Minolta Super A Guide

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Minolta Super A Guide | Manualzz
From Today On....
Minolta Super ‘A’ is YOUR faithful companion.
The very best results from your Super À will soon prove you that you were quite
wise in choosing the Minolta Super À from among a large variety of cameras.
Minolta cameras are being exported from Japan in the biggest quantity and have
innumerable .fans the world over. This bespeaks the surpassing efficiency and the
most reasonable price of Minolta Cameras. The Minolta Super A, as well as the
many other Minolta Products, are produced under the most exacting standards of
quality control and strict tests.
We believe that the Super A will surely meet your demands in every respect.
Now, let us explain how to use YOUR Minolta Super A.
Handling the Camera =. = = = = =
Focusing and Composing = = = 3
Film advance and Shutter cocking - +
Shutter speed and Diaphragm
settings = = = = = = =
To Load Film = = = = = = = = 5
To Take Pictures = = = = = = = 7
To Remove the Film = = = = - - 8
For Flash Operation = = = = = - Я
Relative Diaphragm Openings to
Shutter Speeds = = = = = = - 10
Depth of Field- - - - - - = = 11
How to Read off the Depth of Field = 13
Interchange of Lenses = = = = = = 15
Minolta's Interchangeable Lenses + - 16
Minolta's Accessories - = = = = = 19
Handling the Camera
Focusing and Composing
While sighting through the finder eyepiece (17)
turn the lens barrel by means of the focusing
lever (1) until the pink image in the center of
the finder is exactly superimposed over the full
image. The red dot in the center of the depth
of field scale (2) will then point to the num-
ber of feet (meter) on the distance scale indi-
cating the subject-to.camera distance.
The * Bright Frame" in the finder 15 the
composing line for taking with 50mm stand-
ard lens. lt remains clearly visible even
under poor light and the permanent position
Dut of focus In focus
of the frame, even though you may move
your eyes, will greatly diminish the pos-
sibility of your chopping off heads or
other subject matter composed on the ex-
treme edges of the finder.
When using 2 35mm wide angle lens, the
full range of the finder will be taken m
the picture, there is no fear of “chopping
off heads” or not taking portion of the ,
picture if you look through the finder at
the proper angle so that the frame comes
to the correct position, as illustrated in
above picture.
Film Advance and Shutter Cocking
Move the film advance lever (8) to your right until it
stops. This can be done in one long stroke or several
short ones. This moves the film to the next exposure
and also cocks the shutter which can be released by press-
ing the shutter release button (14).
The winding of the lever also operates the film counter
(15) which registers the number of exposed film up to
36 exposures and automatically returns to the start posi-
tion when the camera back is opened.
Shutter Speed and Diaphragm Settings
The shutter speed can be selected by turning the shutter
speed dial (6) so that the desired number clicks into
position opposite the red dot. ‘The markings are B, 1,
2, 5, 10 and up to 400. B means Bulb, and the shutter
will stay open at this setting as long as the shutter re-
lease button is depressed, 1, 2, 5....400 mean | second,
4, %.... Youth second respectively.
N. E. When turning from 200 to 400 it 1s advisable
to do so before shutter 15 cocked.
The diaphragm setting is done by turning the diaphragm
ring (9) until the desired [ stop number clicks into posi-
tion opposite the dot.
To Load Film
Pull out the back locking tab (21), open
the camera back.
Pull the rewind knob (3) out as far as
it will go and place a film cartridge in the
chamber (20). Note that the spool on
one end of the cartridge protrudes much
further than on the other end. This pro-
truding end must be pointing towards the
bottom plate of the camera.
Insert the end of the film into the groove
of the film winding spool (24). It is
necessary to insure that the film is caught
between the inner and outer flanges of the
film winding spool, as illustrated.
6 —
Turn the winding spool by means of the
knurled edge to take up the slack on the
film. Move the film advance lever (8) a
few short strokes to be sure that perfora-
tions in the film mesh with the teeth of the
film winding sprocket (25). If they do,
close the back cover, then it will bé auto-
matically locked.
Move the film advance lever as far as it
will go and release the shutter. Repeat this
three times, you will find the film counter
(15) automatically advances.
Turn the film speed indicator dial (16)
until the number opposite the cut on the
outer ring is the same as the ASA guide
number of the film that you have loaded.
To Take Pictures
BN Set the shutter speed dial (6) and the diaphragm ring
(9) as previously instructed, to the required number.
Move the film advance lever until it stops, and the
number (D appears opposite the red Y in the film
counter, indicating that the film is wound to the first
frame. At this time the warning signal turns to red
which shows you the film winding and the shutter cock-
ing are completed.
Looking through the finder (17) move the focusing lever
until the two images coincide indicating correct focus.
Keeping the camera as steady as you can, press the
shutter release (14) firmly but smoothly to trip the
shutter. To use a selftimer or a cable release, screw
them in the socket of the shutter release button. If
you press the shutter release too strongly, you will move
the camera during the exposure and not get the sharp
picture you had intended. When using shutter speeds
slower than \%л sec, the camera should be placed on a
tripod or held firmly against some stable object to keep
it from moving.
= —
After all the film has been exposed it is necessary to re-
wind it into the film cartridge for removal from the camera.
This is quickly and easily accomplished.
Push in the rewind release button (26) located on the
bottom plate of the camera. You will note that the
button remains in the * pushed in" position.
Raise up the rewind crank (5) and wind it in the di-
rection indicated by the arrow. Continue to wind until
you feel the film leave the film winding spool, you will
recognize this by the sudden release of tension in the
rewinding. Then, wind two or three more turns in order
to get all the film completely into the film cartridge.
Mote: Should the rewind release button inadvertently
pop out while rewinding, move the film ad-
vance lever a little, then push the button in
again and continue as before.
It is now possible to open the back and remove the film
cartridge for processing.
After the film is removed the rewind release button will
pop out when the film advance lever is moved.
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For Flash Operation
Your Minolta Super A is internally synchronized for use
with electronic flash or with flash bulbs at all shutter
speeds. However, the proper settings must first be made.
@ For electronic flash use, set the synchro selector (11) so
that the dot points to red “X”,
Note: On this setting, class F (gas filled) flash bulbs
can also be used at the shutter speed of Yan sec.
or slower.
@ For class M (foil filled) flash bulbs, set the selector at
yellow “ M".
The flash unit may be used by sliding it into the accessory
shoe or held by hand away from the camera.
Attach the plug of the flash cord to the synchronizer con-
nection in the center of the synchro selector.
The Diaphragm Opening of a Lens controls the volume of Light that reaches the
film in a given period of exposure. The Dial Markings indicate this volume of
Light (see the diagram). Each Stop: opening indicated on the dial by the numbers
2 to 22 reduces the amount of light passing through the lens by ', or conversely,
opening the lens from one mark to the next from the number 22 to 2 doubles the
amount of light. The shutter controls the amount of light by the length of time
it remains open i. ¢. 1 second, !é second, 45 sec. etc. Now, suppose you have
determined by an exposure meter reading or other means that the correct exposure
for your film under certain light conditions is %.0 second at [8, and you want to
use a faster shutter speed because your subject is in motion. A shutter speed of
Mon second cuts the exposure in half, so you must open the lens one stop to f5.6
which will allow twice as much light to pass through and the amount of exposure
will be the same as before. |
Conversely, if you need to stop down the lens for greater depth of field (see ex-
planation of Depth of Field next) and you select 16 as the correct stop opening you
have reduced the amount of light to 44 . Then you must give the film an ex-
posure 4 times as long or Ms second, in this case you select the nearest shutter
speed which is Yip second.
F. No. [2 28 4 5 22 |
8 1 16
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Depth of Field
a a
The depth of field of a lens is the
range of distance within which all
objects are in relatively sharp focus
when the lens is set for a given
distance. This range varies with
the diaphragm opening, being great-
est when the lens is stopped down
and least when it is open full (sce
diagram). ‘The range also varies
with the distance for which the lens
is set being least at close distances
and greatest at farther distances up
to a point where it takes in every-
thing beyend an intermediate distance
to infinity, which is indicated by co
on the distance scale.
Little depth of held
Great depth of held
How to Read off the Depth of Field
For Standard 50mm Lenses
In this case, the depth of ficld can be directly read
off on the depth of field scale (2).
After focusing, the subject-to-camera distance is indi-
cated by the red dot on the depth of field scale, and
the subject at this distance, is in the sharpest focus.
The numbers on both sides of the red dot mean
f stops and the depth of field i.e. near and far limits
of sharp focus is indicated opposite them correspond-
ing with f stop chosen.
For Example :
Focused at 5 meters with f5.6, the depth of field
is from about 4 to 8 meters; or with fl in this
case, the depth of field extends from about 3 to 10
Note: In case of f4, [8 or Ё16, which are not
marked on the scale, remember that {4 1s positioned
between [2.8 and 5.6, similarly [3 15 between
f5.6 and £11, £16 between f11 and à 22, then read
the depth of field.
Subject to camera
Distance ring
For Interchangeable Lenses
The depth of field can be worked out by the
indicator on the back of the camera.
For 35mm Lens:
The mark A on the dial indicates the focused
distance and the numbers arranged in pairs on
both sides of the mark mean f stops,
If you have focused the lens at 7 feet which
has been indicated on the distance scale, turn the
distance ring on the indicator right or left until
“7” on it comes opposite the mark 4, then the
depth of held corresponding with the distance
(7 feet) and f stop chosen can be read off on
the scale ; for instance focused 7 feet with £11,
the depth of field is from about 4.5 to 15 feet.
For 85mm or 135mm Lens:
The method is the same as in the case of 35mm
lens. The scale for 853mm lens 15 on the right
and for 135mm lens on the left.
Interchange of Lenses
Any of the interchangeable lens for the Minolta Super A
can be removed or attached in-the same manner as follows.
To Remove
Adjust the distance scale to infinity (se).
While pushing the button located in the focusing knob
(1), turn the ring on which “ on” and “ off" are en-
graved in the direction of “off” until it stops. The
lens can now be removed.
To Attach
Adjust the distance scale to infinity (==).
Adjust the two red dots on the lens barrel till they coincide.
Attach the lens carefully on the bayonet lens mount of
the camera, making sure red dots of lens barrel are op-
posite the red dot of the depth of field scale. This allows
the projection on the lens barrel to fit into the receiver
on the body lens mount. Then pushing the button in
the focusing knob, turn the “on and off” ring in the
direction of “on”
To secure the lens firmly on to the mount, turn the “on
and off * ring slightly in the direction of “off” without pres-
sing the button this time, then the button will pop out to
the original position (probably you will hear a click). This
allows the focusing lever to be moved; in other words, when
you can move the lever, it proves the lens to be secured.
with slight pressure until it stops. +
Interchangeable “Rokkor”™ lenses for
the Minolta Super A are specially
designed for the camera and are avail-
able to suit all of your various needs.
They are coupled exactly with the
rangefinder of the Minolta Super A
and will give the great advantage of
“versatility © to your Super A.
All of them have the superior capa-
city to make sharp black and white
and brilliant color pictures. They
also have hard coated surfaces and
are equipped with click stop equi-
distant diaphragms.
— 16 —
S9sud] aqmnabunydriojuj s.pjjouly
Rokkor 85mm f 2.8 5 element
Excellent for close-up portraits or
distant scenes. Image taken is 1.7
times that of standard 50mm lens.
Angle of view: 29°
Diaphragm openings:
в from t 2.8 to Е 22
- Nearest focusing distance :
5 ft.
Individual * Bright Frame
View-finder ” with the paral=
lax correction dial 15 provided.
Tele Rokkor 135mm f 4.5 3 element
Most useful for taking long distant
subjects, sports shots or animal
life. Image taken is 2 7 times that
of standard 3Umm lens.
Rokkor 35mm ff 3.5 4 element
Especially suitable for snapshots
or interior photography. This
is due to the wider angle of
view and the greater depth of
field in comparison with stan-
dard 50mm lenses.
Angle of view: 64°
Diaphragm openings: from £3.5 to f 22
Nearest focusing distance: 3.3 ft.
A special finder is not required as the finder of
the Super À 18 sufhcient.
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Standard Lenses
Rokkor 50mm #2
7 element Angle of view: 18"
Rokkor 50mm # 2.8 Diaphragm openings :
5 element from f 4.5 to f 22
Nearest focusing distance :
12 ft.
Individual “Bright Frame
View-hnder © with the paral-
lax correction dial 1s provided.
Widely used for all purposes.
Angle of view: 46°
Diaphragm openings: from EZ (12.8) to f22
Nearest focusing distance: , 3.3 ft.
cs TY се
Minolta’s Accessories
Minolta Meter
The Minolta Super A can take our ex-
clusive exposure meter, the Minolta
Meter which does away with any guess
work or calculations and assures correct
exposure. The meter, coupled to the
shutter speed dial of the camera, only
requires the operator to adjust the
diaphragm scale of the camera as indi-
cated by the meter.
The two separate windows on the meter show
the correct shutter speed and f stop number.
When the adjusting knob is turned, the various
combinations of shutter speed and f stop number
appear ; one of them can be chosen according to
whether moving subjects are to be taken or greater
depth of field is required.
The meter 18 usable under any lighting con-
ditions even poor light as the amplifier is
attachable to the meter for 4 times increase
of sensibility.
The meter can also be operated independent-
ly without attaching it to the camera.
Incident Light Attachments are provided
for the meter and the amplifier for mea-
suring light by the “incident light me-
thod ” which enables an exact measure-
ment where the ordinary “reflected light
method” may be slightly inaccurate.
Minolta Junior B.C. Flash
A small pocket-sized unit which operates on the B. С.
principle. A 22.5 V dry battery and a condenser (capa-
citor) can discharge more than 300 flashbulbs without
changing the battery. ‘The folding shade consists of 13
fan-shaped blades. The body of the flash gun is plastic
and the folded reflector in its vinyl case fits any pocket
or purse. ё
Minolta Lens Shade
A lens shade should be used to prevent unnecessary and
stray light from entering the lens, which will cause glare
spots on the picture, and is especially essential in synchro-
flash work.
Minolta Filters
Filters are used to obtain nearly similar effects in the
prints as seen with the naked eye or to secure other
special depiction aimed at. Minolta filters will enable
you to take better and more elaborate pictures than is
possible without them,
Furnished in UV, and Yellow, Orange, Red, and Green
origins for black and white films. Color filters both for
daylight type and artificial light type color films.
Emulsion-Speed Values
Comparative Table
Focusing Lever. (The push button in the center
is for interchange of lenses.)
Depth of Field Scale for 50 mm Standard Lens.
(Distance indicator dot in the center of the scale is
common for standard and interchangeable lenses.)
Illuminating Window for Bright Frame.
Viewfinder Window.
Rapid Rewind Crank.
Click-stop Shutter Speed Dial.
Accessory Shoe.
Film advance and Shutter-cock Lever.
Click-stop Diaphragm Ring.
Distance Scale common for Standard and Inter-
changeable Lenses.
Synchro Selector and Synchronizer Connection.
Red Warning Signal.
Rangefinder Window.
Shutter Release Button.
Fully Automatic Film Counter.
Film Speed Indicator.
Rangefinder - Viewfinder Eyepiece common
for 50mm and 35mm Lenses.
Neck Strap Attachment.
Rewind Shaft.
Film Cartridge Chamber.
Back Locking Tab.
Tripod Mount.
Pressure Plate. (Depth of field indicator for
interchangeable lenses on back of the camera.)
Film Winding Spool.
Film Winding Sprocket.
Rewind (Sprocket) Release Button.
Printed in Japan


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