E460 (4513-6xx)

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E460 (4513-6xx) | Manualzz

4513-630, -63W, -6EW

Informació de Seguretat

• La seguretat d'aquest producte es basa en l'avaluació i aprovació del disseny original i els components específics.

El fabricant no es fa responsable de les qüestions de seguretat si s'utilitzen peces de recanvi no autoritzades.

La informació pel manteniment d’aquest producte està orientada exclusivament a professionals i no està destinada a ningú que no ho sigui.

El risc de xoc elèctric i de danys personals pot augmentar durant el procés de desmuntatge i de servei d’aquest producte. El personal professional ha d’estar-ne assabentat i prendre les mesures convenients.

PRECAUCIÓ: aquest símbol indica que el voltatge de la part de l'equip amb la qual esteu treballant és perillós. Abans de començar, desendolleu l'equip o extremeu les precaucions si, per treballar amb l'equip, l'heu de connectar.

Safety information -xvii

4513-630, -63W, -6EW


This manual contains maintenance procedures for service personnel. It is divided into the following chapters:


General information contains a general description of the printer and the maintenance approach used to repair it. Special tools and test equipment, as well as general environmental and safety instructions, are discussed.


Diagnostic information contains an error indicator table, symptom tables, and service checks used to isolate failing field replaceable units (FRUs).


Diagnostic aids contains tests and checks used to locate or repeat symptoms of printer problems.


Repair information provides instructions for making printer adjustments and removing and installing



Connector locations uses illustrations to identify the connector locations and test points on the printer.


Preventive maintenance contains the lubrication specifications and recommendations to prevent problems.


Parts catalog contains illustrations and part numbers for individual FRUs.


Note: A note provides additional information.

Warning: A warning identifies something that might damage the product hardware or software.

There are several types of caution statements:


A caution identifies something that might cause a servicer harm.


This type of caution indicates there is a danger from hazardous voltage in the area of the product where you are working. Unplug the product before you begin, or use caution if the product must receive power in order to perform the task.


This type of caution indicates a hot surface.


This type of caution indicates a tipping hazard.

-xviii Service Manual


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