exception Delete

..........................................................................................  163

Do Not Disturb Off

...............................................................................................................  164

Do Not Disturb On

...............................................................................................................  164


................................................................................................................................... 165

Extn Login

..........................................................................................................................  166

Extn Logout

........................................................................................................................  167

Flash Hook

.........................................................................................................................  168

Follow Me Here

................................................................................................................... 169

Follow Me Here Cancel

........................................................................................................ 170

Follow Me To

......................................................................................................................  170

Forward Hunt Group Calls Off

..............................................................................................  171

Forward Hunt Group Calls On

..............................................................................................  172

Forward Number

.................................................................................................................  173

Forward On Busy Number

.................................................................................................... 174

Forward On Busy Off

........................................................................................................... 175

Forward On Busy On

........................................................................................................... 176

Forward On No Answer Off

..................................................................................................  176

Forward On No Answer On

..................................................................................................  177

Forward Unconditional Off

.................................................................................................... 178

Forward Unconditional On

.................................................................................................... 179


................................................................................................................................. 180

Group Listen On

.................................................................................................................. 181

Group Paging

...................................................................................................................... 182

Headset Toggle

................................................................................................................... 183

Hold Call

............................................................................................................................. 184

Hold CW

............................................................................................................................. 184

Hold Music

.......................................................................................................................... 185

Hunt Group Enable

.............................................................................................................. 186

Hunt Group Disable

.............................................................................................................  187


...............................................................................................................................  187

Internal Auto-Answer

...........................................................................................................  188

Last Number Redial

............................................................................................................. 189

Leave Word Calling

.............................................................................................................  189

Line Appearance

.................................................................................................................  190

MCID Activate

..................................................................................................................... 191

Monitor Analogue Trunk MWI

...............................................................................................  192

Off Hook Station

.................................................................................................................. 192


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Platform Short Code and Button Action Reference

Comments? [email protected]

February 2015


Pause Recording

................................................................................................................. 193

Priority Call

.........................................................................................................................  194

Priority Calling

..................................................................................................................... 194

Private Call

.........................................................................................................................  195

Relay Off

............................................................................................................................  196

Relay On

............................................................................................................................  196

Relay Pulse

........................................................................................................................  197

Resume Call

.......................................................................................................................  198

Request Coaching Intrusion

.................................................................................................  199

Retrieve Call

.......................................................................................................................  200

Ring Back When Free

.......................................................................................................... 200

Ringer Off

........................................................................................................................... 201


.................................................................................................................... 202

Send All Calls

.....................................................................................................................  204

Set Absent Text

..................................................................................................................  205

Set Account Code

...............................................................................................................  206

Set Hunt Group Night Service

..............................................................................................  207

Set Hunt Group Out Of Service

............................................................................................  208

Set Inside Call Seq

.............................................................................................................. 209

Set Night Service Group

......................................................................................................  209

Set No Answer Time

............................................................................................................ 210

Set Out of Service Group

.....................................................................................................  211

Set Outside Call Seq

...........................................................................................................  212

Set Ringback Seq

................................................................................................................ 212

Set Wrap Up Time

............................................................................................................... 212

Speed Dial

.......................................................................................................................... 213

Stamp Log

..........................................................................................................................  214

Stored Number View

............................................................................................................ 214

Suspend Call

......................................................................................................................  215

Suspend CW

....................................................................................................................... 216

Time of Day

........................................................................................................................  216

Time Profile

........................................................................................................................  217


.................................................................................................................................. 219


.............................................................................................................................. 220

Toggle Calls

........................................................................................................................ 220


............................................................................................................................. 221

Unpark Call

......................................................................................................................... 222


................................................................................................................................... 223

Visual Voice

........................................................................................................................ 225

Voicemail Collect

................................................................................................................. 227

Voicemail Off

......................................................................................................................  228

Voicemail On

......................................................................................................................  229

Voicemail Ringback Off

........................................................................................................ 230

February 2015 Avaya IP Office

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Comments? [email protected]


Voicemail Ringback On

........................................................................................................ 230

Whisper Page

.....................................................................................................................  231


Avaya IP Office

Platform Short Code and Button Action Reference

Comments? [email protected]

February 2015

Chapter 1: What's New in Release 9.1

Short Codes

The following short codes are new in release 9.1.

• Set Time Profile Timed Operation

• Set Time Profile Active Until Next Timed Inactive

• Set Time Profile Inactive Until Next Timed Active

• Set Time Profile Latch Active

• Set Time Profile Latch Inactive

The Change Login Code description now states: The login code must meet the Login Code

Complexity requirements defined on the Manager System | Telephony tab.

Button Actions

The following button actions are new in release 9.1.

• Time Profile

February 2015 Avaya IP Office

Platform Short Code and Button Action Reference


Comments? [email protected]

Chapter 2: Short Code Features

Note that this document describes all existing short codes. The short codes available in the

Manager application depends on the software release.

Acquire Call


Call Steal on page 26.

AOC Previous Call

Display of advice of charge information is only supported on T3 phones and T3 IP phones. Not used for IP Office.

AOC Reset Total

Display of advice of charge information is only supported on T3 phones and T3 IP phones. Not used for IP Office.

AOC Total

Display of advice of charge information is only supported on T3 phones and T3 IP phones. Not used for IP Office.


Avaya IP Office

Platform Short Code and Button Action Reference

Comments? [email protected]

February 2015

Auto Attendant

Auto Attendant

This feature is used with Embedded Voicemail. It is not supported by Server Edition. It allows the recording of the greetings used by auto-attendant services and the transfer of calls to that auto attendant. This feature was previously called Record Greeting.


Telephone Number:

Four system short codes (*81XX, *82XX, *83XX and *84XX) are automatically added for use with all auto attendants, for the morning, afternoon, evening and menu options greetings respectively.

These use a telephone number of the form "AA:" N" . Y " where N is the replaced with the auto attendant number dialed and Y is 1, 2, 3 or 4 for the morning, afternoon, evening or menu option greeting.

• An additional short code of the form (for example) *80XX/Auto Attendant/"AA:"N can be added manual if internal dialed access to auto attendants is required.

• To add a short code to access a specific auto attendant, the name method should be used.

• For IP Office deployed in a Enterprise Branch environment, the short codes *800XX, *801XX…

*809XX, *850XX, and *851XX are automatically created for recording a Page prompt.

Default Short Code: See Configuration Settings | Auto Attendant.

Programmable Button Control:

Release: 2.0+.

Auto Intercom Deny Off


Telephone number:

Default short code:

Programmable Button Control: Auto Intercom Deny On

Auto Intercom Deny On


Telephone number:

Default short code:

Programmable Button Control: Auto Intercom Deny On

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Short Code Features

Break Out

This feature is usable within a system multi-site network. It allows a user on one system in the network to specify that the following dialing be processed by another system on the network as if the user dialed it locally on that other system. Pre-Release 5.0: This feature requires the IP Offices to have Advanced Small Community Networking licenses.


Telephone Number: The IP Address or Name of the system, using * characters in place of .


Default Short Code:

Programmable Button Control: BkOut

Release: 4.0+.

Example On a system, to break out via a system called RemoteSwitch with the IP Address, either of the following short codes could be used.

Example 1

Code: *80*N#

Telephone Number: N

Feature: Break Out

Example 2

Code: *81

Telephone Number: RemoteSwitch

Feature: Break Out

Example 1 allows break out using any remote switch by dialing its IP address, for example

*80*192*168*42*3#. Example 2 does this for a specific remote system by dialing just *81.


This short code feature can be used for call barring by using the short code as the call destination.

This short code feature was previously called Busy. It has been renamed but its function has not changed.

When used in an ARS form that has been configured with an Alternate Route, for callers whose dialing has matched the short code no further routing is applied.


Telephone Number:


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Busy On Held

Default Short Code:

Programmable Button Control:

Release: 1.0+.

Busy On Held

When on, busy on held returns busy to new calls when the user has an existing call on hold. This short code feature is useful when a user does not want to be distracted by an additional incoming call when they have a call on hold.


Telephone Number: Y or 1 for on, N or 0 for off.

Default Short Code:

Programmable Button Control: BusyH

Release: 1.0+.

Example: Turning Busy on Held on

If on, when the user has a call on hold, new calls receive busy tone (ringing if analog) or are diverted to Voicemail if enabled, rather than ringing the user.


This overrides call waiting when the user has a call on hold.

Short Code: *12

Telephone Number: Y

Feature: BusyOnHeld

Example: Turning Busy on Held off

Another short code must be created to turn the Busy on Held feature off. If off, when the uses has a call on hold, new calls will still get directed to the user.

Short Code: *13

Telephone Number: N

Feature: BusyOnHeld

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Short Code Features

Call Intrude

This feature allows you to intrude on the existing connected call of the specified target user. All call parties are put into a conference and can talk to and hear each other. A Call Intrude attempt to a user who is idle becomes a Priority Call.

The ability to intrude and be intruded is controlled by two configuration settings, the Can Intrude

(User | Telephony | Supervisor Settings) setting of the user intruding and the Cannot Be Intruded

(User | Telephony | Supervisor Settings) setting of target being intruded on. The setting of any other internal party is ignored. By default, no users can intrude and all users are set to cannot be intruded.

Note that this feature requires conference resources from the system for the duration of the intrusion.

Users can use privacy features that to indicate that a call cannot be intruded on. See Private Calls.

Intruding onto a user doing silent monitoring ( Call Listen

on page 18) is turned into a silent monitoring call.

The system support a range of other call intrusion methods in addition to this feature.


Telephone Number: Target extension number.

Default Short Code:

Programmable Button Control: Intru

See also: Call Listen

on page 18, Coaching Intrusion

on page 33, Dial Inclusion on page 41,

Whisper Page on page 93.

Release: 1.0+.

Call Listen

This feature allows you to monitor another user's call without being heard. Monitoring can be accompanied by a tone heard by all parties. Use of the tone is controlled by the Beep on Listen setting on the System | Telephony | Tones & Music tab. The default for this setting is on. If enabled, this is the only indication of monitoring given to the monitored user. There is no phone display indication of monitoring.


The use of features to listen to a call without the other call parties being aware of that monitoring may be subject to local laws and regulations. Before enabling the feature you must ensure that you have complied with all applicable local laws and regulations. Failure to do so may result in severe penalties.

The use of call listen is dependant on:


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February 2015

Call Listen

The target being a member of the group set as the user's Monitor Group (User | Telephony |

Supervisor Settings). The user does not have to be a member of the group.

The ability to intrude and be intruded is controlled by two configuration settings, the Can Intrude

(User | Telephony | Supervisor Settings) setting of the user intruding and the Cannot Be Intruded

(User | Telephony | Supervisor Settings) setting of target being intruded on. The setting of any other internal party is ignored. By default, no users can intrude and all users are set to cannot be intruded.

This feature uses system conference resources. If insufficient conference resource are available it will not be possible to use this feature.

A number of features are supported for call listening:

• Users can be given privacy features that allow them to indicate that a call cannot be monitored.

See Private Calls.

• IP extensions can be monitored including those using direct media. Previously the monitoring of IP extensions could not be guaranteed.

• The monitoring call can be initiated even if the target user is not currently on a call and remains active until the monitoring user clears the monitoring call.

• The user who initiated the call listen can also record the call.

Intruding onto a user doing silent monitoring (Call Listen) is turned into a silent monitoring call.

1400, 1600, 9500 and 9600 Series phones with a user button can initiate listening using that button if the target user meets the criteria for listening.

The system support a range of other call intrusion methods in addition to this feature.


Telephone Number: Target extension number (extension must be local).

Default Short Code:

Programmable Button Control: Listn

See also: Call Intrude on page 18,

Coaching Intrusion

on page 33,

Dial Inclusion on page 41,

Whisper Page on page 93.

Release: 1.0+.


User 'Extn205' wants to be able to monitor calls received by members of the Hunt Group 'Sales'.

1. For user 'Extn205', in the Monitor Group (User | Telephony | Supervisor Settings) list box select the hunt group.

2. Ensure that Can Intrude is checked.

3. Create a user short code to allow Extn205 to start monitoring.

Short Code: *89*N#

Telephone Number: N

Line Group ID: 0.

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Short Code Features

Feature: CallListen

4. For each member of the hunt group, check that their Cannot be Intruded setting is unchecked.

5. Now when a member of the 'Sales' hunt group is on a call, Extn205 can replace N in the short code with the extension number of that member and monitor their call.

Call Park

Parks the user's current call into the specified park slot number. The call can then be retrieved by other extensions (refer to the appropriate telephone user guide). While parked the caller hears music on hold if available. The 'Unpark Call' feature can be used to retrieve calls from specific park slots.

Park Timeout (System | Telephony | Telephony) controls how long a call will remain parked. When this expires the call will recall to the parking user if they are idle or when they next become idle. The recall call will continue ring and does follow any forwards or go to voicemail.


Telephone Number: Park slot number. If no park slot number is specified when this short code is used, the system automatically assigns a park slot number based on the extension number of the user parking the call plus one digit 0 to 9.

Park slot IDs can be up to 9 digits in length. Names can also be used for application park slots.

Default Short Code: *37*N#

Programmable Button Control: Call Park

See also: Unpark Call.

Release: 1.0+.


This short code is a default within the system configuration. This short code can be used to toggle the feature on/off. N represents the park slot number in which the call will be parked. For example, if a user wants to park a call to slot number 9, the user would dial *37*9#. The call will be parked there until retrieved by another extension or the original extension.

Short Code: *37*N#

Telephone Number: N

Feature: ParkCall


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Call Park and Page

Call Park and Page

Parks the user's current call into the highest park slot number within the range specified on the

System | Telephony | Park & Page tab, in the Central Park Range field. For example, if the specified Central Park Range is 1XX, then the Park & Page short code would attempt to Park on

199. If the range is 567XX, then the call would attempt to Park on 56799.

Call Park and Page via short code is primarily useful for phones with no display, or phones on which a Call Park operation is seldom performed. It provides a way for the user to Central Park in a preknown location. If the highest Central Park slot is already in use, then the short code Call Park and

Page attempt will not be successful.

In order to perform a Page after a successful Call Park via short code, the user must enter a valid

Page short code.


Telephone Number:

Default Short Code:

Programmable Button Control: Call Park and Page

Release: 9.0+.

Call Pickup Any

Pick up the first available ringing call.


Telephone Number:

Default Short Code: *30

Programmable Button Control: PickA

See also: Call Pickup Extn, Call Pickup Group, Call Pickup Members, Acquire Call, Call Pickup

Line, Call Pickup User.

Release: 1.0+.


Below is an example of the short code setup:

Short Code: *30

Feature: CallPickupAny

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Short Code Features

Call Pickup Extn

Pick up a ringing call from a specific extension.


Telephone Number: Target extension number.

Default Short Code: *32*N#

Programmable Button Control: CpkUp

See also: Call Pickup Any, Call Pickup Group, Call Pickup Members, Acquire Call, Call Pickup Line,

Call Pickup User.

Release: 1.0+.


This short code is a default within the system configuration. N represents the specific extension. For example, if a user dials *32*201#, they will pick up the call coming into extension 201.

Short Code: *32*N#

Telephone Number: N

Feature: CallPickupAny

Call Pickup Group

Pick up a call ringing any hunt group of which the user is a member. The user can use this feature even if their membership of the group is currently set as disabled.


Telephone Number:

Default Short Code: *31

Programmable Button Control: PickG

See also: Call Pickup Any, Call Pickup Extn, Call Pickup Members, Acquire Call, Call Pickup Line,

Call Pickup User.

Release: 1.0+.


Below is an example of the short code setup.

Short Code: *31

Feature: CallPickupGroup


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Call Pickup Line

Call Pickup Line

Pick up an incoming call which is alerting, parked or held. The pickup uses the Line Appearance ID specified in Telephone Number field of the short code. It cannot be used to pickup conferenced calls. The normal user intrusion features are not applied to this pickup feature. This feature is not supported on T3 phones.


Telephone Number: Target Line Appearance ID.

Default Short Code:

Programmable Button Control:

See also: Call Pickup Any, Call Pickup Extn, Call Pickup Group, Call Pickup Members, Acquire Call,

Call Pickup User.

Release: 4.0+ (Added in the Release 4.0 Q2 2007 maintenance release).


This short code is a default within the system configuration. N represents the specific Line

Appearance ID.

Short Code: *89*N#

Telephone Number: N

Feature: CallPickupLine

Call Pickup Members

This feature can be used to pick up a ringing or queuing call at an extension that is a member of the

Hunt Group specified. The call picked up does not have to be a hunt group call. The function includes group members even if their membership of the group is currently disabled.


Telephone Number: Group number or "Group name".

Default Short Code: *53*N#

Programmable Button Control: PickM

See also: Call Pickup Any, Call Pickup Extn, Call Pickup Group, Acquire Call, Call Pickup Line, Call

Pickup User.

Release: 1.0+.


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Short Code Features

Below is an example of the short code setup. N represents the extension number of the Hunt Group.

For example, if a user dials *53*500#, they will pick up the call coming into extension 500 (the hunt group's extension).

Short Code: *53*N#

Telephone Number: N

Feature: CallPickupMembers

Call Pickup User

Pick up an incoming call which is alerting, parked or held. The pickup uses the user extension number specified in Telephone Number field of the short code. If there are multiple calls, priority is given to picking up alerting, then parked and then held in that order of priority. It cannot be used to pickup conferenced calls. The normal user intrusion features are not applied to this pickup feature.

This feature is not supported on T3 phones.


Telephone Number: Target user extension number.

Default Short Code:

Programmable Button Control:

See also: Call Pickup Any, Call Pickup Extn, Call Pickup Group, Call Pickup Members, Acquire Call,

Call Pickup Line.

Release: 4.0+.


N represents the specific user.

Short Code: *89*N#

Telephone Number: N

Feature: CallPickupUser

Call Queue

Queue the current call to the destination phone, even when the destination phone is busy. This is the same as a transfer except it allows you to transfer to a busy phone.


Telephone Number: Target extension number.


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February 2015

Call Record

Default Short Code: *33*N#

Programmable Button Control: Queue

Release: 1.0+.


Below is an example of the short code setup. N represents the extension the caller wishes to queue for. For example, if a user dials *33*201# while connected to a caller, this caller will be queued for extension 201.

Short Code: *33*N#

Telephone Number: N

Feature: CallQueue

Call Record

This feature allows you to record a conversation. To use this requires Voicemail Pro. Refer to your local regulations in relation to the recording of calls.

This feature uses system conference resources. If insufficient conference resource are available it will not be possible to use this feature.

Release 4.0+: The system provides privacy features that allow users to indicate that a call should not be recorded. See Private Calls.


Telephone Number: Target extension number.

Default Short Code:

Programmable Button Control: Recor

Release: 1.0+.

Example: Record your own extension's call

To use this short code, the user should place the call on hold and dial *55. They will automatically be reconnected to the call when recording begins.

Short Code: *55

Telephone Number: None

Feature: CallRecord

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Short Code Features

Call Steal

This function can be used with or without a specified user target.

If the target has alerting calls, the function will connect to the longest waiting call.

If the target has no alerting calls but does have a connected call, the function will take over the connected call, disconnecting the original user. This usage is subject to the Can Intrude setting of the Call Steal user and the Cannot Be Intruded setting of the target.

If no target is specified, the function attempts to reclaim the user's last ringing or transferred call if it has not been answered or has been answered by voicemail.


Telephone Number: Target extension number or blank for last call transferred.

Default Short Code: *45*N# and *46

Programmable Button Control: Aquire

Release: 2.1+

Example: Taking Over a Call

In this example, N represents the extension to be taken over. For example, if a user dials *45*201#, they will take over the current call on extension 201.

Short Code: *45*N#

Telephone Number: N

Feature: Call Steal

Example: Reclaiming a Call

This short code reclaims the last call from your extension. This function is useful when you want to catch a call you have just missed that has gone off to Voicemail.

Short Code: *46

Feature: Call Steal

Call Waiting On

Enables call waiting on the user's extension. When on, if the user receives a second calls when already on a call, they hear a call waiting tone in the speech path.

Call waiting settings are ignored for users with multiple call appearance buttons. In this case the appearance buttons are used to indicate additional calls. Call waiting is automatically applied for users with 'internal twinned' phones.



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February 2015

Call Waiting Off

Telephone Number:

Default Short Code: *15 (not on Server Edition)

Programmable Button Control: CWOn

See also: Call Waiting Off, Call Waiting Suspend.

Release: 1.0+.


Below is a sample of the short code setup.

Short Code: *15

Feature: CallWaitingOn

Call Waiting Off

Disables call waiting on the user's extension. Call waiting may be applied for users with internal twinned phones regardless of their call waiting settings.


Telephone Number:

Default Short Code: *16 (not on Server Edition)

Programmable Button Control: CWOff

See also: Call Waiting On, Call Waiting Suspend.

Release: 1.0+.


Below is a sample of the short code setup.

Short Code: *16

Feature: Call Waiting Off

Call Waiting Suspend

For phones using call waiting, this feature temporarily disables call waiting for the duration of the user's next call.


Telephone Number:

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Short Code Features

Default Short Code: *70 (A-Law only)

Programmable Button Control: CWSus

See also: Call Waiting On, Call Waiting Off.

Release: 1.0+.


Below is a sample of the short code setup. This short code is a default within the system configuration.

Short Code: *70

Feature: CallWaitingSuspend

Cancel All Forwarding

This feature cancels all forms of forwarding on the user's extension including "Follow Me" and "Do

Not Disturb".


Telephone Number:

Default Short Code: *00

Programmable Button Control: FwdOf

See also: Forward On Busy On, Forward On Busy Off, Forward On No Answer On, Forward On No

Answer Off, Forward Unconditional On, Forward Unconditional Off, Do Not Disturb On, Do Not

Disturb Off.

Release: 1.0+.


Below is a sample of the short code setup.

Short Code: *00

Feature: CancelCallForwarding

Cancel Ring Back When Free

Cancels any existing ring back (also known as callback) set by the user.


Telephone Number:


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Change Login Code

Default Short Code:

Programmable Button Control: RBak-

See also: Ring Back When Free.

Release: 1.0+.

Example: Cancel Ring Back When Free

This example Short Code will cancel Ring Back When Free on the specified extension. N represents the target extension from which you have set a ring back. For example, if Paul has set a ring back on extension 201, he must dial *84*201# to cancel that ring back request.

Short Code: *84*N#

Telephone Number: N

Feature: CancelRingBackWhenFree

Change Login Code

Allows a user to change their login code. The login code must meet the Login Code Complexity requirements defined on the Manager System | Telephony tab.


Telephone Number: The user's current and new log in codes separated by a *, see the examples below.

Default Short Code:

Programmable Button Control:


The user has a Login Code of 1234 and wants to change it to 5678. To use the short code below, the user must dial *60*1234*5678#.

Short Code: *60*N#

Telephone Number: N

Feature: Change Login Code.


For a user with no login code currently set, they can still use the short code to set a login code. For example using the short code created above to set their login code to 1234 they should dial



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Short Code Features

System phone users can also use this short code to change the login code of an other user. For example 403 is configured as a system phone with a login code of 1234. User 410 has forgotten their login code and needs it changed. User 403 can do this by dialing the following:

*60*410*1234*<new code>#

Clear After Call Work

This feature can be users who have been configured as CCR agents. It allows them to dial a short code to exit the After Call Work (ACW) state as reported by the Customer Call Reporter (CCR) application.


Telephone Number:

Default Short Code:

Programmable Button Control: ACWrk

See also: Start After Call Work.

Release: 4.2 4Q 2008 Maintenance release+.

Clear Call

This feature can be used to end the current call.


Telephone Number:

Default Short Code: *52

Programmable Button Control: Clear

Release: 1.0+.


Below is a sample of the short code setup. This example could be used in a situation where you are doing a supervised transfer and the party to be transferred to does not want to take the call. In this scenario, you can put the call on hold and dial *52. This will clear the last connected call (for example the party who has just refused the transfer), and retrieve the original call or dial tone.

Short Code: *52

Feature: Deny/ClearCall


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February 2015

Clear CW

Clear CW

This feature is most commonly used to end the user's current call and answer the waiting call.


Call waiting settings are ignored for users with multiple call appearance buttons.


Telephone Number:

Default Short Code: *26 (A-Law only) (not on Server Edition)

Programmable Button Control: ClrCW

Release: 1.0+.


Below is a sample of the short code setup.

Short Code: *26

Feature: ClearCW

Clear Hunt Group Night Service

This feature changes the specified hunt group from Night Service mode to In Service mode.

Setting and clearing hunt group night service can be done using either manual controls or using a system time profile. The use of both methods to control the night service status of a particular hunt group is not supported.

This function is currently not supported between systems in a multi-site network. It can only be used by a user currently logged onto the same system as hosting the hunt group.


Telephone Number: Hunt group extension number. If left blank, the short code will affect all hunt groups of which the user is a member.

The Set Hunt Group Night Service and Clear Hunt Group Night Service short code and button features can be used to switch an SSL VPN service off or on respectively. The service is indicated by setting the service name as the telephone number or action data. Do not use quotation marks.

Default Short Code: *21*N#

Programmable Button Control: HGNS-

See also: Clear Hunt Group Out Of Service, Set Hunt Group Night Service, Set Hunt Group Out Of


Release: 1.0+.

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Short Code Features


Below is a sample of the short code setup. N represents the telephone number of the hunt group to be taken out of "Night Service" mode and placed into "In Service" mode. For example, when

*21*201# is dialed, the hunt group associated with extension 201 will be taken out of "Night Service" mode.

Short Code: *21*N#

Telephone Number: N

Feature: ClearHuntGroupNightService

Clear Hunt Group Out Of Service

This feature changes the specified hunt group from Out of Service mode to In Service mode. This will not override a hunt group in night service due to a time profile.


Telephone Number: Hunt group extension number. If left blank, the short code will affect all hunt groups of which the user is a member.

Default Short Code:

Programmable Button Control: HGOS-

See also: Clear Hunt Group Night Service, Set Hunt Group Night Service, Set Hunt Group Out Of


Release: 1.0+.


Below is a sample short code using the Clear Hunt Group Out Of Service feature. N represents the telephone number of the hunt group to be taken out of "Out of Service" mode. For example, when

*55*201# is dialed, the hunt group associated with extension 201 will be placed into "In Service" mode.

Short Code: *55*N#

Telephone Number: N

Feature: ClearHuntGroupOutOfService

Clear Quota

This feature refreshes the time quota for all services or a specific service.


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Coaching Intrusion


Telephone Number: "Service name" or "" (all services).

Default Short Code:

Programmable Button Control: Quota

Release: 1.0+.

Coaching Intrusion

This feature allows the you to intrude on another user's call and to talk to them without being heard by the other call parties to which they can still talk. For example: User A is on a call with user B.

When user C intrudes on user A, they can hear users A and B but can only be heard by user A.

The ability to intrude and be intruded is controlled by two configuration settings, the Can Intrude

(User | Telephony | Supervisor Settings) setting of the user intruding and the Cannot Be Intruded

(User | Telephony | Supervisor Settings) setting of target being intruded on. The setting of any other internal party is ignored. By default, no users can intrude and all users are set to cannot be intruded.


The use of features to listen to a call without the other call parties being aware of that monitoring may be subject to local laws and regulations. Before enabling the feature you must ensure that you have complied with all applicable local laws and regulations. Failure to do so may result in severe penalties.

The system support a range of other call intrusion methods in addition to this feature.


Telephone Number: Target extension number.

Default Short Code:

Programmable Button Control: Coach.

See also: Call Intrude, Call Listen, Dial Inclusion, Whisper Page.


Conference Add

Conference add controls can be used to place the user, their current call and any calls they have on hold into a conference. When used to start a new conference, the system automatically assigns a conference ID to the call. This is termed ad-hoc (impromptu) conferencing.

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Short Code Features

If the call on hold is an existing conference, the user and any current call are added to that conference. This can be used to add additional calls to an ad-hoc conference or to a meet-me conference. Conference add can be used to connect two parties together. After creating the conference, the user can drop from the conference and the two incoming calls remain connected.

For further details refer to the Conferencing section.


Telephone Number:

Default Short Code: *47

Programmable Button Control: Conf+

See also: Conference Meet Me.

Release: 1.0+.


Below is a sample of the short code setup.

Short Code: *47

Feature: ConferenceAdd

Conference Meet Me

Conference meet-me refers to features that allow a user or caller to join a specific conference by using the conference's ID number (either pre-set in the control or entered at the time of joining the conference).

IP500 and IP500 V2 systems require a Preferred Edition license.


Conference Meet Me features can create conferences that include only one or two parties.

These are still conferences that are using resources from the host system's conference capacity.

Conference ID Numbers

By default, ad hoc conferences are assigned numbers starting from 100 for the first conference in progress. Therefore, for conference Meet Me features specify a number away from this range ensure that the conference joined is not an ad hoc conference started by other users. It is no longer possible to join a conference using conference Meet Me features when the conference ID is in use by an ad-hoc conference.

User Personal Conference Number Each user's own extension number is treated as their own personal conference number. Only that user is able to start a conference using that number as the conference ID. Any one else attempting to start a conference with that number will find themselves


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CW in a conference but on hold until the owner also joins. Personal conferences are always hosted on the owner's system.


When a user calls from their mobile twinned number, the personal conference feature will only work if they access the conference using an FNE 18 service.

Multi-Site Network Conferencing

Meet Me conference IDs are now shared across a multi-site network. For example, if a conference with the ID 500 is started on one system, anyone else joining conference 500 on any system will join the same conference. Each conference still uses the conference resources of the system on which it was started and is limited by the available conference capacity of that system.

Previously separate conferences, each with the same conference ID, could be started on each system in a multi-site network.

Other Features

Transfer to a Conference Button A currently connected caller can be transferred into the conference by pressing TRANSFER, then the Conference Meet Me button and TRANSFER again to complete the transfer. This allows the user to place callers into the conference specified by the button without being part of the conference call themselves. This option is only support on Avaya phones with a fixed TRANSFER button (excluding T3 and T3 IP phones).

Conference Button Status Indication When the conference is active, any buttons associated with the conference ID indicate the active state.

For further details refer to the Conferencing section.


Telephone Number: Conference number. This can be an alphanumeric value up to 15 characters.

Default Short Code: / *66*N# on Server Edition systems.

Programmable Button Control: CnfMM

See also: Conference Add.

Release: 1.0+.


Pick up the waiting call. This feature provides same functionality as pressing the Recall or Hold key on the phone. Unlike the Clear CW feature, this feature does not disconnect you from the existing call when the second call is picked up.


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Short Code Features

Telephone Number:

Default Short Code:

Programmable Button Control:

Release: 1.0+.


This short code feature allows users to dial the number specified to an outside line.


Telephone Number: Telephone number.

Default Short Code: Various depending on locale and system type.

Programmable Button Control: Dial

See also: Dial Direct, Dial Emergency, Dial Extn, Dial Inclusion, Dial Paging.

Release: 1.0+.

Example: Creating a Speed Dial

In this example, users entering 401 on their telephone key pad will dial the New Jersey Office on

212 555 0000.

Short Code: 401

Telephone Number: 2125550000

Example: Replace Outgoing Caller ID

This short code is useful in a "call center" environment where you do not want customers to have access to the number of your direct line; you want the general office number displayed. The sample short code below will force the outgoing caller ID to display 123.


The usability of this feature is dependent upon your local service provider.

Short Code: ?

Telephone Number: .s123

Example: External Dialing Prefix

The short code is for dialing a prefix for an outside line N represents the external number you want to call.

Short Code: 9N

Telephone Number: N


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Dial 3K1

Example: Blocking Caller ID

This is for blocking Caller ID for external calls. This feature can be applied to specific external numbers or to all out going calls. In most situations, the company will choose to block the caller ID for all external calls or leave it available for all external calls.

Short Code: 9N

Telephone Number: NW

Example: Maximum Call Length

The character t can be used in dialing short codes to set the maximum allowed duration of a call.

For example, the following short code will dial a number but then disconnect the call after 20 minutes (plus or minus a minute).

Short Code: 9N

Telephone Number: Nt(20)

Dial 3K1

Sets the ISDN bearer capabilities to 3.1Khz audio call.


Telephone Number: Telephone number.

Default Short Code:

Programmable Button Control: D3K1

Release: 1.0+.

Dial 56K

Sets the ISDN bearer capabilities to 56Kbps data call.


Telephone Number: Telephone number.

Default Short Code:

Programmable Button Control: D56K

Release: 1.0+.

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Short Code Features

Dial 64K

Sets the ISDN bearer capabilities to 64Kbps data call.


Telephone Number: Telephone number.

Default Short Code:

Programmable Button Control: D64K

Release: 1.0+.

Dial CW

Call the specified extension number and force call waiting indication on if the extension is already on a call.

If the user has call appearance buttons programmed, call waiting will not get activated. The next incoming call will appear on an available call appearance button. When there are no available call appearance buttons, the next incoming call will receive busy tone.


Telephone Number: Extension number.

Default Short Code:

Programmable Button Control: DCW

Release: 1.0+.


N represents the extension number to be dialed. For example, a user dialing *97*201# will force call waiting indication on at extension 201 if extension 201 is already on a call.

Short Code: *97*N#

Telephone Number: N

Feature: DialCW

Dial Direct

Automatic intercom functions allow you to call an extension and have the call automatically answered on speaker phone after 3 beeps. The extension called must support a handsfree speaker.

If the extension does not have a handsfree microphone then the user must use the handset if they


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Dial Direct Hot Line want to talk. If the extension is not free when called, the call is presented as a normal call on a call appearance button if available.


Telephone Number: Extension number

Default Short Code:

Programmable Button Control: Dirct

See also: Dial Paging.

Release: 1.0+.


This allows the extension specified to be automatically answered. N represents the extension that will be forced to automatically answer. For example, when a user dials *83*201#, extension 201 will be forced to automatically answer the call.

Short Code: *83*N#

Telephone Number: N

Feature: DialDirect

Dial Direct Hot Line

When the line appearance button is mapped to a short code using the DialDirectHotLine short code feature, no secondary dial tone is generated and the number is dialed directly. This feature should not be confused with the hot line feature enabled using ?D short codes.


Telephone Number:

Default Short Code:

Programmable Button Control:

Release: 3.0 to 4.0, 8.0+


Below is a sample short code using the DialDirectHotLine feature. The short code *83* should then be set as the prefix for the particular line required.

Short Code: *83*

Telephone Number: .

Feature: DialDirectHotLine

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Short Code Features

Dial Emergency

Dials the number specified regardless of any call barring applicable to the user.

On all systems, regardless of locale; system and or ARS short codes using the Dial Emergency feature should be created for any required emergency service numbers. Those short codes should be usable by all users from all extensions. Those short codes should route the calls to suitable lines.

If the system uses prefixes for external dialing, the dialing of emergency numbers with and without the prefix should be allowed.

The blocking of emergency calls or the rerouting of emergency calls to a intermediate destination other than the central office may be against local and nation laws.


Telephone Number: Telephone number.

Default Short Code:

Programmable Button Control: Emrgy

Release: 1.0+.

Dial Extn

This feature can be used to dial an internal extension number (user or hunt group).


Telephone Number: Extension number.

p( x ) can be added as a suffix to the Telephone Number to change the priority of a call. Allowable values for x are 1, 2 or 3 for low, medium or high priority respectively. For example Np(1).

Default Short Code:

Programmable Button Control:

See also: Dial Direct, Dial Paging, DialPhysicalExtensionByNumber, DialPhysicalNumberByID.

Release: 1.0+.

Example: Dial on Pick up

The following user short code dials the extension specified the moment the user's handset is picked up.

Short Code: ?D

Telephone Number: 201

Line Group ID: 0

Feature: Dial Extn


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Dial Fax

This feature is used to route fax calls via Fax Relay.


Telephone Number: Fax destination number.

Default Short Code:

Programmable Button Control:

Release: 5.0+.


In this example, the line group ID matches the URI configured on a SIP line that has been configured for Fax Relay.

Short Code: 6N

Telephone Number: N"@"

Line Group ID: 17

Feature: Dial Fax

Dial Fax

Dial Inclusion

This feature allows you to intrude on another user's call to talk to them. Their current call is put on hold while you talk and automatically reconnected when you end the intrusion. The intruder and the target extension can then talk but cannot be heard by the other party. This can include intruding into a conference call, where the conference will continue without the intrusion target.

During the intrusion all parties hear a repeated intrusion tone. When the intruder hangs-up the original call parties are reconnected. Attempting to hold a dial inclusion call simply ends the intrusion. The inclusion cannot be parked.

The ability to intrude and be intruded is controlled by two configuration settings, the Can Intrude

(User | Telephony | Supervisor Settings) setting of the user intruding and the Cannot Be Intruded

(User | Telephony | Supervisor Settings) setting of target being intruded on. The setting of any other internal party is ignored. By default, no users can intrude and all users are set to cannot be intruded.

The system support a range of other call intrusion methods in addition to this feature.


Telephone Number: Target extension number.

Default Short Code:

Programmable Button Control: Inclu.

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Short Code Features

See also: Call Intrude, Call Listen, Coaching Intrusion, Whisper Page.

Release: 1.4+.


N represents the extension to be intruded upon. For example, if a user dials *97*201# while extension 201 is on a call, then the user is intruding into extn. 201's current call.

Short Code: *97*N#

Telephone Number: N

Feature: DialInclusion

Dial Paging

This feature makes a page call to an extension or group. The target extension or group members must support page calls (that is be able to auto-answer calls).


Telephone Number: Extension or group number.

Default Short Code:

Programmable Button Control: Page

See also: Dial Direct.

Release: 1.0+.

The maximum recommended size for paging groups is 64 parties. This applies to IP500 V2, Server

Edition, and Enterprise Branch deployments.

When paging, always use only one codec (the preferred). It is the system administrator's responsibility to ensure all the phones in the paging group support the codec.

Dial Physical Extension by Number

Dial a specified extension number regardless of the current user logged in at that extension and any forwarding, follow me or do not disturb settings applied by the current extension user. Note that the extension number used is the Base Extension number set against the extension configuration settings.


Telephone Number: Base Extension number.

Default Short Code: *70*N# (U-Law only) (not on Server Edition)


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Dial Physical Extension By ID

Programmable Button Control: PhyEx

See also: Dial Physical Extension By Id, Priority Call.

Release: 1.4+.


The example below allows the extension with the base extension number 201 to be called regardless of the extension number of the user currently logged in at that extension.

Short Code: *97

Telephone Number: 201

Feature: DialPhysicalExtnByNumber

Dial Physical Extension By ID

Dial a specific extension using its system ID. This may be necessary in hot desking environments where some extensions have been created with no default extension number. Without an extension number, a call can not be made to that extension unless a short code is created.


Telephone Number: Extension ID

Default Short Code: *71*N# (U-Law only)

Programmable Button Control: DialP

See also: DialPhysicalExtensionByNumber, Priority Call.

Release: 1.4+.


In the above example, if the telephone at extension ID 16 is not associated with an extension number, a user can dial *97 to connect to that phone. This may be useful in hot desking environments where some extensions may not have a dedicated base extension number.

Short Code: *97

Telephone Number: 16

Feature: DialPhysicalNumberByID

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Short Code Features

Dial Speech

This feature allows a short code to be created to force the outgoing call to use the Speech bearer capability.


Telephone Number: Telephone number.

Default Short Code:

Programmable Button Control: DSpch

Release: 1.0+.

Dial V110

Sets the ISDN bearer capabilities to V110. The call is presented to local exchange as a "Data Call".


Telephone Number: Telephone number.

Default Short Code:

Programmable Button Control: DV110

Release: 1.0+.

Dial V120

Sets the ISDN bear capabilities using V.120.


Telephone Number: Telephone number.

Default Short Code:

Programmable Button Control: DV120

Release: 1.0+.

Dial Video

The call is presented to the local exchange as a "Video Call".


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Disable ARS Form


Telephone Number: Telephone number.

Default Short Code:

Programmable Button Control: Dvide

Release: 1.0+.

Disable ARS Form

This feature can be used to put an ARS form out of service. It can be used with ARS forms for which an Out of Service Route has been configured in Manager. The short code feature Enable ARS Form can be used to return an ARS form to in service.


Telephone Number: ARS form number.

Default Short Code:

Programmable Button Control:

See also: Enable ARS Form

Release: 4.0+.

Disable Internal Forwards

This feature turns off the forwarding of internal calls for the user. It applies to Forward Unconditional,

Forward on Busy and Forward on No Answer.


Telephone Number:

Default Short Code:

Programmable Button Control:

See also: Disable Internal Forwards Unconditional, Disable Internal Forwards Busy or No Answer,

Cancel All Forwarding, Enable Internal Forwards, Enable Internal Forwards Unconditional, Enable

Internal Forwards Busy or No Answer.

Release: 3.2+.

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Short Code Features

Disable Internal Forward Unconditional

This feature turns off the forwarding of internal calls for the user. It applies to Forward Unconditional only.


Telephone Number:

Default Short Code:

Programmable Button Control:

See also: Disable Internal Forwards, Disable Internal Forwards Busy or No Answer, Cancel All

Forwarding, Enable Internal Forwards, Enable Internal Forwards Unconditional, Enable Internal

Forwards Busy or No Answer.

Release: 3.2+.

Disable Internal Forward Busy or No Answer

This feature turns off the forwarding of internal calls for the user. It applies to Forward on Busy and

Forward on No Answer.

Telephone Number: No

Default Short Code: No

Programmable Button Control: No

See also: Disable Internal Forwards, Disable Internal Forwards Unconditional, Cancel All

Forwarding, Enable Internal Forwards, Enable Internal Forwards Unconditional, Enable Internal

Forwards Busy or No Answer.

Display Msg

Allows the sending of text messages to digital phones on the local system.

Telephone Number: The telephone number takes the format N";T" where:

N is the target extension.

T is the text message. Note that the "; before the text and the " after the text are required.

Default Short Code: No

Programmable Button Control: Displ


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Do Not Disturb Exception Add


Below is a sample of the short code setup. When used, the target extension will hear a single ring and then see the message. If the target extension is on a call then may need to scroll the display to a free call appearance in order to see the text message.

Short Code: *78*N#

Feature: Display Msg

Telephone Number: N";Visitor in Reception"

Do Not Disturb Exception Add

This feature adds a number to the user's "Do Not Disturb Exception Numbers List". This can be an internal extension number or external ICLID. Calls from that number, except hunt group calls, will ignore the user's Do Not Disturb setting. For further details see Do Not Disturb (DND).

Telephone Number: Telephone number or ICLID. Up to 31 characters. For ICLID numbers any prefix added by the system must also be included.

Default Short Code: *10*N#

Programmable Button Control: DNDX+

See also: Do Not Disturb Exception Delete, Do Not Disturb On, Do Not Disturb Off.


N represents the number to be added to the user's "Do Not Disturb Exception List". For example, when a user has DND turned on and dials *10*4085551234#, incoming calls from telephone number

(408) 555-1234. All other calls, except those numbers on the exception list hear busy tones or are redirected to voicemail if available.

Short Code: *10*N#

Telephone Number: N

Feature: DoNotDisturbExceptionAdd


In this example, the last number received by the user is added to their exception list.

Short Code: *89

Telephone Number: L

Feature: DoNotDisturbExceptionAdd

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Short Code Features

Do Not Disturb Exception Delete

This feature removes a number from the user's "Do Not Disturb Exception List". For further details see Do Not Disturb (DND).


Telephone Number: Telephone number or ICLID.

Default Short Code: *11*N#

Programmable Button Control: DNDX-

See also: Do Not Disturb Exception Add, Do Not Disturb On, Do Not Disturb Off.

Release: 1.0+.


N represents the number to be deleted from the user's "Do Not Disturb Exception List". For example, when a user has DND turned on and the telephone number (408) 555-1234 in their "Do

Not Disturb Exception List", dialing *10*4085551234# will remove this phone number from the list.

Incoming calls from (408) 555-1234 will no longer be allowed through; instead they will hear busy tone or be redirected to voicemail if available.

Short Code: *11*N#

Telephone Number: N

Feature: DoNotDisturbExceptionDel

Do Not Disturb On

This feature puts the user into 'Do Not Disturb' mode. When on, all calls, except those from numbers in the user's exception list hear busy tones or are redirected to voicemail if available. For further details see Do Not Disturb (DND).


Telephone Number:

Default Short Code: *08

Programmable Button Control: DNDOn

See also: Do Not Disturb Off, Do Not Disturb Exception Add, Do Not Disturb Exception Delete.

Release: 1.0+.


Below is a sample of the short code setup.

Short Code: *08


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Do Not Disturb Off

Feature: DoNotDisturbOn

Do Not Disturb Off

Cancels the user's 'do not disturb' mode if set. For further details see Do Not Disturb (DND).


Telephone Number:

Default Short Code: *09

Programmable Button Control: DNDOf

See also: Do Not Disturb On, Do Not Disturb Exception Add, Do Not Disturb Exception Delete.

Release: 1.0+.


This short code is a default within the system configuration. Below is a sample of the short code setup.

Short Code: *09

Feature: DoNotDisturbOff

Enable ARS Form

This feature can be used to put an ARS form in service. It can be used with ARS forms that have been put out of service through Manager or the use of a Disable ARS Form short code.


Telephone Number: ARS form number.

Default Short Code:

Programmable Button Control:

Release: 4.0+

Enable Internal Forwards

This feature turns on the forwarding of internal calls for the user. It applies to Forward Unconditional,

Forward on Busy and Forward on No Answer.

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Short Code Features


Telephone Number:

Default Short Code:

Programmable Button Control:

See also: Disable Internal Forwards, Disable Internal Forwards Unconditional, Disable Internal

Forwards Busy or No Answer, Cancel All Forwarding, Enable Internal Forwards Unconditional,

Enable Internal Forwards Busy or No Answer.

Release: 3.2+.

Enable Internal Forward Unconditional

This feature turns on the forwarding of internal calls for the user. It applies to Forward Unconditional only.


Telephone Number:

Default Short Code:

Programmable Button Control:

See also: Disable Internal Forwards, Disable Internal Forwards Unconditional, Disable Internal

Forwards Busy or No Answer, Cancel All Forwarding, Enable Internal Forwards, Enable Internal

Forwards Busy or No Answer.

Release: 3.2+.

Enable Internal Forward Busy or No Answer

This feature turns on the forwarding of internal calls for the user. It applies to Forward on Busy and

Forward on No Answer.


Telephone Number:

Default Short Code:

Programmable Button Control:

See also: Disable Internal Forwards, Disable Internal Forwards Unconditional, Disable Internal

Forwards Busy or No Answer, Cancel All Forwarding, Enable Internal Forwards, Enable Internal

Forwards Unconditional.


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Extn Login

Release: 3.2+.

Extn Login

Extn Login allows a user who has been configured with a Login Code (User | Telephony |

Supervisor Settings) to take over ownership of any extension. That user's extension number becomes the extension number of the extension while they are logged.

When used, the user will be prompted to enter their extension number and then their log in code.

Login codes of up to 15 digits are supported with Extn Login buttons. Login codes of up to 31 digits are supported with Extn Login short codes.

When a user logs in, as many of their user settings as possible are applied to the extension. The range of settings applied depends on the phone type and on the system configuration.

By default, on 1400 Series, 1600 Series, 9500 Series and 9600 Series phones, the user's call log and personal directory are accessible while they are logged in. This also applied to M-Series and T-

Series telephones.

On other types of phone, those items such as call logs and speed dials are typically stored locally by the phone and will not change when users log in and log out.

If the user logging in was already logged in or associated with another phone, they will be automatically logged out that phone.


Telephone Number: Extension Number*Login Code. If just a single number is dialed containing no * separator, the system assumes that the extension number to use is the physical extension's

Base Extension number and that the number dialed is the log in code.

Default Short Code: *35*N#

Programmable Button Control: Login

See also: Extn Logout.

Release: 1.0+.

Example: Individual Hot Desking

Based on the above sample short code, Paul (extension 204) can go to another phone (even if it is already logged in by another user) and log in as extension 204 by simply dialing 299. Once Paul has logged into this phone, extension 204 is logged out at Paul's original phone. For Paul to make use of this short code, his log in code must match that configured in the above short code. When Paul logs out of the phone he has "borrowed", his original extension will automatically be logged back in.

Short Code: 299

Telephone Number: 204*1234

Feature: Extnlogin

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Short Code Features

Example: Log In

The default short code for logging into a phone is configured as shown below. N represents the users extension number followed by a * and then their log in code, for example *35*401*123#.

Short Code: *35*N#

Telephone: N

Feature: ExtnLogin

Extn Logout

This feature logs the user off the phone at which they are logged in. This feature cannot be used by a user who does not have a log in code or by the default associated user of an extension unless they are set to forced log in.


Telephone Number:

Default Short Code: *36

Programmable Button Control: Logof

See also: Extn Login.

Release: 1.0+.


Below is a sample short code using the Extn Logout feature. This short code is a default within the system configuration.

Short Code: *36

Feature: ExtnLogout

Flash Hook

This feature sends a hook flash signal to the currently connected line if it is an analog line.


Telephone Number: Optional The telephone number field can be used to set the transfer destination number for a Centrex Transfer. In this case the use of the short code Forced Account

Code and Forced Authorization Code are not supported and the Line Group Id must match the outgoing line to the Centrex service provider.

Default Short Code:


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FNE Service

Programmable Button Control: Flash

Release: 1.4+.


Below is a sample short code using the Flash Hook feature.

Short Code: *96

Feature: FlashHook

FNE Service

This short code feature is used for Mobile Call Control and one-X Mobile Client support.


Telephone Number: This number sets the required FNE function.

Default Short Code:

Programmable Button Control:

Release: 4.2+.

Follow Me Here

Causes calls to the extension number specified to be redirected to the extension initiating the

'Follow Me Here'. If the redirected call receives a busy tone or is not answered, then the call behaves as though the User's extension had failed to answer. For further details see Follow Me.


Telephone Number: Extension to redirect to the dialing extension.

Default Short Code: *12*N#

Programmable Button Control: Here+

See also: Follow Me Here Cancel, Follow Me To.

Release: 1.0+.


This feature is used at the Follow Me destination. N represents the extension number of the user wanting their calls redirected to that destination. For example, User A's extension is 224. However they are working at extension 201 and want their calls redirected there. If the following short code is available, they can do this by dialing *12*224# at extension 201.

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Short Code Features

Short Code: *12*N#

Telephone Number: N

Feature: FollowMeHere

Follow Me Here Cancel

Cancels any Follow Me set on the specified extension. This action can only be performed at the extension to which the Follow Me Here is targetted. For further details see Follow Me.


Telephone Number: Extension being redirected to the dialing extension.

Default Short Code: *13*N#

Programmable Button Control: Here-

See also: Follow Me Here, Follow Me To.

Release: 1.0+.


This feature is used at the Follow Me destination. N represents the extension number of the user whose calls are being redirected to that destination. For example, User A's extension is 224.

However they are working at extension 201 and so have set a Follow Me on their own extension to redirect their calls to 201. If the following short code is available, they can cancel the Follow Me by dialing *13*224# at extension 201.

Short Code: *13*N#

Telephone Number: N

Feature: FollowMeHereCancel

Follow Me To

Causes calls to the extension to be redirected to the Follow Me destination extension specified. For further details see Follow Me.


Telephone Number: Target extension number or blank (cancel Follow Me To)

Default Short Code: *14*N#

Programmable Button Control: FolTo


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Forward Hunt Group Calls On

See also: Follow Me Here, Follow Me Here Cancel.

Release: 1.0+.


This feature is used at the extension that wants to be redirected. N represents the extension number to which the user wants their calls redirected. For example, User A's extension is 224. However they are working at extension 201 and want their calls redirected there. If the following short code is available, they can do this by dialing *14*201# at extension 224.

Short Code: *14*N#

Telephone Number: N

Feature: FollowMeTo

Forward Hunt Group Calls On

Forward the user's hunt group calls (internal and external) to their forward number when the user has Forward Unconditional active. For further details see Forward Unconditional.

This option is only applied for calls to Sequential and Rotary type hunt groups. Calls from other types of hunt group types are not presented to the user when they have Forward Unconditional active. Note also that hunt group calls cannot be forwarded to another hunt group.


Telephone Number:

Default Short Code: *50

Programmable Button Control: FwdH+

See also: Forward Hunt Group Calls Off, Forward Unconditional On, Forward Unconditional Off.

Release: 1.0+.


This short code is useful if the hunt group member temporarily uses another workstation and so does not require a permanent extension change.

Short Code: *50

Feature: ForwardHuntgroupCallsOn

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Short Code Features

Forward Hunt Group Calls Off

This feature cancels the forwarding of the user's hunt group calls. For further details see Forward



Telephone Number:

Default Short Code: *51

Programmable Button Control: FwdH-

See also: Forward Hunt Group Calls On, Forward Unconditional On, Forward Unconditional Off.

Release: 1.0+.


Below is a sample of the short code setup.

Short Code: *51

Feature: ForwardHuntgroupCallsOff

Forward Number

Sets the number to which the user's calls are redirected. This can be an internal or external number.

The number is still subject to the user's call barring settings. For further details see Forward


This feature does not activate forwarding; it only sets the number for the forwarding destination.

This number is used for all forward types; Forward Unconditional, Forward on Busy and Forward on

No Answer, unless the user has a separate Forward on Busy Number set for forward on busy and forward on no answer functions.


Telephone Number: Telephone number.

Default Short Code: *07*N#

Programmable Button Control: FwdNo

See also: Forward On Busy Number.

Release: 1.0+.


N represents the forward destination. For example, if extension 224 wants to set the forwarding number to extension 201, the user can dial *07*201#.


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Forward On Busy Number

Short Code: *07N*#

Telephone Number: N

Feature: ForwardNumber

Forward On Busy Number

Sets the number to which the user's calls are forwarded when Forward on Busy or Forward on No

Answer are on. If no Forward on Busy Number is set, those functions use the Forward Number.

This feature does not activate the forwarding, it only sets the number for the forwarding destination.


Telephone Number: Telephone number.

Default Short Code: *57*N#

Programmable Button Control: FwBNo

See also: Forward Number.

Release: 1.0+.


N represents the extension number to be forwarded to. For example, if Paul (whose extension is

224) wants to set the forwarding number for his 'Forward on Busy' and/or 'Forward on No Answer' feature to extension 201, Paul can dial *57*201# followed by the short code for the forwarding function.

Short Code: *57N*#

Telephone Number: N

Feature: ForwardOnBusyNumber

Forward On Busy On

This feature enables forwarding when the user's extension is busy. It uses the Forward Number destination or, if set, the Forward on Busy Number destination. If the user has call appearance buttons programmed, the system will not treat them as busy until all the call appearance buttons are in use.

Release 3.2+: Forward Internal (User | Forwarding) can also be used to control whether internal calls are forwarded.


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Short Code Features

Telephone Number:

Default Short Code: *03

Programmable Button Control: FwBOn

See also: Forward On Busy Off, Cancel All Forwarding, Enable Internal Forward Busy or No


Release: 1.0+.


Below is a sample of the short code setup.

Short Code: *03

Feature: ForwardOnBusyOn

Forward On Busy Off

This feature cancels forwarding when the user's extension is busy.


Telephone Number:

Default Short Code: *04

Programmable Button Control: FwBOf

See also: Forward On Busy On, Cancel All Forwarding.

Release: 1.0+.


Below is a sample of the short code setup.

Short Code: *04

Feature: ForwardOnBusyOff

Forward On No Answer On

This feature enables forwarding when the user's extension is not answered within the period defined by their No Answer Time. It uses the Forward Number destination or, if set, the Forward on Busy

Number destination.

Forward Internal (User | Forwarding) can also be used to control whether internal calls are forwarded.


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February 2015

Forward On No Answer Off


Telephone Number:

Default Short Code: *05

Programmable Button Control: FwNOn

See also: Forward On No Answer Off, Cancel All Forwarding.

Release: 1.0+.


Below is a sample of the short code setup. Remember that the forwarding number for this feature uses the 'Forward on Busy Number'.

Short Code: *05

Feature: ForwardOnNoAnswerOn

Forward On No Answer Off

This feature cancels forwarding when the user's extension is not answered.


Telephone Number:

Default Short Code: *06

Programmable Button Control: FwNOf

See also: Forward On No Answer On.

Release: 1.0+.


Below is a sample of the short code setup.

Short Code: *06

Feature: ForwardOnNoAnswerOff

Forward Unconditional On

This feature enables forwarding of all calls, except group calls, to the Forward Number set for the user's extension. To also forward hunt group calls, Forward Hunt Group Calls On must also be used. For further details see Forward Unconditional.

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Short Code Features

Forward Internal (User | Forwarding) can also be used to control whether internal calls are forwarded.


Telephone Number:

Default Short Code:

Programmable Button Control: FwUOn

See also: Forward Unconditional Off.

Release: 1.0+.


Remember that this feature requires having a forward number configured.

Short Code: *01

Feature: ForwardUnconditionalOn

Forward Unconditional Off

This feature cancels forwarding of all calls from the user's extension.


This does not disable Forward on No Answer and or Forward on Busy if those functions are also on. For further details see Forward Unconditional.


Telephone Number:

Default Short Code: *02

Programmable Button Control: FwUOf

See also: Forward Unconditional On.

Release: 1.0+.



Below is a sample of the short code setup.

Short Code: *02

Feature: ForwardUnconditionalOff


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Group Listen Off

Group Listen Off

Disables the group listen function for the user’s extension. See Group Listen On.


Telephone Number:

Default Short Code:

Programmable Button Control: GroupListenOn

Release: 4.1+.


Below is a sample short code using the Group Listen Off feature.

Short Code: *27

Feature: GroupListenOff

Group Listen On

Using group listen allows callers to be heard through the phone's handsfree speaker but to only hear the phone's handset microphone. When group listen is enabled, it modifies the handsfree functionality of the user’s phone in the following manner

When the user’s phone is placed in handsfree/speaker mode, the speech path from the connected party is broadcast on the phone speaker but the phone's base microphone is disabled.

The connected party can only hear speech delivered via the phone's handset microphone.

Group listen is not supported for IP phones or when using a phone's HEADSET button.

Currently connected calls are not affected by changes to this setting. If group listen is required it must be selected before the call is connected.

This enables listeners at the user’s phone to hear the connected party whilst limiting the connected party to hear only what is communicated via the phone handset.


Telephone Number:

Default Short Code:

Programmable Button Control: GroupListenOn

Release: 4.1+.


Below is a sample short code using the Group Listen Off feature.

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Short Code Features

Short Code: *28

Feature: GroupListenOn

Headset Toggle

Toggles between the use of a headset and the telephone handset.


Telephone Number:

Default Short Code:

Programmable Button Control: HdSet

Release: 1.4+.


Below is a sample short code using the Headset Toggle feature. This short code can be used to toggle the feature on/off. If an Avaya supported headset is connected to your telephone, this short code can be used to toggle between using the headset and the telephone handset.

Short Code: *55

Feature: HeadsetToggle

Hold Call

This uses the Q.931 Hold facility, and "holds" the incoming call at the ISDN exchange, freeing up the ISDN B channel. The Hold Call feature "holds" the current call to a slot. The current call is always automatically placed into slot 0 if it has not been placed in a specified slot. Only available if supported by the ISDN exchange.


Telephone Number: Exchange hold slot number or blank (slot 0).

Default Short Code:

Programmable Button Control: Hold

See also: Hold CW, Hold Music, Suspend Call.

Release: 1.0+.



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Hold CW

Below is a sample short code using the Hold Call feature. This short code is a default within the system configuration. N represents the exchange hold slot number you want to hold the call on. For example, while connected to a call, dialing *24*3# will hold the call onto slot 3 on the ISDN.

Short Code: *24*N#

Telephone Number: N

Feature: HoldCall

Hold CW

This uses the Q.931 Hold facility, and "holds" the incoming call at the ISDN exchange, freeing up the ISDN B channel. The Hold CW feature "holds" the current call to an exchange slot and answers the call waiting. The current call is always automatically placed into slot 0 if it has not been placed in a specified slot. Only available if supported by the ISDN exchange.


Telephone Number: Exchange slot number or blank (slot 0).

Default Short Code: *27*N# (A-Law only) (not on Server Edition)

Programmable Button Control: HoldCW

See also: Hold Call, Suspend Call.

Release: 1.0+.


Below is a sample short code using the Hold CW feature.

Short Code: *27*N#

Feature: HoldCW

Hold Music

This feature allows the user to check the system's music on hold. See Music On Hold for more information.


Telephone Number: Optional. If no number is specified, the default system source is assumed. The system supports up to 4 hold music sources, numbered 1 to 4. 1 represents the System Source. 2 to

4 represent the Alternate Sources.

Default Short Code:

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Short Code Features

*34N; where N is the number of the hold music source required.

Programmable Button Control: Music

Release: 1.0+.


Below is a sample short code using the Hold Music feature. This short code is a default within the configuration.

Short Code: *34N;

Feature: HoldMusic

Hunt Group Disable

This feature disables the user's membership of the specified hunt group. They will no longer receive call to that hunt group until their membership is enabled again. To use this feature, you must already belong to the hunt group. See also Hunt Group Enable.


Telephone Number: Group number.

Default Short Code:

Programmable Button Control: HGDis

See also: Hunt Group Enable.

Release: 1.0+.


N represents the hunt group number from which the user wants to be disabled from. For example, if

Paul wants to be disabled from the Sales hunt group (extn. 500), he needs to dial *90*500#.

Short Code: *90*N#

Telephone Number: N

Feature: HuntGroupDisable

Hunt Group Enable

This feature enables the user's membership of a hunt group so they can begin to receive calls to the specified hunt group. To use this feature, the user must already belong to the hunt group. This short code can not be used to add someone to a hunt group, that must be done within Manager's Hunt

Group form.


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Last Number Redial


Telephone Number: Group number.

Default Short Code:

Programmable Button Control: HGEna

See also: Hunt Group Disable.

Release: 1.0+. Previously in Release 3.2 the Set Hunt Group Night Service, Set Hunt Group Out

of Service and Hunt Group Enable short code features toggled. That behaviour is not supported in

4.0 and higher.


This short code can be used to turn the feature on. N represents the hunt group number for which the user wants to start receiving calls. For example, if Paul is already a member of the sales hunt group (extn. 500) but has changed his availability status for that hunt group using hunt group disable, he can make himself available for receiving calls to the Sales hunt group again by dialing


Short Code: *91*N#

Telephone Number: N

Feature: HuntGroupEnable

Last Number Redial

This feature allows an extension to redial the last number they dialed.


Telephone Number:

Default Short Code:

Programmable Button Control:

Release: 3.0+.

MCID Activate

This feature should only be used in agreement with the ISDN service provider and the appropriate local legal authorities. It allows users with Can Trace Calls (User | Telephony | Supervisor Settings) set to trigger a malicious call trace of their previous call at the ISDN exchange. Refer to Telephone

Features Malicious Call Tracing for further details.

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Short Code Features


Telephone Number:

Default Short Code:

Programmable Button Control: Advanced | Miscellaneous | MCID Activate.

Release: 4.0+.

Mobile Twinned Call Pickup

This short code feature allows the user to pickup a call ringing or connected at the destination of their mobile twinning number. This short code can only be used from the primary extension which is being used for the twinning operation.

Note that the use of mobile twinning requires entry of a Mobile Twinning license and may be subject to a time profile.


Telephone Number:

Default Short Code:

Programmable Button Control:

See also: Set Mobile Twinning Number, Set Mobile Twinning On, Set Mobile Twinning Off.

Release: 3.2+.

Off Hook Station

Enables or disables whether the user's extension acts as a fully handsfree unit. Typically this is used when the answering and clearing of calls is done through an application. For more details see

Off Hook Station (User | Telephony | Call Settings).


Telephone Number: "Y" for on or "N" for off.

Default Short Code:

Programmable Button Control: OHStn

Release: 1.0+.

Example: Turning the off hook station off

Short Code: *89


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Outgoing Call Bar Off

Telephone Number: N

Feature: OffHookStation

Example: Turning the off hook station on

Short Code: *98

Telephone Number: Y

Feature: OffHookStation

Outgoing Call Bar Off

Allows a user to switch off their outgoing call bar status. The short code user must enter their log in code, if set, in order to be successful.

If you add a short code using this feature to a system it is recommended that you also assign a login code to the No User user to prevent the short code being used to change the status of that user.


Telephone Number: The user's log in code.

System phone users can use <target user>*<system phone user's login code>.

Default Short Code:

Programmable Button Control:

Release: 4.1+ (Added to Release 4.1 2008Q2 Maintenance release).


The user has a Login Code of 1234. To use the short code below below, the user must dial


Short Code: *59*N#

Telephone Number: N

Feature: Outgoing Call Bar Off.


A user set as a system phone can also switch off the Outgoing Call Bar status of another user. This is done using their own login code. For example the system phone 401 with login code 1234 can switch off the outgoing call bar status of extension 403 as follows:


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Short Code Features

Outgoing Call Bar On

Allows a user to switch on their outgoing call bar status.


Telephone Number:

Default Short Code:

Programmable Button Control:

Release: 4.1+ (Added to Release 4.1 2008Q2 Maintenance release).


To use the short code below below, the user must dial *58.

Short Code: *58

Telephone Number: <blank>

Feature: Outgoing Call Bar On.

Private Call

Not supported.

Private Call Off

Short codes using this feature turn off private call status for the user if set. The short code features

Private Call and Private Call On can be used to turn private call on.

When on, any subsequent calls cannot be intruded on until the user's private call status is switched off. The exception is Whisper Page which can be used to talk to a user on a private call.

Note that use of private calls is separate from the user's intrusion settings. If the user's Cannot be

Intruded (User | Telephony | Supervisor Settings) setting is enabled, switching private calls off does not affect that status. To allow private calls to be used to fully control the user status, Cannot be

Intruded (User | Telephony | Supervisor Settings) should be disabled for the user.


Telephone Number:

Default Short Code:

Programmable Button Control: Advanced | Call | Private Call.

Release: 4.0+.


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Private Call On

Private Call On

Short codes using this feature turn on the private call settings for the user regardless.

When on, any subsequent calls cannot be intruded on until the user's private call status is switched off. The exception is Whisper Page which can be used to talk to a user on a private call.

Note that use of private calls is separate from the user's intrusion settings. If the user's Cannot be

Intruded (User | Telephony | Supervisor Settings) setting is enabled, switching private calls off does not affect that status. To allow private calls to be used to fully control the user status, Cannot be

Intruded (User | Telephony | Supervisor Settings) should be disabled for the user.

Private call status can be switched off using a short code with the Private Call Off feature or a programmed button set to the Private Call action. To enable private call status for a single following call only the Private Call short code feature should be used.


Telephone Number:

Default Short Code:

Programmable Button Control: Advanced | Call | Private Call.

Release: 4.0+.

Priority Call

This feature allows the user to call another user even if they are set to 'do not disturb'. Priority calls to a user without DND will follow forwarding and follow me settings but will not go to voicemail.


Telephone Number: Extension number.

Default Short Code:

Programmable Button Control: PCall

See also: DialPhysicalExtensionByNumber, DialPhysicalNumberByID.

Release: 1.0+.


N represents the extension number to be called, despite the extension being set to 'do not disturb'.

For example, if extension 201 has 'do not disturb' enabled, a user can dial *71*201# and still get through. This short code is useful for companies that frequently use the 'do not disturb' feature and can be given to Managing Directors or people who may need to get through to people regardless of their 'do not disturb' status.

Short Code: *71*N#

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Short Code Features

Telephone Number: N

Feature: PriorityCall

Record Message

This short code feature is used to record hunt group announcements on Embedded Voicemail, see

Hunt Group | Announcements. Release 5.0+: It is also used to record mailbox user name prompts for the auto attendant Dial by Name function.


Telephone Number:

For a hunt group queue announcement, use the hunt group extension number followed by ".1".

For a hunt group still queue announcement, use the hunt group extension number followed by ".2".

For a mailbox user name prompt, use the user extension number followed by ".3".

Default Short Code: *91N; and *92N; (not on Server Edition)

Programmable Button Control:

Release: 4.0+.


For a hunt group with extension number 300, the default short codes *91N;/Record Message/N".1" and *92N;/Record Message/N".2" can be used to allow recording of the announcements by dialing

*91300# and *92300#.

To allow users to record their own name prompt, the short code *89#/Record Message/E."3" can be used. The E is replace by the extension number of the dialing user.

Relay On

This feature closes the specified switch in the system's external output (EXT O/P) port.

This feature is not supported on Linux based systems. For Server Edition, this option is only supported on Expansion System (V2) units.


Telephone Number: Switch number (1 or 2).

Default Short Code: *39 (Switch 1), *42 (Switch 2), *9000*.

Programmable Button Control: Rely+


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Relay Off

See also: Relay Off, Relay Pulse.

Release: 1.0+.


This short code is a default within the system configuration. This short code is useful for companies that have external devices, such as door controls, connected to the system. Based on this sample short code, a user dialing *42 is closing switch number 2 to activate an external device.

Short Code: *42

Telephone Number: 2

Feature: RelayOn

Analog Modem Control

On systems with an analog trunk card in the control unit, the first analog trunk can be set to answer

V.32 modem calls. This is done by either selecting the Modem Enabled option on the analog line settings or using the default short code *9000* to toggle this service on or off. This short code uses the RelayOn feature with the Telephone Number set to "MAINTENANCE". Note that the short code method is always returned to off following a reboot or if used for accessing the system date and time menu.

IP500 ATM4 Uni Trunk Card Modem Support It is not required to switch the card's modem port on/off. The trunk card's V32 modem function can be accessed simply by routing a modem call to the

RAS service's extension number. The modem call does not have to use the first analog trunk, instead the port remains available for voice calls.

Relay Off

This feature opens the specified switch in the system's external output (EXT O/P) port.


Telephone Number: Switch number (1 or 2).

Default Short Code: *40 (Switch 1), *43 (Switch 2)

Programmable Button Control: Rely-

See also: Relay On, Relay Pulse.

Release: 1.0+.


This short code is a default within the system configuration. This short code is useful for companies that have external devices, such as door controls, connected to the system. Based on this sample short code, a user dialing *43 is opening switch number 2 to activate an external device.

Short Code: *43

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Short Code Features

Telephone Number: 2

Feature: RelayOff

Relay Pulse

This feature closes the specified switch in the system's external output (EXT O/P) port for 5 seconds and then opens the switch.


Telephone Number: Switch number (1 or 2).

Default Short Code: *41 (Switch 1), *44 (Switch 2)

Programmable Button Control: Relay

See also: Relay On, Relay Off.

Release: 1.0+.


This short code is a default within the system configuration. This short code is useful for companies that have external devices, such as door controls, connected to the system. Based on this sample short code, a user dialing *44 is opening switch number 2 to activate an external device.

Short Code: *44

Telephone Number: 2

Feature: RelayPulse

Resume Call

Resume a call previously suspended to the specified ISDN exchange slot. The suspended call may be resumed from another phone/ISDN Control Unit on the same line.


Telephone Number: Exchange suspend slot number.

Default Short Code: *23*N# (A-Law only) (not on Server Edition)

Programmable Button Control: Resum

See also: Suspend Call.

Release: 1.0+.



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Retrieve Call

Below is sample short code using the Resume Call feature. N represents the exchange slot number from which the call has been suspended. For example, if a user has suspended a call on slot number 4, this user can resume that call by dialing *23*4#.

Short Code: *23*N#

Telephone Number: N

Feature: ResumeCall

Retrieve Call

Retrieves a call previously held to a specific ISDN exchange slot.


Telephone Number: Exchange hold slot number.

Default Short Code: *25*N# (A-Law only) (not on Server Edition)

Programmable Button Control: Retriv

See also: Hold Call.

Release: 1.0+.


Below is sample short code using the Retrieve Call feature. N represents the exchange slot number from which the call has been placed on hold. For example, if a user has placed a call hold on slot number 4, the user can resume that call by dialing *25*4#.

Short Code: *25*N#

Telephone Number: N

Feature: RetrieveCall

Ring Back When Free

This feature sets a ringback on the specified extension. This sets a 'ringback when free' on an extension currently on a call or a 'ringback when next used' for an extension that is free but does not answer.

When the target extension is next used or ends its current call, the users is rung and when they answer a call is made to the target extension.


Telephone Number: Target extension number.

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Short Code Features

Default Short Code:

Programmable Button Control: RBak+

See also: Cancel Ring Back When Free.

Release: 1.0+.


N represents the target extension from which you want to receive the callback. For example, if you call extension 201 but the line is busy, hang up and then dial *71*201#. When extension 201 disconnects from its current call, your phone will ring. Once you pick up the phone, extension 201's line will start ringing to indicate an incoming call.

Short Code: *71*N#

Telephone Number: N

Feature: RingBackWhenFree

Secondary Dial Tone

Secondary dial tone is a system feature to generate a secondary dial tone after the user has begun dialing an external number. This dial tone is then played until the number dialing and an external trunk seized.

Pre-Release 4.0: Secondary dial tone is triggered through the use of the secondary dial tone short code feature.

Release 4.0+: The use of this short code feature has been replaced by the Secondary Dial Tone check box option on ARS forms.


Telephone Number: Digit which triggers secondary dial tone.

Default Short Code: 9 (U-Law only)

Programmable Button Control:

Release: 1.0+.


For pre-4.0 systems secondary dial tone works in two parts. The following system short code will trigger secondary dial tone. To use it to trigger secondary dial tone and then continue dialing, other user, user rights and system short codes should begin with [9].

Short Code: 9

Telephone Number: .

Feature: Secondary Dial Tone


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Set Absent Text

Set Absent Text

This feature can be used to select the user's current absence text. This text is then displayed to internal callers who have suitable display phones or applications. It doesn't changes the users status. The absence text message is limited to 128 characters. Note however that the amount displayed will depend on the caller's device or application.

The text is displayed to callers even if the user has forwarded their calls or is using follow me.

Absence text is supported across a multi-site network.


Telephone Number: The telephone number should take the format "y,n,text" where:

y = 0 or 1 to turn this feature on or off.

n = the number of the absent statement to use, see the list below:

0 = None.

1 = On vacation until.

2 = Will be back.

3 = At lunch until.

4 = Meeting until.

5 = Please call.

6 = Don't disturb until.

7 = With visitors until.

8 = With cust. til.

9 = Back soon.

10 = Back tomorrow.

11 = Custom.

text = any text to follow the absent statement.

Default Short Code:

Programmable Button Control: Absnt

Release: 1.0+.


The following short code can be used to turn an absent text message on:

Short Code: *88

Telephone Number: "1,5,me on 208"

Line Group ID: 0

Feature: SetAbsentText


The following short code could be used to turn this facility off. In the Telephone Number the first 0 is used to turn this facility off and the second 0 is used to select the absent statement "None".

Short Code: *89

Telephone Number: "0,0"

Line Group ID: 0

Feature: SetAbsentText

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Short Code Features

Set Account Code

This short code feature is used to allow system users to enter a valid account code prior to making a phone call. Once this short code is set up, any existing account code in the system configuration can be used in conjunction with it.

This short code feature is essential for allowing analog phone users to enter account codes as they cannot enter account code through the phone during a call or after dial a number.


Telephone Number: A valid account code.

Default Short Code:

Programmable Button Control: Acct.

Release: 2.1+.


In this example, N represents any valid account code. For the purpose of this example, we will imagine the account code to be 1234. Once this short code is created, a user can dial 11*1234# to get a dial tone for dialing the restricted telephone number or the phone number needing to be tracked for billing purposes.

Short code: 11*N#

Telephone Number: N

Feature: SetAccountCode

Set Authorization Code

This short code feature is only available on systems configured to use authorization codes. See

Authorization Codes. The feature is used to allow a user to enter a valid authorization code prior to making a phone call.

This short code feature is essential for allowing analog phone users to enter authorization codes.

Note that the authorization code must be associated with the user or the user rights to which the user belongs.


Telephone Number: A valid authorization code.

Default Short Code:

Programmable Button Control:

Release: 3.2+.


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Set Hunt Group Night Service

Set Hunt Group Night Service

This feature puts the specified hunt group into Night Service mode.

Setting and clearing hunt group night service can be done using either manual controls or using a system time profile. The use of both methods to control the night service status of a particular hunt group is not supported.

This function is not supported between systems in a multi-site network. It can only be used by a user currently logged onto the same system as hosting the hunt group.


Telephone Number: Hunt group extension number. If left blank, the short code will affect all hunt groups of which the user is a member.

The Set Hunt Group Night Service and Clear Hunt Group Night Service short code and button features can be used to switch an SSL VPN service off or on respectively. The service is indicated by setting the service name as the telephone number or action data. Do not use quotation marks.

Default Short Code: *20*N#

Programmable Button Control: HGNS+

See also: Set Hunt Group Out Of Service, Clear Hunt Group Night Service, Clear Hunt Group Out

Of Service.

Release: 1.0+.


This short code is a default within the system configuration. N represents the telephone number of the hunt group to be placed into "Night Service" mode. For example, when *20*201# is dialed, the hunt group associated with extension 201 will be placed into "Night Service" mode.

Short Code: *20*N#

Telephone Number: N

Feature: SetHuntGroupNightService

Set Hunt Group Out Of Service

This feature manually puts the specified hunt group into Out of Service mode. If a time profile has also been defined to control hunt group night service, the action may vary:

Set Hunt Group Out of Service can be used to override a time profile and change a hunt group from night service to out of service.


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Short Code Features

Telephone Number: Hunt group extension number. For Release 4.0+, if left blank, the short code will affect all hunt groups of which the user is a member.

Default Short Code:

Programmable Button Control: HGOS+

Release: 1.0+.


Below is a sample short code using the Set Hunt Group Out Of Service feature. N represents the telephone number of the hunt group to be placed into "Out of Service" mode. For example, when

*56*201# is dialed, the hunt group associated with extension 201 will be placed into "Out of Service" mode.

Short Code: *56*N#

Telephone Number: N

Feature: SetHuntGroupOutOfService

Set Inside Call Seq

This feature allows the user to select the ringing used on their analog extension for internal calls.

The number entered corresponds to the ring pattern required. This is 0 for Default Ring, 1 for

RingNormal, 2 for RingType1, etc. For more information on selectable ringing patterns, see Ring

Tones. Use of this short code function is applicable to analog phone users only. The distinctive ringing pattern used for other phones is set by the phone type.


Telephone Number: Number corresponding to the desired ring pattern. See Ring Tones.

Default Short Code:

Programmable Button Control: ICSeq

See also: Set Ringback Seq, Set Inside Call Seq.

Release: 1.0+.


This Short Code allows a user to change their inside call pattern. N represents the number corresponding to the Call Sequence the user wishes to choose, the numbering starts at 0 selecting

Default Ring, 1 selects Ring Normal, 2 selects RingType1, etc. For example, if a user wants to set her/his internal ring pattern to RingType1, the user would dial *80*2# because 2 corresponds to

RingType1. This short code is useful for distinguishing an external call from an internal one simply by the ring tone.

Short Code: *80*N#


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Set Mobile Twinning Number

Telephone Number: N

Feature: SetInsideCallSeq

Set Mobile Twinning Number

This short code feature can be used to set a mobile twinning number. The destination can be any external number the user is able to dial normally. It should include any prefix if necessary.


Telephone Number: Twinning destination.

Default Short Code:

Programmable Button Control:

See also: Set Mobile Twinning On, Set Mobile Twinning Off, Mobile Twinned Call Pickup.

Release: 3.2+.

Set Mobile Twinning On

This short code feature turns on the user's mobile twinning. It requires a mobile twinning number to have been set for the user. That can be done through using the Set Mobile Twinning Number short code feature or through the User | Twinning tab within Manager.


Telephone Number:

Default Short Code:

Programmable Button Control:

See also: Set Mobile Twinning Off, Set Mobile Twinning Number, Mobile Twinned Call Pickup.

Release: 3.2+.

Set Mobile Twinning Off

This short code feature turns off the user's mobile twinning.


Telephone Number:

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Short Code Features

Default Short Code:

Programmable Button Control:

See also: Set Mobile Twinning On, Set Mobile Twinning Number, Mobile Twinned Call Pickup.

Release: 3.2+.

Set No Answer Time

This short code feature allows the user to change their No Answer Time (User | Telephony | Call



Telephone Number: Time in seconds.

Default Short Code:

Programmable Button Control: NATim

See also: Set Wrap Up Time.

Release: 1.0+.


This short code allows a user to change the length of time they have to answer the phone before it goes to divert or voicemail. N represents the number of seconds. For example, if a user wants to set the no answer time to 15 seconds, the following information needs to be entered: *81*15#.

Short Code: *81*N#

Telephone Number: N

Feature: SetNoAnswerTime

Set Outside Call Seq

This feature allows the user to select the ringing used on their analog extension for external calls.

The number entered corresponds to the ring pattern required. This is 0 for Default Ring, 1 for

RingNormal, 2 for RingType1, etc. For more information on selectable ringing patterns, see Ring

Tones. Use of this short code function is applicable to analog phone users only. The distinctive ringing pattern used for other phones is set by the phone type.


Telephone Number: Number corresponding to the desired ring pattern. See Ring Tones.


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Platform Short Code and Button Action Reference

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February 2015

Set Ringback Seq

Default Short Code:

Programmable Button Control: OCSeq

See also: Set Ringback Seq, Set Outside Call Seq.

Release: 1.0+.


This short code allows a user to change the ringing tone for an external call. N represents the number corresponding to the Call Sequence the user wishes to choose, the numbering starts at 0 selecting Default Ring, 1 selects RingNormal, 2 selects RingType1, etc. For example, if a user wants to set her/his ring pattern for external calls to RingType1, the user would dial *81*2# because

2 corresponds to RingType1. This short code is useful for distinguishing an external call from an internal one simply by the ring tone.

Short Code: *81*N#

Telephone Number: N

Feature: SetOutsideCallSeq

Set Ringback Seq

This feature allows the user to select the ringing used on their analog extension for ringback calls.

The number entered corresponds to the ring pattern required. This is 0 for Default Ring, 1 for

RingNormal, 2 for RingType1, etc. For more information on selectable ringing patterns, see Ring

Tones. Use of this short code function is applicable to analog phone users only. The distinctive ringing pattern used for other phones is set by the phone type.

Telephone Number: Number corresponding to the desired ring pattern. See Ring Tones.

Default Short Code:

Programmable Button Control: RBSeq

See also: Set Outside Call Seq, Set Inside Call Seq.


This short code allows a user to change the ringing tone for a ringback call. N represents the number corresponding to the ring tone the user wishes to choose, the numbering starts at 0 selecting Default Ring, 1 selects RingNormal, 2 selects RingType1, etc. For example, if a user wants to set her/his ring pattern for ringback calls to RingType1, the user would dial *81*2# because

2 corresponds to RingType1. This short code is useful for distinguishing a ringback call from any other call simply by the ring tone.

Short Code: *81*N#

Telephone Number: N

Feature: SetRingbackSeq

February 2015 Avaya IP Office

Platform Short Code and Button Action Reference


Comments? [email protected]

Short Code Features

Set Time Profile

You can manually override a time profile. The override settings allow you to mix timed and manual settings.

Five short codes can be configured.

Short Code Name

Set Time Profile Timed Operation


No override. The time profile operates as configured.

Set Time Profile Active Until Next Timed Inactive

Use for time profiles with multiple intervals. Select to make the current timed interval active until the next inactive interval.

Set Time Profile Inactive Until Next Timed Active

Use for time profiles with multiple intervals. Select to make the current active timed interval inactive until the next active interval.

Set Time Profile Latch Active

Set Time Profile Latch Inactive

Set the time profile to active. Timed inactive periods are overridden and remain active.

Set the time profile to inactive. Timed active periods are overridden and remain active.


Avaya IP Office

Platform Short Code and Button Action Reference

Comments? [email protected]

February 2015

Set Wrap Up Time

Telephone Number: Time profile name.

Default Short Code: No.

Programmable Button Control: Yes: Time Profile

Set Wrap Up Time

Allows users to change their Wrap-up Time (User | Telephony | Call Settings) setting.

Other phones or applications monitoring the user's status will indicate the user as still being busy

(on a call).

Hunt group calls will not be presented to the user.

If the user is using a single line set, direct calls also receive busy treatment. If the user is using a mutli-line set (multiple call appearances), direct calls to them will ring as normal.

February 2015 Avaya IP Office

Platform Short Code and Button Action Reference


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Short Code Features

It is recommended that this option is not set to less than the default of 2 seconds. 0 is used to allow immediate ringing.

For users set as an CCR Agent, the After Call Work Time (User | Telephony | Supervisor Settings) setting should be used.


Telephone Number: Time in seconds.

Default Short Code:

Programmable Button Control: WUTim

See also: Set No Answer Time.

Release: 1.0+.


N represents the number of seconds. For example, if a user wants to set her/his wrap up time to 8 seconds, this user would dial *82*5#. This short code is useful in a "call center" environment where users may need time to log call details before taking the next call. If set to 0 the user does not receive any calls. It is recommended that this option is not set to less than the default of 2 seconds.

Short Code: *82*N#

Telephone Number: N

Feature: SetWrapUpTime

Shutdown Embedded Voicemail

Allows the Embedded Voicemail service provided by an Avaya memory card in a control unit to be shut down. To restart the service, a Startup Embedded Voicemail short code should be used.

The short code has the following effects:

1. Immediately disconnect all current users within Embedded Voicemail. This is not a polite shutdown.

2. Mark the Embedded Voicemail as inactive so that it will not receive any new calls.


Telephone Number:

Default Short Code:

Programmable Button Control:

Release: 4.0+ (Added in the Release 4.0 Q2 2007 maintenance release).


Avaya IP Office

Platform Short Code and Button Action Reference

Comments? [email protected]

February 2015

Stamp Log

Stamp Log

The stamp log function is used to insert a line into any System Monitor trace that is running. The line in the trace indicates the date, time, user name and extension plus additional information. The line is prefixed with LSTMP: Log Stamped and a log stamp number. When invoked from a Avaya phone with a display, Log Stamped# is also briefly displayed on the phone. This allows users to indicate when they have experienced a particular problem that the system maintainer want them to report and allows the maintainer to more easily locate the relevant section in the monitor trace.

The log stamp number is set to 000 when the system is restarted. The number is then incremented after each time the function is used in a cycle between 000 and 999. Alternately if required, a specific stamp number can be assigned to the button or short code being used for the feature.


Telephone Number: Optional. If not set, a number in the sequence 000 to 999 is automatically used. If set, the number set is used.

Default Short Code: *55

Programmable Button Control: Stamp Log

Release: 8.1+

Startup Embedded Voicemail

Restarts the Embedded Voicemail service provided by an Avaya Memory in a control unit.


Telephone Number:

Default Short Code:

Programmable Button Control:

Release: 6.0+

Suspend Call

This feature uses the Q.931 Suspend facility. It suspends the incoming call at the ISDN exchange, freeing up the ISDN B channel. The call is placed in exchange slot 0 if a slot number is not specified.


Telephone Number: Exchange slot number or blank (slot 0).

February 2015 Avaya IP Office

Platform Short Code and Button Action Reference


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Short Code Features

Default Short Code:

Programmable Button Control: Suspe

See also: Resume Call.

Release: 1.0+.

Suspend CW

This feature uses the Q.931 Suspend facility. Suspends the incoming call at the ISDN exchange and answer the call waiting. The call is placed in exchange slot 0 if a slot number is not specified. Only available when supported by the ISDN exchange.


Telephone Number: Exchange slot number or blank (slot 0).

Default Short Code: *28*N# (A-Law only) (not on Server Edition)

Programmable Button Control: SusCW

See also: Resume Call.

Release: 1.0+.


Sample short code using the Suspend CW feature.

Short Code: *28*N#

Feature: Suspend CW

Start After Call Work

This feature can be users who have been configured as CCR agents. It allows them to dial a short code to enter the After Call Work (ACW) state as reported by the Customer Call Reporter (CCR) application.


Telephone Number:

Default Short Code:

Programmable Button Control: ACWrk

See also: Clear After Call Work.

Release: 4.2 4Q 2008 Maintenance release+.


Avaya IP Office

Platform Short Code and Button Action Reference

Comments? [email protected]

February 2015

Toggle Calls

Toggle Calls

This feature cycles through each call that the user has on hold on the system. This feature is useful when a user with a single-line telephone has several calls on hold and needs to respond to each one in turn.


Telephone Number:

Default Short Code: *29

Programmable Button Control: Toggl

Release: 1.0+.


Below is sample short code using the Toggle Calls feature.

Short Code: *29

Feature: ToggleCalls

Unpark Call

Retrieve a parked call from a specified system park slot.


Telephone Number: System park slot number.

Default Short Code: *38*N#

Programmable Button Control: Ride

See also: Call Park.

Release: 1.0+.


Below is a sample short code using the Unpark Call feature. N represents the park slot number in which the call you want to retrieve was parked. For example, if a user parked a call to slot number 9, you can retrieve that call by dialing *38*9#.

Short Code: *38*N#

Telephone Number: N

Feature: Unpark Call

February 2015 Avaya IP Office

Platform Short Code and Button Action Reference


Comments? [email protected]

Short Code Features

Voicemail Collect

This feature connects to the voicemail system. Normally the telephone number field is used to indicate the name of the mailbox to be accessed, for example "?Extn201" or "#Extn201".

? indicates 'collect messages'.

# indicates 'leave a message'. It also instructs the voicemail server to give a brief period of ringing before connecting the caller. This is useful if the short code is used for functions like call transfers as otherwise the voicemail server can start playing prompts before the transfer is completed. However, the # can be omitted for immediate connection if required.

" " quotation marks must be used to enclose any information that needs to be sent to the voicemail server as is. Any text not enclosed by quote marks is checked by the telephone system for short code character matches which will be replaced before being sent to the voicemail server.

Manager will automatically add quotation marks to the Telephone Number field if there are no manually added quotation marks. Care should be taken to ensure that special characters that you want replaced by the telephone system, such as U, N or X, are not enclosed by the quotation marks.

For scenarios where the telephone number only contains short code characters, an empty pair of quotation marks, for example ""N.

When using Voicemail Pro, names of specific call flow start points can directly access those start points via a short code. In these cases, ? is not used and # is only used if ringing is required before the start point's call flow begins.

Short codes using the Voicemail Collect feature, with either "Short Codes.name" and "#Short

Codes.name" records in the Telephone Number field are automatically converted to the Voicemail

Node feature and name.


Telephone Number: See the notes above.

Default Short Code: *17

Programmable Button Control: VMCol

See also: Voicemail On, Voicemail Off, Voicemail Node.

Release: 1.0+.

Example: Retrieve Messages from Specific Mailbox

This short code allows a user to retrieve messages from the mailbox of the hunt group 'Sales'. This usage is not supported on Voicemail Pro running in Intuity emulation mode unless a custom call flow has been created for the hunt group, refer to the Voicemail Pro help.

Short Code: *89

Telephone Number: "?Sales"

Feature: VoicemailCollect

Example: Record Message to Specific Mailbox


Avaya IP Office

Platform Short Code and Button Action Reference

Comments? [email protected]

February 2015

Voicemail Collect

To allow users to deposit a message directly to Extn201's Voicemail box. This short code is useful when you know the person is not at her/his desk and you want to immediately leave a message rather than call the person and wait to be redirected to voicemail.

Short Code: *201

Telephone Number: "#Extn201"

Feature: VoicemailCollect

Example: Accessing a Specific Voicemail Pro Module

This short code can be used in instances where you have a conference bridge set up on the system and a module has been created via Voicemail Pro to access this conference bridge. A short code can be created for internal access to the module. In the sample short code below, the telephone number field contains the name of the module. In this example, if a short burst of ringing is required before connecting the module, "#conferenc" would be used as the telephone number.

Short Code: *100

Telephone Number: "conferenc"

Feature: VoicemailCollect

Example: Record Voicemail Pro Messages for Outbound Contact Express

Short Code: *99

Telephone Number: "edit_messages"

Feature: VoicemailCollect

This short code allows users to record Voicemail Pro messages used by the Outbound Contact

Express solution. For example:

• Queuing messages.

• A message intended for an answering machine.

• Messages an agent can play for a customer.

• On hold messages. (Always specify message number “0” for the hold treatment message.)

• Messages played by a Virtual Agent.

Recorded message files are stored in the folder /opt/vmpro/Wavs/Modules/CPAPrompts.

When invoked, the user is prompted to enter a number to associate with the message. The

Outbound Contact Express Proactive Contact component ships with the following default English messages:

• 0: Hold message

• 1: First outbound queue message – Female

• 2: Second outbound queue message - Female

• 3: Third outbound queue message - Female

• 4: Fourth outbound queue message – Female

February 2015 Avaya IP Office

Platform Short Code and Button Action Reference


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Short Code Features

• 9: First outbound queue message – Male

• 10: Second outbound queue message - Male

• 11: Third outbound queue message - Male

• 12: Fourth outbound queue message - Male

• 17: Message to play to an answering machine or message to play by a virtual agent - Female

• 18: Message to play to an answering machine or message to play by a virtual agent – Male

• 19: Message played when default F6 agent key is pressed (Release the Line, completion Code


Voicemail Node

Similar to Voicemail Collect but used for calls being directed to a Voicemail Pro Short Codes start point. Useful if you have set up a short code start point with Voicemail Pro and want to give direct internal access to it.


Telephone Number: Voicemail Pro Short Code start point name without quotation marks.

Default Short Code:

Programmable Button Control:

See also: Voicemail Collect.

Release: 2.0+.


Having created a short codes start point call flow called Sales, the following system short code can be used to route calls to that call flow:

Short Code: *96

Telephone Number: Sales

Feature: VoicemailNode

Voicemail On

This feature enables the user's voicemail mailbox to answer calls which ring unanswered or arrive when the user is busy.


Telephone Number: None.


Avaya IP Office

Platform Short Code and Button Action Reference

Comments? [email protected]

February 2015

Voicemail Off

Default Short Code: *18

Programmable Button Control: VMOn

See also: Voicemail Off.

Release: 1.0+.


This short code can be used to toggle the feature on.

Short Code: *18

Feature: VoicemailOn

Voicemail Off

This feature disables the user's voicemail mailbox box from being used to answer calls. It does not disable the voicemail mailbox being used as the target for other functions such as call recording or messages forwarded from other mailboxes.


Telephone Number: None.

Default Short Code: *19

Programmable Button Control: VMOff

See also: Voicemail On.

Release: 1.0+.


Below is a sample of the short code setup.

Short Code: *19

Feature: VoicemailOff

Voicemail Ringback On

This feature enables voicemail ringback to the user's extension. Voicemail ringback is used to call the user when they have new voicemail messages. The ringback takes place each time the extension is used. This feature is useful for users who do not have voicemail light/button indicators on their telephone.

February 2015 Avaya IP Office

Platform Short Code and Button Action Reference


Comments? [email protected]

Short Code Features

If the user has been configured to receive message waiting indication for any hunt groups, a separate voicemail ringback will occur for each such group and for the users own mailbox.


Telephone Number:

Default Short Code: *48

Programmable Button Control: VMRB+

See also: Voicemail Ringback Off.

Release: 1.0+. For Release 3.2, the Voicemail On and Voicemail Ringback On short code features toggled. For Release 4.0 and higher, they no longer toggle.


This short code can be used to turn the feature on.

Short Code: *48

Feature: VoicemailRingbackOn

Voicemail Ringback Off

This feature disables voicemail ringback to the user's extension.


Telephone Number:

Default Short Code: *49

Programmable Button Control: VMRB-

See also: Voicemail Ringback On.

Release: 1.0+.


Below is a sample of the short code setup.

Short Code: *49

Feature: VoicemailRingbackOff


Avaya IP Office

Platform Short Code and Button Action Reference

Comments? [email protected]

February 2015

Whisper Page

Whisper Page

This feature allows you to intrude on another user and be heard by them without being able to hear the user's existing call which is not interrupted. For example: User A is on a call with user B. When user C intrudes on user A, they can be heard by user A but not by user B who can still hear user A.

Whisper page can be used to talk to a user who has enabled private call.

The ability to intrude and be intruded is controlled by two configuration settings, the Can Intrude

(User | Telephony | Supervisor Settings) setting of the user intruding and the Cannot Be Intruded

(User | Telephony | Supervisor Settings) setting of target being intruded on. The setting of any other internal party is ignored. By default, no users can intrude and all users are set to cannot be intruded.

The system support a range of other call intrusion methods in addition to this feature.


Telephone Number: Target extension number.

Default Short Code:

Programmable Button Control: Whisp.

See also: Call Intrude, Call Listen, Coaching Intrusion, Dial Inclusion.

Release: 8.0+.

February 2015 Avaya IP Office

Platform Short Code and Button Action Reference


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Chapter 3: Button Programming Actions

The following sections provide details for each of the button actions supported by system. Note that this does not include buttons on phones on a system running in Partner Edition mode.

For each the following details are listed:

Action Indicates the selection path to the action from within the list of actions displayed in


Action Data Indicates the type of data required by the action. For some actions no data is required while for others action data may be optional. The option to enter the data after pressing the button is not available for all phones, see Interactive Button Menus.

Default Label This is the default text label displayed on phones which provide a display area next to programmable buttons. Alternate labels can be specified in the system configuration or entered by the phone user (refer to the telephone user guide). Note that for buttons with action data set, the action data may also be displayed as part of the default label. Depending on the display capacity of the particular phone, either a short or long label is displayed.

Toggles Indicates whether the action toggles between two states, typically on or off.

Status Indication Indicates whether the button provides status indication relevant to the feature if the button has status lamps or display. If the Status Indication is listed as Required it indicates that the button action is only supported on programmable buttons that can provide status indication.

User Admin This item indicates that users with a Self-Administer button can assign the action to other buttons themselves.

• Phone Support This is only a general indication of support or otherwise of an action by phones within particular series. On phones with 3 or less programmable buttons those button can only be used for the Call Appearance action. In addition some actions are only supported on phones where the programmable buttons provide status indication and or a display for data entry once the feature is invoked.

Table of Button Programming Actions

The following tables list the actions available for programmable buttons on system.

Login Code Required Some function may require the user to enter their log in code. This typically applies when the action data is left blank for entry when the button is pressed.



Avaya IP Office

Platform Short Code and Button Action Reference

Comments? [email protected]

February 2015





Action Data

Any number.

"Group name" in quote marks.

"User name" in quote marks.




Bridged Appearance

Coverage Appearance

Line Appearance

Action Data


User name and call appearance button number.

User name.

Line appearance ID.



Abbreviated Dial

Abbreviated Dial Pause None.

Abbreviated Dial


Abbreviated Dial Stop



Account Code Entry

Action Data

Any number.

Account code or blank for entry when pressed.


ACD Agent Statistics

ACD Stroke Count

AD Special Function




AD Special Function Wait None.

AD Special Functions None.

AD Suppress

Automatic Callback

Automatic Intercom



Call Forwarding All

User number or name.

Any number or blank for entry when pressed.

Call Park Park slot ID

(alphanumeric) or blank for menu of slots in use.

User number.

Call Park To Other


Call Pickup None.

Short Label


















Default Label


<Group name>

<User name>

Default Label


<user name><appearance label>

<user name>


Long Label

Abbreviate Dial

Account Code

Suppress Digits

Auto Callback

Auto Intercom

Call Forward All

Call Park

Call Park to Other

Call Pickup Any

Table continues…

February 2015 Avaya IP Office

Platform Short Code and Button Action Reference


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Button Programming Actions


Cancel Leave Word



Dial Intercom

Directed Call Pickup



Group Paging

Headset Toggle


Internal Auto-Answer

Leave Word Calling

Manual Exclude

Priority Calling

Ringer Off


Send All Calls

Stored Number View

Time of Day



Visual Voice



Acquire Call

After Call Work

Break Out

Action Data


Short Label









User number or name or blank for entry when pressed.

User number or name or group number or name or or blank for entry when pressed..



User or group number or name or blank for entry when pressed.

None or FF







Blank or 1 or 2





















Action Data

User number or blank for last call transferred.



System name or IP address or blank for



Short Label




Long Label

Auto Intercom

Call Pickup

Drop Call


Auto Answer

Ringer Off

Self Administer

Send All Calls



Long Label


After Call Work


Table continues…


Avaya IP Office

Platform Short Code and Button Action Reference

Comments? [email protected]

February 2015



Busy On Held

Call Intrude

Action Data

selection when pressed.


0 (off) or 1 (on).

User number or blank for entry when pressed.


Call List

Call Listen

Call Log

User number.


Call Pickup Any None.

Call Pickup Group None.

Call Pickup


Call Queue

Group number or name.

User number.

Call Record

Call Screening

Call Steal



User number or blank for last call transferred.


Call Waiting Off

Call Waiting On

Call Waiting


Cancel All


Cancel Ring Back

When Free





Channel Monitor

Clear Call

Clear CW

Clear Hunt Group

Night Service

Clear Hunt Group

Out Of Service

Clear Quota

Channel number.



Group number.

Group number.

"Service name" within quote marks or "" for all services.


























Short Label
























Long Label

Call Intrude


Call Log

Pickup Any

Pickup Group

Pickup Members



Call Screening

Call Forward Off


Table continues…

February 2015 Avaya IP Office

Platform Short Code and Button Action Reference


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Button Programming Actions

Action Action Data

Coaching Intrusion User number or name or blank for entry when pressed.

Conference Invoke the conference process. (M and T-

Series phones only)


Conference Add

Conference Meet


Dial 3K1

Conference name or number.

Any number.

Dial 56K

Dial 64K

Dial CW

Dial Direct

Any number.

Any number.

User number.

User number or name or blank for entry when pressed.

Dial Emergency

Dial Inclusion

Dial Paging

Dial Physical Extn by Number

Any number.

User number or name or blank for entry when pressed.

User or group number or name or blank for entry when pressed.

Extension port

Base Extension number.

Dial Physical Extn by Id

Dial Speech

Dial V110

Dial V120

Dial Video

Display Msg

Do Not Disturb

Exception Add

Extension port ID number. (Release


Any number.

Any number.

Any number.

Any number.

Command string.

Any number.





















Do Not Disturb

Short Label





















Long Label



Conference Add

Conf. Meet Me

Dial 3K1

Dial 56K

Dial 64K

Dial Call Waiting

Auto Intercom

Dial Emergency

Dial Inclusion


Dial Physical Extn

Dial Extn by Id

Dial Speech

Dial V110

Dial V120

Dial Video

Table continues…


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Platform Short Code and Button Action Reference

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February 2015


Do Not Disturb

Exception Delete

Action Data

Any number.

Do Not Disturb Off None.

Do Not Disturb On None.

Extn Login

Extn Logout

Flash Hook




User number.

Follow Me Here

Follow Me Here


Follow Me To

User number or blank for entry when pressed.

User name or user number or blank for entry when pressed.


Forward Hunt

Group Calls On

Forward Hunt

Group Calls Off


Forward Number

Forward On Busy


Any number or blank for entry when pressed.

Any number or blank for entry when pressed.


Forward On Busy


Forward On Busy


Forward On No

Answer Off

Forward On No

Answer On





Unconditional Off


Unconditional On

Group Listen On

Hold Call




ISDN Exchange slot number.


Do Not Disturb

Do Not Disturb

Do Not Disturb




Follow Me

Follow Me

Follow Me













Short Label










Long Label

Do Not Disturb



Flash Hook

Follow Me Here

Follow Me Here-

Follow Me To





Fwd HG Calls

Fwd Number

Fwd Busy Number









Fwd Busy

Fwd No Answer



Table continues…

February 2015 Avaya IP Office

Platform Short Code and Button Action Reference


Comments? [email protected]

Button Programming Actions


Hold CW

Action Data


Hold Music None.

Hunt Group Disable Group number or name or blank for all groups.

Hunt Group Enable Group number or name or blank for all groups.

Last Number Redial Redial the last number dialed. (M and T-Series phones only)

MCID Activate

Monitor Analogue

Trunk MWI

Off Hook Station

Pause Recording

Priority Call

Private Call

Relay Off

Relay On

Relay Pulse

Resume Call


Line appearance




User number or name.

None. (Release


1 or 2.

1 or 2.

1 or 2.

ISDN Exchange slot number.

Retrieve Call

Set Hunt Group

Night Service

Set Hunt Group Out

Of Service

ISDN Exchange slot number.


Ring Back When


Set Absent Text String for selected message and custom text.

Set Account Code Blank or valid account code.

(Release 2.1+)

Group number.

Group number.




Hunt Group

Hunt Group


















Short Label






















Long Label

Hold Music

HG Enable

Malicious Call

Trunk MWI

Pause Recording

Priority Call

Private Call

Relay On

Relay Pulse

Auto Callback

Absence Text

Account Code

HG Night Service

HG Out of Service

Table continues…


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Platform Short Code and Button Action Reference

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February 2015

Action Action Data

Set Inside Call Seq Value 0 to 10.

Set Night Service


Set No Answer


Stamp Log

Suspend Call

Group number.

(Release 4.2+)

Time in seconds

(range 6 to 99999).

Value 0 to 10.

Set Outside Call


Set Out of Service


Set Ringback Seq Value 0 to 10.

Set Wrap Up Time Time in seconds

(range 0 to 99999).

Speed Dial

Group number.

(Release 4.2+)

Initiate the speed dial selection process. (M and T-

Series phones only)


Suspend CW

ISDN Exchange slot number.

ISDN Exchange slot number.

Toggle Calls



Initiate the call transfer process. (M and T-Series phones only)

Unpark Call

Voicemail Collect

Voicemail Off

Voicemail On

Voicemail Ringback


Voicemail Ringback


Whisper Page

Park slot ID


See notes.





User number or name or blank for entry when pressed.


































Short Label









Long Label

HG NS Group

No Answer Time

HG OS Group

Wrap-up Time

Stamp Log

VMail Collect

VMail On

VMail Ringback

Whisper Page

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Platform Short Code and Button Action Reference


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Button Programming Actions

Abbreviated Dial

This function allows quick dialing of a stored number.

Action: Emulation | Abbreviated Dial.

Action Data:

Full Number The number is dialled.

Partial Number The partial number is dialled and the user can then complete dialing the full number.

Default Label: AD or Abbreviate Dial.

Toggles: No.

Status Indication: No.

User Admin: Yes.

Phone Support Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.

Analog: No

1100 Series: No

1200 Series: No

1400 Series: Yes


1600 Series: Yes


20 Series: Yes

2400 Series: Yes


4100 Series: No

3600 Series: Yes 4600 Series: Yes


3700 Series: No 5400 Series: Yes


3810: No 5600 Series: Yes


6400 Series: Yes D100: No

4400 Series: Yes 7400 Series: No

9040: Yes

9500 Series: Yes

9600: No

M-Series: Yes

T-Series: Yes

T3/T3 IP Series:


[1] Not 1403, 1603, 2402, 4601, 4602, 5402, 5601 and 5602 models.

Abbreviated Dial Pause

Not supported. Provided for CTI emulation only. Allows a user to enter a pause character when programming an abbreviated dial.

Action: Emulation | Abbreviated Dial Pause.

Action Data: None.

Default Label: Pause.

Toggles: No.

Status Indication: No.


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February 2015

Abbreviated Dial Program

User Admin: No.

Phone Support Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.

Analog: No

1100 Series: No

1200 Series: No

20 Series: Yes

2400 Series: Yes


3600 Series: No

4100 Series: No 6400 Series: Yes D100: No

4400 Series: Yes 7400 Series: No M-Series: No

T-Series: No

3700 Series: No

4600 Series: Yes


9040: Yes

5400 Series: Yes 9500 Series: No T3/T3 IP Series: [2] 1400 Series: Yes


1600 Series: Yes


3810: Yes 5600 Series: Yes


9600 Series: No

1. Not 1403, 1603, 2402, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on

Release 2.1 and 3.0DT software.

2. May have limited support on some specific T3 phone models if detailed below.

Abbreviated Dial Program

Not supported. Provided for CTI emulation only. Allows a user to program abbreviated dialing numbers against other programmable buttons. This function cannot be used to overwrite call appearance buttons.

Action: Emulation | Abbreviated Dial Program.

Action Data: None.

Default Label: Prog.

Toggles: No.

Status Indication: No.

User Admin: Yes.

Phone Support Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.

Analog: No

1100 Series: No

1200 Series: No

1400 Series: No

20 Series

2400 Series: No

3600 Series: No

3700 Series: No

4100 Series: No

4400 Series: No

4600 Series: No

5400 Series: No

6400 Series: No

7400 Series: No

9040: No

9500 Series: No

D100: No

M-Series: No

T-Series: No

T3/T3 IP Series:


1600 Series: No 3810: No 5600 Series: No 9600 Series: No

February 2015 Avaya IP Office

Platform Short Code and Button Action Reference


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Button Programming Actions

Abbreviated Dial Stop

Not supported. Provided for CTI emulation only. Allows a user to enter a stop character when programming an abbreviated dial.

Action: Emulation | Abbreviated Dial Stop.

Action Data: None.

Default Label: Stop.

Toggles: No.

Status Indication: No.

User Admin: No.

Phone Support Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.

Analog: No

1100 Series: No

1200 Series: No

20 Series: Yes

2400 Series: Yes


3600 Series: No

4100 Series: No 6400 Series: Yes D100: No

4400 Series: Yes 7400 Series: No M-Series: No

T-Series: No

1400 Series: Yes


1600 Series: Yes


3700 Series: No

3810: Yes

4600 Series: Yes


9040: Yes

5400 Series: Yes 9500 Series: No

5600 Series: Yes


9600 Series: No

T3/T3 IP Series:

No [2]

1. Not 1403, 1603, 2402, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on

Release 2.1 and 3.0DT software.

2. May have limited support on some specific T3 phone models if detailed below.

Account Code Entry

Enter an account code for a call. This button can be used before dialing a number or during a call.

Action: Emulation | Account Code Entry.

Action Data: Optional. If an code is set it must match an account code set in the account codes list.

If no account code is set, the phone display will request entry of a valid code. This option is not supported on XX02 phones and the T7000 phone.

Default Label: Acct or Account Code.

Toggles: No.

Status Indication: No.


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February 2015

ACD Agent Statistics

User Admin: Yes.

Phone Support Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.

Analog: No 20 Series: Yes

1100 Series: Yes 2400 Series: Yes


1200 Series: Yes 3600 Series: No

4100 Series: No 6400 Series: Yes D100: Yes

4400 Series: Yes 7400 Series: No M-Series: Yes

1400 Series: Yes


1600 Series: Yes


3700 Series: No

3810: Yes

4600 Series: Yes


9040: Yes T-Series: Yes

5400 Series: Yes 9500 Series: Yes

T3/T3 IP Series:

No [2]

5600 Series: Yes


9600 Series: Yes

1. Not 1403, 1603, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on Release 2.1

and 3.0 DT software.

2. May have limited support on some specific T3 phone models if detailed below.

T3 Phones:

Classic/Comfort icon: Displays 1234.

DSS Link LED: None.

ACD Agent Statistics

Not supported. Provided for CTI emulation only.

Action: Emulation | ACD Agent Statistics.

Action Data: None.

Default Label: Stats.

Toggles: No.

Status Indication: No.

User Admin: No.

Phone Support Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.

Analog: No

1100 Series: No

20 Series: Yes

2400 Series: Yes


4100 Series: No 6400 Series: Yes D100: No

4400 Series: Yes 7400 Series: No M-Series: No

Table continues…

February 2015 Avaya IP Office

Platform Short Code and Button Action Reference


Comments? [email protected]

Button Programming Actions

1200 Series: No 3600 Series: No 4600 Series: Yes


9040: Yes

5400 Series: Yes 9500 Series: No

T-Series: No

1400 Series: Yes


1600 Series: Yes


3700 Series: No

3810: Yes 5600 Series: Yes


9600 Series: No

T3/T3 IP Series:

No [2]

1. Not 1403, 1603, 2402, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on

Release 2.1 and 3.0DT software.

2. May have limited support on some specific T3 phone models if detailed below.

ACD Stroke Count

Not supported. Provided for CTI emulation only.

Action: Emulation | ACD Stroke Count.

Action Data: None.

Default Label: Count.

Toggles: No.

Status Indication: No.

User Admin: Yes.

Phone Support Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.

Analog: No

1100 Series: No

1200 Series: No

20 Series: Yes

2400 Series: Yes


3600 Series: No

4100 Series: No 6400 Series: Yes D100: No

4400 Series: Yes 7400 Series: No M-Series: No

T-Series: No

1400 Series: Yes


1600 Series: Yes


3700 Series: No

3810: Yes

4600 Series: Yes


9040: Yes

5400 Series: Yes 9500 Series: No

5600 Series: Yes


9600 Series: No

T3/T3 IP Series:

No [2]

1. Not 1403, 1603, 2402, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on

Release 2.1 and 3.0 DT software.

2. May have limited support on some specific T3 phone models if detailed below.


Avaya IP Office

Platform Short Code and Button Action Reference

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February 2015

Acquire Call

Acquire Call

See Call Steal.

AD Special Functions

Not supported. Provided for CTI emulation only. Allows a user to enter a special character (mark, pause suppress, wait) when entering an abbreviated dial.

Action: Emulation | AD Special Functions.

Action Data: None.

Default Label: Sfunc.

Toggles: No.

Status Indication: No.

User Admin: No.

Phone Support Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.

Analog: No

1100 Series: No

1200 Series: No

20 Series: Yes

2400 Series: Yes


3600 Series: No

4100 Series: No 6400 Series: Yes D100: No

4400 Series: Yes 7400 Series: No M-Series: No

T-Series: No

1400 Series: Yes


1600 Series: Yes


3700 Series: No

3810: Yes

4600 Series: Yes


9040: Yes

5400 Series: Yes 9500 Series: No

5600 Series: Yes


9600 Series: No

T3/T3 IP Series:


1. Not 1403, 1603, 2402, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on

Release 2.1 and 3.0DT software.

AD Special Function Mark

Not supported. Provided for CTI emulation only. Allows a user to enter a mark character when programming abbreviated dial.

Action: Emulation | AD Special Function Mark.

Action Data: None.

February 2015 Avaya IP Office

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Button Programming Actions

Default Label: Mark.

Toggles: No.

Status Indication: No.

User Admin: No.

Phone Support Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.

Analog: No

1100 Series: No

1200 Series: No

20 Series: Yes

2400 Series: Yes


3600 Series: No

4100 Series: No 6400 Series: Yes D100: No

4400 Series: Yes 7400 Series: No M-Series: No

T-Series: No

1400 Series: Yes


1600 Series: Yes


3700 Series: No

3810: Yes

4600 Series: Yes


9040: Yes

5400 Series: Yes 9500 Series: No

5600 Series: Yes


9600 Series: No

T3/T3 IP Series:


1. Not 1403, 1603, 2402, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on

Release 2.1 and 3.0DT software.

AD Special Function Wait

Not supported. Provided for CTI emulation only. Allows a user to enter a Wait for Dial Tone character when programming an abbreviated dial.

Action: Emulation | AD Special Function Wait.

Action Data: None.

Default Label: Wait.

Toggles: No.

Status Indication: No.

User Admin: No.

Phone Support Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.

Analog: No

1100 Series: No

20 Series: Yes

2400 Series: Yes


4100 Series: No 6400 Series: Yes D100: No

4400 Series: Yes 7400 Series: No M-Series: No

Table continues…


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February 2015

AD Suppress

1200 Series: No 3600 Series: No 4600 Series: Yes


9040: Yes

5400 Series: Yes 9500 Series: No

T3/T3 IP Series:


1400 Series: Yes


1600 Series: Yes



3700 Series: No

3810: Yes 5600 Series: Yes


9600 Series: No

1. Not 1403, 1603, 2402, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on

Release 2.1 and 3.0DT software.

AD Suppress

Suppresses the display of dialed digits on the telephone display. Dialed digits are replaced with an s character.

Action: Emulation | AD Suppress.

Action Data: None.

Default Label: Spres or Suppress Digits.

Toggles: Yes.

Status Indication: Yes.


- On.

- Off.

2400, 5400




4600, 5600







6400, 9500




Green on Red on

Off Off

9608, 9611 9621, 9641 T-Series,


Green on






User Admin: No.

Phone Support Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.

Analog: No

1100 Series: No

1200 Series: No

20 Series: Yes

2400 Series: Yes


3600 Series: No

4100 Series: No 6400 Series: Yes D100: No

4400 Series: Yes 7400 Series: No M-Series: No

4600 Series: Yes


9040: Yes T-Series: No

Table continues…

February 2015 Avaya IP Office

Platform Short Code and Button Action Reference


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Button Programming Actions

1400 Series: Yes


1600 Series: Yes


3700 Series: No

3810: Yes

5400 Series: Yes 9500 Series: Yes

T3/T3 IP Series:


5600 Series: Yes


9600 Series: Yes

1. Not 1403, 1603, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on Release 2.1

and 3.0DT software.

After Call Work

This button is used by users configured as a Customer Call Reporter (CCR) Agent (User |

Telephony | Supervisor Settings) and working with the CCR application. It shows the CCR agent their current After Call Work (ACW) status and allow them to manually change status. While in ACW state, the agent will not receive hunt group calls.

CCR Agents can be automatically put into and taken out of ACW by the system if the user is configured for Automatic After Call Work (User | Telephony | Supervisor Settings). Those users must have an After Call Work button.

Action: Advanced | Miscellaneous | After Call Work

Action Data: None.

Default Label: ACWrk or After Call Work.

Toggles: Yes.

Status Indication: Yes. Required.


- On.

- Off.

2400, 5400




4600, 5600







6400, 9500




Green on Red on

Off Off

9608, 9611 9621, 9641 T-Series,


Green on






User Admin: No.

Phone Support Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.

Analog: No 20 Series: No

1100 Series: Yes 2400 Series: Yes


4100 Series: No

4400 Series: No

6400 Series: No

7400 Series: No

D100: Yes

M-Series: Yes

Table continues…


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February 2015


1200 Series: Yes 3600 Series: No

1400 Series: Yes


1600 Series: Yes


3700 Series: No

3810: No

4600 Series: Yes


5400 Series: Yes


5600 Series: Yes


9040: No T-Series: Yes

9500 Series: Yes

T3/T3 IP Series:


9600 Series: Yes

1. Not 1403, 1603, 2402, 4601, 4602, 5402, 5601 and 5602.


Creates a call appearance button. This can be used to answer and make calls. Users with multiple call appearance buttons can handle multiple calls.

Call appearance functions, assigned to buttons that do not have status lamps or icons, are automatically disabled until the user logs in at a phone with suitable buttons.

Appearance buttons can be set with a ring delay if required or to not ring. This does not affect the visual alerting displayed next to the button. The delay uses the user's Ring Delay (User |

Telephony | Multi-line Options) setting.


Action: Appearance | Appearance.

Action Data: Optional text label.

Default Label: a=.

Toggles: No.

Status Indication: Yes, required. See “Call Appearance Button Indication” in Administering IP

Office with Manager.

User Admin: No.

Phone Support Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.

Analog: No 20 Series: No 4100 Series: Yes


6400 Series: Yes DM100: No

1100 Series: No

1200 Series: No

2400 Series: Yes 4400 Series: Yes 7400 Series: Yes


3600 Series: Yes

1400 Series: Yes 3700 Series: No

5400 Series: Yes

4600 Series: Yes

9040: Yes

9500 Series: Yes

M-Series: Yes [1]

T-Series: Yes [1]

T3/T3 IP Series:


February 2015 Avaya IP Office

Platform Short Code and Button Action Reference


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Button Programming Actions

1600 Series: Yes 3810: Yes 5600 Series: Yes 9600 Series: Yes

1. 4100 Series and 7400 Series phones support virtual call appearance button operation. This also applies to T7000, T7100, M7100 and M7100N phones and the Audio Conferencing Unit


Virtual Call Appearances

4100 Series and 7400 Series phones support virtual call appearance button operation. This also applies to T7000, T7100, M7100 and M7100N phones and the Audio Conferencing Unit (ACU).

Virtual call appearance operation is similar to an analog phone with call waiting enabled. However, it does not use the call waiting on/off settings, instead it uses call appearance buttons.

The number of virtual call appearances is set by the call appearance buttons programmed in the user's settings. These must be programmed as a single block start from button 1. It is recommended that only a maximum of 3 call appearances are used, however the user must have at least 1 call appearance programmed in order to make and receive calls.

Virtual Call Appearance Usability

If the user goes off-hook, they are connected to the alerting call if any, else to dial tone in order to make an outgoing call. This uses one of their virtual call appearance buttons.

With a call connected:

• If another call arrives on another virtual call appearance, the user will hear a call waiting tone on the set. The display, if the phone has one, will switch between details of the current and the waiting caller.

• If the user presses Hold, the connected call is placed on hold and:

If there are any available virtual call appearances, dial tone is heard. This allows the user to make a call or to use short codes that may affect the held or waiting calls. The following are some of the default short codes that can be used:

*26: Clear CW Drop the previous call and answer the waiting call.

*52: Clear Call Drop the previous call.

*47: Conference Add Start a conference between the user and any held calls.

• Else, if there is a call waiting, that call is answered.

• Else, if there is a call on hold, that call is reconnected.

If the user presses Release or Drop or goes on-hook during a call, the current call is ended and the user's phone returns to idle. If there is a waiting call, it starts ringing. The user can answer the call by going off hook or pressing Hold.

With the phone idle:

If the user goes off hook:

• The first alerting call appearance is answered if any.

• Else, the first idle call appearance is seized and the user hears dial tone.

• The user can press Holdto switch between virtual call appearances. This will answer or retrieve any call on next virtual call appearance or else hear dial tone to make a call.

With the phone idle but a call alerting:


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Platform Short Code and Button Action Reference

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February 2015

Automatic Callback

Going off-hook or pressing Hold will answer the call.

When all the users virtual call appearances are in use, they are busy to any further calls. Calls will follow forward on busy if set, else go to voicemail is available or else get busy indication.

The only other appearance button controls applied and supported are

Reserve Last CA This setting can be enabled for the extension user. When selected, the last available call appearance is reserved for outgoing calls only. For example, for a user with 3 call appearances, they return busy to any further calls when 2 virtual appearances are in use. The extension user can press hold to get dial tone on the reserved call appearance. An available call appearance is also required when using Feature 70 to initiate a call transfer.

Coverage Appearances Other users can have Coverage Appearance buttons set to provided coverage to the virtual call appearance user. The virtual appearance users Individual Coverage

Time setting is applied.

Automatic Callback

Sets a ringback on the extension being called. When the target extension ends its current call, the ringback user is rung (for their set No Answer Time) and if they answer, a new call is made to the target extension.

Ringback can also be cleared using the Cancel Ring Back When Free function.

Action: Emulation | Automatic Callback.

Action Data: None.

Default Label: AutCB or Auto Callback.

Toggles: Yes.

Status Indication: Yes.


- On.

- Off.

2400, 5400




4600, 5600







6400, 9500




Green on Red on

Off Off

9608, 9611 9621, 9641 T-Series,


Green on






User Admin: Yes.

Phone Support Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.

Analog: No 20 Series: Yes 4100 Series: No 6400 Series: Yes D100: Yes

Table continues…

February 2015 Avaya IP Office

Platform Short Code and Button Action Reference


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Button Programming Actions

1100 Series: Yes 2400 Series: Yes


1200 Series: Yes 3600 Series: No

4400 Series: Yes 7400 Series: No M-Series: Yes

1400 Series: Yes


1600 Series: Yes


3700 Series: No

3810: Yes

4600 Series: Yes


9040: Yes T-Series: Yes

5400 Series: Yes 9500 Series: Yes

T3/T3 IP Series:


5600 Series: Yes


9600 Series: Yes

1. Not 1403, 1603, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on Release 2.1

and 3.0DT software.

Automatic Intercom

Automatic intercom functions allow you to call an extension and have the call automatically answered on speaker phone after 3 beeps. The extension called must support a handsfree speaker.

If the extension does not have a handsfree microphone then the user must use the handset if they want to talk. If the extension is not free when called, the call is presented as a normal call on a call appearance button if available.

This feature can be used as part of handsfree announced transfers.

Action: Emulation | Automatic Intercom.

Action Data: User number or name.

This field can be left blank for number entry when pressed.

On large display phones, if configured without a preset target, this type of button will display an interactive button menu for target selection.

Default Label: Iauto or Auto Intercom.

Toggles: No.

Status Indication: No.

User Admin: No.

Phone Support Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.

Analog: No

1100 Series: No

1200 Series: No

20 Series: Yes

2400 Series: Yes


3600 Series: No

4100 Series: No 6400 Series: Yes D100: No

4400 Series: Yes 7400 Series: No M-Series: Yes

4600 Series: Yes


9040: Yes T-Series: Yes

Table continues…


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February 2015

Break Out

1400 Series: Yes


1600 Series: Yes


3700 Series: No

3810: Yes

5400 Series: Yes 9500 Series: Yes

T3/T3 IP Series:

No [2]

5600 Series: Yes


9600 Series: Yes

1. Not 1403, 1603, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on Release 2.1

and 3.0DT software.

2. May have limited support on some specific T3 phone models if detailed below.

T3 Phones:

Classic/Comfort icon: Displays followed by the set number.

DSS Link LED: None.

Break Out

This feature is usable within a system multi-site network. It allows a user on one system in the network to specify that the following dialing be processed by another system on the network as if the user dialed it locally on that other system.

On phones with a multi-line display, if the target system is not specified in the button settings, a menu of the available systems in the network is displayed from which a selection can be made.

Action: Advanced | Dial | Break Out.

Action Data: Optional. The system name or IP address of the required system can be specified. If no system name or IP address is set, on display phones a list of systems within the network is displayed when the button is pressed.

Default Label: BkOut or Breakout.

Toggles: No.

Status Indication: No.

User Admin: No.

Phone Support Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.

Analog: No

1100 Series: No

1200 Series: No

1400 Series: Yes


20 Series: Yes

2400 Series: Yes


4100 Series: No

3600 Series: Yes 4600 Series: Yes


3700 Series: No 5400 Series: Yes


6400 Series: Yes M-Series: No

4400 Series: Yes 7400 Series: No

9040: Yes

9500 Series: Yes

T-Series: No

T3/T3 IP Series:


Table continues…

February 2015 Avaya IP Office

Platform Short Code and Button Action Reference


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Button Programming Actions

1600 Series: Yes


3810: No 5600 Series: Yes


D100: No

1. Not 1403, 1603, 2402, 4601, 4602, 5402, 5601 and 5602 models.

Bridged Appearance

Creates an appearance button that follows the state of another user's call appearance button. The bridged appearance can be used to make and answer calls on behalf of the call appearance user.

The bridged appearance button user must also have at least one call appearance button programmed.

Bridged appearance functions, assigned to buttons that do not have status lamps or icons, are automatically disabled until the user logs in at a phone with suitable buttons.

Appearance buttons can be set with a ring delay if required or to not ring. This does not affect the visual alerting displayed next to the button. The delay uses the user's Ring Delay (User | Telephony

| Multi-line Options) setting.

Action: Appearance | Bridged Appearance.

Action Data: User name and call appearance button number.

Default Label: <user name><call appearance label>.

Toggles: No.

Status Indication: Yes. Required. See Bridge Appearance Button Indication.

User Admin: No.

Phone Support Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.

Analog: No

1100 Series: No

20 Series: No 4100 Series: No 6400 Series: Yes D100: No

2400 Series: Yes 4400 Series: Yes 7400 Series: No M-Series: Yes [1]

1200 Series: No

1400 Series: Yes 3700 Series: No

1600 Series: Yes

3600 Series: Yes 4600 Series: Yes 9040: Yes

3810: Yes

5400 Series: Yes 9500 Series: Yes

5600 Series: Yes 9600 Series: Yes

T-Series: Yes [1]

T3/T3 IP Series:


1. Not supported on T7000, T7100, M7100, M7100N and the Audio Conferencing Unit (ACU).


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Platform Short Code and Button Action Reference

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February 2015



Not used.

Busy On Held

When on, busy on held returns busy to new calls while the user has an existing call on hold. While this feature can be used by users with appearance keys, it is not recommended as this overrides the basic call handling intent of appearance keys.

Action: Advanced | Busy | Busy on Held.

Action Data: 1 for on, 0 for off.

Default Label: BusyH.

Toggles: No.

Status Indication: No.

User Admin: No.

Phone Support Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.

Analog: No

1100 Series: No

1200 Series: No

20 Series: Yes

2400 Series: Yes


3600 Series: No

4100 Series: No 6400 Series: Yes D100: No

4400 Series: Yes 7400 Series: No M-Series: No

T-Series: No

1400 Series: Yes


1600 Series: Yes


3700 Series: No

3810: Yes

4600 Series: Yes


9040: Yes

5400 Series: Yes 9500 Series: No

5600 Series: Yes


9600 Series: No

T3/T3 IP Series:


1. Not 1403, 1603, 2402, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on

Release 2.1 and 3.0DT software.

Call Forwarding All

Switches forward unconditional on and sets the forward number to the number specified or prompts the user to enter a number if none is specified.

Action: Emulation | Call Forwarding All.

February 2015 Avaya IP Office

Platform Short Code and Button Action Reference


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Button Programming Actions

Action Data: Telephone number or blank for entry when pressed.

If blank, user's with a log in code will be prompted to enter that code to use this function.

On large display phones, if configured without a preset target, this type of button will display an interactive button menu for target selection.

Default Label: CFrwd or Call Forward All.

Toggles: Yes.

Status Indication: Yes.


- On.

- Off.

2400, 5400




4600, 5600







6400, 9500




Green on Red on

Off Off

9608, 9611 9621, 9641 T-Series,


Green on






User Admin: No.

Phone Support Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.

Analog: No 20 Series: Yes

1100 Series: Yes 2400 Series: Yes


1200 Series: Yes 3600 Series: No

4100 Series: No 6400 Series: Yes D100: Yes

4400 Series: Yes 7400 Series: No M-Series: Yes

1400 Series: Yes


1600 Series: Yes


3700 Series: No

3810: Yes

4600 Series: Yes


5600 Series: Yes


9040: Yes T-Series: Yes

5400 Series: Yes 9500 Series: Yes

T3/T3 IP Series:


9600 Series: Yes

1. Not 1403, 1603, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on Release 2.1

and 3.0DT software.

Call Intrude

This feature allows you to intrude on the existing connected call of the specified target user. All call parties are put into a conference and can talk to and hear each other. A Call Intrude attempt to a user who is idle becomes a Priority Call.

The ability to intrude and be intruded is controlled by two configuration settings, the Can Intrude

(User | Telephony | Supervisor Settings) setting of the user intruding and the Cannot Be Intruded


Avaya IP Office

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February 2015

Call List

(User | Telephony | Supervisor Settings) setting of target being intruded on. The setting of any other internal party is ignored. By default, no users can intrude and all users are set to cannot be intruded.

The system support a range of other call intrusion methods in addition to this feature.

Action: Advanced | Call | Call Intrude.

Action Data: User number or blank for entry when pressed.

On large display phones, if configured without a preset target, this type of button will display an interactive button menu for target selection.

Default Label: Intru or Intrude.

Toggles: No.

Status Indication: No.

User Admin: No.

Phone Support Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.

Analog: No

1100 Series: No

1200 Series: No

20 Series: Yes

2400 Series: Yes


3600 Series: No

4100 Series: No 6400 Series: Yes D100: No

4400 Series: Yes 7400 Series: No M-Series: Yes

1400 Series: Yes


1600 Series: Yes


3700 Series: No

3810: Yes

4600 Series: Yes


5600 Series: Yes


9040: Yes T-Series: Yes

5400 Series: Yes 9500 Series: Yes

T3/T3 IP Series:


9600 Series: Yes

1. Not 1403, 1603, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on Release 2.1

and 3.0DT software.

Call List

This function is only supported for T3 phones. It provides access to a list of received calls.

Action: Advanced | Call | Call List.

Action Data: None.

Default Label: LIST.

Toggles: No.

Status Indication: Yes Required.

User Admin: No.

February 2015 Avaya IP Office

Platform Short Code and Button Action Reference


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Button Programming Actions

Phone Support This function is only supported for T3 phones.

T3 Phones:

Classic/Comfort icon: Displays LIST.

DSS Link LED: On when calls are in the list. Flashes when new calls are in the list.

Call Listen

This feature allows you to monitor another user's call without being heard. Monitoring can be accompanied by a tone heard by all parties. Use of the tone is controlled by the Beep on Listen setting on the System | Telephony | Tones & Music tab. The default for this setting is on. If enabled, this is the only indication of monitoring given to the monitored user. There is no phone display indication of monitoring.


The use of features to listen to a call without the other call parties being aware of that monitoring may be subject to local laws and regulations. Before enabling the feature you must ensure that you have complied with all applicable local laws and regulations. Failure to do so may result in severe penalties.

The use of call listen is dependant on:

The target being a member of the group set as the user's Monitor Group (User | Telephony |

Supervisor Settings). The user does not have to be a member of the group.

The ability to intrude and be intruded is controlled by two configuration settings, the Can Intrude

(User | Telephony | Supervisor Settings) setting of the user intruding and the Cannot Be Intruded

(User | Telephony | Supervisor Settings) setting of target being intruded on. The setting of any other internal party is ignored. By default, no users can intrude and all users are set to cannot be intruded.

This feature uses system conference resources. If insufficient conference resource are available it will not be possible to use this feature.

A number of features are supported for call listening:

• Users can be given privacy features that allow them to indicate that a call cannot be monitored.

See Private Calls.

• IP extensions can be monitored including those using direct media. Previously the monitoring of IP extensions could not be guaranteed.

• The monitoring call can be initiated even if the target user is not currently on a call and remains active until the monitoring user clears the monitoring call.

• The user who initiated the call listen can also record the call.

Intruding onto an a user doing silent monitoring (Call Listen) is turned into a silent monitoring call.

1400, 1600, 9500 and 9600 Series phones with a user button can initiate listening using that button if the target user meets the criteria for listening.


Avaya IP Office

Platform Short Code and Button Action Reference

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February 2015

Call Log

The system support a range of other call intrusion methods in addition to this feature.

Action: Advanced | Call | Call Listen.

Action Data: User number.

Default Label: Listn or Listen.

Toggles: No.

Status Indication: No.

User Admin: No.

Phone Support Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.

Analog: No

1100 Series: No

1200 Series: No

20 Series: Yes

2400 Series: Yes


3600 Series: No

4100 Series: No 6400 Series: Yes D100: No

4400 Series: Yes 7400 Series: No M-Series: Yes

1400 Series: Yes


1600 Series: Yes


3700 Series: No

3810: Yes

4600 Series: Yes


5600 Series: Yes


9040: Yes T-Series: Yes

5400 Series: Yes 9500 Series: Yes

T3/T3 IP Series:


9600 Series: Yes

1. Not 1403, 1603, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on Release 2.1

and 3.0DT software.

Call Log

This function provides access to a list of received calls.

Action: Advanced | Call | Call Log.

Action Data: None.

Default Label: Call Log.

Toggles: No.

Status Indication: No.

User Admin: No.

Phone Support This function is only supported on M-Series and T-Series phones with a display. Not supported on phones on a DECT systems.

February 2015 Avaya IP Office

Platform Short Code and Button Action Reference


Comments? [email protected]

Button Programming Actions

Call Park

Allows the user to park and unpark calls. The button can be used in two ways, either associated with a specified park slot number or unspecified.

When associated with a specific park slot number, the button will park and unpark calls from that park slot and indicate when a call is parked in that park slot. Similarly the Park buttons within application (for example SoftConsole and one-X Portal) can be used to park, retrieve and indicate parked calls.

When not associated with a specific park slot number, the button will park calls by assigning them a park slot number based on the users extension number. For example, for extension XXX, the first parked call is assigned to park slot XXX0, the next to XXX1 and so on up to XXX9. The button will indicate when there are parked calls in any of those slots. On the T7000 phone, only a single automatic part slot XXX0 is supported.

• With a call connected, pressing the button will park that call using a park slot number assigned by the system based on the extension number.

• With no call connected, pressing the button will display details of any calls parked by the extension and allow their retrieval.

Action: Emulation | Call Park.

Action Data: Optional. Either blank or a specific park slot number. Name ca

Park slot IDs can be up to 9 digits in length. Names can also be used for application park slots.

Default Label: CPark or Call Park.

Toggles: .

Status Indication: .

Status 2400, 5400



4600, 5600






6400, 9500




9608, 9611 9621, 9641 T-Series,

Green flash Red flash Green flash



Slow flash

- Calls parked by extension

- Call

Parked by other extension

- No parked calls





Red flash

Red on

Off Off

Red flash




Slow flash


User Admin: Yes.


Avaya IP Office

Platform Short Code and Button Action Reference

Comments? [email protected]

February 2015

Call Park and Page

Phone Support Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.

Analog: No

1100 Series: No

1200 Series: No

20 Series: Yes

2400 Series: Yes


3600 Series: No

4100 Series: No 6400 Series: Yes D100: No

4400 Series: Yes 7400 Series: No M-Series: Yes [2]

9040: Yes T-Series: Yes [2]

1400 Series: Yes


1600 Series: Yes


3700 Series: No

3810: Yes

5400 Series: Yes


4600 Series: Yes


5600 Series: Yes


9500 Series: Yes

T3/T3 IP Series:


9600 Series: Yes

1. Not 1403, 1603, 2402, 4601, 4602, 5402, 5601 and 5602.

2. M-Series/T-Series: The button is equivalent to Feature 74.

Call Park and Page

Parks the user's current call into the park slot number specified on the System | Telephony | Park

& Page tab, in the Central Park Range field.

On M/T-series phones, 14xx/16xx phones, and the 9504 phone, the user is presented with up to three Page Target Groups. On other 95xx/96xx phones, the Page action displays a scrolling list of possible Page Target Groups. The user may also directly enter a Page target number, or use the system Directory to find a Page target.

A call Parked within the Central Park Range (regardless of the origin of the Park action) can be retrieved by directly dialing the desired Central Park Range slot on which that call is Parked.

Action: Emulation | Call Park and Page.

Action Data: None.

Default Label: ParkPage

Toggles: No.

Status Indication: No.

User Admin: Yes.

Phone Support Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.

Analog: No 20 Series: No

1100 Series: Yes 2400 Series: No

1200 Series: Yes 3600 Series: No

4100 Series: No

4400 Series: No

5400 Series: No

6400 Series: No

7400 Series: No

9040: Yes

D100: No

M-Series: Yes [1]

T-Series: Yes [1]

Table continues…

February 2015 Avaya IP Office

Platform Short Code and Button Action Reference


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Button Programming Actions

1400 Series: Yes 3700 Series: No 4600 Series: No 9500 Series: Yes

T3/T3 IP Series:


9600 Series: Yes 1600 Series: Yes 3810: No 5600 Series: No

1. M-Series/T-Series: Feature 74 is equivalent to this button when a Central Park Range is defined. On an M7000 phone, if this feature is invoked, the call always attempts to Park on the highest defined Central Park Range slot. See the Call Park and Page short code description for details.

Call Park To Other Extension

Allows the user to park their current call against another user's extension. The parked call indication on that extension is then activated according to the telephone type.

If the target extension has a Call Park button with no specific park slot number, the parked call will be indicated by that button and can be unparked from the list of parked calls shown when that button is pressed.

The park slot number assigned to the parked call is based on the number of the extension parking the call. For example, calls parked by extension 201 are assigned the park slot ID 2010, 2011 and so on up to 2019 depending on the number of calls parked.

Action: Emulation | Call Park To Other Extension.

Action Data: User number. This field can be left blank for number entry when pressed.

On large display phones, if configured without a preset target, this type of button will display an interactive button menu for target selection.

Default Label: RPark or Call Park to Other.

Toggles: Yes .

Status Indication: Yes. This is the status indication on the extension parking the call.

Status 2400, 5400


- Parked call

- No parked call



4600, 5600







6400, 9500




9608, 9611 9621, 9641 T-Series,

Green flash Red flash Green flash


Off Off Off



Slow flash


User Admin: Yes.

Phone Support Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.


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Platform Short Code and Button Action Reference

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February 2015

Call Pickup

Analog: No

1100 Series: No

20 Series: Yes

2400 Series: Yes


3600 Series: No

4100 Series: No 6400 Series: Yes D100: No

4400 Series: Yes 7400 Series: No M-Series: Yes

1200 Series: No

1400 Series: Yes


1600 Series: Yes


3700 Series: No

3810: Yes

5400 Series: Yes


4600 Series: Yes


5600 Series: Yes


9040: Yes T-Series: Yes

9500 Series: Yes

T3/T3 IP Series:


9600 Series: Yes

1. Not 1403, 1603, 2402, 4601, 4602, 5402, 5601 and 5602.

Call Pickup

Answer an alerting call on the system.

Action: Emulation | Call Pickup.

Action Data: None.

Default Label: CpkUp or Call Pickup Any.

Toggles: No.

Status Indication: No.

User Admin: Yes.

Phone Support Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.

Analog: No

1100 Series: No

1200 Series: No

20 Series: Yes

2400 Series: Yes


3600 Series: No

4100 Series: No 6400 Series: Yes D100: No

4400 Series: Yes 7400 Series: No M-Series: Yes

1400 Series: Yes


1600 Series: Yes


3700 Series: No

3810: Yes

4600 Series: Yes


5600 Series: Yes


9040: Yes T-Series: Yes

5400 Series: Yes 9500 Series: Yes

T3/T3 IP Series:

No [2]

9600 Series: Yes

1. Not 1403, 1603, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on Release 2.1

and 3.0DT software.

2. T3 Phones: Displays a menu for entry of the extension number from which to pickup a call.

Classic/Comfort icon: Displays


DSS Link LED: None.

February 2015 Avaya IP Office

Platform Short Code and Button Action Reference


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Button Programming Actions

Call Pickup Any

Pick up the first available ringing call on the system.

Action: Advanced | Call | Call Pickup Any.

Action Data: None.

Default Label: PickA or Pickup Any.

Toggles: No.

Status Indication: No.

User Admin: No.

Phone Support Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.

Analog: No 20 Series: Yes

1100 Series: Yes 2400 Series: Yes


1200 Series: Yes 3600 Series: No

4100 Series: No 6400 Series: Yes D100: Yes

4400 Series: Yes 7400 Series: No M-Series: Yes

1400 Series: Yes


1600 Series: Yes


3700 Series: No

3810: Yes

4600 Series: Yes


5600 Series: Yes


9040: Yes T-Series: Yes

5400 Series: Yes 9500 Series: Yes

T3/T3 IP Series:

No [2]

9600 Series: Yes

1. Not 1403, 1603, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on Release 2.1

and 3.0DT software.

2. T3 Phones: Displays a list of call ringing from which the user can select a call to answer.

Classic/Comfort icon: Displays


DSS Link LED: None.

Call Pickup Group

Pick up a call ringing any hunt group of which the user is a member. The user can use this feature even if their membership of the group is currently set as disabled.

Action: Advanced | Call | Call Pickup Group.

Action Data: None.

Default Label: PickG or Pickup Group.

Toggles: No.

Status Indication: No.


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February 2015

Call Pickup Members

User Admin: No.

Phone Support Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.

Analog: No 20 Series: Yes

1100 Series: Yes 2400 Series: Yes


1200 Series: Yes 3600 Series: No

4100 Series: No 6400 Series: Yes D100: Yes

4400 Series: Yes 7400 Series: No M-Series: Yes

1400 Series: Yes


1600 Series: Yes


3700 Series: No

3810: Yes

4600 Series: Yes


9040: Yes T-Series: Yes

5400 Series: Yes 9500 Series: Yes

T3/T3 IP Series:

No [2]

5600 Series: Yes


9600 Series: Yes

1. Not 1403, 1603, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on Release 2.1

and 3.0DT software.

2. May have limited support on some specific T3 phone models as detailed below.

T3 Phones: Displays a list of calls ringing the hunt group from which the user can select which call to answer.

Classic/Comfort icon: Displays

followed by group name.

DSS Link LED: None.

M-Series/T-Series: The button is equivalent to Feature 75.

Call Pickup Members

This feature can be used to pick up any call to an extension that is a member of the hunt group specified. The call picked up does not have to be a hunt group call. The call picked up does not have to be a hunt group call. The function includes group members even if their membership of the group is currently disabled.

Action: Advanced | Call | Call Pickup Members.

Action Data: Group number or name.

Default Label: PickM or Pickup Members.

Toggles: No.

Status Indication: No.

User Admin: No.

Phone Support Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.

February 2015 Avaya IP Office

Platform Short Code and Button Action Reference


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Button Programming Actions

Analog: No

1100 Series: No

20 Series: Yes

2400 Series: Yes


3600 Series: No

4100 Series: No 6400 Series: Yes D100: No

4400 Series: Yes 7400 Series: No M-Series: Yes

1200 Series: No

1400 Series: Yes


1600 Series: Yes


3700 Series: No

3810: Yes

4600 Series: Yes


9040: Yes T-Series: Yes

5400 Series: Yes 9500 Series: Yes

T3/T3 IP Series:

No [2]

5600 Series: Yes


9600 Series: Yes

1. Not 1403, 1603, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on Release 2.1

and 3.0DT software.

2. May have limited support on some specific T3 phone models as detailed below.

T3 Phones: Displays a list of calls ringing the hunt group from which the user can select which call to answer.

Classic/Comfort icon: Displays

followed by group name.

DSS Link LED: None.

Call Queue

Transfer the call to the target extension if free or busy. If busy, the call is queued to wait for the phone to become free. This is similar to transfer except it allows you to transfer calls to a busy phone.

Action: Advanced | Call | Call Queue.

Action Data: User number.

Default Label: Queue.

Toggles: No.

Status Indication: No.

User Admin: No.

Phone Support Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.

Analog: No 20 Series: Yes

1100 Series: Yes 2400 Series: Yes


1200 Series: Yes 3600 Series: No

4100 Series: No 6400 Series: Yes D100: Yes

4400 Series: Yes 7400 Series: No M-Series: Yes

4600 Series: Yes


9040: Yes T-Series: Yes

Table continues…


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Platform Short Code and Button Action Reference

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February 2015

Call Record

1400 Series: Yes


1600 Series: Yes


3700 Series: No

3810: Yes

5400 Series: Yes 9500 Series: Yes

T3/T3 IP Series:


5600 Series: Yes


9600 Series: Yes

1. Not 1403, 1603, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on Release 2.1

and 3.0DT software.

Call Record

This feature allows you to record a conversation and requires Voicemail Pro to be installed. An advice of recording warning will be given if configured on the voicemail system. The recording is placed in the mailbox specified by the user's Manual Recording Mailbox setting. Call recording also requires available conference resources similar to a three-party conference.

Action: Advanced | Call | Call Record.

Action Data: None.

Default Label: Recor or Record.

Toggles: No.

Status Indication: Yes.

User Admin: No.

Phone Support Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.

Analog: No 20 Series: Yes

1100 Series: Yes 2400 Series: Yes


1200 Series: Yes 3600 Series: No

4100 Series: No 6400 Series: Yes D100: Yes

4400 Series: Yes 7400 Series: No M-Series: Yes

1400 Series: Yes


1600 Series: Yes


3700 Series: No

3810: Yes

4600 Series: Yes


9040: Yes T-Series: Yes

5400 Series: Yes 9500 Series: Yes

T3/T3 IP Series:


5600 Series: Yes


9600 Series: Yes

1. Not 1403, 1603, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on Release 2.1

and 3.0DT software.

February 2015 Avaya IP Office

Platform Short Code and Button Action Reference


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Button Programming Actions

Call Screening

This function is used to enable or disable call screening. While enabled, when a caller is presented to the user's voicemail mailbox, if the user's phone is idle they will hear through the phone's handsfree speaker the caller leaving the message and can select to answer or ignore the call.

This feature is supported on 1408, 1416, 1608, 1616, 9500 Series, 9600 Series, M7310, M7310N,

M7208, M7208N, M7324, M7324N, T7208, T7316 and T7316E phones. It can be used with both

Embedded Voicemail and Voicemail Pro.

Call screening is only applied as follows:

• It is only applied to calls that have audible alerted at the user's extension before going to voicemail. This requires the user to have both voicemail coverage and call screening enabled and the phone's ringer not set to silent. However it is not applied if the user transfers the call to voicemail.

• It is only applied if the user's phone is idle, ie. not on a call or with a call held pending transfer or conference.

• Calls that ring the user, are then rerouted (for example follow a forward on busy setting) and then return to the user's mailbox are screened.

While a call is being screened, the phone can be used to either answer or ignore the screened call.

Auto answer options are ignored.

Answering a screened call

A screened call can be answered by pressing the Answer soft key (if displayed) or lifting the handset. Pressing the call appearance or line button on which the call is indicated will also answer the call.

When answered:

• The phone's microphone is unmuted and a normal call between the user and caller now exists.

• The voicemail recording stops but that portion of the call already recorded is left as a new message in the user's mailbox.

Ignoring a screened call

A screened call can be ignored by pressing the Ignore soft key if displayed. On 1400, 1600, 9500 and 9600 Series phones, pressing the SPEAKER button will ignore the call. On M-Series and T-

Series phones, pressing the Release key will ignore the call.

When ignored:

• The call continues to be recorded until the caller hangs up or transfers out of the mailbox.

• The user's phone returns to idle with call screening still enabled. However any other call that has already gone to voicemail is not screened.

Screened call operation

While a call is being screened:

• The mailbox greeting played and the caller can be heard on the phone's speakerphone. The caller cannot hear the user.

• The user is regarded as being active on a call. They will not be presented with hunt group calls and additional personal calls use abbreviated ringing.


Avaya IP Office

Platform Short Code and Button Action Reference

Comments? [email protected]

February 2015

Call Screening

• 1400/1600/9500/9600 Series phones: If the phone's default audio path is set to headset or the phone is idle on headset, then the screened call is heard through the headset.

• Any additional calls that go to the user's mailbox when they are already screening a call, remain at the mailbox and are not screened even if the existing call being screened is ended.

• Making or answering another call while listening to a screened call is treated as ignoring the screened call. For users with Answer Pre-Select enabled (User | Telephony | Multi-line

Options), pressing an appearance button to display details of a call is also treated as ignoring the screened call.

• Other users cannot access a call that is being screened. For example they cannot use call pickup, bridged appearance or line appearance buttons, call intrude or call acquire functions.

• Phone based administration cannot be accessed and the hold, transfer and conference buttons are ignored.

• The screened caller using DTMF breakout ends the call screening.

Enabling do not disturb overrides call screening except for calls from numbers in the user's do not disturb exceptions list.

Locking the phone overrides call screening.

Manual call recording cannot be applied to a call being screened.

While a call is being screened, it uses one of the available voicemail channels. If no voicemail channels are available, call screening does not occur.


The use of features to listen to a call without the other call parties being aware of that monitoring may be subject to local laws and regulations. Before enabling the feature you must ensure that you have complied with all applicable local laws and regulations. Failure to do so may result in severe penalties.


Action: Advanced | Call | Call Screening.

Action Data: None.

Default Label: CallScreen or Call Screening.

Toggles: Yes.

Status Indication: Yes.


- On.

- Off.

2400, 5400




4600, 5600







6400, 9500




Green on Red on

Off Off

9608, 9611 9621, 9641 T-Series,


Green on






User Admin: No.

Phone Support Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.

February 2015 Avaya IP Office

Platform Short Code and Button Action Reference


Comments? [email protected]

Button Programming Actions

Analog: No

1100 Series: No

1200 Series: No

1400 Series: Yes


1600 Series: Yes


20 Series: No

2400 Series: No

3600 Series: No

3700 Series: No

3810: No

1. Not 1403, 1603, T7406E.

4100 Series: No

4400 Series: No

4600 Series: No

5400 Series: No

5600 Series: No

6400 Series: No

7400 Series: No

DM100: No

M-Series: Yes

9040: No T-Series: Yes [1]

9500 Series: Yes

T3/T3 IP Series:


9600 Series: Yes

Call Steal

This function can be used with or without a specified user target.

If the target has alerting calls, the function will connect to the longest waiting call.

If the target has no alerting calls but does have a connected call, the function will take over the connected call, disconnecting the original user. This usage is subject to the Can Intrude setting of the Call Steal user and the Cannot Be Intruded setting of the target.

If no target is specified, the function attempts to reclaim the user's last ringing or transferred call if it has not been answered or has been answered by voicemail.

Action: Advanced | Call | Call Steal.

Action Data: User number or blank for last call transferred.

Default Label: Aquir or Aquire.

Toggles: No.

Status Indication: No.

User Admin: No.

Phone Support Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.

Analog: No

1100 Series: No

1200 Series: No

20 Series: Yes

2400 Series: Yes


3600 Series: No

4100 Series: No 6400 Series: Yes D100: No

4400 Series: Yes 7400 Series: No M-Series: Yes

1400 Series: Yes


3700 Series: No

4600 Series: Yes


9040: Yes T-Series: Yes

5400 Series: Yes 9500 Series: Yes

T3/T3 IP Series:

No [2]


Avaya IP Office

Platform Short Code and Button Action Reference

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February 2015

Call Waiting Off

1600 Series: Yes


3810: Yes 5600 Series: Yes


9600 Series: Yes

1. Not 1403, 1603, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on Release 2.1

and 3.0DT software.

2. May have limited support on some specific T3 phone models if detailed below.

Call Waiting Off

Switches call waiting off for the user. This button function is obsolete. The Call Waiting On button function toggles on/off and indicates current status.

Action: Advanced | Call | Call Waiting Off.

Action Data: None.

Default Label: CWOff.

Toggles: No.

Status Indication: No.

User Admin: No.

Phone Support Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.

Analog: No

1100 Series: No

1200 Series: No

20 Series: Yes

2400 Series: Yes


3600 Series: No

4100 Series: No 6400 Series: Yes D100: No

4400 Series: Yes 7400 Series: No M-Series: No

T-Series: No

1400 Series: Yes


1600 Series: Yes


3700 Series: No

3810: Yes

4600 Series: Yes


9040: Yes

5400 Series: Yes 9500 Series: No

5600 Series: Yes


9600 Series: No

T3/T3 IP Series:

No [2]

1. Not 1403, 1603, 2402, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on

Release 2.1 and 3.0DT software.

2. May have limited support on some specific T3 phone models if detailed below.

Call Waiting On

Enables call waiting on the user's extension. When the user is on a call and another call arrives, they will hear a call waiting tone.

February 2015 Avaya IP Office

Platform Short Code and Button Action Reference


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Button Programming Actions


Call waiting does not operate for user's with call appearance buttons. See Call Waiting.


Action: Advanced | Call | Call Waiting On.

Action Data: None.

Default Label: CWOn or Call Waiting On.

Toggles: Yes.

Status Indication: Yes.


- On.

- Off.

2400, 5400




4600, 5600







6400, 9500




Green on Red on

Off Off

9608, 9611 9621, 9641 T-Series,


Green on






User Admin: No.

Phone Support Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.

Analog: No

1100 Series: No

1200 Series: No

20 Series: Yes

2400 Series: Yes


3600 Series: No

4100 Series: No 6400 Series: Yes D100: No

4400 Series: Yes 7400 Series: No M-Series: No

T-Series: No

1400 Series: Yes


1600 Series: Yes


3700 Series: No

3810: Yes

4600 Series: Yes


9040: Yes

5400 Series: Yes 9500 Series: No

5600 Series: Yes


9600 Series: No

T3/T3 IP Series:


1. Not 1403, 1603, 2402, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on

Release 2.1 and 3.0DT software.

Call Waiting Suspend

Disables call waiting, if on, for the duration of the extension's next call.

Action: Advanced | Call | Call Waiting Suspend.

Action Data: None.


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February 2015

Cancel All Forwarding

Default Label: CWSus.

Toggles: No.

Status Indication: No.

User Admin: No.

Phone Support Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.

Analog: No

1100 Series: No

1200 Series: No

20 Series: Yes

2400 Series: Yes


3600 Series: No

4100 Series: No 6400 Series: Yes D100: No

4400 Series: Yes 7400 Series: No M-Series: No

T-Series: No

1400 Series: Yes


1600 Series: Yes


3700 Series: No

3810: Yes

4600 Series: Yes


9040: Yes

5400 Series: Yes 9500 Series: No

5600 Series: Yes


9600 Series: No

T3/T3 IP Series:


1. Not 1403, 1603, 2402, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on

Release 2.1 and 3.0DT software.

Cancel All Forwarding

Cancels forward unconditional, forward on busy, forward on no answer, follow me and do not disturb if any of those are active on the user's extension.

Action: Advanced | Call | Cancel All Forwarding.

Action Data: None.

Default Label: FwdOf or Call Forward Off.

Toggles: No.

Status Indication: No.

User Admin: No.

Phone Support Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.

Analog: No

1100 Series: No

20 Series: Yes

2400 Series: Yes


4100 Series: No 6400 Series: Yes D100: No

4400 Series: Yes 7400 Series: No M-Series: Yes

Table continues…

February 2015 Avaya IP Office

Platform Short Code and Button Action Reference


Comments? [email protected]

Button Programming Actions

1200 Series: No

1400 Series: Yes


1600 Series: Yes


3600 Series: No

3700 Series: No

3810: Yes

4600 Series: Yes


5600 Series: Yes


9040: Yes T-Series: Yes

5400 Series: Yes 9500 Series: Yes

T3/T3 IP Series:


9600 Series: Yes

1. Not 1403, 1603, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on Release 2.1

and 3.0DT software.

Cancel Leave Word Calling

Not supported. Provided for CTI emulation only. Cancels the last Leave Word Calling message originated by the user.

Action: Emulation | Cancel Leave Word Calling.

Action Data: None.

Default Label: CnLWC.

Toggles: No.

Status Indication: No.

User Admin: No.

Phone Support Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.

Analog: No

1100 Series: No

1200 Series: No

20 Series: Yes

2400 Series: Yes


3600 Series: No

4100 Series: No 6400 Series: Yes D100: No

4400 Series: Yes 7400 Series: No M-Series: No

T-Series: No

1400 Series: Yes


1600 Series: Yes


3700 Series: No

3810: Yes

4600 Series: Yes


9040: Yes

5400 Series: Yes 9500 Series: No

5600 Series: Yes


9600 Series: No

T3/T3 IP Series:


1. Not 1403, 1603, 2402, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on

Release 2.1 and 3.0DT software.


Avaya IP Office

Platform Short Code and Button Action Reference

Comments? [email protected]

February 2015

Cancel Ring Back When Free

Cancel Ring Back When Free

Cancels any existing ring back set by the user, see Ring Back When Free. Note that the Ring Back

When Free button toggles to set or cancel ring back when free and also indicates the current status.

Action: Advanced | Miscellaneous | Cancel Ring Back When Free.

Action Data: None.

Default Label: RBak-.

Toggles: No.

Status Indication: No.

User Admin: No.

Phone Support Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.

Analog: No

1100 Series: No

1200 Series: No

20 Series: Yes

2400 Series: Yes


3600 Series: No

4100 Series: No 6400 Series: Yes D100: No

4400 Series: Yes 7400 Series: No M-Series: No

T-Series: No

1400 Series: Yes


1600 Series: Yes


3700 Series: No

3810: Yes

4600 Series: Yes


9040: Yes

5400 Series: Yes 9500 Series: No

5600 Series: Yes


9600 Series: No

T3/T3 IP Series:

No [2]

1. Not 1403, 1603, 2402, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on

Release 2.1 and 3.0DT software.

2. May have limited support on some specific T3 phone models if detailed below.

M-Series/T-Series: The button is equivalent to Feature #2.

Clear Call

This feature can be used to end the last call put on hold. This can be used in scenarios where a first call is already on hold and simply ending the second call will cause an unsupervised transfer of the first call.

Action: Advanced | Call | Clear Call.

Action Data: None.

Default Label: Clear.

Toggles: No.

February 2015 Avaya IP Office

Platform Short Code and Button Action Reference


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Button Programming Actions

Status Indication: No.

User Admin: No.

Phone Support Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.

Analog: No

1100 Series: No

1200 Series: No

20 Series: Yes

2400 Series: Yes


3600 Series: No

4100 Series: No 6400 Series: Yes D100: No

4400 Series: Yes 7400 Series: No M-Series: Yes

1400 Series: Yes


1600 Series: Yes


3700 Series: No

3810: Yes

4600 Series: Yes


9040: Yes T-Series: Yes

5400 Series: Yes 9500 Series: Yes

T3/T3 IP Series:


5600 Series: Yes


9600 Series: Yes

1. Not 1403, 1603, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on Release 2.1

and 3.0DT software.

Clear CW

End the user's current call and answer any call waiting. Requires the user to also have call waiting indication on. This function does not work for users with multiple call appearance buttons.

Action: Advanced | Call | Clear CW.

Action Data: None.

Default Label: ClrCW.

Toggles: No.

Status Indication: No.

User Admin: No.

Phone Support Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.

Analog: No

1100 Series: No

1200 Series: No

20 Series: Yes

2400 Series: Yes


3600 Series: No

4100 Series: No 6400 Series: Yes D100: No

4400 Series: Yes 7400 Series: No M-Series: No

T-Series: No

1400 Series: Yes


3700 Series: No

4600 Series: Yes


9040: Yes

5400 Series: Yes 9500 Series: No

T3/T3 IP Series:


Table continues…


Avaya IP Office

Platform Short Code and Button Action Reference

Comments? [email protected]

February 2015

Clear Hunt Group Night Service

1600 Series: Yes


3810: Yes 5600 Series: Yes


9600 Series: No

1. Not 1403, 1603, 2402, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on

Release 2.1 and 3.0DT software.

Clear Hunt Group Night Service

Changes the specified hunt group from Night Service mode to 'In Service' mode. This button function is obsolete. The Set Hunt Group Night Service function can be used to toggle a group in/out of service and provides lamp status indication.

Setting and clearing hunt group night service can be done using either manual controls or using a system time profile. The use of both methods to control the night service status of a particular hunt group is not supported.

This function is not supported between systems in a multi-site network. It can only be used by a user currently logged onto the same system as hosting the hunt group.

Action: Advanced | Call | Clear Hunt Group Night Service.

Action Data: Group number.

If left blank, the button will affect all hunt groups of which the user is a member.

The Set Hunt Group Night Service and Clear Hunt Group Night Service short code and button features can be used to switch an SSL VPN service off or on respectively. The service is indicated by setting the service name as the telephone number or action data. Do not use quotation marks.

Default Label: HGNS-.

Toggles: No.

Status Indication: No.

User Admin: No.

Phone Support Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.

Analog: No

1100 Series: No

1200 Series: No

20 Series: Yes

2400 Series: Yes


3600 Series: No

4100 Series: No 6400 Series: Yes D100: No

4400 Series: Yes 7400 Series: No M-Series: No

T-Series: No

1400 Series: Yes


3700 Series: No

4600 Series: Yes


9040: Yes

5400 Series: Yes 9500 Series: No

T3/T3 IP Series:


February 2015 Avaya IP Office

Platform Short Code and Button Action Reference


Comments? [email protected]

Button Programming Actions

1600 Series: Yes


3810: Yes 5600 Series: Yes


9600 Series: No

1. Not 1403, 1603, 2402, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on

Release 2.1 and 3.0DT software.

Clear Hunt Group Out Of Service

Changes the specified hunt groups status from Out of Service mode to 'In Service' mode. This button function is obsolete. The Set Hunt Group Out Of Service function can be used to toggle a group in/out of service and provides lamp status indication.

This function is not supported between systems in a multi-site network. It can only be used by a user currently logged onto the same system as hosting the hunt group.

Action: Advanced | Call | Clear Hunt Group Out of Service.

Action Data: Group number.

If left blank, the button will affect all hunt groups of which the user is a member.

Default Label: HGOS-.

Toggles: No.

Status Indication: No.

User Admin: No.

Phone Support Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.

Analog: No

1100 Series: No

1200 Series: No

20 Series: Yes

2400 Series: Yes


3600 Series: No

4100 Series: No 6400 Series: Yes D100: No

4400 Series: Yes 7400 Series: No M-Series: No

T-Series: No

1400 Series: Yes


1600 Series: Yes


3700 Series: No

3810: Yes

4600 Series: Yes


9040: Yes

5400 Series: Yes 9500 Series: No

5600 Series: Yes


9600 Series: No

T3/T3 IP Series:


1. Not 1403, 1603, 2402, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on

Release 2.1 and 3.0DT software.


Avaya IP Office

Platform Short Code and Button Action Reference

Comments? [email protected]

February 2015

Clear Quota

Clear Quota

Quotas can be assigned on outgoing calls to data services such as internet connections. The quota defines the number of minutes available for the service within a time frame set within the service, for example each day, each week or each month.

The Clear Quota function can be used to reset the quota for a specific service or for all services.

Action: Advanced | Call | Clear Quota.

Action Data: Service name" or "" (all services).

Default Label: Quota.

Toggles: No.

Status Indication: No.

User Admin: No.

Phone Support Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.

Analog: No

1100 Series: No

1200 Series: No

20 Series: Yes

2400 Series: Yes


3600 Series: No

4100 Series: No 6400 Series: Yes D100: No

4400 Series: Yes 7400 Series: No M-Series: No

T-Series: No

1400 Series: Yes


1600 Series: Yes


3700 Series: No

3810: Yes

4600 Series: Yes


9040: Yes

5400 Series: Yes 9500 Series: No

5600 Series: Yes


9600 Series: No

T3/T3 IP Series:


1. Not 1403, 1603, 2402, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on

Release 2.1 and 3.0DT software.

Coaching Intrusion

This feature allows the you to intrude on another user's call and to talk to them without being heard by the other call parties to which they can still talk. For example: User A is on a call with user B.

When user C intrudes on user A, they can hear users A and B but can only be heard by user A.

The ability to intrude and be intruded is controlled by two configuration settings, the Can Intrude

(User | Telephony | Supervisor Settings) setting of the user intruding and the Cannot Be Intruded

(User | Telephony | Supervisor Settings) setting of target being intruded on. The setting of any other internal party is ignored. By default, no users can intrude and all users are set to cannot be intruded.

February 2015 Avaya IP Office

Platform Short Code and Button Action Reference


Comments? [email protected]

Button Programming Actions


The use of features to listen to a call without the other call parties being aware of that monitoring may be subject to local laws and regulations. Before enabling the feature you must ensure that you have complied with all applicable local laws and regulations. Failure to do so may result in severe penalties.

The system support a range of other call intrusion methods in addition to this feature.

Action: Advanced | Call | Coaching Intrusion.

Action Data: User number or name or blank for entry when pressed.

Default Label: Coach or Coaching Intrusion.

Toggles: No.

Status Indication: No.

User Admin: No feedback provided..

Phone Support Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.

Analog: No.

1100 Series: No.

1200 Series: No.

1400 Series: Yes


1600 Series: Yes


20 Series: No.

2400 Series: No

3600 Series: No

3700 Series: No

3810: No

4100 Series: No

4400 Series: No

4600 Series: No

5400 Series: No

5600 Series: No

6400 Series: No

7400 Series: No

9040: No

D100: No

M-Series: No

T-Series: No

9500 Series: Yes

T3/T3 IP Series:


9600 Series: Yes

1. Not 1403, 1603.


This function is intend for use with Avaya M-Series and T-Series phones only. When pressed, the button invokes the same conference process as dialing Feature 3.

Action: Advanced | Call | Conference.

Action Data: None.

Default Label: Conf or Conference Add.

Toggles: No.

Status Indication: No.

User Admin: No.

Phone Support This function is only supported on Avaya M-Series and T-Series phones.


Avaya IP Office

Platform Short Code and Button Action Reference

Comments? [email protected]

February 2015

Conference Add

M-Series/T-Series: The button is equivalent to Feature 3.

Conference Add

Conference add controls can be used to place the user, their current call and any calls they have on hold into a conference. When used to start a new conference, the system automatically assigns a conference ID to the call. This is termed ad-hoc (impromptu) conferencing.

If the call on hold is an existing conference, the user and any current call are added to that conference. This can be used to add additional calls to an ad-hoc conference or to a meet-me conference. Conference add can be used to connect two parties together. After creating the conference, the user can drop from the conference and the two incoming calls remain connected.

For further details refer to the Conferencing section.

Action: Advanced | Call | Conference Add.

Action Data: None.

Default Label: Conf+ or Conference Add.

Toggles: No.

Status Indication: No.

User Admin: No.

Phone Support Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.

Analog: No

1100 Series: No

1200 Series: No

20 Series: Yes

2400 Series: Yes


3600 Series: No

4100 Series: No 6400 Series: Yes D100: No

4400 Series: Yes 7400 Series: No M-Series: Yes

1400 Series: Yes


1600 Series: Yes


3700 Series: No

3810: Yes

4600 Series: Yes


9040: Yes T-Series: Yes

5400 Series: Yes 9500 Series: Yes

T3/T3 IP Series:


5600 Series: Yes


9600 Series: Yes

1. Not 1403, 1603, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on Release 2.1

and 3.0DT software.

February 2015 Avaya IP Office

Platform Short Code and Button Action Reference


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Button Programming Actions

Conference Meet Me

Conference meet-me refers to features that allow a user or caller to join a specific conference by using the conference's ID number (either pre-set in the control or entered at the time of joining the conference).


Conference Meet Me features can create conferences that include only one or two parties.

These are still conferences that are using resources from the host system's conference capacity.

Conference ID Numbers

By default, ad hoc conferences are assigned numbers starting from 100 for the first conference in progress. Therefore, for conference Meet Me features specify a number away from this range ensure that the conference joined is not an ad hoc conference started by other users. It is not possible to join a conference using conference Meet Me features when the conference ID is in use by an ad-hoc conference.

User Personal Conference Number Each user's own extension number is treated as their own personal conference number. Only that user is able to start a conference using that number as the conference ID. Any one else attempting to start a conference with that number will find themselves in a conference but on hold until the owner also joins. Personal conferences are always hosted on the owner's system.


When a user calls from their mobile twinned number, the personal conference feature will only work if they access the conference using an FNE 18 service.

Multi-Site Network Conferencing

Meet Me conference IDs are now shared across a multi-site network. For example, if a conference with the ID 500 is started on one system, anyone else joining conference 500 on any system will join the same conference. Each conference still uses the conference resources of the system on which it was started and is limited by the available conference capacity of that system.

Previously separate conferences, each with the same conference ID, could be started on each system in a multi-site network.

Other Features

Transfer to a Conference ButtonA currently connected caller can be transferred into the conference by pressing TRANSFER, then the Conference Meet Me button and TRANSFER again to complete the transfer. This allows the user to place callers into the conference specified by the button without being part of the conference call themselves. This option is only support on Avaya phones with a fixed TRANSFER button (excluding T3 and T3 IP phones).

Conference Button Status Indication When the conference is active, any buttons associated with the conference ID indicate the active state.


Action: Advanced | Call | Conference Meet Me.

Action Data: Conference number. This can be an alphanumeric value up to 15 characters.


Avaya IP Office

Platform Short Code and Button Action Reference

Comments? [email protected]

February 2015

Conference Meet Me

User Personal Conference Number Each user's own extension number is treated as their own personal conference number. Only that user is able to start a conference using that number as the conference ID. Any one else attempting to start a conference with that number will find themselves in a conference but on hold until the owner also joins. Personal conferences are always hosted on the owner's system.


When a user calls from their mobile twinned number, the personal conference feature will only work if they access the conference using an FNE18 service.

Default Label: CnfMM <conference number> or Conf. Meet Me <conference number>.

Toggles: No.

Status Indication: Yes

Status 2400, 5400



4600, 5600






6400, 9500




Green on Red on

9608, 9611 9621, 9641 T-Series,


Green on




Conferenc e In Use


Conferenc e Idle


Off Off Off



For a Conference Meet Me configured to the user's own extension number, the indicator flashes red when the conference is in use but the user has not joined. There is also an abbreviated ring when the indicator changes to flashing red. It changes to solid red when the user joins.

User Admin: No.

Phone Support Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.

Analog: No

1100 Series:Yes

20 Series: Yes

2400 Series: Yes


1200 Series: Yes 3600 Series: No

4100 Series: No 6400 Series: Yes D100: Yes

4400 Series: Yes 7400 Series: No M-Series: Yes

1400 Series: Yes


1600 Series: Yes


3700 Series: No

3810: Yes

4600 Series: Yes


9040: Yes T-Series: Yes

5400 Series: Yes 9500 Series: Yes

T3/T3 IP Series:


5600 Series: Yes


9600 Series: Yes

1. Not 1403, 1603, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on Release 2.1

and 3.0DT software.

February 2015 Avaya IP Office

Platform Short Code and Button Action Reference


Comments? [email protected]

Button Programming Actions


Not supported. Provided for CTI emulation only.

Action: Emulation | Consult.

Action Data: None.

Default Label: Cnslt.

Toggles: No.

Status Indication: No.

User Admin: No.

Phone Support Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.

Analog: No

1100 Series: No

1200 Series: No

20 Series: Yes

2400 Series: Yes


3600 Series: No

4100 Series: No 6400 Series: Yes D100: No

4400 Series: Yes 7400 Series: No M-Series: No

T-Series: No

1400 Series: Yes


1600 Series: Yes


3700 Series: No

3810: Yes

4600 Series: Yes


9040: Yes

5400 Series: Yes 9500 Series: No

5600 Series: Yes


9600 Series: No

T3/T3 IP Series:


1. Not 1403, 1603, 2402, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on

Release 2.1 and 3.0DT software.

Coverage Appearance

Creates a button that alerts when a call to the specified covered user is unanswered after that users

Individual Coverage Timer expires.

The call coverage appearance button user must also have at least one call appearance button programmed. The covered user does not need to be using call appearance buttons.

Coverage appearance functions, assigned to buttons that do not have status lamps or icons, are automatically disabled until the user logs in at a phone with suitable buttons.

IP Office: Appearance buttons can be set with a ring delay if required or to not ring. This does not affect the visual alerting displayed next to the button. The delay uses the user's Ring Delay (User |

Telephony | Multi-line Options) setting.

Action: Appearance | Coverage Appearance.


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February 2015


Action Data: User name.

Default Label: <user name>.

Toggles: No.

Status Indication: Yes. See Coverage Button Indication.

User Admin: No.

Phone Support Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.

Analog: No

1100 Series: No

20 Series: No 4100 Series: No 6400 Series: Yes D100: No

2400 Series: Yes 4400 Series: Yes 7400 Series: No M-Series: Yes [1]

1200 Series: No 3600 Series: Yes 4600 Series: Yes 9040: Yes

1400 Series: Yes 3700 Series: No 5400 Series: Yes 9500 Series: Yes

T-Series: Yes [1]

T3/T3 IP Series:


1600 Series: Yes 3810: Yes 5600 Series: Yes 9600 Series: Yes

1. Not supported on T7000, T7100, M7100, M7100N and the Audio Conferencing Unit (ACU).


This action is used to dial the number contained in the Telephone Number field. A partial number can be enter for the user to complete. On buttons with a text label area, Dial followed by the number is shown.

Action Data: Telephone number or partial telephone number.

Default Label: Dial.

Toggles: No.

Status Indication: No.

User Admin: No.

Phone Support Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.

Analog: No

1100 Series: No

1200 Series: No

20 Series: Yes

2400 Series: Yes


3600 Series: No

4100 Series: No 6400 Series: Yes D100: No

4400 Series: Yes 7400 Series: No M-Series: Yes

1400 Series: Yes


3700 Series: No

4600 Series: Yes


9040: Yes T-Series: Yes

5400 Series: Yes 9500 Series: Yes

T3/T3 IP Series:

No [2]

Table continues…

February 2015 Avaya IP Office

Platform Short Code and Button Action Reference


Comments? [email protected]

Button Programming Actions

1600 Series: Yes


3810: Yes 5600 Series: Yes


9600 Series: Yes

1. Not 1403, 1603, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on Release 2.1

and 3.0DT software.

2. T3 Phones

Classic/Comfort icon: Displays the telephone number set.

DSS Link LED: None.

Dial 3K1

The call is presented to local exchange as a "3K1 Speech Call". Useful in some where voice calls cost less than data calls.

Action: Advanced | Dial | Dial 3K1.

Action Data: Telephone number.

Default Label: D3K1 or Dial 3K1.

Toggles: No.

Status Indication: No.

User Admin: No.

Phone Support Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.

Analog: No

1100 Series: No

1200 Series: No

20 Series: Yes

2400 Series: Yes


3600 Series: No

4100 Series: No 6400 Series: Yes D100: No

4400 Series: Yes 7400 Series: No M-Series: Yes

1400 Series: Yes


1600 Series: Yes


3700 Series: No

3810: Yes

4600 Series: Yes


9040: Yes T-Series: Yes

5400 Series: Yes 9500 Series: Yes

T3/T3 IP Series:


5600 Series: Yes


9600 Series: Yes

1. Not 1403, 1603, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on Release 2.1

and 3.0DT software.


Avaya IP Office

Platform Short Code and Button Action Reference

Comments? [email protected]

February 2015

Dial 56K

Dial 56K

The call presented to local exchange as a "Data Call".

Action: Advanced | Dial | Dial 56K.

Action Data: Telephone number.

Default Label: D56K or Dial 56K.

Toggles: No.

Status Indication: No.

User Admin: No.

Phone Support Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.

Analog: No

1100 Series: No

1200 Series: No

20 Series: Yes

2400 Series: Yes


3600 Series: No

4100 Series: No 6400 Series: Yes D100: No

4400 Series: Yes 7400 Series: No M-Series: Yes

1400 Series: Yes


1600 Series: Yes


3700 Series: No

3810: Yes

4600 Series: Yes


5600 Series: Yes


9040: Yes T-Series: Yes

5400 Series: Yes 9500 Series: Yes

T3/T3 IP Series:


9600 Series: Yes

1. Not 1403, 1603, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on Release 2.1

and 3.0DT software.

Dial 64K

The call is presented to local exchange as a "Data Call".

Action: Advanced | Dial | Dial 64K.

Action Data: Telephone number.

Default Label: D64K or Dial 64K.

Toggles: No.

Status Indication: No.

User Admin: No.

Phone Support Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.

February 2015 Avaya IP Office

Platform Short Code and Button Action Reference


Comments? [email protected]

Button Programming Actions

Analog: No

1100 Series: No

20 Series: Yes

2400 Series: Yes


3600 Series: No

4100 Series: No 6400 Series: Yes D100: No

4400 Series: Yes 7400 Series: No M-Series: Yes

1200 Series: No

1400 Series: Yes


1600 Series: Yes


3700 Series: No

3810: Yes

4600 Series: Yes


9040: Yes T-Series: Yes

5400 Series: Yes 9500 Series: Yes

T3/T3 IP Series:


5600 Series: Yes


9600 Series: Yes

1. Not 1403, 1603, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on Release 2.1

and 3.0DT software.

Dial CW

Call the specified extension number and force call waiting indication on if the extension is already on a call. The call waiting indication will not work if the extension called has multiple call appearance buttons in use.

Action: Advanced | Dial | Dial CW.

Action Data: User number.

Default Label: DCW or Dial Call Waiting.

Toggles: No.

Status Indication: No.

User Admin: No.

Phone Support Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.

Analog: No

1100 Series: No

1200 Series: No

20 Series: Yes

2400 Series: Yes


3600 Series: No

4100 Series: No 6400 Series: Yes D100: No

4400 Series: Yes 7400 Series: No M-Series: Yes

1400 Series: Yes


1600 Series: Yes


3700 Series: No

3810: Yes

4600 Series: Yes


9040: Yes T-Series: Yes

5400 Series: Yes 9500 Series: Yes

T3/T3 IP Series:


5600 Series: Yes


9600 Series: Yes

1. Not 1403, 1603, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on Release 2.1

and 3.0DT software.


Avaya IP Office

Platform Short Code and Button Action Reference

Comments? [email protected]

February 2015

Dial Direct

Dial Direct

Automatic intercom functions allow you to call an extension and have the call automatically answered on speaker phone after 3 beeps. The extension called must support a handsfree speaker.

If the extension does not have a handsfree microphone then the user must use the handset if they want to talk. If the extension is not free when called, the call is presented as a normal call on a call appearance button if available.

This feature can be used as part of handsfree announced transfers.

Action: Advanced | Dial | Dial Direct.

Action Data: User number or name or blank for entry when pressed.

If left blank, the Dial Direct button can be used with User buttons to specify the target.

Default Label: Dirct or Auto Intercom.

Toggles: No.

Status Indication: No.

User Admin: No.

Phone Support Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.

Analog: No

1100 Series: No

20 Series: Yes 3810: Yes

4100 Series: No

5600 Series: Yes


9600 Series: Yes

6400 Series: Yes D100: No 2400 Series: Yes


3600 Series: No 1200 Series: No

1400 Series: Yes


1600 Series: Yes


3700 Series: No

4400 Series: Yes 7400 Series: No M-Series: Yes

4600 Series: Yes


9040: Yes T-Series: Yes

5400 Series: Yes 9500 Series: Yes

T3/T3 IP Series:


1. Not 1403, 1603, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on Release 2.1

and 3.0DT software.

Dial Emergency

Dials the number specified regardless of any outgoing call barring applicable to the user.

Action: Advanced | Dial | Dial Emergency.

Action Data: Telephone number.

Default Label: Emrgy or Dial Emergency.

February 2015 Avaya IP Office

Platform Short Code and Button Action Reference


Comments? [email protected]

Button Programming Actions

Toggles: No.

Status Indication: No.

User Admin: No.

Phone Support Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.

Analog: No

1100 Series: No

1200 Series: No

20 Series: Yes

2400 Series: Yes


3600 Series: No

4100 Series: No 6400 Series: Yes D100: No

4400 Series: Yes 7400 Series: No M-Series: Yes

1400 Series: Yes


3700 Series: No

4600 Series: Yes


9040: Yes T-Series: Yes

5400 Series: Yes 9500 Series: Yes

T3/T3 IP Series:


1600 Series: Yes


3810: Yes 5600 Series: Yes


9600 Series: Yes

1. Not 1403, 1603, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on Release 2.1

and 3.0DT software.

Dial Inclusion

This feature allows you to intrude on another user's call to talk to them. Their current call is put on hold while you talk and automatically reconnected when you end the intrusion. The intruder and the target extension can then talk but cannot be heard by the other party. This can include intruding into a conference call, where the conference will continue without the intrusion target.

During the intrusion all parties hear a repeated intrusion tone. When the intruder hangs-up the original call parties are reconnected. Attempting to hold a dial inclusion call simply ends the intrusion. The inclusion cannot be parked.

The ability to intrude and be intruded is controlled by two configuration settings, the Can Intrude

(User | Telephony | Supervisor Settings) setting of the user intruding and the Cannot Be Intruded

(User | Telephony | Supervisor Settings) setting of target being intruded on. The setting of any other internal party is ignored. By default, no users can intrude and all users are set to cannot be intruded.

The system support a range of other call intrusion methods in addition to this feature.

Action: Advanced | Dial | Dial Inclusion.

Action Data: User number or name or blank for user selection when pressed.

On large display phones, if configured without a preset target, this type of button will display an interactive button menu for target selection.

Default Label: Inclu or Dial Inclusion.


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February 2015

Dial Intercom

Toggles: No.

Status Indication: No.

User Admin: No.

Phone Support Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.

Analog: No

1100 Series: No

1200 Series: No

20 Series: Yes

2400 Series: Yes


3600 Series: No

4100 Series: No 6400 Series: Yes D100: No

4400 Series: Yes 7400 Series: No M-Series: Yes

1400 Series: Yes


1600 Series: Yes


3700 Series: No

3810: Yes

4600 Series: Yes


5600 Series: Yes


9040: Yes T-Series: Yes

5400 Series: Yes 9500 Series: Yes

T3/T3 IP Series:


9600 Series: Yes

1. Not 1403, 1603, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on Release 2.1

and 3.0DT software.

Dial Intercom

Automatic intercom functions allow you to call an extension and have the call automatically answered on speaker phone after 3 beeps. The extension called must support a handsfree speaker.

If the extension does not have a handsfree microphone then the user must use the handset if they want to talk. If the extension is not free when called, the call is presented as a normal call on a call appearance button if available.

This feature can be used as part of handsfree announced transfers.

Action: Emulation | Dial Intercom.

Action Data: User number or name or blank for number entry when pressed.

On large display phones, if configured without a preset target, this type of button will display an interactive button menu for target selection.

Default Label: Idial or Auto Intercom.

Toggles: No.

Status Indication: No.

User Admin: No.

Phone Support Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.

February 2015 Avaya IP Office

Platform Short Code and Button Action Reference


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Button Programming Actions

Analog: No

1100 Series: No

20 Series: Yes

2400 Series: Yes


3600 Series: No

4100 Series: No 6400 Series: Yes D100: No

4400 Series: Yes 7400 Series: No M-Series: Yes

1200 Series: No

1400 Series: Yes


1600 Series: Yes


3700 Series: No

3810: Yes

4600 Series: Yes


9040: Yes T-Series: Yes

5400 Series: Yes 9500 Series: Yes

T3/T3 IP Series:

No [2]

5600 Series: Yes


9600 Series: Yes

1. Not 1403, 1603, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on Release 2.1

and 3.0DT software.

2. Limited support on some specific T3 phone models as detailed below.

T3 Phones:

Classic/Comfort icon: Displays followed by the set number.

DSS Link LED: None.

M-Series/T-Series: The button is equivalent to Feature 66 <number>.

Dial Paging

Makes a paging call to an extension or group specified. If no number is specified, this can be dialed after pressing the button. The target extension or group members must be free and must support handsfree auto-answer in order to hear the page.

On Avaya phones with a CONFERENCE button, a paged user can convert the page call into a normal call by pressing that button.

Action: Advanced | Dial | Dial Paging.

Action Data: User number or name or group number or name or blank for number entry when pressed.

Default Label: Page.

Toggles: No.

Status Indication: No.

User Admin: No.

Phone Support Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.

Analog: No 20 Series: Yes 4100 Series: No 6400 Series: Yes D100: No

Table continues…


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February 2015

Dial Physical Extn by Number

1100 Series: No 2400 Series: Yes


3600 Series: No

4400 Series: Yes 7400 Series: No M-Series: Yes

1200 Series: No

1400 Series: Yes


1600 Series: Yes


3700 Series: No

3810: Yes

4600 Series: Yes


9040: Yes T-Series: Yes

5400 Series: Yes 9500 Series: Yes

T3/T3 IP Series:

No [2]

5600 Series: Yes


9600 Series: Yes

1. Not 1403, 1603, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on Release 2.1

and 3.0DT software.

2. Limited support on some specific T3 phone models as detailed below.

T3 Phones:

Classic/Comfort icon: Displays followed by target number if set.

DSS Link LED: None.

The maximum recommended size for paging groups is 64 parties. This applies to IP500 V2,

Server Edition, and Enterprise Branch deployments.

Dial Physical Extn by Number

Call the specified extension using its Base Extension number setting. This is regardless of the current user logged in at that extension and any forwarding, follow me or do not disturb settings applied by the extension user. This function requires the extension to be assigned a default extension number in the system configuration. If the extension does not have a default extension number, Dial Physical Extn by Id should be used.

Action: Advanced | Dial | Dial Physical Extn by Number.

Action Data: Extension port base extension number.

Default Label: PhyEx or Dial Physical Extn.

Toggles: No.

Status Indication: No.

User Admin: No.

Phone Support Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.

Analog: No

1100 Series: No

20 Series: Yes

2400 Series: Yes


4100 Series: No 6400 Series: Yes D100: No

4400 Series: Yes 7400 Series: No M-Series: Yes

Table continues…

February 2015 Avaya IP Office

Platform Short Code and Button Action Reference


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Button Programming Actions

1200 Series: No

1400 Series: Yes


1600 Series: Yes


3600 Series: No

3700 Series: No

3810: Yes

4600 Series: Yes


5600 Series: Yes


9040: Yes T-Series: Yes

5400 Series: Yes 9500 Series: Yes

T3/T3 IP Series:


9600 Series: Yes

1. Not 1403, 1603, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on Release 2.1

and 3.0DT software.

Dial Physical Number by ID

Call the specified extension, if free, regardless of the current user logged in at that extension and any forwarding, follow me or do not disturb settings applied by the extension user. This function uses the port ID shown in the system configuration.

Action: Advanced | Dial | Dial Physical Extn by Id.

Action Data: Extension port ID number.

Default Label: DialP or Dial Extn by Id.

Toggles: No.

Status Indication: No.

User Admin: No.

Phone Support Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.

Analog: No

1100 Series: No

1200 Series: No

20 Series: Yes

2400 Series: Yes


3600 Series: No

4100 Series: No 6400 Series: Yes D100: No

4400 Series: Yes 7400 Series: No M-Series: Yes

1400 Series: Yes


1600 Series: Yes


3700 Series: No

3810: Yes

4600 Series: Yes


9040: Yes T-Series: Yes

5400 Series: Yes 9500 Series: Yes

T3/T3 IP Series:


5600 Series: Yes


9600 Series: Yes

1. Not 1403, 1603, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on Release 2.1

and 3.0DT software.


Avaya IP Office

Platform Short Code and Button Action Reference

Comments? [email protected]

February 2015

Dial Speech

Dial Speech

This feature allows a short code to be created to force the outgoing call to use the Speech bearer capability.

Action: Advanced | Dial | Dial Speech.

Action Data: Telephone number.

Default Label: DSpch or Dial Speech.

Toggles: No.

Status Indication: No.

User Admin: No.

Phone Support Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.

Analog: No

1100 Series: No

1200 Series: No

20 Series: Yes

2400 Series: Yes


3600 Series: No

4100 Series: No 6400 Series: Yes D100: No

4400 Series: Yes 7400 Series: No M-Series: Yes

1400 Series: Yes


1600 Series: Yes


3700 Series: No

3810: Yes

4600 Series: Yes


5600 Series: Yes


9040: Yes T-Series: Yes

5400 Series: Yes 9500 Series: Yes

T3/T3 IP Series:


9600 Series: Yes

1. Not 1403, 1603, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on Release 2.1

and 3.0DT software.

Dial V110

The call is presented to local exchange as a "Data Call".

Action: Advanced | Dial | Dial V110.

Action Data: Telephone number.

Default Label: DV110 or Dial V110.

Toggles: No.

Status Indication: No.

User Admin: No.

February 2015 Avaya IP Office

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Button Programming Actions

Phone Support Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.

Analog: No

1100 Series: No

1200 Series: No

20 Series: Yes

2400 Series: Yes


3600 Series: No

4100 Series: No 6400 Series: Yes D100: No

4400 Series: Yes 7400 Series: No M-Series: Yes

1400 Series: Yes


1600 Series: Yes


3700 Series: No

3810: Yes

4600 Series: Yes


5600 Series: Yes


9040: Yes T-Series: Yes

5400 Series: Yes 9500 Series: Yes

T3/T3 IP Series:


9600 Series: Yes

1. Not 1403, 1603, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on Release 2.1

and 3.0DT software.

Dial V120

The call is presented to local exchange as a "Data Call".

Action: Advanced | Dial | Dial V120.

Action Data: Telephone number.

Default Label: DV120 or Dial V120.

Toggles: No.

Status Indication: No.

User Admin: No.

Phone Support Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.

Analog: No

1100 Series: No

1200 Series: No

20 Series: Yes

2400 Series: Yes


3600 Series: No

4100 Series: No 6400 Series: Yes D100: No

4400 Series: Yes 7400 Series: No M-Series: Yes

1400 Series: Yes


1600 Series: Yes


3700 Series: No

3810: Yes

4600 Series: Yes


9040: Yes T-Series: Yes

5400 Series: Yes 9500 Series: Yes

T3/T3 IP Series:


5600 Series: Yes


9600 Series: Yes

1. Not 1403, 1603, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on Release 2.1

and 3.0DT software.


Avaya IP Office

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February 2015

Display Msg

Display Msg

Allows the sending of text messages to digital phones on the local system.

Action: Advanced | Dial | Display Msg.

Action Data: The telephone number takes the format N";T" where:

N is the target extension.

T is the text message. Note that the "; before the text and the " after the text are required.

Default Label: Displ.

Toggles: No.

Status Indication: No.

User Admin: No.

Phone Support Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.

Analog: No

1100 Series: No

1200 Series: No

20 Series: Yes

2400 Series: Yes


3600 Series: No

4100 Series: No 6400 Series: Yes D100: No

4400 Series: Yes 7400 Series: No M-Series: Yes

T-Series: Yes

1400 Series: Yes


1600 Series: Yes


3700 Series: No

3810: Yes

4600 Series: Yes


9040: Yes

5400 Series: Yes 9500 Series: No

5600 Series: Yes


9600 Series: No

T3/T3 IP Series:


1. Not 1403, 1603, 2402, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on

Release 2.1 and 3.0DT software.

Dial Video

The call is presented to the local exchange as a "Video Call".

Action: Advanced | Dial | Dial Video.

Action Data: Telephone number.

Default Label: Dvide or Dial Video.

Toggles: No.

Status Indication: No.

User Admin: No.

February 2015 Avaya IP Office

Platform Short Code and Button Action Reference


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Button Programming Actions

Phone Support Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.

Analog: No

1100 Series: No

1200 Series: No

20 Series: Yes

2400 Series: Yes


3600 Series: No

4100 Series: No 6400 Series: Yes D100: No

4400 Series: Yes 7400 Series: No M-Series: Yes

1400 Series: Yes


1600 Series: Yes


3700 Series: No

3810: Yes

4600 Series: Yes


5600 Series: Yes


9040: Yes T-Series: Yes

5400 Series: Yes 9500 Series: Yes

T3/T3 IP Series:


9600 Series: Yes

1. Not 1403, 1603, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on Release 2.1

and 3.0DT software.

Directed Call Pickup

Pickup a call ringing at a specific extension or hunt group.

Action: Emulation | Directed Pickup.

Action Data: User number or name or group number or name or blank for number entry when pressed.

On large display phones, if configured without a preset target, this type of button will display an interactive button menu for target selection.

Default Label: DpkUp or Call Pickup.

Toggles: No.

Status Indication: No.

User Admin: No.

Phone Support Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.

Analog: No 20 Series: Yes

1100 Series: Yes 2400 Series: Yes


1200 Series: Yes 3600 Series: No

4100 Series: No 6400 Series: Yes D100: Yes

4400 Series: Yes 7400 Series: No M-Series: Yes

1400 Series: Yes


3700 Series: No

4600 Series: Yes


9040: Yes T-Series: Yes

5400 Series: Yes 9500 Series: Yes

T3/T3 IP Series:

No [2]


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February 2015


1600 Series: Yes


3810: Yes 5600 Series: Yes


9600 Series: Yes

1. Not 1403, 1603, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on Release 2.1

and 3.0DT software.

2. Limited support on some specific T3 phone models as detailed below.

M-Series/T-Series: The button is equivalent to Feature 76.


A Dir button provides access to various directories and allows telephone number selection by dialed name matching. The directories available for searching depend on the phone type, see User

Directory Access. Once they user has selected a directory, dialing on the dial pad letter keys is used to display matching names, with controls for scrolling through the matching names and for calling the currently displayed name.

The method of name matching is controlled by the Dial by Name (System | Telephony | Telephony) setting in the system configuration:

With Dial By Name on Matching is done against all the dial keys pressed. For example, dialing 527 matches names starting with JAS (for example "Jason") and KAR (for example

"Karl"). Only the first 50 matches are displayed.

With Dial By Name off Matching is done against the first letter only. For example pressing 5 displays names beginning with J. Press 5 again displays names beginning with K. Only the first

50 matches are displayed. This mode is not supported by Release 5.0+.

Name dialing functions on the system assume that the phone is using the standard ITU keypad as follows:

Dialing Spaces

To enter a name with a space, the 0 key is used for the space. For example "John S..." is dialed as



Action: Emulation | Directory.

February 2015 Avaya IP Office

Platform Short Code and Button Action Reference


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Button Programming Actions

Action Data: None.

Default Label: Dir.

Toggles: No.

Status Indication: No.

User Admin: No.

Phone Support Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.

Analog: No

1400 Series: No

1600 Series: Yes


20 Series: Yes

2400 Series: Yes


3600 Series: No

3700 Series: No

5400 Series: Yes


4600 Series: Yes


9040: No

9500 Series: No

3810: Yes 5600 Series: Yes


9600 Series: No

4100 Series: No 6400 Series: Yes M-Series: Yes

4400 Series: Yes 7400 Series: No T-Series: Yes [1]

T3/T3 IP Series:


1. Not 1603, 2402, 4601, 4602, 5402, 5601, 5602 and T7100 models.

T3 Phones:

Classic/Comfort icon: Displays .

DSS Link LED: None.

Do Not Disturb Exception Add

Adds a number to the user's "Do Not Disturb Exception List". This can be the number of an internal user or a number to match the CLI of a particular external caller.Calls from that number, except hunt group calls, will ignore the user's Do Not Disturb setting. For further details see Do Not Disturb


Action: Advanced | Do Not Disturb | Do Not Disturb Exception Add.

Action Data: Telephone number or CLI. Up to 31 characters. For CLI numbers any prefix added by the system must also be included.

Default Label: DNDX+.

Toggles: No.

Status Indication: No.

User Admin: No.

Phone Support Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.


Avaya IP Office

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Comments? [email protected]

February 2015

Do Not Disturb Exception Delete

Analog: No 20 Series: Yes

1100 Series: Yes 2400 Series: Yes


1200 Series: Yes 3600 Series: No

4100 Series: No 6400 Series: Yes D100: Yes

4400 Series: Yes 7400 Series: No M-Series: No

4600 Series: Yes


9040: Yes

5400 Series: Yes 9500 Series: No

T-Series: No

1400 Series: Yes


1600 Series: Yes


3700 Series: No

3810: Yes 5600 Series: Yes


9600 Series: No

T3/T3 IP Series:


1. Not 1403, 1603, 2402, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on

Release 2.1 and 3.0DT software.

Do Not Disturb Exception Delete

Removes a number from the user's "Do Not Disturb Exception List". This can be the number of an internal user or a number to match the CLI of a particular external caller.

Action: Advanced | Do Not Disturb | Do Not Disturb Exception Delete.

Action Data: Telephone number or CLI.

Default Label: DNDX-.

Toggles: No.

Status Indication: No.

User Admin: No.

Phone Support Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.

Analog: No 20 Series: Yes

1100 Series: Yes 2400 Series: Yes


1200 Series: Yes 3600 Series: No

4100 Series: No 6400 Series: Yes D100: Yes

4400 Series: Yes 7400 Series: No M-Series: No

T-Series: No

1400 Series: Yes


1600 Series: Yes


3700 Series: No

3810: Yes

4600 Series: Yes


9040: Yes

5400 Series: Yes 9500 Series: No

5600 Series: Yes


9600 Series: No

T3/T3 IP Series:


1. Not 1403, 1603, 2402, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on

Release 2.1 and 3.0DT software.

February 2015 Avaya IP Office

Platform Short Code and Button Action Reference


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Button Programming Actions

Do Not Disturb Off

Cancels the user's 'do not disturb' mode if set. This button function is obsolete as the do not disturb on function toggles on/off and indicates the button status.

Action: Advanced | Do Not Disturb | Do Not Disturb Off.

Action Data: None.

Default Label: DNDOf.

Toggles: No.

Status Indication: No.

User Admin: No.

Phone Support Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.

Analog: No 20 Series: Yes

1100 Series: Yes 2400 Series: Yes


1200 Series: Yes 3600 Series: No

4100 Series: No 6400 Series: Yes D100: Yes

4400 Series: Yes 7400 Series: No M-Series: No

T-Series: No

1400 Series: Yes


1600 Series: Yes


3700 Series: No

3810: Yes

4600 Series: Yes


9040: Yes

5400 Series: Yes 9500 Series: No

5600 Series: Yes


9600 Series: No

T3/T3 IP Series:

No [2]

1. Not 1403, 1603, 2402, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on

Release 2.1 and 3.0DT software.

2. Limited support on some specific T3 phone models as detailed below.

M-Series/T-Series: The button is equivalent to Feature #85.

Do Not Disturb On

Enables the user's 'do not disturb' mode.

For CCR Agents, using this function button on the following phones will be requested the user to select a reason code - 1400, 1600, 2400, 4600, 5400, 5600, 9500 and 9600 Series phones with available programmable buttons.

Action: Advanced | Do Not Disturb | Do Not Disturb On.

Action Data: None.

Default Label: DNDOn or Do Not Disturb.


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February 2015


Toggles: No.

Status Indication: No.

User Admin: No.

Phone Support Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.

Analog: No 20 Series: Yes

1100 Series: Yes 2400 Series: Yes


1200 Series: Yes 3600 Series: No

4100 Series: No 6400 Series: Yes D100: Yes

4400 Series: Yes 7400 Series: No M-Series: Yes

1400 Series: Yes


1600 Series: Yes


3700 Series: No

3810: Yes

4600 Series: Yes


5600 Series: Yes


9040: Yes T-Series: Yes

5400 Series: Yes 9500 Series: Yes

T3/T3 IP Series:

No [2]

9600 Series: Yes

1. Not 1403, 1603, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on Release 2.1

and 3.0DT software.

2. Limited support on some specific T3 phone models as detailed below.

M-Series/T-Series: The button is equivalent to Feature 85.


This action is supported on phones which do not have a permanent Drop button.

For a currently connected call, pressing Drop disconnects the call. When drop is used to end a call, silence is returned to the user rather than dial tone. This is intended operation, reflecting that Drop is mainly intended for use by call center headset users.

If the user has no currently connected call, pressing Drop will redirect a ringing call using the user's

Forward on No Answer setting if set or otherwise to voicemail if available.

For a conference call, on phones with a suitable display, Drop can be used to display the conference parties and allow selection of which party to drop from the conference.

Action: Emulation | Drop.

Action Data: None.

Default Label: Drop or Drop Call.

Toggles: No.

Status Indication: No.

User Admin: .

February 2015 Avaya IP Office

Platform Short Code and Button Action Reference


Comments? [email protected]

Button Programming Actions

Phone Support Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.

Analog: No

1100 Series: No

1200 Series: No

1400 Series: No

1600 Series: No

20 Series: Yes

2400 Series: No

3600 Series: No

3700 Series: No

3810: Yes

4100 Series: No 6400 Series: No

4400 Series: Yes 7400 Series: No

DM100: No

M-Series: No

5400 Series: Yes 9040: Yes T-Series: No

4600 Series: Yes 9500 Series: Yes

T3/T3 IP Series:


5600 Series: Yes 9600 Series: Yes

Extn Login

Extn Login allows a user who has been configured with a Login Code (User | Telephony |

Supervisor Settings) to take over ownership of any extension. That user's extension number becomes the extension number of the extension while they are logged.

When used, the user will be prompted to enter their extension number and then their log in code.

Login codes of up to 15 digits are supported with Extn Login buttons. Login codes of up to 31 digits are supported with Extn Login short codes.

When a user logs in, as many of their user settings as possible are applied to the extension. The range of settings applied depends on the phone type and on the system configuration.

By default, on 1400 Series, 1600 Series, 9500 Series and 9600 Series phones, the user's call log and personal directory are accessible while they are logged in. This also applied to M-Series and T-

Series telephones.

On other types of phone, those items such as call logs and speed dials are typically stored locally by the phone and will not change when users log in and log out.

If the user logging in was already logged in or associated with another phone, they will be automatically logged out that phone.

Action: Advanced | Extension | Extn Login.

Action Data: None.

Default Label: Login.

Toggles: Yes.

Status Indication: Yes.

Status 2400, 5400


4600, 5600





6400, 9500




9608, 9611 9621, 9641 T-Series,


Table continues…


Avaya IP Office

Platform Short Code and Button Action Reference

Comments? [email protected]

February 2015

Extn Logout

- On.

- Off.





Green on Red on

Off Off

Green on






User Admin: No.

Phone Support Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.

Analog: No 20 Series: Yes

1100 Series: Yes 2400 Series: Yes


1200 Series: Yes 3600 Series: No

4100 Series: No 6400 Series: Yes D100: Yes

4400 Series: Yes 7400 Series: No M-Series: Yes

1400 Series: Yes


1600 Series: Yes


3700 Series: No

3810: Yes

4600 Series: Yes


9040: Yes T-Series: Yes

5400 Series: Yes 9500 Series: Yes

T3/T3 IP Series:


5600 Series: Yes


9600 Series: Yes

1. Not 1403, 1603, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on Release 2.1

and 3.0DT software.

Extn Logout

Logs out a user from the phone. The phone will return to its normal default user, if an extension number is set against the physical extension settings in the configuration. Otherwise it takes the setting of the NoUser user. This action is obsolete as Extn Login can be used to log out an existing logged in user.

If the user who logged out was the default user for an extension, dialing *36 will associate the extension with the user unless they are set to forced log in.

This feature cannot be used by a user who does not have a log in code.

Action: Advanced | Extension | Extn Logout.

Action Data: None.

Default Label: Logof or Logout.

Toggles: No.

Status Indication: No.

User Admin: No.

Phone Support Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.

February 2015 Avaya IP Office

Platform Short Code and Button Action Reference


Comments? [email protected]

Button Programming Actions

Analog: No 20 Series: Yes

1100 Series: Yes 2400 Series: Yes


1200 Series: Yes 3600 Series: No

4100 Series: No 6400 Series: Yes D100: Yes

4400 Series: Yes 7400 Series: No M-Series: Yes

1400 Series: Yes


1600 Series: Yes


3700 Series: No

3810: Yes

4600 Series: Yes


9040: Yes T-Series: Yes

5400 Series: Yes 9500 Series: Yes

T3/T3 IP Series:


5600 Series: Yes


9600 Series: Yes

1. Not 1403, 1603, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on Release 2.1

and 3.0DT software.

2. May have limited support on some specific T3 phone models if detailed below.

Flash Hook

Sends a hook flash signal to the currently connected line if that line is an analog line.

Action: Advanced | Miscellaneous | Flash Hook.

Action Data: Optional. Normally this field is left blank. It can contain the destination number for a

Centrex Transfer for external calls on a line from a Centrex service provider.

Default Label: Flash or Flash Hook.

Toggles: No.

Status Indication: No.

User Admin: No.

Phone Support Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.

Analog: No

1100 Series: No

1200 Series: No

20 Series: Yes

2400 Series: Yes


3600 Series: No

4100 Series: No 6400 Series: Yes D100: No

4400 Series: Yes 7400 Series: No M-Series: Yes

1400 Series: Yes


1600 Series: Yes


3700 Series: No

3810: Yes

4600 Series: Yes


9040: Yes T-Series: Yes

5400 Series: Yes 9500 Series: Yes

T3/T3 IP Series:


5600 Series: Yes


9600 Series: Yes

1. Not 1403, 1603, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on Release 2.1

and 3.0DT software.


Avaya IP Office

Platform Short Code and Button Action Reference

Comments? [email protected]

February 2015

Follow Me Here

Follow Me Here

Causes calls to the extension number specified, to be redirected to this user's extension. User's with a log in code will be prompted to enter that code when using this function.

Action: Advanced | Follow Me | Follow Me Here.

Action Data: User name or user number.

If a user name or user number has been entered in the Action Data field, when the interactive menu opens, press Enterto activate Follow Me Here for the number displayed on the screen.

This field can be left blank for number entry when pressed.

On large display phones, if configured without a preset target, this type of button will display an interactive button menu for target selection.

Default Label: Here+ or Follow Me Here.

Toggles: No.

Status Indication: No.

User Admin: No.

Phone Support Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.

Analog: No 20 Series: Yes

1100 Series: Yes 2400 Series: Yes


1200 Series: Yes 3600 Series: No

4100 Series: No 6400 Series: Yes D100: Yes

4400 Series: Yes 7400 Series: No M-Series: Yes

1400 Series: Yes


1600 Series: Yes


3700 Series: No

3810: Yes

4600 Series: Yes


5600 Series: Yes


9040: Yes T-Series: Yes

5400 Series: Yes 9500 Series: Yes

T3/T3 IP Series:

No [2]

9600 Series: Yes

1. Not 1403, 1603, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on Release 2.1

and 3.0DT software.

2. Limited support on some specific T3 phone models as detailed below.

T3 Phones:

Classic/Comfort icon: Displays followed by the user name.

DSS Link LED: On when active.

February 2015 Avaya IP Office

Platform Short Code and Button Action Reference


Comments? [email protected]

Button Programming Actions

Follow Me Here Cancel

Cancels any 'Follow Me Here' set on the specified extension. Only works if entered at the extension to which the extension's calls are being sent by the follow me action.

Action: Advanced | Follow Me | Follow Me Here Cancel.

Action Data: User number or blank for number entry when pressed.

If a user name or user number has been entered in the Action Data field, when the interactive menu opens, press Enterto deactivate Follow Me Here for the number displayed on the screen.

On large display phones, if configured without a preset target, this type of button will display an interactive button menu for target selection.

Default Label: Here- or Follow Me Here-.

Toggles: No.

Status Indication: No.

User Admin: No.

Phone Support Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.

Analog: No 20 Series: Yes

1100 Series: Yes 2400 Series: Yes


1200 Series: Yes 3600 Series: No

4100 Series: No 6400 Series: Yes D100: Yes

4400 Series: Yes 7400 Series: No M-Series: Yes

1400 Series: Yes


1600 Series: Yes


3700 Series: No

3810: Yes

4600 Series: Yes


5600 Series: Yes


9040: Yes T-Series: Yes

5400 Series: Yes 9500 Series: Yes

T3/T3 IP Series:


9600 Series: Yes

1. Not 1403, 1603, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on Release 2.1

and 3.0DT software.

Follow Me To

Leaving the extension blank prompts the user to enter the extension to which their calls should be redirected. User's with a log in code will be prompted to enter that code when using this function.

Action: Advanced | Follow Me | Follow Me To.

Action Data: User name or user number or blank for number entry when pressed.


Avaya IP Office

Platform Short Code and Button Action Reference

Comments? [email protected]

February 2015

Forward Hunt Group Calls Off

If a user name or user number has been entered in the Action Data field, when the interactive menu opens, press Enterto activate Follow Me To for the number displayed on the screen.

On large display phones, if configured without a preset target, this type of button will display an interactive button menu for target selection.

Default Label: FolTo or Follow Me To.

Toggles: Yes.

Status Indication: Yes. On/off status indication is provided if the button is programmed with a user name or number.


- On.

- Off.

2400, 5400




4600, 5600







6400, 9500




Green on Red on

Off Off

9608, 9611 9621, 9641 T-Series,


Green on






User Admin: No.

Phone Support Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.

Analog: No 20 Series: Yes

1100 Series: Yes 2400 Series: Yes


1200 Series: Yes 3600 Series: No

4100 Series: No 6400 Series: Yes D100: Yes

4400 Series: Yes 7400 Series: No M-Series: Yes

1400 Series: Yes


1600 Series: Yes


3700 Series: No

3810: Yes

4600 Series: Yes


5600 Series: Yes


9040: Yes T-Series: Yes

5400 Series: Yes 9500 Series: Yes

T3/T3 IP Series:


9600 Series: Yes

1. Not 1403, 1603, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on Release 2.1

and 3.0DT software.

Forward Hunt Group Calls Off

Cancels the forwarding of the user's hunt group calls. This function is obsolete since the button function Forward Hunt Group Calls On toggles on/off and indicates status.

Action: Advanced | Forward | Forward Hunt Group Calls Off.

Action Data: None.

February 2015 Avaya IP Office

Platform Short Code and Button Action Reference


Comments? [email protected]

Button Programming Actions

Default Label: FwdH-.

Toggles: No.

Status Indication: No.

User Admin: No.

Phone Support Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.

Analog: No

1100 Series: No

1200 Series: No

20 Series: Yes

2400 Series: Yes


3600 Series: No

4100 Series: No 6400 Series: Yes D100: No

4400 Series: Yes 7400 Series: No M-Series: No

T-Series: No

1400 Series: Yes


1600 Series: Yes


3700 Series: No

3810: Yes

4600 Series: Yes


9040: Yes

5400 Series: Yes 9500 Series: No

5600 Series: Yes


9600 Series: No

T3/T3 IP Series:


1. Not 1403, 1603, 2402, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on

Release 2.1 and 3.0DT software.

Forward Hunt Group Calls On

Forward the user's hunt group calls (internal and external). This function only works when forward unconditional is also on and uses the same forwarding number as forward unconditional.

This option is only applied for calls to Sequential and Rotary type hunt groups. Calls from other hunt group types are not presented to the user when they have Forward Unconditional active. Note also that hunt group calls cannot be forwarded to another hunt group.

Action: Advanced | Forward | Forward Hunt Group Calls On.

Action Data: None.

Default Label: FwdH+ or Fwd HG Calls.

Toggles: Yes.

Status Indication: Yes.

Status 2400, 5400


4600, 5600





6400, 9500




9608, 9611 9621, 9641 T-Series,


Table continues…


Avaya IP Office

Platform Short Code and Button Action Reference

Comments? [email protected]

February 2015

Forward Number

- On.

- Off.





Green on Red on

Off Off

Green on






User Admin: No.

Phone Support Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.


1100 Series:

20 Series: 4100 Series:

2400 Series: [1] 4400 Series:

1200 Series: 3600 Series:

1400 Series: [1] 3700 Series:

1600 Series: [1] 3810:

4600 Series: [1]

5400 Series:

5600 Series: [1]

6400 Series:

7400 Series:


9500 Series:

9600 Series:




T3/T3 IP Series:

1. Not 1403, 1603, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on Release 2.1

and 3.0DT software.

Forward Number

Sets the number to which calls are forwarded when the user has forwarding on. Used for all forwarding options unless a separate Forward On Busy Number is also set. Forwarding to an external number is blocked if Inhibit Off-Switch Transfers is selected within the system configuration.

Action: Advanced | Forward | Forward Number.

Action Data: Telephone number.

The field to be left blank to prompt the user for entry when the button is pressed. If blank, users with a log in code will be prompted to enter that code.

On large display phones, if configured without a preset target, this type of button will display an interactive button menu for target selection.

Default Label: FwdNo or Fwd Number.

Toggles: No.

Status Indication: Yes. For a button with a prefixed number, status indication will indicate when that number matches the users current set number. For a button with a no number, status indication will show when a number has been set.

Status 2400, 5400


4600, 5600





6400, 9500




9608, 9611 9621, 9641 T-Series,


Table continues…

February 2015 Avaya IP Office

Platform Short Code and Button Action Reference


Comments? [email protected]

Button Programming Actions

- On.

- Off.





Green on Red on

Off Off

Green on






User Admin: No.

Phone Support Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.


1100 Series:

20 Series: 4100 Series:

2400 Series: [1] 4400 Series:

1200 Series: 3600 Series:

1400 Series: [1] 3700 Series:

1600 Series: [1] 3810:

4600 Series: [1]

5400 Series:

5600 Series: [1]

6400 Series:

7400 Series:


9500 Series:

9600 Series:




T3/T3 IP Series:

1. Not 1403, 1603, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on Release 2.1

and 3.0DT software.

Forward On Busy Number

Sets the number to which calls are forwarded when using 'Forward on Busy' and/or 'Forward on No

Answer'. Forwarding to an external number is blocked if Inhibit Off-Switch Transfers is selected within the system configuration.

Action: Advanced | Forward | Forward on Busy Number.

Action Data: Telephone number.

The field to be left blank to prompt the user for entry when the button is pressed. If blank, users with a log in code will be prompted to enter that code.

On large display phones, if configured without a preset target, this type of button will display an interactive button menu for target selection.

Default Label: FwBNo or Fwd Busy Number.

Toggles: No.

Status Indication: Yes. For a button with a prefixed number, status indication will indicate when that number matches the users current set number. For a button with a no number, status indication will show when a number has been set.

Status 2400, 5400


4600, 5600





6400, 9500




9608, 9611 9621, 9641 T-Series,


Table continues…


Avaya IP Office

Platform Short Code and Button Action Reference

Comments? [email protected]

February 2015

Forward On Busy Off

- On.

- Off.





Green on Red on

Off Off

Green on






User Admin: No.

Phone Support Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.


1100 Series:

20 Series: 4100 Series:

2400 Series: [1] 4400 Series:

1200 Series: 3600 Series:

1400 Series: [1] 3700 Series:

1600 Series: [1] 3810:

4600 Series: [1]

5400 Series:

5600 Series: [1]

6400 Series:

7400 Series:


9500 Series:

9600 Series:




T3/T3 IP Series:

1. Not 1403, 1603, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on Release 2.1

and 3.0DT software.

Forward On Busy Off

Switches forward on busy off. This button function is obsolete, as Forward On Busy On can be used to switch forward on busy on/off and provides status indication.

Action: Advanced | Forward | Forward on Busy Off.

Action Data: None.

Default Label: FwBOf.

Toggles: No.

Status Indication: No.

User Admin: No.

Phone Support Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.


1100 Series:

20 Series: 4100 Series:

2400 Series: [1] 4400 Series:

1200 Series: 3600 Series:

1400 Series: [1] 3700 Series:

1600 Series: [1] 3810:

4600 Series: [1]

5400 Series:

5600 Series: [1]

6400 Series:

7400 Series:


9500 Series:

9600 Series:




T3/T3 IP Series:

1. Not 1403, 1603, 2402, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on

Release 2.1 and 3.0DT software.

February 2015 Avaya IP Office

Platform Short Code and Button Action Reference


Comments? [email protected]

Button Programming Actions

Forward On Busy On

Enables forwarding when the user's extension is busy. For users with call appearance buttons, they will only return busy when all call appearance buttons are in use. Uses the Forward Number as its destination unless a separate Forward on Busy Number is set.

Forward Internal (User | Forwarding) can also be used to control whether internal calls are forwarded.

Action: Advanced | Forward | Forward on Busy On.

Action Data: None.

Default Label: FwBOn or Fwd Busy.

Toggles: Yes.

Status Indication: Yes.


- On.

- Off.

2400, 5400




4600, 5600







6400, 9500




Green on Red on

Off Off

9608, 9611 9621, 9641 T-Series,


Green on






User Admin: No.

Phone Support Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.


1100 Series:

20 Series: 4100 Series:

2400 Series: [1] 4400 Series:

1200 Series: 3600 Series:

1400 Series: [1] 3700 Series:

1600 Series: [1] 3810:

4600 Series: [1]

5400 Series:

5600 Series: [1]

6400 Series:

7400 Series:


9500 Series:

9600 Series:




T3/T3 IP Series:

1. Not 1403, 1603, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on Release 2.1

and 3.0DT software.

Forward On No Answer Off

Switches forward on no answer off. This button function is obsolete, as Forward On No Answer On can be used to switch forward on no answer on/off and provides status indication.

Action: Advanced | Forward | Forward on No Answer Off.


Avaya IP Office

Platform Short Code and Button Action Reference

Comments? [email protected]

February 2015

Forward On No Answer On

Action Data: None.

Default Label: FwNOf.

Toggles: No.

Status Indication: No.

User Admin: No.

Phone Support Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.


1100 Series:

20 Series: 4100 Series:

2400 Series: [1] 4400 Series:

1200 Series: 3600 Series:

1400 Series: [1] 3700 Series:

1600 Series: [1] 3810:

4600 Series: [1]

5400 Series:

5600 Series: [1]

6400 Series:

7400 Series:


9500 Series:

9600 Series:




T3/T3 IP Series:

1. Not 1403, 1603, 2402, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on

Release 2.1 and 3.0DT software.

Forward On No Answer On

Switches forward on no answer on/off. The time used to determine the call as unanswered is the user's no answer time. Uses the Forward Number as its destination unless a separate Forward on

Busy Number is set.

Forward Internal (User | Forwarding) can also be used to control whether internal calls are forwarded.

Action: Advanced | Forward | Forward on No Answer On.

Action Data: None.

Default Label: FwNOn or Fwd No Answer.

Toggles: Yes.

Status Indication: Yes.


- On.

- Off.

2400, 5400




4600, 5600







6400, 9500




Green on Red on

Off Off

9608, 9611 9621, 9641 T-Series,


Green on






February 2015 Avaya IP Office

Platform Short Code and Button Action Reference


Comments? [email protected]

Button Programming Actions

User Admin: No.

Phone Support Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.


1100 Series:

20 Series: 4100 Series:

2400 Series: [1] 4400 Series:

1200 Series: 3600 Series:

1400 Series: [1] 3700 Series:

1600 Series: [1] 3810:

4600 Series: [1]

5400 Series:

6400 Series:

7400 Series:


9500 Series:

5600 Series: [1] 9600 Series:




T3/T3 IP Series:

1. Not 1403, 1603, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on Release 2.1

and 3.0DT software.

Forward Unconditional Off

Switch 'forward all calls' off. This does not affect 'Forward on No Answer' and/or 'Forward on Busy' if also on. This function is obsolete as a button set to Forward Unconditional On toggles on/off and indicates when on.

Action: Advanced | Forward | Forward Unconditional Off.

Action Data: None.

Default Label: FwUOf.

Toggles: No.

Status Indication: No.

User Admin: No.

Phone Support Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.


1100 Series:

20 Series: 4100 Series:

2400 Series: [1] 4400 Series:

1200 Series: 3600 Series:

1400 Series: [1] 3700 Series:

1600 Series: [1] 3810:

4600 Series: [1]

5400 Series:

5600 Series: [1]

6400 Series:

7400 Series:


9500 Series:

9600 Series:




T3/T3 IP Series:

1. Not 1403, 1603, 2402, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on

Release 2.1 and 3.0DT software.


Avaya IP Office

Platform Short Code and Button Action Reference

Comments? [email protected]

February 2015

Forward Unconditional On

Forward Unconditional On

This function is also known as 'divert all' and 'forward all'. It forwards all calls, except hunt group and page calls, to the forward number set for the user's extension. To also forward hunt group calls to the same number 'Forward Hunt Group Calls On' must also be used.

Forward Internal (User | Forwarding) can also be used to control whether internal calls are forwarded.

In addition to the lamp indication shown below, most phones display D when forward unconditional is on.

Action: Advanced | Forward | Forward Unconditional On.

Action Data: None.

Default Label: FwUOn or Fwd Unconditional.

Toggles: Yes.

Status Indication: Yes.


- On.

- Off.

2400, 5400




4600, 5600







6400, 9500




Green on Red on

Off Off

9608, 9611 9621, 9641 T-Series,


Green on






User Admin: No.

Phone Support Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.


1100 Series:

20 Series: 4100 Series:

2400 Series: [1] 4400 Series:

1200 Series: 3600 Series:

1400 Series: [1] 3700 Series:

4600 Series: [1]

5400 Series:

6400 Series:

7400 Series:


9500 Series:




T3/T3 IP Series:


1600 Series: [1] 3810: 5600 Series: [1] 9600 Series:

1. Not 1403, 1603, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on Release 2.1

and 3.0DT software.

2. Limited support on some specific T3 phone models as detailed below.

T3 Phones:

Classic/Comfort icon: Displays followed by the user name.

DSS Link LED: On when active.

February 2015 Avaya IP Office

Platform Short Code and Button Action Reference


Comments? [email protected]

Button Programming Actions

M-Series/T-Series: The button is equivalent to Feature 4 <number>.


Monitors the status of a hunt group queue. This option is only supported for hunt groups with queuing enabled. The user does not have to be a member of the group.

Depending on the users button type, indication is given for when the group has alerting calls and queued calls (queued in this case is defined as more calls waiting than there are available group members).

Pressing a Group button answers the longest waiting call.

The definition of queued calls include group calls that are ringing. However, for operation of the

Group button, ringing calls are separate from other queued calls.

Action: Group.

Action Data: Group name enclosed in " " double-quotes or group number.

Default Label: <group name>.

Toggles: No.

Status Indication: Yes, Required.

Status 2400, 5400


- No calls Main

- Call alerting

- Calls queued



4600, 5600








6400, 9500






9608, 9611 9621, 9641 T-Series,



Green flash Red flash Green flash




Slow flash

Red flash

Red on

Red flash


Slow flash

User Admin: No.

Phone Support Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.


1100 Series:

20 Series: 4100 Series:

2400 Series: [1] 4400 Series:

1200 Series: 3600 Series:

1400 Series: [1] 3700 Series:

4600 Series: [1]

5400 Series:

6400 Series:

7400 Series:


9500 Series:




T3/T3 IP Series:


Avaya IP Office

Platform Short Code and Button Action Reference

Comments? [email protected]

February 2015

Group Listen On

1600 Series: [1] 3810: 5600 Series: [1] 9600 Series:

1. Not 1403, 1603, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on Release 2.1

and 3.0DT software.

Group Listen On

Using group listen allows callers to be heard through the phone's handsfree speaker but to only hear the phone's handset microphone. This enables listeners at the user’s phone to hear the connected party whilst limiting the connected party to hear only what is communicated via the phone handset

When group listen is enabled, it modifies the handsfree functionality of the user’s phone in the following manner

When the user’s phone is placed in handsfree/speaker mode, the speech path from the connected party is broadcast on the phone speaker but the phone's base microphone is disabled.

The connected party can only hear speech delivered via the phone's handset microphone.

Group listen is not supported for IP phones or when using a phone's HEADSET button.

For T-Series and M- Series phones, this option can be turned on or off during a call. For other phones, currently connected calls are not affected by changes to this setting, instead group listen must be selected before the call is connected.

Group listen is automatically turned off when the call is ended.

Action: Advanced | Extension | Group Listen On.

Action Data: None.

Default Label: Group Listen On.

Toggles: Yes.

Status Indication: Yes.


- On.

- Off.

2400, 5400




4600, 5600







6400, 9500




Green on Red on

Off Off

9608, 9611 9621, 9641 T-Series,


Green on






User Admin: No.

Phone Support Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.

February 2015 Avaya IP Office

Platform Short Code and Button Action Reference


Comments? [email protected]

Button Programming Actions


1100 Series:

20 Series:

2400 Series:

1200 Series: 3600 Series:

1400 Series: [1] 3700 Series:

1600 Series: 3810:

4100 Series:

4400 Series:

4600 Series:

5400 Series:

5600 Series:

6400 Series:

7400 Series:


9500 Series:

9600 Series:

96x1 Series:


M-Series: [2]

T-Series: [2]

T3/T3 IP Series:

1. Not 1403.

2. M-Series/T-Series: The button is equivalent to Feature 802 (On) and Feature #802 (Off).

Group Paging

Makes a paging call to an extension or group specified. If no number is specified, this can be dialed after pressing the button. The target extension or group members must be free and must support handsfree auto-answer in order to hear the page.

On Avaya phones, a paged user can convert the page call into a normal call by pressing the

Conference button.

Action: Emulation | Group Paging.

Action Data: User number or name or group number or name.

On large display phones, if configured without a preset target, this type of button will display an interactive button menu for target selection.

Default Label: GrpPg.

Toggles: No.

Status Indication: Yes.

User Admin: Yes.

Phone Support Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.


1100 Series:

1200 Series:

20 Series:

2400 Series: [1]

3600 Series:

1400 Series: [1] 3700 Series:

4100 Series:

4400 Series:

4600 Series: [1]

5400 Series:

6400 Series:

7400 Series:


9500 Series:




T3/T3 IP Series:


1600 Series: [1] 3810: 5600 Series: [1] 9600 Series:

1. Not 1403, 1603, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on Release 2.1

and 3.0DT software.

2. Limited support on some specific T3 phone models as detailed below.


Avaya IP Office

Platform Short Code and Button Action Reference

Comments? [email protected]

February 2015

Headset Toggle

T3 Phones:

Classic/Comfort icon: Displays followed by target number if set.

DSS Link LED: None.

M-Series/T-Series: The button is equivalent to Feature 60 <number>.

The maximum recommended size for paging groups is 64 parties. This applies to IP500 V2,

Server Edition, and Enterprise Branch deployments.

Headset Toggle

This function is intended for use with Avaya phones that have separate handset and headset sockets but do not provide a dedicated Headset button, for example older style 4400 Series and

4600 Series phones. On phones without a headset socket or with a dedicated headset button this control will have no effect.

Action: Miscellaneous | Headset Toggle.

Action Data: None.

Default Label: HdSet.

Toggles: Yes.

Status Indication: Yes.

User Admin: No.

Phone Support Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.

Analog: 3600 Series: 4600 Series: [1] 9040: T3/T3 IP Series:


1400 Series:

1600 Series:

20 Series:

2400 Series:

3700 Series:


4100 Series:

4400 Series:

5400 Series:

5600 Series:

6400 Series:

7400 Series:

9500 Series:

9600 Series:



1. 4606, 4612 and 4624 only.

2. T3 Phones

Classic/Comfort icon: Displays HdSet.

DSS Link LED: On when active.


February 2015 Avaya IP Office

Platform Short Code and Button Action Reference


Comments? [email protected]

Button Programming Actions

Hold Call

This uses the Q.931 Hold facility, and "holds" the incoming call at the ISDN exchange, freeing up the ISDN B channel. The Hold Call feature "holds" the current call to a slot. The current call is always automatically placed into slot 0 if it has not been placed in a specified slot. Only available if supported by the ISDN exchange.

Action: Advanced | Hold | Hold Call.

Action Data: ISDN Exchange hold slot number or blank (slot 0).

Default Label: Hold.

Toggles: No.

Status Indication: No.

User Admin: No.

Phone Support Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.


1100 Series:

20 Series: 4100 Series:

2400 Series: [1] 4400 Series:

1200 Series: 3600 Series:

1400 Series: [1] 3700 Series:

1600 Series: [1] 3810:

4600 Series: [1]

5400 Series:

5600 Series: [1]

6400 Series:

7400 Series:


9500 Series:

9600 Series:




T3/T3 IP Series:

1. Not 1403, 1603, 2402, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on

Release 2.1 and 3.0DT software.

Hold CW

Place the user's current call on hold and answers the waiting call. This function is not supported on phones which have multiple call appearance buttons set.

Action: Advanced | Hold | Hold CW.

Action Data: None.

Default Label: HoldCW.

Toggles: No.

Status Indication: No.

User Admin: No.

Phone Support Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.


Avaya IP Office

Platform Short Code and Button Action Reference

Comments? [email protected]

February 2015

Hold Music


1100 Series:

20 Series: 4100 Series:

2400 Series: [1] 4400 Series:

1200 Series: 3600 Series:

1400 Series: [1] 3700 Series:

1600 Series: [1] 3810:

4600 Series: [1]

5400 Series:

5600 Series: [1]

6400 Series:

7400 Series:


9500 Series:

9600 Series:




T3/T3 IP Series:

1. Not 1403, 1603, 2402, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on

Release 2.1 and 3.0DT software.

Hold Music

This feature allows the user to listen to the system's music on hold. See Music On Hold for more information.

Action: Advanced | Hold | Hold Music.

Action Data: Optional. Systems can support multiple hold music sources. However only the system source is supported for Hold Music buttons.

Default Label: Music or Hold Music.

Toggles: No.

Status Indication: No.

User Admin: No.

Phone Support Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.


1100 Series:

1200 Series:

20 Series:

1400 Series: [1] 3700 Series:

1600 Series: [1] 3810:

4100 Series:

2400 Series: [1] 4400 Series:

3600 Series: 4600 Series: [1]

7400 Series:


5400 Series:

5600 Series: [1]

6400 Series:

9500 Series:

9600 Series:




T3/T3 IP Series:

1. Not 1403, 1603, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on Release 2.1

and 3.0DT software.

February 2015 Avaya IP Office

Platform Short Code and Button Action Reference


Comments? [email protected]

Button Programming Actions

Hunt Group Enable

An individual users membership of any particular hunt groups is programmed through the system configuration. This control allows the user to enable or disable that membership. While enabled, the user can receive hunt group calls when logged in.

In addition to the lamp indication below, phones display G when any group membership is enabled.

Action: Advanced | Hunt Group | Hunt Group Enable.

Action Data: Group number or name or blank for all groups of which the user is a member.

Default Label: HGEna or HG Enable.

Toggles: Yes.

Status Indication: Yes. Required.


- On.

- Off.

2400, 5400




4600, 5600







6400, 9500




Green on Red on

Off Off

9608, 9611 9621, 9641 T-Series,


Green on






User Admin: No.

Phone Support Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.


1100 Series:

20 Series: 4100 Series:

2400 Series: [1] 4400 Series:

1200 Series: 3600 Series:

1400 Series: [1] 3700 Series:

4600 Series: [1]

5400 Series:

6400 Series:

7400 Series:


9500 Series:




T3/T3 IP Series:


1600 Series: [1] 3810: 5600 Series: [1] 9600 Series:

1. Not 1403, 1603, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on Release 2.1

and 3.0DT software.

2. Limited support on some specific T3 phone models as detailed below.

T3 Phones:

Classic/Comfort icon: Displays followed by the group number or * for all if programmed with no specific group number.

DSS Link LED: On when active.


Avaya IP Office

Platform Short Code and Button Action Reference

Comments? [email protected]

February 2015

Hunt Group Disable

Hunt Group Disable

This function is obsolete, the Hunt Group Enable function being able to toggle membership between enabled and disabled and providing lamp indication of when membership is enabled.

An individual user's membership of any particular hunt groups is programmed through the system configuration. This control allows the user to disable that membership. They will no longer receive calls to that hunt group until their membership is enabled again.

Action: Advanced | Hunt Group | Hunt Group Disable.

Action Data: Group number or blank for all groups of which the user is a member.

Default Label: HGDis.

Toggles: No.

Status Indication: No.

User Admin: No.

Phone Support Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.


1100 Series:

1200 Series:

20 Series:

1400 Series: [1] 3700 Series:

1600 Series: [1] 3810:

4100 Series:

2400 Series: [1] 4400 Series:

3600 Series: 4600 Series: [1]

7400 Series:


5400 Series:

5600 Series: [1]

6400 Series:

9500 Series:

9600 Series:




T3/T3 IP Series:

1. Not 1403, 1603, 2402, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on

Release 2.1 and 3.0DT software.


Not supported. Provided for CTI emulation only. Allows users on display phones to determine the identification of held calls. Allows users on an active call to display the identification of incoming calls.

Action: Emulation | Inspect.

Action Data: None.

Default Label: Inspt.

Toggles: No.

Status Indication: No.

User Admin: No.

February 2015 Avaya IP Office

Platform Short Code and Button Action Reference


Comments? [email protected]

Button Programming Actions

Phone Support Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.


1100 Series:

20 Series: 4100 Series:

2400 Series: [1] 4400 Series:

1200 Series: 3600 Series:

1400 Series: [1] 3700 Series:

1600 Series: [1] 3810:

4600 Series: [1]

5400 Series:

5600 Series: [1]

6400 Series:

7400 Series:


9500 Series:

9600 Series:




T3/T3 IP Series:

1. Not 1403, 1603, 2402, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on

Release 2.1 and 3.0DT software.

Internal Auto-Answer

This function is also known as handsfree auto-answer. It sets the user's extension to automatically connect internal calls after a single tone. This function should only be used on phones that support handsfree operation.

Action: Emulation | Internal Auto-Answer.

Action Data: Optional.

• If left blank this function acts as described above for internal auto-answer.

FF can be entered. In that case the button will enable/disable headset force feed operation for external calls. In this mode, when headset mode is selected but the phone is idle, an incoming external call will cause a single tone and then be automatically connected. This operation is only supported on Avaya phones with a fixed HEADSET button. Ring delay is applied if set on the appearance button receiving the call before the call is auto-connected.

Default Label: HFAns or Auto Answer.

Toggles: Yes.

Status Indication: Yes. Required.


- On.

- Off.

2400, 5400




4600, 5600







6400, 9500




Green on Red on

Off Off

9608, 9611 9621, 9641 T-Series,


Green on






User Admin: Yes.

Phone Support Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.


Avaya IP Office

Platform Short Code and Button Action Reference

Comments? [email protected]

February 2015

Last Number Redial


1100 Series:

20 Series:

2400 Series: [1] 4400 Series:

1200 Series: 3600 Series:

1400 Series: [1] 3700 Series:

4100 Series:

4600 Series: [1]

5400 Series:

6400 Series:

7400 Series:


9500 Series:




T3/T3 IP Series:


1600 Series: [1] 3810: 5600 Series: [1] 9600 Series:

1. Not 1403, 1603, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on Release 2.1

and 3.0DT software.

2. Limited support on some specific T3 phone models as detailed below.

T3 Phones:

Classic/Comfort icon: Displays HFAns.

DSS Link LED: On when active.

Last Number Redial

This function is intend for use with Avaya M-Series and T-Series phones only. When pressed, the button invokes the same last number redial process as dialing Feature 5.

Action: Advanced | Call | Last Number Redial.

Action Data: None.

Default Label: Again.

Toggles: No.

Status Indication: No.

User Admin: No.

Phone Support This function is only supported on Avaya M-Series and T-Series phones.

M-Series/T-Series: The button is equivalent to Feature 5.

Leave Word Calling

Not supported. Provided for CTI emulation only. Leaves a message for the user associated with the last number dialed to call the originator.

Action: Emulation | Leave Word Calling.

Action Data: None.

Default Label: LWC.

February 2015 Avaya IP Office

Platform Short Code and Button Action Reference


Comments? [email protected]

Button Programming Actions

Toggles: No.

Status Indication: No.

User Admin: No.

Phone Support Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.


1100 Series:

20 Series: 4100 Series:

2400 Series: [1] 4400 Series:

1200 Series: 3600 Series:

1400 Series: [1] 3700 Series:

1600 Series: [1] 3810:

4600 Series: [1]

5400 Series:

5600 Series: [1]

6400 Series:

7400 Series:


9500 Series:

9600 Series:




T3/T3 IP Series:

1. Not 1403, 1603, 2402, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on

Release 2.1 and 3.0DT software.

Line Appearance

Creates an line appearance button linked to the activity of a specified line appearance ID number.

The button can then be used to answer and make calls on that line.

The line appearance button user must also have at least one call appearance button programmed before line appearance buttons can be programmed.

Line appearance functions, assigned to buttons that do not have status lamps or icons, are automatically disabled until the user logs in at a phone with suitable buttons.

Release 3.2+: Appearance buttons can be set with a ring delay if required or to not ring. This does not affect the visual alerting displayed next to the button. The delay uses the user's Ring Delay

(User | Telephony | Multi-line Options) setting.

Release 4.2+: Line appearances are supported on T3 and T3 IP phones. These phones do not require (or support) call appearance buttons in order to use line appearances.

Action: Appearance | Line Appearance.

Action Data: Line ID number.

Default Label: Line <Line ID number>.

Toggles: No.

Status Indication: Yes. See Line Appearance Button Indication.

User Admin: No.

Phone Support Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.


Avaya IP Office

Platform Short Code and Button Action Reference

Comments? [email protected]

February 2015

MCID Activate


1100 Series:

1200 Series:

1400 Series:

1600 Series:

20 Series:

2400 Series:

3600 Series:

3700 Series:


4100 Series:

4400 Series:

4600 Series:

5400 Series:

5600 Series:

6400 Series:

7400 Series:


9500 Series:

9600 Series:


M-Series: [1]

T-Series: [1]

T3/T3 IP Series:

1. Not supported on T7000, T7100, M7100, M7100N and the Audio Conferencing Unit (ACU).

MCID Activate

This action is used with ISDN Malicious Caller ID call tracing. It is used to trigger a call trace at the

ISDN exchange. The call trace information is then provided to the appropriate legal authorities.

This option requires the line to the ISDN to have MCID enabled at both the ISDN exchange and on the system. The user must also be configured with Can Trace Calls (User | Telephony | Supervisor

Settings) enabled.

Action: Advanced | Miscellaneous | MCID Activate.

Action Data: None.

Default Label: MCID or Malicious Call.

Toggles: No.

Status Indication: Yes.

User Admin: No.

Phone Support Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.

Analog: 3600 Series:

1400 Series: 3700 Series:

1600 Series: [1] 3810:

20 Series:

2400 Series:

4100 Series:

4400 Series:

4600 Series: [1] 9040:

5400 Series: 9500 Series:

5600 Series: [1] 9600 Series:

6400 Series:

7400 Series:



T3/T3 IP Series:

1. Not 1603, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602.

February 2015 Avaya IP Office

Platform Short Code and Button Action Reference


Comments? [email protected]

Button Programming Actions

Monitor Analogue Trunk MWI

Enables a user to receive message waiting indicator (MWI) signals from analog trunks terminating on the ATM4U-V2 card. MWI is a telephone feature that turns on a visual indicator on a telephone when there are recorded messages.

Action: Advanced | Voicemail | Monitor Analogue Trunk MWI.

Action Data: The line appearance ID of the analog line for which MWI will be received.

Default Label: Trunk MWI.

Toggles: No.

Status Indication: No.

User Admin: No.

Off Hook Station

Enables the user's extension to be controlled by an application, for example SoftConsole. Calls can then be answered and cleared through the application without having to manually go off or on hook.

Requires the phone to support full handsfree operation.

Action: Advanced | Miscellaneous | Off Hook Station.

Action Data: None.

Default Label: OHStn.

Toggles: Yes.

Status Indication: Yes.


- On.

- Off.

2400, 5400




4600, 5600







6400, 9500




Green on Red on

Off Off

9608, 9611 9621, 9641 T-Series,


Green on






User Admin: No.

Phone Support Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.


1400 Series:

3600 Series:

3700 Series:

4600 Series: [1] 9040:

5400 Series: [1] 9500 Series:

T3/T3 IP Series:

Table continues…


Avaya IP Office

Platform Short Code and Button Action Reference

Comments? [email protected]

February 2015

Pause Recording

1600 Series:

20 Series:


4100 Series:

2400 Series: [1] 4400 Series:

5600 Series: [1] 9600 Series:

6400 Series: M-Series:

7400 Series: T-Series:

1. Not 2402, 4601, 4602, 5402, 5601 and 5602 models.

Pause Recording

This feature can be used to pause any call recording. It can be used during a call that is being recorded to omit sensitive information such as customer credit card information. This feature can be used with calls that are recorded both manually or calls that are recorded automatically.

The button status indicates when call recording has been paused. The button can be used to restart call recording. The system Auto Restart Paused Recording (System | Voicemail) setting can be used to set a delay after which recording is automatically resumed.

If the voicemail system is configured to provide advice of call recording warnings, then pausing the recording will trigger a "Recording paused" prompt and a repeat of the advice of call recording warning when recording is resumed.

Action: Advanced | Call | Pause Recording.

Action Data: None.

Default Label: PauseRec or Pause Recording.

Toggles: Yes.

Status Indication: Yes.

User Admin: No.

Phone Support Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.


1100 Series:

20 Series:

2400 Series:

1200 Series: 3600 Series:

1400 Series: [1] 3700 Series:

1600 Series: [1] 3810:

4100 Series:

4400 Series:

4600 Series:

5400 Series:

5600 Series:

6400 Series:

7400 Series:


9500 Series:

9600 Series:




T3/T3 IP Series:

1. Not 1403, 1603.

February 2015 Avaya IP Office

Platform Short Code and Button Action Reference


Comments? [email protected]

Button Programming Actions

Priority Call

This feature allows the user to call another user even if they are set to 'do not disturb'. A priority call will follow forward and follow me settings but will not go to voicemail.

Action: Advanced | Call | Priority Call.

Action Data: User number or name.

Default Label: PCall or Priority Call.

Toggles: No.

Status Indication: No.

User Admin: No.

Phone Support Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.


1100 Series:

20 Series: 4100 Series:

2400 Series: [1] 4400 Series:

1200 Series: 3600 Series:

1400 Series: [1] 3700 Series:

1600 Series: [1] 3810:

4600 Series: [1]

5400 Series:

5600 Series: [1]

6400 Series:

7400 Series:


9500 Series:

9600 Series:




T3/T3 IP Series:

1. Not 1403, 1603, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on Release 2.1

and 3.0DT software.

Priority Calling

Not supported. Provided for CTI emulation only.

Action: Emulation | Priority Calling.

Action Data: None.

Default Label: Pcall.

Toggles: No.

Status Indication: No.

User Admin: No.

Phone Support Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.

Analog: 20 Series: 4100 Series: 6400 Series: D100:

Table continues…


Avaya IP Office

Platform Short Code and Button Action Reference

Comments? [email protected]

February 2015

Private Call

1100 Series:

1200 Series:

2400 Series: [1]

3600 Series:

1400 Series: [1] 3700 Series:

1600 Series: [1] 3810:

4400 Series:

4600 Series: [1]

5400 Series:

5600 Series: [1]

7400 Series:


9500 Series:

9600 Series:



T3/T3 IP Series:

1. Not 1403, 1603, 2402, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on

Release 2.1 and 3.0DT software.

Private Call

When on, any subsequent calls cannot be intruded on until the user's private call status is switched off. The exception is Whisper Page which can be used to talk to a user on a private call.

Note that use of private calls is separate from the user's intrusion settings. If the user's Cannot be

Intruded (User | Telephony | Supervisor Settings) setting is enabled, switching private calls off does not affect that status. To allow private calls to be used to fully control the user status, Cannot be

Intruded (User | Telephony | Supervisor Settings) should be disabled for the user.

If enabled during a call, any current recording, intrusion or monitoring is ended.

Action: Advanced | Call | Private Call.

Action Data: None.

Default Label: PrivC or Private Call.

Toggles: Yes.

Status Indication: Yes.


- On.

- Off.

2400, 5400




4600, 5600







6400, 9500




Green on Red on

Off Off

9608, 9611 9621, 9641 T-Series,


Green on






User Admin: No.

Phone Support Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.


1100 Series:

1200 Series:

20 Series:

2400 Series:

3600 Series:

4100 Series:

4400 Series:

6400 Series:

7400 Series:

4600 Series: [1] 9040:




Table continues…

February 2015 Avaya IP Office

Platform Short Code and Button Action Reference


Comments? [email protected]

Button Programming Actions

1400 Series:

1600 Series:

3700 Series:


5400 Series: 9500 Series:

5600 Series: [1] 9600 Series:

1. Not 1603, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602.

T3/T3 IP Series:

Relay Off

Opens the specified switch in the system's external output port (EXT O/P).

This feature is not supported on Linux based systems. For Server Edition, this option is only supported on Expansion System (V2) units.

Action: Advanced | Relay | Relay Off.

Action Data: Switch number (1 or 2).

Default Label: Rely-.

Toggles: No.

Status Indication: No.

User Admin: No.

Phone Support Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.


1100 Series:

20 Series: 4100 Series:

2400 Series: [1] 4400 Series:

1200 Series: 3600 Series:

1400 Series: [1] 3700 Series:

1600 Series: [1] 3810:

4600 Series: [1]

5400 Series:

5600 Series: [1]

6400 Series:

7400 Series:


9500 Series:

9600 Series:




T3/T3 IP Series:

1. Not 1403, 1603, 2402, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on

Release 2.1 and 3.0DT software.

Relay On

Not supported on IP Office. Closes the specified switch in the system's external output port (EXT


This feature is not supported on Linux based systems. For Server Edition, this option is only supported on Expansion System (V2) units.

Action: Advanced | Relay | Relay On.


Avaya IP Office

Platform Short Code and Button Action Reference

Comments? [email protected]

February 2015

Relay Pulse

Action Data: Switch number (1 or 2).

Default Label: Rely+ or Relay On.

Toggles: No.

Status Indication: No.

User Admin: No.

Phone Support Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.


1100 Series:

20 Series: 4100 Series:

2400 Series: [1] 4400 Series:

1200 Series: 3600 Series:

1400 Series: [1] 3700 Series:

1600 Series: [1] 3810:

4600 Series: [1]

5400 Series:

5600 Series: [1]

6400 Series:

7400 Series:


9500 Series:

9600 Series:




T3/T3 IP Series:

1. Not 1403, 1603, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on Release 2.1

and 3.0DT software.

Relay Pulse

Closes the specified switch in the system's external output port (EXT O/P) for 5 seconds and then opens the switch.

This feature is not supported on Linux based systems. For Server Edition, this option is only supported on Expansion System (V2) units.

Action: Advanced | Relay | Relay Pulse.

Action Data: Switch number (1 or 2).

Default Label: Relay or Relay Pulse.

Toggles: No.

Status Indication: No.

User Admin: No.

Phone Support Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.


1100 Series:

1200 Series:

20 Series: 4100 Series:

2400 Series: [1] 4400 Series:

3600 Series:

6400 Series:

7400 Series:

4600 Series: [1] 9040:




Table continues…

February 2015 Avaya IP Office

Platform Short Code and Button Action Reference


Comments? [email protected]

Button Programming Actions

1400 Series: [1] 3700 Series: 5400 Series: 9500 Series: T3/T3 IP Series:


1600 Series: [1] 3810: 5600 Series: [1] 9600 Series:

1. Not 1403, 1603, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on Release 2.1

and 3.0DT software.

2. Limited support on some specific T3 phone models as detailed below.

T3 Phones:

Classic/Comfort icon: Displays S1 or S2 dependant on switch number.

DSS Link LED: None.

Resume Call

Resume a call previously suspended to the specified ISDN exchange slot. The suspended call may be resumed from another phone/ISDN Control Unit on the same line.

Action: Advanced | Call | Resume Call.

Action Data: ISDN Exchange suspend slot number.

Default Label: Resum.

Toggles: No.

Status Indication: No.

User Admin: No.

Phone Support Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.


1100 Series:

20 Series: 4100 Series:

2400 Series: [1] 4400 Series:

1200 Series: 3600 Series:

1400 Series: [1] 3700 Series:

1600 Series: [1] 3810:

4600 Series: [1]

5400 Series:

5600 Series: [1]

6400 Series:

7400 Series:


9500 Series:

9600 Series:




T3/T3 IP Series:

1. Not 1403, 1603, 2402, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on

Release 2.1 and 3.0DT software.


Avaya IP Office

Platform Short Code and Button Action Reference

Comments? [email protected]

February 2015

Request Coaching Intrusion

Request Coaching Intrusion

This feature allows a user to request that another user intrude on a call and talk to them without being heard by the other call parties to which they can still talk.

The ability to intrude and be intruded is controlled by two configuration settings, the Can Intrude

(User | Telephony | Supervisor Settings) setting of the user intruding and the Cannot Be Intruded

(User | Telephony | Supervisor Settings) setting of target being intruded on. The setting of any other internal party is ignored. By default, no users can intrude and all users are set to cannot be intruded.


The use of features to listen to a call without the other call parties being aware of that monitoring may be subject to local laws and regulations. Before enabling the feature you must ensure that you have complied with all applicable local laws and regulations. Failure to do so may result in severe penalties.

The system support a range of other call intrusion methods in addition to this feature.

Action: Advanced | Call | Request Coaching Intrusion.

Action Data: None.

Default Label: Request Coach or Request Coaching Intrusion.

Toggles: Yes.

Status Indication: No.

User Admin: No.

Phone Support Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.


1100 Series:

20 Series:

2400 Series:

1200 Series: 3600 Series:

1400 Series: [1] 3700 Series:

1600 Series: [1]


4100 Series:

4400 Series:

4600 Series:

5400 Series:

5600 Series:

6400 Series:

7400 Series:


9500 Series:

9600 Series:




T3/T3 IP Series:

1. Not 1403, 1603.

The Request Coaching Intrusion feature exhibits the following behavior:

• A coaching request can be sent to a user or a group.

• While the request is pending, the user can cancel the request by pressing the Request Coach button again.

• Once a coaching session is established, the user that initiated the request can include the coach in the call, transfer the call to the coach, or drop the coach from the call.

• Once a coaching session is established, the coach can join the call or steal the call. The coach cannot transfer or conference the call.

February 2015 Avaya IP Office

Platform Short Code and Button Action Reference


Comments? [email protected]

Button Programming Actions

• Once the primary call ends, the coaching call continues.

Retrieve Call

Retrieves a call previously held to a specific ISDN exchange slot. Only available when supported by the ISDN exchange.

Action: Advanced | Call | Retrieve Call.

Action Data: Exchange hold slot number.

Default Label: Retriv.

Toggles: No.

Status Indication: No.

User Admin: No.

Phone Support Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.


1100 Series:

20 Series: 4100 Series:

2400 Series: [1] 4400 Series:

1200 Series: 3600 Series:

1400 Series: [1] 3700 Series:

1600 Series: [1] 3810:

4600 Series: [1]

5400 Series:

6400 Series:

7400 Series:


9500 Series:

5600 Series: [1] 9600 Series:




T3/T3 IP Series:

1. Not 1403, 1603, 2402, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on

Release 2.1 and 3.0DT software.

Ring Back When Free

Sets a ringback on the extension being called. When the target extension ends its current call, the ringback users is rung (for their set No Answer Time) and if they answer, a new call is made to the target extension.

Ringback can be cleared using the Cancel Ring Back When Free function.

Action: Advanced | Miscellaneous | Ring Back When Free.

Action Data: None.

Default Label: AutCB or Auto Callback.

Toggles: No.


Avaya IP Office

Platform Short Code and Button Action Reference

Comments? [email protected]

February 2015

Ringer Off

Status Indication: Yes.

Status 2400, 5400


4600, 5600


- On.

- Off.








6400, 9500




Green on Red on

Off Off

9608, 9611 9621, 9641 T-Series,


Green on






User Admin: No.

Phone Support Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.


1100 Series:

20 Series: 4100 Series:

2400 Series: [1] 4400 Series:

1200 Series: 3600 Series:

1400 Series: [1] 3700 Series:

4600 Series: [1]

5400 Series:

6400 Series:

7400 Series:


9500 Series:




T3/T3 IP Series:


1600 Series: [1] 3810: 5600 Series: [1] 9600 Series:

1. Not 1403, 1603, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on Release 2.1

and 3.0DT software.

2. Limited support on some specific T3 phone models as detailed below.

M-Series/T-Series: The button is equivalent to Feature 2.

Ringer Off

Switches the phone's call alerting ring on/off.

Action: Emulation | Ringer Off.

Action Data: None.

Default Label: RngOf or Ringer Off.

Toggles: Yes.

Status Indication: Yes Required.

Status 2400, 5400


4600, 5600







9608, 9611 9621, 9641 T-Series,


Table continues…

February 2015 Avaya IP Office

Platform Short Code and Button Action Reference


Comments? [email protected]

Button Programming Actions

- On.

- Off.





6400, 9500


Green on Red on

Off Off

Green on






User Admin: Yes.

Phone Support Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.


1100 Series:

20 Series: 4100 Series:

2400 Series: [1] 4400 Series:

1200 Series: 3600 Series:

1400 Series: [1] 3700 Series:

1600 Series: [1] 3810:

4600 Series: [1]

5400 Series:

5600 Series: [1]

6400 Series:

7400 Series:


9500 Series:

9600 Series:




T3/T3 IP Series:

1. Not 1403, 1603, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on Release 2.1

and 3.0DT software.


Allows a user to program features against other programmable buttons themselves.

Appearance can no longer be used to create call appearance buttons. Similarly, existing call appearance button cannot be overwritten using any of the other Admin button functions.

User's with a log in code will be prompted to enter that code when they use this button action.

T3 phone users can access a similar set of functions for button programming, see T3 Phone Self-


On 4412D+, 4424D+, 4612IP, 4624IP, 6408D, 6416D, 6424D phones:

Admin can be permanently accessed via Menu

, , , Admin. See Using a Menu Key.

Admin1 can be permanently accessed via Menu

, Menu , , ProgA, , , DSS.

Action: Emulation | Self-Administer.

Action Data: See below.



T-Series and M-Series phones

The Feature *3 process is started with an alternate set of possible functions.

Other Phones

If no value is set, the button allows user programming of the following emulation actions. Abbreviated Dial. Abbreviated

Dial Program. Account Code Entry. AD

Suppress. Automatic Callback. Break

Table continues…


Avaya IP Office

Platform Short Code and Button Action Reference

Comments? [email protected]

February 2015





T-Series and M-Series phones

The Feature *1 process is started for assigning Abbreviated Dial button.

The Feature *6 process is started for setting the ring type.

Other Phones

Out. Call Forwarding All. Call Park. Call

Park and Page Call Park To Other

Extension Call Pickup. Call Pickup Any

Conference Meet Me Dial Paging

Directed Call Pickup. Directory. Drop.

Group Paging. Headset Toggle. Hook

Flash. Internal Auto-Answer. Ringer Off.

Self-Administer. Send All Calls. Set

Absent Text Set Hunt Group Night

Service. Time of Day. Timer. Twinning

If 1 is entered as the telephone number, allows user programming of the following system functions.

Abbreviated Dial.




Flash Hook.

If 2 is entered, the button can be used for viewing details of the control unit type and its software version. This option is available. If the user has a log in code set, they will be prompted to enter that code. System phone users can also use the button to manually set the system's date and time.

Not used.


The option 3 is used with M-Series and

T-Series sets to enable display contrast control.

Default Label: Admin or Self Administer.

Toggles: No.

Status Indication: No.

User Admin: Yes.

Phone Support Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.

Analog: 3600 Series: 4600 Series: [1] 9040: T3/T3 IP Series:


1400 Series:

1600 Series:

3700 Series:


5400 Series: [1] 9500 Series:

5600 Series: [1] 9600 Series:

Table continues…

February 2015 Avaya IP Office

Platform Short Code and Button Action Reference


Comments? [email protected]

Button Programming Actions

20 Series:

2400 Series:

4100 Series:

4400 Series:

6400 Series:

7400 Series:



1. Not 1403, 1603, 2402, 5402, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602.

2. See T3 Phone Self-Administration.

Send All Calls

Sets the user's extension into 'Do Not Disturb' mode. Callers, other than those on the user's do not disturb exception list, receive busy or are diverted to the users voicemail mailbox. Note that with a call already connected and other calls already alerting, enabling Do Not Disturb will not affect those calls already existing. For full details of see Do Not Disturb.

When on, most phones display an N on the display. This function and the Do Not Disturb On function work in parallel, ie. setting one sets the other.

Action: Emulation | Send All Call.

Action Data: None.

Default Label: SAC or Send All Calls.

Toggles: Yes.

Status Indication: Yes.


- On.

- Off.

2400, 5400




4600, 5600







6400, 9500




Green on Red on

Off Off

9608, 9611 9621, 9641 T-Series,


Green on






User Admin: Yes.

Phone Support Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.


1100 Series:

20 Series:

2400 Series: [1] 4400 Series:

1200 Series: 3600 Series:

1400 Series: [1] 3700 Series:

4100 Series:

4600 Series: [1]

5400 Series:

6400 Series:

7400 Series:


9500 Series:




T3/T3 IP Series:



Avaya IP Office

Platform Short Code and Button Action Reference

Comments? [email protected]

February 2015

Set Absent Text

1600 Series: [1] 3810: 5600 Series: [1] 9600 Series:

1. Not 1403, 1603, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on Release 2.1

and 3.0DT software.

2. Limited support on some specific T3 phone models as detailed below.

T3 Phones:

Classic/Comfort icon: Displays .

DSS Link LED: On when active.

Set Absent Text

This feature can be used to select the user's current absence text. This text is then displayed to internal callers who have suitable display phones or applications. It doesn't changes the users status. The absence text message is limited to 128 characters. Note however that the amount displayed will depend on the caller's device or application.

The text is displayed to callers even if the user has forwarded their calls or is using follow me.

Absence text is supported across a multi-site network.


The user still has to select Set or Clear on their phone to display or hide the text.

Action: Advanced | Set | Set Absent Text.

Action Data: The telephone number should take the format "y,n,text" where:

y = 0 or 1 to turn this feature off or on repesctively.

n = the number of the absent statement to use:

0 = None.

1 = On vacation until.

2 = Will be back.

3 = At lunch until.

4 = Meeting until.

5 = Please call.

6 = Don't disturb until.

7 = With visitors until.

8 = With cust. til.

9 = Back soon.

10 = Back tomorrow.

11 = Custom.

text = any text to follow the absent statement..

Default Label: Absnt or Absence Text.

Toggles: No.

Status Indication: No.

User Admin: No.

Phone Support Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.

February 2015 Avaya IP Office

Platform Short Code and Button Action Reference


Comments? [email protected]

Button Programming Actions


1100 Series:

20 Series:

4100 Series:

2400 Series: [1] 4400 Series:

1200 Series: 3600 Series:

1400 Series: [1] 3700 Series:

1600 Series: [1]


5400 Series: [1]

4600 Series: [1]

5600 Series: [1]

6400 Series:

7400 Series:


9500 Series:

9600 Series:

1. Not 1403, 1603, 2402, 4601, 4602, 5402, 5601 and 5602.




T3/T3 IP Series:

Set Account Code

Dials an account code and then returns dial tone for the user to dial a number. Can also be used to enter an account code after a call has been connected.

Action: Advanced | Set | Set Account Code..

Action Data: Account code or blank. If blank, the user is prompted to dial an account code after pressing the button. This option is not supported on XX02 phone modules.

Default Label: Acct or Account Code.

Toggles: No.

Status Indication: No.

User Admin: No.

Phone Support Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.


1100 Series:

20 Series: 4100 Series:

2400 Series: [1] 4400 Series:

1200 Series: 3600 Series:

1400 Series: [1] 3700 Series:

4600 Series: [1]

5400 Series:

6400 Series:

7400 Series:


9500 Series:




T3/T3 IP Series:


1600 Series: [1] 3810: 5600 Series: [1] 9600 Series:

1. Not 1403, 1603, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on Release 2.1

and 3.0DT software.

2. Limited support on some specific T3 phone models as detailed below.

T3 Phones:

Classic/Comfort icon: Displays 1234.

DSS Link LED: None.


Avaya IP Office

Platform Short Code and Button Action Reference

Comments? [email protected]

February 2015

Set Hunt Group Night Service

Set Hunt Group Night Service

Puts the specified hunt group into Night Service mode. Calls to a group set to night service, receive busy or are diverted to voicemail if available or are diverted to the group's night service fallback group if set.

Setting and clearing hunt group night service can be done using either manual controls or using a system time profile. The use of both methods to control the night service status of a particular hunt group is not supported.

This function is not supported between systems in a multi-site network. It can only be used by a user currently logged onto the same system as hosting the hunt group.

Action: Advanced | Set | Set Hunt Group Night Service.

Action Data: Hunt group extension number.

Release 4.0+: If left blank, the button will affect all hunt groups of which the user is a member.

The Set Hunt Group Night Service and Clear Hunt Group Night Service short code and button features can be used to switch an SSL VPN service off or on respectively. The service is indicated by setting the service name as the telephone number or action data. Do not use quotation marks.

Default Label: HGNS+ or HG Night Service.

Toggles: Yes.

Status Indication: Yes Required. If the button is blank (no specific hunt group) it will indicate on if any one of the hunt groups of which the user is a member is set to night service. If the button is set for multiple hunt groups it will indicate on if any one of those groups is set to night service.


- On.

- Off.

2400, 5400




4600, 5600







6400, 9500




Green on Red on

Off Off

9608, 9611 9621, 9641 T-Series,


Green on






User Admin: No.

Phone Support Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.


1100 Series:

20 Series:

2400 Series: [1] 4400 Series:

1200 Series: 3600 Series:

1400 Series: [1] 3700 Series:

4100 Series:

4600 Series: [1]

5400 Series:

6400 Series:

7400 Series:


9500 Series:




T3/T3 IP Series:


February 2015 Avaya IP Office

Platform Short Code and Button Action Reference


Comments? [email protected]

Button Programming Actions

1600 Series: [1] 3810: 5600 Series: [1] 9600 Series:

1. Not 1403, 1603, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on Release 2.1

and 3.0DT software.

2. Limited support on some specific T3 phone models as detailed below.

T3 Phones: Supported on Avaya T3 Classic, T3 Comfort phones and DSS Link units only.

T3 Classic/T3 Comfort icon: Displays followed by the group number. The background uses the same settings as the LED below.

DSS Link LED: On when all related groups are in night service. Slow flash if related hunt groups are in mixed states.

Set Hunt Group Out Of Service

Puts the specified hunt group into Out of Service mode. Calls to a group set to out of service receive busy or are diverted to voicemail if available or are diverted to the group's out of service fallback group if set.

This function can be used to used to override hunt groups already set to night service mode by an associated time profile.

Action: Advanced | Set | Set Hunt Group Out of Service.

Action Data: Hunt group extension number.

If left blank, the button will affect all hunt groups of which the user is a member.

Default Label: HGOS+ or HG Out of Service.

Toggles: Yes.

Status Indication: Yes Required. If the button is blank (no specific hunt group) it will indicate on if any one of the hunt groups of which the user is a member is set out of service. If the button is set for multiple hunt groups it will indicate on if any one of those groups is set out of service.


- On.

- Off.

2400, 5400




4600, 5600







6400, 9500




Green on Red on

Off Off

9608, 9611 9621, 9641 T-Series,


Green on






User Admin: No.

Phone Support Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.


Avaya IP Office

Platform Short Code and Button Action Reference

Comments? [email protected]

February 2015

Set Inside Call Seq


1100 Series:

20 Series:

2400 Series: [1] 4400 Series:

1200 Series: 3600 Series:

1400 Series: [1] 3700 Series:

4100 Series:

4600 Series: [1]

5400 Series:

6400 Series:

7400 Series:


9500 Series:




T3/T3 IP Series:


1600 Series: [1] 3810: 5600 Series: [1] 9600 Series:

1. Not 1403, 1603, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on Release 2.1

and 3.0DT software.

2. Limited support on some specific T3 phone models as detailed below.

T3 Phones:

Classic/Comfort icon: Displays followed by the group number. The background uses the same settings as the LED below.

DSS Link LED: On when set. On when all related groups are out of service. Slow flash if related hunt groups are in mixed states.

Set Inside Call Seq

This feature allows the user to select the ringing used on their analog extension for internal calls.

The number entered corresponds to the ring pattern required. This is 0 for Default Ring, 1 for

RingNormal, 2 for RingType1, etc. For more information on selectable ringing patterns, see Ring

Tones. Use of this short code function is applicable to analog phone users only. The distinctive ringing pattern used for other phones is set by the phone type.

Set Night Service Group

This button allows the user to change the Night Service target of a hunt group. The button user does not have to be a member of the hunt group. In a multi-site network this function can be used for hunt groups on remote systems.

Changing the destination does not affect calls already ringing at the hunt groups previous night service destination.

Action: Advanced | Set | Set Night Service Group.

Action Data: Hunt group extension number. This is the group for which the night service destination is being set.

Default Label: SetNSG or HG NS Group.

Toggles: No.

February 2015 Avaya IP Office

Platform Short Code and Button Action Reference


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Button Programming Actions

Status Indication: No.

User Admin: No.

Phone Support Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.


1100 Series:

20 Series:

2400 Series: [1] 4400 Series:

1200 Series: 3600 Series:

1400 Series: [1] 3700 Series:

4100 Series:

4600 Series: [1]

5400 Series:

6400 Series:

7400 Series:


9500 Series:




T3/T3 IP Series:


1600 Series: [1] 3810: 5600 Series: [1] 9600 Series:

1. Not 1403, 1603, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on Release 2.1

and 3.0DT software.

2. Limited support on some specific T3 phone models as detailed below.

On T3 phones this option is accessible through the phone's menus.

Set No Answer Time

Allows the user to change their no answer time setting. This is the time calls ring before going to voicemail or following the user's divert on no answer setting if set on.

In situations where call coverage is also being used, the user's no answer time must be greater than their individual coverage time for coverage to occur.

Action: Advanced | Set | Set No Answer Time.

Action Data: Time in seconds.

Default Label: NATim or No Answer Time.

Toggles: No.

Status Indication: No.

User Admin: No.

Phone Support Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.


1100 Series:

20 Series: 4100 Series:

2400 Series: [1] 4400 Series:

1200 Series: 3600 Series:

1400 Series: [1] 3700 Series:

4600 Series: [1]

5400 Series:

6400 Series:

7400 Series:


9500 Series:




T3/T3 IP Series:


Avaya IP Office

Platform Short Code and Button Action Reference

Comments? [email protected]

February 2015

Set Out of Service Group

1600 Series: [1] 3810: 5600 Series: [1] 9600 Series:

1. Not 1403, 1603, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on Release 2.1

and 3.0DT software.

Set Out of Service Group

This button allows the user to change the Out of Service target of a hunt group. The button user does not have to be a member of the hunt group. In a multi-site network this function can be used for hunt groups on remote systems.

Changing the destination does not affect calls already ringing at the hunt groups previous Out of

Service destination.

Action: Advanced | Set | Set Out of Service Group.

Action Data: Hunt group extension number. This is the group for which the night service destination is being set.

Default Label: SetOOSG or HG OS Group.

Toggles: No.

Status Indication: No.

User Admin: No.

Phone Support Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.


1100 Series:

20 Series: 4100 Series:

2400 Series: [1] 4400 Series:

1200 Series: 3600 Series:

1400 Series: [1] 3700 Series:

4600 Series: [1]

5400 Series:

6400 Series:

7400 Series:


9500 Series:




T3/T3 IP Series:


1600 Series: [1] 3810: 5600 Series: [1] 9600 Series:

1. Not 1403, 1603, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on Release 2.1

and 3.0DT software.

2. Limited support on some specific T3 phone models as detailed below.

On T3 phones this option is accessible through the phone's menus.

February 2015 Avaya IP Office

Platform Short Code and Button Action Reference


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Button Programming Actions

Set Outside Call Seq

This feature allows the user to select the ringing used on their analog extension for external calls.

The number entered corresponds to the ring pattern required. This is 0 for Default Ring, 1 for

RingNormal, 2 for RingType1, etc. For more information on selectable ringing patterns, see Ring

Tones. Use of this short code function is applicable to analog phone users only. The distinctive ringing pattern used for other phones is set by the phone type.

Set Ringback Seq

This feature allows the user to select the ringing used on their analog extension for ringback calls.

The number entered corresponds to the ring pattern required. This is 0 for Default Ring, 1 for

RingNormal, 2 for RingType1, etc. For more information on selectable ringing patterns, see Ring

Tones. Use of this short code function is applicable to analog phone users only. The distinctive ringing pattern used for other phones is set by the phone type.

Set Wrap Up Time

Allows users to change their Wrap-up Time (User | Telephony | Call Settings) setting.

Other phones or applications monitoring the user's status will indicate the user as still being busy

(on a call).

Hunt group calls will not be presented to the user.

If the user is using a single line set, direct calls also receive busy treatment. If the user is using a mutli-line set (multiple call appearances), direct calls to them will ring as normal.

It is recommended that this option is not set to less than the default of 2 seconds. 0 is used to allow immediate ringing.

For users set as an CCR Agent, the After Call Work Time (User | Telephony | Supervisor Settings) setting should be used.

Action: Advanced | Set | Set Wrap Up Time.

Action Data: Time in seconds. Range 0 to 99999 seconds.

Default Label: WUTim or Wrap-up Time.

Toggles: No.

Status Indication: No.

User Admin: No.


Avaya IP Office

Platform Short Code and Button Action Reference

Comments? [email protected]

February 2015

Speed Dial

Phone Support Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.


1100 Series:

20 Series: 4100 Series:

2400 Series: [1] 4400 Series:

1200 Series: 3600 Series:

1400 Series: [1] 3700 Series:

1600 Series: [1] 3810:

4600 Series: [1]

5400 Series:

5600 Series: [1]

6400 Series:

7400 Series:


9500 Series:

9600 Series:




T3/T3 IP Series:

1. Not 1403, 1603, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on Release 2.1

and 3.0DT software.

Speed Dial

When pressed, the button invokes the same process as dialing Feature 0.

If Feature 0 is followed by a 3-dight number in the range 000 to 999, the system directory entry with the matching index is dialed.

If Feature 0 is followed by * and a 2-digit number in the range 00 to 99, the personal directory entry with the matching index is dialed.

Action: Advanced | Dial | Speed Dial.

Action Data: None.

Default Label: SpdDial.

Toggles: No.

Status Indication: No.

User Admin: No.

Phone Support

Phone Support Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.


1100 Series:

1200 Series:

1400 Series:

1600 Series:

20 Series

2400 Series:

3600 Series:

3700 Series:


4100 Series:

4400 Series:

4600 Series:

5400 Series:

5600 Series:

6400 Series:

7400 Series:


9500 Series:

9600 Series:




T3/T3 IP Series:

February 2015 Avaya IP Office

Platform Short Code and Button Action Reference


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Button Programming Actions

Stamp Log

The stamp log function is used to insert a line into any System Monitor trace that is running. The line in the trace indicates the date, time, user name and extension plus additional information. The line is prefixed with LSTMP: Log Stamped and a log stamp number. When invoked from a Avaya phone with a display, Log Stamped# is also briefly displayed on the phone. This allows users to indicate when they have experienced a particular problem that the system maintainer want them to report and allows the maintainer to more easily locate the relevant section in the monitor trace.

The log stamp number is set to 000 when the system is restarted. The number is then incremented after each time the function is used in a cycle between 000 and 999. Alternately if required, a specific stamp number can be assigned to the button or short code being used for the feature.

Action: Advanced | Miscellaneous | Stamp Log.

Action Data: Optional. Blank or any 3 digit number.

Default Label: Stamp Log.

Toggles: No.

Status Indication: No.

User Admin: No.

Phone Support Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.


1100 Series:

1200 Series:

1400 Series:

1600 Series:

20 Series:

2400 Series:

3600 Series:

3700 Series:


4100 Series:

4400 Series:

4600 Series:

5400 Series:

5600 Series:

6400 Series:

7400 Series:


9500 Series:

9600 Series:


M-Series: [1]

T-Series: [1]

T3/T3 IP Series:

1. Not supported on T7000, T7100, M7100, M7100N and the Audio Conferencing Unit (ACU).

Stored Number View

Not supported. Provided for CTI emulation only. Allows a user to view the contents of any programmed feature button.

Action: Emulation | Stored Number View.

Action Data: None.

Default Label: BtnVu.

Toggles: No.

Status Indication: No.


Avaya IP Office

Platform Short Code and Button Action Reference

Comments? [email protected]

February 2015

Suspend Call

User Admin: No.

Phone Support Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.


1100 Series:

20 Series: 4100 Series:

2400 Series: [1] 4400 Series:

1200 Series: 3600 Series:

1400 Series: [1] 3700 Series:

1600 Series: [1] 3810:

4600 Series: [1]

5400 Series:

6400 Series:

7400 Series:


9500 Series:

5600 Series: [1] 9600 Series:




T3/T3 IP Series:

1. Not 1403, 1603, 2402, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on

Release 2.1 and 3.0DT software.

Suspend Call

Uses the Q.931 Suspend facility. Suspends the incoming call at the ISDN exchange, freeing up the

ISDN B channel. The call is placed in exchange slot 0 if a slot number is not specified. Only available when supported by the ISDN exchange.

Action: Advanced | Suspend | Suspend.

Action Data: Exchange slot number or blank (slot 0).

Default Label: Suspe.

Toggles: No.

Status Indication: No.

User Admin: No.

Phone Support Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.


1100 Series:

20 Series: 4100 Series:

2400 Series: [1] 4400 Series:

1200 Series: 3600 Series:

1400 Series: [1] 3700 Series:

1600 Series: [1] 3810:

4600 Series: [1]

5400 Series:

5600 Series: [1]

6400 Series:

7400 Series:


9500 Series:

9600 Series:




T3/T3 IP Series:

1. Not 1403, 1603, 2402, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on

Release 2.1 and 3.0DT software.

February 2015 Avaya IP Office

Platform Short Code and Button Action Reference


Comments? [email protected]

Button Programming Actions

Suspend CW

Uses the Q.931 Suspend facility. Suspends the incoming call at the ISDN exchange and answer the call waiting. The call is placed in exchange slot 0 if a slot number is not specified. Only available when supported by the ISDN exchange.

Action: Advanced | Suspend | Suspend CW.

Action Data: Exchange slot number or blank (slot 0).

Default Label: SusCW.

Toggles: No.

Status Indication: No.

User Admin: No.

Phone Support Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.


1100 Series:

20 Series: 4100 Series:

2400 Series: [1] 4400 Series:

1200 Series: 3600 Series:

1400 Series: [1] 3700 Series:

1600 Series: [1] 3810:

4600 Series: [1]

5400 Series:

6400 Series:

7400 Series:


9500 Series:

5600 Series: [1] 9600 Series:




T3/T3 IP Series:

1. Not 1403, 1603, 2402, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on

Release 2.1 and 3.0DT software.

Time of Day

Displays the time and date on the user's telephone. This function is ignored on those Avaya phones that display the date/time by default.

Action: Emulation | Time of Day.

Action Data: None.

Default Label: TmDay.

Toggles: Yes.

Status Indication: Yes.

Status 2400, 5400


4600, 5600







9608, 9611 9621, 9641 T-Series,


Table continues…


Avaya IP Office

Platform Short Code and Button Action Reference

Comments? [email protected]

February 2015

Time Profile

- On.

- Off.





6400, 9500


Green on Red on

Off Off

Green on




User Admin: Yes.

Phone Support Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.

Analog: No

1100 Series: No

1200 Series: No

1400 Series: Yes


1600 Series: Yes


20 Series: Yes

2400 Series: Yes


3600 Series: Yes 4600 Series: Yes


3700 Series: No 5400 Series: Yes


3810: No

4100 Series: No

5600 Series: Yes


6400 Series: Yes D100: : No

4400 Series: Yes 7400 Series: No

9040: Yes

9500 Series: Yes

9600 Series: No

M-Series: Yes

T-Series: Yes

T3/T3 IP Series:


1. Not 1403, 1603, 2402, 4601, 4602, 5402, 5601 and 5602 models.



Time Profile

You can manually override a time profile. The override settings allow you to mix timed and manual settings.

The button indicator will show the Time Profile state and pressing the button will present a menu with five options and an indication of the current state. The menu options are listed below.

Menu Option

Timed Operation

Active Until Next Timed Inactive

Inactive Until Next Timed Active

Latch Active

Latch Inactive


No override. The time profile operates as configured.

Use for time profiles with multiple intervals. Select to make the current timed interval active until the next inactive interval.

Use for time profiles with multiple intervals. Select to make the current active timed interval inactive until the next active interval.

Set the time profile to active. Timed inactive periods are overridden and remain active.

Set the time profile to inactive. Timed active periods are overridden and remain active.

February 2015 Avaya IP Office

Platform Short Code and Button Action Reference


Comments? [email protected]

Button Programming Actions

Action: Emulation | Time Profile

Action Data: Time profile name.

Default Label: TP or Time Profile

Toggles: No.

Status Indication:




1400, 1600,



9600 Series

Red on


9608, 9611

Green On


9621, 9641



User Admin: No

Phone Support: Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.


20 Series: No 4100 Series: No 6400 Series: No D100: No

Table continues…


Avaya IP Office

Platform Short Code and Button Action Reference

Comments? [email protected]

February 2015


1100 Series: No

1200 Series: No

2400 Series: No

3600 Series: No

1400 Series: Yes 3700 Series: No

1600 Series: Yes 3810: No

4400 Series: No

4600 Series: No

5400 Series: No

5600 Series: No

7400 Series: No

9040: No

9500 Series: No

9600 Series: Yes

M-Series: No

T-Series: No

T3/T3 IP Series:



Starts a timer running on the display of the user's extension. The timer disappears when the user ends a call.

This function can be used on Avaya phones (except 9600 Series) that display a call timer next to each call appearance. The button will temporarily turn the call timer on or off for the currently selected call appearance. The change only applies for the duration of the current call.

Action: Emulation | Timer.

Action Data: None.

Default Label: Timer.

Toggles: Yes.

Status Indication: Yes.


- On.














<Label> <Label>

Green on Off










- Off.

<Label> <Label>

Off Off – – – Off

User Admin: Yes.

Phone Support Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.

Analog: No

1100 Series: No

1200 Series: No

1400 Series: Yes


20 Series: Yes

2400 Series: Yes


4100 Series: No

3600 Series: Yes 4600 Series: Yes


3700 Series: No 5400 Series: Yes


6400 Series: Yes D100: : No

4400 Series: Yes 7400 Series: No

9040: Yes

9500 Series: Yes

M-Series: Yes

T-Series: Yes

T3/T3 IP Series:


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Button Programming Actions

1600 Series: Yes


3810: No 5600 Series: Yes


9600 Series: Yes


1. Not 1403, 1603, 2402, 4601, 4602, 5402, 5601 and 5602 models.

2. Supported on 96x1, but not 96x0.


This function is intend for use with Avaya M-Series and T-Series phones only. When pressed, the button invokes the same transfer process as dialing Feature 70.

Action: Advanced | Call | Transfer.

Action Data: None.

Default Label: Xfer.

Toggles: No.

Status Indication: No.

User Admin: No.

Phone Support This function is only supported on Avaya M-Series and T-Series phones.

Toggle Calls

Cycle between the user's current call and any held calls.

Action: Advanced | Call | Toggle Calls..

Action Data: None.

Default Label: Toggl.

Toggles: No.

Status Indication: No.

User Admin: No.

Phone Support Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.


1100 Series:

1200 Series:

20 Series: 4100 Series:

2400 Series: [1] 4400 Series:

3600 Series:

6400 Series:

7400 Series:

4600 Series: [1] 9040:




Table continues…


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February 2015


1400 Series: [1] 3700 Series:

1600 Series: [1] 3810:

5400 Series: 9500 Series:

5600 Series: [1] 9600 Series:

T3/T3 IP Series:

1. Not 1403, 1603, 2402, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on

Release 2.1 and 3.0DT software.


This action can be used by user's setup for mobile twinning. This action is not used for internal twinning.

While the phone is idle, the button allows the user to set and change the destination for their twinned calls. It can also be used to switch mobile twinning on/off and indicates the status of that setting.

When a call has been routed by the system to the user's twinned destination, the Twinning button can be used to retrieve the call at the user's primary extension.

In configurations where the call arrives over an IP trunk and the outbound call is on an IP trunk, multi-site network may optimise the routing and in this case the button may not be usable to retrieve the call.

For user's setup for one-X Mobile Client, changes to their Mobile Twinning status made through the system configuration or using a Twinning button are not reflected in the status of the Extension to

Cellular icon on their mobile client. However, changes to the Extension to Cellular status made from the mobile client are reflected by the Mobile Twinning field in the system configuration.

Therefore, for one-X Mobile Client users, it is recommended that they control their Mobile Twinning status through the one-X Mobile Client rather than through a Twinning button.

Mobile Twinning Handover When on a call on the primary extension, pressing the Twinning button will make an unassisted transfer to the twinning destination. This feature can be used even if the user's Mobile Twinning setting was not enabled.

During the transfer process the button will wink.

Pressing the twinning button again will halt the transfer attempt and reconnect the call at the primary extension.

The transfer may return if it cannot connect to the twinning destination or is unanswered within the user's configured Transfer Return Time (if the user has no Transfer Return Time configured, a enforced time of 15 seconds is used).

Action: Emulation | Twinning.

Action Data: None.

Default Label: Twinning.

Toggles: Yes.

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Button Programming Actions

Status Indication: Yes.


- On.

- Off.

- Twinned call at secondary

2400, 5400


4600, 5600





6400, 9500





Twinning Green on Red on






Red on

9608, 9611 9621, 9641 T-Series,


Green on


Red flash

Red on








User Admin: No.

Phone Support Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.


1100 Series:

20 Series: 4100 Series:

2400 Series: [1] 4400 Series:

1200 Series: 3600 Series:

1400 Series: [1] 3700 Series:

1600 Series: [1] 3810:

4600 Series: [1]

5400 Series: [1]

5600 Series: [1]

6400 Series:

7400 Series:


9500 Series:




T3/T3 IP Series:

1. Not 1403, 1603, 2402, 4601, 4602, 5402, 5601 and 5602 models.

Unpark Call

This function is obsolete, since the Call Park function can be used to both park and retrieve calls and provides visual indication of when calls are parked. Retrieve a parked call from a specified system park slot.

Action: Advanced | Call | Unpark Call.

Action Data: System park slot number. This must match a park slot ID used to park the call.

Default Label: UnPark.

Toggles: No.

Status Indication: No.

User Admin: No.

Phone Support Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.


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February 2015



1100 Series:

20 Series:

2400 Series: [1] 4400 Series:

1200 Series: 3600 Series:

1400 Series: [1] 3700 Series:

4100 Series:

4600 Series: [1]

5400 Series:

6400 Series:

7400 Series:


9500 Series:




T3/T3 IP Series:


1600 Series: [1] 3810: 5600 Series: [1] 9600 Series:

1. Not 1403, 1603, 2402, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on

Release 2.1 and 3.0DT software.

2. Limited support on some specific T3 phone models as detailed below.

M-Series/T-Series: The button is equivalent to Feature #74 <park slot number>.


Monitors whether another user's phone is idle or in use. The Telephone Number field should contain the users name enclosed in double quotes. The button can be used to make calls to the user or pickup their longest waiting call when ringing. On buttons with a text label, the user name is shown.

The actions performed when the button is pressed will depend on the state of the target user and the type of phone being used. It also depend on whether the user is local or on a remote multi-site network system.




On a Call

Large display 1400, 1600, 2400,

4600, 5400, 5600, 9500, 9600, M-

Series and T-Series Phones

Call the user.

Displays an option to pickup the call.

For Release 4.0+ the following options are displayed (name lengths may vary depending on the phone display):

CALL Initiates a call to the users.

MESSAGE Cause a single burst of ringing on the target phone.

On some phones, when they end their current call their phone will then display PLEASE CALL and your extension number.

Other Phones or across a multisite network

Picks up the call.

No action.

For 1400, 1600, 9500 and 9600

Series phones, the Call,

Voicemail and Callback options are supported.

Table continues…

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Button Programming Actions

VOICEMAIL Call the user's voicemail mailbox.

CALLBACK Set an automatic callback.

For 1400, 1600, 9500 and 9600

Series phones the following additional options are displayed:

Drop Disconnect the user's current call.

If configured to be able to intrude on the user:

Acquire Take control of the call.

Intrude Intrude into the call, turning it into a 3-way conference.

If configured to be able to listen to the user:

Listen Start silent monitoring of the user's call.

A User button can be used in conjunction with other buttons to indicate the target user when those buttons have been configured with no pre-set user target. In cases where the other button uses the phone display for target selection this is only possible using User buttons on an associate button module.

The following changes have been made to the indication of user status via BLF (busy lamp field) indicators such as a User button:

The status shown for a logged out user without mobile twinning will depend on whether they have

Forward Unconditional enabled.

• If they have Forward Unconditional enabled the user is shown as idle.

• If they do not have Forward Unconditional enabled they will show as if on DND.

The status shown for a logged out user with mobile twinning will be as follows:

• If there are any calls alerting or in progress through the system to the twinned destination, the user status is shown as alerting or in-use as appropriate. This includes the user showing as busy/in-use if they have such a call on hold and they have Busy on Held enabled.

• If the user enables DND through Mobile Call Control or one-X Mobile client, their status will show as DND.

• Calls from the system direct to the user's twinned destination number rather than redirected by twinning will not change the user's status.

Action: User.

Action Data: User name enclosed in "double-quotes".

Default Label: <the user name>.


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February 2015

Visual Voice

Toggles: No.

Status Indication: Yes.


- Idle.



- In Use/















Extn221 Extn221















Extn221 Extn221

Green flash

Red flash Red flash Red flash

Extn221 Extn221

Green on Red wink Red wink Red wink

Extn221 Extn221 Green on Red on Red on Red on










Slow flash

Fast flash


User Admin: No.

Phone Support Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.


1100 Series:

20 Series: 4100 Series:

2400 Series: [1] 4400 Series:

1200 Series: 3600 Series:

1400 Series: [1] 3700 Series:

4600 Series: [1]

5400 Series:

6400 Series:

7400 Series:


9500 Series:




T3/T3 IP Series:


1600 Series: [1] 3810: 5600 Series: [1] 9600 Series:

1. Not 1403, 1603, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on Release 2.1

and 3.0DT software.

2. Limited support on some specific T3 phone models as detailed below.

T3 Phones:

Classic/Comfort icon: Displays the user name.

DSS Link LED: On when busy, flashing when call alerting user.

Visual Voice

This action provides the user with a display menu for access to their mailbox. The menu provides the user with options for listening to messages, leaving messages and managing the mailbox.

If pressed when a call is connected, the button allows entry of an extension number for direct to voicemail transfer of the connected call.

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Button Programming Actions

If pressed when a call is connected and the action data has been configured with a valid user or group, then the call is transferred to the user or group.

On phones that have a display but do not support full visual voice operation as indicated below, use of the button for user mailbox access using voice prompts and for direct to voicemail transfer during a call is supported (does not include T3 and T3 IP phones).

Access to Visual Voice on supported phones can be triggered by the phone's MESSAGES button rather than requiring a separate Visual Voice programmable button. This is done using the System |

Voicemail option Messages button goes to Visual Voice.

Action: Emulation | Visual Voice.

Action Data: All local users and groups and all users and groups on systems in the network, except for the user on which the button is being programmed.

Default Label: Voice.

Toggles: No.

Status Indication: No.

User Admin: No.

Phone Support Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.

Analog: No

1100 Series: No

1200 Series: No

20 Series: No

2400 Series: Yes


3600 Series: No

4100 Series: No 6400 Series: No

4400 Series: Yes 7400 Series: No

9040: Yes

D100: No

M-Series: No

T-Series: No

1400 Series: Yes 3700 Series: No

1600 Series: Yes 3810: No

4600 Series: Yes


5400 Series: Yes


5600 Series: Yes


9500 Series: Yes

T3/T3 IP Series:

Yes [2]

9600 Series: No

1. Not 1403, 1603, 2402, 5402, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602.

2. Takes the user direct to the listen part of Visual Voice. For the full Visual Voice menu options the user should use Menu | Settings | Voicemail Settings.

Visual Voice Controls

The arrangement of options on the screen will vary depending on the phone type and display size.

Listen Access your own voicemail mailbox. When pressed the screen will show the number of New,

Old and Saved messages. Select one of those options to start playback of messages in that category. Use the up arrow and arrow keys to move through the message. Use the options below.

Listen Play the message.

Pause Pause the message playback.

Delete Delete the message.


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February 2015

Voicemail Collect

Save Mark the message as a saved message.

Call Call the message sender if a caller ID is available.

Copy Copy the message to another mailbox. When pressed a number of additional options are displayed.

Message Record and send a voicemail message to another mailbox or mailboxes.

Greeting Change the main greeting used for callers to your mailbox. If no greeting has been recorded then the default system mailbox greeting is used.

Mailbox Name Record a mailbox name. This feature is only available on systems using Embedded


Email This option is only shown if you have been configured with an email address for voicemail email usage in the system configuration. This control allows you to see and change the current voicemail email mode being used for new messages received by your voicemail mailbox. Use

Change to change the selected mode. Press Donewhen the required mode is displayed. Possible modes are:

Password Change the voicemail mailbox password. To do this requires entry of the existing password.

Voicemail Switch voicemail coverage on/off.

Using the Visual Voice Button for Voicemail Transfer

If pressed when you have a call is connected, the MESSAGE button allows entry of an extension number for direct to voicemail transfer of the connected call.

Voicemail Collect

Connects to the voicemail server. The telephone number must indicate the name of the Voicemail box to be accessed, eg. "?Extn201" or "#Extn201". The ? indicates "collect Voicemail" and the # indicates "deposit Voicemail". This action is not supported by voicemail using Intuity emulation mode.

When used with Voicemail Pro, names of specific call flow start points can also be used to directly access those start points via a short code. In these cases ? is not used and # is only used if ringing is required before the start points call flow begins.

Action: Advanced | Voicemail | Voicemail Collect.

Action Data: See above.

Default Label: VMCol or VMail Collect.

Toggles: No.

Status Indication: No.

User Admin: No.

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Button Programming Actions

Phone Support Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.


1100 Series:

20 Series: 4100 Series:

2400 Series: [1] 4400 Series:

1200 Series: 3600 Series:

1400 Series: [1] 3700 Series:

4600 Series: [1]

5400 Series:

6400 Series:

7400 Series:


9500 Series:




T3/T3 IP Series:


1600 Series: [1] 3810: 5600 Series: [1] 9600 Series:

1. Not 1403, 1603, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on Release 2.1

and 3.0DT software.

2. Limited support on some specific T3 phone models as detailed below.

M-Series/T-Series: For access to the users own mailbox, this button is equivalent to Feature

65 and Feature 981.

Voicemail Off

Disables the user's voicemail box from answering calls that ring unanswered at the users extension.

This does not disable the user's mailbox and other methods of placing messages into their mailbox.

This button function is obsolete as the Voicemail On function toggles on/off.

Action: Advanced | Voicemail | Voicemail Off.

Action Data: None.

Default Label: VMOff.

Toggles: No.

Status Indication: No.

User Admin: No.

Phone Support Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.


1100 Series:

20 Series: 4100 Series:

2400 Series: [1] 4400 Series:

1200 Series: 3600 Series:

1400 Series: [1] 3700 Series:

1600 Series: [1] 3810:

4600 Series: [1]

5400 Series:

5600 Series: [1]

6400 Series:

7400 Series:


9500 Series:

9600 Series:




T3/T3 IP Series:

1. Not 1403, 1603, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on Release 2.1

and 3.0DT software.


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February 2015

Voicemail On

Voicemail On

Enables the user's voicemail mailbox to answer calls which ring unanswered or arrive when the user is busy.

Action: Advanced | Voicemail | Voicemail On.

Action Data: None.

Default Label: VMOn or VMail On.

Toggles: No.

Status Indication: Yes.


- On.

- Off.

2400, 5400




4600, 5600







6400, 9500




Green on Red on

Off Off

9608, 9611 9621, 9641 T-Series,


Green on






User Admin: No.

Phone Support Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.


1100 Series:

1200 Series:

20 Series:

2400 Series: [1]

3600 Series:

1400 Series: [1] 3700 Series:

4100 Series:

4400 Series:

4600 Series: [1]

5400 Series:

6400 Series:

7400 Series:


9500 Series:




T3/T3 IP Series:


1600 Series: [1] 3810: 5600 Series: [1] 9600 Series:

1. Not 1403, 1603, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on Release 2.1

and 3.0DT software.

2. Limited support on some specific T3 phone models as detailed below.

T3 Phones: Supported on Avaya T3 Classic, Comfort and Compact phones for Release


. The background uses the same settings as the • Classic/Comfort icon: Displays

LED below.

DSS Link LED: On when set.

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Button Programming Actions

Voicemail Ringback Off

Disables voicemail ringback to the user's extension. This button function is obsolete as the

Voicemail Ringback On function toggles on/off.

Action: Advanced | Voicemail | Voicemail Ringback Off.

Action Data: None.

Default Label: VMRB-

Toggles: No.

Status Indication: No.

User Admin: No.

Phone Support Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.


1100 Series:

20 Series: 4100 Series:

2400 Series: [1] 4400 Series:

1200 Series: 3600 Series:

1400 Series: [1] 3700 Series:

1600 Series: [1] 3810:

4600 Series: [1]

5400 Series:

5600 Series: [1]

6400 Series:

7400 Series:


9500 Series:

9600 Series:




T3/T3 IP Series:

1. Not 1403, 1603, 2402, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on

Release 2.1 and 3.0DT software.

Voicemail Ringback On

Enables voicemail ringback to the user's extension. Voicemail ringback is used to call the user when they have new voicemail messages in their own mailbox or a hunt group mailbox for which they have been configured with message waiting indication.

The ringback takes place when the user's phone returns to idle after any call is ended.

Action: Advanced | Voicemail | Voicemail Ringback On.

Action Data: None.

Default Label: VMRB+ or VMail Ringback.

Toggles: Yes.

Status Indication: Yes.

Status 2400, 5400


4600, 5600






9608, 9611 9621, 9641 T-Series,


Table continues…


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February 2015

Whisper Page

- On.

- Off.






6400, 9500


Green on Red on

Off Off

Green on






User Admin: No.

Phone Support Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.


1100 Series:

20 Series: 4100 Series:

2400 Series: [1] 4400 Series:

1200 Series: 3600 Series:

1400 Series: [1] 3700 Series:

1600 Series: [1] 3810:

4600 Series: [1]

5400 Series:

6400 Series:

7400 Series:


9500 Series:

5600 Series: [1] 9600 Series:




T3/T3 IP Series:

1. Not 1403, 1603, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on Release 2.1

and 3.0DT software.

Whisper Page

This feature allows you to intrude on another user and be heard by them without being able to hear the user's existing call which is not interrupted. For example: User A is on a call with user B. When user C intrudes on user A, they can be heard by user A but not by user B who can still hear user A.

Whisper page can be used to talk to a user who has enabled private call.

The ability to intrude and be intruded is controlled by two configuration settings, the Can Intrude

(User | Telephony | Supervisor Settings) setting of the user intruding and the Cannot Be Intruded

(User | Telephony | Supervisor Settings) setting of target being intruded on. The setting of any other internal party is ignored. By default, no users can intrude and all users are set to cannot be intruded.

The system support a range of other call intrusion methods in addition to this feature.

Action: Advanced | Call | Whisper Page.

Action Data: User number or name or blank for entry when pressed.

Default Label: Whisp or Whisper Page.

Toggles: No.

Status Indication: No.

User Admin: No.

Phone Support Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.

February 2015 Avaya IP Office

Platform Short Code and Button Action Reference


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Button Programming Actions


1100 Series:

20 Series:

2400 Series:

1200 Series: 3600 Series:

1400 Series: [1] 3700 Series:

1600 Series: [1] 3810:

1. Not 1403, 1603.

4100 Series:

4400 Series:

4600 Series:

5400 Series:

5600 Series:

6400 Series:

7400 Series:


9500 Series:

9600 Series:




T3/T3 IP Series:


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Platform Short Code and Button Action Reference

Comments? [email protected]

February 2015



auto intercom deny off .........................................................


auto intercom deny on .........................................................



short code feature auto intercom deny off ..................................................


auto intercom deny on ..................................................


February 2015 Avaya IP Office

Platform Short Code and Button Action Reference


Comments? [email protected]


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