Johnson TOMIT Instructions for use

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Johnson TOMIT Instructions for use | Manualzz




Passapomodoro e tritacarne elettrico


Electric Meat Grinder and Tomato Strainer


Mod. Tomit (MGB-150)

220 - 240V 50/60 Hz

600 W




Questo apparecchio può essere utilizzato da bambini dagli 8 anni in su e da persone con ridotte capacità fisiche, sensoriali o mentali o con mancanza di esperienza o conoscenza se a loro è stata assicurata un’adeguata sor- ve glianza oppure se hanno ricevuto istruzioni cir ca l’uso in sicurezza dell’apparecchio e hanno compreso i pericoli correlati. I bambini non de vono giocare con l’apparecchio. Le operazioni di pulizia e di manutenzione non devono essere effettuate da bambini a meno che non abbiano più di 8 anni e siano sorvegliati. Mantenere l’ap parecchio e il suo cavo fuori dalla portata dei bambini con meno di 8 anni.








A. Corpo apparecchio con motore

B. Vite di rotazione

D. Tasto selettore velocità I - II

E. Tasto Selettore ON-OFF-R

F. Tasto di sblocco condotto a T

G. Condotto a T

H. Bacinella introduzione alimenti

L. Pressa alimenti

M. Elica in metallo

N. Lama a stella

P. Dischi per tritare (tre tipi differenti)

Q. Ghiera di bloccaggio

R. Dischi in plastica per insaccati e polpette

S. Accessorio per polpette

(da alimenti gia tritati)

T. Accessorio per salsicce

(da alimenti gia tritati)

U. Cono filtrante per salsa

V. Foro espulsione bucce

Z. Elica in plastica

Y. Convogliatore della salsa

K. Fascetta del convogliatore

W. Fermo della fascetta che il tasto (E) sia in posizione OFF e Inserire la spina in una presa di corrente idonea a riceverla. Premere sul tasto (E) in posizione ON attivando l’apparecchio.

Successivamente premere il tasto (D) in posizione I e Lasciare funzionare a vuoto per circa 2 minuti (Non selezionate il tasto su posizione II in quanto funziona unicamente in combinazone con il tasto

R per la funzione revers in caso di inceppamento).

Per rimuovere la lama, dischi ed elica, eventuale polvere metallica residuo di fabbricazione, introdurre nella bacinella (H) della carne che al suo passaggio ovvierà all’inconveniente. Naturalmente questo piccolo quantita tivo di carne dovrà essere eliminato. Spegnere l’apparecchio portando il selettore (E) in posizione 0. Estrarre la spina dalla presa di corrente. Procedere allo smontaggio.

Tutte le componenti dell’apparecchio (B-

G-H- L-M-N-P-R-S-T-U-Z-Y) ad eccezione del corpo A, devono essere lavate con acqua e detersivo, sciacquate ed asciugate.

Operazioni preliminari al primo utilizzo

Con spina disinserita dalla presa elettrica, disporre il corpo dell’apparecchio

(A) su di un piano stabile e asciutto non in prossimità di vasche o contenitori di liquidi, indi procedere all’assemblaggio dell’apparecchio.

Attenzione nel maneggiare la lama in quanto è molto tagliente.

Tenendo premuto il tasto (F) inserire in posizione ore 2 il condotto (G) nel foro anteriore del corpo (A), ruotarlo in senso antiorario, poi rilasciare il tasto F.

Collocare la bacinella (H) inserendola nella parte superiore del condotto (G)

Introdurre l’elica metallica (M) nel foro anteriore del condotto (G) (la parte dentellata in plastica verso l’apparecchio), aggiungere la lama (N) (montata con le parti incavate rivolte all’esterno), uno dei dischi (P) (facendo corrispondere i dentelli del disco con le tacche del condotto

G) e bloccare il tutto avvitandoci, senza forzare, la ghiera (Q).

La scelta dei dischi (P) è in funzione della dimensione del trito desiderata.

Disporre un contenitore in corrispondenza dell’uscita del tritato. Controllare


Montaggio dell’apparecchio nelle diverse configurazioni:

Passapomodoro (fig.1)

Tritacarne (fig. 2)

Realizzare polpette da alimenti già tritati

(fig. 3) Insaccare salsicce da alimenti già tritati ( fig. 4)

Per fare la salsa di pomodoro

(assemblare l’apparecchio come in fig.

1). Controllare che il tasto (E) sia in posizione OFF e la spina scollegata dalla presa di corrente. Tenendo premuto il tasto (F) inserire in posizione ore 2 il condotto (G) nel foro anteriore del corpo (A), ruotarlo in senso antiorario, poi rilasciare il tasto F. Collocare la bacinella

(H) inserendola nella parte superiore del condotto (G).

Introdurre Introdurre la vite di rotazione

(B) all’interno del foto anteriore del condotto a T con la molla rivolta verso l’esterno, successivamente inserite l’elica in plastica (Z) (la parte dentellata verso l’apparecchio), aggiungere il cono filtrante (U) (facendo corrispondere i dentelli con le tacche del condotto G) e bloccare il tutto avvitandoci, senza forzare,

la ghiera (Q).

Posizionare lo scivolo convogliatore in modo che la parte terminale del cono filtrante sia nel suo foro e la parte destra attorno al condotto. Disporre un contenitore in corrispondenza dello scivolo convogliatore (Y) ed un altro sotto il foro

(V) da dove verranno espulse le bucce.

Tagliare a pezzi i pomodori e collocarli nella bacinella H. Introdurli nel condotto

(G), per agevolare quest’ultima operazione utilizzare, senza forzare, il pressa alimenti (L).

Attivare l’apparecchio con il tasto selettore (E) in posizione ON e il tasto (D) per selezionare la velocità I.

Al termine della lavorazione spegnere e disinserire la spina. Scomporre l’apparecchio e provvedere alla sua pulizia.

Per tritare la carne

Attenzione nel maneggiare la lama in quanto è molto tagliente.

Tenendo premuto il tasto (F) inserire in posizione ore 2 il condotto (G) nel foro anteriore del corpo (A), ruotarlo in senso antiorario, poi rilasciare il tasto F.

Collocare la bacinella (H) inserendola nella parte superiore del condotto (G)

Introdurre l’elica metallica (M) nel foro anteriore del condotto (G) (la parte dentellata in plastica verso l’apparecchio), aggiungere la lama (N) (montata con le parti incavate rivolte all’esterno e la parte liscia verso l’interno), uno dei dischi

(P) (facendo corrispondere i dentelli del disco con le tacche del condotto G) e bloccare il tutto avvitandoci, senza forzare, la ghiera (Q). La scelta dei dischi

(P) è in funzione della dimensione del tritato desiderato. Disporre un contenitore in corrispondenza dell’uscita del tritato.

Controllare che il tasto (E) sia in posizione 0 e inserire la spina in una presa di corrente idonea a riceverla. Attivare l’apparecchio con il tasto selettore (E) in posizione ON.

Inserire lentamente e senza forzare in successione nel condotto (G) la carne precedentemente tagliata in pezzi di

2x2x6 cm. Fate attenzione che la carne sia magra e priva di grassi per evitare che si incastri tra le lame rischiando cosi di danneggiare il tritacarne. Al termine

10 della lavorazione spegnere e disinserire la spina. Scomporre l’apparecchio e provvedere alla sua pulizia.

L’apparecchio è adatto per il trattamento in continuo fino a 5 Kg di carne (cruda o cotta). Il tempo previsto è di circa 5 minuti dopodichè è necessaria una pausa di raffreddamento di 30 minuti.

Per fare polpette

(assemblare l’apparecchio come in fig.

3). (assemblare l’apparecchio come in fig. 3). Controllare che il tasto (E) sia in posizione 0 e la spina scollegata dalla presa di corrente. Tenendo premuto il tasto (F) inserire in posizione ore 2 il condotto (G) nel foro anteriore del corpo

(A), ruotarlo in senso antiorario, poi rilasciare il tasto F.

Collocare la bacinella (H) inserendola nella parte superiore del condotto (G). Introdurre l’elica metallica (M) nel foro anteri- ore del condotto (G) (la parte dentellata in plastica verso l’apparecchio), aggiungere il disco (R) (facendo corrispondere i dentelli del disco con le tacche del condotto G), aggiun- gere l’accessorio per polpette (S) e bloccare il tutto avvitandoci, senza forzare, la ghiera (Q). Disporre un contenitore in corrispondenza dell’uscita del lavorato. Attivare l’apparecchio con il tasto selettore (E) in posizione ON.

Introdurre lentamente l’alimento, in precedenza tritato e mescolato, dalla bacinella al condotto (G).

Al termine della lavorazione spegnere e disin- serire la spina.

Scomporre l’apparecchio e provvedere alla sua pulizia.

Per fare salsicce

Controllare che il tasto (E) sia in posizione 0 e la spina scollegata dalla presa di corrente. Tenendo premuto il tasto (F) inserire in posizione ore 2 il condotto (G) nel foro anteriore del corpo (A), ruotarlo in senso antiorario, poi rilasciare il tasto

F. Collocare la bacinella (H) inserendola nella parte superiore del condotto (G)

Introdurre l’elica metallica (M) nel foro anteri- ore del condotto (G) (la parte dentellata in plastica verso l’apparecchio), aggiungere il disco (R) (facendo corrispondere i dentelli del disco con

le tacche del condotto G), aggiun- gere l’accessorio per insaccati (T) e bloccare il tutto avvitandoci, senza forzare, la ghiera (Q). Calzare l’involucro da riempire sulla parte terminale dell’accessorio (T).

Attivare l’apparecchio con il tasto selettore (E) in posizione ON.

Introdurre lentamente l’alimento, in precedenza tritato e mescolato, dalla bacinella al condotto (G). Al termine della lavorazione spegnere e disin- serire la spina.

Scomporre l’apparecchio e provvedere alla sua pulizia.


Operazioni da effettuare sempre con apparec chio spento e con spina disinserita. Tutte le componenti dell’apparecchio

(B-G-H- L-M-N-P-R-S-T-U-Z-Y) ad eccezione del corpo A, devono essere lavate con acqua e detersivo non aggressivo, sciacquate ed asciu- gate. Per la migliore conservazione delle lame e dei dischi è bene passarle con un panno imbe- vuto di olio alimentare.

Il corpo(A) deve essre pulito solo con un panno umido e non abrasivo.

L’eventuale inceppamento o arresto del motore.

Può essere causato da parti dure dell’alimento introdotto. In tal caso occorre spegnere immediatamente l’apparecchio posizionare il selettore (E) su OFF, posizionarlo poi su R e premere il tasto (D) posizionandolo su II.

Dopo 2 secondi ripremere il tasto (E). Riaccendere l’apparecchio per continuare la lavorazione.

Se l’inconveniente persiste spegnere l’apparecchio, estrarre la spina dalla presa e scomporre l’apparecchio provvedendo alla rimozione dell’ostruzione.


Non utilizzare alcool, benzina o altre sostanze similari. Non immergere il corpo

(A) dell’apparecchio in acqua o altri liquidi. Non lavare nessuna parte dell’apparecchio in lavastoviglie.




Carefully keep his manual and read the warnings carefully; it provides important instructions on safety and immediate and future use of the appliance.


This appliance can be used by children over 8 years of age, people with reduced physical, sen sory or mental abilities or with no experience or know-how if they are ensured adequate super vision or have received instructions on safe use of the appliance and have under- stood the re lated dangers. Children cannot play with the ap pliance. Cleaning and maintenance operations must not be carried out by children unless they are over 8 years of age and supervised.

Always keep the appliance and its cable out of reach of children under 8 years of age.

Always remove the plug from the electrical power before cleaning, maintenance or any change of accessories and if the appliance is not in use.

Noncompliance with these instructions or improper use of the product can cause injury.

Precautions must be taken when handling the sharp blades, in particular when you remove the blade from the bowl (where present), when the bowl is emptied and during cleaning.

Avoid touching SHARP blades especially when the appliance is connected.



APPLIANCE before removing the ingredients that are causing the blockage using a spatula.

Never place your fingers or other objects in the container when the appliance is on.

In the event of a fault or the appliance is not working properly, switch it off and do not tamper with it. For any repairs contact an au- thorised technical support centre only.

Always disconnect the unit from the power if left unattended and before assembling, dismantle and clean it .

It’s necessary to take precautions when handling sharp blades , especially when removing the blade from the cup , when the cup is emptied and during cleaning .

Failure to comply with these instructions or misuse of the product may cause injury.

If the power cable is damaged, it must be re- placed by an authorised technical support centre, to prevent any risks.

The appliance is only intended for use in hou- sehold environments.

This appliance, which is only suitable for non-professional use, should only be used for its intended use, or rather as an immersion blender for domestic use.

Never remove the cover glass of the product

( if any ) during operation .

Do not use the unit on an unstable surface .

Do not pull the power cord or the appliance itself


to remove the plug from the socket .

Make sure that the cable does not come into contact with hot surfaces , flames , hot pots and other tools.

Turn off and unplug it before changing the accessories or before approaching parts which are in motion when it works .

Any other use is considered improper and dangerous.

The manufacturer cannot be considered in any way liable for damage due to improper, wrong and unreasonable use.

Installation should be carried out according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Wrong installation can cause damage to people, animals and property and the manufacturer cannot be held liable. Electrical safety is only guaranteed when the appliances are connected to an electrical system with suitable earthing according to the standards in force on electrical safety.

Packaging (plastic bags, nails, expanded polystyrene, etc.) must not be left within reach of children or incapable people since they are a potential source of danger.

Before connecting the appliance, ensure the plate data corresponds to those of the electrical mains.

If the plug and socket are incompatible, contact qualified staff for the necessary adaptation operations.

Do not use adapters, multiple sockets and/or extensions.

When their use is indispensable only use material complying with safety standards in force and having the compatibility requirements with the appliance and the electricity mains. When using the appliance for the first time, ensure you have removed the labels and protective sheet.

If the appliance is equipped with air sockets, ensure they are never blocked, not even partially.

Use of any electrical appliance involves complying with certain fundamental rules, in particular:

ATTENTION: Do not immerge or wet the appliance; do not use it near water, in the bath, in the sink or near other liquid containers. If the appliance accidentally falls in water do NOT attempt to take it out. Instead, immediately remove the plug from the socket.

Then bring it to a qualified support centre for the necessary controls.

During use, the appliance must be kept far from any inflammable or explosive object or substance.

Do not touch the appliance with wet or damp hands.

Do not use the appliance in bare feet.

Do not pull the appliance or cable to remove the plug from the socket.

Do not leave the appliance exposed to atmospheric agents (rain, sun).

Never leave the powered appliance unguarded.

The power cable must be entirely unrolled to avoid overheating.

The power cable must not be placed near heat sources and/or sharp surfaces, open flames, saucepans and other tools. Do NOT use near a hob.

Do NOT use the appliance near a sink full of water. During use, the appliance must be positioned so it cannot fall into the sink.


Any tampering or intervention carried out by unqualified staff will cause the warranty to expire.

To clean the appliance only use a soft and non-abrasive cloth.

When the appliance can no longer be used and you want to dispose of it, remove the cables and dispose of them via a qualified body to avoid contaminating the environment.

Periodically check the appliance and its parts are working properly; if in doubt contact an authorised support centre.

- Do not pull the power cable to move the appliance.

- It is strictly forbidden to dismantle or repair the appliance due to danger of electric shock; if necessary, contact your retailer or support centre.

- The appliance must not be used with external timers or other, separate devices with remote control.

- The power cable plug, since it is used as a disconnection device, must always be within easy reach.

The appliance must not be left unguarded when connected to power.

The appliance must be used and positioned on a stable surface that can resist heat.

The appliance must not be used after falling, if damaged.

- Use the appliance only with its supplied accessories, to avoid compromising safe use.

- The appliance is equipped with a safety closure to avoid functioning with accessories that are assembled incorrectly or which were not properly assembled.

- Never use accessories to switch off or on the appliance.

- When the container unit or other accessories are assembled correctly on the motor unit you can hear a ‘click’.

- Do not remove the accessories from the motor unit when the appliance is on.

- Do not exceed the quantities and preparation times indicated in the various sections.

- Leave hot ingredients to cool before chopping or placing them in the container (maximum temperature 80°C/175°F).

- Never emerge the motor unit in water or any other liquid, do not rinse under the tap,use a damp cloth.

Do not use the appliance with solid ingredients.

Never immerge the appliance in boiling liquids.

- Disconnect the appliance immediately after use, for example before unscrewing the container.

Attention: It should not be operated for more than 60 sec at a time.

• If the product contains glass parts, they are not covered by the warranty.


The plastic parts of the product are not covered by warranty.


Damage to the power cable due to wear is not covered by the warranty; any repairs are therefore the responsibility of the owner.


If you need to bring or send the appliance to the authorised support centre, you are advised to clean all its parts.

If the appliance is also minimally dirty or encrusted or has limescale, dust deposits or otherwise, externally or internally, for hygiene-sanitary reasons the support centre will reject the appliance without inspecting it.

The symbol on the product or on the packaging indicates the products must not be considered normal household waste, but must be brought to an appropriate col- lection point for the recycling of electrical and electronic appliances. By disposing of this pro-


duct appropriately, you contribute to avoiding negative consequences for the environment and health, which could be caused by inadequate disposal of the product. For more detailed information on recycling of this product, contact the municipality office, the local waste disposal service or the shop where you bought the product.

After use, proceed to clean the appliance. Remove the plug from the socket.

• Clean the motor unit and the leg with a damp and well wrung sponge.

• Dry with a dry cloth.


• NEVER clean the motor unit and the leg under running water.


A. Appliance casing with motor

B. Rolling screw

D. Speed I - II selector key

E. ON-OFF-R selector key

F. T tube release key

G. T tube

H. Food insertion basin

L. Food press

M. Metal rotor

N. Star blade

P. Chopping discs (three different types)

Q. Ring nut

R. Plastic discs for sausages/salami and dumplings

S. Accessory for dumplings

(for already minced food)

T. Accessory for sausages

(for already minced food)

U. Filtering cone for sauce

V. Peel ejector hole

Z. Plastic rotor

Y. Sauce conveyor

K. Conveyor strap

W. Strap stoppage

Preliminary operations on first use With

the plug disconnected from the electri

cal socket, place the casing of the ap pliance (A) on a stable and dry surface not near tanks or containers of liquids, then proceed to assemble the appliance.

Caution when handling the blade as it is very sharp.

Keep the key pressed (F) and insert the tube (G) in hour 2 position in the front hole on the casing (A), turning it anticlockwise, then release key F.

Position the basin (H) by inserting it in the upper part of the tube (G)


Insert the metal rotor in the front hole of the tube (G) (the plastic toothed part should be facing the appliance), add the blade (N) (assembled with the hollowed parts facing outwards and the smooth side inward), one of the discs (P) (ensuring the teeth on the disc correspond to the notches on the tube G) and lock everything in place by screwing them in, without forcing the ring nut (Q).

The choice of discs (P) is based on the dimension of the desired chopping.

Place a container under the outlet of the chopped food. Check the key (E) is in the

OFF position and place the plug in a suitable socket. Press the key (E) on the ON position to activate the appliance. Leave to work empty for approximately 2 minutes.

To remove any residual metal dust due to manufacturing from the blade, discs and rotor, insert some meat in the basin (H) which on passing will remove the problem. Naturally this small quantity of meat should be binned. Switch off the appliance and bring the selector (E) to position 0. Disconnect the plug from the socket. Proceed with dismantling.

All the parts of the appliance (B-G-H-L-

M-N-P-R-S-T-U-Z-Y), with the exception of casing A, should be washed with detergent, rinsed and dried.

Assembly of the appliance in different configurations:

Tomato squeezer (fig.1) Meat mincing

(fig. 2)

Create dumplings using already minced food (fig. 3) Stuff sausages using already minced food ( fig. 4)

To make tomato sauce

(assemble the appliance as in Fig. 1).

Check the key (E) is in the OFF position and the plug is disconnected from the socket. Keep the key pressed (F) and insert the tube (G) in the hour 2 position in the front hole of the casing (A), turning it anti-clockwise, then release key

F. Position the basin (H) inserting it in the upper part of the tube (G).

Insert the plastic rotor (Z) in the front hole on the tube (G) (the toothed part facing the appliance), add the filtering cone (U) (ensuring the teeth correspond to the notches on the tube G) and block everything in place by screwing them in, without forcing the ring nut (Q).

Position the conveyor slide so the end part of the filtering cone is in its hole and the right part is around the tube. Fasten the strap (K) around the tube with the stop (W).

Place a container under the conveyor slide (Y) and another under the hole (V) where the peel is ejected. Cut the tomatoes in pieces and place them in a bowl

H. Insert them in the tube (G). To make this last operation easier use the food press (L), without force.

Activate the appliance with the selector key (E) in the ON position.

At the end of processing, switch off and disconnect the plug. Dismantle the appliance and clean it.

To mince meat

Pay attention when holding the blade as it is very sharp.

Keep the key (F) pressed and insert the tube (G) in the hour 2 position in the front hole of the casing (A), turning it anti-clockwise, then release key F.

Position the basin (H) inserting it in the upper part of the tube (G)

Insert the metal rotor (M) in the front hole of the tube (G) (the toothed, plastic part facing the appliance), add the blade (N) (assembled with the hollow parts turned outwards), one of the discs (P)

(ensuring the disc teeth correspond with the notches on the tube G) and block

17 everything in place by screwing in, without forcing the ring nut (Q). The choice of discs (P) is based on the dimension of the mince you want. Place a container under the mince output. Check the key

(E) is in position 0 and place the plug in a suitable power socket. Activate the appliance with the selector key (D) in the

ON position.

Slowly insert the meat which was previously cut into 2x2x6 cm pieces and without forcing the tube (G).

When finished the work, switch off the appliance and disconnect the plug. Dismantle the appliance and clean it.

The appliance is suitable for continuous processing of up to 5 Kg of meat (raw or cooked). The time planned is approx. 5 minutes after which a cooling phase of

30 minutes is necessary.

To make dumplings

(assemble the appliance as in fig. 3). (assemble the appliance as in fig. fig. 3).

Check the key (E) is on position 0 and the plug is disconnected from the mains socket. Keep the key (F) pressed and keep the tube (G) in the hour 2 position in the front hole of the casing (A), turning it anti-clockwise, then release key


Position the basin (H) by inserting it in the upper part of the tube (G). Insert the metal rotor (M) in the front hole of the tube (G) (the toothed plastic part should be facing the appliance), add the disc

(R) (ensuring the disc teeth correspond to the notches on the tube G), adding the accessories for dumplings (S) and locking everything in place by screwing in, without forcing the ring nut (Q). Place a container under the outlet for the processed product. Start the appliance with the selector key (E) in the ON position.

Slowing insert the food, which was previously minced and mixed, from the basin to the tube (G). When the work is complete, switch off and remove the plug.Dismantle the appliance and clean it.

To make sausages

Check the key (E) is in position 0 and the plug is disconnected from the power socket. Keeping the key (F) pressed, insert the tube (G) in the hour 2 position in the front hole of the casing (A), turning it anti-clockwise, then release key F. Position the basin (H) inserting it over the tube (G)

Insert the metal rotor (M) in the front hole of the tube (G) (the plastic, toothed part facing the appliance), add the disc (R)

(ensuring the disc teeth correspond to the notches on the tube G), add the stuffing accessory (T) and fasten everything in place by screwing in, without forcing the ring nut (Q). Lift the shell to fill on the end part of the accessory (T).

Screw in the appliance with the selector key (E) in the ON position.

Slowly insert the food, which was previously minced and mixed, from the basin to the tube (G). At the end of processing, switch off the appliance and remove the plug.

Dismantle the appliance and clean it.

Any clogging or motor stoppage.

It can be caused by solid food inserted.

In this case you need to immediately switch off the appliance and position the selector (E) on OFF, then positioning it on R and press the key (E) for rotation inversion.

After 2 seconds press the key (E) again.

Switch the appliance back on to continue processing.

If the problem persists, switch off the appliance, remove the plug from the socket and dismantle the appliance, removing the obstruction.


Operations to always carry out with the appliance off and the plug disconnected.

All the parts of the appliance (B-G-H-L-

M-N-P-R-S-T-U-Z-Y), except the casing

A, must be washed with water and nonabrasive detergent, rinsed and dried. To improve conservation of the blades and the discs, you need to wipe them with a cloth soaked in oil for alimentary use.

The casing (A) must only be cleaned with a damp and non-abrasive cloth.


Do not use alcohol or other similar substances. Do not immerge the casing (A) of the appliance in water or other liquids.

Do not wash any part of the appliance in the dishwasher.



Mod. Tomit




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