AMS AS5263 User Guide
AMS AS5263 is a redundant, contactless magnetic angle position sensor for accurate angular measurement over a full turn of 360°. It is a system-on-chip, combining integrated Hall elements, analog front end, digital signal processing and best in class automotive protection features in a single device. The angular output data is available over a 12 bit PWM signal or 12 bit ratiometric analog output. The AMS AS5263 operates at a supply voltage of 5 V and the supply and output pins are protected against overvoltage up to +27 V.
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AS5263 Programmable Magnetic Rotary Sensor
Adapterboard Operation Manual
12 bit Redundant Automotive Angle Position Sensor
1 General Description
AS5263-DB Demoboard
The AS5263 is a redundant, contactless magnetic angle position sensor for accurate angular measurement over a full turn of 360°. A sub range can be programmed to
The angular output data is available over a 12 bit PWM signal or 12 bit ratiometric analog output.
The AS5263 operates at a supply voltage of 5 V and the achieve the best resolution for the application. It is a system-on-chip, combining integrated Hall elements, analog front end, digital signal processing and best in supply and output pins are protected against overvoltage up to +27 V. In addition the supply pins are protected against reverse polarity up to – 18 V. class automotive protection features in a single device.
To measure the angle, only a simple two-pole magnet, rotating over the center of the chip, is required. The magnet may be placed above or below the IC.
The absolute angle measurement provides instant indication of the magnet’s angular position with a resolution of 0.022° = 16384 positions per revolution.
According to this resolution the adjustment of the application specific mechanical positions are possible.
2 The AS5263 Demoboard
AG still
The AS5263 demoboard is a complete rotary encoder system with built-in microcontroller and graphical LCD display.
The board is externally supplied with a 9V battery or by the USB connection (standalone operation only). valid
LCD display content
9V battery connector
(standalone only)
SiLabs C8051F320 microcontroller on the back
P1: External
Knob with D5x2.5mm diametral magnet,
2mm over the AS5263
Switch S1 for programming
Onboard AS5263 output signals connector and indicators
Figure 1: AS5263 Demoboar d hardware with mounted magnet knob
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AS5263 Programmable Magnetic Rotary Sensor
Adapterboard Operation Manual
Operating the AS5263 Demoboard
The demoboard can be used only
As standalone unit supplied by a 9V battery or the USB connection
Connect the demoboard with one of above mentioned supplies. No other connections are required.
All AS5263 devices mounted on this demoboards, are un-programmed parts. Following settings can be chosen:
Full range operation pre-settings: 0-360deg / 0.5V-4.5V / analog
Full range operation pre-settings: 0-360deg / 0.5V-4.5V / PWM
Free programming: 0-360deg / 0.2V-4.8V (reduced voltage range, due to the upper and lower failure band) / analog or PWM
Mode selection
After connecting the board to the supply, follow these steps:
By turning the magnet knob counter-clockwise a marker appears
Select desired option and press button S1 to confirm
First and second option (pre-settings for analog and PWM) shows now the programming parameters to be set. Confirm these settings by pressing S1 again.
The demoboard is programmed and provides now a) the read back analog values on the header P2 at pin Vout and on the display. The display shows
“analog mode active”. b) the PWM signal on the header P2 at pin Vout only. The display shows “PWM mode active”.
Third option (free programming) shows the start angle selection on the display. Chose the start display shows “analog mode active” or “PWM mode active”. still voltage in Volts and the PWM output voltage in % of VDD) . Please continue accordingly, until the valid
The clamping levels CLL and CLH are automatically set to the chosen start/end voltage levels.
Note: As long as the demobaord is not active (in free programming mode only), one can return to main menu by pressing button S1 for about 2 seconds.
Graphic LCD display
The first display shows the main menu right after startup.
Marker for mode selection content
3 Programming options
Figure 2: LCD display – Main Menu
The LCD display shows the output voltage corresponding to the chosen output characteristic (only in analog mode).
Shown when demoboard is programmed
Read back analog values of both dies
Chosen output characteristic
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AS5263 Programmable Magnetic Rotary Sensor
Adapterboard Operation Manual
If the magnet is too far away from the encoder, “Magnet Err” will be displayed.
If the magnet is missing, „Magnet
Err“ is displayed
Figure 4: LCD display – Missing Magnet
Vout LED
The Vout LED is connected to the output of the AS5263. The output is analog and proportional to the angle of the magnet.
Viewing the output signal on the LED results in brightness, that is proportional to the angle of the magnet. When the angle of the magnet is at the start point, the LED is almost dark. Turning the knob towards higher angle values, increases the brightness of the LED.
Kick LED
He kick down is not activated in this version of demoboard, hence the Kick LED is always ON.
Encoder selection switch
still valid
Right position (default):
Left Position:
Onboard AS5263
External AS5263 connected on P1
The signals of the interface (OUT) and the power supply (5V, GND) of an external device can be connected directly to P1. In this configuration, this data is displayed on the LCD. ams An AS5263 can be attached to P1 and evaluated (see Figure 5). The picture shows only the connection for the bottom content
Revision 1.0, June 2010 encoder mode
Figure 5: exter nal AS5263 connection to the demoboar d
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AS5263 Programmable Magnetic Rotary Sensor
Adapterboard Operation Manual
AS5263 Demoboard Schematic and Blockdiagram
AG ams
Figure 6: AS5263 Demoboar d schematic still valid
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AS5263 Programmable Magnetic Rotary Sensor
Adapterboard Operation Manual
Figure 7: AS5263 Demoboar d PCB Layout content still valid
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AS5263 Programmable Magnetic Rotary Sensor
Adapterboard Operation Manual
Revision History
Description Revision
June 2010 First version
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