3.1.5 Monitor and Manage BBUs with the MegaRAID Storage Manager Configuration Utility. Broadcom LSIiBBU and CFVM01 Cache Backup Products, LSIiBBU and CFVM01 Cache Backup

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3.1.5 Monitor and Manage BBUs with the MegaRAID Storage Manager Configuration Utility. Broadcom LSIiBBU and CFVM01 Cache Backup Products, LSIiBBU and CFVM01 Cache Backup | Manualzz

LSIiBBU and CFVM01 User Guide Cache Backup Products storcli /cx/bbu set learndelayinterval=< value >

Sets the learn delay interval for the BBU in hours. The value must be between 0 to 168 hours (7 days).

Input example: storcli /c0/bbu set learnDelayInterval=30 storcli /cx/bbu set powermode=sleep

Places the battery in low-power storage mode. The battery automatically exits this state after 5 seconds.

Input example: storcli /c0/bbu set powermode=sleep storcli /cx/bbu set writeaccess=sealed

Seals the gas gauge EEPROM write access. Use the set writeaccess=sealed command at manufacturing.

Input example: storcli /c0/bbu set writeaccess=sealed sstorcli /cx/bbu set learnStartTime=[DDD HH| off]

Sets the learn start time for the BBU in hours on the day specified. DDD refers to the day of the week

(SUN,MON,....SAT), HH refers to the hours (0 to 23 hours), and off sets the learn start to off.

Input example: storcli /c0/bbu set learnStartTime=MON 12 storcli /cx/bbu show properties

Shows the BBU Learn properties for a controller.

Input example: storcli /c0/bbu show properties storcli /cx/bbu show status

Shows the battery information, firmware status, and the gas gauge status.

Input example: storcli /c0/bbu show status storcli /cx/bbu start learn

Starts the BBU learning cycle. The battery learn cycle starts immediately and no other parameters are required for this command.

Input example: storcli /c0/bbu start learn storcli /cx/bbu start retentiontest

Starts the battery retention test. This command requires that you reboot your system.

Input example: storcli /c0/bbu start retentiontest

3.1.5 Monitor and Manage BBUs with the MegaRAID Storage Manager

Configuration Utility

The MegaRAID Storage Manager software enables you to configure, monitor, and maintain storage configurations on

Broadcom MegaRAID controllers. The MegaRAID Storage Manager GUI makes it easy for you to create and manage storage configurations.

When MegaRAID Storage Manager software is running, you can monitor and manage the status of all of the BBUs connected to controllers in the server. If a BBU operates normally, the icon displays. If the BBU failed, a red dot appears next to the icon.

NOTE: To increase the life of a battery, the battery is not fully charged. Band gap charging keeps the maximum battery charge within a band comfortably above the time requirement instead of keeping the battery charged to the maximum level. However, when a learn cycle is required, the battery is fully charged because a learn cycle starts only after the battery is fully charged.

Broadcom CacheVault-05-UG101



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