Minolta Hi-Matic 7 Owner's Manual

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Minolta Hi-Matic 7 Owner's Manual | Manualzz
Minolta masters photography
Prasad + Jogos |
NICE | 1 À À 4 - — A ET
the fil
Replacing the battery
Ч неее
Accessory clip
Film advance lever Film rewind crank
Shutter release
Film counter
Distance scale
Lens aperture ring
Neck strap holder =
Shutter speed ring
EV scale window Pointer
Self timer Cadmium Sulphide
electric eye
“Auta” release
Rokkoe I
He — Eis/am
Focusing ring
Film advancing
Film take-up spoal —
Viewfinder eyepiece —
Back cover lock
Film chamber Film pressure plate
Film rewinding button
Tripod socket
Mercury battery cover
ASA film speed
Setting lever
E. te Load the Film
Use a 35mm film, 20 er
36-exposure roll,
1 Pull the back cover lock se
wards and tbe camera
will open, This action aute-
Taal == the exposu
2 Hee ig film into the film a ance the film lever so that 4 When are e
7 sure the film 5 w advance the film lever 8 Les exposure counter will
Now insert the e es i nds miu the. Ÿ is properly threaded, snap the in ad ele e; shutte nt e, pes as you take
в. от into the take up 0 Wh Ne | back (er a It will lock Repeat this action 1 hen the filen is fink
automarica Gm ° =, appears in the ex = e i mice lever will
Make su re the sprocket gear de e hard = iat soll posure counter pedi. Now you must
teeth are engaged with the can advance the lever again you are ready to shoot piel a rien es reload
film perforations
A Using the Automatic System
1 The ASA seitin ele. a a on the
bottom of. mE Set ft тю
ere he RER rating of the
Hr This a pee en the
eye to give you correct ex-
¡ms from a о 800 ASA.
film you a
CaS iirc
2. Line up the double AA marks on th
is barrel with dar rim
Both As
ist be aligned be
© the Hi-matic will
ele a
VA How the “Automatic” System Works
The Hi-matic 7 is equippet with a programed s|
operated in conjunct
ton with a Cds eleciriceye light
meter. The meter calenlates the available lig hr
camera then select from an optimum combi
nation of shutter Spode and apertures 19 give
you a correct exposure under a e vay of ef
conditions. On the an of the lens barrel
are two film speed
rating ae А. о E.
= e
dots x =} dene ASA. a e and 160,
the fil of
e using. "You find this speed in {he
a to shoot without fuss
e are no PR ne to
i “The Нынче 7 does all the work for
Light Meter Warning Signal = _The Eye of the Light Meter
Look through the viewfinder and you will see a FI SAU ;
light meter жа running along the: right edge. y Tigh hb 178 com
This tells if light la adequate for correct
exposure F 15 4 this speed you must kee
i the i camera still (use a tripod other mE
he Indicator needle is clear of the upper
If +
lower red marks, you may continue to photogr apport) when Taking pictures. iY, on the scale
responda to 1/250 second at F
The aut DDT will Jive you a corre
exposure. the indican Bale does enter Teto
the red AE then light is "mor adequate for ex-
rou'll notice the Qu meter eye la smaller than a
the Jen is is a
prt On th
es Ве the autor:
My opreated
Operating the Camera Manually
For unusual conditions or special techniques you
may want 0 operate the camera manually. With
this system you select the shutter speed and aper-
ture yourself depending on the subject conditions
and the effects you want to achieve
the camera for manual operation, push the
"auto" release button and turn the aperture and
shutter rings so that the double AA marks are
aligned with the point Naw you are in
complete command of the camera and ci
any shutter speed or aperture you wish
And turn the shutter speed and aperture rings
(Set the number indicated on tbe light meter scale...)
Use the Light | Meter Scalo a: as o Guido
The exposure meter works even when the auto
pa Aba been disengaged. It will guide
jo perfect exposures when you are operating
ihe Hitec minal. Be = De it ora
Set the shu yo lock
through the view bnder a e a mr fale
The indicator needle will point to
this number in the EV window ated on he
lens barrel and you are ready to Lake a perfect
Setting the Shutter Speed
The shutter ring is marked with figures 4
ples E. correspond 10 44 to
Yang Be he B position enables you
to keep the shutter open as long as the
shutter released is pressed down. This is for
time exposures of more than 14 second.
To set the desired shutter speed. simply turn
mes y
camera movements at slow speeds wi
your picture.
Setting the Lens Apertura
The pa ring has figures from 18 10 22 To set
perture, Une up the desi
the aperture figure. the less
volume is = through the lens. At F22 for
example, oo ee la E down to a pin-point
opening: a
@ Your Picture
EEN How To Focus on the Subject un How to Co
Look through the viewfinder and y In the der you mis see a bright frame surrounding the visual field
subject in the nt diamond al The area min this fran what appears on the film The frame,
IC a he viewfinder. When th ect want to check the wal distance therefore, de so der you cannot inadvertently chop off areas you
u will see à double image ave focused, look at the red dot want to appear on the pho i
on the focusing ring. This will indicate the Automntic Parallax Correction
Parallax is dhe differs e betwee: n what the
dl ma you see
distance between the camera and the subject
are in perfect focus and ready to
Out of focus In focus subject you will notice the beight | frame moves in arde 10 give you a
How to Hold the Camera
t is best to us w he right eye when
using the horizontal position to permit free and
rapid use of the flm advance lever.
The camera may be held horizontally or vertical
It is best to press the camera firmly sgakns
face and release the shutter with a slow pressu
Da nts and insure sharp
negatives shutter locks after each picture is taken
ни |]
Horizontal posit Vertical pe
a. Dopth of Field Depth of Field Chart
e depth of field of a lens is the range of = Cesta below illustrate the relationship
En within which all subjects are in relatively photo everything harp focus while
sharp focus. This range varies with the aperture in Sn other photo anly the hal subject La Rokkor 45mm, (18
opening. It is gfeatest when the aperture is in focus, „ВМ. |
decreased (F22) and least when the aperture is 1.8) 2.8] 4 | 56 8 | 1 в | 2
increased (FILE) Distance =
- ow | =
109.0 25,4 | 18.0
мА 91.3 | ео со.
> 17.0 11:3 | 06 7.9
11.0 16.2 | 21.8 | 43.3
Jo 92 7:3| 6:5 | 5.7
7 | 7.45 В. 9.50 | 11.2 | 14.9 | 28.1
; | 6:69 | 5.91 | 5:55 | 5,1| 4:6/ «1
E 5.22 | 5.35 | 5.50 | 5.74 | 6.12 | 6.75 | 7.92 10.48
= 4.80 4.70 | 4.58 443 4.23 3,06 | 3.67 | 3.31
4.14 4.21 | 4.31 4.45 4.67 | 5.02 | 5.62 | 6,77
Ë 3.87 | 3.81 | 3.73 363 350 35 5 86
3 3.07 | 3.11 | 2:16 | 3,24 3.35 | 3.52 13. 26
2.98 | 2.89 | 2.85 | 2.80 | 2.72 | 2.62 2. a
a Using the Self-Timer
To set the self-timer in operation advance the
film lever so that tie shutter is cocked Then
push the ser timer lever to the Y. You are now
ready to shoot. Simply s the shutter release
button я he timer SU veia give you a
10 second delay before the shutter operates.
Note: The automatic system will not operate
r is used, You must
when the self
the camera eat fer correct
Unloading the Film
| When you has fhe the film, you will not
hie to advar i lever any further.
f he magazine ле be impossible to r
You must rewind the film back into the magazine
When you have finished the roll of film, in the
rewind release me the camera and it
will click into pla
aise up the sem ae ank ai
choking direc ou an "the en
In cates until you feel the film suddenly slip
of the take-up spool,
Open the camera a Eat up the door lock
pe the film
ste: Low ding and aloedies should always
in the shade.
on for me in shaded areas.
red electronic flash and ordi
or night shots, i
Your Hi-matie
bulb set the shutter speed a
1/30 To {marl ak in red). To Mai he
correct aperture, refer to the guide number of
ie bull you are using and the Miras which
ecompany the bulbs.
or sut flash it synchronizes with any
Set the shutter speed at 1,30 second
when using the fash bull.
he guide number known, he tet aperture can be deter
io by using the pion ng formal
Guide iis
ure = “Distance т Subjee
on standard flash re To fol a accessory shoe provided on
of the camera. insert the flash gun cord mio the
i terminal on he у re
UN Replace the Mercury Battery
Unlike conventional batteries, the mercury battery in by turning in a counterclockwise direction
does not lose power gradually. When it dies it dies When installing the new battery, (Mallory RM625R,
Hi-matic 7 Accessories
abruptly. Hence your light meter is always working Eveready E625, GE. No. 625 type) be sure the plus
at maximum accuracy (+) side is always up towards you.
When the exposure meter is not used, set the film
= ine life of the battery is about two years E
tions. ‘When the meter fal a" speed setting lever on off position (This switches off
У © the batter: power).
a a. dead and must be replaced When the camera is left unused, 1t is advisable to
To replace “he battery, remove the cover with a remove the battery to insure longer life
uv i filter Ultra ole
Mini 35 |
ni la
Slimane His andy Fe
tones tr depen ad Te anale wig po feed,
В& W films)
Jens à i blower availa-


Key Features

  • Automatic exposure control for easy shooting
  • Manual exposure control for more creative control
  • CdS electric eye light meter for accurate exposure measurement
  • Self-timer for hands-free shooting
  • Tripod socket for stable shooting
  • Neck strap holder for easy carrying

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Frequently Answers and Questions

How do I load film into the Hi-Matic 7?
To load film, pull the back cover lock upwards and the camera will open. Insert the film into the film chamber and advance the film lever until the film is properly threaded. Then, close the back cover and the film will be automatically loaded.
How do I set the shutter speed?
To set the shutter speed, turn the shutter speed ring until the desired shutter speed is aligned with the double AA marks on the lens barrel.
How do I set the aperture?
To set the aperture, turn the aperture ring until the desired aperture is aligned with the double AA marks on the lens barrel.
How do I focus the Hi-Matic 7?
To focus, look through the viewfinder and adjust the focusing ring until the subject is in sharp focus.
How do I use the self-timer?
To use the self-timer, press the self-timer button and the shutter will be released after 10 seconds.
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