Yaesu FT 201 Instruction Manual

Below you will find brief information for Transceiver FT 201. This instruction manual provides comprehensive guidance on the FT-201 SSB Transceiver, a high-performance device operating on amateur bands from 80 to 10 meters. It supports SSB, CW, and AM modes, offering features like VOX, a noise blanker, and a 25/100 kHz calibrator. The document covers installation, operation, frequency selection, transmitter tune-up, interconnections, and detailed block diagrams for understanding the transceiver's functionality.

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Key features

  • SSB/CW/AM modes
  • 80-10 meter amateur bands
  • 260W SSB / 180W CW / 80W AM
  • Built-in VOX and noise blanker
  • 25/100 kHz calibrator
  • Dual VFO adaptor
  • Integrated speaker

Frequently asked questions

The FT-201 operates on amateur bands from 3.5 to 29.7 MHz (80 through 10 meters) and receives on 15 MHz (WWV).

The FT-201 supports USB/LSB (selectable), CW, and AM modes.

The CLARIFIER control provides a means for tuning the receiver frequency +3 KHz of the transmitting frequency.

Set the TUNING control to the 100 KHz point. Tune the PRESELECTOR for maximum noise. Tune the transceiver to the 100 KHz calibrator signal for zero beat.

Be sure that the voltage marked on the rear of the transceiver agrees with the local AC supply voltage.
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