THETMS ELD User Manual

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THETMS ELD User Manual | Manualzz



1 — Last update: 2018/01/05


Copyright © 2018 jrediehs

Table of Contents

Using the ELD APP .................................................................................................................................... 1

Installation of Hardware ......................................................................................................................... 2

Downloading TheTMS App & Signing In ................................................................................................. 6

Setting & Changing Duty Status .............................................................................................................. 9

Adding a Exemption ............................................................................................................................. 13

View & Edit Logs .................................................................................................................................. 14

Reconnecting Bluetooth Mid Shift ........................................................................................................ 18

Roadside DOT Inspection Mode............................................................................................................ 19

Creating a Driver Vehicle Inspection Report ......................................................................................... 20

Errors in the APP ................................................................................................................................. 21

Logging Out of the App @ End of Day .................................................................................................. 23

Switching Smart Devices....................................................................................................................... 24

Updating Firmware On IOSix Device .................................................................................................... 26

Administrator Portal Set Up..................................................................................................................... 27

Driver Set Up ....................................................................................................................................... 29

Adding & Editing Tractor/Truck.............................................................................................................. 32

Adding & Editing Trailer Information ...................................................................................................... 35

Using the Administrator Panel ................................................................................................................ 37

Searching Driver Logs & Making Edits .................................................................................................. 38

Track & Trace Features ........................................................................................................................ 44

Running IFTA/IIRP Reports .................................................................................................................. 49

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Using the ELD APP

Customer Service and Support can be reached at 866-895-0180 Option 2 & by

Email at [email protected]

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Installation of Hardware

1. First step is to take inventory of the package that you are trying to install:

• ELD Hardware Device (Black Box or the Black Circle

• RS232 Cord (Only Needed for Black Box) with J-Bus or OBDII connection (Only needed for

Black Circle)

• TheTMS ELD User Manual

• 2 Sided Tape (Only needed for Black Box ELD)

• TheTMS ELD compliance sticker

2. If any item is missing from Inventory please contact support at [email protected] or call

866-895-0180 to order replacement piece

3. Locate the J-Bus Terminal or diagnostic port within the cabin of the Vehicle —- Can be located on the or under the dash to the right of the steering column or on the floor next to the driver side seat

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4. Now that the diagnostic port has been located attach the cord to the ELD Hardware (if you have the black box or OBD2 Connection Cord is needed) — next attach the cord to the diagnostic port –

Confirm the set up of the on arrangements as you will need to contact support if the chord does not match the correct pinout. (6 Pin, 9 Pin, OBDII)


5. • Once connection is made if applicable run wire to top of the dash and place tape and secure device to the stop of the dash – if unit is plugged on the floor outlet secure ELD device via tape to the sidewall of the cabin (Not Necessary for Circle ELD devices)

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6. To make sure that the unit has been installed correctly — you must link the unit to be a paired device to the smart device you will be using for the driver interface. To do this you must navigate to the settings icon on you device (looks like a gear), click on the setting icon & navigate to the Bluetooth setting, Click on Bluetooth, Once in the bluetooth screen turn on blue tooth and search for new available devices, Keep searching until a device starting in VNA or ONEISX appears, Click on the device to connect the ELD device, Once the device is paired turn off blue tooth and exit to the home screen and sign in to the app.


7. To Make sure Circle ELD is installed correctly make sure that a green light is blinking

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You have Successfully installed the Hardware in the Vehicle

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Downloading TheTMS App & Signing In

1. TheTMS ELD App can be found in three places, Click “Get” then hit “Install”

• The App Store (Search for “TheTMS ELD”)

• Google Play (Search for “TheTMS ELD”)

• Download the App at

2. Sign into the App

• Navigate to the TheTMS

• Click on the Icon

• Open up the App

Icon on your Device

• The Login Screen will appear

• Make Sure the Ignition of the Vehicle is on —- as errors may appear if vehicle is not on

• Enter MC Number or DOT Number or Customer #

• Driver User Name

• Password

• Click “Login” (Make sure your Blue Tooth is Enabled) (Make sure that Location is on)

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• Select Unit to establish connection —- ELD name is Located on the Device and starts with “VNA” or

“IOSIX” — Once connected a little Connected Prompt will pop in the lower center of the screen and the status of connection will be changed in the upper right-hand corner to “Connected”

• Pause for 5 Seconds as Unit makes Connection to the Vehicle to Check VIN # against vehicles located in the Database. If the vehicle is not already in the Database the system will prompt the user to set up the vehicle in a new screen. Certain trucks do not have a supported VIN number through their ECM and the unit will search for an additional 30 seconds, if no VIN is not supported it will move the driver forward to select truck manually

• Enter Vehicle #, Make, Model. License plate State & Number and hit “Update”

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• Enter Trailer Number or select from List and confirm details —- To add co driver check the box and select Co-driver from Database

• Click “Confirm Details”

3. The Hardware and App have successfully installed and opened – you can now begin using your device to Log your Daily activities

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Setting & Changing Duty Status

Once you have successfully signed in the App before moving you to the home screen the system will prompt you to Enter a status.




1. As you log in the system it will ask for the user to update their status before they reach the home screen.

2. Click “OK”

3. Select Current Status from the list given

4. Once the user selects their current status the will be brought to the Home Screen of the ELD App

Overview of The Home Screen

• Shift – is defined by the amount of on duty time in single days shift —- The Clock will Count down the remaining hours in that days shift

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• Driving – is defined by the amount of Drive time remaining in a single shift —- The Clock will count down the remaining drive hours left in that shift

• Cycle – Is a count down of remaining time on the 7 or 8 day cycle

• Current Status – The Status that the user is currently logged as —- can be changed at anytime by toughing the current status and a list will appear to choose from

Changing Status Manually

1. Navigate to Home Screen

2. Touch/Click on Current Status

3. Pop-up Screen will appear and select desired status and the status will change to the new selected status

4. It will then return to the home screen with the new status selected

Automated Duty Status Changes

1. At any point the vehicle goes above 5 MPH (In Motion) and is not in personal conveyance or yard move status the system will automatically move the system to the driving screen set the duty status to


2. When the vehicle moves from in motion status to stationary status which is 0 MPH for more than 30 seconds the system will prompt the user to switch from driving to on duty, if the driver hit cancel the driver will remain in driving status if the user clicks “Ok” the system will move the status to on duty, if

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jrediehs TheTMS ELD User Manual - 1 the driver does nothing after another 90 seconds of stationary status the system will automatically shift the driver to on duty.

Selecting a status is simple and below are all the types of status that can be selected from the home screen by the driver. Each status will affect the hours based on their associated conditions. Some statuses will give the user a brief overview of the status directly after selection for the driver to confirm the status they have chosen, to make sure their criteria fit the type of status the user has selected

Signing out of the APP at the End of Day

1. Set status to “Off Duty” or “Sleeper Berth”

2. Locate the three bars in the Left top corner of the APP and tap the the three bars

3. Select the “Logout” Option

4. A Screen will pop up for the User to Sign to confirm that days Logs / Sign the log and tap “Update”

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1. Yard Move

• Will be logged as on duty, please make sure that your drivers are adhering to the HOS rules when selecting Yard Move

2. Personal Conveyance

• Will be shown on the log as a dotted line in the driving category but is still logged as off duty

3. On Duty

• Logged as on Duty

4. Driving

• Activity of unit will be automatically logged as driving when unit is above 5 MPH, or has been manually set by the driver

5. Off Duty

• Logged as off duty

6. Sleeper Berth

• Logged as sleeper berth

7. 34 Hour Restart

• Count down of remaining time until Cycle will restart

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Adding a Exemption

Adding a exemption when driving conditions, emergency conditions, or different type of statuses call for it can be done in 3 easy steps

1. Locate and “Click/Select” Enter Exemption

2. Select exemption that applies to current condition – each selection will give a warning message about your selection

3. Add Notes to reason for Exemption selection then “Click/Select” Update & Time will be updated or suspended based on your selection

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View & Edit Logs

Viewing Logs

The app will keep the last 7 days of logs for the driver to edit, review, or add information to. The driver can easily navigate to the logs through the app by following these simple steps:

1. From the home screen “select/click” on the “View & Edit Logs” button

2. From the this screen the driver can see their current log and last 7 days of logs, the driver can select any of these logs by “Selecting/Clicking” on the date

3. From this screen the driver can look over their logs and perform various activities (Check Form &

Manner Details, Sign Logs, Add Supporting Documents, And look over Errors)

Editing Logs

1. Click on “Edit”

2. Select the status that you are trying to edit (cannot be drive time)

3. Adjust bars to cradle time you wish to edit

4. Choose New Status and add not if you desire to and location will automatically appear for that time period.

5. Click “Update”

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Editing Form & Manner

1. Click on Form & Manner

2. Review Details to make sure there is nothing missing, if information is missing it will be notated with A red exclamation

3. Fill in any missing information and click “Update” in lower left hand corner

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Signing Log

1. Click on “Sign”

2. Signature Box will appear, use your finger to sign the your name

3. Click “Update”

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Adding a Supporting Document

1. Click “Documents”

2. Click on the Camera Icon & Take picture of Document

3. Name Document and Click “Update”

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Reconnecting Bluetooth Mid Shift

If Bluetooth Connection is lost during shift please reconnect by following the below steps

1. Notification that Bluetooth connection has been lost with ELD

• Voice will Repeat “Blue Tooth Connection Loss”

• In the upper right hand of the corner “Connected” will change to “Disconnected”

2. The app will try reconnecting automatically 100 times upon disconnection after that has been exhausted you need to tap the “DISCONNECTED” in the lower portion of the app will need to search for device and reconnect.

3. If connection fails again —- close the app and sign in and from the start to reestablish connection

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Roadside DOT Inspection Mode

1. Use this Mode when a DOT officer has made a roadside stop

2. Navigate to the Home Screen and click on “DOT Inspection Mode”

3. The user has two options to convey the current log and the last 7 day logs to the DOT officer

4. To begin a road side inspection click on the “Begin Inspection” button and hand smart device to the officer to review

5. To email the log records to the DOT officer click “Send Logs” and enter email address and click “send email”

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Creating a Driver Vehicle Inspection Report

1. To create a driver Vehicle Inspection Report navigate to the “Home” Screen and select “Vehicle

Inspection (DVIR)” button and click on it

2. Hit the “+” sign to add issues with the vehicle and trailer if applicable — the user can also take photos of repair receipts or of the issue itself to attach to the report by hitting the camera symbol

3. After marking any issues or if there are no issues choose from the three choice by touching the box next to it — stating the units conditions

4. Then click on “Sign DVIR” in the upper right hand corner and hit “Update”

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Errors in the APP

Summary description of ELD malfunctions.

All Malfunctions will be reported in pop up form for the user to easily Identify from any screen on the device, it will report the error occurring and suggest activities for correcting the error the unit and user are experiencing. Below is a list of Malfunctions required by the FMCSA and the corresponding error in theTMS

ELD solution.

• P – “Power Compliance” malfunction

◦ TheTMS equivalent – “P” – “Plug in Device is not powered on”

• E – “ Engine Synchronization compliance

◦ TheTMS equivalent – “E” – “Engine synchronization data diagnostic” – Explaination: Looks like the ECM has lost connection with the ELD. Please restart the engine, check the connection of your ELD device and restart mobile app”

• T – “Timing compliance: malfunction

◦ TheTMS equivalent – “T” “ELD timing is not working properly”

◦ Explaination: Looks like the ELD device has a timing issue. Please restart the engine, check the connection of your ELD device and restart mobile app”

• L – “Positioning Compliance” malfunction

◦ TheTMS equivalent – “L” ELD system cannot not properly determine positioning

◦ Explanation: Looks like the ELD device has a GPS issue. Please restart the engine, check the connection of your ELD device and restart mobile app”

• R – “Data recording Compliance” Malfunction

◦ TheTMS equivalent – “R” “Missing Required Data Elements data diagnostics”

◦ Explanation: Looks like some of the data fields are missing at the time of recording, please restart the engine, check the connection of your eld device and restart the mobile app.

• S – “ Data Transfer compliance” Malfunction

◦ TheTMS equivalent – “S” “Data transfer data compliance”

◦ Explanation: Looks like the data is not getting transferred from the ELD please restart the engine, check the connection of your ELD device and restart the mobile app.

• O – “Other” ELD detected Malfunction

◦ TheTMS equivalent – “O” “Un-identified error is occring”

◦ Explanation: Something went wrong restart the engine, check the

◦ connection of your ELD device and restart the mobile app.

• 1 – Power Data diagnostics

◦ Thetms Equivalent: “1” Power diagnostics issues —- prompt user to restart system

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• 2 – Engine synchronization data diagnostics

◦ Thetms Equivalent: “2” Engine and ELD synchronization diagnostics issues —- prompt user to restart system, check connection of device, and reconnect to the ELD

• 3 – Missing required data elements data diagnostics

◦ Thetms Equivalent: “3” Data “xyz” elements are missing from ELD logs —- Prompt user to restart system, check connection of device, and reconnect to the ELD

• 4 – Data Transfer data diagnostic

◦ Thetms Equivalent: “4” Attempting to Reconnect Data Transfer —- prompt user to restart system if connection is not made

• 5 – Unidentified Driving Record Data Diagnostics

◦ Thetms Equivalent: “5” Unidentified Driving Record Found —— Prompt user to sign into the

APP to claim unassigned events

• 6 – Other

◦ Thetms Equivalent: “6” An error has occurred —- Prompt user to let them know that a general system diagnostic is taking place to Identify issue

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Logging Out of the App @ End of Day

1. Set your Status to off Duty or Sleeper berth

2. Locate the the 3 Lines in the Top Left hand corner of the app and click on it

3. Several Choices Will Appear, Click on “Logout”

4. A Blank box will appear for you to sign your logs for the day, sign with your finger and click “Update”

5. After hitting update Form and Manner will be updated and the app will close

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Switching Smart Devices

1. Locate the the 3 lines in the top left hand corner of the app

2. Several Choice will appear, Click on “Backup your Data”

3. Pop up will appear stating “Use this feature only when you want to login with another device”

4. Click “OK”

5. Pop up Will confirm “Your profile data has been backed up Successfully” Click “Ok”

6. Exit App and sign in with New Device

7. After signing in a pop up will appear stating “Do you want to restore your previously backed up profile data” Click “OK” and you have successfully switched devices.

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Updating Firmware On IOSix Device

Only update firmware if app is not connecting to device and the screen continues to circle when it says connected in the top right hand corner of the screen.

1. Log into app with eld

2. Scan for IOSIX-ELD

3. Click on IOSix-ELD

4. A spinning wheel will appear saying searching for License plate # – in the back ground look for the disconnect status in the top right hand corner to change to connected

5. Once the Bluetooth Status has changed to connected, Click on the three lines in the top right hand corner

6. Select “Update ELD Firmware”

7. It will ask you if you want to upgrade to Firmware 84, Click “Ok”

8. In the bottom center of the screen the upload process will start and take around 3-5 minutes to reach

950,000 Bytes

9. During upload the app will say that connection has been lost just ignore.

10. Once update is complete the byte count will disappear from the screen

11. Wait for the light to be blinking green on the ELD device then remove device and reinstall into diagnostics port.

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Administrator Portal Set Up

1. In a internet browser navigate to this to log in to the Admin Portal

2. Click on Log In in the upper right hand corner

3. Enter your password and username that was provided to you when you signed up

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4. Enter Username and Password and hit Login

5. If you need to reset your password —- please click on the “forgot password” button in the Login box

6. Congratulations you have successfully Logged in to the Admin Panel

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Driver Set Up

1. Navigate to the Administrator Panel & click on the “Driver Search/Set up” Page

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2. From this screen you can search your current Driver database by Driver # or Full Name or add a new

Driver by filling the fields below

3. Driver Status must be one of the four options (Active, Inactive (No Longer works Here), Off Duty,

Vacation) — TheTMS will never delete driver information so if a driver leaves the company we ask that the status is set to “Inactive”

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4. Enter the information, only criteria that is not required is the Driver #, Tractor, and trailer assignment, then hit “Add” in the bottom corner of the page, the click “update”

5. Now that you have successfully “Added” a new driver —- click on the “Driver ELD Settings” button to set the drivers Hours of Service Cycle

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6. Choose Region – Cycle – Terminal Time Zone – Hour Of New Day – Cargo Type – Additional Email addresses to receive alerts – Exceptions that you want to make available to the driver – Then click


You have successfully set up a driver and you can edit any field or HOS setting by searching for the driver by name or number and editing the field or HOS and click update.

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Adding & Editing Tractor/Truck

1. Navigate to the Administrator page and click on “Equipment”

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2. After Clicking you will be given the option of “Tractor/Truck or Trailer”, Select “Tractor/Truck” to add or search for Equipment/Truck. From this Screen you can search for equipment that is already set up by

Make, Unit #, or Driver. Or to add new equipment you need to fill the following information then Click


• Unit #

• License Plate State

• License Plate Number

• Make

• Model

• Year

• Vin Number

• Fuel Type

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3. The following categories will automatically fill with information when the Truck connects with the system for the first time:

• Initial Mileage

• Driver Name

• ELD Device number

• Driver Records (Will update every time a new driver uses the equipment)

4. To add vehicle specific documents Click “Add File” in the lower right hand corner – Name File and browse to locate the Document on you local computer to drag the file to the box and click “attach”

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This how to set up, add files, and search for current Tractors and trailers in the Administrator Panel.

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Adding & Editing Trailer Information

1. Navigate to the Administrator page and click on “Equipment”

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2. After Clicking you will be given the option of “Tractor/Truck or Trailer”, Select “Trailer” to add or search for trailers. From this Screen you can search for equipment that is already set up by Unit # or current Driver. Or to add new equipment you need to fill the following information then Click “New”

• Unit #

• License Plate State

• License Plate Number

• Trailer Type

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3. To add trailer specific documents Click “Add File” in the lower right hand corner – Name File and browse to locate the Document on you local computer to drag the file to the box and click “attach”

This how to set up, add files, and search for current Tractors and trailers in the Administrator Panel.

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Using the Administrator Panel

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Searching Driver Logs & Making Edits

1. Navigate To the Admin Panel Website and sign into the Portal

1. On the left side of the Page located the page labeled “Log Information” and “Click” It

2. Next, Click on “Log Search”

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3. You have successfully navigated to the “Driver” Log Search Page. From here you can look at your fleets Records of Duty status records but entering and searching the different criteria.

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4. Searching Logs by Criteria

• Searching Logs By Date, “Click” on the “State Date”, then the “End Date” and select the Date

Range or just “Check” the “Last’ Seven Days Logs” box

• Searching By Driver Name, Start typing the name of the Driver or Number and the system will auto complete your choice, just select the correct Driver by clicking on the drop down or continue typing till only one choice is left.

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• After you have filled in Driver/Number information and search date parameters please click “Search”

For results

5. Navigating Log Search Results

• A list of driver logs that meet the search parameter you have entered above will be displayed, from here you can choose to Print, View, Edit, or Looks at error details of log events

• View Log Information “Click” View – from here you are able to look over the that days log in which you clicked view logs from here you can look over the chart, remarks, events, and email or print logs

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• Edit Log Option Click “Edit” – From this screen you can can edit any Non-Driving time on behalf of the driver by sliding bars around the time you wish to edit the status of and update the corresponding information. Form & Manner details can also be edit or added to from this screen, by adding information and clicking “Update”

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• Now the next time that the driver logs into their App they will be prompted to “Accept the edits made on their behalf by the Administrator”, once they are accepted the edits will be updated in the system

6. If you have further questions please feel free to reach out to support or reference our extensive library of help videos.

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Track & Trace Features

1. Using and Navigating the Real-Time Tracking Screen

• Navigate to Administrator panel and click on the “Track And Trace” header on the right side of the page

• To reach the real time tracking page Click on “Live Tracking” directly below the Track and Trace header

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• Now that we have successfully navigated to the “Live Tracking Screen”, the screen shows all your current equipment by status color on the map and the details corresponding to vehicle below in the chart. The screen is both searchable by Driver or unit number but entering the information at the top and clicking “Search” the map will take directly to the unit that matches the search criteria.

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• Tracking Status By Color: – Red = Off Duty – Yellow = On Duty Not Driving – Green = On Duty


1. Using and Navigating to Tracking History

• Navigate to Administrator panel and click on the “Track And Trace” header on the right side of the page

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• To reach the history tracking page Click on “Tracking History” directly below the Track and Trace header

• On the tracking History page you will need to enter two type of criteria to get a search results, Driver

Name or Unit # and Date, then click “Search”

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• Once the results appear move the square on the pink bar from 0 to 24 to represent each hour in the day from left to right and the path will appear on the map below. Each event is logged in the chart below and the icons are clickable to get their exact location and speed at time of point entry.

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Running IFTA/IIRP Reports

1. Navigate to the “IFTA Management” header on the Left side of the Screen and “click” on it to make two sub categories appear

2. Next click on the “Trip Reports” to look over individual Trip Reports. You can search by:

• Unit (Required) Or Company Wide

• Date Type (Choose from List)

• Choose date based on parameters of Date Type

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3. Click “Submit”

4. After hitting “submit” all entries that meet the search parameters will be displayed below

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5. Click on the report that you wish to get more details on

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6. To Print this report, navigate to the lower left hand corner and select “Print” to generate PDF

7. Navigate to the “IFTA Management” header on the Left side of the Screen and “click” on it to make two sub categories appear

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8. Next click on the “Summary Statements” to look over individual Trip Reports. You can search by:

• Unit (Required) Or Company Wide

• Fuel Type

• Date Type (Choose from List)

• Choose date based on parameters of Date Type

9. Click “Submit” & Results will appear below for that time period and criteria selected, you can print and review the results from this screen.

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