Manuals and User Guides for THUNDER TIGER Vocans. We found 1 manuals for free downloads instruction manual

The THUNDER TIGER Vocans is a radio-controlled sailing boat that allows you to experience the thrill of sailing from the comfort of your own backyard. It features two sails, a main sail and a jib sail, which can be controlled independently using the radio system. With its durable construction and easy-to-use controls, the Vocans is perfect for beginners and experienced sailors alike. You can enjoy hours of fun sailing on lakes, ponds, or even your own swimming pool.

Key Features

  • Dual sail control
  • Radio system
  • Winch servos
  • Pushrods
  • Clevises
  • Swivel

Pages: 28 THUNDER TIGER Vocans instruction manual

Brand: THUNDER TIGER Size: 35 MB

Languages: English

Open manual

Frequently Answers and Questions

How do I adjust the sails on my Vocans?
You can adjust the sails using the radio system. The control stick controls the main sail and the rudder, while the throttle controls the jib sail. Refer to page 20 in the manual for detailed instructions.
What types of batteries are required for the Vocans?
The Vocans requires batteries for the radio transmitter and the boat. Check the radio system manual for battery specifications.
How do I install the servos for the winches?
Refer to the servo manual for installation instructions. Make sure to secure the servos in place and note the correct orientation.
