National Plant Network HD1336 Jacqueline Harvest Fusion Mum Plant (Chrysanthemum) User guide

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National Plant Network HD1336 Jacqueline Harvest Fusion Mum Plant (Chrysanthemum) User guide | Manualzz

How to plant and care for your annual


Upon arrival, carefully remove your plant from the shipping box and water.


Dig a hole twice the width and depth of the plant’s root ball

(soil-and-root mass).


Before transplanting, gently break up the root ball to encourage root growth.


Determine the best garden location for your annual plant.


Flip the plant upside down and gently remove the pot by pulling it up and away from the root ball. Recycle the pot.


Place plant into hole and fi ll with loose soil until the top of the root ball is level with the ground.


Growing results may vary by region.

Watering: Suffi cient watering is a must! Try not to let the soil completely dry out. To determine if your plant needs water, press your fi nger 2 to

3 inches into the soil. If it feels dry, it’s time to water.

Overwatering can be as damaging as underwatering. Be sure the area surrounding your plant has good drainage and avoid standing water.

Pruning/Maintenance: Upon arrival, and throughout your plant’s life, remove wilted or discolored foliage to encourage new growth. If the plants begin to look leggy, cut them back by about one-half of their height. If weeds grow around your plant, pull them, including roots, as soon as they appear.

Containers: Some annuals can be grown in containers, too. Choose a pot that is large enough to allow for plant growth and spread, and be sure it has adequate drainage. Container plants will require more frequent watering.

Discard the plants once they have fi nished fl owering at the end of the season or after fi rst frost.


For best results, add a watersoluble fertilizer after transplant, repeating every 7 to 10 days.

Water the plant generously.


Monitor the growth of your plant.

Maintain moist soil, remove weeds, fertilize and enjoy!

For more information, email [email protected] or call 888-593-3670


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