NetWave NW6030 Installation, Operation And Maintenance Manual

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191 Pages


NetWave NW6030 Analogue Microphone Manual - Installation, Operation & Maintenance | Manualzz
Orolia B.V. (NetWave Systems)
Blauw Roodlaan 100
2718SJ Zoetermeer
The Netherlands
+31 (0)88 11 81 500
+31 (0)6 215 021 67 (24/7)
[email protected]
All rights reserved. Apart from exceptions provided by the law, nothing from this publication may
be reproduced, duplicated and/or published, transmitted, transcribed, translated or stored in any
form or by any means duplicated and/or published by means of photocopy, microfilm, storage in
computer files or otherwise, which also applies to full or partial processing, without the written
consent of Orolia Netwave
Although the utmost care has been taken with this publication, errors and omissions cannot be
entirely excluded. Orolia NetWave or its employees or subcontractors therefore accept no liability,
not even for direct or indirect damage, occurring due to or in relation with the application of
publications issued by Orolia NetWave.
Table of content
CONTACT ........................................................................................................................................................... 2
GENERAL.......................................................................................................................................................... 10
MANUAL ORGANIZATION ................................................................................................................................ 10
AMENDMENT RECORDS (VERSIONS)................................................................................................................ 11
SAFETY PRECAUTIONS AND WARNINGS .......................................................................................................... 13
ABBREVIATIONS .............................................................................................................................................. 15
TERMS ............................................................................................................................................................. 17
LIST OF SPECIFICATIONS .................................................................................................................................. 19
IMO GUIDELINES ON VOYAGE DATA RECORDER OWNERSHIP AND RECOVERY ................................................ 21
SERVICE REQUEST ............................................................................................................................................ 23
PART 1: INSTALLATION MANUAL ..................................................................................................................... 24
SPECIFICATION SHEET ............................................................................................................................. 24
INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................................................... 25
OVERVIEW ........................................................................................................................................................ 25
ARCHITECTURE ................................................................................................................................................... 26
INTERFACING ..................................................................................................................................................... 27
POWER FAILURE ................................................................................................................................................. 27
NETWORK PROTOCOLS AND IP ADDRESS RANGES INCL. LWE ....................................................................................... 27
IP ADDRESS FOR ASSIGNMENT ............................................................................................................................... 28
SPECIFICATIONS FOR VIDEO USING LIGHT WEIGHT ETHERNET (IEC-61162-450) ............................................................ 28
MULTICAST ADDRESS RANGE ................................................................................................................................. 29
UDP MULTICAST PROTOCOL ................................................................................................................................. 29
USE OF MULTICAST ADDRESSES AND PORT NUMBERS.................................................................................................. 29
CABLING REQUIREMENTS ...................................................................................................................................... 29
MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS ................................................................................................................................... 29
TERMINATION .................................................................................................................................................... 29
CABLE RECOMMENDATION ................................................................................................................................... 30
INSTALLATION GUIDELINE ...................................................................................................................... 31
SYSTEM COMPONENTS ........................................................................................................................... 32
NW6000 VDR CORE MODULE (19” ENCLOSURE) ..................................................................................... 33
GENERAL........................................................................................................................................................... 33
LOCATION AND MOUNTING ................................................................................................................................... 33
POWER SUPPLY .................................................................................................................................................. 34
ETHERNET ......................................................................................................................................................... 35
CONTACTS ......................................................................................................................................................... 37
DATA COMMUNICATIONS ..................................................................................................................................... 37
INDICATORS ....................................................................................................................................................... 38
ERRORS ............................................................................................................................................................ 38
OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS ................................................................................................................................... 38
NW6010 BRIDGE CONTROL UNIT ............................................................................................................ 39
GENERAL........................................................................................................................................................... 39
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LOCATION AND MOUNTING ................................................................................................................................... 39
POWER ............................................................................................................................................................. 40
CONNECTIONS.................................................................................................................................................... 40
DATA COMMUNICATIONS ..................................................................................................................................... 41
INDICATORS ....................................................................................................................................................... 42
ERRORS ............................................................................................................................................................ 42
CONFIGURATION ................................................................................................................................................ 42
OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS ................................................................................................................................... 42
NW6060 VHF / AUDIO INTERFACE .......................................................................................................... 43
GENERAL........................................................................................................................................................... 43
POWER SUPPLY .................................................................................................................................................. 43
CONNECTIONS.................................................................................................................................................... 43
DATA COMMUNICATIONS ..................................................................................................................................... 44
INDICATORS ....................................................................................................................................................... 44
ERRORS ............................................................................................................................................................ 44
CONFIGURATION ................................................................................................................................................ 44
OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS ................................................................................................................................... 44
TESTING VHF RADIOS PROCEDURE ......................................................................................................................... 44
NW6030 ANALOGUE MICROPHONES ...................................................................................................... 46
GENERAL........................................................................................................................................................... 46
LOCATION AND MOUNTING ................................................................................................................................... 46
POWER ............................................................................................................................................................. 48
CONNECTIONS.................................................................................................................................................... 48
AUDIO SIGNALS .................................................................................................................................................. 48
INDICATOR ........................................................................................................................................................ 49
ERRORS ............................................................................................................................................................ 49
CONFIGURATION ................................................................................................................................................ 49
OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS ................................................................................................................................... 49
NW6031 AUDIO HUB .............................................................................................................................. 50
GENERAL........................................................................................................................................................... 50
LOCATION AND MOUNTING ................................................................................................................................... 50
POWER ............................................................................................................................................................. 50
CONNECTIONS.................................................................................................................................................... 51
INDICATOR ........................................................................................................................................................ 51
ERRORS ............................................................................................................................................................ 52
CONFIGURATION ................................................................................................................................................ 52
OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS ................................................................................................................................... 52
NW6044 VIDEO INTERFACE (OPTION) ................................................................................................... 53
10.1 GENERAL........................................................................................................................................................... 53
10.2 LOCATION AND MOUNTING ................................................................................................................................... 54
10.3 POWER SUPPLY .................................................................................................................................................. 55
10.4 CONNECTIONS.................................................................................................................................................... 55
10.5 DATA COMMUNICATIONS ..................................................................................................................................... 56
10.6 INDICATORS ....................................................................................................................................................... 56
10.7 ERRORS ............................................................................................................................................................ 56
10.8 PC SET-UP ......................................................................................................................................................... 56
10.9 CONFIGURATION ................................................................................................................................................ 57
10.10 VIDEO CHANNEL CONFIGURATION FILE ................................................................................................................... 58
10.11 VIDEO CONFIGURATION SUITE (VCS2) APPLICATION ................................................................................................. 61
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10.12 VIDEO CAPTURE ................................................................................................................................................. 62
10.13 HORIZONTAL POLARIZATION ................................................................................................................................. 63
10.14 VERTICAL POLARIZATION ...................................................................................................................................... 64
10.15 SIZING .............................................................................................................................................................. 65
10.16 HORIZONTAL/VERTICAL OFFSET............................................................................................................................. 65
10.17 DIMENSIONS...................................................................................................................................................... 67
10.18 INTERLACED IMAGE ............................................................................................................................................. 69
10.19 INTERLEAVED IMAGE ........................................................................................................................................... 74
10.20 RECALIBRATION .................................................................................................................................................. 76
10.21 ADJUSTMENTS TAB ............................................................................................................................................. 79
10.22 SHARPNESS........................................................................................................................................................ 80
PHASE ..................................................................................................................................................... 80
CPMP (CHARGE PUMP) ............................................................................................................................ 80
VCO (VOLTAGE CONTROLLED OSCILLATORS).................................................................................................. 80
10.23 GAIN/OFFSET .................................................................................................................................................... 81
10.24 CLAMP ............................................................................................................................................................. 82
10.25 COAST .............................................................................................................................................................. 83
10.26 SYNC-ON-GREEN (SOG) ...................................................................................................................................... 83
10.27 INFO TAB .......................................................................................................................................................... 84
10.28 VCS2 MENU OVERVIEW ...................................................................................................................................... 85
10.29 TEST VIDEO INPUTS ............................................................................................................................................. 86
NW6880 (FFRM) FLOAT FREE CAPSULE JOTRON TRON 40 MKII .............................................................. 87
11.1 GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS ..................................................................................................................................... 87
11.2 LOCATION AND MOUNTING ................................................................................................................................... 89
11.3 CONNECTION TEST WITH FLYING CABLE.................................................................................................................... 93
11.4 JUNCTION BOX ................................................................................................................................................... 94
GROUNDING OF CABLES AND JUNCTION BOX ................................................................................................... 94
WIRE SCHEMATIC JUNCTION BOX.................................................................................................................. 96
11.5 (LED) INDICATORS ON DOCKING MODULE................................................................................................................. 98
11.6 WARNINGS........................................................................................................................................................ 98
11.7 OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS ................................................................................................................................... 98
NW6860 (FRM) FIXED HSS CAPSULE ....................................................................................................... 99
GENERAL........................................................................................................................................................... 99
LOCATION AND MOUNTING ................................................................................................................................. 101
POWER SUPPLY ................................................................................................................................................ 101
INSTALLATION AND CONNECTIONS ........................................................................................................................ 101
DATA COMMUNICATIONS ................................................................................................................................... 104
INDICATORS ..................................................................................................................................................... 104
ERRORS .......................................................................................................................................................... 104
CONFIGURATION .............................................................................................................................................. 104
OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS ................................................................................................................................. 104
NW6890 FRM POE SPLITTER BOX FOR NON-NETWAVE CAPSULES .........................................................105
GENERAL......................................................................................................................................................... 105
LOCATION AND MOUNTING ................................................................................................................................. 105
POWER ........................................................................................................................................................... 105
CONNECTIONS.................................................................................................................................................. 106
NW64900 DATA ACQUISITION SYSTEM ................................................................................................107
14.1 GENERAL......................................................................................................................................................... 107
14.2 LOCATION AND MOUNTING ................................................................................................................................. 108
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14.3 POWER SUPPLY ................................................................................................................................................ 108
14.4 CONNECTIONS.................................................................................................................................................. 108
14.5 WIRING SCHEME............................................................................................................................................... 109
NW6410 WAVENET BUSCOUPLER ..........................................................................................................111
15.1 GENERAL......................................................................................................................................................... 111
15.2 LOCATION AND MOUNTING ................................................................................................................................. 111
15.3 POWER SUPPLY ................................................................................................................................................ 111
15.4 DAQ CARD POWER BUDGET .............................................................................................................................. 111
15.5 CONNECTIONS.................................................................................................................................................. 112
15.6 DATA COMMUNICATIONS ................................................................................................................................... 113
15.7 INDICATORS ..................................................................................................................................................... 113
15.8 ERRORS .......................................................................................................................................................... 113
15.9 CONFIGURATION .............................................................................................................................................. 113
15.10 OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS ................................................................................................................................. 113
NW64208/16 SERIAL/NMEA 8/16 CHANNEL ADAPTORS .......................................................................114
GENERAL......................................................................................................................................................... 114
MOUNTING ..................................................................................................................................................... 114
POWER SUPPLY ................................................................................................................................................ 114
CONNECTIONS.................................................................................................................................................. 115
DATA COMMUNICATIONS ................................................................................................................................... 117
INDICATORS ..................................................................................................................................................... 117
ERRORS .......................................................................................................................................................... 117
CONFIGURATION .............................................................................................................................................. 117
OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS ................................................................................................................................. 117
NW64308/16/24 DIGITAL 8/16/24 CHANNEL ADAPTORS ......................................................................117
GENERAL......................................................................................................................................................... 117
MOUNTING ..................................................................................................................................................... 117
POWER SUPPLY ................................................................................................................................................ 118
CONNECTIONS.................................................................................................................................................. 119
DATA COMMUNICATIONS ................................................................................................................................... 122
INDICATORS ..................................................................................................................................................... 122
ERRORS .......................................................................................................................................................... 122
CONFIGURATION .............................................................................................................................................. 122
OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS ................................................................................................................................. 122
NW64404/08/12 ANALOGUE 4/8/12 CHANNEL ADAPTORS ...................................................................123
GENERAL......................................................................................................................................................... 123
MOUNTING ..................................................................................................................................................... 123
POWER SUPPLY ................................................................................................................................................ 123
CONNECTIONS.................................................................................................................................................. 124
DATA COMMUNICATIONS ................................................................................................................................... 127
INDICATORS ..................................................................................................................................................... 127
ERRORS .......................................................................................................................................................... 127
CONFIGURATION .............................................................................................................................................. 127
OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS ................................................................................................................................. 127
CONNECTING TO THE VDR FOR CONFIGURATION OF THE SYSTEM ........................................................128
19.1 PHYSICALLY CONNECTING TO THE VDR.................................................................................................................. 128
19.2 CHECKING FOR CONNECTED SENSOR TO THE VDR.................................................................................................... 129
19.3 CHANGE OF TYPE OF THE VDR............................................................................................................................. 130
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19.4 CONFIGURING THE VDR..................................................................................................................................... 130
ON-LINE CHECK OF INCOMING DATA............................................................................................................ 130
CONFIGURATION PAGE ............................................................................................................................. 131
CONFIGURING THE OPT ........................................................................................................................... 135
CONFIGURING THE LWE VIDEO .................................................................................................................. 136
CREATING A DOWNLOAD FROM THE VDR SYSTEM ................................................................................138
20.1 DOWNLOAD DATA SET ....................................................................................................................................... 138
PLAYBACK SOFTWARE ...........................................................................................................................139
21.1 OBTAINING THE PLAYBACK SOFTWARE .................................................................................................................. 139
21.2 INSTALLATION OF PLAYBACK SOFTWARE - CLIENT/STANDALONE PC ............................................................................ 139
NW6000 WEB PAGE ...............................................................................................................................140
22.1 DASHBOARD .................................................................................................................................................... 140
22.2 INSTALLING OROLIA VDR CERTIFICATE.................................................................................................................. 141
22.3 LIVE VIDEO ...................................................................................................................................................... 143
22.4 ANNUAL PERFORMANCE TEST ............................................................................................................................. 144
22.5 CONFIGURATOR................................................................................................................................................ 144
LWE SETTINGS ....................................................................................................................................... 145
VLAN SETTINGS ..................................................................................................................................... 146
BAM SETTINGS ...................................................................................................................................... 147
ADVANCED SETTINGS ............................................................................................................................... 149
22.6 ANALYZE TOOL ................................................................................................................................................. 150
22.7 BAM TOOL ..................................................................................................................................................... 151
22.8 REBOOTING THE VDR ........................................................................................................................................ 152
BAM INTERFACE SPECIFICATION ............................................................................................................153
BRIDGE ALERT MANAGEMENT (BAM) ................................................................................................................. 153
MANUFACTURER ID .......................................................................................................................................... 153
SUPPORTED NMEA MESSAGES ........................................................................................................................... 153
ALERT IDENTIFIERS ............................................................................................................................................ 154
FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS ...........................................................................................................155
24.1 BROWSER SHOWS INSECURE WEBPAGE ................................................................................................................ 155
24.2 BROWSER COMPATIBILITY WITH VDR WEB SERVER ................................................................................................ 156
FIREFOX COMPATIBILITY ........................................................................................................................... 156
24.3 WHAT IS THE RECORDING CAPACITY OF THE VDR? .................................................................................................. 157
PART 2: OPERATOR AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL .........................................................................................158
ROUTINE MAINTENANCE .......................................................................................................................158
ANNUAL PERFORMANCE TEST ............................................................................................................................. 158
GENERAL......................................................................................................................................................... 158
REPLACEMENT/MAINTENANCE BEACON AND BATTERIES CORE MODULE ...................................................................... 158
OPERATIONAL PERFORMANCE TEST...................................................................................................................... 158
GENERAL......................................................................................................................................................... 158
AUDIO TEST ................................................................................................................................................... 160
VIDEO TEST .................................................................................................................................................... 161
NMEA TEST .................................................................................................................................................... 162
OPT LOG ........................................................................................................................................................ 163
ERRORS .......................................................................................................................................................... 163
TRON 40VDR FLOAT FREE CAPSULE ................................................................................................................... 164
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GENERAL......................................................................................................................................................... 164
NORMAL SELF-TEST ........................................................................................................................................... 164
EXTENDED SELF-TEST INCLUDING GPS-TEST ........................................................................................................... 164
ERRORS .......................................................................................................................................................... 165
VISUAL INSPECTION ........................................................................................................................................... 165
NW6010 BRIDGE CONTROL UNIT ...........................................................................................................167
GENERAL......................................................................................................................................................... 167
LOCATION AND MOUNTING ................................................................................................................................. 167
INDICATORS ..................................................................................................................................................... 167
ERRORS .......................................................................................................................................................... 167
OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS ................................................................................................................................. 167
SCREEN DESCRIPTION......................................................................................................................................... 168
ALERT CONDITIONS INDICATED ON BCU ................................................................................................................ 169
POWER FAILURE ............................................................................................................................................... 169
RECORDING CHANNELS NMEA ........................................................................................................................... 169
RECORDING CHANNELS AUDIO ............................................................................................................................. 169
RECORDING CHANNELS VIDEO DATA...................................................................................................................... 169
STORAGE......................................................................................................................................................... 170
SWITCH .......................................................................................................................................................... 170
HARDWARE MALFUNCTION ................................................................................................................................. 170
OPERATING SCREENS ......................................................................................................................................... 170
ALERT LOGGING................................................................................................................................................ 171
SOFTWARE VERSION RECOGNITION ....................................................................................................................... 171
SCREEN TEST .................................................................................................................................................... 172
NW6880 TRON 40VDR FRM FLOAT FREE CAPSULE .................................................................................173
GENERAL......................................................................................................................................................... 173
LED INDICATION................................................................................................................................................ 173
NW6860 FIXED HSS CAPSULE .................................................................................................................174
GENERAL......................................................................................................................................................... 174
INDICATORS ..................................................................................................................................................... 174
ERRORS .......................................................................................................................................................... 174
PLAYBACK SOFTWARE ...........................................................................................................................175
SETTING UP THE PC ........................................................................................................................................... 175
OBTAINING THE PLAYBACK SOFTWARE .................................................................................................................. 176
INSTALLATION OF PLAYBACK SOFTWARE – CLIENT/STANDALONE PC........................................................................... 177
STARTING THE PLAYBACK APPLICATION ................................................................................................................. 178
CONFIGURATION FILE ........................................................................................................................................ 179
DOWNLOADING A DATASET FROM RECORDING MEDIUM ......................................................................................... 180
CHOOSING AN EXISTING DATASET ......................................................................................................................... 182
STARTING DATA PLAYBACK .................................................................................................................................. 183
CONVERSION OF EXTRACTED DATA ....................................................................................................................... 185
LOGGING FUNCTIONS......................................................................................................................................... 186
7. PLAYBACK SOFTWARE DETAILS ...................................................................................................................186
PASSWORDS .................................................................................................................................................... 186
PLAYBACK CONTROLS ........................................................................................................................................ 186
ANNEX I; EQUIPMENT DECOMMISSIONING ...........................................................................................187
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RMRS RULES FOR EQUIPMENT DECOMMISSIONING................................................................................................. 187
ANNEX II; ENERGY SAVING ....................................................................................................................189
VDR PCB CONTROLLERS .................................................................................................................................... 189
POWER CONSUMPTION CALCULATION ................................................................................................................... 189
ANNEX III; EQUIPMENT LABELLING RMRS .............................................................................................190
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Manual organization
The following publications are applicable to the NW6000 series of Voyage Data Recorders.
Operator and maintenance manual*
Installation manual *
Netwave SVDR VDR Annual Performance Report Form *
Authority access manual
VDR Commissioning PT and TA certificates *
* This documentation needs to remain on board the vessel.
The ‘Operator and maintenance manual’ and the ‘Installation manual’ used to be 2 separate
documents. These are now merged into this document: ‘Installation, operation and
maintenance Voyage data recorder NW6000-manual’.
General part
Please note that the general part of this document relates both to the Installation manual and
Operator and maintenance manual.
Part 1: Installation manual (NW6000-00)
This part covers all physical and wiring aspects of the VDR installation up until the moment the
system is powered-up and includes configuration of all sensors connected (recording channels)
It therefore covers all information required to commission the VDR and is intended for the
authorized (certified) party installing the VDR.
Part 2: Operator and maintenance manual (NW6000-10)
This manual covers (where applicable) all user related operational aspects and is intended to
inform and assist the crew in the day-to-day operation of the VDR, and especially the user
functions of the Bridge Control Unit.
The hardcopy version of this manual is provided with an USB-card. This USB-card contains:
the digital version of this manual.
the User Manual of the TRON40 VDR.
the Installation Manual of the TRON 40VDR.
and the Playback software.
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Amendment records (versions)
When an amendment is incorporated into this publication, the details are recorded below. Where
the equipment has been modified, the modification number shown on the Amendment Instruction
Sheet is also to be recorded.
Installation, operation and maintenance Voyage data recorder NW6000-manual
Amendment reference
- Acquirement of NetWave Systems by the Orolia
19th of April 2017
Group. Legal name of entity is now Orolia B.V.
instead of NetWave Systems B.V. Trading name
NetWave Systems will be maintained.
- New Declaration of Conformity because of name
change (no other content change).
- Use of new logos.
- Because of new wire colors of cable TRON
26th of February 2018
40VDR: update of paragraph 10.4.2.
- Reference to Installation manual of Jotron TRON
40 VDR made, manual attached to USB-stick and
placed on extranet web page.
- Correction in paragraph 10.4 on connections
13th of July 2018
Junction box VDR to FFRM TRON 40VDR.
- Minor update paragraph 10.2 about location of
- Update to include new functionalities in v1.6.3.
24th of April 2020
- reviewed and updated changes from 2.3
- added BAM specification
- added PSU v2
- added Player V2
- added analogue microphones
- removed digital microphones
- tidied up document
- BAM msg error; ACL should be ALC
- Distinction made between IEC 61162-1/2 modules
- Declaration of Conformity removed; included
separately when available.
- Typographical errors corrected
- Additional wiring information added
- Mains EMC NW6000-050 filter added
- Updated battery information and use of batteries
- updated Capsule image on page 100
- added FAQ on VDR recording capacity
- corrected product codes
- corrected figure numbers
- removed NW64224 (24Chn NMEA)
- updated note on NW6030 wiring
- removed Wheelmark images
- corrected error in Audio Hub wiring diagram
- added updates to configuration utility
Updated by
C. van ‘t Riet
C. van ‘t Riet
C. van ‘t Riet
5th June 2020
8th June 2020
10th July 2020
9th August
30th September 2020
7th October 2020
10th October 2020
14th October 2020
Since this manual used to be two separated documents (‘Installation manual’ and ‘Operator and
maintenance manual’) the amendment records of these documents are shown below.
Amendments made as from the 19th of April 2017 are shown in the amendment record ‘Installation,
Page 11/ 191
operation and maintenance Voyage data recorder NW6000-manual’ above. The version indicated
in above amendment record is the version of this complete document.
General part
(Related to ‘Installation manual’ and ‘Operator and maintenance manual’)
Amendment reference
ual: 1.12
- ‘Installation manual’ and ‘Operator and
maintenance manual’ merged into one document
(reorganization of chapters). ‘General’ part is
related to both manuals.
- ‘Service request’ chapter added in General part.
- USB-card enclosed to hard copy manual with the
digital version of the manual, User Manual of the
TRON 40VDR and Playback Software.
Updated by
14th of March 2017
C. van ‘t Riet
Amendment reference
Updated by
Addition in section 14 about new Docking Module
(83180 MkII): new wire scheme and new led
- Declaration of Conformity enclosed (section 2.3).
- Clarifications for TRON 40VDR (Section 14): wire
scheme for new Docking Module MKII/Junction
Box, clarifications of grounding of Junction box, new
led indication on Docking module, more details
about mounting position, use of vulcanizing tape
added, settings of IP-address removed.
- Restart VDR added (section 24.7).
- Addition in section 24.2 about displayed ZDA time.
24th of August 2016
C. van ‘t Riet
31st of October 2016
C. van ‘t Riet
Amendment reference
Updated by
- Addition in section 8.6 about calculation recorded
- Addition in section 14.2 about displayed ZDA time.
- Clarification of Russian mark of conformity Annex
- ‘Restart VDR’ section 14.8 added.
- ‘Led indication’ TRON 40VDR MKII section 11.2
24th of February 2016
C. van ‘t Riet
19th of October 2016
C. van ‘t Riet
Installation manual
Operator and maintenance manual
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Safety precautions and warnings
To ensure compliance with the IMO standards, installation of the VDR must be performed by
a NetWave Systems approved installation technician. Only a NetWave Systems Certified
Technician should access the interior components of the VDR.
The following precautions and warnings are general safety measures that personnel should
understand and apply during installation, operation and maintenance of all VDR system
Personal protection must be used whenever the possibility of an uncontrolled hazard exists. For
example, a suitable face visor, gloves and a body apron should be worn when handling cathode
ray tubes, as a precaution against injury in the event of breakage.
Some VDR components are heavy; ensure you carry out proper lifting procedures while
changing or transporting components.
High voltages are present in the Voyage Data Recorder. Do not open any of the units when
the Voyage Data Recorder is operational unless fully qualified to do so.
Only NetWave Systems Certified Technicians should undertake work on the system.
A current of 100 mA passing through the human body for one second can kill. This can occur at
voltages as low as 35V AC or 50V DC. Some equipment in the system uses electrical power that
can be lethal. Whenever practical, before carrying out installation, maintenance or repair,
personnel involved must:
(1) Isolate the equipment from the electrical supply.
(2) Make tests to verify that the isolation is complete.
(3) Ensure that power cannot be accidentally reconnected.
If it is essential to work on the equipment with power connected, work must only be undertaken
by qualified personnel who are fully aware of the danger involved and who have taken adequate
safety precautions to avoid contact with dangerous voltages.
Wear proper safety attire and use the proper equipment while handling the VDR during transport
and installation.
Prior to connecting the power supply of the VDR to the ship power, ensure the (emergency) ship
power breaker is switched off. Always shut down the system and turn off the power before
removing or installing any equipment.
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All cable shields must be grounded to avoid interference from AC wiring, fluorescent lights, or
other high magnetic or RF fields.
NMEA data cables should be grounded at the source. All other cables should be grounded at both
ends. The equipment in the VDR enclosure is grounded to the rack. All other peripheral equipment
should be grounded.
The cable sizes and types recommended for use with the must be utilized to ensure its proper
operation. Failing to do so will void the warranty.
This equipment contains materials which produce toxic fumes when ignited.
The inhalation of dust and fumes or any contact with lubricants when cleaning the equipment may
be temporarily harmful to health, depending on individual allergic reactions. Components which
are broken or overheated may release toxic fumes or dust and must be treated with caution. Do
not inhale the fumes and ensure that the dust and debris do not enter open cuts or abrasions. It
is prudent to regard all damaged components as being potentially toxic, requiring careful handling
and appropriate disposal.
Digital devices are susceptible to damage from electrostatic discharge (ESD); certain
precautions must be taken when handling circuit cards, integrated circuits (ICs), and other
sensitive devices.
The maintenance technician should conform to the following guidelines when handling ESD
sensitive devices:
1. Always wear a static protection wristband prior to contact with any electrostatic sensitive
2. Ensure that the wristband cable clip is firmly attached to a grounding point.
3. Keep all sensitive components in their protective pouches until required.
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Application Program Interface
Automatic Radar Plotting Aid
Bridge Alert Management
Bridge Control Unit
Closed Circuit Television
Compact Disk Read Only Memory
Core Module
Course Over Ground
Data Acquisition
Electronic Bearing Line
Electronic Chart Display Information System
Electronic Position Fixing System
Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon
Field Service Program
Global Positioning System
Hardened Storage Server
International Electro technical Commission
International Maritime Organization
Integrated Navigation System
Internet Protocol
Liquid Crystal Display
Light Emitting Diode
National Marine Electronic Association
Personal Computer
Protective Memory Capsule
Pulse Repetition Frequency
Power over Ethernet
Power Supply & Switch Unit
Radar Interlay Processor
Read Only Memory
Remotely Operated Vehicle
Signal to Noise and Distortion
Simple Network Time Protocol
Speed Over Ground
Safety of Life at Sea
Secure Sockets Layer
Speed Through Water
Trivial File Transfer Protocol
Underwater Locator Beacon
Uninterruptible Power Supply
Universal Serial Bus
Coordinated Universal Time
Video Cassette Recorder
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Voyage Data Recorder
Video Electronics Standards Association
Very High Frequency
Variable Range Marker
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Announcement of abnormal situations and conditions requiring attention. Alerts are divided in
four priorities: Emergency Alarms, Alarms, warnings and cautions.
High priority of an alert. A condition requiring immediate attention and action, to maintain the
safe navigation and operation of the ship.
Bridge workstation
Position at which a person is expected to be when performing one of the normal bridge duties at,
for example, the following workstations:
• centre line conning.
• bridge wing(s).
• main radar.
• chart table.
• helmsman.
• communication.
Lowest priority of an alert. A condition which does not warrant a CAUTION or warning condition,
but still requires attention and out of the ordinary consideration of the situation or of given
Combined EPIRB/VDR capsule
Single unit which meets all the requirements of a satellite EPIRB (as required by the carriage
requirements of SOLAS IV) and all the requirements of a VDR (as required by the carriage
requirements of SOLAS V).
Configuration Data
Describes the vessel's equipment, its installation on the vessel and its relation to the VDR. The
storage and playback software uses this data to store the data record and to convert the data
record into information that assists casualty investigation during playback.
Any item of information received by the VDR for recording, including numerical values, text and
audio or radar signals and including all configuration data, except where specifically stated or
where the context dictates otherwise.
Dedicated reserve power source
A battery, with suitable automatic charging arrangements, dedicated solely to the VDR. This
battery is contained within the Core Module.
Only authorized batteries, available from Orolia Netwave, are to be used with the NW6000.
Failure to do so, will invalidate certification for the NW6000.
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Fixed recording medium
Part of the Final Recording Medium which is protected against fire, shock, penetration and a
prolonged period on the ocean floor. It is expected to be recovered from the deck of the vessel
that has sunk. It has a means of indicating location.
Float-free recording medium
Part of the Final Recording Medium which should float-free after a sinking. It has a means of
indicating location.
Long-term recording medium
Permanently installed part of the Final Recording Medium. It provides the longest record duration
and a readily accessible interface for downloading the stored data.
A physically separated part within a Unit, i.e. signal adaptor or other (part of) assembly.
Playback equipment
Any data medium with the playback software, the operational instructions and any special parts
required for connecting a commercial-off-the-shelf laptop computer to the VDR.
Playback software
Copy of the software program to provide the capability to download the stored data and play back
the information. The software should be compatible with an operating system available with
commercial-off-the-shelf laptop computers and where non-standard or proprietary formats are
used for storing the data in the VDR, the software should convert the stored data into open industry
standard formats.
Playback system
System including the playback equipment that is capable of downloading and playing back the
recorded data.
Recorder, Voyage Data Recorder, VDR
Complete system, including any items required to interface with the sources of input signals, their
processing and encoding, the final recording medium, the playback equipment, the power supply
and dedicated reserve power source.
Smallest detectable increment between two values.
Signal source, sensor
Any sensor or device external to the VDR, to which the VDR is connected and from which it obtains
signals and data to be recorded.
A physical part of the VDR contained in a separate housing, i.e. CM (Core Module) or BCU (Bridge
Control Unit).
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List of Specifications
NEN-EN-IEC 61996-1: Maritime navigation and radio communication equipment and systems Ship borne voyage data recorder (VDR) -- Part 1: Performance requirements, methods of testing
and required test results (IEC 61996-1:2013, IDT)
IMO A.658(16): Use and fitting of retro-reflective materials on life-saving appliances
IMO A.662(16): Performance standards for float-free release and activation arrangements for
emergency radio equipment
IMO A.694(17): General requirements for ship borne radio equipment forming part of the Global
Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS) and for electronic navigational aids
IMO A.810(19): Performance standards for float-free satellite emergency position-indicating radio
beacons (EPIRBs) operating on 406 MHz
IMO A.830(19):1995, Code on CAUTIONs and indicators
IMO A.861(20): Performance standards for ship borne voyage data recorders (VDRs)
IMO MSC.81(70): Testing of life-saving appliances
IMO MSC.163(78): Performance standards for ship borne simplified voyage data recorders(SVDR).
IMO MSC.333(90): Adaption of revised performance standards for Ship borne Voyage Data
Recorders (VDRs)
Eurocae: ED56A – Minimum operational performance specification (MOPS) for cockpit voice
recorder system
VESA:1996, Video electronics standards association – Discrete monitor timings standard 1.0,
Revision 0.7 (DMTS)
SAE AS8045A: Engineering society for advancing mobility land, sea, air, and space – Minimum
performance standard for underwater locating devices – Acoustic-self-powered
IEC 60068-2-27:1987, Environmental testing – Part 2: Tests – Test Ea and guidance: Shock
IEC 60936-1:1999, Maritime navigation and radio communication equipment and systems – Radar
– Part 1: Ship borne radar – Performance requirements – Methods of testing and required test
IEC 60936-3: Maritime navigation and radio communication equipment and systems – Radar –
Part 3: Ship borne radar with chart facilities – Methods of testing and required test results
IEC 60945:2002, Maritime navigation and radio communication equipment and systems – General
requirements – Methods of testing and required test results
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IEC 61097-2: 2002, Global maritime distress and safety system (GMDSS) – Part 2: COSPAS
SARSAT EPIRB – Satellite emergency position-indicating radio beacon operating on 406 MHz –
Operational and performance requirements, methods of testing and required test results
IEC 61097-7:1996, Global maritime distress and safety system (GMDSS) – Part 7: Ship borne
VHF radiotelephone transmitter and receiver – Operational and performance requirements,
methods of testing and required test results
IEC 61162 (parts 1,2,450), Maritime navigation and radio communication equipment and
systems – Digital interfaces
IEC 61260: Electroacoustics – Octave-band and fractional-octave-band filters
IEC 61672 (all parts), Electroacoustic – Sound level meters
IEC 61993-2, Maritime navigation and radio communication equipment and systems –
Automatic identification systems (AIS) – Part 2: Class A ship borne equipment of the universal
automatic identification systems (AIS) – Operational and performance requirements, methods of
test and required test results
SYSTEMS – Presentation of navigation-related information on ship borne navigational displays –
General requirements, methods of testing and required test results
NEN-EN-IEC 61162-450, (en) Maritime navigation and radio communication
equipment and systems - Digital interfaces - Part 450: Multiple talkers and multiple listeners Ethernet interconnection
VESA: 1996 Video electronics standards association - Discrete monitor timings
standard 1.0, Revision 0.7 (DMTS)
IEC 62923:2018 Maritime navigation and radiocommunication equipment and systems – Bridge
alert management – Part 1 and Part 2.
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IMO guidelines on Voyage Data Recorder ownership and Recovery
1.Ownership of VDR information
The ship owner will, in all circumstances and at all times, own the VDR and its information.
However, in the event of an accident the following guidelines would apply. The owner of the ship
should make available and maintain all decoding instructions necessary to recover the recorded
2.Recovery of VDR and relevant information
Recovery of the VDR is conditional on the accessibility of the VDR or the information contained
2.1. Recovery of the VDR information should be undertaken as soon as possible after an
accident to best preserve the relevant evidence for use by both the investigator1 and the ship
owner. As the investigator is very unlikely to be able to instigate this action soon enough after
the accident, the owner must be responsible, through its on-board standing orders, for ensuring
the timely preservation of this evidence.
2.2. In the case of abandonment of a vessel during an emergency, masters should, where time
and other responsibilities permit, take the necessary steps to preserve the VDR information
until it can be passed to the investigator.
2.3. Where the VDR is inaccessible and the information has not been retrieved prior to
abandonment, a decision will need to be taken by the flag State in co-operation with any other
substantially interested States on the viability and cost of recovering the VDR balanced against
the potential use of the information. If it is decided to recover the VDR the investigator should
be responsible for coordinating its recovery. The possibility of the capsule having sustained
damage must be considered and specialist expertise will be required to ensure the best chance
of recovering and preserving the evidence. In addition, the assistance and co-operation of the
owners, insurers and the manufacturers of the VDR and those of the protective capsule may be
3.Custody of VDR information
In all circumstances, during the course of an investigation, the investigator should have custody
of the original VDR information in the same way that the investigator would have custody of other
records or evidence under the Code for the Investigation of Marine Casualties and Incidents.
3.1. The term investigator refers to the Marine Casualty Investigator as per the terms of the
Code for Investigation of Marine Casualties and Incidents.
3.2. Refer to paragraph 4.11 of the Code for the Investigation of Marine Casualties and
Incidents, as adopted by resolution A.849(20).
3.4. In all circumstances the investigator is responsible to arrange downloading and read-out of
the information and should keep the ship owner fully informed. In some cases, the assistance
of specialist expertise may be required.
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4.Access to the VDR information
4.1 A copy of the VDR information must be provided to the ship owner at an early stage in all
4.2 Further access to the information will be governed by the applicable domestic legislation of
the flag State, coastal State and other substantially interested States as appropriate and the
guidelines given in the Code for the Investigation of Marine Casualties and Incidents.
4.3 Any disclosure of VDR information should be in accordance with section 10 of the Code for
the Investigation of Marine Casualties and Incidents.
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Service request
In case there are difficulties and assistance is required please perform an Operational
Performance Test as described in the chapter ‘Routine maintenance’ (Operator and maintenance
Please download the data set as described in ‘Download data set from the VDR system’ (Operator
and maintenance manual) and send the following files to [email protected] so
Netwave Systems can assist in fault finding.
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Part 1: Installation manual
1. Specification sheet
(H x D x W)
Core module
484 x 450 x 45
- PSU (110/230 Vac, 50/60 Hz) / 100
- Includes mains filter
- Built-in UPS
- 10 port switch (8 x PoE, 2 x Non-PoE)
- CPU unit with min. 30 days storage
mount frame
and cover
744 x 464 x 115
(excl. core
- Internal wiring
- External RJ45 connector bank
Control Unit
150 x 100 x 134
(Internal &
70 x 83 x 83
Audio Hub
35 x 152 x 106
180 x 87 x 47
411 x 311
Float Free
533 x 240 x 218
182 x 232 x 436
(subject to 1
- 7 module
38 x 240 x 184
Powered from Core module thru PoE
4” touch color screen
Panel mounted with frame (IP20)
Powered from Audio Hub
LED identification light
Powered using PoE
Bulkhead mounted
Powered using PoE
2 line-in
Interface for microphones
Bulkhead mounted (IP20)
Powered thru PoE from core module
Deck mounted protective capsule for
48 days (IP68)
90 day under water locator beacon
Powered thru PoE from core module
Includes 3m maritime CAT-6 cable
Bulkhead mounted in protective
cover for 48 days storage (IP67)
Powered thru PoE from core module
DIN rail mounted interface
NMEA (up to 38k4) (multiple 8 port)
Digital sensors (multiple 8 port)
Analogue sensors (multiple 4 port)
Additional 24 Vdc power Input/Output
For non-networked video
4 channels video
Bulkhead/DIN rail mounting
24 VDC / 12 watt
Orolia Netwave recommends maritime CAT-6 ethernet cable for connecting all units to
the core module switch.
Complete system runs from 110 (60Hz) to 230 Vac (50 Hz) through the core module.
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2. Introduction
2.1 Overview
The Voyage Data Recorder (as required by Chapter V of the International Convention for Safety
of Life at Sea (SOLAS taking into account the IMO resolutions), records the outputs from sensors
(connected external equipment of which the outputs need to be recorded) and ultimately passes
the data to three physically separated Final Recoding Media (fixed, float-free and long-term) so
that the data can be recovered and played back.
The purpose of the VDR system is to record (on multiple storage media) the data originating from
various types of sensors. This may be digital, analogue, serial, audio or video information directly
originating from ship’s equipment with an Ethernet output compliant to the IEC61162-450 LWE
standard, (and for radar IEC 62388:2007) or originating from similar sensor equipment with the
use of an intermediate interface as part of the VDR system.
The VDR’s Core Module receives and processes any item of information received from the
sensors (directly or via an interface) and distributes that data, which is monitored for integrity and
compressed, to all Final Recording Media consisting of the Fixed Recording Medium, the FloatFree Recording Medium, and the Long Term Recording Medium.
Where Units are described in this manual, data transfer between the Core Module (CM) and these
unit is IEC61162-4501 (LWE: Lightweight ethernet) compliant where practical. The same standard
serves to interface to any other compliant equipment beyond the domain of the VDR itself.
Where external (to the VDR) sensors do not provide data in the IEC 61162-450 or IEC62238
(radar Ethernet) format, interfaces are required and available as an integral part of the VDR.
A very basic example may be a GPS with a serial IEC61162 (NMEA) output which requires a
conversion to the IEC61162-450 (LWE standard) before it is sent onto the VDR network.
IEC 61162-450 Maritime navigation and radio communication equipment and systems -Digital interfaces - Part
450: Multiple talkers and multiple listeners - Ethernet interconnection
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2.2 Architecture
This particular VDR is characterized by a distributed data acquisition and conversion model which
allows data to be acquired close to the sensor, converted into the LWE standard within the
interface (i.e. NW 6410 WaveNet Buscoupler in conjunction with NW 64208 NMEA adaptor) unit
or VDR sensor (i.e. microphone) and stored onto multiple recording media.
Since most data is converted and formatted within the interface or sensor itself, CPU processing
or overhead within the Core module is relatively low which enhances the system’s stability.
This architecture allows for flexible configuration and maximum scalability.
Figure 5.1.1 System overview
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2.3 Interfacing
Provided sensors are connected and configured to be recorded. Th following (minimum) data is
stored (line numbers refer to IEC61996-1:2013).
4.6.1 Date and time
4.6.2 Ship’s position
4.6.3 Speed
4.6.4 Heading
4.6.5 Bridge audio
4.6.6 Communications audio
4.6.7 Radar data
4.6.8 ECDIS
4.6.9 Echo sounder
4.6.10 Main CAUTIONs
4.6.11 Rudder order and response
4.6.12 Engine and thruster order and response
4.6.13 Hull openings (doors) status
4.6.14 Watertight and fire door status
4.6.15 Accelerations and hull stresses
4.6.16 Wind speed and direction
4.6.17 AIS
4.6.18 Rolling motion
4.6.19 Configuration data
2.4 Power failure
All available data is recorded until ship’s power to the VDR fails, and from then only selected data
(bridge audio) is recorded for a further two hours after which recording stops automatically.
2.5 Network protocols and IP address ranges incl. LWE
Network protocol requirements.
The VDR implements IPv4 and supports for the following specific network protocols:
– Address Resolution Protocol
– Internet Protocol
– User datagram Protocol
– Internet Control Message Protocol
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2.5.1 IP address for assignment
The VDR network is configurable with an address range of to with a
16-bit network address mask.
The assigned IP address is fixed during normal operation of the VDR, including powering the
equipment down and up.
The VDR does not rely on (external) DHCP functionality and to overcome IP-address conflicts,
caution must be observed not to connect a DHCP server (with the same IP range enabled) into
the (VDR) network.
This VDR uses the following (default) IP addresses.
Core module
Data acquisition devices
Video interfaces*
Reserved for future use
(subnet mask:
*networks outside this range are also permissible and are detected during the initial probe. It is
not required to set the IP address of an LWE source to be within the VDR network
2.5.2 Specifications for video using Light Weight Ethernet (IEC-61162-450)
This VDR is prepared for recording of video, using the IEC-61162-450 standard. Connection of
video devices, using this protocol, can be achieved using the Ethernet ports on the switch.
Available IP and port range:
Maximum datagram input rate, per second and with a maximum size of 1472 bytes each:
For processing by the VDR: 4096 datagrams
Received but not intended for the VDR: 8192 datagrams
Received but not intended for the VDR (50% performance rate): 4096 datagrams
All errors can be viewed in the appropriate logs and are available via the BCU (error log) and via
download of the Long-Term Storage medium (coremod log, error log, lwe-sys log).
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All logs are also stored on the Fixed and Float Free Recording mediums, however it needs to be
considered that a download of minimal 14 hours needs to be made (without interruption), to be
sure to have these files available. Files are synchronized with the external storage media upon
change, therewith it is ensured to have the correct data stored at the (F)FRM at all times.
Netwave supports the MSM and SBM message types.
2.6 Multicast address range
The range to is reserved for current and future use in the application
layer protocols however the VDR does not use multicast addresses in the range to
2.6.1 UDP multicast protocol
Senders and receivers use the UDP protocol as defined by ISOC RFC 768.
2.6.2 Use of multicast addresses and port numbers
Port numbers are allocated from the Dynamic Port range that IANA has reserved for dynamic
and/or private port numbers (range 49152 to 65535, inclusive).
Any port-numbers used may be derived from the VDR configuration utility.
2.7 Cabling requirements
The VDR hardware platform is completely reliant on Ethernet and it is therefore of the utmost
importance that the installation cabling is within the technical specifications.
2.8 Minimum requirements
Minimum requirements for the Ethernet cable.
CAT6/7 4 pair S/FTP cable with individual pair foils and an overall braid, preferably fully compliant
with the category 7 standards. Its bandwidth and performances must extend to 1000MHz.
Cable must meet the electrical and mechanical requirements of the shipping industry.
2.9 Termination
When terminated i.e. to LANmark-7 GG45 connectors it meets the Class F requirements (ISO/IEC
11801:2002). It enables to reach the full bandwidth on the link and secures the future proofing of
the installation. When used with LANmark-6 Cat. 6 connectivity, optimal headroom to 250MHz
Class E performance must be ensured.
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Cable recommendation
To provide optimal shielding maritime CAT.7 S/FTP 23 AWG LSFROH SHF1 is preferred which
is specifically suited for installation on board ships and sea movable constructions, has a high
shielding performance and can withstand harsh environments.
Cable length max. 100m* unless otherwise specified in cable diagram.
Cable screen must be grounded unless otherwise specified on connection diagram.
*Length is measured from cable entrance/socket to cable entrance/socket.
All equipment to be grounded with 6mm2 wire unless otherwise specified.
Core Identification:
For compatibility with above cable types following applies:
BU - blue
NC - neutral color: white or black or transparent
If applicable, only for FMKHC 2x2x0.75 use conversion table:
1BU 1NC 2BU 2NC -
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3. Installation guideline
The planning and installation shall be carried out in the following steps:
Determine which shipboard equipment (sensors) need to be connected, considering the
relevant IMO resolutions.
Determine which ports from the various units (adaptors) are required to acquire the data
from these sensors.
Determine where the units are to be positioned to minimize the cable length between them.
Carry out the physical installation, interconnect the units by means of an Ethernet cable.
Maximum length of Ethernet cable is 100 m.
Maximum length of cable between digital microphones < 15 m up to a total of max. 100 m.
Maximum length of cable between Audio Hub and an analogue microphone is 150m.
Check for external power requirements (i.e. 24V for video module).
VDR is provided with ample grounding points. Please ensure that these grounding points
are being used according standard installation practices.
Power the VDR and name the recording channels which are to be recorded.
Enter the compulsory vessel data.
Name the recording channels.
Adjust the video settings.
Check the recorded data against the settings by means of the replay software.
Complete the file downloads as per the Annual Performance documentation and the
commissioning report and send this to the manufacturer to obtain valid certificates and
warranty. This information provided should at least contain:
Overview drawings of the Bridge/wheelhouse
Wiring connection drawing from sensors with identifiers
Configuration files
Data samples as per documentation
Photographs of installed units and cabling/connections
Vidchan files (Video configuration when video module is applied)
NW6000-90 VDR Commissioning PT and TA Certificates
TRON40 programming report
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4. System components
The VDR consists of the following main Units:
VDR Core Module (19” enclosure)
CM 100W Power Module
CM 160W Power Module
CM Network Module
CM CPU Module
4x 6V 12Ah SLA battery
Mains EMC Filter
CM bulkhead enclosure
Bridge Control Unit
Microphone Interior and Exterior rated IP67
Audio hub – 6 audio ports
VHF Audio Interface
Video Interface 4 channel
FRM Float Free Capsule Jotron TRON 40
FRM (Final Recording Medium) fixed SS Capsule
FRM PoE Splitter Box f. HVR04
WaveNet Buscoupler
Serial/NMEA 8 CH adaptor
Serial/NMEA 16 CH adaptor
Digital 8 CH adaptor
Digital 16 CH adaptor
Digital 24 CH adaptor
Analogue 4 CH adaptor
Analogue 8 CH adaptor
Analogue 12 CH adaptor
DIN enclosure for DAQ adaptors
These modules/parts are integrated (exchangeable) within the Core Module
These modules/parts are optional
The quantity and characteristics of these adaptors are dependent on the final
configuration of the VDR specific to each vessel.
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5. NW6000 VDR Core Module (19” enclosure)
5.1 General
Fitted on or near the bridge, this unit is designed for 19” rack- or bulkhead mounting in a protected
environment. The actual siting of the equipment is generally shown on the approved compartment
layout for the ship. Cable entry facilities have been provided to accommodate the ship’s cabling
that is connected to this unit. Ensure adequate space is provided for ventilation, cable access and
maintenance access.
The Core Module integrates 3 functions from 3 independent modules being (from left to right in
figure above) power supply (UPS), data-switch, and CPU (central processing unit). These modules
are interconnected via a backplane within the enclosure.
The batteries required for the Uninterruptable Power Supply (the dedicated reserve power as per
IEC61996-1:2013) are included within this enclosure. The batteries are accessible by removing
the top cover of the unit. The batteries need to be replaced every two years.
5.2 Location and mounting
Determine the location of the CM, allowing space for wiring to enter the cabinet and batteries to
be replaced, as well as connectors to be accessible.
The Core Module may be placed on the bridge, within the bridge console or external thereto, or in
any technical room in the vicinity of the ship’s bridge provided adequate protection against
environmental conditions is provided as follows:
-15 to +55 C. (storage +70 C.)
max. 60% relative humidity (at 40 C.)
If the bulkhead-mounting enclosure is used, mount the bracket with your choice of bolts supplied
with the unit. Make sure the bracket is mounted with the slotted holes in the correct vertical
direction. Make sure it is horizontal.
Keep 50 mm of free space above the bracket to provide sufficient ventilation for this unit.
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Slide the CM into the cabinet or
bulkhead enclosure by making use of
the hinges and screw/tighten the 2
bolts at the back to secure the unit.
Connect the Ground stud to a
suitable safety ground.
5.3 Power Supply
The CM is powered from 110-230Vac (+/- 10%) 50 Hz to 60Hz with a maximum frequency
deviation of 5% (IEC60945).
The power consumption is rated at maximum of 100W for the entire VDR system, thus including
all PoE (power over Ethernet) connections (up to 15.4W each). Total power from PoE is limited to
65W. This power consumption does not include any devices external to the VDR where these
must be powered individually from the ship’s power source.
Mains power cables: type: 3-core mains, 3x1,5 mm2, braided, flame retardant, halogen free. The
power-connector and cable are provided within the standard scope of supply and indication for
the position for the L (Brown), N (Blue) and GND (Yellow/Green) connections are also indicated
within the plug-connector.
The leads must be connected to the supply as follows.
The 3 leads (L, N, GND) must have a minimal diameter of 2,0 mm2 or AWG14.
To meet EMC compliance for IEC 60945 the supply into the NW6000 must use a series
connected mains filter. The NW6000-050 Mains Filter adapter is provided for this purpose with
all NW6000 core modules.
On the Power Supply Module, 2 LEDs are provided indicating the presence of mains (110/230
Vac nominal range) as well as the readiness of the internal UPS (Uninterruptable Power Supply)
which includes the charge state of the batteries within the Core Module.
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When the LED’s are lit, following status is indicated:
Green LED (steady) main power supply is provided
Green LED (flashing) main power not available, system on battery power
Yellow LED
battery power < 22 Vdc
The PSU also contains the ability to completely power down the system and isolate the
batteries, required on some installations where the vessel is laid up for long periods. This can be
achieved without having to dismantle the core module if using the optional NW6000-160 PSU
(PSU v2).
To isolate the batteries…
1) Remove the bulkhead cover.
If this is not being used, you need to be able to access the front of the core module
where the PSU module is exposed.
2) Switch off the mains at the mains inlet socket on the PSU.
3) For PSU v1 option slide out the power module.
For PSU v2 option, using a pen or small screwdriver, push in the battery isolation switch
to completely power down the system.
The system can be powered up again using the mains ON/OFF switch on the PSUv2 or reinserting the PSU v1 module.
5.4 Ethernet
The Core module has 10x Ethernet ports out of which 8 provide PoE.
A patch cable between the CM CPU module and the CM data switch must be present at all
The LEDs on the left side of the data
switch connectors indicate whether
or not PoE(Power over Ethernet ) is
provided to the device connected to
each individual port whereas the
individual Ethernet ports each have
a green and yellow LED.
Ethernet link not established.
Either the RJ-45 cable is unplugged or
defective; the nodes on the LAN are switched
Ethernet link properly established.
No traffic detected on the Ethernet.
(pulsing): LED glows each time an Ethernet
packet (originating from/directed to any node on
the Ethernet) is detected.
Please ensure to mount all ferrites supplied with individual
product that use the PoE port.
Please refer to the connection diagram on the following page.
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IP rating
16,5 kg
3 x 2,5 mm2
to Bridge Alarm
Management System
- do not remove -
CMF 1.11-1.12
NOTE: Ports CMF 1.1-1.8 are (auto sensing) PoE 802.3af compliant and may also be used without PoE requirement
CMF 1.12 DATA (IEC61996-1:2013) or to bridge network (fail-over)
CMF 1.10 optional to bridge network / DATA port (IEC61196-1:2013 (SR.3)
CMF 1.1 - to Fixed Capsule Final Recording Medium (drawing N6-1.3) (SR.1)
CMF 1.2 - to Free Floating Final Recording Medium (drawing N6-1.5) (SR.1)
CMF 1.3 - to Bridge Control Unit / Bridge Display Unit (drawingN6-1.4)
CMF 1.4 - to DAQ Data Acquisition Modular System (drawing N6-1.8) (SR.1)
CMF 1.5 - (optional) sensor data i.e. DAQ / IEC61162-450 (LWE) / IEC62338 (PoE 802.3af)
CMF 1.6 - (optional) sensor data i.e. DAQ / IEC61162-450 (LWE) / IEC62338 (PoE 802.3af)
CMF 1.7 - (optional) sensor data i.e. DAQ / IEC61162-450 (LWE) / IEC62338 (PoE 802.3af)
CMF 1.8 - (optional) sensor data i.e. DAQ / IEC61162-450 (LWE) / IEC62338 (PoE 802.3af)
CMF 1.1-1.10
5.5 Contacts
The CM Power modules also serves to provide an external CAUTION contact which must be
connected to a central CAUTION system, when present on the ship.
The following contacts are provided:
During normal operational mode of the VDR (without any CAUTIONs internal to the VDR) the
CAUTION relay is held energized (by the VDRs Central Processing Unit) and the CAUTION
contacts are closed.
If the VDR presents an error or (power) fails, the contacts will open to their default (NO). This
allows remote CAUTION (Bridge Alarm) management systems to register the VDR (internal!)
The VDR CAUTION does not reflect any CAUTIONs external to the VDR itself (i.e. of sensors or
equipment connected thereto).
5.6 Data communications
The CM fully relies on Ethernet connections to the other (sensor) devices which must be
IEC61162-450 or IEC62388 compliant and provide data within the VDRs specified
(commissioned) IP-range (refer to Network configuration).
The CM has 8 x 10/100 TX PoE port and two 10/100/1000TX uplink ports, delivering 802.3af
compliant PoE @48V. The total power budget is 65W with max. 15.4W per port.
The CM has two gigabit Ethernet ports for larger uplink bandwidth one of which is to be connected
to the CM’s CPU module.
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5.7 Indicators
Each network-port provides Link and Activity LEDs.
Green LED
Link speed (Green LED);
The LED is on when there is a link connection,
otherwise, the LED is off.
Yellow LED
LED is flashing when there is activity on the link.
Otherwise, the LED is off.
5.8 Errors
If errors occur within the Core Module these will be indicated on the display of the Bridge Control
5.9 Operating instructions
After commissioning of the VDR system, this unit does not require (crew) operating instructions.
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6. NW6010 Bridge Control Unit
6.1 General
The Bridge Control Unit (BCU) serves both as an interface for serial/NMEA data as well to display
the operational status and provide user functionality like, but not limited to, operational
performance tests.
6.2 Location and mounting
The BCU may be mounted in a protected environment at any convenient location considering the
compass safe distance as indicated on the unit.
Prepare the location by cutting out a rectangle of 130x80 mm as well as 4 smaller rectangles as
per the drawing below.
Tip: Use the metal frame supplied to mark the cut-outs to be made.
Secure the metal frame to the console or panel with 4 self-tapping screws (supplied) and insert
the BCU unit until the back of the BCU aluminum front panel and the metal mounting frame are
flush. The snappers supplied will secure the unit into the panel to which the BCU is fitted.
130 x 80 mm
4 x M3 self-tapping screws or equiv.
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6.3 Power
This unit has 1x 100 TX PoE port, receiving 802.3af compliant PoE @48V. The total power budget
is 3.6 Watts. This device fully relies on the Ethernet PoE supplied from the Core Module without
which it will not operate.
6.4 Connections
The BCU allows for up to 3x NMEA (IEC61162-2) serial ports to be connected and recorded to
the VDRs Core Module. These will typically be used i.e. for GPS, AIS, etc. Data rates supplied
are up to 38k4 for all ports.
The BCU provides an Auxiliary CAUTION relay with a contact rating of 28V DC, 200mA max.
During correct functioning of the VDR, the relay contacts are in the NO position. When a CAUTION
condition occurs or the VDR loses its power, the NC position is valid. (NC=normally closed,
CO=COMMON contact, NO=normally open).
NMEA connections to the BCU are to be connected as follows.
Data rate
NMEA channel 1 A
NMEA channel 1 B
NMEA channel 1 Common
4k8 ~ 38k4
NMEA channel 2 A
NMEA channel 2 B
NMEA channel 2 Common
NMEA channel 3 A
NMEA channel 3 B
NMEA channel 3 Common
Following sentences are supported.
Date and time
Ship’s position and datum used
Speed (water and/or ground)
Heading (true)
Heading (magnetic)
Depth (echo sounder)
Rudder order/response manual
Rudder order/response automatic
Engine order/response
Hull openings, watertight doors
Accelerations and hull stress
Wind speed and direction
VDR alert output
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Type & Serial number
N1 ~~~~~~~~ N9
Serial / NMEA
Fig. 6.4 Bridge Control Unit interfacing connections (back view)
6.5 Data communications
The Bridge Control Unit fully relies on Ethernet connections to Core Module and has to be
configured within the VDRs specified (commissioned) IP-range (refer to Network configuration).
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6.6 Indicators
The BCU has 1 LED to indicate that the power supplied to it is present, in other words, at least a
PoE link is established to the core module. In the event the LED is illuminated (steady, green), the
video display on the unit must work.
Additionally, each network-port provides Link and Activity LEDs on the rear of the unit with the
following status indications ....
Link speed (Green LED)
The LED is on when there is a link connection.
Otherwise, the LED is off.
Activity (Yellow LED)
The LED is flashing when there is activity on the link.
Otherwise, the LED is off.
6.7 Errors
Error indication: in the event the LED on the back side of the unit is ON, the display is illuminated
and showing text (buttons), but no valid (UTC) time is presented on the display, the data-link to
the core module is not functional at that time. All other errors are presented on the display.
The BCU provides an Auxiliary CAUTION relay of which the (dry) contact rating is 28V DC, 200mA
max. During a correct functioning of the VDR, the relay contacts are in the NO position. When a
CAUTION condition occurs or the VDR loses its power, the NC position is valid. (NC=normally
closed, CO=COMMON contact, NO=normally open).
6.8 Configuration
IEC61162-2 serial ports (3 off) speeds must be set during commissioning time. Please refer to
chapter ‘Connecting to the VDR for configuration of the system’.
6.9 Operating instructions
The BCU is equipped with a touch screen display with day and night display mode.
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7. NW6060 VHF / Audio Interface
7.1 General
The NW6060 VHF/ Audio-interface allows interfacing functions for up to two VHF audio channels.
This primary function serves to gather audio (line-in) information from the VHF communications
equipment. characteristics.
Location and mounting
This interface may be placed in a protected environment at a location most practical to realize the
7.2 Power supply
This is powered using PoE.
7.3 Connections
1. The NW6060 VHF / Audio Interface is connected to any of the PoE ports on the Core
Module Core Module (CMF 1-8) by means of an Ethernet cable.
2. The NW6060 VHF / Audio Interface is connected to the VHF equipment by means of the
VHF1 & 2 (line level) ports as follows:
V1 VHF1 signal +
V2 VHF1 gnd
V3 VHF1 signal –
V4 VHF2 signal +
V5 VHF2 gnd
V6 VHF2 signal –
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7.4 Data communications
The unit fully relies on Ethernet connections to the Core module devices which must be IEC61162450 compliant and the unit provides (audio) data within the VDRs specified (commissioned) IPrange (refer to Network configuration).
7.5 Indicators
7.6 Errors
If errors occur within the interface these will be indicated on the display of the Bridge Control Unit.
7.7 Configuration
The individual VHF channel IP-addresses must be set during commissioning time. Please refer to
VDR Configuration functions.
7.8 Operating instructions
After commissioning of the VDR system, this unit does not require (crew) operating instructions.
7.9 Testing VHF Radios procedure
To test the VHF audio, a short broadcast must be completed.
NOTE: When broadcasting on VHF, ensure that no transmissions are made that could be
confused with anything other than a test transmission.
The voice test should be performed from another VHF radio (VHF2) so that you are now testing
the Rx signal recording of VHF1 and say the words “Test VHF1 Receive” followed by a voice
count from 1 to 5 (or 10) and reverse the count back to 1, finishing the transmission with words
“Test Out”.
To test the VHF recording is as follows:
1. Check the VHF wire connection to the VDR to ensure it is correct.
2. Transmit the voice test as described above. A normal voice procedure is to say the words:
“Test VHF1 Transmit”, Count from 1 to 10 and reverse the count back to 1, Finish the
transmission with words “Test Out”.
NOTE: When transmitting, ensure that the VHF is switched to a channel that cannot be
confused with any local distress or working frequencies
3. Note test time.
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4. Use a second VHF radio (not connected to VDR) to broadcast a second test on the same
frequency to ensure that the audio received is recorded correctly. Again, note the time of
the broadcast and receipt test.
5. Download a small data set using the VDR Player software.
6. Playback the data to ensure both transmit and receive data is recorded properly.
It is advised that you combine live microphone sound/recording test with the VHF sound/recording
test while you have all NMEA devices turned on as well as radar screen active (at least in STBY.
Mode) so that your recording contains everything possible connected to the VDR.
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8. NW6030 Analogue Microphones
8.1 General
The analogue microphones are constructed from sea-water resistant materials with the main
housing being durable anodized aluminum. There is one type which may be used in both a
protected (internal) and unprotected (external) environment.
As the name suggests the interface to the microphone is analogue and uses a differential
analogue driver to send the audio signal to the Audio Hub (NW6031) for further processing
before sending this to the VDR over a PoE connection.
These microphones connect, via the NW6031 Audio Hub interface which provides power,
directly into the VDR Ethernet network.
IEC 61996 compliant in conjunction with the NW6031
Audio Hub
IEC60945 compliant
Single model for interior and exterior (IP66)
Can be flush or surface mounted
Powered from the NW6031 Audio Hub
Differential analogue output
On-board microphone and sound test capability
Green LED indicator for location and audio test indication
8.2 Location and mounting
One or more microphones positioned on the bridge (wings) must be placed such that conversation
at or near the conning stations, radar displays, chart tables, etc. may be adequately recorded.
As far as is practicable, the positioning of microphones shall also capture the input and output of
intercom, public address systems and the audible CAUTIONs on the bridge (bridge mounted
For recording purposes, the bridge is divided into recording areas. The number of recording areas
determines the number of microphones required. The number of microphones plus the number of
VHF inputs equals the number of audio channels recorded.
Microphones are omni-directional with a radius of 4m.
Microphones should be located above bridge workstations indoor and outdoor. The placement
of the bridge microphones requires careful planning as recordings must meet IEC 61996 and
the MSC.163(78) requirements.
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The total maximum cable distance between microphone and Audio Hub (NW6031) is 150m.
The microphone housings are provided with three mounting holes. The screw cover supplied with
the NW6030 can be used to cover these. Please ensure that the additional rubber seal is added
before placing the screw cover; this enables easier removal of the screw cover cap if necessary,
during the service life of the microphone.
The rubber seals provided with the microphones are used to minimize vibrations being carried into
the microphones as well as providing a barrier between metals of different materials thus
minimizing the effects of corrosion.
Insert the top housing including microphone print, connect the cables and fix with screws on the
Figure 8.2.1 Outline of NW6030 for surface mounting
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The following shows the mounting dimensions for the NW6030:
8.3 Power
The microphones fully rely on the Audio Hub (NW6031) interfaces. This provides a separately
controlled power supply voltage to each microphone.
Power for the microphone is provided via the NW6031 Audio Hub.
This is a controlled power source used to achieve audio testing.
External power supplies cannot be used with the microphones as the 12h periodic
operational audio test will no longer operate.
8.4 Connections
To minimize cabling efforts and cost, the microphones must be individually connected to the
NW6031 Audio Hub.
Only one microphone can be connected to an NW6031 Audio Hub channel.
Paralleling of microphones into Audio Hub channels is prohibited and will result in the
microphone test failing and potentially may damage the electronics in the microphone
Please see NW6031 Audio Hub for wiring details.
8.5 Audio Signals
Audio signals are amplified by an internal amplifier within a microphone. These are then connected
to the NW6031 audio input enabling the analogue signals to be sampled and processed on the
Audio Hub before being sent back to the VDR for recording purposes.
The output data format is IEC61162-450 (LWE) compliant so that no further data manipulation or
compression is required within the Core Module.
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8.6 Indicator
Each microphone has a green led built within the enclosure which is only visible and may be
controlled during commissioning and (operational performance) testing.
The microphone contains an internal buzzer which is used during audio testing. This sounds
when the green led is ON and is normally OFF.
8.7 Errors
If errors occur these will be indicated on the display of the Bridge Control Unit.
8.8 Configuration
The microphone adopts the input that the microphone is connected to on the NW6031 Audio
Hub. For example, Input 1 will have the description “AudioHub PN4001 Channel 1” when the
system is probed initially.
8.9 Operating instructions
After commissioning of the VDR system, the microphone does not require (crew) operating
instructions. Microphone tests may be performed manually from the Bridge Control Unit.
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9. NW6031 Audio Hub
9.1 General
The Audio Hub is contained in an extruded aluminum housing. The NW6031 Audio Hub is
powered from and communicates with the NW6000 using PoE. The audio hub provides 6 audio
input channels which are simultaneously sampled. Digital processing used within the hub to
convert sampled analogue data for communications back to the NW6000 over the PoE
communications port.
IEC 61996 compliant inputs for use with NW6030
Analogue Microphones
IEC60945 compliant
Powered from the NW6000 over PoE
Each channel independently programmable for either
NW6031 or VHF inputs.
9.2 Location and mounting
One or more NW6031Audio Hubs may be used
with the NW6000. The NW6030 requires a PoE
connection with a maximum cable distance from
the NW6000 of 100m
The total maximum cable distance between
microphone and Audio Hub (NW6031) is 150m.
The audio hub uses pluggable terminal blocks for
connecting to audio sources to be recorded. The
NW6030 Analogue Microphone can be located
150m away from the audio hub.
The NW6030 is required to be located in a
protected environment using the mounting points
are indicated in the outline drawing.
9.3 Power
The power budget for the NW6031 with 6x
NW6030 analogue microphones is 4W.
No external power supply is required for use with the NW6030 or NW6031 as the NW6000
provides power to both via the NW6031 Audio Hub.
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9.4 Connections
The NW6031 audio hub inputs support the NW6031 Analogue Microphone and is wired as
The inputs are individually configurable to receive audio data from a VHF transceiver VDR
interface and are wired as follows:
Note: Connections to microphones also require using the provided ferrite
clamps on both ends of cable. Cable needs to be looped as indicated in the
9.5 Indicator
The NW6031 has no external indicators apart from the PoE indicators on the RJ45 socket.
Link speed (Green LED)
The LED is on when there is a link connection.
Otherwise, the LED is off.
Activity (Yellow LED)
The LED is flashing when there is activity on the link.
Otherwise, the LED is off.
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9.6 Errors
If errors occur these will be indicated on the display of the Bridge Control Unit.
9.7 Configuration
NW6031 Audio Hub IP-addresses must be set during commissioning time. Please refer to VDR
Configuration functions.
All inputs default to NW6031 Analogue Microphone input by default after probing for the first time.
These can be changed via the configurator for VHF inputs if required.
9.8 Operating instructions
After commissioning of the VDR system, the NW6031 Audio Hub does not require (crew) operating
Operational input testing (Microphone or VHF functions) tests may be performed manually from
the Bridge Control Unit.
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10. NW6044 Video Interface (option)
Where radars or ECDIS systems do not provide an Ethernet port (compliant to IEC61162-450 or
the IEC62388 radar video standard) and thus capable of broadcasting their information onto the
VDR network, this optional video interface module may be deployed to capture RGB, RGBHV,
Monochrome, and composite video information from radars, video cameras, ECDIS, and other
video sources.
This interface has 4 input ports for capturing images from a dedicated buffered output port of the
video source. The module digitizes the video signal and then outputs the video data through an
Ethernet port. Video modules can be configured for up to 4 inputs, enabling the VDR to capture
and record images from the primary radar plus up to 3 additional video sources. During installation
of the interface, the video system must be configured to accept each source’s video resolution,
interlacing, refresh rate, etc.
With each video interface a USB memory stick is provided with the Video Configuration Suite
(VCS2) application which must be used to configure the video interface before it is connected to
the CM.
Information about the settings is gathered from the <VidChanX.ini> file (based on its
VIDEOFORMAT entry information.) which is stored within the CM (core module)
If more than 1 source is specified by the MAXSOURCES entry, then Control Input/Output
connector signals are used to indicate the currently active source. The video signal configuration
is read, and a new image is captured. If the system is configured for 2 or more video channels,
then the next channel in the sequence is selected.
If the video module fails to capture an image because there is no video signal (i.e., radar is
OFF), an entry is made in the error log within the CM. However, this failure will not generate
a video (error) caution on the BCU. A video (error) caution is only triggered when a failure
is detected in the video capture hardware (i.e. bad or unpowered video module or Ethernet
cable path failure.
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Location and mounting
When only one video channel is connected to the video module, the module is often mounted in
the bottom cabinet of the source radar. When more than a single display needs to be recorded a
practical location must be found considering minimal cable length between the (i.e. radar / ECDIS)
displays and the interface. The Video Module is designed to be mounted on two rows of 35mm
“Top Hat” style DIN Rail, two strips of DIN Rail must be installed. The module is held in place with
clips on the back.
NOTE: The DIN Rail is NOT supplied with the Video Module.
Figure 10.2.1 - Video Module DIN Rail Clips
Alternative mounting method would be to remove the 4 DIN Rail clips from the back of the Video
Module and use 2 strips of high-quality heavy-duty Velcro (not supplied) to attach the Video
Module to a clean and dry prepared surface within the radar cabinet.
The Video Module must be grounded firmly to the ship using the ground stud on the rear of
the module. This grounding must be done regardless of which mounting method is chosen by
the installer.
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Power supply
The NW6044 requires an external 24Vdc power supply. The ship’s 24Vdc (emergency) power
supply and be used if desired. The DC power supply connector sits next to the Ethernet port on
the unit.
The Video Module is connected to the CM (core module) via an Ethernet cable.
Video Module Front Panel Connection
10-30 VDC+
10-30 VDCRJ45 connector
Input power positive (ship)
Input power negative (ship)
Ethernet Connection to CM
Table 9.4. A - Video Module Front Panel Connection
Video Module Back Panel Connection
Channel 1 Video DB-15HD input
Channel 2 Video DB-15HD input
Channel 3 Video DB-15HD input
Channel 4 Video DB-15HD input
Table 9.4.B - Video Module Back Panel Connection
In cases where the video module is not co-located with its video source the following video cable
types are recommended to bridge the distance between video sources and the video module:
1. 75-ohm Coaxial cable - RG11 for cable lengths > 30m
a. Reference: FLAMEX RG11AU
b. Type: Marine Grade – Low Smoke, Halogen Free, Fire Retardant
c. Approval: ABS, BV, DNV, GL, LRS or RINA
2. 75-ohm Coaxial cable – RG6 for cable lengths < 30m
a. Reference: FLAMEX RG11AU
b. Type: Marine Grade – Low Smoke, Halogen Free, Fire Retardant
c. Approval: ABS, BV, DNV, GL, LRS or RINA
3. 75-ohm Coaxial cable – RG-59 for cable lengths < 10m
The above cables must be converted to a 15-Pin Male VGA Plug at the Video Module end using
a manufactured BNC to VGA cable assembly and possibly BNC F/F Unions to connect to the
Video Module input.
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We recommend the above specifications. Alternative cables may be suitable for installations.
Contact us for verification before using cabling other than that specified in the table above.
Data communications
The unit fully relies on Ethernet connection to the Core module which must be within the VDRs
specified (commissioned) IP-range (refer to 2.5 Network configuration).
Link speed (Green LED):
The LED is on when there is a link connection.
Otherwise, the LED is off.
Activity (Yellow LED)
The LED is flashing when there is activity on the link.
Otherwise, the LED is off.
Power supply: red LED.
If errors occur within the Core Module these will be indicated on the display of the Bridge Display
PC set-up
To set up the Video Module a service PC should be connected to the module (LAN connection)
and run the VCS2 remotely. To make this connection, complete the steps below:
Connect the laptop to the Ethernet port (labeled “Output”) located at the front of the
Video Module.
On the laptop’s desktop screen, open the Control Panel (Start > Control Panel).
Double-click the ‘Network Connections’ icon, right-click the now visible ‘Local Area
Connection’ icon and select ‘Properties’ from the right-click menu.
Select “Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)” in the connection pane and press the ‘Properties’
Select the ‘Use the following IP address’ radio button, enter in the ‘IP
address’ field and in the ‘Subnet mask’ field. Press ‘OK’.
Select the ‘Advanced’ tab and press the ‘Settings’ button in the ‘Windows Firewall’
Select the ‘Advanced’ tab and press the ‘Settings’ button in the ‘Network Connection
Settings’ section.
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Press the ‘Add’ button and in the “Service Settings” window:
Enter Video TCP in the ‘Description of service’ field.
Enter in the ‘Name or IP address’ field.
Enter 3659 in the ‘External Port number for this service’ field.
Enter 3659 in the ‘Internal Port number for this service’ field.
Select the TCP radio button.
Press ‘OK’.
Press the ‘Add’ button and in the Service Settings window:
Description of service:
Name or IP address’:
External Port number for this service:
Internal Port number for this service:
Select the UDP radio button.
Press ‘OK’.
Enter Video UDP
Enter 2649
Enter 2649
Press OK in the Advanced Settings window.
Press OK in the Windows Firewall window.
Press ‘Close’ in the Local Area Connection Properties window.
Install VCS2 on the Service PC.
Run VCS2 on the service PC.
The required video capture interval is 15 seconds (4 images per minute) for each video source.
The Core Module initiates the capture of video information and specifies its configuration. This
the video channel to be digitized.
the sources of the vertical and horizontal syncs.
the coefficients for the Phase Locked Loop (PLL) -generated pixel clock (or selection of
an external clock); and
the dimensions (number of samples and lines) of the captured frame.
The video capture can be configured using the Video Configuration suite.
Edit the <VidChanX.ini> file for each video source.
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10.10 Video Channel Configuration File
Each video channel has a separate video channel INI file: <VidChan1.ini>, <VidChan2.ini>,
<VidChan3.ini>, and <VidChan4.ini>; these files are located in the C:\VDRApps directory.
Manual editing of an existing <VidChanx.ini> file is generally not done unless the file fails to
provide an adequate initial capture. This may be the case whereby a <VidChanx.ini> file is
copied/supplied from a previous successful radar connection and the file fails to provide an
adequate image capture on a new connection of the same type of radar.
Below is a list of the contents within a <VidChanx.ini> file and their meaning.
HSYNC rate in kHz for default source
The exact pixel clock frequency (in MHz) for the system (as specified
by the display’s manufacturer)
Normally set based on the pixel clock rate (0=12-37MHz, 1=3774MHz, 2=74-140MHz, 3=140-170MHz)
0 to 7. Normally set based on values reported from
If set to zero, defaults to PClk1*1000/HsRate1
0 to 31: Sharpens the image by accommodating for delays due to
cable length and stray capacitance.
Sets the captured width. It is recommended to set the XDimension 8
larger that the desired image, since the X-offset is adjustable only in
multiples of 8.
Shifts the image to remove black pixels at left edge.
Sets the captured height.
Shifts the image to remove black lines from top.
Table 9.10.A - CLOCK Parameters
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0 or 1. HSYNC Polarity
- Changing this value will increase margin at the left of the image
- Choose the value which produces the widest margin, and then
adjust with XDim1
0 or 1. VSYNC Polarity
Captured images will not be rectangular if incorrect value is chosen
-1=Internal, 0= Negative, or 1= Positive.
-1=Internal, 0= Negative, or 1= Positive.
0 to 255. Number of clock synchronization pulses to skip prior to
COAST signal
0 to 255. Number of clock synchronization pulses to skip after COAST
0 to 255. For composite signals only, used to differentiate a VSYNC
from a HSYNC
Must be present and must be same value as in [CLOCK] section
Must be present and must be same value as in [CLOCK] section
Must be present and must be same value as in [CLOCK] section
Table 9.10.B - SYNCS Parameters
0 to 255. Specifies A/D range for the red video line.
0 to 255. Specifies A/D range for the green video line.
0 to 255. Specifies A/D range for the blue video line.
0 to 255. Specifies DC offset for the red video line.
0 to 255. Specifies DC offset for the green video line.
0 to 255. Specifies DC offset for the blue video line.
0 = clamp to min voltage. 1 = clamp to midscale.
Specifies when clamp occurs in pixel clocks from trailing edge of
Specifies number of black pixels that participate in the DC restore
clamp circuitry.
RADAR = 1, CHART = 2
Table 9.10.C - VIDEO Parameters
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Customize Entries in the VidChanX.ini Files
Each entry in the <VidChanX.ini> file indicates the voltage level, timing, and signal characteristics
of the video source. The values generated by Video Configuration Utility (VCS2) are based on
VESA and Industry Standards and are adequate to capture initial images.
If a video capture does not initiate, the most likely reason is that the VPOL1 field may be set wrong.
The Video Configuration Utility (VCS2), if provided with a channel number, will capture and save
a sample image to verify the proper state of the VPOL1 field. The image will be saved to the
filename <TestImage.bmp>. The image will be annotated with a calibration grid to verify proper
video alignment.
In certain rare cases it may be necessary to optimize the video to correct the color balance.
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10.11 Video Configuration Suite (VCS2) Application
The Video Configuration Suite (VCS2) application is used to detect and adjust images to be
captured by the Video Module. It has a built-in Auto Detection routine which detects many of the
necessary parameters for the <VidChanX.ini> files. Existing <VidChanX.ini> files can also be
directly modified within this application.
Figure 10.11.1 - Video Configuration Utility User Interface
Additional information:
Maximum image height is 4095 pixels and maximum width is 2047 pixels.
Maximum image size is 2062500 samples, which can accommodate images up to
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10.12 Video Capture
The Video Configuration Utility automatically attempts to detect the video input on channel 1. To
change the channel selection, click the radio button next to the number of the desired channel.
To create settings for a new channel, click the New Video Channel button. If the channel uses
Composite Syncs, select the “Composite” check box and use the associated radio buttons to
indicate whether the composite sync is:
on a separate TTL output; or
SOG, Encoded in the input on the video channel.
To reset all settings for the current channel, click the “Restore Default Settings” button. If the auto
detection is successful the image will be displayed in the Capture area, and the Auto-Detection
Status configuration data fields will display the appropriate information.
If the auto detection fails, the capture must be manually configured.
1. Select a different Configuration Mode from the Configuration Mode drop list.
2. If you know the values of VSYNC and HSYNC, select Manual Configuration mode (the failsafe modes may help if you are unsure of the VSYNC and HSYNC rates).
3. Enter the VSYNC and HSYNC values.
4. Press Validate.
5. To load from a previous <VidchanX.ini> file
a. select Manual Configuration mode; and
b. press the “Load from INI button” and select the desired file.
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Once an initial image has been captured (either through Auto-Detection or Manual Configuration
mode), go to paragraph Horizontal Polarization to continue setup.
Figure 10.12.1 - Successful auto detection
10.13 Horizontal Polarization
The Horizontal Polarity setting is used to set the most possible black space to the left of the
captured image. Complete the following steps to establish the correct Horizontal Polarity setting:
Click the Video Configuration Utility’s tab Configuration to open the
Configuration page.
In the Polarity Section, select the other Horizontal button available either
Positive or Negative and then:
Note the width of black space visible in the Image window on the left side of the
Select the setting either Negative or Positive in the Horizontal section which
provides the most amount of black to the left of the image and leave it on this
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10.14 Vertical Polarization
Use the Vertical Polarity setting to correct skewed images.
Upon initial capture, the image should appear with sides at perfect right angles to each other
(similar to image #1 below). If it is vertically skewed (similar to #2 below), vertical Polarity must be
Figure 10.14.1 – Correct vertical polarity on left. Vertically skewed image on right.
Once the image has been captured, complete the following steps to correct the vertical polarity
If the image appears skewed, select Pos in the Vertical Section of the Polarity
If the skewing is not corrected, select Neg in the Vertical Section of the Polarity
Note which setting establishes a correct image with sides at right angles to each
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10.15 Sizing
To capture the entire image, the image size and offset values must be adjusted using the controls
under the Sizing tab. When adjusting the sizes, remember that a proper capture should fill the
Capture window and keep all 4 edges of the image within the Capture window.
Important! It is NOT mandatory to adjust the captured image so that it completely fills
the entire capture window.
The image should be adjusted so that it is as close as possible to the top and left edges
of the capture window to set the least amount of black space on the right and bottom of
the capture window.
10.16 Horizontal/Vertical Offset
First, adjust the Horizontal and Vertical offset:
1. Press the “Start” button in the Horizontal/Vertical Offset section on the Sizing tab page.
2. This will display the following warning:
Figure 10.16.1 - Offset Adjustment Warning
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3. Click OK and follow the instructions below to select the offset position.
Figure 10.16.2 - Selecting the image offset
4. Position the crosshair on the top-left corner of the image by clicking on the top-left corner of
the image in the Capture window. Horizontal and vertical values (co-ordinates will display in
the Capture window.
5. You may also adjust the position of the crosshair by changing the New Offset text entry
boxes for the X and Y values in the Horizontal/Vertical Offset section of the Sizing page.
NOTE 1: Horizontal X Offset must be a multiple of 8. It is recommended to leave a small amount
of black space to help determine RGB settings.
NOTE 2: Use the Zooming and Panning/Scrolling options to ensure the corner of the image is
placed as close as possible to the top left of the Capture window.
6. Click the Apply button in the lower right-hand corner of the Horizontal/Vertical Offset section.
7. The image will automatically re-adjust.
NOTE: The “Sequence #” field under the Capture window will be red until the adjusted image is
updated for the new setting.
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10.17 Dimensions
If part of the image is not visible in the Capture window after it is moved to the upper left corner, it
may be necessary to adjust the image height and/or width. To adjust the image size:
1. Click the “Start” button on the Dimensions section of the Sizing page.
2. The following warning will be displayed.
Figure 10.17.1 – “Adjusting the Image Size” Warning
3. Click Okay and the captured video image will appear as in below screenshot.
Figure 10.17.2 - Setting the dimensions
4. Click and drag the cursor on the image to reveal a rectangle that defines the image size.
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5. Click and drag the rectangle in the red transparent area.
6. Pan the image outside the current viewing area to select a larger size.
7. Alternatively, enter a Width and Height number by:
a. Entering the desired width in the New Dimensions: Width scroll box (Must be
multiple of 8).
b. Entering the desired height in the New Dimensions: Height scroll box.
8. Click the Apply button in the lower right corner of the Dimensions section.
9. The “Extents Changed” dialogue box confirms that the image size is adjusted.
10. Click “OK”.
Figure 10.17.3 - Image Dimensions Adjustment confirmation
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10.18 Interlaced Image
A video source may provide a captured interlaced image like the one below. The captured image
appears vertically 2 or 3 times within the Capture window. To adjust a captured interlaced image,
complete the following steps:
Figure 10.18.1 - Interlaced image
On the Configuration Page, set the Vertical Polarity to the same setting (negative
or positive) as indicated in the Auto-Detection Information Box.
Repeat for the Horizontal Polarity setting.
If either Polarity is different, change them to the setting indicated in the AutoDetection Information Box (for example, if the Auto-Detection indicated the Vertical
Polarity is negative ensure it is set to negative once the image has been captured).
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If the images captured are not fully visible, then the image height must be adjusted.
i. Click the Sizing tab to open the Sizing page.
ii. Click the Start button in the Dimensions section.
iii. Increase the image height to make this lower image visible.
iv. Adjust the Image Dimensions as written above; and
v. Adjust the height as necessary.
Figure 10.18.2 - Interlaced image with height too small
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Figure 10.18.3 - Interlaced image with height set properly
Once the images are entirely visible; ensure a small amount of black space still
appears at the top of the Capture window to allow for further adjustments. To increase
the amount of black space at the top of the Capture window:
i. Click the Start button in the Horizontal/Vertical Offset section of the Sizing
ii. Decrease the Vertical Offset.
NOTE: In most cases, the Vertical Offset value will only need to be decreased slightly (for
example, if the setting is 24 adjust to 16.).
Zoom in on upper image using Zoom in toolbar button OR View\Zoom In menu item.
Use the scrollbars to pan the image and find the top edge of the first image.
Click the From Image button under the Line 0 Start scroll box.
A message will allow user to click a point to find the top edge of the image.
10. Once the top edge of the image is found, scroll down to the lower image.
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11. Locate the top edge of the second image using the same process; however, click
the “From Image” button in the Line 1 Start section instead for the bottom image.
Figure 10.18.4 - Interlaced values chosen
12. The image values have now been set.
13. Click the Interlaced checkbox on the Sizing tab page.
14. The interlaced images automatically merge into a single image.
15. If the image does not appear corrected or the image’s numbers look blurry (see figure
below), it is very likely the installer chose the wrong pixel coordinates. That means the
image is interlaced incorrectly. To correct the interlacing and sharpen the image:
i. Click the up or down arrow on the Line 0 Start scroll box, adjusting the
value 1 pixel at a time.
ii. Wait for the next image before making another adjustment.
iii. Click the up or down arrow on the Line 1 Start scroll box, adjusting the
value 1 pixel at a time.
iv. Wait for the next image before making another adjustment.
v. Repeat steps i-iv above until the image is clear and sharp.
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16. Once the image is properly interlaced, it can now be adjusted to finish correcting the
Figure 10.18.5 – Incorrectly Interlaced image
To achieve the optimal image capture. After properly interlacing the image, the installer may
need to adjust the Sizing page’s Horizontal/Vertical offsets, Width and Height dimensions.
Figure 10.18.6 - Properly Interlaced Image
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10.19 Interleaved Image
If the captured image has a resolution of 1600 x 1200 pixels or greater, it may appear repeated
within the Capture window as below. To correct this image, it must be properly interleaved.
Complete the following steps:
Figure 10.19.1 - Interleaved capture
Click the Sizing tab to open the Sizing page.
Click the Start button in the Horizontal/Vertical Offset section.
Use the New Offset X scroll box and Y scroll box to change the horizontal and vertical offsets
to move the image as close to the top left hand corner of the Capture window as possible,
as given above in the Offset adjustment section.
With the image in place, and using the Zooming options, determine the top edge of both
images. Click the “From Image” under Line 0 Start to select the uppermost pixel for the top
image and click the “From Image” under Line 1 Start to select the top edge for the bottom
Note: Line 0 Start should usually be left at 0 and Line 1 Start should be adjusted.
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Click the Interleaved checkbox to activate Interleaved mode.
If step 5 causes a prompt to increase the height of the image, click Yes (in most cases the
image height will be too small).
Zoom into the image.
If the image does not look correct, adjust Line 1 Start one value at a time until it looks
Note: You may need to readjust the image dimensions to better fit the image into the capture
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10.20 Recalibration
Once the image has been captured (or adjusted in the case of an interlaced image), it must be
checked to ensure a proper capture that fills the Capture window but keeps all 4 image sides
(edges) visible in the window.
Check the aspect ratio by looking for a skewed circle. If the image does not appear skewed and
the aspect ratio is correct, then this section can be skipped. But, if the installer can see a skewed
circle, or if the image has the wrong aspect ratio, then the captured image may need recalibration.
Use the following steps to recalibrate the captured image:
It is recommended that the installer write down all settings before making any changes to the
captured image as it may be necessary to revert to these settings.
Once the image has been captured to the Capture window, ensure the Vertical
Polarity and Horizontal Polarity is set properly.
Figure 10.20.1 - Incorrect aspect ratio on capture
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First, locate a circle in the radar image in the Capture window. A Variable Range Marker (VRM)
or range ring, available on most radar images, provides effective circles for assessing
recalibration. If the image requires recalibration the ring will appear more oval than round. In that
case it is necessary to recalibrate the image by setting the proper aspect ratio.
To begin recalibration, click the Sizing Tab which opens the Sizing page.
Click the Start button in the Recalibration section at the bottom of the Sizing page.
In the Capture window click and drag a rectangle around the circle OR click the Pick
Points button to select the points of the circle in order. (Picking points may be easier.).
4. When 4 points of the circle are selected by either method above, click the Apply button.
5. This applies the adjusted value of the Phase Lock Loop PLL Multiplier Number (N) and
recalibrates the captured image.
6. If the recalibrated image has improved but needs further recalibration, click and drag a
rectangle around the circle, OR click the Pick Points button to select the points of the
circle in order. (Picking points may be easier.).
7. When 4 points of the circle have been chosen, by either method above, click the Apply
8. This will apply the newly re-adjusted value of the PLL Multiplier Number (N).
9. If the circle in the newly recalibrated image appears more oval than in step vi, click Start
to begin again.
10. Click Revert to Last to reset to the previous value of the PLL Multiplier (N).
11. Click Apply and repeat this procedure from step iv.
Figure 10.20.2 - Correct aspect ratio after recalibration
12. The Image Offset of the captured image will need to be re-adjusted.
Follow the steps above: Horizontal/Vertical Offset to adjust the upper left corner of the
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Note: With many radar images, it may be difficult to determine the true upper left corner of the
captured image. The installer may have to adjust the image’s position several times to ensure it is
as close as possible to the top left corner without losing any part of the image.
Figure 10.20.3 - Recalibrated image with Image Offsets adjusted
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10.21 Adjustments Tab
To adjust the image quality, click the Adjustments tab to open the Adjustments page. This
page includes 4 sections including:
Gain / Offset Adjustment
In these for sections the installer will find all the controls needed to adjust the image values as
described below.
Figure 10.21.1 - Adjustment Page
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10.22 Sharpness
The Sharpness section of the Adjustments page holds three scroll boxes to adjust the Phase,
charge pump (CPMP), and the voltage-controlled oscillators (VCO).
Once the image position is adjusted, is may still display pixilation (visible noise), banding, and/or
soft edges. This means the image phase must be adjusted.
To adjust the Phase:
Enter a value or clicking the up/down controls on the Phase scroll box (The range
available for adjustment is 0 to 31.).
The image changes immediately to reflect the change.
Continue to adjust the number until the image is sharp.
Example: The image is highly pixilated at the left edge. Adjust Phase to 16. And the image
appears clearer and more uniform. Adjust to 14, and the left edge of the image is now sharper,
repeat until desired image quality is achieved.
CPMP (Charge Pump)
When the image phase is sharpened, minor oscillation may still appear in the image. If so, it may
be necessary to adjust the image CPMP.
Check for oscillations at either the top of the image or near any straight black lines where
they are most apparent.
Note the image quality and use the CPMP scroll box to set CPMP between 0 and 3.
The image is automatically updated to reflect the change.
Note the image quality for improvement; and
Make further adjustments as necessary.
Example: The image has varied individual lines of oscillation at its left edge. Adjust CPMP to 1.
The left edge of the image is now much clearer and uniform. Adjust to 2. The left edge of the
image is now sharp.
VCO (Voltage Controlled Oscillators)
The VCO setting should NOT be adjusted unless the captured image is severely distorted.
The VCO scroll box allows the installer to adjust the voltage-controlled oscillator. The range
available for adjustment is 0 (default) to 3.
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VCO range can be selected in accordance with the following table:
Pixel Rate Range (MHz)
Table 9.22.3 - VCO Pixel rate range (MHz)
10.23 Gain/Offset
To create a more uniform image, the installer can fine-tune the gain and/or offset in the
Gain/Offset Adjustment section. This section includes:
a histogram.
red, Green and Blue Gain and Offset controls and.
a Master Gain and Master Offset control.
These controls give the installer three different options to adjust the Gain and Offset values for
the Capture window.
Adjusting Gain stretches the image vertically in the Capture window. Adjusting Offset shifts the
image up and down in the Capture window.
Figure 10.23.1 - Gain/Offset Adjustment
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To fine tune the Gain and Offset using the histogram of Red, Green, and Blue icons:
Click on the histogram icon to be adjusted.
Drag the icon and observe changes in the Capture window image.
When the adjustment is finished, release the icon.
The new value is displayed in the corresponding scroll box beneath the histogram.
(The range is 0-255).
Repeat the process for each of the controls in the histogram until the captured image is
For example, click the Red Offset icon in the histogram and drag it up or down to adjust the Red
Offset value.
To fine tune the Gain and Offset Red, Green, and Blue separately, using scroll boxes and the
Ref: selection:
1. Click on the scroll box for the value to be adjusted.
2. Set the Gain or Offset to the new value. (The range is 0 to 255).
3. Continue adjusting values until the image in the Capture window is fine tuned.
To fine tune the Gain and Offset using the Master Gain and Offset scroll buttons:
Adjusting Gain stretches the image vertically in the Capture window.
1. Click on the Master Gain scroll button to adjust the Gain of the entire image - instead of
the individual Red, Green and Blue values (the range is 0 to 255).
2. Click on the Master Offset scroll button to adjust the Offset of the entire image - instead
of the individual Red, Green and Blue values (the range is 0 to 255). Adjusting the offset
shifts the image up and down in the Capture window.
Figure 10.23.2 – Clamp and Coast sections of the Adjustments tab page
10.24 Clamp
At the lower left of the Adjustments page is the Clamp section. It allows the installer to enable or
disable the video capture HSync signal default. The Clamp controls are necessary so the installer
can enable VSYNC signal capture if there is no HSYNC signal.
Enable (Use HSYNC) check button: In the absence of a VSYNC signal, the video capture
circuitry will use the HSYNC signal. This is the Clamp command default setting.
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Disable (Positive) check button: The Disable (Positive) setting overrides the HSYNC
signal and disables the Clamp command.
Placement [0 – 255] and Duration [0 – 255] scroll boxes: These scroll boxes are only
active if the Enable (Use HSync) check box is selected. They allow for the sampling of video
to determine voltage corresponding to the image’s black levels.
10.25 Coast
In the absence of a VSYNC signal, it may be necessary for the circuitry to obtain the HSYNC
Checked: In the absence of an HSYNC signal, the video capture circuitry will use the
VSYNC signal.
Unchecked: This setting overrides the usage of the VSYNC signal and, effectively, disables
the “Coast” command.
10.26 Sync-on-Green (SOG)
If a video source transmits via Sync-on-Green (SOG), the associated <VidChanX.ini >file
(located in the C:\VDRApps directory) must be adjusted to include the following parameters:
The HSYNC value ( can be obtained from the Video Config Suite application.
The overall x dimension (N1=yyyy) is selected based upon the following:
For HSync < 50: Set to 1200
For HSync between 50 to 70: Set to 1400
For HSync > 70: Set to 1600
It is recommended to use actual HSync value from the manufacturer’s radar (for example, the
STN Atlas 6900 radar has a HSync of 37.5000 kHz). If HSync information is not immediately
available from the radar manufacturer, complete the following procedure:
Open the Video Configuration Suite application.
In the Configuration tab page, under the Configuration group, select “Composite”.
Select the “SOG” radio button.
The HSync and VSync values will appear in the Auto-Detection Status group.
Record the HSync value and its polarity.
Select Manual Configuration mode.
Enter the HSync information and parameter information discussed at the beginning of this
section into the applicable <VidChanX.ini >file.
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Save the file.
Click the Load <VidChanX.ini> file.
Choose the <VidChanX.ini >file which was altered and saved in Step 5 above.
The above procedure provides an image in the Video Config Suite application that can be properly
configured in accordance with paragraph ‘Video Configuration Suite (VCS2) Application’.
If the HSync value was obtained via the Video Config Suite application, it is recommended
that the installer carefully check to make sure that the VCO, CPMP, and Phase settings are
correct for the captured image.
Save Settings (REMEMBER!)
Once the image has been adjusted correctly, click the Configuration tab page and click Save
<VidChanX.ini> file to save the settings.
10.27 Info Tab
Selecting the Info tab of the Video Configuration Utility opens the Info page. It provides statistics
on the capture image.
The Histogram window displays the histogram for the image.
The Cross-Section window (indicated by the dashed red line) shows a graph of the current crosssection of the image, as well as minimum and maximum values of Red, Green, and Blue on the
cross-section line.
Channel Selection lets the user enable or disable which color channels are selected or
deselected. For example, the installer can disable Green.
The Status controls at the bottom of the page enable the installer to display information about
the image such as:
BPP (bits per pixel)
Image size
Cursor position
RGB value at the cursor position
Viewing bounds
Zoom level
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10.28 VCS2 Menu Overview
This section provides an overview of the menu items available in the Video Diagnostics
File Menu
View Menu
Load Bitmap: Selecting this option opens a file selection window from which a
user must choose a saved bitmap file to load to the Image window for viewing.
Save Bitmap: This will save the current image to a bitmap file.
Save Histogram: This will save the Histogram from the Info page to a CSV file
(Comma Separated Value file).
Save Cross-Section: This will save the cross-section of pixel data indicated by
the dashed red line in the Capture window to a CSV file.
Exit: This will exit the application.
Zoom In: Zooms into the image.
Zoom Out: Zooms out of the image.
Fit to Window: Will cause the image the edges of the image to fill to the edges of
the Image window.
Full Screen: This sets the Video Configuration Utility to Full-Screen mode. Right
click on the image in Full-Screen mode to access the menu.
Load: Load a bitmap, same as File->Load Bitmap.
Pan Tool: Activate the Panning tool for the Image Window. This is the default.
Eyedropper Tool: Activate the Eyedropper tool to choose a pixel and get the
ZoomBox Tool: Activate the ZoomBox tool, which lets the user select an area to
Zoom 1:1: Zooms to the original scale of the image.
Zoom In: Increase the zoom magnification.
Zoom Out: Decrease the zoom magnification.
Fit to Window: Display the full image in the window.
Fullscreen: Toggle between full screen mode and other views.
Freeze Image: Toggle Freeze mode to freeze the current image, do not load any
new images from the capture sequence.
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10.29 Test Video Inputs
To ensure that video capture has been properly configured:
Connect the interface to the CM.
Deselect ‘Record’ from the ‘Tests’ menu.
Select ‘Video Test’ from the ‘Tests’ menu.
Maximize the Video Data window.
Ensure the video is captured correctly (entire screen, correct color presentation and
brightness/contrast and sharpness).
6. Once the settings are correct, place the VDR_Record application in record mode for
several minutes.
7. Download the new data from the VDR on the playback station.
8. Play back the video data.
NOTE: Refer to Appendix 5: Playback Software for download and playback instructions:
9. Ensure the video is presented correctly. If not, stop recording and make the necessary
changes to the configuration:
a. If the top edge of the image capture is not captured correctly, go to the
VidChanX.ini file and increase the value assigned to CPMP1 field.
b. If a color is not presented correctly on each capture, edit the Vdrparams.ini file
video section so that the enhancedCompression field is set to 0.
c. If the captured image has a primarily black background and noise is present at
the low end of the captured signal, remove the noise by setting the noiseClipping
field to 1 in [VIDEO] section of the <vdrparams.ini> file.
This setting must be used with care. If there is no noise near the black level a
change in the noiseClipping field may set most of the image to black.
This setting is only used if enhanced compression is enabled.
10. Repeat steps 1 through 8 until the video presentation is correct.
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11. NW6880 (FFRM) Float Free Capsule Jotron TRON 40 MKII
General specifications
Be aware that all instructions provided by Jotron must be followed during installation.
Information in this NetWave manual gives additional information regarding the TRON 40VDR in
combination with the NW6000 VDR and summarizes information out from the installation manual
of Jotron. For full information about the TRON 40VDR NetWave Systems refers to the installation
and user manuals of Jotron.
Both manuals can be found on the Extranet webpage of Orolia NetWave (
- Login) and both manuals are available on the USB-card enclosed the hardcopy version of this
manual. Besides this the user manual is enclosed to the delivery box of the TRON 40VDR and
can be found on the internet site of Jotron as well.
According to the IEC61996-1:2013 (MSC.333 (90)/5.4.3) recording of the VDR data shall also take
place on an approved free-floating Final Recording Medium for a period of not less than 48 hours.
The unit to be installed in conjunction with this VDR is the Jotron TRON40 VDR which basically
comprised of an EPIRB with internal memory to the VDR.
External Supply type:
Locator lights:
Status indication:
Frequency range:
Operating life EPIRB:
Weight approx:
Material housing:
Battery module:
Flashing Xenon light
Test LED
406,028 / 121,5MHz
168 hours at -20°C
3.5 kg
Polycarbonate with 10% glass fiber
406.028MHz, 121.5MHz Built in, vertical
polarization, omnidir
GPS Built in GPS patch antenna
Lithium-Thionyl chloride (Li-SOCL2)
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This device fully relies on the Ethernet PoE supplied from the Core Module. This unit has 1x
100Mbps TX PoE port, receiving 802.3af compliant PoE @48V. The total power budget is 4 Watts.
The unit fully relies on Ethernet connections to the Core Module and provide datas within the
VDRs specified (commissioned) IP-range (refer to Network configuration).
The unit must be connected to any of the VDR Core Module ports.
NW-6080 Float fr ee capsule
Refer to
NW-6000 Cor e Modul e
Refer to
Single wir e (PoE) ether net cabling
Page 88/ 191
Location and mounting
The protective capsule must be sited in the vicinity of the bridge on the external deck area of the
vessel to maximize the probability of its survival and recovery following an incident.
Criteria to be considered when assessing the optimum position shall include but not be limited to
the following:
Separation from fuel or other potential fire sources.
Separation from probable sources of mechanical damage.
Operational environment for continued serviceability.
Accessibility for copying of recorded data and for routine maintenance.
The TRON 40 shall be sited in the vicinity of the bridge on the external deck area of the vessel
to maximize the probability of its survival and recovery following an incident.
During replacement and new installation of TRON 40VDR it is important to pay attention to the
location of the TRON40 Float Free Capsule. Strong RF signals from radars or other transmitting
antennas can cause communication errors which in turn can result in malfunctioning of the TRON
It is recommended to test the position of the Jotron device with a flying cable and an ICMP test
first, before installing it (see paragraph ‘Connection test with flying cable’).
Take following aspects into account for choosing the mounting location of the TRON 40VDR.
It is not recommended to locate the TRON 40VDR on the compass deck because of high
risk of exposure to strong RF signals.
Find a new mounting location as far away as possible from any radar interference and/or
other antennas conform Jotron specifications (see Jotron installation manual). Make sure
the TRON 40VDR is not directly in line of sight of any radar, and at least 3 meters away
from any antenna.
Stronger antenna signals (than the TRON 40VDR is approved for) can affect the VDR
storage performance.
The TRON 40VDR is approved for 100 V/m in the VHF frequency range 156 - 165 MHz.
In other areas of the frequency range 150 kHz - 2 GHz the requirement is 10 V/m. A
standard VHF antenna will have 10 V/m at distance of 3 meters in the antenna lobe.
Therefore, the absolute minimum distance to a VHF antenna, at the same height needs to
be no less than 3 meters. It is strongly recommended to have a much larger distance to
other transmitting antennas.
RF signals from transmitting antennas are likely to be weaker at low levels. Therefore,
reduction of interference may be achieved by installing the TRON 40VDR lower than all
transmitting antennas.
It is recommended to find a location with “natural” shade from the radar systems. This
would typically be on a wing opposite to the radar mast.
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Make sure the total cable length of original installation + new installation does not exceed
100 meters.
If the mounting of the TRON 40VDR requires a long outdoor cable, it is recommended to
put the cable in a separate steel pipe, which is welded to the ship hull. This will protect the
wire against RF signals interfering with the VDR signals.
Before final relocation it is advised to do a test with a flying cable to ensure proper
functioning of the TRON 40VDR.
It is critical to choose a position where the released EPIRB will not get trapped by
overhangs, rigging, antennas and so forth, in case the vessel will sink.
The EPIRB is supplied with an instruction plate that should be mounted next to the EPIRB
so that is easily visible in an emergency.
The EPIRB must be installed in the vicinity of the navigation bridge, i.e. on the wings of the
navigation bridge. Access via vertical ladder should not be accepted.
Since the mounting location is critical for the performance of the TRON 4VDR, please find
below screenshots out from the TRON 40VDR Installation manual (revision J).
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Connection test with flying cable
Before connecting the TRON 40VDR device it is advisable to test the new position with a flying
cable. Connection testing can be done with a running ICMP test by using the utility hrPing. This
utility can be downloaded from:
Connect the TRON 40VDR to the flying cable (run as Admin), put it on the new position and run
the ping utility in CMD by typing the following command:
hrping.exe -t -w 100 -s 15 -y 10 -gg
Note: run hrping.exe by entering the full path name: C:\ ... \ ... \hrping.exe -t -w
100 -s 15 -y 10 –gg
Please note that IP-address for OEM differs.
A graph, similar to the one below will be shown in case of a proper connection…
Graphic 10.3.A: Good connection of TRON 40VDR
Graphic below shows connection issues, the location of the TRON 40VDR is not suitable.
Please locate the capsule in a different position.
Graphic 10.3.B: Connection issues of TRON 40VDR
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Junction box
11.4.1 Grounding of cables and junction box
Please note that your connections may differ from pictures below, see paragraph ‘Wire schematic’.
It is important that the grounding shields of the cables (of TRON 40VDR and VDR) are in contact
with the cable glands of the junction box. Therefore, firstly strip off 7 cm of the cables to create 7
cm of grounding shield. Separate the grounding shields from the cables. Do not remove the
grounding shields.
Place the grounding shields over the screw-threads and enclose the cable glands on both sides
of the junction box. In this way the grounding shields are connected to the metal cable glands.
Note: by reopening the cable glands, the grounding shields will break, and the cable needs to
be stripped off again.
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To ensure water tightness make sure the cable glands are tightened well and the provided
vulcanizing tape is placed around the 2 cable glands as shown on picture below.
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11.4.2 Wire schematic Junction box
There are 2 different cable types of the TRON 40VDR with 3 different cable connections (2 for cable type
1, 1 for cable type 2). Identify the serial number of the docking module and identify the cable type of TRON
40VDR to determine the applicable wire diagram. The serial number of the docking module can be found
as indicated on picture below, this is not the serial number of the VDR EPIRB.
Cable type 1 TRON 40VDR:
Cable type 2 TRON 40VDR:
Connect the TRON 40VDR to the VDR via the junction box as further described.
- Connect inside the junction box on the VDR side White/blue and Blue wires together.
- Connect inside the junction box on the VDR side the White/brown and Brown wires together.
- Note that exchanging the DC + and DC – will not cause any damage, but the TRON 40VDR will not
Connections NW6000 VDR side:
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Cable type 1 Standard T-568B (of TRON 40 VDR MKI)
Serial numbers docking module 0-7500 (summer 2014 - 2016)
TRON 40VDR side
NOT connected
Connected but not used
White/blue + Blue
White/brown + Brown
Not connected
Connected but not used
Cable type 2 Proprietary (of TRON 40 VDR MKII)
Serial numbers docking module 7500-12000 (summer 2016 - October 2017)
TRON 40VDR side
White/blue + Blue
Connected but not used
Tx/ DC-
White/brown + Brown
Connected but not used
Cable type 1 Standard T-568B (of TRON 40 VDR MKII)
Serial numbers docking module > 11203 (from October 2017)
TRON 40VDR side
Not connected
Connected but not used
White/blue + Blue
White/brown + Brown
Not connected
Connected but not used
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Grease the 4 bolts of the junction box from top to bottom with some of the remaining silicone
grease from the TRON 40VDR. This will prevent corrosion of the bolts and will enable the next
engineer to open the junction box without replacing it. Some copper slip or other water dispersing
formula can also be used.
(Led) indicators on docking module
Below is a description of the LED lights on the Docking Module (83180 MKII).
If warnings occur these will be indicated on the display of the Bridge Control Unit.
Operating instructions
After commissioning of the VDR system, this unit does not require (crew) operating instructions.
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12. NW6860 (FRM) fixed HSS Capsule
The hardened storage server (HSS) forms the Fixed Final Recording Medium and is colored bright
orange for ease of location in the event of an incident. The HSS is designed to be mounted on the
´monkey island´ - and is fitted with an acoustic beacon to aid underwater recovery by a Remotely
Operated Vehicle (ROV) or diver in the event of an incident.
The unit is designed to withstand the extreme shock, impact, pressure and heat exposure
requirements of the IEC Performance standards which mirror those enforced by the maritime and
aerospace authorities.
The HSS has the capacity to store audio, radar video and other data for a rolling 48-hour
(minimum) period as defined in the regulations. All power and data are passed to the HSS via one
single Ethernet cable. Connection is via a waterproof connector.
The HSS has a release mechanism to facilitate underwater recovery both by a diver or a ROV.
Suitable handles are provided to ensure that the capsule may be retrieved safely after release.
The HSS has an externally mounted underwater location beacon (ULB) with an activation sensor
to avoid inadvertent activation due to spray/rain/hosing off. The HSS (memory module) protective
capsule is painted a highly visible fluorescent orange with the required text: VOYAGE DATA
When the HSS has been damaged after an incident, e.g. the HSS was exposed to fire or the ship
has sunk, it may be returned to the manufacturer for the data to be extracted. Alternatively,
authorities may apply for instructions on how to extract the recorded data.
The HSS meets the following specifications:
Fully meets IMO Resolution A.861(20) and all applicable Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS)
Fully compliant to the IEC 61996-1:2013 Ship borne Voyage Data Recorder
Performance Requirements and IEC60945, Maritime navigation and Radio
communication systems - General requirements.
Records a minimum of 48 hours of voyage data.
Single wire Power and high speed (100BaseT) Ethernet communications.
Reliable solid-state recording (2+ years data retention unpowered).
Fitted with an acoustic underwater location beacon operating in the frequency band of
25 kHz to 50 kHz with a battery life of at least 90 days, which meets SAE AS 8045A.
Tamper resistant capsule design.
The final storage medium within the HSS retains the recorded data for a period of at
least two years, following termination of recording, under the specified operational and
storage conditions.
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64 GB memory.
Exceptional read, write and erase performance.
Built-in proprietary technology for full hard-disk emulation, high data reliability and
maximum flash lifetime.
Data integrity with Error Detection Code/Error Correction Code (EDC/ECC) based on
a combination of BCH and Hamming algorithms.
Data protected in hardware with digital signature: RSA with 64-byte key.
4-bit Error Detection Code/Error Correction Code (EDC/ECC), based on a patented
combination of BCH and Hamming code algorithms.
Guaranteed data integrity even after power loss.
Transparent bad-block management.
Dynamic and static wear-levelling.
Wear levelling algorithm that provides more than 5 million write / erase cycles for
reliable data storage over an extended period.
The Hardened Storage Server (HSS) design ensures survivability of critical voyage data to the
following severe environmental conditions:
Impact shock - 50 g half sine-wave pulse for 11 milliseconds.
Penetration - 250 kg mass dropped 3 meters impacting with 100 mm diameter pin.
Fire exposure - 1100 ˚C for 1 hour and 260 ˚ C for 10 hours.
Deep sea pressure - 30 days in sea water at 60 MPa (an equivalent depth of 6000m).
The capsule and its reflective materials comply with IMO regulations and may not be
painted/colored with other materials other than those included in the Overhaul Kit NW9800-980.
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Location and mounting
The protective capsule must be sited in the vicinity of the bridge on the external deck area of the
vessel to maximize the probability of its survival and recovery following an incident. The capsule
shall be positioned clear of rigging and other potential obstructions and as near to the centreline
of the ship as practically possible. Criteria to be considered when assessing the optimum
position shall include but not be limited to the following:
Separation from fuel or other potential fire sources.
Separation from probable sources of mechanical damage.
Operational environment for continued serviceability.
Accessibility for copying of recorded data and for routine maintenance.
Facilitation of underwater removal and retrieval by both divers and ROVs.
There shall be a clear unobstructed space in the vicinity of the capsule to allow an ROV
or diver to work.
Compass safe distance = 60 cm.
The HSS consists of two sub-assemblies. A deckmount sub-assembly is directly fastened to the
ship and provides watertight cable entries for the single wire WaveNet connection.
A removable sub-assembly (the capsule) is attached to the mounting base with a unique quick
release mechanism for recovery by either a diver or ROV.
Power supply
This unit has 1 x 1000 TX PoE port, receiving 802.3af compliant PoE @48V and fully relies on the
Ethernet PoE supplied from the Core Module. The total power budget is 6 Watts.
Installation and connections
NW-6000 Core Module
Refer to
Single wire (PoE) ethernet cabling
The unit must be connected to any of the VDR Core Module ports (with the optional addition of a
junction box) with a maximum of 100-meter network cable (CAT 6 or higher). It is preferred not to
use any connection between the Core Module and the storage medium.
The unit is to be configured within the VDRs specified (commissioned) IP-range (refer to 2.5
Network configuration).
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The HSS consists of two sub-assemblies. A deckmount subassembly is directly fastened to the ship and provides watertight
cable entries for the single wire WaveNet connection.
Together with the deck mount a set of stainless-steel bolts are
provided to be used for bolting the deckmount on a suitable position
on deck.
A removable sub-assembly (the capsule) is attached to the mounting
base with a unique quick release mechanism for recovery by either a
diver or ROV. To ensure water tightness between sub-assembly and
deckmount, a roll of vulcanized tape is delivered, which needs to be
attached underneath the quick release mechanism after connecting
the cable to CPU of the storage medium.
A) Deckmount
Install the stainless-steel deck mount on a suitable place using the supplied bolts as per
regulatory requirement. (Freedom of access and retrieval, approx. 1-meter free space around).
B) Cabling
Lead the network cable through the gland at the side of the deck mount and ensure that
sufficient length is available (30 cm). The M16 gland is an EMC gland requiring that the shield of
the cable be exposed and connected within the gland on entry to the deck mount.
(Network cable is not standard supply)
C) Connector
Attach a suitable RJ-45 (preferably industrial type) connector to the network cable as connection
instruction provided with the connector.
(RJ45 connector can be purchased separately on request)
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D) After attaching the RJ-45 connector to the network cable, plug the connector in the network
plug on the blue CPU housing as below.
E) Once the storage medium and the deckmount are placed upon each other, attach the
vulcanized tape around the flanges to ensure water tightness.
Stretch around 50cm of vulcanized tape and make sure to wrap it twice around the seam that is
between the capsule and the deckmount.
F) Place the locking mechanism.
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Data communications
The unit fully relies on Ethernet connections to the Core Module within the VDRs specified
(commissioned) IP-range (refer to 2.5 Network configuration).
When in unassembled state (and viewed form the bottom of the capsule part) a LED is available
to determine Link, Activity, and Error status during service.
Link (Green)
The LED is on when there is a link connection.
Otherwise, when no power is received, the LED is off.
Activity (Yellow)
The LED is flashing when there is activity on the link.
Otherwise, the LED is green.
Error (Red)
The LED is steady when the CPU unit within the capsule is faulty.
The LED is flashing when the link to the memory-part is faulty.
If errors occur these will be indicated on the display of the Bridge Display Unit.
The unit does not require any manual configuration.
Operating instructions
After commissioning of the VDR system, this unit does not require (crew) operating instructions.
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13. NW6890 FRM PoE Splitter Box for non-Netwave capsules
This junction box provides 24V DC to power the HVR04 Final Recording Medium from a single
PoE network cable originating from the CM (core module). This junction box is not required to
install the standard fixed capsule or the Jotron free floating FRM. This principle serves the
performance criteria for the VDR which include continued operation (recording of specific data)
during a power-failure. In that case the PoE (power) will be available for two hours.
NW-6000 Core Module
Refer to
Single wire (PoE) ethernet cabling
Location and mounting
This junction box with integrated power splitter is mounted in the vicinity of the fixed capsule (in
an unprotected environment (IEC60945) but may also be placed below-deck.
This device fully relies on the Ethernet PoE supplied from the Core Module.
This unit has 1 x 100 TX PoE ports, receiving 802.3af compliant PoE @48V. The total power
budget is 3,6 Watts.
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Ethernet OUT to HVR04
Ethernet OUT
Ethernet IN (fm Core Module (PoE)
24V OUT to HVR04
24 VDC OUT to P D (powered device)
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14. NW64900 Data Acquisition System
This data acquisition system (DAQ) aims to provide a flexible, scalable and universal platform to
interface analogue, digital or serial sensors to the VDR.
The architecture allows for a single wire Ethernet (which includes PoE, power over Ethernet) to
connect to the CM (core module).
Within the DAQ various modules provide input ports for analogue, digital and serial signals to be
recorded by the VDR. Up to 8 additional DIN-rail mounted DAQ modules may be mounted for
each Buscoupler.
The DAQ system relies on the ‘busbar’ integrated within the DIN rail, serving the function of power
and data distribution.
Within the DAQ, the so called ‘WaveNet Buscoupler’ plays a vital role since it has multiple
Function 1: to convert PoE to supply power suitable to the various (input) modules to be placed
on the DIN busbar integrated within the (DIN)rails.
Function 2: to concentrate the data coming from the input ports of the various modules and to
communicate to the CM (core module) in compliance with the IEC61162-450 LWE (light weight
ethernet) specification.
Function 3: to act (optionally) as a data concentrator/repeater, providing accumulated data in a
universal serial (NMEA) output-form to serve other devices beyond the VDR.
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Location and mounting
The DAQ may be situated in any protected environment.
Power Supply
This device fully relies on the Ethernet PoE supplied from the Core Module.
This unit has 1 x 100 TX PoE ports, receiving 802.3af compliant PoE @48V. The total power
budget is 12 Watts.
From the DAQ, containing the Buscoupler and (typically) multiple adaptors, there is only one
single Ethernet cable to be connected to the CM.
NW-6000 Core Module
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Wiring scheme
All DIN rail mountable adaptors have a unified connector and wiring identification scheme. Please
note that there are 3 different sizes of adaptors (depending on port characteristics and number of
ports), with a varying number of connectors and wires. Consequently, these adaptors differ in
The connector and wiring identification are as follows.
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Please note: the largest width adaptor is shown with connectors in rows A, B and C. Smaller
adaptors, with less channels, will have 1 row (A) or 2 rows (A and B). Top rows are identified by a
T-prefix, whereas the bottom rows have a B-prefix.
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15. NW6410 WaveNet Buscoupler
There must always be 1 buscoupler (BC) within any DAQ to provide
data communications to the Core Module. There cannot be more
than a single Buscoupler on a single DIN busbar. 24V AUX output,
resettable fuse at 750 mA, 24V AUX input, max 1A.
Location and mounting
The NW6410 WaveNet Buscoupler connects to the DIN busbar by
mounting it from the top first and only in a vertical direction. Once
the adaptor is attached to the DIN rail it should not be shifted in a
horizontal direction (!) since this will render the feathering contacts
between the module and the DIN useless and the system will fail
beyond repair.
Power supply
This unit has 1 x 1000 TX PoE port, receiving 802.3af compliant PoE @48V and fully relies on the
Ethernet PoE supplied from the Core Module. The total power budget is 12 Watts.
DAQ Card Power Budget
The typical power budget required by the DAQ cards are as follows…
Part Number
Bus coupler
8 x NMEA
16 x NMEA
8 x DIN
16 x DIN
24 x DIN
4 x AIN
8 x AIN
Power Budget
For example:
1 x Bus Coupler (3W) – always required for each DAQ system.
1 x 16 NMEA (2.78W)
1 x 24 DIN (3.4W)
Requires 9.18W which is within the 12W budget.
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This adaptor has following ports:
to be connected to the Core Module (or other brands’ IEC61162-450
compliant VDR or otherwise)
Channel 1
Channel 2
Channel 3
NMEA (IEC61162-2) input port (4k8 up to 38K4 Bd)
NMEA (IEC61162-2) input port (4k8 up to 38K4 Bd)
NMEA (IEC61162-2) input port (4k8 up to 38K4 Bd)
Power A
Power B
Power IN, 24 VDC for non PoE applications
Power OUT, 24 VDC to providing voltage sourcing for dry contacts (max 50 mA)
Figure 15.5.1 - Connection figure Buscoupler
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Figure 15.5.1 - Connection table Buscoupler
Data communications
The adaptor has 1 x 10/100 TX PoE and three serial ports (IEC61162-2).
In default ‘VDR mode’ in order to offload its data - it relies on the ethernet connection to the core
module which must be IEC61162-450 compliant.
Power supply to DIN Busbar established
Connected to Core Module
Power Supply by PoE OK
If errors occur within the Buscoupler these will be indicated on the display of the Bridge Display
The unit does not require any manual configuration.
15.10 Operating instructions
After commissioning of the VDR system, this unit does not require (crew) operating instructions.
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16. NW64208/16 Serial/NMEA 8/16 channel adaptors
These adaptors provide input ports for serial / NMEA data with
baud rates up to 38k4. They are available in 8 and 16 channel
configurations within a harmonized configuration and wiring
These adapters are compliant with IEC 61162-1.
These adaptors send serial NMEA data (IEC61162-1), 4k8 up to
38K4 baud) they receive from their input ports onto the busbar
‘backplane’ for further processing by the Buscoupler which in its
turn streams the data onto the (VDR) network.
These adaptors connect to the DIN busbar within the DAQ
enclosure by mounting them from the top first and only in a
vertical direction. Once the adaptor is attached to the DIN rail it
should not be shifted in a horizontal direction (!) since this will render the feathering contacts
between the adaptor and the DIN useless and the system will fail beyond repair.
Power Supply
These adaptors receive their power (indirect PoE converted to 24V DC) via the DIN rail mounted
NW6410 Buscoupler.
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For physical connector and wiring identification please refer to the figures below.
Figure 16.4.1 – Connection figure NMEA Module 8 channels
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Figure 16.4.2 – Connection figure NMEA Module 16 channels
Figure 16.4.3 – Connection table NMEA Modules
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Data communications
The adaptor sends its data to the NW6410 Buscoupler for further processing and streaming onto
the VDR network. In default ‘VDR mode’ in order to offload its data – the Buscoupler relies on the
ethernet connection to the Core Module.
All adaptors have the number of ‘channel LEDs’ (CH1~24) corresponding with their size (8,16,24)
and each row of 8 channels has a LINK led which indicates if that part of the adaptor has power
and has established a data-link with the Buscoupler.
If errors occur within the adaptor these will be indicated on the display of the Bridge Control Unit.
The baud-rate is auto-sensing, and the unit does not require any manual configuration (other than
to set the recording channel name associated with the physical connection during the
commissioning process).
Operating instructions
After commissioning of the VDR system, this unit does not require (crew) operating instructions.
17. NW64308/16/24 Digital 8/16/24 channel adaptors
ON level 5-24V DC, max. input current 1mA. The modules are
available in 8,16 and 24 channel configurations within a
harmonized configuration and wiring scheme.
These adaptors send digital data they receive from their input ports
onto the busbar ‘backplane’ for further processing by the
Buscoupler which in its turn streams the data onto the (VDR)
These adaptors connect to the DIN busbar within the DAQ
enclosure by mounting them from the top first and only in a vertical
direction. Once the adaptor is attached to the DIN rail it should not
be shifted in a horizontal direction (!) since this will render the
feathering contacts between the adaptor and the DIN useless and
the system will fail beyond repair.
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Power Supply
These adaptors receive their power (indirect PoE converted to 24V DC) via the DIN rail mounted
NW6410 Buscoupler.
Please note that for digital contacts additional 24 VDC will need to be supplied from either separate
power supply or from 24 VDC output on the buscoupler.
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For physical connector and wiring identification please refer to the figures below.
Figure 17.4.1 – Connection figure Digital Module 8 channels
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Figure 17.4.2 – Connection figure Digital Module 16 channels
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Figure 17.4.3 – Connection figure Digital Module 24 channels
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Figure 17.4.5 – Connection figure Digital Modules
Data communications
The adaptor sends its data to the NW6410 Buscoupler for further processing and streaming onto
the VDR network. In default ‘VDR mode’ in order to offload its data - the Buscoupler relies on the
ethernet connection to the Core Module.
All adaptors have the number of ‘channel LEDs’ (CH1~24) corresponding with their size (8,16,24)
and each row of 8 channels has a LINK led which indicates if that part of the adaptor has power
and has established a data-link with the Buscoupler.
If errors occur within the adaptor these will be indicated on the display of the Bridge Display Unit.
The unit is auto-sensing, and the unit does not require any manual configuration for voltage or
current (other than to set the recording channel name associated with the physical connection
during the commissioning process).
Operating instructions
After commissioning of the VDR system, this unit does not require (crew) operating instructions.
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18. NW64404/08/12 Analogue 4/8/12 channel adaptors
These adaptors provide input ports for analogue data with voltage
levels between -10V to +10V and -20mA to +20mA current.
Depending upon the port-wiring combination, a choice may be
made for voltage measurement or current measurement.
These adaptors connect to the DIN busbar by mounting them from
the top first and only in a vertical direction. Once the adaptor is
attached to the DIN rail it should not be shifted in a horizontal
direction (!) since this will render the feathering contacts between
the adaptor and the DIN useless and the system will fail beyond
Power Supply
These adaptors receive their power (indirect PoE converted to 24V DC) via the DIN rail mounted
NW6410 Buscoupler.
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Depending upon which connector entry is chosen, a choice is made between voltage and
current measurement.
For physical connector and wiring identification please refer to the figures below.
Figure 18.4.1 – Connection figure Analogue Module 4 channels
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Figure 18.4.2 – Connection figure Analogue Module 8 channels
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Figure 18.4.3 – Connection figure Analogue Module 12 channels
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Figure 18.4.4 – Connection table Analogue Modules
Data communications
These adaptors send analogue data (-10V to +10V or -20mA to -20mA) they receive from their
input ports onto the busbar ‘backplane’ for further processing by the Buscoupler which in its turn
streams the data onto the (VDR) network.
All adaptors have the number of ‘channel LEDs’ (CH1~24) corresponding with their size (8,16,24)
and each row of 8 channels has a LINK led which indicates if that part of the adaptor has power
and has established a data-link with the Buscoupler.
If errors occur within the adaptor these will be indicated on the display of the Bridge Display Unit.
The input is auto-sensing, and the unit does not require any manual configuration (other than to
set the recording channel name associated with the physical connection during the commissioning
Operating instructions
After commissioning of the VDR system, this unit does not require (crew) operating instructions.
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19. Connecting to the VDR for configuration of the system
In the event the VDR is available in a fully operational state - the method to connect to the VDR
is as follows.
1. With an Ethernet cable, physically connect to the VDR (Core Module (CM); data port)
with any PC (or laptop, notebook) with a Windows Operating System.
2. Change the IP address of the PC to be within the IP-range of the VDR and set it to
3. Open a web-browser and go to the URL or https://nw6000.orolia.local.
4. If necessary, download & install the Player & Conversion Software as well as the Manual
for these from the VDR to the PC. The VDR Playback software can also be obtained
from the Netwave Systems extranet. For login details, please check with Netwave
Systems ([email protected]).
5. Run the Playback software and select the configuration TAB for configuring the system.
Physically connecting to the VDR
The VDR’s Ethernet ports on the Core Module are auto-sensing and you should not have to
change your Ethernet cable, however, if you encounter problems obtaining access to the VDR
Core Module, check the following:
a. The Ethernet cable between the PC (Laptop, notebook computer) and the CM should be
a standard, readymade patch-type cable to overcome potential straight-thru vs. crossover
Ethernet cabling issues. Change the cable if required.
A straight-thru cable has identical ends.
A crossover cable has different ends.
A straight-thru is used as a patch cord in Ethernet connections.
A crossover is used to connect two Ethernet devices without a hub or for connecting two
A crossover has one end with the Orange set of wires switched with the Green set.
Odd numbered pins are always striped, even numbered pins are always solid colored.
Looking at the RJ-45 with the clip facing away from you, Brown is always on the right,
and pin 1 is on the left.
No more than 1/2" of the Ethernet cable should be untwisted otherwise it will be
susceptible to crosstalk.
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Checking for connected sensor to the VDR
Connect to the VDR and using a browser select the configuration TAB for configuring the system
on https://nw6000.orolia.local.
Before configuring the VDR, it is important to get an understanding and check of all connected
sensors to the VDR. For this purpose, the VDR Web Server provides an NMEA Analyzing tool.
Once connected to the VDR, below in the screen (red circle) you will immediately be indicated
whether the core module is available on-line. Red is wrong, green is correct.
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Change of type of the VDR
There I no longer the ability to change the type of the VDR as in the older Player V1.
The VDR is now configured via it’s web pages.
Configuring the VDR
For configuring the VDR, use a laptop with specifications as described above.
Connecting to the VDR enables access to its configuration files once the user has been
authenticated using their username and password.
Configuration of the VDR settings is available for authenticated users. Changes are committed to
the VDR by saving them once they have been configured. Once saved the VDR will reboot and
the newly saved configuration settings will be used.
19.4.1 On-line check of incoming data.
Currently the NW600 provides the facility to show NMEA received data and Live Video for
sources that have been configured. This requires that the user runs a “probe” and commits
devices to the VDR using the Save function.
After reboot the Live Video and NMEA Analyzer can be used to show incoming data…
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19.4.2 Configuration page
The NW6000 Configuration web page is used to configure the system.
On navigating to ‘Configuration’ the certified service engineer will have the option to configure the
VDR and to provide a correct representation of recorded data from all the storage media.
Open the ‘Configuration’ option with password available to certified service engineer.
The current configuration for the VDR is available when the Configuration page opens.
Select ‘Probe’ to show currently installed devices. Select SCAN to scan all the hardware
connected to the VDR and present the sensors on the left side of the opened window and merge
with the existing configuration if required.
The configurator will enable configuration of devices in the installed devices list. The
configuration, including installed devices, will only take effect when saved to the VDR.
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Configuration will start vessel particulars, to be filled.
A. Vessel name, IMO and MMSI numbers must be filled.
B. Start with the configuration of the VDR system. These are Video, Audio and NMEA sources.
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C. Open a specified field (i.e. buscoupler) and rename the found hardware modules when desired
In the menu structure on open the buscoupler and name the input of each connected NMEA input
(max 3 configurable between 4800-38400Bd) as per tab.
Proceed in similar fashion for all related modules.
Configuring AIM (Analogue Input Module) Insert the name of the connected signal.
Perform the same method for setting up the Digital Signals.
PN2xxx are used for the VHF module; insert desired names for the channels.
PN4xxx are used for the NW6030 Analogue Microphones connected to an NW6031
Audio Hub; please give a proper name in the fields which is giving an obvious name to
the location.
These names should be later mentioned as well in the final commissioning
After filling all fields, start with player configuration (top half of left menu (blue circle)).
In similar fashion, fill all required fields to make the Player V2 understand incoming
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Please pay attention to the configuration of the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS).
During installation it is required that position of the antenna will be registered by location on
the vessel in General Settings. In the additional notes field please add the required z –
coordinate (measured from high water line).
Additional VDR critical sensors are configured in Critical Settings…
Further, the system can
and will accept
Glonass/GPS (“GN”)
and Glonass (“GL”)
receiver messages, to
be filled at the Talker
Once all pages have been filled,
save the configuration to the VDR.
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19.4.3 Configuring the OPT
Select the OPT Configuration button to configure Operational Performance Test for NMEA,
Audio and Video sources.
Add categories for groups of NMEA OPT items.
Dragging or double
clicking the NMEA
sources will add that
item to the currently
selected category.
OPT categories will
become visible on
the BCU once the
OPT is performed
(see example
Once the system is
completely configured then the OPT configuration will be saved with ‘save to VDR’.
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19.4.4 Configuring the LWE video
To configure the video channels via the LWE 450 protocol, please take the following steps.
1. Connect to the NW6000 Web pages at https://nw6000.orolia.local
2. Make sure all video channels are enabled and are sending data over the VDR network.
3. Press SCAN on the Configurator “Probe” page, the VDR will now search for all available
video channels.
4. The video channels will become visible in the NEW DEVICES list based on the
configured identifiers (i.e. EC0001 and RA0001). Add these to the INSTALLED DEVICES
5. Select the VIDEO SETTNGS page to see details on each video source that has been
added or is already available.:
6. Based on the information from the device, the Description, location, source and timeout
field will be preconfigured, please update to ensure a correct representation of the situation
on board the vessel.
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Recording Mode
As it is not required to record all available image sources at the same time (only the source used
for navigation), the NW6000 allows two methods for recording sources of the same type.
1. DEFAULT: Devices with the same type are recorded in round-robin. For two sources of
ECDIS source 1 is recorded first and then source 2 when it arrives in the following time slot.
Thus, every 30s both are recorded.
2. ALWAYS: In this case all sources regardless of type are always recorded. So, in the
previous example both ECDIS images received in a time slot will be recorded.
SAVE settings to the VDR using the Save page.
Source type: this defines the type of image source that is transmitting the message. In line
with the VDR performance standard, as a minimal requirement the VDR shall record ECDIS,
SBAND and XBAND radar images.
Configuration is only possible when the VDR is under maintenance, and the service engineer
will have to login using the provided password during training and certification.
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20. Creating a download from the VDR system
Download of data from the NW6000 uses the same interface as used with configuring the
system. This is a dedicated ethernet port on the CM switch.
To perform a download requires installation of the Player software and configuration of the PC
used for the download.
Download data set
To download a data set from the NW6000, please set your PC to fixed IP address
using local area connection network.
Fill the following IP addresses:
IP address:
Playback of voyage data now uses Player V2. This is a separate application and available via the
NW6000 Web Interface. The manual for configuring the Player V2, and also, it is operation, is
available within the Player V2.
Downloading from fixed capsule or float free might require a long time. It is recommended to
download from the long-term storage in the core module.
Choose the required data set from long term storage medium in core module for download to your
computer. Give it a recognizable name and place for easy retrieval for play back.
Due to system design of data recording on float free capsule, during normal operation the
downloading of most recent stored data on the capsule might lead to download interruptions
as recording has priority over downloading. Repeat download might correct the required
dataset. For incident retrieval this is not applicable as no data storage and downloading
inference will occur.
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21. Playback software
Obtaining the Playback software
The Playback software can be found on the USB-card enclosed to the hard copy version
of this manual. Please note that the Playback software version on the USB-card may not
be the most recent software version since a new version can be released as from the
moment the manual and USB-card are sent out. In case another software version is
required than provided on the USB-card, the 2 following options are left.
The Playback software can be downloaded from the VDR (software is present on Core
Module). Connect your PC to the data-port of the Switch. Open an internet browser and
type the following address ‘’ (IP-address of Core Module). The Playback
software can be downloaded on this page.
The playback software can be downloaded from - login (only
accessible for service engineers).
Additional playback software, which may be downloaded from the Netwave website is available
for use in shore-side offices. This additional software is necessary for the playback of data once
it has been removed from the ship and transported to the office environment.
The computer on which the Playback application is being installed must have its regional and
language options adjusted to English. This may be done by double clicking the ‘Regional
Options’ icon in the Control Panel window and selecting ‘English’ from the language drop
down list. It is recommended that either ‘English (United States)’ or ‘English (Canada)’ is
selected. However, any of the available English options are acceptable.
Installation of Playback software - Client/Standalone PC
The installation of playback software is automated and requires little interaction. The install is
performed via a self-extracting executable file and is automatically installed to the C:\Program
Files\Netwave\VDR directory, with a shortcut placed on the Windows desktop. The install file will
normally be named “Install VDR Playback.exe”.
To begin the installation, complete the steps listed below.
Double click the file ‘Install VDR Playback.exe’.
Choose the directory to which the executable will be installed.
Perform the installation.
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22. NW6000 Web page
The VDR webpage can be accessed by using the http://nw6000.orolia.local on core modules with
software version 1.5.17 or lower. Later versions require a certificate to be installed. The webpage
is secured and therefore needs to be accessed with https://nw6000.orolia.local.
The dashboard contains links for downloading the Playback software, Authority manual and the
Orolia certificate used for HTTPS.
Figure 22.1.1 – Dashboard page
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Installing Orolia VDR Certificate
After upgrading the core module from v1.5.17 or later, access the VDR with to
download the “Installer Orolia Certificate”. Save the downloaded file “”
and uncompress the file with for example WinZip or 7Zip.
Execute the file “setup-orolia-certificate.exe”.
The following message can be shown by the Windows operating system.
Click on “More info” and press the “Run anyway” button…
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Then click the button “install” to proceed with the installation.
Click the button “Finish” to end the installation.
Access the VDR webpage with a browser by using https://nw6000.orolia.local/
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Live Video
The Live Video webpage will display all configured video channels. This includes the video
channels from a Video module (NW6044) as well as connected LWE video channels. See chapter
7.7 how to configure video channels.
Figure 22.3.1 – Live video page, video channel
Each configured video channel will be displayed on the Live video page. On top of the video image
more information about the video source is available. Containing the following information.
Date time
Description of the video channel. Set in the video playback software
Name of the video source transmitted by the video source.
The source information will be red when no image is available for
Location of the video channel. Set in the video playback software
Indicates the status of the video channel. Transmitted by the video source
Video device number. A device can contain multiple channels.
The channel of the device.
UTC time of the recorded image.
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The video source information will be coloured in red when there is no recorded image or when the
time between the connected computer and VDR is not synchronized.
Annual Performance Test
Netwave Systems recommends performing an Annual Performance Test (APT) every 12 months
referring to MSC.1/Circ.1222.
The VDR page retrieves information from the VDR, that is required for the APT, and will be filled
in automatically in the APT page. Additional information needs to be filled in by the APT performing
certified engineer. Click on the button “Create APT report” to generate the APT in a pdf format.
The pdf file will be stored on the VDR and needs to be send to [email protected] by the
certified engineer when performing the APT.
The VDR configurator webpage contains VDR settings that can not be set by the Playback
software. The configurator page also includes tools for configuration and troubleshooting. The
following paragraphs describes each of the settings and tools.
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22.5.1 LWE Settings
Figure – Configurator page, LWE settings
When enabled will cause the VDR to record the LWE video sources transmitting X-Band
images. In case there is also an X-Band source connected to a Video Module this setting
can be switched off to disable the X-Band video recording from an LWE source.
When enabled will cause the VDR to record the LWE video sources transmitting S-Band
images. In case there is also an S-Band source connected to a Video Module this setting
can be switched off to disable the S-Band video recording from an LWE source
When enabled will cause the VDR to record the LWE video sources transmitting ECDIS
images. In case there is also an ECDIS source connected to a Video Module this setting can
be switched off to disable the ECDIS video recording from an LWE source.
When enabled will cause the VDR to record the LWE video sources from those other than
the above-mentioned sources.
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22.5.2 VLAN Settings
The NW6000 VLAN implementation relies on a separate VLAN enabled switch which is connected
to ETH1 on the VDR CPU. This requires a direct connection to this port in the core module.
The VLAN-ID and associated network(s) are configured independently.
NOTE: The VLAN switch on ETH1 needs to be configured independently. The ports used need
to match the VLAN-ID associated with the networks in the VDR.
The Network Config address control box uses CIDR notation to specify the network, the prefix and
the IP address of the VDR on a VLAN e.g. configures the VDR VLAN network as
1) Network is to
2) Network mask is
3) VDR IP address is
Figure – Configurator page, VLAN settings
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22.5.3 BAM Settings
The VDR can be connected to a Bridge Alert Management (BAM) system if available. When
enabled VDR alert messages will be transmitted to the BAM system. Full details of alert identifiers
are available in the BAM Interface specification.
Figure – Configurator page, BAM settings
BAM Enabled Slider
Used to enable (as shown) or disable BAM.
BAM Interface
Used to enable the ports used for BAM transmission.
Select “default” to transmit BAM messages via the ethernet network using LWE.
Select “Serial” to transmit alert messages by using an output port on the BCU or Bus
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Figure – Configurator page, BAM interface settings
After setting the BAM Interface to serial the Fig.21.4.3. BAM dropdown list is shown. Select the
desired output channel which is connected to the BAM system.
The Bus Coupler and BCU ports can be used as inputs for NMEA signals or for BAM alert
messages as output.
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22.5.4 Advanced Settings
Figure – Advanced Settings
Log Reboot
This setting is used to control whether the NW6000 logs additional information when the
platform reboots.
This can be used to help track down problems if required and should be used in
consultation with support.
Scheduled restart
This feature is used to restart the NW 6000 at periodic intervals.
Once enabled the following options can be configured for the interval between restarts:
1) Weeks - 1-4.
2) Day - Saturday, Monday, ...
3) Hour - 1-24
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Analyze Tool
The analyze tool scans real time incoming NMEA data sources and presents them in an easy to
configure filterable list. This data can be used for configuring the playback software as well as
trouble shooting connections.
Figure 22.6.1 - Configurator page, Analyze tool
The buttons in the left menu from top to down have the following functionality.
Disable alerts
clears the list and continues to scan.
freezes updates to analyze table
stops the analyzer
timeouts for successive sentences are displayed in red.
Figure 22.6.2 - Analyze tool, filter option
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The filter option will show only data containing the text entered in the filter box.
For example, typing “hdt” in the box will only show data containing the text “hdt”.
Device ID sending the data
Module number
Port number
Group, hover over to receive additional information
Talker Id
Received sentence from source
State of Sentence
UTC time received message
Time between last received message
Figure 22.6.3 - Description list items
BAM Tool
This BAM tool monitors, in real time, BAM alert messages and displays them in a list. The BAM
Interface specification contains a list with ID’s and descriptions.
Figure 22.7.1 – Configurator page, BAM Tool
The buttons in the left menu from top to down have the following functionality.
clears BAM table.
stops receiving BAM messages.
Category of alert message. Hover over to receive additional information.
Priority of the message.
Acknowledge state
Manufacturer mnemonic code
Alert identifier. See Annex IV for the complete list
Alert instance
Time in seconds since last refresh
Alert description
Figure 22.7.2 – Description BAM list items
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Rebooting the VDR
The VDR will reboot automatically if the Save to VDR is accessed and the OK button is pressed.
All configured settings will be stored to the VDR and will be used by the VDR after it reboots.
Figure 22.8.1 – Configurator page, Save to VDR tool
Once the installer has accessed the Configurator, using Authentication, the REBOOT button
becomes available in the footer of all pages.
Pressing the REBOOT button will reboot the VDR.
All configuration that has not been saved to the VDR will be lost if REBOOT is used.
After rebooting the VDR will use its previously stored settings.
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23. BAM Interface Specification
The following sections detail the BAM interface on the NW6000 in compliance with IEC
Bridge Alert Management (BAM)
BAM reporting is available as follows:
Types Supported
IEC 61162-1/2
IEC 61162-450
Maximum Number
BAM configuration is provided here in BAM Settings.
Manufacturer ID
The Manufacturer ID for alert messages coming from the NW6000 is …
Manufacturer ID = NWS
Supported NMEA Messages
The NW6000 supports the following messages…
f) ALF
g) ALC
h) ACN
The heartbeat message, HBT, is sent by the NW6000 at intervals of 30s.
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Alert Identifiers
The description of the alert identifiers (ID) coming from the NW6000 are as follows:
Alert ID
Caption (max 16)
Time not received for 30s
Position not received for 30s
Heading not received for 30s
VIDEO not received 'timeout' seconds
NMEA not received for 'timeout' seconds
No analog messages received for 30s
No digital messages received for 30s
Audio problem mic/vhf/michub
Not in use
Connection problem with BCU
Connection problem Storage (Jotron)
Connection problem HVR04
Problem mounting SSD on VDR
Not in Use
Not in Use
Float Free storage alert
Not in Use
Configured Device never sent data after restart
Power Failure (mains power gone)
Microphone Test failed
Error with switch (Not used now)
No reception SBAND LWE video for 'timeout' seconds
No reception XBAND LWE video for 'timeout' seconds
No reception ECDIS LWE video for 'timeout' seconds
Not in Use
Not in Use
Storage Failure on external (USB) storage
Note: A second ALF message always accompanies the first message and contains additional
channel information.
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24. Frequently Asked Questions
This section includes additional information which may help in diagnosing a problem(s).
Browser Shows Insecure Webpage
404 Not Found
The latest update to the NW6000 internal web server includes secure web page access using
https. This requires that there is a certificate installed on the machine that is being used to access
the VDR web server and also requires the use of the NW6000 local hostname.
This can cause some issues when using a browser to connect to VDR’s running v1.5.17
After upgrading a core module from version 1.5.17 to a higher version it is required to install an
SSL certificate to be able to access the now secured -VDR webpages.
When using the same computer, with the certificate installed, on an NW6000 VDR with core
module version 1.5.17 the VDR page may be inaccessible resulting in the following error.
Some browsers may automatically try to force to an SSL connection. To avoid this use
An NW6000 VDR with a higher version than v1.5.17 can be accessed with
https://nw6000.orolia.local/ - note the ‘s’ after http.
Tip: Once this URL has been used to access the VDR, set it as a bookmark in your web browser
for ease of use.
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Browser Compatibility with VDR Web Server
Access core module versions 1.5.17 and lower
Access core module versions v1.6.3 and higher
Requires enabling the Windows certificate store. See below steps.
Access with: https://nw6000.orolia.local/
24.2.1 Firefox Compatibility
When using Firefox some additional steps are required to configure the browser for use with the
This requires enabling the NW6000 certificate in the Firefox certificates database.
Enabling the Windows certificate store trust can be done following the below steps.
Type about:config in the Firefox address bar. This will open a Firefox settings page.
In the search bar type “security. enterprise_roots.enabled”. Set the found setting to
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What is the recording capacity of the VDR?
Under IEC 61996-1 each of the recording mediums have the following recording requirements…
Storage Area
Long Term Recording Medium (LTRM)
Fixed Recording Medium (FRM)
Float Free Recording Medium (FFRM)
Recordings include NMEA, Audio and Video data sources along with additional support files –
config, log files etc. Each one is stored in a separately time stamped data file on all media. Older
files are removed to make space for newer files.
The storage space is always around 95% full as the system needs the additional 5% for
managing files.
For a system with the following configuration the amount of historic data that can be recorded is
estimated as follows:
20x NMEA
4 x DIM
4 x AIM
6 x Mics
2 x VHF
4 x VGA
4 x VGA
4 x LWE 450*
8 x LWE 450*
8 x LWE 450**
Storage Time (h)
Audio and Video sources consume considerably more storage resources than
Video recordings are typically stored every 15s from a source. Storage time is
dependent on compression and picture format used by the source.
The indicated number of hours in the previous table are indicative of measurements
with image resolution as follows:
a) VGA
– 1696 x 1250
b) LWE 450* – 1920 x 1080
Video recordings with higher resolutions require additional storage space and could
compromise the minimum storage requirements.
For example: LWE 450** 3840 x 1080 with 90% compression indicated above.
Although this satisfies the LTRM requirement it will not satisfy the FRM and FFRM
requirement and will not be compliant with IEC 61996.
The amount of time that has been stored, for each area compared to IEC61996 requirements,
is available on the BCU status page.
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Part 2: Operator and maintenance manual
1. Routine maintenance
1.1 Annual Performance Test
1.1.1 General
Netwave Systems recommends performing an Annual Performance Test (APT) every 12 months
referring to MSC.1/Circ.1222.
The APT can only be performed by Netwave Systems certified agents. An overview of the global
service network of Netwave Systems can be found on under the tab
‘Service’. For assistance please contact our service department.
Please note that an APT is valid/completed only when a Certificate of Compliance is issued.
1.1.2 Replacement/maintenance beacon and batteries Core Module
The expiry date of the beacon and the reserve power source (4 batteries in the Core Module) will
be checked during the APT but please note that these can expire in between the APT’s.
The battery of the beacon needs to be replaced every 3 years. A beacon needs to be replaced
every 6 years. Expiry date can be found on the label of the beacon or in the most recent APT
Batteries Core Module
The 4 batteries in the Core Module need to be replaced every 2 years after installation. Expiry
date can be found on the ‘battery expiration date’ label (placed on the outside of the Core Module),
on the expiry label of each battery or in the most recent APT checklist.
1.2 Operational Performance Test
1.2.1 General
According to resolution MSC. 333(90) the Voyage Data Recorder needs to be able to perform a
performance test at any time, e.g. annually or following repair or maintenance work to the VDR or
any signal source providing data to the VDR. This test may be conducted using the Bridge Control
Unit and should ensure that all the required individual data items are being recorded correctly.
Netwave Systems highly recommends performing an Operational Performance Test (OPT)
This test should be performed by using the Bridge Control Unit. The performance test will indicate
the status of all connected sensors.
To start the OPT, push ‘Menu’ on the opening screen. This screen provides the choice for the
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2014/12/04 11:17:20 UTC
40 of 42 channels
5593 / 720 Hours on Long Term Storage
204 / 48 Hours on Netwave Capsule
332 / 48 Hours on Free Float Capsule
2014/12/04 11:17:25 UTC
40 of 42 channels
5593 / 720 Hours on Long Term Storage
204 / 48 Hours on Netwave Capsule
332 / 48 Hours on Free Float Capsule
When touching the OPT button in MENU, the system will provide a choice of tests for the various
devices. Choose the devices to be checked. Checking ‘ALL’ will list all connected devices.
2014/12/04 11:16:12 UTC
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1.2.2 AUDIO test
For example, when choosing AUDIO, the screen will provide all connected audio sources.
2014/12/04 11:17:45 UTC
VHF 1 – PN2000.1
VHF 2 – PN2000.2
PN1014.1 – PN1014.1
PN1006.1 – PN1006.1
PN1002.1 – PN1002.1
PN1007.1 – PN1007.1
PN1008.1 – PN1008.1
By clicking on one of the microphone devices, the OPT will start a microphone test (beep in the
microphone) and when passed, the MIC test will indicate ‘Passed ‘.
Select each microphone accordingly.
2014/12/04 11:17:20 UTC
Update time
MIC Test
2014/12/04 11:17:20
When the device passes the test, the ‘pass’ button should be pressed. Result will be logged as
per required OPT logging.
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Choosing the VHF will provide the VHF test screen. The audio level should be > 20 for ‘pass’.
2014/12/04 11:17:55 UTC
VHF 1:2
Update time
Audio Level
2014/12/04 11:17:52
After all audio devices have been checked, click ‘back’ and the system will get the operator in
the main menu and i.e. video can be checked.
1.2.3 VIDEO test
When choosing VIDEO on the OPT screen it will provide all connected video sources.
2014/12/04 11:18:15 UTC
Select the line with the video source to be tested (i.e. Radar X). The display will start slowly to
show the complete video screen.
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It is required by clicking anywhere on the screen that the picture will zoom into the original display
size. Clicking once again will provide the buttons. You can pan around the picture and ‘pass’ or
‘fail’ can be pressed. Outcome will be recorded in the logging.
1.2.4 NMEA test
When choosing NMEA on the OPT screen it will provide all connected NMEA sources.
2014/12/04 11:18:45 UTC
Selecting one of the main categories will provide the following sensors:
2014/12/04 11:18:50 UTC
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Clicking on GPS, will provide the GPS data:
2014/12/04 11:18:52 UTC
GPS fix data (GGA)
Update time
2014/12/04 11:18:52
00°00'58" S
015°00'58" W
When the operator decides that the presented data is correct, press ‘pass’ otherwise press ‘fail’
and arrange for check / service on the system for correction.
The results of the tests will be logged into the Voyage Data Recorder and can be downloaded
using the player wizard.
1.2.5 OPT log
The VDR will log the last 10 Operational Performance Tests which are carried out on the system.
These logs will be stored on all 3 storage media and can be checked by using the Playback
software (see chapter ‘Playback Software’ - ‘Logging functions’ (Operation and maintenance
manual) and check the OPT log-tab).
1.2.6 Errors
In case there are difficulties and assistance is required, please download the data set as described
in the chapter ‘Download data set from the VDR system’ (Operator and maintenance manual) and
send the dataset to [email protected] so Netwave Systems can assist in fault
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1.3 TRON 40VDR Float Free Capsule
1.3.1 General
The information about the TRON 40VDR provided in this chapter is based on the ‘User Manual’
of Jotron. For full information about the TRON 40VDR Netwave Systems refers to the User Manual
of Jotron. This user manual:
is hardcopy enclosed to the delivery box of the TRON 40VDR.
is available on the USB-card enclosed to this hardcopy Netwave manual.
or can be found on the internet site of Jotron.
The TRON 40VDR Float Free Capsule is under the regulation according to SOLAS Chap.IV
reg.15.9.2 and IMO MSC.Circ 1039 guideline. The TRON 40VDR Float Free Capsule is compliant
to this guideline.
Although the TRON 40VDR is part of the APT/shore-based maintenance (GMDSS, see 1.3.6),
Jotron recommends to test/inspect the TRON 40VDR monthly. There are three kinds of
tests/inspections which should be performed.
1. Normal self test
2. Extended self-test including the GPS
3. Visual inspection
1.3.2 Normal self-test
What the normal self-test does is send out a short test signal on 121,5 and 406,037MHz, testing
the output of the transmitter. While transmitting the test signal, the battery voltage, output power
and phase lock is tested. During the test of the 406MHz transmitter a test message is transmitted,
this test message is coded with a special synchronization code and will not be recognized as real
alert by the Cospas-Sarsat satellites.
To perform the self-test, the EPIRB must be removed from the FB-40 bracket.
1. Release FB-40 top cover by removing the cotter pin.
2. Take TRON 40VDR out of the bracket.
3. Push and hold switch in TEST position for 15 seconds. Keep hands and other objects away
from the antenna.
4. Test passed after one single flash only.
5. Release the switch and put the EPIRB back into the bracket.
1.3.3 Extended self-test including GPS-test
To perform the extended self-test, the EPIRB must be removed from the FB-40 bracket.
Note 1: The GPS test might take up to 2 minutes to be successful. Limit this test to max. once per
month as this test will reduce the lifetime of the EPIRB battery.
Note 2: This test includes the normal self-test and therefore only one of them are necessary.
Note 3: The extended self-test is imitated to 60 for a period of 5 years.
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1. Release FB-40 top cover by removing the cotter pin.
2. Take TRON 40VDR out of the bracket.
3. Move Switch to TEST-position twice within 3 seconds and release back to READY-position.
4. EPIRB will BEEP shortly every 3 seconds until GPS position acquired.
5. OK = 2 BEEPS.
6. Normal SELF TEST is performed after successful GPS TEST and position transmitted on
406.037 MHz. GPS position may also be received on an EPIRB Tester for verification.
1.3.4 Errors
If the self-test detects a fault in the EPIRB module, one or more of the following indications are
# Flashes
Fault indication
Low power on 406 MHz transmitter
Low battery voltage
Low power on 121.5 MHz transmitter
PLL on 406 MHz transmitter out of lock
PLL on 121.5 MHz transmitter out of lock
EPIRB module not programmed or programming not
GPS-test error messages:
a) 5 beeps: did not acquire GPS position
b) 10 beeps: number of GPS TEST above limit (>60)
1.3.5 Visual inspection
The TRON 40VDR should be easily removed and replaced in the Bracket.
Check for defects on the EPIRB or brackets.
Make sure that the TRON 40VDR and Bracket are not painted or covered with
chemicals, oil, etc.
Is the lanyard firmly attached to the TRON 40VDR (and not tied to the vessel)?
Check the expiry dates on:
✓ EPIRB Battery
✓ Hydrostatic Release Unit (HRU)
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1.3.6 Replacement/maintenance HRU, EPIRB Module/Battery pack, TRON 40VDR
(capsule and bracket)
The expiry date of the Hydrostatic Release Unit (HRU), EPIRB Module/Battery pack, TRON
40VDR (capsule and bracket) will be checked during the APT but please note that these can
expire in between the APT’s.
Hydrostatic Release Unit
The HRU including Plastic Bolt needs to be replaced every 2 years. The expiry date can
be found on the label of the HRU or in the most recent APT checklist.
Replacement instructions can be found in the user manual of Jotron. This user manual is
enclosed to the delivery box or can be found on the internet site of Jotron.
EPIRB Module/Battery pack
If the EPIRB is fitted on a vessel which requires GMDSS compliant equipment, the EPIRB
shall be serviced, tested and approved (as required by SOLAS regulation IV/15.9.2 of
SOLAS 1974 as amended with, in accordance with MSC/Circ.1039 guidelines for shorebased maintenance of Satellite EPIRBs) within 5 years, or by the date of battery expiry,
whichever comes first. The expiry date can be found on the label of the EPIRB or in the
most recent APT checklist.
The TRON 40VDR battery must be changed at a Jotron SBM authorized workshop to be
GMDSS compliant. If your TRON 40VDR is not under any international or national
regulations, battery can be change by authorized Jotron representatives/partners/dealers.
TRON 40VDR Float-Free Capsule/Bracket
Jotron recommends replacing both the TRON 40VDR Float-Free Capsule and Bracket
every 10th year.
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2. NW6010 Bridge Control Unit
2.1 General
The Bridge Control Unit (BCU) serves both as an interface for serial/NMEA data as well to display
the operational status and provide user functionality like, but not limited to, operational
performance tests.
2.2 Location and mounting
The BCU may be mounted in a protected environment at any convenient location taking into
account the compass safe distance as indicated on the unit.
2.3 Indicators
The BCU has 1 LED at the back to indicate that the power supplied to it is present, in other words,
at least a PoE link is established to the core module. In the event the LED is illuminated (steady,
green), the video display on the unit must work.
Furthermore, each network-port provides Link and Activity LEDs on the backside of the unit with
following meaning.
Link speed (Green LED); the LED is on when there is a link connection, otherwise, the LED is off.
Activity (Yellow LED); the LED is flashing when there is activity on the link; otherwise, the LED is
2.4 Errors
Error indication: in the event the LED on the back side of the unit is On, the display is illuminated
and showing text (buttons), but no valid (UTC) time is presented on the display, the data-link to
the core module is not functional at that time. All other errors are presented on the display.
The BCU provides an Auxiliary ALERT relay of which the (dry) contact rating is 28V dc, 200mA
max. During a correct functioning of the VDR, the relay contacts are in the NO position. When an
ALERT condition occurs or the VDR loses its power, the NC position is valid. (NC=normally closed,
CO=COMMON contact, NO=normally open).
2.5 Operating instructions
The BCU is equipped with a touch screen display with day and night display mode.
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2.6 Screen description
The BCU will be used for control and monitoring of the Voyage Data Recorder. The opening
screen will show number of channels being recorded, number of alerts applicable date and time
(UTC) and recorded time of data.
Recorded time will be determined by calculating the time between the first and last file registered
in the storage medium.
> Up
> Down
Display specific alerts (if any) of the VDR
Scroll down on the alert list
Scroll down on the alert list
Go back to previous screen
Toggle between day to night display
Backlight intensity of the display
2014/12/04 11:17:25 UTC
42 of 42 channels
5593 / 720 Hours on Long Term Storage
204 / 48 Hours on Netwave Capsule
332 / 48 Hours on Free Float Capsule
By touching the ALERT button, screen will change from status to alert position and indicate all
alerts applicable for the moment, with latest alert on top.
2014/12/04 11:17:25 UTC
(12h) NO AUDIO FROM PN1002.1
(12h) AUDIO TEST Failed on PN1001
(22h) NO DATA: SI6000.4.4
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2.7 Alert conditions indicated on BCU
Any recording errors, being it data integrity, loss of sensor information or other circumstance as
represented in the VDR Performance Standard will lead to an ALERT condition which stays active
and displayed on the BCU. In case the ALERT is resolved, the text line will disappear.
Following indications can appear on the BCU.
(Between brackets time that ALERT is active) followed by ALERT indication:
2.7.1 Power Failure
A) ‘Power failure (230 V gone)’
B) ‘Power failure: recording stopped’
Mains power (230 Vac) is lost.
When main power was lost for more than 2 hours
By regulation/design the recording will be stopped.
Any power source which has been available at system start-up and which is disconnected (or lost
its power) thereafter will generate a Power Failure ALERT.
If the primary power source is lost, the battery-backup mechanism will secure continued operation
of the VDR. In battery-backup mode, the VDR will continue to operate for 2 hours, after which time
the VDR will switch off until normal power is restored.
2.7.2 Recording Channels NMEA
‘No data: … ‘
‘No time on: ... ‘
‘No position on: ...’
‘No heading on: … ‘
NMEA data is not received on the NMEA channel
No time received on configured NMEA channel
No position received on configured NMEA channel
No heading received on configured NMEA channel
If any of the designated channels loses its signal an ALERT will be presented, including the
source (channel name) of that signal.
Designated Channels are those which have been set to active during commissioning and therefore
have to be recorded.
2.7.3 Recording channels audio
A) ‘No audio from: … ‘
B) ‘Audio test failed on …’
No audio from specific microphone or VHF
Audio test failed on specific microphone.
2.7.4 Recording channels video data
A) ‘Video connection problem’
B) ‘No image from: … ‘
No connection to the video device.
No image received from specific video port.
In the event of absence or malfunction of the video adaptor or the radar video signal, an ALERT
is generated.
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2.7.5 Storage
A) Connection problem capsule’
No connection to the Netwave capsule
B) Connection problem (type) capsule’ If other then Netwave capsule is connected.
C) ‘Float free not accessible’
No connection to Float free capsule.
In the event the system is either unable to read from data recently written into any of the Final
Recording Media, a data volume becomes unavailable, or any data volume has an overflow, an
ALERT will be generated.
2.7.6 Switch
A) ‘Switch: problem with port ... ‘
Indicated port on switch has malfunction.
2.7.7 Hardware malfunction
A) ‘Not active … ‘
Specified hardware not functioning.
2.8 Operating screens
By pressing the MENU button, the operator will be guided through a number of additional
information displays.
2014/12/04 11:17:25 UTC
42 of 42 channels
5593 / 720 Hours on Long Term Storage
204 / 48 Hours on Netwave Capsule
332 / 48 Hours on Free Float Capsule
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2.9 Alert logging
STATUS information will provide access to a logging screen which provides a list of last 25 logged
events. Using PREV and NEXT the user will be led forward or aft through the menu.
2014/12/04 11:17:25 UTC
14/12/03 10:43:16 till 14/12/03 10:43:18
Software version recognition
By choosing in the MENU display, the SOFTW button will provide all relevant software versions.
2014/12/04 11:17:40 UTC
BCP – SI6000 – v 0.6.0
BCU – PN5000 – v 0.4.17
CAP – PN7000 – v 0.4.3
MIC – PN1006 – v 0.9.4
MIC – PN1014 – v 0.9.4
MIC – PN1001 – v 0.9.1
MIC – PN1003 – v 0.9.4
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Screen test
The Bridge Control Unit has screen test included. By choosing in the MENU display, the SCREEN
button, the display will provide a rectangular black in white figure. This will test the correct
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NW6880 TRON 40VDR FRM Float Free Capsule
3.1 General
According to the IEC61996-1:2013 (MSC.333 (90)/5.4.3) recording of the VDR data shall also take
place on an approved free-floating Final Recording Medium for a period of not less than 48 hours.
The unit to be installed in conjunction with this VDR is the Jotron TRON 40VDR which basically
comprised of an EPIRB with internal memory to the VDR.
3.2 Led indication
Below is a description of the LED lights on the Docking Module (83180 MKII).
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Fixed HSS Capsule
4.1 General
The hardened storage server (HSS) forms the Fixed Final Recording Medium and is colored bright
orange for ease of location in the event of an incident. The HSS is designed to be mounted on the
´monkey island´ - and is fitted with an acoustic beacon to aid underwater recovery by a Remotely
Operated Vehicle (ROV) or diver in the event of an incident.
The unit is designed to withstand the extreme shock, impact, pressure and heat exposure
requirements of the IEC Performance standards which mirror those enforced by the maritime and
aerospace authorities.
The HSS has the capacity to store audio, radar video and other data for a rolling 48-hour
(minimum) period as defined in the regulations. All power and data are passed to the HSS via one
single Ethernet cable. Connection is via a waterproof connector.
The HSS has a release mechanism to facilitate underwater recovery both by a diver or a ROV.
Suitable handles are provided to ensure that the capsule may be retrieved safely after release.
The HSS has an externally mounted underwater location beacon (ULB) with an activation sensor
to avoid inadvertent activation due to spray/rain/hosing off. The HSS (memory module) protective
capsule is painted a highly visible fluorescent orange with the required text: VOYAGE DATA
When the HSS has been damaged after an incident, e.g. the HSS was exposed to fire or the ship
has sunk, it may be returned to the manufacturer for the data to be extracted. Alternatively,
authorities may apply for instructions on how to extract the recorded data.
4.2 Indicators
When in unassembled state (and viewed form the bottom of the capsule part) a blue LED is
available to determine Link, Activity, and Error status during service.
4.3 Errors
If errors occur these will be indicated on the display of the Bridge Display Unit.
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Playback software
5.1 Setting up the PC
To download a data set from the NW6000, please set your PC to fixed IP address
using local area connection network.
Fill the following IP addresses:
IP address:
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5.2 Obtaining the Playback software
The Playback software can be found on the USB-card enclosed to the hard copy version of this
manual. Please note that the Playback software version on the USB-card may not be the most
recent software version since a new version can be released as from the moment the manual and
USB-card are sent out.
In case another software version is required than provided on the USB-card, the 2 following
options are left.
The Playback software can be downloaded from the VDR (software is present on Core
Module). Connect your PC to the data-port of the Switch. Open an internet browser and
type the following address ‘’ (IP-address of Core Module). The Playback
software can be downloaded on this page.
The playback software can be downloaded from - login (only
accessible for service engineers).
Additional playback software, which may be downloaded from the Netwave website is available
for use in shore-side offices. This additional software is necessary for the playback of data once it
has been removed from the ship and transported to the office environment.
The computer on which the Playback application is being installed must have its regional
and language options adjusted to English. This may be done by double clicking the
‘Regional Options’ icon in the Control Panel window and selecting ‘English’ from the
language drop down list. It is recommended that either ‘English (United States)’ or ‘English
(Canada)’ is selected. However, any of the available English options are acceptable.
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5.3 Installation of Playback Software – Client/Standalone PC
The Playback software can be installed as a standalone application on a laptop or PC. No
licensing is required.
Before the Player can be used, the application needs to be installed as described in following
1. Copy or download file on your laptop or replay device in a folder like in the following
2. Double click the “NetwavePlayerV2_xxx_setup.exe’’ (xxx = number of software release).
3. The installer will automatically install the Player, follow the instructions on the screen.
Note: Most likely your windows safety software will warn you about the publisher of this software
because Orolia NetWave is not an official Microsoft product manufacturer.
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5.4 Starting the Playback Application
The player can be started by pressing the Desktop icon for the player placed
during installation.
Once the player has started the Start App screen is displayed. This is used to launch
player sessions.
Click on Start App to start a playback session.
The session can be used to playback a previously stored dataset or alternatively to download
a dataset from a storage device which subsequently can be played back using the player.
Tip: The player will start the app by opening a previous dataset if it still exists. With larger
datasets this can take some time opening before the player is ready to start a session. This can
be disabled by holding the left CTRL key when clicking the START APP button. In this case the
user will have to either do a download or manually select a dataset to start a session.
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5.5 Configuration File
The vessel information displayed in the playback application is automatically configured via the
ship’s configuration file. This file is created by the installation technician during the installation of
the VDR and is stored within each of the three final recording media (LTRM, FRM and FFRM).
Upon start-up of the Playback application, the last stored configuration file, applicable for the
downloaded dataset, will automatically be loaded.
Although the Playback can be modified to display specific items in the case of an incident the
underlying data files and configuration history remains intact.
With the NW6000, the ship’s configuration file is included in a dataset. When a dataset is
selected the configuration file will be automatically reloaded as necessary.
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5.6 Downloading a Dataset from Recording Medium
After pressing the START APP button, oo download a dataset from one of the final recording
mediums (FRM, FFRM or LTRM) select the DOWNLOAD button.
Select a storage device to download from
using the dropdown menu.
The IP address of the VDR will be shown in
the box under the stroage device selection.
This is for reference only and cannot be
is pressed the Player will search for the
previously selected storage device on the VDR
Then the Player will present the time selection
for the dataset to be downloaded.
NOTE: The player will automatically
position the download time to be the last 5
mins of data from the storage medium.
As shown above there are several items that can be used to control the dataset time selection:
1) The
control is used to select the date.
Click on this to set a different date e.g.
2) The START TIME is used to set the hours and minutes to start downloading from.
3) The TOTAL RECORDING TIME is the time duration of the dataset that will be
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1) The mouse scroll wheel or touchpad can also be used to change items in the selection
2) When selecting a date or time that results in a time that has not recording data to retrieve
the relevant numbers will be changed and flashed red to either the start or end of the
recording time.
3) Downloading a datset can be time consuming. Once the dataset has been downloaded
the Player will then parse the data before playing back. This is a once off operation for a
dataset download. Subequently the dataset can be played back when opened manually
without this delay.
All parsed data is stored in a folder ’.cache’ in the folder selected to download the dataset to.
Choose the required dataset from long term storage medium in Core Module for download to
your computer. Give it a recognizable name and place for easy retrieval for play back.
Due to system design of data recording on float free capsule, during normal operation the
downloading of most recent stored data on the capsule might lead to download
interruptions as recording has priority over downloading. Repeat download might correct
the required dataset. For incident retrieval this is not applicable as no data storage and
downloading interference will occur.
Downloading from fixed capsule or float free might require a long time. It is recommended
to download from the long-term storage in the Core Module.
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5.7 Choosing an existing dataset
Once the playback software has been started (see Starting The Playback Application) then
use following steps to import the dataset and to start a playback session from an existing
a. Select the MANUALLY import
dataset button
Note: Dataset needs to be
available on the computer.
b. Select the dataset to be
imported and follow the
Note: Opening the dataset can
take some time depending on
the size of the dataset.
When dataset is loaded, the
system will indicate that dataset
is loaded (d).
c. The system will indicate the ships IMO number in the SHIP CONFIGURATION field once the
dataset has been loaded.
Note: If the IMO is blank the Start Session button will be hidden and the playback cannot be
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5.8 Starting data playback
Once the dataset has been loaded, either manually or via a download from an existing final
recording medium, the player can then start to perform a playback of the voyage data from the
When a dataset has been imported into the Player the screen will contain something similar to
the view on the right.
Further details on this view is available in the
Player V2 operator manual.
To start playing back either a downlaoded or an
existing dataset press the START SESSION
This launches the playback but first a user code
is required.
For replay only, the default pasword is: ocean .
When logged in with this password only replay is possible. Export of data and configuration file
is possible as well as selecting pages.
Once successfully logged in a window like that on the following page should appear.
The playback application interprets information provided in the ship’s
and files. Therefore, the playback interface may contain elements and controls
different from what appears below.
An administrator password is required for configuring the Player. The password will be
provided on request by our Service Department.
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Figure 5.8.1 Sample dataset playback
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5.9 Conversion of extracted data
Once a dataset has been opened by the playback software it can be exported and converted to
industry standard files. These converted files are from the downloaded dataset itself and can be
moved to another medium for other use.
To export data from the Player please select page ‘options’ and press the Export Converted
Dataset button.
When choosing Export Converted Dataset, the player wizard will automatically start to convert
the data in the dataset to industrial standard:
Video into .bmp files
Audio into .wav files
NMEA into .txt files
The converter will create a convert directory in the
same directory as where the dataset is stored.
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Logging functions
The Voyage Data Recorder creates error and OPT logging and stores these on all 3 storage
media. To get access to these logs, please check the error and/or OPT log tabs as presented in
the player.
The logs will be visible when a download is made from one of the storage media.
Download from long term storage:
Will provide all last 10 OPT’s and complete error log.
Download from float free and/or fixed capsule.
7. Playback software details
7.1 Passwords
There are 2 passwords required to playback data. The first password is necessary to
playback a selected data set. The default password is “ocean” (case sensitive). It is
supplied with the software.
The second password is for configuration. This password is only available for
Netwave certified service agents (provided during training).
7.2 Playback Controls
Please refer to Player V2 operator manual for further information on using the Player V2.
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8. Annex I; equipment decommissioning
8.1 RMRS Rules for equipment decommissioning
Following actions to be taken into consideration by the owner according to the paragraph 219 of
the “Technical Regulations on the Safety of Sea Transport Items”: The safety of decommissioned
sea transport infrastructure item shall be ensured by the owner of such item or operating
organization. During this period, it is necessary to perform regular monitoring of safety condition
of the decommissioned sea transport infrastructure item which has been:
1. Standard Netwave Systems warranty conditions consists of warranty on the equipment
which is valid for a period not exceeding 12 months after commissioning of the item or 18
months after delivery, whichever comes first.
2. If equipment (within or without a vessel utilization) has to be utilized:
a. it should be done according to Netwave Systems recommendations, mentioned
under item 3 below.
b. the company utilizing ships (ship equipment) shall develop an appropriate
utilization documentation for each ship (ship equipment) where technological
process modes, scope and sequence of utilization stages are specified (ref. to
paragraph 160 of the “Technical Regulations on the Safety of Sea Transport
3. Netwave Systems recommendations for utilization of VDR components according to
“Interim provisions for the application of the Technical Regulations on the Safety on Sea
Transport items in the RS activity”:
a. Survey of materials and products prior to recycling must be carried out in conformity
with requirements set in paragraphs 158 and 160 of “Technical Regulations”.
Report by the established form 6.3.79RF has to be issued and documentation on
recycling has to be approved by the bodies authorized for approval of
documentation on recycling in conformity with the legislation specified in
subparagraph “a” of the paragraph 160 of the “Technical Regulations”.
b. All VDR components (NW6000 PSU, batteries, switch and CPU), optional Interface
Boxes, microphones, should be switched off and disconnected from their power
c. All VDR components (NW6000 PSU, batteries, switch and CPU), optional Interface
Boxes, microphones, should be disconnected from (Navigational) sensors and all
other sources. It is recommended to protect wires and keep them for any future
upgrade or installation of the 3rd party VDR, if ship is provided for utilization.
d. All VDR components (NW6000 PSU, batteries, switch and CPU), optional Interface
Boxes, microphones should be packed into standard cartons for transportation to
the utilization company.
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e. Utilization Company considers itself – How to utilize autopilot components
according to Russian Federation rules for utilization of such components and
paragraph 219 of the “Technical Regulations on the Safety of Sea Transport Items”.
VDR PCB controllers can be easily dismounted form the metallic boxes and utilized
separately, as electronic equipment!
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9. Annex II; energy saving
“Technical Regulations on the Safety of Sea Transport Items”, approved by the RF Government
Order No.620 of 12 August 2010, declared following in the Paragraph 6:
“Designers, builders and manufacturers of sea transport and infrastructure items shall
ensure the energy efficiency of such items.”
9.1 VDR PCB controllers
VDR PCB controllers are powered from 110/230 Vac vessel main power supply and internal power
circuit provides excessive voltage protection (suppressor and fuses) and reverse polarity
VDR PCB controllers were developed in accordance with following Netwave Systems
Stability during VDR operation.
Quality of selected components (brand name components).
The “internal power supply circuit” module on PCB provides:
o Fused protection.
o Galvanic isolation by DC-DC conversion of the input 24VDC voltage into
necessary values, and its stabilization on PCB.
9.2 Power consumption calculation
NOTE: Below mentioned calculation is given with a three times extra power consumption,
especially for APP PCB controllers. Reason of that: to calculate and select a proper power supply
with some extra resources and possibility to add any optional components in the future VDR usage
- like additional microphones and interfaces.
Calculation of the Power consumption (Example):
NW6000 core module incl charger: Power consumption ~0,3А x 230 Vac = 50W
Microphone: Power consumption per each: ~0.08А x 24Vdc = ~2W
VHF interface: Power consumption 1,5A x 24 Vdc = 4W
Interface coupler module: Power consumption 0,08A x 24 Vdc = ~ 2W
8 channel Interface modules: Power consumption per each: ~ 0.08A x 24 Vdc = ~2 W
Storage media (float free and hardened capsule) 12 W
Calculation of the Power Consumption per NW6000 system:
P = NW6000 core module + (2W x Number of microphones + VHF interface) + (2W x number of
interface modules (8 channels) + 4W coupler) + storage media.
Recommended Power Supply for the aforementioned example: 220 Vac, 120W (minimum)
Taking power loss in cabling at approx. 10W.
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10. Annex III; equipment labelling RMRS
“Technical Regulations on the Safety of Sea Transport Items”, approved by the RF Government
Order No. 620 of 12 August 2010, declared following:
“Technical regulation items whose conformity with the Technical Regulations is
confirmed shall have a conformity mark, as prescribed by the Russian Federation
legislation on technical regulation.”
Following components of NW6000 VDR System are labelled according to the Russian Federation
Government Order “On Conformity Mark” No. 696 of 19 November 2003 and Section 20 of the
“Technical Regulations on the Safety of Sea Transport Items” mentioned above:
Core Module (/Bulkhead):
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FRM Capsule:
Current software versions on VDR indicated on the BCU (see chapter Software version
2014/12/04 11:17:40 UTC
BCP – SI6000 – v 0.6.0
BCU – PN5000 – v 0.4.17
CAP – PN7000 – v 0.4.3
MIC – PN1006 – v 0.9.4
MIC – PN1014 – v 0.9.4
MIC – PN1001 – v 0.9.1
MIC – PN1003 – v 0.9.4
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Key Features

  • High-quality audio capture
  • Seamless VDR integration
  • Reliable performance
  • Durable construction
  • Easy installation

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Frequently Answers and Questions

How is the NW6030 connected to the VDR system?
The NW6030 is connected to the NetWave NW6010 Bridge Control Unit, which in turn interfaces with the VDR core module. This ensures that all audio data is recorded and managed by the VDR system.
What kind of audio signals does the NW6030 support?
The NW6030 supports analogue audio signals, making it compatible with a wide range of existing communication equipment.
What are the mounting options for the NW6030?
The NW6030 can be mounted in various locations on the vessel, ensuring flexibility and optimal audio capture.
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