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Fly Jumper Jumping Stilts User Manual | Manualzz



Adult M Series

Kids F Series


It is the responsibility of users, purchasers and supervisors to read and understand this user manual fully and completely before ever using, or allowing the use of, Fly Jumper jumping stilts.

Failure to use Fly Jumpers according to this user manual and the instructions within will increase the risk of serious injuries. Do not allow anyone else to use your Fly Jumpers if they do not meet the weight and age requirements and have not also read and understood this user manual.


Children should not use jumping stilts without proper adult supervision.

There must be an adult supervising while children learn to use Fly Jumpers and the adult should make sure that the child is seated at the proper height when putting on their Fly Jumpers. The adult must assist the child while they learn to keep their balance and move around.


All users must read and understand all of the materials in this manual before using this product

Jumping stilts are considered to be a rebounding device that allows users to jump as high as seven feet high, run as fast as 40 kilometers per hour fast and perform an endless amount of other tricks in many different places. Safe use of jumping stilts requires adequate knowledge of technique, as well as what not to do. Suitable training is essential before using jumping stilts and all users should wear proper safety gear at all times, including but not limited to, a helmet, wrist, elbow and knee pads. Prior to anyone using Fly Jumper jumping stilts, they MUST read and understand the manual provided with every set of jumping stilts in which it illustrates and advises the ways in which jumping stilts function. If this manual ever becomes lost or missing please contact Fly Jumper Canada to have another one mailed to you free of charge. If any warning labels or stickers become unreadable or missing please contact Fly Jumper Canada directly for free replacements.

This manual is packed with essential safety information that will make your Fly

Jumping experience a lot easier, safer and ultimately a whole lot of fun. The instruction manual also contains warnings and caution instructions on playing and handling this product and these instructions should always be followed to prevent you or others from any injury. Please read the entire user manual thoroughly before using your Fly Jumpers and follow the instructions contained therein. After reading this user manual, be sure to keep it nearby or in a safe place where it can be easily accessed for future reference by you, the purchaser or anyone else who is interested in using

Fly Jumper jumping stilts.

Misuse and abuse of Fly Jumper jumping stilts is dangerous, and can cause serious injuries as well as fatalities. Learning to use jumping stilts and any and all safety measures are the sole responsibility of the users, their parents and or guardians themselves and the user personally assumes all risks and responsibilities for any damages, injuries or deaths taking place following the use or misuse of Fly Jumper jumping stilts in whichever way including damages to property and third party claims.

Fly Jumper Canada Limited is not liable for any accidents, injuries or fatalities relating to the use of these products. The purchaser/user of this piece of equipment is assuming a degree of risk for which Fly Jumper Canada Limited cannot be held responsible.

Fly Jumper jumping stilts are designed according to different levels of weight to accommodate each user’s unique body weight. Users should only use Fly Jumpers that were designed to resist their body weight. Recommended weight limitations are displayed on all boxes and are displayed on the bottoms of all springs. Springs range in a variety of different sizes and compensate for adult users weighing from 65 Lbs up to 260 Lbs. Persons at, or near the maximum weight threshold of a particular size of spring should choose a spring with more resiliency for extensive or extreme use.

Always test the springs for resilience by jumping very lightly. If the resiliency appears to be weak (springs do not lift the individual when light jumps are made), discontinue

use immediately, take off the stilts and inspect them. If the springs appear to be damaged or out of shape, the jumping stilts should not be used until the springs have been replaced. Be sure to check the entire stilts for any other areas that may need repair as not all problems arise from the springs.

Fly Jumper jumping stilts are designed exclusively for recreational use only. Many users of our jumping stilts are children, and therefore require close supervision and rules to follow while playing on Fly Jumper jumping stilts. These rules must be enforced by whoever is responsible for the care of the child or children. It is strongly recommended that the buyer of this product go over the rules and recommendations included in the packet of information supplied with every set of Fly Jumper jumping stilts, including all of the material in this manual. It is also strongly recommended that these rules and recommendations be supplemented with those of your own, for example: the time that jumping is allowed, who users the jumping stilts, and so on.

These rules and recommendations should be reviewed with anyone who is going to use Fly Jumper jumping stilts. Please read all of the safety and warning messages in all sections of this manual for more information.

We also urge you to not allow access to these jumping stilts to any children during times when they may be used without proper adult supervision. This precaution helps to prevent access to the jumping stilts by children or individuals who are too small or do not have the training, experience or physical strength necessary to jump on jumping stilts without having the proper supervision.

Congratulations on purchasing you very own pair of Fly Jumper jumping stilts.

These jumping stilts have been engineered with safety, durability and performance in mind and we sincerely believe that our products provide great quality at an unbelievable value.

Box Contents:


One set of Fly Jumper Jumping Stilts




Safety and Instruction Manual

Warranty Registration

Hex key tool for height adjustments

Please remember to mail in your Warranty Registration Card within 10 days of your original purchase date. This is the only way in which your warranty will be valid and ensures that you receive any and all product benefits.

This symbol identifies sections in this manual that include important health and safety messages.

This symbol identifies sections in this manual that include important health and safety messages specifically pertaining to child use of this product.


Chapter 1 Introduction

Welcome and Congratulations!

Product Introduction

Product Description

Product Benefits

Chapter 2 Care and Maintenance Instructions

Product Maintenance

Product Modifications

Product Repairs and Parts

Chapter 3 Important Safety Information and


Important Safety Warnings

Special Attention Kids and Parents

Chapter 4 Product Use Instructions

Before You Get Started

Safety and Inspection

Choosing a Location

Size Matters

Adjusting Your Fly Jumpers

Putting On Your Fly Jumpers

First Time Use

Warm Up

Standing Up

First Steps

Basic Skills





Getting Up After a Fall

Advanced Skills and Tricks

Chapter 5 Product Warranty

Warranty Information

Product Registration

Submitting a Warranty Claim

Customer Support

Chapter 6 Product Specifications and Diagrams



Chapter 7 Customer Support


Glossary of Terms

Copyright Notice































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Congratulations on the purchase of your new Fly Jumper jumping stilts. We are very confident that you will enjoy your Fly Jumpers for a very long time and we would like to take this opportunity to sincerely welcome you to the all new and exciting sport of Powerbocking!

Y o o u u a r r e n n o o w r r e a d y a w e s s o o m e n n e w w o o r r l l l d t t o o e x p p e r r i i i e n n c c e t t h e d o o f f


P o o w e r r b o o c c k i i i n n g e g




Become a member of the Fly Jumper community online at w w w .


F F l l y y J J u m p e r r F F o r r u m .


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The forum is the best place to learn more about powerbocking and will really help you progress on your Fly


The forum allows you to:


Find other Fly Jumpers in your area!


Receive helpful information on learning your Fly Jumpers!


Share your progress with other bockers all over the world!


Share videos and pictures with Fly Jumper Community!


Share all kinds of new tips and tricks!


Socialize with Fly Jumper friends and enthusiasts!


Help yourself and the sport of Powerbocking progress and develop!


Participate in cool promotions and competitions!


Be first to hear about Fly Jumper events in your area!

It is absolutely free and really easy to join. It only takes 2 minutes and all you need is a valid email address join.

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Fly Jumpers are the future of entertainment amongst thrill seekers all over the world. The ability to jump 6 to 7 feet high in the air and run with incredible speed while leaping and bouncing is a sight never seen before in the whole world. This product is so fun and so special that it has developed into an all new extreme sport called Powerbocking.

People all over the world are taking advantage of Fly Jumpers’ ability to promote an extremely fun and healthy lifestyle. Especially, for kids, it can be helpful in speeding up the growing process without adding stress to the joints. You will enjoy incredible heights and speed with your new Fly Jumpers.

Fly Jumping is an extreme alternative to recreation and exercise that cultivates a brand new adventurous spirit in young people. Fly Jumpers create an incredible experience through this exciting sport that has never been seen before in the sports entertainment world. This is truly a revolution in sports, a large discovery and a great contribution to the world.

Fly Jumper jumping stilts are designed according to different body weights. Beginners should choose the model (spring size) suitable for their weight range and begin by walking, hopping and jogging. Once users have developed their skills on Fly Jumpers they may choose to use springs for the next weight range up to perform some more difficult movements. Never choose a model designed for people who weigh less than you. This can cause you to get injured and the product may fail. For your safety, please remember all the rules of usage in this manual and keep the product in a good condition.

Where Can You Find Out More?

Many more resources can be found on the Fly Jumper Community forum at

where you can meet others, share videos, chat, see pictures, get tips & much more!









In general, Fly Jumpers are consisted of a fiberglass or carbon fiber spring, an aluminum frame, a footplate with bindings, and a knee support bar. When users compress the springs, the pressure of the user’s weight creates gravitational energy which is then harnessed by the springs momentarily. The springs will then release the energy, providing the user with the ability to jump to incredible heights and run extremely fast. Fly Jumpers successfully combine good appearance, protection and an extended product life cycle together with affordability and price. The quality and amount of technology put into Fly Jumpers is comparable to other brands of jumping stilts which can cost over $2500.00 CAD!

Fly Jumper jumping stilts are designed according to different levels of weight to accommodate each user’s personal body weight. Users should only use Fly Jumpers that were designed to resist their body weight. Using Fly Jumpers that are not built for your weight range will increase the risk of spring failure, injuries and will also weaken the spring’s resistance. Do not let anyone too heavy for your Fly Jumpers use your stilts as this will weaken your springs, void their warranty and increase the risk of serious injury.

General Parts

1. Knee Support Bar or Calf Cuffs

2. Aluminum Frames

3. Springs

4. Bindings

5. Interchangeable Rubber Feet


Please refer to the diagrams at the back of this manual for additional information on all the parts and structure of your Fly Jumpers.

1. Knee Support Bar or Calf Cuffs

It is easy for players to conveniently regulate the knee bar’s height for their specific needs.

It is suggested that the knee bar should be

4CM down from the bottom of the user’s knee cap.

2. Aluminum Frame

The frames on Fly Jumper are designed completely out of aircraft grade aluminum, which is a very strong and very light material that provides ease of use and adds additional elegance. The exact same material is used on the tank of the American Shuttle Discovery 2195.

This material is super high strength aluminum lithium which features high specific strength, high specific modulus, high fracture toughness, high fatigue value and high corrosion resistance. Tough and high strength aluminum lithium not only ensures that the product is safe and steady, but also gives off an appearance and feeling of modern technology.

3. Springs

The springs are the core part of Fly Jumpers and are made from either fiberglass or synthesized active carbon fiber. The carbon fiber springs are lightweight and have a high heat resistance. Both types of springs are very tough and have a high level of elasticity. Only certain models come with carbon fiber springs on them. You can tell what kind of

springs simply by their color. Carbon fiber springs are black and fiberglass springs are more yellow and transparent.

4. Bindings

The bindings are made of cold-resistant plastics, compression resistant materials and high-density refined sponge. They are not only easy to wear but are also safe and comfortable.

These straps include adjustment holes making these straps fully adjustable so that they can fit anyone’s foot size comfortably.

5. Interchangeable Rubber Feet

It is constructed of high quality PU mixing rubber which is more abrasion resistant and its serviceable lifespan is lengthened. It is very convenient to dismantle and can be replaced with new rubber soles very easily and conveniently.







Not all exercise is suitable for everyone. To reduce the risk of injury, consult your doctor before beginning this or any exercise program and before this device or any other exercise equipment.

The instructions presented herein are in no way intended as a substitute for medical counseling. If you suffer from heart disease, high blood pressure or any other disease or condition, consult your physician before beginning any exercise program. Always stop and rest if you feel dizzy or short of breath and only use this product as intended. You absolutely must make sure that you do not have any medical or health conditions that could affect the safety and effectiveness of your exercise program. If at any time during your exercise you are experiencing discomfort or pain, stop the exercise immediately and consult your physician.

As a piece of sports training equipment, Fly Jumpers can arouse people’s entire nervous system effectively, allowing users to increase speed, strengthen explosive force, improve their body’s compatibility and dramatically improve their flexibility. A report completed by the

International Jumper Sports Association states that: “players who use

Fly Jumpers as training equipment will maintain a better state of fitness, run faster and jump higher.”

Fly Jumpers have been widely adopted by some sport amateurs in

Europe and other countries. Sports experts also agree that this is an excellent piece of physical training equipment for any sports that require people to run faster and jump higher.

Jumping and running with Fly Jumpers is one of the most effective total body exercises around and is extremely beneficial to the arms,

waist, hips, back, shoulders and legs. Fly Jumpers also activate a lot of the tiny muscles or deep muscles that do not get exercised very much.

These muscles are considered to be the “links” to all major muscle groups in the body and it is normally very difficult to target these muscles. Use of Fly Jumper jumping stilts will ultimately give you strength you would never expect because you are only as strong as your weakest link.

In addition being an effective full body workout for all muscle groups,

Fly Jumpers are also one of the best cardiovascular workouts on the planet. General use of Fly Jumpers will burn twice as many calories as normal running, and they also eliminate the impact on your knees and joints that regular running is notorious for. Studies show that Fly

Jumping for 10 to 15 minutes consumes even more calories than running on solid ground for a half hour! This means that Fly Jumpers not only provide one of the most effective workouts in the world, it does it in far less time while also minimizing the impact on the user’s knees and other joints. So Fly Jumpers provide over a 50% reduction in someone’s exercise time and they do not even need to go to a gym.

You can now choose to exercise where ever you like as long as there is some ground that is hard, dry, clean and free from obstacles.

Jumping and running with Fly Jumpers will regulate your endocrine systems, burn an enormous amount of calories and will also strengthen and increase your body’s natural metabolism, allowing your body to utilize many more calories for energy on a daily basis.

This ultimately assists people in losing weight at accelerated speeds without the use of any medication or unhealthy commercial supplements! Use of Fly Jumpers also increases HDL-C (High Density

Lipoprotein Cholesterol) and reduces THR (Total Cholesterol & High

Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol Rate). By mixing Fly Jumpers with a healthy diet and lifestyle and you will supercharge yourself into an athletic machine, making you look and feel absolutely wonderful and

full of energy! There’s no denying the fact that Fly Jumping half an hour every day could easily lose you 5kg of fat a month.

It’s not over yet. Fly Jumpers are also one of the best pieces of equipment in existence to improve people’s flexibility, balance and coordination. Many medical institutes across the globe verify that jumping and running can improve the elasticity of muscle fiber, while improving the human body’s balance and coordination. Use of our products exercises the body’s entire nervous system, including the central nervous system, by increasing motor neuron recruitment. This will dramatically improve people’s balance, reflexes and coordination allowing them to react to situations and movements more efficiently, much quicker and ultimately much more effectively.

Did we mention “stress relief” yet? Fly Jumper related sports and activities relieves all stress. Normally, to fight stress, you would require a lot of time consuming training. These days are now gone and the stress reducing effect of Fly Jumpers begins after only 5 minutes! You will be enthusiastic and relaxed in no time! Soon your mind will became clear again and you will have the free capacity you require for the essential aspects of your life. Exercising with Fly Jumpers regulates the secretion or cortisol and norepinephrine (the main stress hormones in the body) into the body. However please be advised that you should never exercise too much, because too much exercise will produce more stress. When you use your Fly Jumpers you should relax when you do your open air leaps and vary the intensity as you like.

Special Health Benefits for Kids!

Fly Jumpers are especially beneficial for kids and teenage users.

Using Fly Jumpers at a young age will help them develop the physique of a sportsman at an early age, while at the same time preventing joint problems common in other forms of exercise during the physical developmental stages. Fly Jumpers have the unique ability to improve the metabolisms of children while accelerating the circulation of blood, stimulating the secretion of growth hormone, and provides benign stimulation to the growth and development of bones and the skeletal system. During a child’s growing development period, Fly Jumpers can help them to become taller without damaging their bones or joints. The amount and type of exercise people perform as they are children have a direct impact on the growth of bones, their future height and their state of health to a large extent. So exercising with Fly

Jumpers during one’s childhood can help aid in the development of a strong, tall and healthy body!



































Proper maintenance and care of your Fly Jumpers is essential to prolonging their life. Fly Jumpers are a high-quality product strictly designed to be lightweight. To avoid injuries, it is necessary to always keep the equipment in good condition. All jumping stilts require maintenance at some point. Springs nay need to be replaced, frames may become warped or bent, bearings may need lubrication, rubber feet will need changing etc. Care and maintenance should always be utilized.

You should do everything you can to protect your springs and always clean you stilts with a dry cloth. It is also important that you do not use any sharp edges to scrap dirt off which can damage the spring’s surface. Please feel free to wrap your springs with protective tape from time to time to prolong their lifetime. It is also a good idea for all moving parts such as joints and bearings to be lubricated from time to time to reduce friction.

Tape can always be removed in the future and re-applied or you can always just wrap new tape over the old tape. The more tape there is the more protection you will have. There are virtually endless possibilities for taping designs as users have managed to come up with all sorts of unique designs with different colors of tape. Some of you will choose to create your own color full designs and others may choose to just go with a standard black tape to make things easier.

Either way, tape is an excellent way to prolong the life of your springs and it is recommended that all users protect their springs, especially

beginners as your first few hours are when your springs are most likely to get damaged due to lack of control. It would be wise to tape your springs before you even use your Fly Jumpers.

Do not store your Fly Jumpers outdoors where they are always exposed to changes in weather and temperature for long periods of time. This will cause negative effects on all parts including the formation of rust and drying of the bearings. Cleaning and maintaining your Fly Jumpers is essential in preventing injuries. Keeping your Fly

Jumpers in excellent condition will not only ensure that they last longer it will also ensure that they are safe to use. p p

F p p o r r o r r o o r o o r t t t d m e e u u c o c c o c t t r t t t t r i i i e s e o s o n i n p i i p n l l n i i l i f e f n e n o a a o c c r s l l r s l u u m e d a v i a v i i i t i n t i t n s i s i i i i o g i o t t t n n e e o x w o a n a n w p m w p





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There are many different things that users can do to customize their

Fly Jumpers however customizations that require any form of disassembly will ultimately void the warranty on your Fly Jumpers.

There is only one customization that is recommended and will not void your warranty. These are any customizations that we classify as

“spring protection customizations” and do not require any form of disassembling of your Fly Jumpers. Examples of acceptable spring protection customizations can be but not limited to custom fitted protectors or layers of protective tape like PVC tape, Duct tape,

Hockey tape, etc. Your custom spring protection must not require disassembly or interfere with the functions or parts of your Fly



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S / P A R T S

In the event of an accident do not attempt to repair or disassemble Fly

Jumpers without professional assistance. If the performance of the product has changed due to a fall or accident it is recommended that you contact your nearest service center or distributor for repair. Any and all damage or malfunctions must be repaired before your Fly

Jumpers are used again. If any warning labels or stickers become unreadable or missing please contact Fly Jumper Canada directly for free replacements. Any and all repairs should only be carried out by an authorized Fly Jumper dealer or service center. Repairs done on these products by anyone other than a Fly Jumper dealer, representative, service center or distributor will void any and all warranties and will avoid any liability on this product. w

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Fly Jumping or Powerbocking is a very fun activity and an awesome new sport. However, you must understand that misusing Fly Jumper jumping stilts can also be very dangerous and it is mandatory that you take sufficient time to familiarize yourself with Fly Jumper jumping stilts and how they work. It is absolutely mandatory that you and anyone else who uses these Fly Jumpers read this instruction manual and the warnings bellow before attempting to use Fly Jumper jumping stilts.


It is the responsibility of the purchaser to become familiar with the information in this booklet, to convey all the warnings to all users, and to enforce Fly Jumper Canada’s rules for safe use.

another manufacturer or brand of jumping stilts.

DO NOT use Fly Jumpers without the proper use of protective equipment. We recommend that users wear as much protection as possible, including but not limited to, a helmet, gloves, wrist supports/protectors, elbow pads, kneepads, and any other forms of protection.

DO NOT carry anything large or heavy in your hands while wearing Fly Jumpers.

DO NOT attempt any tricks or movements that are beyond your skill level. Fly Jumpers can be very dangerous if they are not used within the capability of the user and the boundaries outlined in this manual. Learn basic and fundamental movements before trying more advanced skills.

DO NOT attempt to jump high at first. Keep your height low in the beginning and focus on learning proper bounce control and landing. Control is more important than height.

DO NOT run or bounce on Fly Jumpers when you are tired or out of breath. Keep your intervals short and allow sufficient recovery before you begin another interval. Always end an interval moments before your body becomes tired or exhausted.

DO NOT use Fly Jumper jumping stilts on or near any of the prohibited areas outlined in this manual.

DO NOT use Fly Jumper jumping stilts on or in areas of extreme weather conditions including gusts or severe winds.

DO NOT attempt to jump freely until you have had enough practicing this with help or support.

DO NOT attempt to jump freely or run until you can walk freely on your own without losing your balance.

DO NOT use Fly Jumper jumping stilts while under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

DO NOT use Fly Jumpers without performing sufficient warmup exercises. Warming up by walking or hopping lightly will stimulate and activate all systems of your body to prepare for intense exercise. This will improve coordination, performance and reduce injury.

DO NOT scrap off dirt from any parts of Fly Jumpers. Clean dirt and dust off of your Fly Jumpers after each use using a dry cloth to prevent rust.

DO NOT use Fly Jumpers without performing a complete safety inspection. Perform this safety inspection before and after every use and check that all screws, connections and straps are secured firmly and tightly to ensure safety.

DO NOT use Fly Jumpers freely by yourself the first time.

Either find someone who can assist you or find a sturdy obstacle that you can hold onto for balance and support.

DO NOT use Fly Jumpers if you have any sort of fracture, bruise, abnormal body conditions or any other physical or mental

medical conditions which limits your athletic ability and that may interfere with your ability to use Fly Jumpers. Consult your doctor if you are unsure as you want to be safe and not sorry!

DO NOT let anyone too heavy for your Fly Jumpers use your stilts as this will weaken your springs, void their warranty and increase the risk of serious injury.

DO NOT attempt or allow somersaults. Landing on your head or neck can cause serious injuries, paralysis or even death. These methods are performed by advanced users who assume all risks.

DO NOT use or allow anyone else to use Fly Jumper jumping stilts that has not read and fully understood this instruction manual beforehand. The warnings and instructions for safe usage outlined in this manual are included to promote safe and enjoyable use of this equipment.

DO NOT attach anything to your Fly Jumpers that is not a manufacturer approved part or accessory. Applying tape to your springs is the only exception.

DO NOT allow children to use this device without proper adult supervision.

DO NOT children below the age of 6 years old use this device at any time.

DO NOT leave or store your Fly Jumpers in areas where others have access to them and are able to use them without reading and understanding this user manual.


It is mandatory that children learn to use Fly Jumper jumping stilts with proper adult supervision.

There must be an adult supervising while children learn to use Fly

Jumpers and the adult should make sure that the child is seated at the proper height when putting on their Fly Jumpers. The adult must assist the child while they learn to keep their balance and move around.

Adults will need to help with the initial stand up by holding onto the child’s hands or forearms with both hands and not let go until the child is fully capable of moving on their own. Adults need to make sure that the child finds his/her equilibrium point while stepping. He/she must also make sure that the child keeps moving slightly in Fly Jumpers or he/she will not be able to keep their balance by themselves.

Once the child is ready to learn how to walk on their own the adult may let go of one arm at a time and will need to stay very close in case the child looses his/her balance. The adult must also ensure that the child is learning to move by stepping very slowly.

Children should never use Fly Jumpers by themselves for any amount of time without an adult to assist them.








Always use your Fly Jumpers in the correct manner outlined in this


instruction manual and always, always, always carry out safety checks before, during and after each and every single time you use your Fly

Jumpers. This literally only takes one minute to do and is absolutely mandatory.







Before You Get Started

It is necessary that anyone who uses Fly Jumpers understand how these jumping stilts work and how to properly prepare yourself and your Fly Jumpers for use. We have outlined the following guidelines which must be followed before you get started on your Fly Jumpers.

Safety and Inspection

Choosing a Location

Size Matters

Adjusting your Fly Jumpers

Putting on your Fly Jumpers

Safety and Inspection

Safe/Comfortable Use

We recommend that all users wear full protective gear, including but not limited to wrist guards, elbow pads, knee pads and a helmet.

Understand that no protective gear can fully protect you in every

situation. Inline skating is an inherently dangerous activity which can result in serious debilitating injuries or even death. You, the user, are the only one who can reduce these inherent risks by always wearing full protective gear and, more importantly, maintain control at all times.

Wear a helmet and don’t even think about using Fly Jumpers without one. The helmet should fit snugly and if you can easily twist or push it out of position, the straps are too loose. It should sit squarely atop your head (versus tilted back) to protect your forehead in case of a fall forward. Choose a helmet that has been approved by a certified body and make sure you adjust it correctly.

It is advised that all users wear comfortable clothes and standard athletic running shoes. We recommend that users wear running shoes with a flat sole and a good rubber base and make sure that they are tied tightly and securely. Shoes with little support, raised heels or awkward shapes should not be worn when using Fly Jumpers. The use of a helmet, wrist pads and knee and elbow pads is absolutely mandatory before you attempt to use your Fly Jumper jumping stilts. A good range of safety gear can be purchased at

or at your local department store.

Inspect your Fly Jumpers for safety

Fly Jumper jumping stilts are considered a “high-force” transportation device which means that they will require constant tightening of all bolts and nuts. It is absolutely mandatory that any and all users of our products carry out a full safety after each time they use Fly Jumpers.

This safety check should be done before and after each and every session and it only takes 1 minute to do this. All you have to do is check all the nut, bolts, and screws and check for any damage to your springs.

1. Check that all nuts and bolts are tightly fastened especially the bolts on the plastic collar and all screws securing the foot-straps, including the ones securing the ratchets. These bolts have a tendency to loosen up quicker than all the other bolts because they receive the majority of vibrations while in use. It is vital to make sure all the nuts and bolts are secure.

2. Also check that the spring has not suffered any damage. During the first few hours of use it is common for beginners to really bang up their springs. Springs are composed of fibers which are very sensitive to scratches and scraps. Tears in the fibers can cause certain fibers to begin to shred which can weaken the spring. It is highly recommended that users wrap their springs with a very strong form of tape. PVC and heavy duty duct tapes are common types of tapes used to protect your springs. Whenever there is a tear in the original protective cover, you should wrap this spot tightly with tape to protect it once again.

3. Check that the rubber feet on your Fly Jumpers are not worn out and remove anything from them which could cause loss of traction. If there is any metal, screws or bolts visible through the rubber then you must replace your rubber feet with new ones before you use your Fly Jumper jumping stilts again.

4. Check that the frames on your Fly Jumpers are not warped, bent or corroded in any way. If there is any sign that your frames are not in proper operating condition contact Fly Jumper Canada and do not use your Fly Jumpers until the problem has been corrected.

5. Check that there are no broken, cracked or chipped parts or components. If any of the plastic parts have been cracked or compromised you must have these parts replaced before you jumping stilts can be used again.

If any of the above conditions exist, your Fly Jumper jumping stilts must not be used and must kept away from anyone who wishes to use them until the condition is remedied.


(1) Wear comfortable clothes, sneakers and all protective accessories are absolutely mandatory while using Fly Jumpers, such as gloves, wrist protectors, elbow pads, kneepads, a helmet and various other forms of protective equipment.

(2) Always perform a light 10 minute warm up before Fly Jumping vigorously.

(3) Always perform safety inspections before and after every session. Check that all the screws and bolts are tightened firmly and check that your springs have not suffered any damage.

(4) Sit at a comfortable height when putting on your Fly Jumpers and be sure strap in tightly.

(5) Fasten straps and bindings and make sure your feet are in the correct position.

(6) Hold onto something or depend on another person’s help to stand up for the first time.

(7) Learn by stepping first and do not attempt to jump or run until you have enough practice of walking in balance. Walk step by step and practice steadily. A beginner should not jump up randomly.

(8) Enjoy your Fly Jumpers for the right durations based on your

physical state or exercise experience. Adjust your exercise time accordingly and do not over do it. Fly Jumpers are extremely aerobic and too much exercise can cause stress too.

Notice: There should be another person’s assistance when using this product for the first time.

Choosing a Location

Fly Jumpers are only to be used on a flat, dry and hard surface where there is plenty of open space. For your own safety and the safety of others, do not use Fly Jumper jumping stilts in any busy areas and users should be courteous to others at all times. Review the prohibited areas bellow and abide by these rules at all times.

Never Fly Jump without making sure that the surface is safe, solid, flat, clean, well lit, and dry. The best surface outdoors is standard concrete.

Choose areas that are free of hazards and give you plenty of room to maneuver (you’ll need several meters of clear surface on all sides).

Fly Jumper jumping stilts are designed for year-round outdoor use.

However, in climates of cold weather where snow and ice are common it is recommended that users find an area of open space that is dry and clear of ice, snow, salt, dirt and any other forms of loose debris.

P g

P g l u l l u e i e i i a a d s s e e l l e l i i i n s n s e e e e s e s e a a w r r w e e w n n




o o

F t l t t l l u y s s a a f f e e u u s s a a g g e e .



S e e r r i i i o o u u y s f s f

J i o o i i u l l u n l l n l l j m j o j o u p u p w r e r e y e y r r d c


F c



o o o o r u r u l u l l u d m .



c c a b e e a e c c f f a a o o u u r r s s m e o d o i r i i r f f e t t t t t t h i h i i p p e e s s a a o o b n n o o v v e e


The user, owner and supervisors of these Fly Jumper jumping stilts are responsible to make all users aware of the prohibited locations

Roads: Using Fly Jumpers near roads, streets or paths is not advisable, especially those which are busy or congested.

Soft grounds: Do not use Fly Jumpers on or near surfaces such as grass or mud and other soft surfaces such as padded or carpeted areas. Soft grounds can cause spring malfunctions do to the fact that soft grounds will absorb some of the impact while landing just like the springs do. The result of both the spring and ground trying to absorb this impact can increase the risk of balance loss which increases the risk injuries.

Slippery Surfaces: Do not play on jumping stilts in places where the ground is too smooth or slippery such as icy surfaces or grounds with water and or oil.

Uneven Surfaces: Do not use FLY Jumpers on or near surfaces with uneven grounds such as places with ditches, pot holes and craters.

Sandy Areas: Do not use Fly Jumpers on or near area with sand, salt, dust, powder or any other loose debris on the ground.

Obstacles: Avoid using Fly Jumpers on or near any place where there are moving or stationary obstacles including large debris such as garbage or boxes.

Slopes and stairs: Jumping is not advisable anywhere near stairways, cliffs and edges or anywhere near slopes or changes in ground level.

Narrow Alleys: Users require a lot of space to use Fly Jumpers in areas with limited or narrow space such tunnels, paths or walkways are not advisable.

Rooftops: It is very dangerous to use Fly Jumpers on any kind of roof top or elevated grounds.

Unsupervised Areas: Users should not use, and parents should not allow use of, Fly Jumper jumping stilts in areas with no other people or supervision. If a user was ever to fall or get injured he/she should be in an area where someone could see that they are injured and be able to assist them.


DO NOT Use in Areas With:

Low Overhead Clearance: Adequate overhead clearance is essential. A minimum of 24 feet from ground level is recommended. Be sure to provide clearance for wires, tree limbs, and other possible hazards.

Low Lateral Clearance: Lateral clearance is also essential. Use you Fly

Jumpers away from walls, structures, fences, and other play areas.

Little Lighting: Only use Fly Jumpers in well lighted areas. Artificial illumination may be required for indoor or shaded areas.

Lots of People: Using your Fly Jumpers too close to other people is dangerous and rude. There is no way to predict how they will react so stay away. Respect their safety and their space.

Size Matters

Fly Jumper jumping stilts come in different sizes because people come in different sizes. Making sure that you are using the correct model for your weight range is very important. Fly Jumper jumping stilts are designed according to different levels of weight to accommodate each user’s unique body weight. Users should only use Fly Jumpers that were designed to resist their body weight.

Recommended weight limitations are displayed on all boxes and are displayed on the bottoms of all springs. Springs range in a variety of different sizes and compensate for adult users weighing from 65 Lbs up to 260 Lbs. Persons at, or near the maximum weight threshold of a particular size of spring should choose a spring with more resiliency for extensive or extreme use. Beginners should always choose the correct size for their weight as this will make the learning experience much easier and safer. Once users have become more skilled on Fly Jumpers they may choose to use a spring size that has more resilience or is made for someone heavier. This will provide the user with a higher energy return from the springs however it also makes Fly Jumping much more difficult.

It is very important that you never use Fly Jumper jumping stilts that you are too heavy for. If you weigh more than the maximum weight range for that size or model, do not use them. This is very dangerous as the springs are not designed to withstand more weight than the recommended range. Doing this will increase the chances of injury dramatically and the risk of spring failure is very high. Also, never allow anyone to use your jumping stilts that weighs above the recommended weight range for your Fly Jumpers. This will lower the resilience of your springs making them much weaker. This will lower the spring’s ability to return energy and propel you into the air. This also increases the chance of spring failure and will void your warranty.

Always test the springs for resilience by jumping very lightly. If the resiliency appears to be weak (springs do not lift the individual when light jumps are made), discontinue use immediately, take off the stilts and inspect them. If the springs appear to be damaged or out of shape, the jumping stilts should not be used until the springs have been replaced. Be sure to check the entire stilts for any other areas that may need repair as not all problems arise from the springs.

S w p p w r r i w i i n




n g

F g l l l s s y y c c

J a u a u n n m a a p l e l l e w r r a a y

S y t t t s s o o r b r e e e e




c r c r a e a e p f f l l l o a o a r c r c e e a a d w o i i o i r r d e e u u p s p s g e g e l r m o o d e e l l l s s a a n n d s s i i i z z e s s a a v v a a i i i l l l a a b l l l e e f f o o r r i i i m m e e d i i i a l l r e a e a c c d t t t e e i i i o o d n






P o o l l l f e f e a t t t e e o o r r d e r r .



a a s s e e f s s p r r i v v i i i s i i n n g g s g i i i t t t

Adjusting Your Fly Jumpers

Each user may need to adjust the height of the knee bar or cuffs for their own height. Some users may also need to adjust the bindings to rest properly against their feet.

1.) Adjusting the calf-wraps and knee bars

To adjust the height and positioning of knee bar you will need an Allen key and a 10mm wrench or ratchet. The allen key is provided with each new set of Fly Jumpers and is included with this manual. This adjustment is necessary to give users the best stability and ease of use.

Knee bars and calf cuffs should rest approximately 1.5 to 2 inches below the bottom of your knee cap (or patella bone). The knee support bar should rest just below the bottom of the Patellar Tendon

(this is the tendon which connects the knee cap to your shin bone) and on the upper part of the Tibia bone (this is your shin bone). You will be able slide the bar up and down your shin to find the most comfortable spot for you, just don’t rest it too low (like 4 or 5 inches below the bottom of your knee cap) as this will place more pressure on your shin and less on the actual knee bar. Users who are using the original knee bar found on most models should also wear knee pads and place them just underneath the bar to add comfort and padding to your shins.

Traditional volleyball knee pads are an excellent way to add cushioning under the knee bar.

To adjust the knee bar’s height, slightly loosen the hex screws located on the sides of the plastic knee bar support collar that has the knee

bar attached.

Loosen the 4 hex key bolts located on the side of the plastic collar supporting the knee bar.

You do not need to completely remove these 4 bolts as just loosening these hex key bolts will allow you to be able to slide the knee bar up and down.

Now that the knee bar is loose you can now slide the bars up or down the collar to set it in the correct spot for your body. If the collar moves or shifts while you do this be sure to put it back into place before tightening the screws.

After you have found the best resting spot for the knee bar you can tighten the hex key bolts back up. You want to tighten the screws firmly but not too tight as this can damage both the screws and the plastic. The best way to tighten the allen key bolts is to tighten one and then tighten the one diagonally across from it and then do the same again for the other 2 bolts. This will ensure that all the plastic parts of the collar connect together correctly and square.

2.) Adjusting the Bindings

Adjusting the bindings is also very easy and only requires a standard star head screw driver. There are adjustment holes on the sides of all the binding straps with the ratchets on them. All that you need to do is remove the screw supporting the binding in the present adjustment hole. Once you remove this screw you can select the correct hole for your foot size and then just screw the star head screw and washer into

this adjustment hole. Be sure to make sure that the screw and bolt is tight again and is firmly securing the binding strap.

Putting o your Fly Jumpers

Before you begin this stage be sure that you are wearing comfortable clothes and protective equipment as outlined in this manual. Make sure that you have performed your safety inspection as described above and have determined that your Fly Jumpers have been properly adjusted for your body. It is also recommended that you find a high seat to sit on while you put on your Fly Jumpers. A barstool or higher side of a picnic table, are two examples of a good spot to sit. Wherever you choose to sit should be a little higher than normal and secure enough to provide enough stability.

You may now sit down and begin to put on your Fly Jumpers. Begin by first sliding your foot through the knee bar or calf cuff and rest your foot on the footplate. Some people may be able to slide their feet in without removing their shoes and others may need to remove their shoes to fit their legs through the knee bar or calf cuffs.

Once you have slide your foot through the knee support check that the binding straps with the ratchets or buckles attached to them are located on the inner sides of your feet prior to strapping up. The straps with the rivets should always be on the outside. If not, then you must remove the stilt and place it on the other leg. Repeat this step for the other leg.

Now align your heels properly against the back of the footplate. Your heels should be centered in the middle of the footplate and should not be twisted in any other direction. To ensure a proper fit of your heels, wear shoes that have flat soles and are rounded around the heel and not squared off.

You may now begin to secure your foot into the footplate by fastening your foot with the bindings. To secure your foot with the bindings you will need to slide the strap with all the rivets into the strap across from it with the ratchets on the end.

The rivet straps slide into the side of the ratchets and can then be tightened with the ratchets. The ratchets securing your feet should be tightened to with a comfortable amount of tension.

To release the strap when you are done you will just need to push down on the button on the ratchet and pull the straps away from each other.

Now you will only need to fasten your leg securely to the knee bar or calf cuffs. Knee bars have a strap and a buckle at the top which must be wrapped and secured against your leg. To do this, make sure that the strap is completely undone. Then take the strap and wrap it around your leg to the others side of the knee bar.

On this side of the knee bar there will be a loop for you to feed the strap through. Insert the strap through the inner side of the loop so that it comes out through the outer side. Then wrap the strap back across your leg making sure that the strap is flat and not twisted in any way. Once you get to the other side where the buckle is you will just need to insert it into the buckle and tighten it and lock the strap in place. Do not over tighten this strap as it can stop blood from traveling to your legs. This can cause numbness and is very dangerous. Please be sure to tighten the strap so that it is firm and snug against your leg and not digging into it.

If you are using our innovative calf cuff wraps as your knee support and not the traditional knee bar you will need to put these on differently. Calf cuffs require adjustments to secure your knee properly. The padded section of the calf cuff is attached to two other pieces of fabric, by use of Velcro, which then connects it securely to the knee bar. To adjust the calf cuffs for your leg you will need to remove the padded side from the other two pieces of fabric by tearing it off. You can then adjust where the padded side sits against and other two pieces of Velcro and center it where you please. Once you have found a comfortable spot for the padded section and have secured it back against the other two pieces of Velcro you can select which way you prefer to slide your leg into the straps. If the buckle which the strap is fed through is in the back you will need to take your shoes off each time you put on the calf cuffs. Doing this will keep the

Velcro part on the front of your shin and the buckle in the back. Ort

you may choose to have the buckle face the front and the Velcro in the back. Some prefer this way as you can easily slip your legs in through the front each time without taking off your shoes. The choice is yours.

Warm Up

It is also wise to warm up before any physical activity, especially before Fly Jumping. Therefore it is highly recommended that you walk around on your Fly Jumpers for the first few minutes and perform small hops and stretches for an additional 10 minutes before you begin jumping or running.

You should always perform some sort of warm-up before a session on your Fly Jumpers. First time users should not attempt running, jumping or any extreme movements immediately and should only perform some warm-up exercises such as walking or running slowly.

A great way to warm-up is by performs little hops and skips. After a 10 minute warm-up users can then play normally on their jumping stilts.




It is highly recommended that you have somebody to assist you with your first steps when you use your Fly Jumpers for the first time. If you are unable to acquire someone else’s assistance during your initial use, you should then hold onto a wall, fence or pole so that is sturdy enough to support you as you learn to balance. The initial few minutes are usually the hardest and having someone to hold onto will prove to be extremely helpful.


It is mandatory that children learn to use Fly Jumper jumping stilts with proper adult supervision.

An adult must help children to walk step by step by holing the child by both hands. The child should walk slowly and softly keeping his/her feet spaced out a little bit to avoid entanglement. It is impossible to stand still while wearing Fly Jumpers. A child will have to move or walk to keep his/her balance unless they hold onto something sturdy for support. It can be dangerous for a child to use

Fly Jumpers alone at the beginning so it is mandatory that an adult be present while children learn to use their Fly Jumpers.

Do not be intimidated by the first few minutes on your Fly Jumpers as this is usually the most difficult part. It will seem very hard at first but it only takes a few minutes to really overcome the initial scare. The change in height and balance will throw off anyone who puts these on for the first time but this only lasts the first few minutes and goes away really quick. It is like learning how to ride a bicycle for the first time. It feels really awkward at first but once you learn to ride you never forget the skill for the rest of your life.

With experience and skill, you’ll be able to react to pretty much any situation reflexively. However, skills develop slowly so take your time and learn. As you put in the hours, you will become instinctively aware of how much traction you have, how high you are going to bounce, how to correct for balance, and where you’re going to land.

Standing Up:

When standing up for the first time, have your helper assist you by placing their feet on top of the rubber feet of your Fly Jumpers. With

the helper’s bodyweight placed on the feet of your stilts have them hold both your hands and help you pull yourself up off your seat and onto your feet. Once you are on your feet do not let go of your helper.

It is very difficult to stand up for the first time without any assistance from a friend or obstacle. This is why we repeatedly recommend that all first time users receive some form of assistance from someone else to help provide some balance while beginners learn to move around and balance by themselves.

If you do not have someone to assist you then you will want to make sure that your obstacle that you will be using as support is sturdy enough to provide adequate balance and is long enough to allow you to try moving around. The more secure obstacles surrounding you that you can hold onto the better.

This way there is always something to hold onto as you move around.

First Steps:

Walking is actually very easy and is probably the easiest thing you will learn to do on your Fly Jumpers. Most people learn how to walk in approximately 20 minutes but it is very common for beginners to learn how to walk around in as little as one minute!

Once you are standing up on your Fly Jumpers you can begin to walk around on your own or with the assistance of someone else. If you do not have someone to help you and you don’t think you can walk on your own yet, you can learn to walk by holding onto the side of a fence

or wall. Just make sure that whatever you choose to hold onto is sturdy enough to support your weight. A long stick or pole has also proven itself to be a great form of support for beginners.

Now that you have set the proper environment to begin walking we can go over some basic tips to make sure you learn correctly and do not fall. The most important tips are to always lift your feet when you walk and make sure that your feet are always pointing straight.

Many people are used to dragging their feet when they walk normally but this will get you hurt if you do this on your Fly

Jumpers. Dragging your feet will cause you to fall forward so it is essential that you always lift your feet when you walk.

You will need to also need to make sure that you are not walking with your feet pointing outwards like a duck. When your toes are pointing outwards it caused the springs to get too close to one another. This will cause the springs to get entangle or clip each other causing you to really lose your balance and fall. So be sure to always lift your Fly

Jumpers clear off the ground when you are walking to avoid tripping and keep your feet pointing straight.

In addition to these two points you want to always look forward when you are walking or running. This will enable you to see where you are going and not just where you are stepping. You should also pay attention to where you are stepping but pay more attention to where

you are going and what is in your way. Also, try to stay relaxed as you move, just like when you walk normally, because if you trip while your body is stiff it will be much more difficult to regain your balance.

You should learn how to do all these things with assistance from another person or obstacle. As you become more confident walking around with assistance you may try to let go and try to move on your own. Just remember that you cannot stand in one spot with Fly Jumpers on as you will lose your balance. You must always keep moving a little bit to stay on your feet.

It is very important that first time users first find their equilibrium point while taking their first steps. You will need to apply pressure to the springs by placing your bodyweight onto your heels. When you walk normally you transfer your bodyweight from your heels onto the balls of your feet. You cannot do this on Fly Jumpers and must keep your bodyweight on your heels as you move around. The best way to do this is to mainly contract your glut and hamstring muscles as you move. The easiest way to describe this is like walking on your heels with your butt cheeks squeezed together. Do not focus on pointing your toes up to keep your weight onto your heels. This will only cause your shine to burn very quickly and you will feel this immediately if you are doing it incorrectly. Always keep your body straight and throw your chest out while pulling your shoulders back. Always look forward, bend your knees a little bit and keep your body’s center of gravity vertical to the ground.

Once you are able to do all of the above you may begin stepping continually. Be sure not to bend too much forward or backward.

Beginners should never try jumping or any advanced tricks until they are confident with the basics of Fly Jumpers and can keep their balance while walking around. a

T a o o d v v s i i i s c e c e e e e e p p p p l l l i i i e c e c a t t a t s u s u r e r e e e v v s i i s i

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: d e e w o o w s s


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t t t

F u l u l l y t t y t o o

J r r u u i i i a a m l l l s p s p e e a a r r n n

F d o o r t t r t o u u o g m .



e c e c t t a t a f f u u r r t t t h h e r r






It is absolutely mandatory that users wear protective equipment when learning how to jump for the first time. Practice jumping holding onto something like a secure pole or fence for leverage just to get used to compressing the springs. Always keep your knees bent a little and be ready to jump. Keep your body straight and look forward. Be sure not to bend too forward or backward and use your arms to help keep your balance. Do not try to jump high at first but after some practice you may gradually utilize the spring’s elasticity to jump higher.

The most important basic skill in Fly Jumping is controlling the height and landing of your bounce. The basic jump should always be low and high and reckless bouncing should never be allowed. There are two basic ways to jump with your Fly Jumpers. You can jump with both legs at the same time or you can jump with one leg at a time. The most power comes from jumping with both legs at the same time. This produces the most amount of energy and allows for jumps several feet high.

To learn how to jump with one foot at a time you should begin by trying this while holding onto a secure object. The first few times you attempt to compress the springs will feel very awkward and having something to hold onto will prove to be very helpful. Begin by holding onto something and practice hopping on one keg at a time. Continue to do this until you can begin to feel yourself really compressing the spring. Remember to always focus on landing with your heels and let the spring do all the work. The trick is to use your glut and hamstring muscles to press the spring down as much as you can each time you land. The harder you land onto the spring the less energy you will need to compress them. Once you have gotten the hang of doing this while holding onto something you can then begin to learn how to do this with no support. It is important that you know how to compress the spring before you attempt this freely.

Learning how to jump with both legs at a time requires a lot more balancing which makes this jump style more difficult. You will need to use more energy to compress the springs this way because of the added resistance of compressing two springs at the same time.

However, this is the king of all jumps, providing users with the ability to jump several feet high.

You will also want to first learn how to do this by holding onto something for support. Find yourself a sturdy pole or fence and begin to learn how to jump with both legs at the same time. The trick to learning this style of jump is to always keep your feet really close together and not spread apart. This ensures that both feet will touch the ground at the exact same time without throwing you off balance.

Also remember to focus on landing with your heels and contract primarily from your glue and hamstring muscles.

Start by holding onto your support and start pressing down onto the springs with both heels at the same time. You may need to just perform one little jump naturally without the springs assistance just to get some momentum. You should soon begin to realize that the harder to smash down on the springs with your heels when you land, the higher you can go and the easier it is to compress the springs the next time you land. Once you get the hand of this holding onto something for support you can try to learn this without holding onto anything.

Remember to wear all of your protective gear when attempting this as most beginners fall when they first try this method.

Just try to get a few single jumps in just to find your balance. Once you can do a few single jumps without losing balance you can try to perform several jumps in a row. Arms are also very important for proper control and lift. Whenever you go up, you arms should go up as well. Your arms should be kept extended and go up to about shoulder height. They should remain in this balanced position until you start to go down. Then they should fall down slightly behind the hips and ready to lift up again as you bounce up.

It should only feel difficult the first few times you try this so don’t be discouraged. It is really easy once you get it. Once you figure this out you will be on your way to feeling one of the most unique forms of excitement on earth.

B e e c c o o m e e a a m e e m b e e r r o o f f t t t h h e F l l l y y J u u m p p e e r r c c o o w w w .



F l l l y y J u u m p e e r r F o o r r u u m




c c a a f f o o r r m o o r r e e a a d v v a a o m m u u n n i i i t t t y y a a n n c c e e d t t t u u t t t o o a t t r r i i t i a a l l l s s





Learning how to run in Fly Jumpers is a bit harder than my might expect. Most people think that jumping will be harder to learn but it is running that requires the most coordination. The best and easiest way to learn how to run is to naturally progress into it. If you try to learn how to run before you have fully mastered how to compress the springs, you will not learn how to run correctly and you will heighten the risk of falling and getting hurt. By simply learning how to walk faster, compressing the springs with one leg at a time and slowly graduating to a slow jog, you will then be able to ease gently into running without much trouble.

Learning to run requires users to keep their body straight and use multi-limb coordination to keep their balance. It is very important that you keep your body straight and coordinate your arms and feet to keep your balance. Be sure to keep plumb when landing and do not perform any irregular movements.

The secret to increasing the length of your strides is to relax your legs as you run and let the springs do the work. Always remember that the center of gravity on Fly Jumpers is on your heels so you must concentrate your energy on absorbing all landings on your heels using primarily glut and hamstring muscles, and not your calves and quadriceps as you would when you run normally. Don’t forget to keep your feet pointing straight and remember to always raise your feet off the ground as you run.


This skill is needed to stop immediately when practicing with Fly Jumper jumping stilts. Bend your knees while landing and absorb the landing using your legs and your abdomen. Keep your balance by reaching out with your hands. This skill should be learned right away and should be employed whenever you feel out of breath, out of balance or need to stop for any other reason. Also, receive assistance if you ever have to pick up something from the floor with your stilts on.

Standing Up After a Fall

Please be advised the most common reason for users falling is because they are tired and out of breathe and are pushing their cardiovascular systems too much. When your body begins to get tired and out of breathe you start to lose much of your balance and coordination as a result. The best advice we can give users to limit the amount of times they fall is this: Don’t wait until you are exhausted to stop or slow down. You should always try to begin slowing down and stopping a few seconds before you feel your body begin to lose its breath. As soon as you begin to lose your breathe and feel tired your body will lose coordination tight away.

Normally it is very difficult for a beginner to stand up after a fall without any help. Therefore you should not try your first steps without a friend close by. This is one of the most difficult tasks to learn for most beginners as it requires some flexibility. We suggest that

beginners take off the jumping stilts at the falling place and then find an appropriate place to put on the jumping stilts again. Once you have been using Fly Jumpers for a little while you will be much more capable and should then be able to learn how to get up on your own.

Learning how to get back onto your feet without any help is a very important thing to learn how to do as there will be many times where you may need to get back up to your feet without someone else’s assistance. Until you learn how to do this properly it is recommended that you have someone help you back to your feet when you fall or just remove the Fly Jumpers from your feet completely to get back up.

You can then put them back on once you have recovered.

Because this is a difficult skill to learn how to do on your Fly Jumpers it requires that all users have a good amount of experience with their Fly

Jumpers before attempting to do this. It requires some flexibility which usually comes naturally with a few hours of using Fly Jumpers.

When you are skilled enough, you can learn to stand up without any help using the following method.

The easiest and best way to get up on your Fly Jumpers is to use what is called the Arch style. You will need to begin by just sitting on your butt with your legs spread out in front of you. If you are out of breath or feel tired or dizzy it is important that you just take a few seconds to recover and catch your breath. Once you feel no longer feel out of breath you can follow the next few steps.

Now you will need to slowly bring your weakest leg behind you keeping your knee on 6the ground. Then you will need to bring your strongest leg forward with your knee raised. So you should now have one knee on the ground and your strongest leg in front ready to push up. You will now need to place one hand on the knee on your stronger or pushing leg. Then place your other hand on the ground in front of

you. Once you are in this position you will be ready to try and push yourself up. You will now need to simultaneously push your height up with the arm that is on the ground and the one pushing up from your knee. The initial push will be from your arms providing the initial momentum and the rest of the push will be from your strongest leg.

So you will be pushing from your arm on the ground, your arm on your knee and with your strongest leg. Once you push your weight up to a certain point you will be able to slide your other or weaker leg inwards to stand on both feet.

This will take quite a few tries and the first few attempts will feel hopeless but once you do learn this you will be very glad you did. So the next time you hit the ground you won’t be screaming “HELP, I’ve fallen and

I can’t get up!

Take off jumping stilts

Choose a seat with the right height to allow you to remove your Fly

Jumpers comfortably. Undue all the straps and then slide you leg out of the stilts one at a time. Be sure that you calm down and catch your breath before you jump back to your feet. It is common for your legs to feel very light for a few moments after you remove your Fly







Tutorial and Pictures done by


Remember to always stay within your abilities when attempting any type of tricks or advanced movements. You need to learn new tricks gradually by learning slowly and patiently. Just like any other sport out there, practice makes perfect. The more you practice and teach yourself the better you will become at Fly Jumping. Here is a list of cool tricks for advanced users and experts.


One of the easier tricks in the book. Good to learn as your first trick. On the top of jour jump bring your knees up. Also bring your chest forward to meet your knees. You do this because when you bring your knees up you create a rotation, when you bring your chest forwards you stop the rotation. When you can do this just grab hold of you knees or knee bar. Voila, your first tuck jump.

This trick is very similar to the tuck but far more difficult. First of all there is a question of flexibility. The more flexible you are the better the trick will look.

On the top of your jump bring your legs forward, keep them straight. At the same time bring your chest forward to meet your legs. Because the legs are


straight they will create much more rotation than the tuck.

Make sure to bring your chest far enough forward so that you don’t end up on your ass.


Spread your legs as far apart as possible without taking the up in front of you. Keep your hands somewhere in between straight up and to the sides.


This trick is something in between a "star" and a "pike".

Bring your legs up in front of you like in the "pike". At the same time split your legs as much as possible. Remember to bring your chest so you don’t create a backwards rotation. The hands can either touch the toes or put them as far down as possible.

Most people are more flexible this way than in the pike or the star. With a bit of flexibility this will be one of you nicest position jumps. Stretch before trying this trick so that you don’t pull a muscle on the inside of your legs.

Giant leap

On the top of your bounce, bring one foot forward and the other one backward. Most people are naturally more flexible on one leg than the other so make sure you know what side will look best. If you bend the back leg you will look a lot more flexible. It might be a good idea to stretch a bit extra before trying this trick.

Back grab

Do the same as you do in the

“Giant leap”. If you have your right foot forward twist your body to the right. With your right hand grab the left spring behind your back.

The longer you hold it the nicer the grab.

Back scratcher

Bring your heals up behind you, twist your body to the right.

Grab your right spring with your right hand.

If you want to learn it on your left side you will have to figure that out on your own.

Double kicker

Bring your heels up behind you as high as possible. Push your hips and arch you back. For a bit of extra style, tip your head back.

Toe touch

Start as a “Pike” then twist your body to the right and touch you toes with your left hand.


Start as a normal "pike" then bend your right leg 90 degrees.

Than twist it underneath the other leg and reach down with your left hand to grab the right foot.


Start with crossing your legs, bend the leg on top 90 degrees and lift you legs as a "pike". Grab the strait legs toe with your opposite hand and you have done it.

Back flips

If you reckon you can pull off a back flip then you are already very confident and we can't give you too much advice. If you fail a back- flip with PoweriZers then you have another half meter to fall!! The only difference to a regular backflip is the unsteady landing and your timing will have to be spot-on. This is not a trick we recommend since it's so dangerous and the risk of injuries is high. But, if you are real PoweriZer expert, this is the ultimate trick!

Tutorial and Pictures done by


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M o o r r e e t h h e e F l l l i i y i y n n s s

J t t t u r u r u u m c c p p t t t e e i i i r o r o n n

F a a o o l l l r r v v u u i i i d m e e a o a o t t s t s a a w n n w d w





F r l l l r y i i y i t t t

J e u u u u p m p p s p s e e c r c r a a

F n n o o r r b u u e e m f





c o c c o a u a u n n d o o n n




Warranty Information

Fly Jumper Canada Limited warrants all major components excluding springs and rubber feet to be free from defects in material and workmanship, under normal use and service, for one year from the date of purchase. Fly Jumper Canada Limited warrants springs to be free from defects in material and workmanship, under normal use and service, for 6 months from date of purchase. Easily damaged parts are not included in this warranty, such as the spring cover or protector, binding straps, binding ratchets, rubber feet and sponge.

The obligation of Fly Jumper Canada Limited is limited to the replacement of defective parts, repair, or exchange of the original model warranted. This warranty does not cover shipping, handling, freight charges, duties, or any other charges that are associated with the repair or replacement of covered components. This warranty is invalid if purchaser fails to properly operate and/or maintain the product and this warranty is not transferable to third parties. This warranty is expressed in lieu of all other warranties and representations, expressed or implied except as stated above.

This warranty only applies if the Fly Jumpers have been registered, purchased and used inside Canada, are used for your own recreational use, and you are the original purchaser and have been sold this product by an authorized Fly Jumper representative, retailer, distributor or service center. Please note that proof of purchase is required for any warranty claim.

There is no warranty for fitness, particular purpose or warranty of merchantability. Except as otherwise agreed herein, Fly Jumper

Canada is not responsible or liable for indirect, special or consequential damages, such as but not limited to, economic loss, loss of revenue or profits, the loss of enjoyment or use of this product, its cost or its replacement. This warranty does not cover any problem that is caused by Improper or extreme use, tampering, accident, abuse, misuse, negligence, commercial or public use, ordinary wear and tear, weathering, acts of God (such as wind and lightning), failure to follow directions, improper maintenance or any other causes unrelated to defective materials or workmanship. This warranty will become void if the product has ever been given any unauthorized repairs or modifications. This limited warranty does not cover deliberate or accidental damage, failure caused by improper assembly, storage or use. Rust is a natural occurrence with any outdoor metal product and is likewise not covered by this warranty.

This limited warranty will become void if the product is modified, rented out, or used by another individual who was too heavy or individuals who did not read this instruction manual prior to use. This warranty will also become void if the product is used in any other manner other than what is illustrated in this manual. Learning to use

Fly Jumper jumping stilts and any safety measures are the sole responsibility of the user themselves and the user personally assumes all risks and responsibilities for any damages, injuries or deaths taking place following the use or misuse of Fly Jumper jumping stilts in whichever way including damages to property and third party claims.

Fly Jumper Canada Limited does not assume any responsibility for any accidents, injuries or fatalities relating to the use of these products.

Making a Warranty Claim

All warranty claims must be pre-authorized by Fly Jumper Canada. To receive a pre-authorization number please contact Fly Jumper Canada via email, fax, or in writing with the following information:

1. Your name and contact details.

2. A detailed description of the problem

3. A clear photo of the problem

4. A clear copy of your original receipt

A representative will then contact you with further instructions in regards to replacement parts or repairs. At your own discretion, we will repair or replace all or part of this product if your warranty claim is successful.

Product Registration

Registering your product with Fly Jumper Canada ensures that you will receive all of the benefits and guarantees you are entitled to. Once your Fly Jumper product is registered, you’re eligible to receive all of the privileges or owning a Fly Jumper product. So complete and return the Warranty Registration Card with your purchase at once, and take advantage of these important benefits:

Warranty Verification: Registering your product within 10 days confirms your right to maximum protection under the terms and conditions of your Fly Jumper warranty.

Owner Confirmation: Your completed Warranty Registration Card serves as verification of ownership in the event of product theft or loss.

Model Registration: Returning your Warranty Registration Card right away guarantees that you will receive any and all information and special offers which you qualify for as the owner of your model. This is also the only way in which Fly Jumper Canada can notify you in the event of a product recall situation.

To register your Fly Jumper jumping stilts fill out the warranty registration card and mail it in within 10 days of your original purchase date.






























Fly Jumper Specifications

F501 Series Junior Fly Jumpers

Dimensions: 630 (L) x 280 (W) x

320 (H) mm

Gross Weight: 6.5 KG/pair

Net Weight: 4.2 KG/pair

M115 Series Adult Fly Jumpers

Dimensions: 910 (L) x 290 (W) x

400 (H) mm

Gross Weight: 9.5 KG/pair

Net Weight: 7.2 KG/pair





Should you require customer service or technical support for your Fly

Jumper products please contact Fly Jumper Canada’s customer support team by telephone, mail, fax or email at any of the address’s listed below.


1-271 Jevlan Drive

Vaughan, Ontario

L4L 8A4

Telephone: 905-850-1FLY

Toll Free: 1-855-FLY-JUMP

Fax: 1-866-602-7225

Email: [email protected]





Specifications and guarantees are subject to change without notice.

This product includes the technology associated with the original patented technology made famous by Alexander Bock. c

M a a n n y y m o o r r e e r r e e s s o o u u r r c c e e

C o o m m u u n n i i i t t t y y f f o o r r u u m a a t t t s s c c a a n n b e e f f o o w w w .



F l l l y y J u u u u n n d o o n n t t t h h u m p p e r r F o o r r u u e e F l l l y y J c a a n n m e e e t t t o o t t t h h e e r r s s



, s t t t i i i p p s s & m u u c c h h m o o r r e e !



s h h a a r r e e v v i i i d e e o o s s



, c c h h a a t t t



, s s e e e e u m p p i i




i c c c c t t a t a u u r

J r w u e u h h s s

, m e


, e p r p r g g e e e e r r y y o o u t t t o u u

Glossary of Terms

Fly Jumping This refers to someone participating in the activity or

sport of powerbocking

Fly Jumper This is the brand name given to our brand of powerbocks

or jumping stilts. Fly Jumper also refers to a person who uses jumping stilts or powerbocks.

Powerbocking / Fly Jumping This refers to the activity or sport

derived from using these stilts.

Powerbock This is a common name for these stilts which derived

from the original German inventor Alexander Bock and his original brand of jumping stilts called Powerskip.

PowerbockerThis is a person who uses Fly Jumpers or othertypes of

jumping stilts or powerbocks.

Copyright Notice: The information in this document is subject to change without notice. Fly Jumper Canada shall not be liable for any damages resulting from technical errors or omissions, which may be present in this document, or from use of this document.

Copyright 2009 by Fly Jumper Canada Ltd. All rights reserved.

Printed: 2009

Version 1.0

Instruction Manual P/N: INS-F501-M115-01

F501 Series Youth Fly Jumper Jumping Stilts

M115 Series Adult Fly Jumper Jumping Stilts


All users must read and understand all of the materials in this manual before using this product

This manual is packed with essential safety information that will make your Fly Jumping experience a lot easier, safer and ultimately a whole lot of fun. Please read the entire user manual thoroughly before using your Fly Jumpers and follow the instructions contained therein. The instruction manual contains warnings and caution instructions on playing and handling this product and these instructions should always be followed to prevent you or others from any injury. After reading this user manual, be sure to keep it nearby or in a safe place where it can be easily accessed for future reference.


Fly Jumper jumping stilts allow users to jump as high as seven feet high, run as fast as 40 kilometers per hour fast and perform an endless amount of other tricks in many different places. Be advised that any activity or sport performed at height is dangerous and can lead to serious or even fatal injuries. Suitable training is essential before using jumping stilts and all users should wear proper safety gear at all times, including but not limited to, a helmet, wrist, elbow and knee pads.. Prior to anyone using Fly Jumper jumping stilts, they MUST read and understand the manual provided with every set of jumping stilts in which it illustrates and advises the ways in which jumping stilts function. Learning to use your jumping stilts and any safety measures are the sole responsibility of the user themselves and the user personally assumes all risks and responsibilities for any damages, injuries or deaths taking place following the use or misuse of Fly Jumper jumping stilts in whichever way including damages to property and third party claims. Fly Jumper Canada Limited is not liable for any accidents, injuries or fatalities relating to the use of these products.


Key Features

  • Jumping up to 7 feet high
  • Running up to 40 kilometers per hour
  • Aircraft grade aluminium frame
  • Fiberglass or carbon fiber springs
  • Adjustable knee support bar height
  • Adjustable bindings
  • Interchangeable rubber feet

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Frequently Answers and Questions

What is the maximum weight limit for the Fly Jumper jumping stilts?
The maximum weight limit varies depending on the model. Please check the box or the bottom of the springs for the recommended weight limitations.
What type of springs are used in Fly Jumper jumping stilts?
Fly Jumper jumping stilts use either fiberglass or carbon fiber springs. Carbon fiber springs are black and fiberglass springs are yellow and transparent.
How do I adjust the height of the knee support bar?
The knee support bar can be adjusted to fit your specific needs. The manual recommends setting the knee bar 4CM down from the bottom of your knee cap.
What safety gear should I wear when using Fly Jumper jumping stilts?
It is recommended that users wear as much protection as possible, including a helmet, gloves, wrist supports/protectors, elbow pads, kneepads, and any other forms of protection.
How do I maintain my Fly Jumper jumping stilts?
Clean your Fly Jumpers with a dry cloth after each use. Also, lubricate moving parts such as joints and bearings to reduce friction. Protect your springs by wrapping them with protective tape.
What kind of spring protection customizations are allowed?
Spring protection customizations, such as custom fitted protectors or layers of protective tape, are allowed as long as they do not require disassembly or interfere with the functions of your Fly Jumpers.
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