Mattel Yu-Gi-Oh! Millennium Game Instruction Sheet

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Mattel Yu-Gi-Oh! Millennium Game Instruction Sheet | Manualzz
2-4 Players
1 Game board
1 Six sided numbered die 4 Slider Readers
2 Duel dice 1 Yoo
} Dice label sheet 9
, 1 Kaiba
1 Green die ;
| } Mai
| Blue die 1 Joe
4 Character movers Y
28 Trap Tiles
1 Yugi [Red]
24 Monster Sliders
1 Kaiba [Blue]
) 3 Battle Cards
1 Mai (Yellow) M.
5 Millennium Puzzle Pieces
I Joey (Green)
Label Application Instructions
Match the blue and green-colored Duel Dice to the same-olored dice labels. Peel
the labels and apply one to each side of the same-colored die. It does not matter
which label goes on which side, only that blue labels are applied to the blue die,
and green to the green die.
Gather powerful monsters and duel other players in the Arena to win their piece of
the Millennium Puzzle. The first player to obtain all five pieces wins the game.
Trap —
Symbol Г
Агепа —
Trap Tile |
Space —
“TONE YD, Monster |
Game I Raid Slider
Shop | Slider
* Open the game board in the center of the playing area. Reader
* Place all of the Slider Readers on the playing area with the character labels
facedown. Each player draws one, youngest player first. The character on the
back of the Slider Reader they draw assigns the mover they will use. Note: The
color of a mover's base denotes that player's home Game Shop.
* All players’ movers start in the Arena.
* Shuffle the Monster Sliders and place them beside the board.
* Shuffle the Trap Tiles and deal 7 to each of the four Trap Tile spaces on the
* Shuffle the three Battle Cards and place them beside the Monster Sliders.
* Each player takes one of the four triangular pieces of the Millennium Puzzle.
Place the square base (and any remaining pieces of the Puzzle if less than four
people are playing) on the grassy spaces around the Arena.
In order to become the King of Games, players must obtain all five pieces of the
Millennium Puzzle. Each player begins the game with one piece of the puzzle; the
final piece [or pieces if fewer than four people are playing) awaits them in the
Arena. Players may not attempt to win the nal piece on] they have captured the
other four.
In order to win puzzle pieces, players challenge each other to duels in the Arena.
Players need powerful monsters to win these Arena Duels; they gather monsters by
visiting the Game Shops located at the four corners of the board or by winning
battles outside the Arena.
Battles take place outside the Arena and are always fought for Monster Sliders -
the loser must forfeit their Monster Slider to the winner.
Arena Duels take place in the Arena and are always ough for pieces of the
Millennium Puzzle -- the loser forfeits all pieces of he Millennium Puzzle they
possess to the winner. [See ARENA DUELS).
Players also collect Trap Tiles outside the Arena. These tiles grant pin ers special
powers they can use in battle. (See TRAP TILES).
Once a player collects all the puzzle pieces from their opponents they may travel
to the Arena and attempt to win the final puzzle piecels). The remaining players
choose the strongest among them to defend the final piece. That player travels to
the Arena and the duel commences.
The first player to capture all five pieces of the Millennium Puzzle is the winner.
* Each player rolls the numbered die, revolling any ties. Highest roll goes first.
Play proceeds around the table to the left.
* The first player rolls the numbered die and may move up to the number of
spaces rolled on the die. Players do not have to move the full number of spaces
rolled. {See MOVEMENT).
* Whenever a player lands on a space with the Trap symbol, they may draw one
Trap Tile from the deck. {See TRAP TILES).
* Whenever a player enters any Game Shop they may draw one Monster Slider
from the pile. {See MONSTER SLIDERS). _
* When outside the Arena, ¡f a player stops ina |
space adjacent to another player's mover, the
moving player may choose to battle their
opponent. This is accomplished by declaring
that they wish to battle, then drawing a Battle
Card. (See BATTLING).
* When inside the Arena, a player may challenge
any other player on the board for their :
Millennium Pieces). The challenged player
immediately places their mover in the Arena,
and their monsters duel. The loser gives
all puzzle pieces in their possession to the
winner. After the duel, both players place
their movers in their opponent's home
Game Shop and draw a Monster Slider.
* The first player to collect alt five pieces of
the Millennium Puzzle is the winner,
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The Yu-Gi-OhI™ Millennium™ Game uses a X Monster
unique system to let your monsters battle. ED |
Each character comes with its own Slider
Reader, and each Reader has 2 small
windows. When you place a Monster Slider
into the Reader, numbers will appear
through the windows. These are your
Duel Numbers. Duel Numbers tell you
how many times you get to roll the green
and blue Duel Dice when attacking another
player's monster. The Green number tells you how many times to roll the Green Die
and the Blue number how many times to roll the Blue Die. The more times you get
lo roll, the more chances you have to hit. Whichever monster scores the most hits in
a duel wins. {See ARENA DUELS).
Each Slider Reader is unique. Putting the same Monster Slider in different Readers
will give you different Duel Numbers. You will soon discover that some monsters
work better with certain characters than they do with others - you need to figure
out which work best for you.
+— Slider
| Reader
> {
hh — Duel
— Numbers
* Alihough players never have to move the full number of spaces rolled on the
numbered die, they must always move at least one space on their turn. They may
not end their move on the same space they started from.
* Players may move diagonally.
* Two movers cannot share the same space unless they are in a Game Shop or in
the Arena.
* Movers may enter the Arena [or exit, on their first turn| from any space bordering
the Arena. They may not move through the grassy spaces on either end. Players
may not enter or move through the Arena unless they are dueling for a
puzzle piece, a [eam
* Movers may only enter or exit a
building, including Game Shops, 277
through door spaces. All door spaces =
are highlighted yellow. |
* Players may not visit the same Game |
Shop or Trap Symbol twice in a row. |
* If another mover or movers block
your way, move to the next available pr
space. !
* Picking up а Monster Slider or Trap
Tile, or Battling or Dueling another
player ends a player's movement.
e = Door Spaces
TRAP TI LES {a r a O lkusa Number
marked with a Trap symbol, they may | = re
* Whenever a player lands on a space
Power Symbol
draw a Trap Tile from the pile |
within that building. If the Trap Tiles in | =
that building are all gone, players may ‘=m i)
not draw from the piles in other buildings. They may not have more than 4
Trap Tiles in their hand at a time ~ if they have more, they must discard the
extras without using them, placing them at the bottom of any Trap deck.
Continued mu
* Trap Tiles can be played the same turn they are picked up. Players can play as
many Trap Tiles as they possess in a single turn.
* The number in the upper right corner of the card is its ikusa Number. This
number is used to determine the ovicome of an lkusa Battle. {See BATTLING).
* To use a Trap Tile, turn it face-up on the table and follow the directions on
the card.
+1 Hit - Add 1 to the total number of hits rolled on the
Duel Dice.
1 Miss Equals 2 Hits - Count 1 miss rolled on the Duel Dice
as 2 hits.
Note: You must roll a miss to use this card.
Take Another Tum - Play this card at the end of your turn to
go again.
Monster Swipe - Swap any of your Monster Sliders for one of
your opponent's Sliders that is not in their Reader. You may
not look at any of their facedown Sliders when choosing. if
your opponent only has one Slider, you may not use this Trap
Tile against them.
Arena Duel ~ Instantly transport you and an opponent to the
Arena for a duel.
Instant Battle - When outside the Arena, move an opponent
I~ to a space adjacent to your mover. Battle automatically
Open Eye- Look through an opponent's Trap Tiles and take
one. If this brings the total in your hand above four, discard a
Tile of your choice.
= Move Twice Your Roll - Multiply your roll on the movement
E 2 [numbered] die by 2.
E Note: This can be played AFTER the movement die
is rolled.
Lose a Turn - Play this card on an opponent - they lose their
next turn.
* Players only use Monster Sliders to duel other Name
players in the Arena. A seemingly random
jumble of Duel Numbers covers each Slider,
but once you insert Sliders info your Reader,
the Reader identifies which Duel Numbers
apply to you.
* Players may keep no more than 3 Monster
Sliders at a time — if they have more the Duel
must discard the extra at the boltom of he Numbers
Monster Slider deck.
* The Monster Slider in your Reader must be left face-up for the other players to
see. Additional Sliders in your hand can be left face down.
* You must always keep a Monster Slider in your Reader unless you don't have
any Sliders left, When you are defeated in a battle, your opponent takes the
Monster Slider from your Reader - you must immediately replace it with any
Slider in your hand {unless you have no more Sliders) before the
next player's turn begins.
* You may only swap Monster Sliders from your Reader when it is your turn.
Once you begin an Arena Duel you may not swap a Slider even if it is your turn.
If anolher player challenges you to an Arena Duel on their turn, you must fight
with whatever Monster Slider is already in your Reader.
Battles take place outside the Arena and allow players to win their opponent's
Monster Sliders.
* To challenge another player to a battle, the challenger must have a Monster
Slider. A battle occurs when the challenger stops on a space adjacent to the
player they wish fo battle. Note: you cannot battle inside Game Shops and you
may only battle once per turn.
* The challenged player shuffles the Battle Cards and the challenger draws one,
turning it face-up on the table. There are 3 types of Battle Cards that identify the
type of battle to be fought:
(Paper, Rock, Scissors)
* Janken is played just like the game of "PaperRock-Scissors". Both players
make fists and shake them in the air in time with each other. However, in this
version of the game, the players
chant "Jan", "Ken", Pon", shaking
their fists in time with each word.
Upon saying "Pon" the ployer
simultaneously reveal their hand
symbols. |
* Paper beats rock, rock beats scissors,
and scissors beats paper. Paper Rock Scissors
* In the event of a tie, the players repeat the process until someone wins.
* To play Ikusa, the batting players shuffle the Trap Tiles they have gathered and
fan them out in front of them, facedown. Each chooses a tile for their opponent,
drawing it from their opponent's hand, and flips it over in front of their opponent.
Challenger chooses first. Compare the Ikusa Numbers in the top righthand
corner of the tiles - the highest number wins.
* If a player has no Trap Tiles, they automatically lose. If neither player has a Trap
Tile, draw a different Battle Card.
* Saikoro is a Dice Battle.
* Each ployer rolls both Duel Dice 3 times, challenger first, and counts the number
of hits rolled. Reroll any ties. The player who scores the most hits wins.
Winning a Battle
* When two players battle outside the Arena, they compete for Monster Sliders,
The loser of the battle must forfeit the Monster Slider in their Reader fo the victor,
IF the loser has no Monster Slider, they must forfeit a Trap Tile fo the victor. If the
loser has no Trap Tiles, then they lose their next turn.
* If the victor already has 3 monsters, they must choose one Monster Slider to
discard. The discarded Slider goes to the bottom of the deck of Monster Sliders.
* Additionally, the victor draws one new Trap Tile from the Trap Deck. If this
brings their total above four, they must discard one Tile to the bottom of
the deck.
* After battling, the turn ends.
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* To duel for a piece of the Millennium Puzzle, a Player must enter the Arena or
use an Arena Duel Tile from the Trap Deck to travel there.
* When a player enters the Arena, they may summon any other player to the
Arena to duel for their pieces) of the Millennium Puzzle. This duel is always
fought with Monster Sliders.
Dueling with Monsters
* Each player looks at the Monster Slider in their Reader to determine how many
and which colored Duel Dice they may roll. The colored numbers that appear
through the windows of the reader let players know which color die to roll and
how many times to roll it.
* Duel Dice come in two colors: blue and green.
The green die gives a much greater chance of
hitting because it has more "Hit" symbols than
the blue die. Hit Miss
* Each player rolls the appropriate number and types of dice. The player who rolls
the most hits wins. In the event of a tie, players re-oll all of their Duel Dice again.
* The loser of an Arena Duel forfeits all Millennium Puzzle pieces they hold to the
victor, If the loser has no puzzle pieces, they forfeit the Monster Slider from
their Reader.
* After dueling inside the Arena, players travel to the home Game Shop of their
opponent. Both combatants draw a new Monster Slider. The winner draws first.
Play proceeds until one player has gathered afl pieces of the Millennium Puzzle
from the other players. At that point, the player travels to the Arena and attempts to
win the final piece(s) of the puzzle. The challenger risks all pieces they have collected
thus far for the puzzle piecels} located in the Arena.
The other players decide which of them has the most powerful Monster Slider
loaded in their Reader and the best Trap Tiles in their hand and sends that player
to defend the final puzzle piece. The two players duel each other with their
Monster Sliders as described above.
if the challenger wins the duel, they take the final piece of the puzzle from
the Arena.
It the defending player wins, they take all the pieces of the puzzle from the
challenger. They do not win the pisce(s] held in the Arena.
The first player to win all five of the puzzle pieces wins the game!
Winning 2 and 3-Player Games
IF you are playing a 2 or 3-player game, the Arena will contain more than one
puzzle piece. You must win each Arena piece one at a time, and you may only do
so after capturing all other puzzle pieces from the opposing players.
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UE Tovs C € oN REA BLO Е ACTI Cono


Key Features

  • Unique Slider Reader system lets you battle your monsters with different Duel Numbers.
  • 28 Trap Tiles grant players special powers they can use in battle.
  • 24 Monster Sliders to collect and battle with.
  • Game board features an Arena where players can duel for puzzle pieces.
  • Easy to learn and play, with simple rules that are easy to follow.

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Frequently Answers and Questions

How many players can play the game?
2-4 players.
What is the object of the game?
To collect all five pieces of the Millennium Puzzle.
How do I move my mover?
Roll the numbered die and move up to the number of spaces rolled.
What happens if I land on a space with the Trap symbol?
You may draw one Trap Tile from the deck.
What happens if I enter a Game Shop?
You may draw one Monster Slider from the pile.
How do I battle another player?
Declare that you wish to battle, then draw a Battle Card.
What happens if I lose a battle?
You must forfeit your Monster Slider to the winner.
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