Weslo CADENCE 1005

Manuales y guías de usuario para Weslo CADENCE 1005. Encontramos 9 manuales para descargas gratuitas User manual, User's manual

Weslo CADENCE 1005 is a high-quality treadmill designed to provide users with an excellent cardiovascular workout in the comfort of their own homes. It features a heavy-duty frame that can support users weighing up to 250 pounds and a spacious walking belt that measures 16" x 50". The treadmill also includes a variety of built-in workout programs and two speakers that allow users to listen to music while they exercise. Additionally, the console features a large LED display that tracks workout progress, including speed, distance, time, calories burned, and heart rate.

Características clave

  • Folding Design
  • Console with Multiple Modes
  • Pulse Sensor
  • Incline Adjustment
  • Speed Control
  • Safety Key
  • Circuit Breaker
  • Storage Latch

Otros manuales y documentos

User's manual

Idiomas: English

User manual

Idiomas: English

User manual

Idiomas: English

User's manual

Idiomas: English

User's manual

Idiomas: English

User's manual

Idiomas: English

User manual

Idiomas: English

User manual

Idiomas: Spanish

Frequently Answers and Questions

How do I adjust the incline of the treadmill?
Press the top or bottom of the incline control until the desired incline level is reached.
What is the maximum weight capacity of the treadmill?
The treadmill should not be used by persons weighing more than 250 pounds.
How do I measure my pulse using the pulse sensor?
Place your thumb on the pulse sensor and press it down fully. After a few seconds, your pulse will be displayed.
How do I fold the treadmill for storage?
Hold the treadmill with your hands in the locations shown in the manual. Raise the treadmill about halfway to the vertical position. Press out on the storage latch and raise the treadmill until the latch closes over the catch.
