Scheppach TW1000 Instruction manual

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8 Pages


Scheppach TW1000 Instruction manual | Manualzz









Workshop trolley

Translation from the original instruction manual

Nachdrucke, auch auszugsweise, bedürfen der Genehmigung. Technische Änderungen vorbehalten. Abbildungen beispielhaft!

  [email protected]  +(49)-08223-4002-99  +(49)-08223-4002-58
















 /  [email protected] /  +(49)-08223-4002-99 /  +(49)-08223-4002-58


Explanation of the symbols on the equipment

GB Read the operating instructions to reduce the risk of injury

 /  [email protected] /  +(49)-08223-4002-99 /  +(49)-08223-4002-58


Table of contents:

1. Introduction

2. Layout

3. Scope of delivery

4. Intended use

5. Safety information

6. Technical data

7. Before starting the equipment

8. Attachment and operation

9. Cleaning and storage

10. Disposal and recycling











4 | GB

 /  [email protected] /  +(49)-08223-4002-99 /  +(49)-08223-4002-58

1. Introduction


Fabrikation von Holzbearbeitungsmaschinen GmbH

Günzburger Straße 69

D-89335 Ichenhausen


We hope your new tool brings you much enjoyment and success.


According to the applicable product liability laws, the manufacturer of the device does not assume liability for damages to the product or damages caused by the product that occurs due to:

• Improper handling,

Non-compliance of the operating instructions,

Repairs by third parties, not by authorized service technicians,

Installation and replacement of non-original spare parts,

Application other than specified.


Read through the complete text in the operating instructions before installing and commissioning the device. The operating instructions are intended to help the user to become familiar with the device and take advantage of its application possibilities in accordance with the recommendations. The operating instructions contain important information on how to operate the device safely, professionally and economically, how to avoid danger, costly repairs, reduce downtimes and how to increase reliability and service life of the device.

In addition to the safety regulations in the operating instructions, you have to meet the applicable regulations that apply for the operation of the device in your country. Keep the operating instructions package with the device at all times and store it in a plastic cover to protect it from dirt and moisture. Read the instruction manual each time before operating the device and carefully follow its information.

2. Layout

1. Handle

2. Key

3. Castor

4. Castor with brake

5. Fixed wheel

3. Scope of delivery

• Workshop trolley

• Castor

• Castor with brake

• Fixed wheels

• Fastening screws

• Key

• Operating Manual

4. Intended use

The trolley is designed solely for the storing of tools with a maximum load of 450 kg. It is solely intended for private use indoors and is not suitable for commercial applications.

Only use the trolley as described in this operating manual. Any other use is considered unintended use and can lead to damage or even injury. The trolley is not a toy.

The manufacturer or dealer assumes no liability for damage caused by unintended or improper use.

Please note that our equipment has not been designed for use in commercial, trade or industrial applications.

Our warranty will be voided if the equipment is used in commercial, trade or industrial businesses or for equivalent purposes.

 /  [email protected] /  +(49)-08223-4002-99 /  +(49)-08223-4002-58

GB | 5

5. Safety information

Risk of injury!

Improper use of the trolley increases the risk of injury.

• Always check the trolley before use. Do not use the trolley if it is damaged.

• Only move the trolley by pushing it to another location. To avoid injury, do not pull the trolley

• Always ensure the universal machine stand is secure when setting it up.

• Do not climb or stand on the trolley.

• Close and lock all of the drawers before pushing the trolley. Otherwise, the drawers could open while pushing so that the trolley becomes unstable.

• Do not overload the drawers of the trolley.

• Keep the trolley away from children. Do not leave the trolley unattended in the vicinity of children.

• Keep children away whilst assembling the trolley.

This product includes screws and other small parts.

These could cause asphyxiation if they are swallowed or inhaled.

• The trolley is very heavy when fully loaded. There is a risk of tipping in the event of improper opening. Do not open multiple drawers at the same time.

• Do not assemble the trolley on a moveable object to avoid tipping.

• Warning: Only position and operate on a solid, level surface. The trolley can become unstable and tip over if it is kept or pushed on a sloping surface.

• Always block the rotatable castors after the trolley has been pushed to the desired location to prevent the trolley from rolling away.

• Do not make any changes to the trolley. For example, do not weld any external bars and do not attach any electrical devices to the trolley.

• Do not attach or mount the trolley to a vehicle. Do not pull the trolley with a vehicle.

• Only use original spare parts and accessories.

Store these safety instructions safely.

Observe all safety instructions. If you disregard the safety instructions, you endanger yourself and others.

6. Technical data


Small drawers


Medium drawers


Large drawers



Max. payload

780 x 460 x 970 mm

533 x 58 x 391 mm

15 kg

533 x 128 x 391 mm

20 kg

533 x 195 x 391 mm

20 kg

55 kg

450 kg

7. Before starting the equipment

Check the device for transport damage. Immediately report any damage to the transport company that delivered the device.

• Open the packaging and remove the device carefully.

• Remove the packaging material as well as the packaging and transport bracing (if available).

• Check that the delivery is complete.

• Check the device and accessory parts for transport damage.

• If possible, store the packaging until the warranty period has expired.


The device and packaging materials are not toys!

Children must not be allowed to play with plastic bags, film and small parts! There is a risk of swallowing and suffocation!

6 | GB

 /  [email protected] /  +(49)-08223-4002-99 /  +(49)-08223-4002-58

8. Attachment and operation

The workshop trolley is largely assembled and you need only fit the wheels as follows:

Mounting the wheels (fig. 1-3)

• First, remove the tools provided from the trolley.

• Mount the trolley on a sufficiently large and scratch-proof surface. If necessary, pad the trolley with packaging material to prevent scratching of the painted surfaces.

• Turn the workshop trolley over and mount the wheels as follows.

• Position the fixed castors (5) at the rear and the rotatable castors (3,4) at the front (handle side (1)) of the trolley. Line up the holes in the castors with the holes in the trolley.

• Attach the castors to the underside of the trolley using an Allen key. Only use the screws provided for this.

9. Cleaning and storage

1. Cleaning

Risk of damage!

If the trolley is not cleaned properly it may become damaged.

• Do not use an aggressive, abrasive cleaning agent and do not use a solvent, acid or chlorine based cleaning agent.

• Do not use brushes with metallic or nylon bristles and do not use sharp or metallic cleaning utensils such as blades, hard spatulas or similar.

• Use a mild cleaning agent to clean the trolley and a soft, clean towel. Allow the trolley to dry completely after cleaning.

• Remove lubricant and oil with a non-flammable cleaning agent.

2. Storage m Attention!

Rust could form if the trolley is stored in a damp location. The functionality or carrying capacity of the trolley could therefore be permanently and irreparably impaired.

• Protect the trolley from moisture, direct sunlight and frost.

• Store the trolley in a dry location.

• Keep the trolley away from children

10. Disposal and recycling

The equipment is supplied in packaging to prevent it from being damaged in transit. The raw materials in this packaging can be reused or recycled. The equipment and its accessories are made of various types of material, such as metal and plastic. Defective components must be disposed of as special waste. Ask your dealer or your local council.

 /  [email protected] /  +(49)-08223-4002-99 /  +(49)-08223-4002-58

GB | 7

Offensichtliche Mängel sind innerhalb von 8 Tagen nach Erhalt der Ware anzuzeigen, andernfalls verliert der Käufer sämtliche Ansprüche wegen solcher Mängel. Wir leisten

Garantie für unsere Maschinen bei richtiger Behandlung auf die Dauer der gesetzlichen

Gewährleistungsfrist ab Übergabe in der Weise, dass wir jedes Maschinenteil, dass innerhalb dieser Zeit nachweisbar in Folge Material- oder Fertigungsfehler unbrauchbar werden sollte, kostenlos ersetzen. Für Teile, die wir nicht selbst herstellen, leisten

Garantie DE wir nur insoweit Gewähr, als uns Gewährleistungsansprüche gegen die Vorlieferanten zustehen. Die Kosten für das Einsetzen der neuen Teile trägt der Käufer. Wandlungs- und

Minderungsansprüche und sonstige Schadensersatzansprüche sind ausgeschlossen.

Das Sägeblatt ist ein Verschleißteil und von jeglichen Garantieansprüchen grundsätzlich ebenfalls ausgeschlossen.

Warranty GB

Apparent defects must be notified within 8 days from the receipt of the goods. Otherwise, the buyerís rights of claim due to such defects are invalidated. We guarantee for our machines in case of proper treatment for the time of the statutory warranty period from delivery in such a way that we replace any machine part free of charge which provably time. With respect to parts not manufactured by us we only warrant insofar as we are entitled to warranty claims against the upstream suppliers. The costs for the installation of the new parts shall be borne by the buyer. The cancellation of sale or the reduction of purchase price as well as any other claims for damages shall be excluded. The saw blade becomes unusable due to faulty material or defects of fabrication within such period of is a consumable item and explicitly excluded from any warranty.

Garantie FR

Les défauts visibles doivent être signalés au plus tard 8 jours après la réception de la marchandise, sans quoi l’acheteur perd tout droit au dédommagement. Nous garantissons nos machines, dans la mesure où elles sont utilisées de façon conforme, pendant la durée légale de garantie à compter de la réception, sachant que nous remplaçons gratuitement toute pièce de la machine devenue inutilisable du fait d’un défaut de matière ou d’usinage durant cette période. Toutes les pièces que nous ne fabriquons pas nousmêmes ne sont garanties que si nous avons la possibilité d’un recours en garantie auprès des fournisseurs respectifs. Les frais de main d’œuvre occasionnés par le remplacement des pièces sont à la charge de l’acquéreur. Tous droits à rédhibition et toutes prétentions

à une remise ainsi que tous autres droits à dommages et intérêts sont exclus. La lame est une pièce d’usure et est exclue de la garantie.

Záruka SK

Zjavné nedostatky treba oznámiť v priebehu 8 dní od príjmu tovaru, v opačnom prípade stráca kupujúci všetky nároky kvôli takýmto nedostatkom. Záruku na naše stroje pri správnom zaobchádzaní poskytujeme na dobu zákonnej záručnej lehoty od odovzdania tým spôsobom, že každú časť stroja, ktorá by sa v priebehu tohto času stala dokázateľne nepoužiteľnou následkom chýb materiálu alebo výrobných chýb, bezplatne vymeníme.

Na diely, ktoré sami nevyrábame, poskytujeme záruku iba do takej miery, do akej nám prináležia nároky na záručné plnenie voči subdodávateľom. Náklady za vloženie nových dielov nesie kupujúci. Nároky na výmenu tovaru a nároky na zníženie ceny a ostatné nároky na odškodnenie sú vylúčené. Pílový kotúč je spotrebný diel a zásadne je taktiež vylúčený z akýchkoľvek záručných nárokov.

Német garancia HU

A nyilvánvaló hiányokat az áru átvétele után 8 napon belül be kell jelenteni. Egyéb esetekben a vevő az ilyen hiányokkal kapcsolatos összes igényét elveszíti. Helyes használat esetén gépeinkre az átadástól a törvényileg szabályozott jótállás időtartama alatt garan ciát biztosítunk oly módon, hogy díjmentesen kicserélünk minden olyan alkatrészt, amely ezen idő alatt bizonyíthatóan anyaghiba vagy gyártási hiba miatt vált használhatatlanná.

A nem saját gyártású alkatrészekért csak abban az esetben vállalunk garanciát, ha beszállítónk felé jótállási igényt támaszthatunk. Az új alkatrészek alkalmazásának költ ségei a vevőt terhelik. Az átalakítási és árleszállítási igények, valamint egyéb kártérítési igények ki vannak zárva. A fűrészlap kopó alkatrésznek számít, ezért alapvetően minden garanciaigény alól ki van zárva.

Garanzia IT

Vizi evidenti vanno segnalati entro 8 giorni dalla ricezione della merce altrimenti decadono tutti i diritti dellíacquirente inerenti a vizi del genere. Appurato un impiego corretto da parte dellíacquirente, garantiamo per le nostre macchine per tutto il periodo legale di garanzia a decorrere dalla consegna in maniera tale che sostituiamo gratuitamente qualsiasi componente che entro tale periodo presenti dei vizi di materiale o di fabbricazione tali da renderlo inutilizzabile. Per componenti non fabbricati da noi garantiamo solo nella misura nella quale noi stessi possiamo rivendicare diritti a garanzia nei confronti dei nostri fornitori. Le spese per il montaggio dei componenti nuovi sono a carico dellíacquirente. Sono escluse pretese di risoluzione per vizi, di riduzione o ulteriori pretese di risarcimento danni.

Garancija SI

Očitne pomanjkljivosti morate naznaniti v roku 8 dni po prejemu blaga, v nasprotnem ku pec izgubi vse pravice v primeru takih pomanjkljivosti. Garancijo za naše stroje jamčimo pri pravilnem ravnanju v trajanju zakonskega roka veljavnosti garancije ob predaji na tak način, da vsak del stroja, ki postane v tem času dokazljivo neuporabben zaradi napak v materialu ali izdelavi, zamenjamo brezplačno. Za dele, ki jih ne izdelujemo sami, jamčimo samo v tolikšni meri, kolikor nam dopušča naša pravica do dobaviteljev. Stroške vstavlja nja novih delov nosi kupec. Zahtevki za zamenjavo in znižanje cene niso sprejemljivi. List žage je obrabni del in tako tudi v celoti izključen iz vsakega garacijskega zahtevka.

Záruka CZ

Viditelné vady jsou poukazatelné během 8 dní od obdržení zboží, jinak ztrácí zákazník všechny nároky týkající se takovýchto vad. Poskytujeme záruku na naše stroje, s kterými je správně zacházeno, na dobu zákonnné záruční lhůty začínající od doručení tak, že bezplatně vyměníme každou část stroje, která se během této doby může stát prokazatelně nepoužitelnou následkem materiálové či výrobní vady. Na díly, které sami neopravujeme, poskytujeme záruku pouze v rozsahu , v němž nám přísluší nárok na záruční plnění vůči subdodavateli . Náklady na instalaci nového dílu nese zákazník. Nárok na výměnu zboží, na slevu a jiné nároky na odškodnění jsou vyloučené.

 /  [email protected] /  +(49)-08223-4002-99 /  +(49)-08223-4002-58


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