User manual
How to create a software pack enhanced for STM32CubeMX using STM32 Pack Creator tool
STM32CubeMX is part of the STM32Cube initiative designed to simplify and accelerate the development of applications for
STM32 microcontrollers.
STM32CubeMX offers the possibility to generate C projects using embedded software offers packages as CMSIS-Pack compliant software packs.
Starting with the 6.0.0 revision, STM32CubeMX is delivered with STM32PackCreator, an STM32 pack creation graphical companion tool, whose main purpose is the creation of software packs.
The generated software packs are:
• Arm ® CMSIS-Pack-compliant
• Optionally STM32Cube rules-compliant. Such compliance is mandatory for publishing a pack as an STM32Cube
Expansion Package.
• Optionally enhanced for STM32CubeMX. Such enhancements allow the pack to be configured in the STM32CubeMX user interface and for STM32CubeMX to generate custom code in line with the user's configuration.
This document describes what a software pack is, how to create a software pack from scratch using STM32PackCreator and how to verify the generated pack using STM32CubeMX.
It also provides the list of reference material and specifications that are useful when considering the creation of an STM32Cube
Expansion Package.
UM2739 - Rev 3 - February 2021
For further information contact your local STMicroelectronics sales office.
STM32Cube Expansion Packages : development guidelines and development checklist for STM32Cube
Expansion Packages
User manual Development checklist for STM32Cube Expansion Packages ( UM2312 )
User manual STM32Cube Firmware Packs Specification ( UM2388 )
User manual STM32Cube BSP drivers development guidelines ( UM2298 )
Wiki How to develop an STM32Cube Expansion Package (URL:
How_to_develop_a_STM32Cube_Expansion_Package )
CMSIS-Pack description: Arm ® CMSIS-Pack website index.html
Several videos and updates are accessible from STM32CubeMX [ Help>Video ] tutorial menu and from the
STM32Cube Expansion wiki page.
Arm is a registered trademark of Arm Limited (or its subsidiaries) in the US and/or elsewhere.
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STM32Cube overview
STM32Cube overview
STM32Cube is an STMicroelectronics original initiative to significantly improve designer's productivity by reducing development effort, time, and cost. STM32Cube covers the whole STM32 portfolio.
STM32Cube includes:
• A set of user-friendly software development tools to cover project development from conception to realization, among which are:
– STM32CubeMX , a graphical software configuration tool that allows the automatic generation of C initialization code using graphical wizards
– STM32CubeIDE , an all-in-one development tool with peripheral configuration, code generation, code compilation, and debug features
– STM32CubeProgrammer ( STM32CubeProg ), a programming tool available in graphical and commandline versions
– STM32CubeMonitor-Power ( STM32CubeMonPwr ), a monitoring tool to measure and help in the optimization of the power consumption of the MCU
STM32Cube MCU and MPU Packages , comprehensive embedded-software platforms specific to each microcontroller and microprocessor series (such as STM32CubeH7 for the STM32H7 Series), which include:
– STM32Cube hardware abstraction layer (HAL), ensuring maximized portability across the STM32 portfolio
– STM32Cube low-layer APIs, ensuring the best performance and footprints with a high degree of user control over the HW
– A consistent set of middleware components such as RTOS, USB, TCP/IP, and Graphics
– All embedded software utilities with full sets of peripheral and applicative examples
STM32Cube Expansion Packages , which contain embedded software components that complement the functionalities of the STM32Cube MCU and MPU Packages with:
– Middleware extensions and applicative layers
– Examples running on some specific STMicroelectronics development boards
For more details visit STM32Cube .
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Software pack overview
Software pack overview
Definition and CMSIS-Pack standard
A software pack is a complete file collection shipped in ZIP-format (renamed to *.pack
It complies with Arm ® CMSIS-Pack specifications, which define a standardized way to deliver software components (see
It includes:
Source code, header files, and software libraries
Documentation and source code templates
Example projects
The pack .pdsc
file: this file is designed for software development environments. It is an XML-based package description (PDSC) file that describes the content of the software pack and the usage context for the files supplied within the pack (for example, on which conditions, they can be used, if any such condition exists)
For an introduction to CMSIS Packs structure and format of a pack description file (PDSC), check out:
• Keil ® website:
• Keil ® tutorial page:
Figure 1. Keil ® tutorial cover page
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The Arm ® CMSIS-Pack system solves several problems:
• It provides meta-data of files that relate to a software component. All files that belong to a software component can be identified and information about the original provider is preserved.
It enables consistent software component upgrade and identifies incompatible configuration files that may be part of the user application.
Software component providers can specify the interfaces and relationship to other software components.
The meta-data of a software component can include dependency information for toolchains, devices, and processors, which simplifies integration into application programs.
Thousands of software packs have been created by Arm ® and its partners: these can be easily downloaded, installed and used in software projects, using Arm ® development tools, STM32CubeMX, STM32CubeIDE and any other tool supporting the standard (some support in IAR-EWARM).
Tutorial page to introduce CMSIS-Pack structure and format of a pack description file (PDSC) for beginners:
STM32PackCreator allows generating such Arm ® CMSIS-Pack compliant packs.
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STM32Cube Expansion Packages
STM32Cube Expansion Packages
On top of the CMSIS-Pack standard, STMicroelectronics specifies some rules to create STM32Cube Expansion
Packages. Refer to the STM32Cube Expansion page on
When the option to create an STM32Cube Expansion Package is enabled for the project, STM32PackCreator implements the relevant constraints, like fields that become mandatory, and specific file paths.
Software pack creation cycle
According to the CMSIS-Pack standard, pack owners are responsible for their pack hosting and maintenance.
Refer to
The Arm ® CMSIS-Pack standard is designed as a web-based distribution network. Each provider of a CMSIS-
Pack (also referred to as vendor) is responsible for hosting, maintaining, and publishing unique versions of a
A CMSIS-Pack is uniquely identified by <vendor>.<pack name>.<version>.pack. All published versions of a pack and the PDSC file need to be available in the same web folder specified by <url>. Multiple different packs may be located in the same web folder.
Refer to
Figure 2. Creation cycle for software pack enhanced for STM32CubeMX
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STM32PackCreator overview
STM32PackCreator overview
Historically, pack developers must perform manual updates of XML files, run several scripts and launch different toolsets to ensure things worked out as expected.
Today pack developers can rely on a single tool, STM32PackCreator, to get guidance, avoid errors and generate the pack in one click.
With STM32PackCreator, pack developer may:
Describe and package their software offers as packs,
Enhance the pack to accelerate the process of application creation by end-users,
– Introduce configuration parameters for users to automatically generate the configuration relevant for their application using STM32CubeMX. From the STM32CubeMX user interface, the user can set the values of configurable software component parameters and retrieve them as C-code statements in the generated C projects, meaning as #define statements.
– Introduce platform settings when one or more pack components needs to interface with peripherals and GPIOs: users are able, from STM32CubeMX User Interface, to select among a choice of possible peripherals or GPIOs to interface the pack components with and retrieve the corresponding initialization C-code.
– Introduce custom templates when specific code must be generated according to the user’s configuration: users retrieve advanced C-code aligned with the configuration they required for their application.
Check how the pack appears in the STM32CubeMX user interface using the STM32CubeMX preview feature,
Generate new pack revisions by adding a new release entry in the CMSIS-Pack view and clicking Save &
Generate pack from the File menu.
Pack developers use STM32CubeMX to:
• Verify that the project is generated successfully when the pack is enabled,
• Create pack example projects based on STM32CubeMX generated code.
Key features
STM32PackCreator allows to:
• Create, save, and open previously saved projects.
Create new projects from scratch or existing packs.
Create and update the pack description.
Create and update the pack configuration parameters and platform settings. The users configure them from
STM32CubeMX configuration panel when using the pack in their project.
Select custom code templates. Such templates are used to generate pack related code corresponding to the user’s configuration.
Generate Arm ® CMSIS-Pack compliant packs.
Generate STM32Cube Expansion compliant packs.
Rules and limitations
Compatibility with STM32CubeMX
STM32PackCreator implementation is linked to the STM32CubeMX version embedding it. Also, it is strongly advised to use the same STM32CubeMX version or higher to install packs generated with STM32PackCreator in
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Rules and limitations
Compatibility with CMSIS-pack standard
STM32PackCreator generates packs that are compliant with the 1.6.3 standard. Refer to
Figure 3. CMSIS-Pack standard compatibility
Compliance with STM32Cube Expansion rules
STM32PackCreator implements constraints to generate packs that are compliant with STM32Cube Expansion rules. Refer to STM32Cube Expansion Packages in
STM32PackCreator cannot convert an existing pack to become an STM32Cube Expansion Package. The workaround is to create a new pack from scratch using STM32PackCreator and with the STM32Cube compliant option turned on. Refer to
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Figure 4. Activation of STM32Cube compliant option
Rules and limitations
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System requirements
System requirements
Supported operating systems and architectures are listed below:
• Windows ® 8.x: 64-bit (x64)
Windows ® 10: 64-bit (x64)
Linux ® (tested on Red Hat ® , Fedora ® , and Ubuntu ® , 64 bits) macOS ® 64-bit (x64) (tested on version OS X ® El Capitan and Sierra)
STM32PackCreator requires a Java ® runtime environment (JRE ™ ) to execute.
When launched from the STM32CubeMX external tool panel on the STM32CubeMX home page, the STM32
PackCreator tool reuses the JRE ™ running STM32CubeMX and no additional installation is required.
Starting with version 6.2.0, STM32CubeMX embeds the Java ® runtime environment (JRE ™ ) required for its execution and no longer uses the one installed on the user's machine.
The bundled JRE ™ is Liberica 1.8.0_265 from BellSoft.
STM32CubeMX previous versions require a Java ® runtime environment (JRE ™ ) to execute.
The JRE ™ version constraints are:
• 64-bit version is mandatory.
32-bit version is not supported.
JRE ™ must support JavaFX™.
The minimum JRE ™ version is 1.8_45 (known limitation with 1.8_251).
Version 11 is supported.
Versions 7, 9, 10, 12, and upper are not supported.
STMicroelectronics promotes the use of the following JRE ™ s:
Oracle ® JRE ™ , subject to a license fee
Amazon Corretto ™ JRE ™ , no-cost solution based on OpenJDK. The JDK installer is recommended.
STM32PackCreator operation is not guaranteed with other JRE ™ s.
macOS ® is a trademark of Apple Inc. registered in the U.S. and other countries.
Red Hat ® is a registered trademark of Red Hat, Inc.
Fedora ® is a trademark of Red Hat, Inc.
Ubuntu ® is a registered trademark of Canonical Ltd.
Oracle and Java are registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates.
Amazon and Corretto are trademarks of Amazon in the United States and/or other countries.
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Launching STM32PackCreator
Launching STM32PackCreator
From STM32CubeMX user interface
Launch STM32CubeMX. At the right bottom corner of the home page, select External Tools.
Click the launch icon to launch STM32PackCreator as a standalone tool.
Figure 5. Access the Tools view
Standalone option
STM32PackCreator executable file can be found under STM32CubeMX installation path, in the Utilities folder.
To launch STM32PackCreator:
• On Windows, double-click STM32PackCreator.exe
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• On Linux and macOS ® , use the following command from a terminal window: java -jar STM32PackCreator.jar
Starting with STM32CubeMX 6.2, use:
<STM32CubeMX install path>/jre/bin/java -jar STM32PackCreator.jar
Figure 6. Launch STM32PackCreator
Main menus
Main menus
STM32PackCreator comes with two top menus and sub-menus:
Table 1. File menu
File menu Purpose
[ Create New Project from scratch ]
It creates an empty project ready to be filled with pack details.
The pack developer can choose between creating an STM32Cube Expansion Package or a freely defined pack.
[ New Project from pack ] It creates a new project that has been pre-filled with values inherited from an existing pack.
Open recent
Save Project
Open a project
Clone Project As...
It gives fast access to the list of most recent projects and opens a project from this list.
Users have to browse the filesystem and select the project folder.
It saves the project during project creation or before the exit to avoid losing changes.
It creates a new project based on the project currently opened and switch immediately to that cloned project.
[ Close Project ] It closes the project and switch to another project without exiting the tool
[ Save & Generate Pack ] It saves the project and generates the corresponding pack in one click.
[ About ]
[ Readme ]
[ Getting started ]
Help menu
Table 2. Help menu
Shows version information
Opens the release note
Opens this user manual
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Main views
Main views
STM32PackCreator comes with two main views.
CMSIS-Pack view
This view describes the pack contents according to the CMSIS-Pack standard and STM32CubeExpansion rules if the option is enabled, as shown in
Figure 7. Project with STM32CubeExpansion rules enabled
Figure 8. CMSIS-Pack view
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Main views
It consists of the following entries. The different elements are described in the CMSIS-Pack standard. Tooltips are accessible by clicking the icon and provide details on each field.
First level
Pack General Attributes
Pack Releases
Pack Details
Additional Files
Table 3. CMSIS-Pack standard elements
Second level
Mandatory. Consist of pack names, version, license, URL.
Mandatory. Contains the release history.
Cclass=Device Group=Application: optional, advanced
Consist of example descriptions and path to their project files.
This is used to reference all files that are not listed in the
CMSIS-PACK description file ( .pdsc
Remark: this field is not part of the Arm ® CMSIS-Pack standard and is not saved in the .pdsc
file but the
STM32PackCreator project file.
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Main views
STM32CubeMX view
This view helps to specify additional items that configure pack components through the STM32CubeMX user interface and to generate pack specific code using the STM32CubeMX code generation feature.
Figure 9. STM32CubeMX view - Example of pack enhanced for STM32CubeMX
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Main views
Table 4. STM32CubeMX view - Main features
First level
[ Add Parameter ]
[ Manage Mode
Conditions ]
[ Preview
STM32CubeMX ]
Mandatory for a pack to be configurable with STM32CubeMX.
Creates parameters (name, possible values, location in the user interface, assignment to one or more Pack modes.
Note: Pack modes match the Pack top components and bundle entries defined in the CMSIS pack view.
It is possible to create parameters with conditions on other parameters or mathematical expressions.
For example, enter MOD(32) if the parameter must be a multiple of 32.
Note: An expression builder is available to guide the user.
By choosing expression as a parameter type, it is possible to define parameter values that are based on an expression. For, example a parameter can be derived from another parameter, called Param1 , by using an expression such as expression = Param1/4 .
After applying the changes, the parameter is converted to the String type. Changing back to expression type allows to edit the expression previously defined.
[ Add Platform Setting ]
[ Add Custom
Templates ]
Used to interface the software pack with the MCU configuration.
Example: a pack component that requires an SPI in half-duplex mode.
Specifies STM32 MCU peripherals or GPIOs functional modes required by the Pack modes.
Used to generate custom code for the current configuration.
They are .ftl
files written using Freemarker language. Some are provided by default with STM32
Builds conditions based on pack components.
Parameters, platform settings, and custom templates defined under conditions are available only when the condition criteria are met.
Visualizes how the pack may look like in the STM32CubeMX pinout and configuration view. Edits user-defined tabs and groups.
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Creating a pack from scratch (step by step procedure)
Creating a pack from scratch (step by step procedure)
This section shows the creation of a demonstration pack.
Tips and limitations are provided along the way.
Prepare for pack creation
General approach
In the following, elements highlighted with (*) indicate that they relate to an advanced pack feature and are optional.
The first question to answer is whether or not the pack is an STM32Cube Expansion Package. Going for an
STM32Cube Expansion Package eases the next steps as guidelines are available on how the software offer may be packaged and described.
The first step is to assess the pack architecture and requirements:
• How must the software offer be organized: which components, which bundle of components, for which categories (Class, Group, etc...)?
• Are there dependencies between components? Are they conditions on components?
Is there any API that must be advertised for other packs to use (*)?
Which components are configurable? What are the configuration parameters?
Are the parameters available on specific conditions only (*)?
Are some components board-dependent (*)? Which GPIOs or peripheral modes are required?
Is there any custom code that must be generated (*)?
Then, it is strongly recommended to keep one folder holding all the files to be delivered with the pack:
• Source, Header, Documentation files
– Which components/bundles they must belong to.
Freemarker template files (*) used for custom code generation by STM32CubeMX.
Additional files (*)
– Files that are present in the pack but not referenced in the .pdsc
file, such as STM32 HAL driver files necessary for example projects but not required when generating C-projects with STM32CubeMX.
for details.
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Demonstration pack overview
Refer to
Figure 10 for an overview of the demonstration pack.
Figure 10. Demonstration pack overview
Prepare for pack creation
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The pack comes with:
• CMSIS-Pack elements
– One bundle with two components
– One top component
– One bundle with two application variants
– Conditions on components
– Conditions on component files
STM32CubeMX enhancements
– Configuration parameters
– Platform settings
– Custom templates
– Conditions on parameters page 17/112
Create a new project from scratch
A folder is ready with all the files to be packaged in the pack.
Figure 11. Input folders and files used to produce the demonstration pack
Create a new project from scratch
Figure 12. Create a new project from scratch
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Launch STM32CubeMX.
From the STM32CubeMX home page, select the External Tools tab to display the dashboard of external tools. Click the arrow icon to launch STM32PackCreator.
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Create a new project from scratch
Click Create New Project from scratch to open the New Project From Scratch window.
Figure 13. New project from scratch 1/2
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Select the option to generate an STM32Cube Expansion Package.
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Fill in project details: a.
Project folder name b.
Project parent folder c.
Pack name d.
Vendor name e.
Pack description
Figure 14. New project from scratch 2/2
Create a new project from scratch
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Describe the pack using the CMSIS-Pack view
Finally, click [ Create Project ]. The project is created and opened on its CMSIS-Pack view.
Figure 15. Project created and opened in CMSIS-Pack view
Describe the pack using the CMSIS-Pack view
General information and tips
Graphical chart:
Arrows are used to expand/collapse sections and reflect a hierarchy.
Edit/Clone Icons are reused across the user interface.
Fuchsia indicates field usage is mandatory or an error has been introduced
Contextual help:
Clicking the help icon shows details about the different elements to configure.
Light gray helper text is also provided in some text boxes.
Field entries:
Most fields come with pre-defined choices in the dropdown list. Clicking inside the field allows entering custom text.
Field updates:
Most fields can be re-edited by clicking the edit icon.
Field usage:
Mandatory fields are highlighted with * and underlined in fuchsia. Changes can be applied to the project using the
Apply button, only when all mandatory fields are set.
Changes can be applied to the project using the Apply button, only when all issues are fixed.
(Warning) Apply versus Save:
Clicking the Apply button does not save the project. The user saves the project before exiting the tool or before closing the project: a reminder message shows if applied changes exist and are not saved yet. It is also required to save for generating the pack: it is done through the same Save& generate pack menu.
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Describe the pack using the CMSIS-Pack view
Managing components files:
Component files can be specified by clicking Add Files to select one or more files found at a given location or using Add whole folder to add all the files from a folder.
STM32PackCreator sets automatically the attributes that are mandatory for the files. It is always possible to change the file attributes values: selecting the file checkbox and then clicking Edit selected file Att ributes opens the editor window .
It is possible to delete all files by clicking Delete All.
• It is possible to delete some files: select the checkboxes of the files to be deleted and click Delete select ed files .
Fill in the pack general attributes
Click the left arrow to expand the Pack General Attributes section.
Pack license
STM32CubeExpansion packs must come with a license file
Click on browse and select the pack license. Refer to Figure 16
Figure 16. Selecting the license file
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Describe the pack using the CMSIS-Pack view
Select the destination folder to be the pack root directory. Refer to
Figure 17. Selecting the pack folder for the license file
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Describe the pack using the CMSIS-Pack view
The License file is now specified. Click apply to apply the changes. Refer to
Figure 18. Project with pack license file attribute specified
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Pack download URL
A URL is required to make the pack public and available for download from the Internet. This can be specified later. This is the URL under which all pack versions and the .pdsc
file in its latest revision can be found.
Click Apply to apply the changes to the project.
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Describe the pack using the CMSIS-Pack view
Fill in the release information
Click the left arrow to expand the Pack Releases section.
Initial release
Create the first release by specifying at least (mandatory fields):
Release version
Release description
Release Date
Then Click Apply .
Figure 19. Project with pack release attribute specified
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Other actions
In this section, it is possible to delete the release entry, edit it, or create a new release.
Important information
When dealing with official releases, do not delete the release history. According to the CMSIS-Pack standard, each new revision of the pack must come with the full release history. All previous release entries must be kept.
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Describe the pack using the CMSIS-Pack view
Create a bundle with two components
The first bundle comes with two components inside.
Click the left arrow to expand the Pack Details section.
Click Add Bundle to open the Component editor window.
Figure 20. Adding a bundle
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Describe the pack using the CMSIS-Pack view
Fill in the bundle details, click Apply , and close the window.
Figure 21. Filling bundle details
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Describe the pack using the CMSIS-Pack view
For step 5, select the Bundle documentation file and set its target path.
Figure 22. Specifying pack folder for bundle documentation
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Describe the pack using the CMSIS-Pack view
Create the first component for the bundle.
Back to the Pack Details section, click Add Component and fill in the component details, then click Apply and close.
Figure 23. Creating component1 for Bundle1
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Describe the pack using the CMSIS-Pack view
Create a second component for the bundle.
Back to the Pack Details section, click Add Component and fill in the component details, then click Apply and close.
Figure 24. Creating component2 for Bundle1
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Describe the pack using the CMSIS-Pack view
Verify the list of components are shown on the bundle’s component tab
Back to the Pack Details section, click the edit icon on the bundle line to open the editor window.
Figure 25. Pack specified with one bundle and two components
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Describe the pack using the CMSIS-Pack view
Go to the bundle’s components tab and check the two newly created components appear, then click Close .
Figure 26. Bundle's components tab view
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Describe the pack using the CMSIS-Pack view
Add component files to Component 1
Back to the Pack Details section, click the edit icon on the component1 line to open the component editor window.
Go to the Component's file tab and click Add whole folder and browse to select the folder holding the component files.
Then, select the path in the pack where the selected files may be found.
Figure 27. Selecting the pack folder for the component1 files
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Describe the pack using the CMSIS-Pack view
Click Apply and Close .
Figure 28. Component1 with component files specified
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Describe the pack using the CMSIS-Pack view
Add component files to Component 2
Back to the Pack Details section, click the edit icon on the component 2 line to open the editor window.
Click Add whole folder and browse to select the folder location. Set the path where the selected files may be found in the pack.
Figure 29. Selecting the pack folder for the component2 files
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Describe the pack using the CMSIS-Pack view
Figure 30. Component2 with component files specified
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Save the project
Select File > Save Project to save the project.
Describe the pack using the CMSIS-Pack view page 37/112
Describe the pack using the CMSIS-Pack view
Create the top component
Back to the Pack Details section, click Add Component and fill in the component details, then click Apply .
Since the component is a top component, the bundle is set to No Bundle .
Figure 31. Creating a top component
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Describe the pack using the CMSIS-Pack view
Select the Component’s files tab then click Add whole folder: browse to select the folder location. Set the path in the pack where the selected files may be found.
Figure 32. Adding top component files
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Describe the pack using the CMSIS-Pack view
Click Apply and Close .
Figure 33. Project with one bundle and one top component
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Save the project by selecting File > Save project .
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Describe the pack using the CMSIS-Pack view
Create the bundle with application components (specify variant and module names)
Back to the Pack Details section, create a bundle of Class Device and two components for that bundle of Group
Application .
The Application components must come with a Variant field used to specify the application name and a module name that STM32CubeMX uses to generate:
MX_<modulename>_Init and MX_<modulename>_Process function calls in main.c
App_<modulename>.c and App_<modulename>.h
files in module name / app folder.
Some custom templates are also required and are covered when updating the STM32CubeMX view.
Figure 34. Application bundle creation
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Describe the pack using the CMSIS-Pack view
Figure 35. First application component
Figure 36. Second application component page 42/112
Describe the pack using the CMSIS-Pack view
Before moving to the next step, save the project by selecting File > Save project .
CMSIS-Pack conditions overview and STM32CubeMX restrictions
The CMSIS-Pack standard allows defining conditions and assigning them to components and component files, which then become available only when the condition criteria are met.
Conditions are optional.
Condition types
T (compiler)
Attribute type
Other condition
Table 5. CMSIS-Pack condition types and support in STM32CubeMX
Attribute name
STM32CubeMX support
Toptions condition
Not managed
Not managed
Not managed
Not managed
Not managed
Not managed
Managed w/ restriction
Managed w/ restriction
For example, a component may be available for projects done for a specific core, like Cortex ® -M4.
CubeMX manages such conditions only if the condition is set at component “file” level.
Available only for armcc toolchain. Possible values: AC5, AC6 or AC6LTO )
CubeMX manages such conditions only if the condition is set at component “file” level.
The required Compiler option must be set directly in the IDE
(no user setting available in STM32CubeMX UI)
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Describe the pack using the CMSIS-Pack view
Condition rules
Conditions are made of accept, require, and deny rules.
Table 6. Condition rules
At least one accept must be true to signal a true for the complete condition (OR-Rule)
All require must be true to signal a true for the complete condition (AND-Rule).
If one denial is true the complete condition becomes false.
This element overrules require and accept (AND-NOT-Rule)
STM32CubeMX limitation: a rule must not mix conditions of different types ((Device (D), Compiler (T),
Component (C)).
STM32CubeMX limitation: conditions using Dcore may be assigned only on component files at a component or bundle level.
List of pack constraints
PackA components and component files have the following constraints that can be managed using the CMSIS-
Pack condition element.
Constraints for Bundle1
Bundle1 components are only accessible for STM32MCUs embedding Arm ® Cortex ® -M4 or Cortex ® -M7 cores: a
Dcore condition is necessary.
Constraints for TopComponent files
The files are compiled library files. They are copied according to the compiler and the core selected for the user’s project: conditions on Tcompiler and Dcore are necessary.
Constraints for Application components
One Application requires at least one component from Bundle1.
One Application requires at least one component from Bundle1 and the TopComponent component: conditions on components are necessary.
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Describe the pack using the CMSIS-Pack view
Create condition on Dcore
From the Pack Details section, expand the Conditions sub-section.
Click Add Condition to open the Condition editor .
Enter the condition Name and a Description .
Add an accept rule on Cortex-M4.
Figure 37. Creating a condition to accept Cortex-M4 based devices
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Describe the pack using the CMSIS-Pack view
Add an accept rule on Cortex ® -M7.
Figure 38. Updating a condition to accept Cortex-M7 based devices
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Describe the pack using the CMSIS-Pack view
Click OK to close. An entry for the newly created condition is displayed under Conditions .
Figure 39. Cortex ® -M device condition
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Describe the pack using the CMSIS-Pack view
Assign Cortex-M device condition on Bundle1 components
Go back to the Components sub-section, edit Bundle1 components details, and select to assign the Cortex-M D evice condition. Click Apply and Close .
Figure 40. Assigning condition to component 1
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Describe the pack using the CMSIS-Pack view
Figure 41. Condition assigned to component 2
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Describe the pack using the CMSIS-Pack view
Create conditions on Tcompiler
PackA comes with library files that require Keil
compiler and Cortex
-M4 or Cortex
From the Conditions sub-section, Click Add Condition to open the Condition editor .
Figure 42. CM4_Keil condition
UM2739 - Rev 3
Click OK to close and go back to the condition view.
Click the clone icon to quickly create a second condition based on CM4_Keil.
page 50/112
UM2739 - Rev 3
Describe the pack using the CMSIS-Pack view
Figure 43. Cloning conditions
Figure 44. CM7_Keil condition page 51/112
Click OK to close.
Describe the pack using the CMSIS-Pack view
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Describe the pack using the CMSIS-Pack view
Proceed similarly to create two more conditions on Cortex ® -M4 and GCC compiler, then on Cortex ® -M7 and GCC compiler.
Figure 45. Conditions on GCC compiler
Assign CM4_Keil, CM7_Keil, CM4_GCC, and CM7_GCC conditions to component files
Go to the Components sub-section, click edit on the TopComponent line to open the component editor.
Go to the Component's files tab.
Assign condition to each of the library files: select it, click Edit selected file attributes as shown in
When done for all files, click Apply then Close .
Save the Project by selecting File > Save to project.
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Describe the pack using the CMSIS-Pack view
Figure 46. Selecting component files to edit file attributes
Figure 47. Assigning CM4_GCC condition on file page 54/112
Describe the pack using the CMSIS-Pack view
Figure 48. Assigning CM7_Keil condition on file
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Describe the pack using the CMSIS-Pack view
Create conditions on components
Components from the application bundle have the following constraints:
DataEx_App component requires both components of Bundle1. Bundle1_condition is created for this purpose.
DataEx_App component requires both components of Bundle1 and TopComponent.
Bundle1_TopComp onent_condition is created for this purpose.
From the Conditions sub-section, Click Add Condition to open the condition editor. Proceed as shown on
Figure 49. Creating a condition for Bundle 1
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Describe the pack using the CMSIS-Pack view
Click the clone icon
to clone the newly created condition and proceed as shown in Figure 50
Figure 50. Creating condition for Bundle 1 and TopComponent
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Describe the pack using the CMSIS-Pack view
Assign conditions on application components
Go back to the Components section and click the edit icon to edit the DataEx_App component. Proceed as shown in
Figure 51. Assigning conditions to DataEx_App component
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Describe the pack using the CMSIS-Pack view
Go back to the Components section and click the edit icon to edit the DataExFS_App component. Proceed as shown in
Figure 52. Assigning conditions to DataExFS_App component
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Describe the pack using the CMSIS-Pack view
Specify the example projects to be delivered with the pack
Pre-requisite: a folder holding the example project files for a given board and one or more toolchains.
From the CMSIS pack view:
• Expand the pack details section.
Expand the Examples section (refer to Figure 53
Click Add example to open the example creation window (refer to
From the example creation panel:
• Click ? to open the Help panel and be guided through the process of describing the example project.
Update the fields describing the example project (refer to
Figure 55 ) such as board name, example name,
and example folder.
– STM32PackCreator places the example folder in the pack under Projects\<Board name>\Applications\<Example name>
STM32PackCreator parses the example folder for project files and proposes for each a default toolchain
association (refer to Figure 56
Click Apply to close the window and go back to the CMSIS-Pack main panel (refer to Figure 8 ).
Figure 53. Adding an example project to the pack
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Describe the pack using the CMSIS-Pack view
Figure 54. Specifying example details – part 1
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Describe the pack using the CMSIS-Pack view
Figure 55. Specifying example details – part 2
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Describe the pack using the CMSIS-Pack view
Figure 56. New example added to the pack
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Save the software pack and use it in STM32CubeMX
Save the software pack and use it in STM32CubeMX
Generate and install the pack
Select File > Save & Generate Pack .
An information window is displayed and indicates the project is successfully generated. Refer to
Figure 57. Generating a CMSIS-Pack pack with STM32PackCreator
UM2739 - Rev 3
Click Open pack location in the information window.
page 64/112
Save the software pack and use it in STM32CubeMX
Install the pack by dragging and dropping the .pack
file in STM32CubeMX as shown in Figure 58
Figure 58. Installing the generated pack in STM32CubeMX
Create a project and check if the pack is available
In STM32CubeMX, start a project by selecting an STM32F0 MCU.
From the Pinout & Configuration view, select Software Packs> Select Components . Refer to
Figure 59. Selecting pack components
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UM2739 - Rev 3
Save the software pack and use it in STM32CubeMX
In the component selector, check that the pack components cannot be selected since the Dcore condition is not met: the pack requires an Arm ® Cortex ® -M4 or Arm ® Cortex ® -M7 while STM32F0 MCU embeds an Arm ® Cortex ® -
M0 core. Refer to
Figure 60. Pack unavailability when Dcore condition is not met
Close the project and create a new project for an STM32F4 MCU. From the Pinout & Configuration view,
the pack components can now be selected since the Dcore condition is met. Refer to Figure 61
Figure 61. Pack availability when Dcore condition is met page 66/112
Save the software pack and use it in STM32CubeMX
Select pack components, check and solve dependencies
Still on a project using an STM32F4 MCU, from the component selector window,
Enable the DataExFS_App.
Click the DataExFS_App component line to highlight dependencies: Top component and Bundle1 are highlighted as required components. Refer to
Figure 62. Highlighting dependencies on components
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Save the software pack and use it in STM32CubeMX
Click the Resolve button to automatically resolve dependencies: this is possible when only one choice is available. Click select to choose a component among others that can solve a dependency. The dependency panel is emptied when no dependency remains to be solved.
Figure 63. Solving one dependency on components
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Save the software pack and use it in STM32CubeMX
Check the pack in the STM32CubeMX pinout configuration view
From the Pinout & Configuration view, on the left panel expand the Software Packs category.
Click the Vendor A Pack A
Check that the top components are shown as modes in the Mode panel.
Enable all of them and check that there are no configuration parameters in the Configuration panel. Refer to
Figure 64. Unconfigurable software pack in STM32CubeMX user interface
Generate the project
Go to the Project Manager 's view.
On the Code generator tab, select the option to copy only the necessary library files.
Figure 65. Code generation settings in STM32CubeMX
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UM2739 - Rev 3
Save the software pack and use it in STM32CubeMX
On the Project tab, enter a project name and select the STM32CubeIDE toolchain.
Figure 66. Project settings in STM32CubeMX
Click to generate the project. If requested, the user must accept to download the
STM32Cube MCU Package relevant to the project.
Check that the pack files are copied accordingly under the folder Middlewares\Third_Party .
Specifically, check that among the four library files of TopComponent, only the file fs_lib_cm4_gcc.a
which has the condition on core Cortex ® -M4 and the GCC compiler is copied.
Change the toolchain to use Keil ® MDK-ARM toolchain and check that this time, only fs_lib_cm4.a
file is copied since the condition on core Cortex ® -M4 and armcc compiler is met.
page 70/112
Enhance the pack with configuration parameters
Enhance the pack with configuration parameters
At this stage, the pack is available and can already be used in STM32CubeMX.
Figure 67. PackA outline
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Enhance the pack with configuration parameters
The next step is to enhance the pack to be configurable through STM32CubeMX.
Figure 68. PackA not yet enhanced for STM32CubeMX
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Enhance the pack with configuration parameters
Switch to STM32CubeMx view
Back in the STM32PackCreator project, click pack to be configurable through STM32CubeMX.
to switch to the view that allows enhancing the
Click STM32CubeMX preview and check how the pack currently shows when enabled for a project in
Figure 69. STM32CubeMX preview in STM32PackCreator
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Enhance the pack with configuration parameters
Add the first parameter for Bundle1
Create the first parameter as follows. Refer to
Enter the parameter name.
– This name must not contain spaces and be unique per project, so it is advised to include the Pack name into the Parameter name.
Choose for which top-level components the parameter may be available.
– Here: available only if Bundle1 is enabled
– It can also be available on conditions (detailed later in the slides)
Choose the parameter type.
Specify a default value.
Specify a label name that is used for displaying the parameter in STM32CubeMX UI (configuration panel).
Enter a description that is displayed in the configuration panel as well.
Figure 70. Adding the first parameter to Bundle1
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Enhance the pack with configuration parameters
Switch to STM32CubeMX preview to check the parameter appears when Bundle1 is enabled.
Figure 71. Preview first parameter in STM32CubeMX UI
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Enhance the pack with configuration parameters
Add a second parameter for Bundle1 and TopComponent
Create a second parameter as shown in
Enter the parameter name
Choose for which top-level components the parameter may be available.
– Select Always for TopComponent and Bundle1.
Choose the parameter type.
– Select Integer.
– Enter Default, Min, and Max values.
Specify the label.
Enter a description that is displayed in the configuration panel as well.
Figure 72. Adding the second parameter to Bundle1 and TopComponent
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Enhance the pack with configuration parameters
Switch to STM32CubeMX preview. Refer to Figure 73
. ParameterTwo is displayed when either one of
Bundle1 or TopComponent are selected.
Figure 73. Preview the second parameter in STM32CubeMX UI
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Enhance the pack with configuration parameters
Add the third parameter for TopComponent in the user-defined tab and group
Create a third parameter as follows. Refer to Figure 74
Enter the parameter name.
Select Always for TopComponent.
Choose the parameter type as a read-only string. Set its default to enabled .
Specify its label.
Enter its description.
For the Tab, select Create a new Tab and name it Advanced Settings .
For the Group in Tab, select Create a new Group and name it Advanced Parameters .
Figure 74. Adding the third parameter to TopComponent in user-defined Tab and group
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Enhance the pack with configuration parameters
Switch to STM32CubeMX preview and click between pencil and eye icon to switch between edit and view modes. Refer to
Figure 75. Preview third parameter in STM32CubeMX UI
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Enhance the pack with configuration parameters
Create a condition and assign it to a parameter
Create the condition that comp1 or comp2 of Bundle1 must be present.
Select on the left panel to open the condition view and click
to open the condition editor.
Enter the condition name.
Select the first component (Comp1).
Add it to the condition.
Select the OR logical operator: “|”.
Select the second component (Comp2).
Add it to the condition.
Validate & Close.
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Enhance the pack with configuration parameters
Create a fourth conditional parameter
Create a fourth parameter that is visible for the TopComponent only if a condition is satisfied.
Enter the parameter details.
Assign it to TopComponent on the condition MyCondition1 is met. Refer to Figure 76
Figure 76. Creating parameters with conditions
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Enhance the pack with platform settings
Create a list parameter: click the + sign to add values, cross icon to delete, checkmark to change the default
Figure 77. Creating a parameter list
Enhance the pack with platform settings
Platform settings introduction
STM32PackCreator allows pack developers to specify platform requirements for the pack components by clicking
Platform settings are optional and may be used to add BSP constraints to the usage of a software component.
• Example: to work, a software component requires an SPI configured in full-duplex master mode or a GPIO in
EXTI mode.
STM32Cube specifications define a set of Board Support Package APIs among which the BSP Bus and BSP
Common driver APIs.
• The BSP bus driver API, which exports the transport functions used by the components IO operations. They can be shared by several IO operations of several external components.
• The BSP common driver API, which provides a set of friendly used APIs for HMI devices, like LEDs, buttons, and joystick, and the board COM ports. The BSP common services are defined only if the corresponding hardware is available on the board.
STM32CubeMX embeds some default templates to generate the BSP Bus I/O and BSP Common drivers files,
, and can generate accordingly:
BSP bus driver code for I2C, USART, UART, LPUART, and SPI peripherals.
BSP common driver code for LED (GPIO_OUT), Button (GPIO_EXTI), USART/UART/LPUART
Figure 78. STM32CubeMX Freemarker templates for platform settings
UM2739 - Rev 3
The names for the generated files and BSP folder uses STM32 board names when the project is started from
STM32CubeMX board selector. Refer to
Figure 79 and Figure 80 . Otherwise, the
custom convention is used, like custom_bus.h
page 82/112
Enhance the pack with platform settings
The BSP common driver code is found under the Drivers/BSP folder. Other BSP code is generated in the user’s folder.
Figure 79. STM32CubeMX generated BSP common driver files
Figure 80. STM32CubeMX generated Bus I/O driver files
Pack developers can write custom Freemarker templates for CubeMX to generate specific code for BSP bus I/O drivers and other custom BSP APIs. Such templates can be added to the pack by clicking
then assigned to the relevant platform setting entry.
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Enhance the pack with platform settings
STM32PackCreator platform settings creation view
In line with STm32CubeMX possibilities, STM32PackCreator allows specifying platform settings for the BSP bus
(refer to
Figure 81 ), BSP Common (refer to
), and custom BSP API (refer to Figure 83
Figure 81. Platform settings for Bus I/O API
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Enhance the pack with platform settings
Figure 82. Platform settings for BSP common API
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Enhance the pack with platform settings
Figure 83. Platform settings with custom BSP API
Unknown API advanced feature
The unknown API comes with an advanced feature It is possible to edit the IP and mode field to specify peripherals and peripheral modes other than the default GPIO and GPIO modes. It requires the use of the exact
STM32CubeMX naming conventions used in <ip name>_modes.xml
files found in STM32CubeMX database.
Example for Timer 1 up to Timer 8 peripherals: IP = TIM1_8 , Mode = Internal Clock
Example: IP= RTC , Mode = Activate Clock Source
Create platform settings for the bus driver API
The Topcomponent component interfaces with a bus driver API that can use either one of the SPI or I
C peripherals.
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Enhance the pack with platform settings
to switch to the platform settings creation view. Refer to Figure 84
Figure 84. Creating a new platform setting for an SPI bus driver
UM2739 - Rev 3
Enter the name (unique, no space) PackA_platform1 .
Select the BSP group.
Assign it to a Mode Always on TopComponent .
Under Filter, select the peripheral to use SPI .
Select the peripheral mode to use the Full-duplex master .
Fill in the help message.
Click Apply to validate the changes.
Then add the option to use I 2 C as a new filter for a bus driver platform setting:
Select Add Filter
Select the peripheral to use I2C
Select the peripheral mode to use I2C
Fill in the help message
Click Apply to validate the changes page 87/112
Enhance the pack with platform settings
Finally, check the outcomes using the STM32CubeMX preview. When the TopComponent is enabled, a new platform setting is available with the possibility to use SPI or I 2 C. Refer to
Figure 85. Preview platform settings for SPI or I 2 C bus driver
Create platform settings for bus common drivers (LED and button)
The applications of AppBundle require a LED and a button to be configured.
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Enhance the pack with platform settings
Click to open the platform settings creation view and proceed as shown in
add a platform setting for the LED.
Figure 86. Creating platform settings for a LED
UM2739 - Rev 3
Select the type LED
Complete the name BSP LED Blue
Create a new group Application_BSP
Assign to a Mode Always on AppBundle
Under IP, select GPIO
Under Mode, select Output
Fill in the Help message
Click Apply to validate the changes page 89/112
Enhance the pack with platform settings
Click Add Platform settings and proceed similarly to add the Button (Type=Button, IP=GPIO, Mode=EXTI) as shown in
Figure 87. Creating platform settings for a button
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Enhance the pack with platform settings
Finally, check the outcomes using the STM32CubeMX preview. When AppBundle is enabled, a new platform setting is available with the button and LED constraints as shown in
Figure 88. Preview of platform settings for LED and button
Create platform settings for unknown API
Bundle1 uses a reset line but only when the TopComponent is present.
Click to open the platform settings creation view and proceed as shown in
add a platform setting for the reset line.
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Enhance the pack with platform settings
Figure 89. Creating platform settings for a reset line custom API
Select the API Unknown .
Enter the name (unique, no space) PackA_Reset_Line .
Create a new group DataEx_BSP .
Assign to the Mode Bundle1.
– Create a condition: MyCondition2 (TopComponent is present)
Under Filter select GPIO and Output mode.
Fill in the Help message
Select bsp_for_api_Unknown_h.ftl
as the template file to be used for code generation.
Clicking Add Template adds other template files to be used.
Click Apply
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Enhance the pack with custom templates
Finally, check the outcomes using the STM32CubeMX preview. When Bundle1 is enabled, a new platform setting
is available with the reset line constraint, as shown in Figure 90
Figure 90. Preview of platform settings for a reset line custom API
Enhance the pack with custom templates
Custom templates introduction
By default, STM32PackCreator generates packs with a default template inside. This allows STM32CubeMX to generate a header file with all pack parameter defines: <Vendor name>.<Pack name>_conf.h
STM32PackCreator allows as well pack developers to specify their templates for a given mode of the pack and for a selection of parameters: these custom templates are optional and necessary only when custom C code must be generated using STM32CubeMX.
Freemarker is the language used to write Freemarker templates. For details check out: https:// . The pack developers can write custom templates, add them to their packs using
STM32PackCreator and check the generated code using STM32CubeMX.
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Enhance the pack with custom templates
STM32CubeMX adds some design constraints for custom code to be generated. Parameters are accessible as
SWIPdatas, as shown in
Figure 91 , and platform settings as BSPName, as shown in
Figure 91. Freemarker template example for generating parameter defines
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UM2739 - Rev 3
Enhance the pack with custom templates
Figure 92. Generated C code based on the template for parameter defines
Figure 93. Freemarker template example for generating BSP code (platform settings) page 95/112
Enhance the pack with custom templates
Figure 94. Generated C code based on the template for BSP code (platform settings)
Add a customs template to generate C files or code snippets
Bundle1 requires a custom file to be generated.
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Enhance the pack with application templates
Click Add Custom templates and proceed as shown in
to specify a custom template and a set of parameters that are accessible to the template.
Figure 95. Adding a custom template
Select the Mode Bundle1
Browse to select a template .ftl
file from the file system bundle1_conf_h.ftl
Specify a category header
Specify a template name BUNDLE1_CONF_H
Enter a description header file for Bundle1 defines
Keep the condition to Always
Specify the name of the generated file bundle1_conf (.h)
Specify where the file may be generated select App folder .
Select the parameters the generated code uses
10. Click Apply
About generating code snippets
The generated file destination can be set to generate code to be included in other generated files. This option is available only to template files with the extension .tmp
. This generates a code snippet that is included in a file generated through another template, which must have an included statement to ensure the code snippet is imported at code generation.
Enhance the pack with application templates
Application components and application templates introduction
Application components are optional
• A pack may come with one or more Application components.
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Enhance the pack with application templates
Application components can be top components or be part of a bundle.
Application components come with a module name specified in the CMSIS-Pack view.
Only one application can be enabled per project.
The main purpose of application components is for STM32CubeMX to generate application-ready code
• app_<modulename>_Init/Process functions are called by default in main.c
. This generation can be disabled through STM32CubeMX Project Manager > Advanced settings .
• app_<modulename>_Init/Process functions are defined in app_packname.c/.h
There are several options in STM32PackCreator to specify application templates:
• Specify application templates common to all application components of the pack. From the STM32CubeMX landing page, select app_<pack name>_h.ftl
and app_<pack name>_c.ftl
files, as shown in
Specify a common app_<pack name>_h.ftl
from the STM32CubeMX landing page and for .c
file generation, add a custom template to each application component in the pack.
Do not specify any common pack application template. Add custom templates to each application component in the pack.
Figure 96. Pack application templates
UM2739 - Rev 3
• STM32CubeMX generates the corresponding app_<modulename>.h/.c
They are generated as empty files if the templates are not available in the pack.
Applications RTE Components or Module names
The application custom templates can be designed so that code is generated differently according to the RTE component defines or module names.
page 98/112
Save the project and generate the pack
Use RTE Components defines:
– RTE Components are specified in the components section of the CMSIS-Pack view.
– Most useful when all applications share the same module name, which is recommended to support multi-pack configurations. Use the following Freemarker statement: #if define?contains(“<RTE component>") .
Use Module names:
– Module names are specified in the components section of the CMSIS-Pack view.
– When applications use different module names and a common template, use the following Freemarker statement: #if ModuleName?contains(“<module name>")
Refer to the X-Cube-BLE2 pack for examples of application templates app_x-cube-ble2_c/_h.ftl
Save the project and generate the pack
Go back to the CMSIS-Pack view and create a new 0.0.2 release.
Generate the new pack version using File > Save & Generate pack , as shown in
Figure 97. Pack A revision 0.0.2
Use the pack in STM32CubeMX
The pack is ready to be installed, enabled in an STM32CubeMX project, configured, and used to generate the C project.
Install the pack
Launch STM32CubeMX and start a new project from a NUCLEO-F401RE board.
From the pinout view, select Software Packs > Manage Software Packs and install the pack new revision.
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Use the pack in STM32CubeMX
Select the components
Select the pack components using Software Packs > Select Components menu and click OK to close the component selector window.
Configure the pack for the project
Back to the pinout view, click Software packs on the left panel and click on the packA entry.
From the Mode panel, enable all the pack modes in the mode panel.
From the configuration panel, configure the parameters from the parameter settings tabs. Then, configure the platform settings: enable an I2C in I 2 C mode, configure a pin as GPIO Output from the pinout view, and finish configuring the pack platform settings, reusing the GPIOs already configured as LED and user button.
Generate the code and check the generated project
Click generate code and check the files are well generated according to the provided templates:
In Core/Src : a.
The main.c
file with calls to Init and Process functions b.
The stm32f4xx_nucleo_bus.c
bus driver source file
In Core/Inc : a.
bus driver headers and configuration files stm32f4xx_nucleo_bus.h
, stm32f4xx_nucleo_conf.
h .
In Drivers/BSP/NUCLEO-F401RE : a.
BSP common driver source and header files stm32f4xx_nucleo.c
, stm32f4xx_nucleo.h
, and s tm32f4xx_nucleo_errno.h
In PackA folder VendorA.PackA_conf.h
in PackA/App folder: a.
The application header and source files app_packa.h
and app_packa.c
Bundle1 configuration file bundle1_conf.h
In Pack/Target folder : a.
The header file for the code that is target-dependent (BSP code for the unknown API) bsp_for_api_
to generate the .c
file, add a second custom template.
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In Middlewares\Third_Party the pack component files
Use the pack in STM32CubeMX
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Creating a pack from an existing pack
Creating a pack from an existing pack
STM32PackCreator can create new projects starting from an existing pack. Select Start new project from pack from the STM32PackCreator home page.
Reminder: it is not possible to create an STM32Cube Expansion Pack starting a project from a pack that is not an
STM32Cube Expansion Pack.
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Cloning a project
Cloning a project
STM32PackCreator can save the current project as a new project: select File> Clone project as and enter the new project folder name.
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Opening a project
Opened recent projects shortcut is available from the STM32PackCreator home page.
To open other projects, select File > Open project and specify the project folder name.
Opening a project
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Revision history
Table 7. Document revision history
Initial release.
Deleted compatibility limitation with CMSIS-pack standard in Section 4.3
Rules and limitations
JRE ™ requirements in Section 4.4 System requirements
Program launch in Section 4.5.1 From STM32CubeMX user interface and Section 5.2 Create a new project from scratch
Figure 5 , Figure 7 , Figure 8 , Figure 9 , Figure 15 , Figure 19 , and Table 3 handling example in pack details
Added Section 5.3.15 Specify the example projects to be delivered with the pack
requirements in Section 4.4 System requirements
Command lines in
Section 4.5.2 Standalone option
Table 4. STM32CubeMX view - Main features
Section 5.4.3 Select pack components, check and solve dependencies
Section 5.4.5 Generate the project
Former Figure 63
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Create the bundle with application components (specify variant and module names) . . . . 41
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CMSIS-Pack conditions overview and STM32CubeMX restrictions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Assign CM4_Keil, CM7_Keil, CM4_GCC, and CM7_GCC conditions to component files . 53
Check the pack in the STM32CubeMX pinout configuration view . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
Add the third parameter for TopComponent in the user-defined tab and group . . . . . . . . . 78
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List of tables
List of tables
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List of figures
List of figures
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List of figures
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STMicroelectronics NV and its subsidiaries (“ST”) reserve the right to make changes, corrections, enhancements, modifications, and improvements to ST products and/or to this document at any time without notice. Purchasers should obtain the latest relevant information on ST products before placing orders. ST products are sold pursuant to ST’s terms and conditions of sale in place at the time of order acknowledgement.
Purchasers are solely responsible for the choice, selection, and use of ST products and ST assumes no liability for application assistance or the design of
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