Gezelschapsspellen Mansions of Madness Second Edition Owner Manual
Gezelschapsspellen Mansions of Madness Second Edition is a cooperative game of investigation and horror inspired by the writings of H. P. Lovecraft, where players explore a location to unravel a mystery and overcome challenges presented by a fully integrated companion app.
In this game, players assume the roles of investigators with unique abilities, working together to piece together evidence, solve puzzles, and fend off terrible creatures. The game features dynamic map tiles that allow for a variety of scenarios and a story-driven campaign mode that unfolds over multiple games.
ouse on The
The moon loomed huge and awful in the sky. Rita was having second thoughts about the whole business, standing there alone under the eyes of the stars. The longer she stood there, looking up at the heavens, the further she saw, and the limitless gulf of infinity widened above her. She looked away, looked at the house sprawling on top of the hill, anything to avoid that awful moon, that impossible sky.
The house was not an improvement. Dark and monolithic, a silent sentinel looking down over the Miskatonic River valley below, over the sleeping city of Arkham, Massachusetts. Its silence was malevolent, and
Rita could not believe she had thought she would go inside, missing students or no.
“Art thou not, fatal vision, sensible to feeling as to sight?” The voice came from down the hill, pitched to carry, and Rita could see Yorick approaching, a lantern glowing in one hand. “Or art thou but a dagger of the mind, a false creation, proceeding from the heat-oppressed brain?” She stepped out from where she lurked under an apple tree, waving. She had never been so happy to see the loony old man in her life.
“What,” she said, “is Horatio there?”
“A piece of him,” Yorick answered. He flourished a bow. “Enter the gravedigger, stage right. Is our company assembled?”
“Jes’ you and me so far, Yorick.” She looked back up the hill at the evil house. “I guess no one else is comin’. Might as well head home and get some sleep.”
“Screw your courage to the sticking place, my friend.” The gravedigger clapped her on the shoulder. He smelled of earth, of normal things she could touch and taste. Infinity did not seem so bad. “The others will be along directly.” He nodded along the lane, and Rita turned. Light stabbed through the darkness, and soon became a pair of headlights, careening and caroming up the street ahead of a growling and, to Rita’s eyes, quite expensive automobile.
The car came to a stop and quieted, the lights flickering out. Preston
Fairmont stepped out of the driver’s side door, followed by an odd-looking old white lady Rita had never seen before; Agatha Crane, she presumed.
“Now, listen,” said Fairmont, first to speak as always. “I have been having some second thoughts about all this. First of all, it is not at all proper to be bringing a young girl and a … uh …”
“Old lady?” suggested Agatha with a grin that Rita decided looked dangerous.
“Yes. Quite. Well. Anyway, it is only natural that you would be frightened by such a–”
“If your driving did not frighten me, I do not see how anything inside that house can.” Agatha stepped toward Rita and extended one hand. “Agatha
Crane, Parapsychologist. You must be Rita.”
“Yes’m,” said Rita.
“And unless I miss my guess, this is William Yorick, our resident thespian.”
Yorick gave his little bow again.
“The lady is too kind. The dead are my only audience these days, although
I could not ask for any more attentive than they.”
“Then we are all here. Let us be about our business.” The old lady pulled open the leather satchel in her hand and settled the oddest piece of headgear Rita had ever seen over her soft, white curls. It was like a jeweler’s eyepiece, with extra lenses on delicate, wire arms.
They pushed through the gate, Fairmont bringing up the rear and complaining. “Technically, this is breaking and entering,” he said. “We have no legal right to be here! If I am caught, it could be incredibly embarrassing for my business associates.”
“I thought you bought the house,” murmured Rita. The closer the awful thing grew, the stronger the urge to whisper, as if not to wake it.
“I tried to buy the house, which is how we found out who owns it now, yes. But the sale was never completed, because the—look, really, oughtn’t we come back in the morning?”
A scream cut through the night air from somewhere inside the mansion, and Agatha stomped up the steps to reach for the door handle.
“No,” said Fairmont, tugging at his tie. “No, I suppose not.” u
This Learn to Play booklet is designed to teach new players how to play Mansions of Madness. Players should read this booklet in its entirety before playing their first game.
In an effort to teach the game quickly and simply, this booklet omits many rules and game interactions. Questions that arise during gameplay are best answered by the Rules Reference.
Mansions of Madness is a cooperative game of investigation and horror inspired by the writings of H. P. Lovecraft. During each game, one to five players explore a location to unravel a mystery. Players must work together to overcome the challenges presented to them by a fully integrated companion app.
Mansions of Madness is a cooperative game. All players are on the same team and win or lose the game together. The investigators’ ultimate goal is to explore the scenario’s map and piece together the evidence and clues required to solve the mystery.
In addition, investigators need to overcome various challenges, including fending off terrible creatures, befriending non-player characters, and solving puzzles.
ownloaD The
To download the Mansions of Madness app, search for Mansions of Madness on the
Apple iOS AppStore™, Google Play™ store, or Amazon Appstore. Alternately, you can download the app for Mac or Windows from our website at
Rules Reference
D erringer
No gal should be out on the town without a bit of protection.
40 Common Item Cards
Feed the Mind F eed the M ind
You feel your mind expanding as the universe spins ar ound you ( ; 2).
If you pass, you are able to the cosmos with y paradigm; no additional effect.
is wrong; suffer 1 facedo
Action: You or another investigator within range become Focused. Then flip this card.
Then discard this card and gain
30 Spell Cards
Minor Injury
Only a flesh wound.
Resolve Immediately
No additional effect.
Flip this card facedo wn.
40 Damage Cards
B rass
K ey
24 Map Tiles
As you hold the key
, you look around for a matching doorknob or padlock.
24 Unique Item Cards
Focused to convert all
to d
37 Condition Cards
Minor Shock
Ah! Your heart races, and y our breath catches in y our throat.
Resolve Immediately
No additional effect.
Flip this card facedo wn.
40 Horror Cards
16 Search /
Interact Tokens
4 Barricade Tokens
8 Wall Tokens
Crane apsycho logist
After you resolv e a Horror check, gain 1 Clue.
S trength
i nfluence
A gility
O bServAtiOn
W ill
8 Investigator Cards & Matching Figures
16 Explore /
Sight Tokens
4 Secret Passage
4 Door Tokens
22 Person Tokens
18 Fire /
Darkness Tokens
6 ID Tokens
26 Clue Tokens
24 Monster Tokens & Matching Figures
5 Dice First Edition
Conversion Kit
Before playing each game, perform the following steps in order. The setup diagram on page 5 shows an example of these steps.
1. C reaTe
C arD
D eCks
Separate the Investigator cards from all other cards. They will be used later during setup. Then separate all other cards into decks by card type.
^ Shuffle the Damage and Horror decks individually and place them facedown within reach of all players.
^ Organize the cards in the Common Item, Unique Item, Spell, and
Condition decks alphabetically and place them faceup within reach of all players. This will make it easier to find cards when they are needed during the game.
2. o
Gather all map tiles and organize them by tile size. This will make it easier to find tiles when they are needed during the game.
3. o rGanize
m onsTers
Make sure that each monster figure has a matching token slotted into its base. See “Monster Figure Reference” on page 22 of the
Rules Reference.
4. C rGanize reaTe
m ap oken
p iles
Separate all tokens into pools by token type.
5. C hoose
Cenario ools
Run the Mansions of Madness app and press “New Game.” Players, as a group, decide which story to play and input their selection in the app.
6. C hoose
i nvesTiGaTors
Each player chooses an investigator, taking the Investigator card and figure for that investigator. Then input the selected investigators in the app. Hereafter, players will be referred to as “investigators.”
If playing with only a single player, that player chooses two investigators and controls both of them.
Unused Investigator cards and figures are returned to the game box.
7. G ain
p ossessions
Investigators, as a group, gain the specific Common Items, Spells, or other possessions as instructed by the app. These possessions may be distributed among the investigators however they decide.
8. r eaD
p roloGue anD
r eveal
e nTranCe
Perform the remaining steps of setup as instructed by the app.
A. Read aloud the scenario’s prologue as shown by the app. The story’s prologue might provide hints about what is to come.
B. Place the starting map tile and Investigator figures as instructed by the app.
C. Place Search tokens, Explore tokens, and other tokens as instructed by the app.
D. Perform any other steps as instructed by the app.
When setup is complete, the app will automatically progress to the first round’s investigator phase. See “Playing the Game” on page 4.
For their first game, players are recommended to play the
“Cycle of Eternity” scenario. This scenario is shorter and less complex than the other scenarios, making it well suited for learning the game.
Before choosing a scenario, if you own the first edition
Mansions of Madness base game and/or any of its expansions, you can integrate the components of those products as described by the Conversion Kit rules insert.
Players can play any investigators from the integrated first edition products, and the app can use any of the monsters or map tiles from those products during the game.
layinG The
Mansions of Madness is played over a series of game rounds. Each round consists of two phases that are resolved in the following order:
1. Investigator Phase: Investigators perform actions to move about the game board, explore their surroundings, and attack monsters.
2. Mythos Phase: The app indicates monster actions and generates mythos effects. These effects might spawn monsters or raise other challenges that investigators will need to overcome.
After the mythos phase each round, investigators start a new round beginning with the investigator phase. Players continue resolving game rounds until they have won or lost the game.
These phases are described in detail on the following pages and summarized on the last page of the Rules Reference.
D erringer erringer
2 2
No gal should be out on the town without a bit the town without a bit of protection.
2 2 2
B rass rass
K ey ey
As you hold the key, you look around for a matching look around for a matching doorknob or padlock.
Action: You or another
Action: You or another investigator within range become Focused. Then
You may discard this card to convert all
The Par apsycho logist
After you resolv e a Horror check, gain 1 Clue.
S trength
A gility
O bServAtiOn
Ore i nfluence
W ill
A rcAne m
Anuscript Flesh Ward
Action: You or another investigator within range discard 1 Damage. Then flip this card.
Roll 1 additional die while resolving a test.
The But ler
Action: Another inv estigator within range may per form
1 action. Activ ate this ability only once per r ound.
S trength
i nfluence
A gility
O bServAtiOn
W ill
B AnDAges l eAD p ipe
Action: Discard up to
2 facedown Damage.
Then discard this card.
Heavy Weapon
“A bloodied pipe was found at the scene of the crime. The cause of death is still unknown.”
—Deputy Dingby
i nvesTiGaTor
p hase
During the investigator phase, each investigator performs up to two actions. Performing actions is the primary way in which investigators move about the game board and interact with their surroundings.
The investigators take turns in the order of their choice. On an investigator’s turn, he performs up to two actions of his choice.
Then the next investigator takes his turn, and so on, until each investigator has taken a turn.
During the investigator phase, investigators can perform the following actions. The detailed rules for these actions are explained in the following sections.
m ove
The investigator moves his investigator figure up to two spaces, moving one space at a time, from one space to an adjacent space.
He cannot move through walls or impassable borders unless an effect specifically allows it.
If an investigator attempts to move out of a space that contains a monster, he must first resolve an evade check. See “Evading Monsters” on page 14.
e xplore
The investigator uses the app to explore an adjacent room.
To do so, he taps the Explore token that corresponds to the area he wants to explore. Then he confirms his action by selecting the “ Explore” option.
1. Space: An area of a map tile separated from other spaces by borders, impassable borders, walls, or doors.
2. Border: Represented by a solid white or yellow line. Borders divide large areas into multiple spaces.
Investigators and monsters can move through borders.
3. Impassable Border: Represented by a white or yellow dashed border. Investigators and monsters cannot move through impassable borders unless an effect specifically allows it.
4. Wall: Represented by a brown border. Investigators and monsters cannot move through walls unless an effect specifically allows it.
5. Door: Represented by a rectangular gap in a wall.
Investigators and monsters can move through doors.
6. Room: A group of spaces separated from other rooms by walls, doors, yellow borders, yellow impassable borders, or the edges of map tiles. Each room has a single name that refers to all spaces in the room as a group.
The investigator resolves the effects as instructed by the app.
The effect indicates which map tile or tiles to place as well as any Search, Interact, Person, or other tokens.
After all tiles and tokens have been placed, the investigator may move into the explored area as instructed by the app.
s earCh
The investigator uses the app to search something of interest in his space. To do so, he taps a Search token in his space. Then he confirms his action by selecting the “ Search” option.
i nTeraCT
The investigator uses the app to interact with a person or object in his space. To do so, he taps a Person or Interact token in his space.
Then he confirms his action by selecting an option preceded by the action icon ( ).
The investigator resolves the effect as instructed by the app which might include a skill test, declared as a skill icon embedded in parentheses following a short narrative.
For example, “You dig through the dense paperwork cluttering the desk, looking for anything of interest ( )” instructs the investigator to test his observation ( ).
See “Skill Tests” on page 13.
T raDe
The investigator may give any number of Common Items, Unique
Items, or Spells to each other investigator in his space and allow those investigators to give him any number of their possessions.
Additionally, he may pick up or drop any number of the Common
Items, Unique Items, or Spells in his space.
u p
sinG The erForm
pp To
Performing the explore action, search action, interact action, and some component actions requires using the app. An investigator may tap any token in the app to inspect it. Doing so does not require an action, and an investigator can inspect a token even if the token is not in his space.
^ An investigator cannot select an option that is preceded by the action icon ( ) unless he spends an action to do so.
Performing the explore, search, or interact action allows the investigator to select such an option.
The investigator resolves the effect as instructed by the app which might include additional decisions or a skill test.
C omponenT
Some components or effects allow investigators to perform component actions. Component actions are described by the component or effect that allows the investigator to perform that action.
Component actions on cards are preceded by the word “Action” in bold and can be performed by the investigator who has that card.
Some items allow investigators to perform a component action by using the app. To do this, the investigator opens the inventory by
Action: Discard up to
2 facedown Damage.
Then discard this card.
pressing the inventory button in the bottom-left corner of the screen and selects the Item.
Inventory Button
Then he confirms his action by selecting an option preceded by the action icon ( ). The investigator resolves the effect as instructed by the app.
The investigator uses the app to attack a monster. To do this, he selects the monster that he wants to attack from the monster drawer (1). Then he presses the “Attack” button (2).
eleCTinG a
To select a monster, an investigator opens the monster drawer by pressing the monster drawer button. Then he presses a monster’s icon in the drawer to select it.
Monster Drawer Button
This will open the monster menu from which an investigator can attack or evade the monster or alter the amount of damage the monster has suffered.
The investigator must choose how he wants to attack and confirm his action by selecting one of the following options (3)—“ Attack with a Heavy Weapon”, “ Attack with a Bladed Weapon”, “ Attack with a Firearm”, “ Attack with a Spell”, or “ Attack Unarmed.”
After selecting his attack type, he resolves the effect—which often includes a skill test—as instructed by the app. The investigator uses the “+” and “–” buttons in the monster menu to record the damage the monster has suffered (4).
An investigator using a weapon or spell with the melee icon can attack only a monster in his space. An investigator using a weapon or spell with the ranged icon can attack any monster within range.
Melee Icon Ranged Icon r
Some effects, such as ranged attacks, horror checks, and monster effects, rely on range. The maximum range of these effects is three spaces. Range cannot be counted through walls or doors unless an effect specifically allows it.
e nD oF
i nvesTiGaTor
p hase
After all investigators have taken a turn, one of them presses the end phase button in the bottom-right corner of the screen to end the investigator phase and proceed to the mythos phase.
End Phase Button
Carson Sinclair uses the attack action to attack a Deep One in his space.
1. He opens the monster drawer by pressing the monster drawer button in the bottom-left corner of the screen and selects the Deep One.
2. He presses the “Attack” button.
3. Carson decides to attack with his Crowbar, a Heavy Weapon.
He selects the “ Attack with a Heavy Weapon” option.
c rowBAr
5. He rolls two success results ( ) and one blank result. The test declaration in the app indicates a test difficulty of two, meaning he needs two success results to pass.
Heavy Weapon
A hefty tool for getting the job done right.
4. The app instructs him to test his strength ( ). He does so by rolling dice equal to the value printed on his card.
The But ler
Action: Another inv estigator within range may per form
1 action. Activ ate this ability only once per r ound.
S trength 3
A gility
O bServAtiOn
Ore i nfluence
W ill 3
6. Having passed the test, Carson causes the Deep One to suffer damage equal to his weapon’s damage (2) plus his test result (2) as instructed by the app.
c rowBAr
Heavy Weapon
A hefty tool for getting the job done right.
7. Finally, Carson records the damage that the Deep One has suffered by using the app.
m yThos
p hase
During the mythos phase, the app generates a number of effects to be resolved by the investigators. There are three types of effects that the app can generate—mythos events, monster activations, and horror checks. These effects are described in the following sections.
m yThos
e venTs
Mythos events are effects generated by the app during the mythos phase. Mythos events might be related to the specific scenario investigators have chosen or the actions the investigators have performed during the round.
The investigators resolve the effects as instructed by the app.
h orror
C heCks
The app instructs each investigator to resolve a horror check against a single monster within range.
Each investigator resolves a horror check against the monster within range with the highest horror rating. If an investigator is not within range of any monsters, he does not resolve a horror check.
To resolve a horror check against a monster, the investigator selects the monster from the monster drawer and resolves the effect as instructed by the app.
A Mythos Event
After all mythos events for the round have been resolved, the app will generate instructions for activating monsters. If there are no monsters on the board, the mythos phase will end automatically instead.
m onsTer
The app generates instructions for activating each monster, one at a time. These instructions will describe how to move each monster and how each monster attacks. Investigators resolve the effects as instructed by the app.
See the “Monster Activation Example” diagram on page 11.
After all monsters have activated for the round, the app will instruct investigators to resolve horror checks.
A Horror Check Effect
After all investigators have finished resolving horror checks, one of them presses the end phase button in the bottom-right corner of the screen to end the mythos phase and begin the next round, starting with a new investigator phase.
w inninG The
G ame
During setup, players select a scenario that determines what the investigators need to do to win the game. However, this objective is hidden from the investigators.
During the game, the investigators must unravel the mystery and discover their ultimate goal. The investigators can do so by listening carefully to the scenario’s prologue and carefully examining each hint they discover throughout their investigation.
After the investigation has progressed enough, the objective will be revealed, giving the investigators one final task to complete the investigation. Investigators win the game when the investigation is complete.
If the investigators take too long to complete the investigation, the scenario’s objective might change or become more difficult to accomplish. If the investigators continue to take too long, investigators will lose the game.
During the mythos phase, the app opens the monster menu and generates the effects of each monster’s activation.
1. The app generates movement instructions for the Deep One and specifies which investigator the Deep One attacks.
2. The investigators follow the app instructions by moving the
Deep One toward the nearest investigator.
4. The effect instructs Agatha to test her strength ( ). She does so by rolling dice equal to the value printed on her card.
S trength 2
9 A gility
O bServAtiOn
The Par apsycho logist
5. She rolls one success result (
Unable to reroll dice or convert any other results to
After you resolv
e a Horror i nfluence
W ill 4
3. The Deep One attacks the investigator in its space who has suffered the most Damage. Agatha selects the “The monster attacks.” option, and the app generates the effects of the
Deep One’s attack.
6. The effect generated by the app instructs Agatha to suffer two facedown Damage negated by the result of her test.
Agatha’s single negates one facedown Damage, but she suffers the remaining one facedown Damage.
Having completely resolved the effect, Agatha presses the
“Continue” button. The Deep One’s activation is complete.
This section includes additional rules not previously discussed, including skill tests, cards, features, monsters, and puzzles.
D amaGe
& h orror
Many game effects cause investigators to suffer Damage or Horror.
When an effect causes an investigator to suffer Damage or Horror, he draws the top card of the Damage or Horror deck, respectively. He claims the card faceup unless the effect specifies otherwise.
Each Damage or Horror card has one of two traits—Resolve
Immediately or Keep Faceup. When an investigator claims a faceup
Damage or Horror with the Resolve Immediately trait, he immediately resolves its effect which usually includes flipping the card facedown. A
Damage or Horror with the Keep Faceup trait, will have a lasting effect for as long as the card remains faceup.
i nsane
When an investigator has suffered Horror (whether faceup or facedown) equal to his sanity, that investigator becomes Insane.
When an investigator becomes Insane, he gains an Insane Condition and discards all of his facedown Horror cards. He reads the back of his Insane Condition, but he cannot reveal the back of the card to the other investigators.
An investigator’s Insane Condition might alter how that investigator wins and loses the game. In such a case, he may want to perform one or more actions that he would not otherwise want to perform. See
“Rarely Used Actions” on the last page of the Rules Reference.
S trength
After you resolv e a Horror check, gain 1 Clue.
A gility
O bServAtiOn
4 i nfluence
W ill 4 Agatha
The Par
Crane apsycho logist w ounDeD
When an investigator has suffered Damage (whether faceup or facedown) equal to his health, that investigator becomes Wounded.
When an investigator becomes Wounded, he gains a Wounded
Condition and discards all of his facedown Damage. While Wounded, an investigator cannot perform the move action more than once each round.
When a Wounded investigator has suffered Damage equal to his health, that investigator is eliminated.
Look at the back of this card but do not reveal it to other investigators.
When you have suffered
Horror equal to your Sanity, you are eliminated.
p yroMAniA
Fire keeps you warm, and it keeps away the darkness. The only way you will be safe is if you light as many beautiful, beautiful fires as you can.
You do not win the game as normal. At the start of your turn, if 6 or more rooms contain Fire, you immediately win the game and the game ends. If the game ends for any other reason, you lose the game.
Each Insane Condition has a required number of investigators which is indicated on the bottom-right corner on the back of the card.
When an investigator gains an Insane Condition, if the number of investigators is less than the required number of investigators, he discards that card and gains a different copy of the Insane Condition.
If an Insane investigator has suffered Horror equal to his sanity, that investigator is eliminated.
e liminaTeD
When an investigator is eliminated, he drops all of his possessions in his space and removes his investigator figure from the board. The remaining investigators have a single additional investigator phase to attempt to complete their investigation. At the end of that investigator phase, if the investigators did not complete the investigation, they lose the game . One of them selects the “Investigator Eliminated” option from the in-game menu to end the game.
s kill
T esTs
A skill test represents a physical, mental, or social challenge an investigator must overcome. Skill tests are declared using their skill icon embedded in parentheses following a short narrative. When an investigator is resolving an effect that includes a skill icon in the text, he must immediately test that skill.
To resolve a test, the investigator rolls a number of dice equal to his value in the indicated skill. The number of success results ( ) rolled is called the test result. The test declaration might also indicate a modifier, such as “–1,” which causes the investigator to roll more or fewer dice for the skill test. Investigators roll a minimum of one die for each test.
For example, “You uncover a series of strange cryptic runes carved into the wall ( –1)” instructs the investigator to test his lore ( ) rolling one fewer die than normal.
After rolling dice during a test, an investigator may spend a Clue to convert a single investigation result ( ) to a success result ( ). He may do so multiple times as long as he spends a Clue for each he converts. He determines his test result after resolving all conversions.
n eGaTinG
D amaGe
& h orror
Some effects cause an investigator to suffer multiple Damage or
Horror at the same time but allow him to resolve a skill test to negate some or all of the Damage or Horror. To do so, the investigator tests the indicated skill. He prevents one Damage or one Horror for each success result ( ) rolled.
s kill
T esT
D iFFiCulTy
Some skill test declarations include a test difficulty embedded in the parentheses separated from the skill icon by a semicolon. This number indicates the number of success results ( ) required to pass the test.
If the investigator does not roll enough , he fails the test.
For example, “The beast charges at you ( ; 2)” instructs the investigator to test his agility ( ) with a difficulty of two. If the investigator rolls two or more , he passes the test.
s kill
T esTs in The
a pp
Some skill test declarations included in app instructions require the investigator to input his test result. In such a case, the investigator uses the “+” and “–” buttons to input his test result.
An investigator inputs his test result using the app
The number of success results ( ) required to pass is unknown.
However, even if the investigator fails the test, the app remembers how many were previously rolled. Future attempts to pass the test will require fewer .
During the game, all messages displayed by the app are recorded in the message log. Players may access the message log at any time by selecting “Message Log” from the in-game menu.
In-game Menu Button
The message log is organized by round and allows the players to reread any messages shown by the app throughout the course of the game.
m onsTers
Monsters represent aberrant and eldritch creatures and the cultists and other worshipers of those creatures.
m onsTer
T oken
Each monster token includes a number of pieces of game information as described below.
1. Awareness: A monster’s awareness is referenced when an investigator resolves an evade check in a space that contains multiple monsters.
2. Horror Rating: A monster’s horror rating is referenced when an investigator resolves a horror check within range of multiple monsters.
3. Brawn: A monster’s brawn represents its physical prowess and is referenced by various effects. See “Barricades” on page 16.
4. Abilities & Flavor Text: A monster’s abilities, if it has any, are defined on the token’s back. A monster’s flavor text gives a brief thematic description of the creature’s appearance and behavior.
iD T okens
ID tokens are used to mark unique monsters and to differentiate monsters from others of the same type.
When a monster is spawned, the app might indicate one of the six
ID tokens to be assigned to that monster. An investigator places the specified ID token in the monster figure’s base.
e vaDinG
m onsTers
If an investigator in a space containing a monster attempts to leave his space or perform an action other than the attack action or move action, that investigator must first evade the monster. If there are multiple monsters in the investigator’s space, he must evade only the monster with the highest awareness.
To evade a monster, an investigator selects the monster in his space from the monster drawer. Then the investigator presses the “Evade” button and resolves the effect as instructed by the app.
After evading a monster, the investigator performs his action as normal unless the effect states that his action is forfeit.
^ If the investigator forfeits his action, he loses his action without resolving any part of its effect. If an investigator forfeits his action while moving, he loses any remaining movement and does not leave his space.
See the “Evade Check Example” diagram on page 15.
Common Items and Unique Items represent the various objects the investigators encounter during their investigations. When an investigator gains an item, he claims the card faceup (art side faceup).
Some Items have a unique back. An investigator may read the back of an item at any time.
s pells
Spells represent the tomes or scrolls containing the knowledge required to harness eldritch powers. When an investigator gains a
Spell, he claims a random copy of that Spell faceup (art side faceup).
An investigator cannot look at the back of a Spell until an effect causes the Spell to flip.
Whenever an investigator casts a Spell, the Spell’s effect instructs the investigator to flip the card. When he flips the card, he immediately resolves the effect on its back. This effect typically includes discarding the card and gaining a new copy of that Spell.
C onDiTions
Conditions represent intangible status effects that alter how an investigator can act. Occasionally, an effect will cause an investigator to gain a Condition. For example, “become Stunned” causes the investigator to gain the Stunned Condition.
A monster retains its ID token for as long as it remains in play.
Agatha Crane wants to move to the Search token in the office, but she will need to move away from the Deep One to do so.
1. She attempts to move out of the Deep One’s space, but she must resolve an evade check.
4. The effect instructs Agatha to test her agility ( ). She does so by rolling dice equal to the value printed on her card.
S trength 2
5. She rolls two investigation results (
o ffice
The Par apsycho logist
2. She selects the Deep One from the monster drawer and presses the “Evade” button.
O bServAtiOn
A gility
) and one blank result. Agatha needs two success results to pass, so she spends two Clues to convert both check, gain 1 Clue.
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3. The app generates an effect for her evade check.
6. Agatha resolves the pass effect as instructed by the app.
The Deep One suffers one damage. Agatha was not instructed to forfeit her action, so she resolves her action as normal; she moves into the other space of the office.
Agatha can now perform the second action of her turn.
Because she is no longer in the same space as a monster, she does not need to resolve an evade check.
F eaTures
Features represent noteworthy furnishings or environmental effects that investigators can interact with or that affect how an investigator can interact with his surroundings. All features are square tokens. Interacting with a feature does not require the app.
B arriCaDes
A Barricade allows an investigator to block a door to prevent monsters from getting through. As an action, an investigator in a space containing a Barricade may move the Barricade against a door or move the
Barricade away from the door it blocks.
Investigators and monsters cannot move through blocked doors.
However, a monster can destroy a Barricade that blocks its path.
If a monster attempts to move through a blocked door, it rolls a number of dice equal to its brawn. If it rolls two or more success results ( ), the Barricade is discarded and the monster moves as normal. Otherwise, the monster does not move.
D arkness
Darkness hinders an investigator’s ability to resolve skill tests and puzzles. An investigator in a space containing Darkness cannot spend Clues to convert dice results or perform additional puzzle steps.
Each investigator in or adjacent to a space containing a Light Source or Fire ignores the effects of Darkness.
F ire
Fire spreads and can damage investigators and monsters. Whenever an investigator moves into a space containing Fire or performs an action in a space containing Fire, he suffers one facedown Damage.
Whenever a monster starts its activation in a space containing Fire or moves into a space containing Fire, it suffers one damage.
As an action, an investigator may attempt to extinguish the flames by testing his agility ( ). For each success result ( ) he rolls, he may discard one Fire token from his space or a space he moves into if he moves as part of his second action or later in the round.
At the beginning of each mythos phase, fire spreads. If one or more spaces contain Fire, place one Fire token in a space adjacent to a space that contains Fire.
s eCreT
p assaGes
An investigator or monster in a space containing a
Secret Passage can move to any other space containing a Secret Passage as if those spaces were adjacent.
p uzzles
Occasionally, an investigator will encounter an effect that requires him to solve a puzzle. Puzzles represent complex logical, magical, or physical challenges the investigators must overcome to complete their investigation. Puzzles are resolved in their entirety using the app.
The types of puzzles—slide puzzle, lock puzzle, and code puzzle—are described on the right and on page 18.
p uzzle
A puzzle step is a single unit of progress toward solving a puzzle, and the types of puzzle steps the investigator can perform are defined by the type of puzzle he is resolving as indicated by the app.
Whenever an effect instructs an investigator to attempt a puzzle, that investigator performs a number of puzzle steps equal to his value in the skill indicated by that effect.
While attempting a puzzle, an investigator may spend any number of his Clues to perform one additional puzzle step for each Clue spent.
After an investigator has performed all of his allotted puzzle steps, if the puzzle is not solved, he presses the “Close” button. The investigator’s progress will be saved so that he or another investigator can continue solving the puzzle at a later time.
s olvinG a
p uzzle
The app will automatically detect when a puzzle is solved. At which point, the investigator who solved the puzzle will continue resolving his action as instructed by the app.
s liDe
p uzzle
A slide puzzle is a type of puzzle in which an investigator attempts to assemble an image that has been split into six or more pieces. The pieces of a slide puzzle are displayed in a grid and randomized.
As a puzzle step, an investigator can swap any two adjacent pieces by dragging one of them over the other.
The puzzle is solved when all pieces of the puzzle are in the correct position and the puzzle’s image is properly displayed.
C oDe
p uzzle
A code puzzle is a type of puzzle in which an investigator attempts to determine a code made of three or more pieces—numbers or runes. The unique pieces that can make up the code are displayed at the top of the screen, and each piece can be used any number of times.
l oCk
p uzzle
A lock puzzle is a type of puzzle in which an investigator attempts to maneuver pieces in a grid to allow the visually unique goal piece to be removed from the grid.
As a puzzle step, an investigator can move any piece by dragging it. A piece can be moved only in the direction of its orientation—vertically or horizontally. However, no two pieces can occupy the same space of the grid, and a piece cannot be moved through other pieces.
As a puzzle step, an investigator can guess the code. He does so by dragging one piece into each of the current guess brackets (1) and selecting “Guess” (2).
After submitting a guess, the investigator will receive information about his guess (3). The app will mark each incorrect guess with a number of success results ( ) and investigation results ( ).
The puzzle is solved when the goal piece is moved to the far right side of the grid.
Each indicates that a single piece of the guess is the correct piece and is correctly positioned within the code. Each indicates that the guess contains a single correct piece, but that piece is not in the correct position.
The puzzle is solved when the investigator guesses the correct code.
Now that you have read this Learn to Play booklet, you are ready to play your first game! As questions arise during play, consult the Rules Reference.
Agatha Crane is attempting a code puzzle using her lore ( ).
Her is five, so she can make five guesses.
4. Knowing there is a “1” and a “3,” Agatha guesses “135.”
At last! Three indicate that all three numbers exist in the code though none of them are correctly positioned.
5. Agatha reviews what she has learned so far. She notices the
“1” in her first guess is in the same position as the “1” in her most recent guess. This means the “1” must account for the
from the first set of results, and the “3” must have been correctly positioned. With the “3” in the third position, the
“1” must belong in the second position since it does not belong in the first position. This leaves only the first position for the “5.”
Agatha inputs her final guess of “513” and solves the puzzle.
1. She inputs an initial guess of “123” which yields one success result ( ) and one investigation result ( ). From this she learns two of the guessed numbers exist in the code but only one is correctly positioned.
2. Agatha needs more information, so she inputs a second guess of “234.” A single indicates one of the guessed numbers exists in the code but is not correctly positioned.
From this, she learns that there is a “1” in the code but not a “4.” She also knows the code contains a “2” or a “3” but not both.
3. She wants to know if the code contains a “2” or a “3” so she inputs a third guess of “222” which yields zero results. She now knows the code contains a “3” and not a “2.”
Second Edition Game Design: Nikki Valens
First Edition Game Design: Corey Konieczka
Scenario Design: Kara Centell-Dunk and Andrew Fischer
Additional Content Development: Glen Aro, Daniel Lovat Clark,
Nathan I. Hajek, Grace Holdinghaus, Robert Martens,
Becca Olene, Alexandar Ortloff, and Jonathan Ying
Editing and Proofreading: Adam Baker and Molly Glover
Arkham Horror Story Team: Andy Christensen, Matthew Newman,
Katrina Ostrander, and Nikki Valens
Graphic Design: WiL Springer with Evan Simonet, Shaun Boyke,
Christopher Hosch, and Ryan Thompson
Managing Graphic Designer: Brian Schomburg
Cover Art: Jacob Murray
Investigator Art: Cristi Balanescu, Tony Foti, Jacob Murray, and Magali Villeneuve
Map Tile Art: Yoann Boissonnet
Additional Interior Art: The artists of Call of Cthulhu LCG and Arkham Horror Files products
Art Director: Zoë Robinson
Managing Art Director: Andy Christensen
Sculptor: Cory DeVore
Plastics Design Coordinator: Niklas Norman
Software Development: Mark Jones, Paul Klecker, Francesco Moggia, and Gary Storkamp
Digital Creative Director: Andrew Navaro
Digital Executive Producer: Keith Hurley
Production Management: Jason Beaudoin and Megan Duehn
Executive Game Designer: Corey Konieczka
Executive Producer: Michael Hurley
Publisher: Christian T. Petersen
Quality Assurance Coordinator: Zach Tewalthomas
Playtesting: Brad Andres, Audrey Bailey, Samuel W. Bailey,
Dane Beltrami, Chiara Bertulessi, Simone Biga, Ian Birdsall,
Forrest Bower, Joseph Bozarth, Nayt Brookes, Frank Brooks,
Chris Brown, John D. Curtis, John W. Curtis III, Kathleen Curtis,
Caterina D’Agostini, Andrea Dell’Agnese, Julia Faeta, Jason Glawe,
Branden Haines, Matt Holland, Alene Horner, Jason Horner,
Julien Horner, Evan Johnson, Justin Kemppainen, James Kniffen,
Matthew Landis, Mark Larson, Lukas Litzsinger, Andrea Marmiroli,
James Meier, Kathleen Miller, Heather Minke, Maegan Mohr,
Michelle McCarthy, Anton Torres, Janie True, Quentin True,
Jason Walden, Paul Winchester
Special thanks to all of our beta testers.
© 2016 Fantasy Flight Publishing, Inc. No part of this product may be reproduced without specific permission. Apple and the Apple logo are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the United States and/or foreign countries. App Store is a service mark of
Apple Inc. Google Play is a trademark of Google Inc. Fantasy Flight Supply is a ™ of
Fantasy Flight Publishing, Inc. Fantasy Flight Games, Mansions of Madness, Arkham
Horror, and the FFG logo are ® of Fantasy Flight Publishing, Inc. Fantasy Flight
Games is located at 1995 West County Road B2, Roseville, Minnesota, 55113, USA,
651-639-1905. Actual components may vary from those shown. Made in China. THIS
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