Linksys WRT54G Wireless G Router Instructions

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Linksys WRT54G Wireless Router Instructions - Separate LAN and WLAN | Manualzz
NOTE: This is an old unmaintained and duplicate guide. You should use one of the following currently
maintained guides instead.
For a GUI based method see: Separate LAN and WLAN.
If you're separating virtual interfaces then use the instructions from the Multiple WLAN Guide.
• 2 Setup
♦ 3.1
♦ 3.2
♦ 3.3
The goal of this article is to separate the wireless LAN from the hardwired LAN, with an independent class c
network for both interfaces. For security purposes, we will prevent communication between both networks, as
well as between wireless clients. This way, the wireless network is able to be a little more lax on security
without the threat of unsecured access to the wired network. This is a good implementation for wireless cafés
and other businesses that provide wireless Internet access to their customers.
The configuration takes about 20 minutes to complete. For this tutorial, I used a WRT54GL v1.1 with
DD-WRT NoKaid v24 sp1. I've also done this setup on a WRT54G v8.2 with DD-WRT Micro v24 sp1, so I
imagine that any version of DD-WRT v24 sp1 would work with this. For this scenario, we will set the wired
network to and the wireless network to
Step 1
First, we will log into the router interface and go to Wireless > Basic Settings. Change Network Configuration
from Bridged to Unbridged. This will bring up 3 new settings. For IP Address enter and for
Subnet Mask enter Click Apply Settings. Now click on Wireless > Advanced Settings. Change
AP Isolation from Disable to Enable and click Apply Settings. This will prevent wireless clients from
communicating with each other. As far as wireless encryption goes, that's up to your preferences. I'm not
going to cover it in this article.
Step 2
Now that we have the wireless network setup, we need to have the DHCP server issue IP addresses within its
range. To do this, first go to Setup > VLANs. Scroll to the bottom and change Wireless from LAN to None.
Click Apply Settings. Now go to Setup > Networking. Scroll to the bottom and click Add under Multiple
DHCP Server. This will bring up several new options. Set the first option to eth1 (the wireless adapter) and
leave the other default settings as they are. Click Apply Settings.
Step 3
Now we have the wireless and wired on their own class c networks, all we have to do now is prevent them
from talking to each other. Goto Administration > Commands. Now put the following commands into the text
-t nat -I PREROUTING -i eth1 -d $(nvram get lan_ipaddr)/$(nvram get lan_netmask) -j DRO
-t nat -I PREROUTING -i br0 -d $(nvram get eth1_ipaddr)/$(nvram get eth1_netmask) -j DR
Click Save Firewall, reboot the router for good measure, and BAM! You now have your LAN on the network and your wireless on, without access to each other.
--Jozevolf 13:15, 30 September 2008 (CEST)
I followed your article on v24 sp1. I had problems with wifi clients not being able to acquire IP from DHCP. I
found out that there was a problem with the nas authentication service running without '-l' parameter. I then
included the following two commands in post boot script:
killall nas
nas -P /tmp/ -H 34954 -l eth1 -i eth1 -A -m 132 -k yourpsk -s yourssid -w 6 -g 3600
# adjust other nas parameters according to your security needs
# use http:/ as reference
For firewall part, I gues the following is more appropriate:
iptables -I FORWARD 1 -i eth1 -d $(nvram get lan_ipaddr)/$(nvram get lan_netmask) -j DROP
iptables -I FORWARD 2 -i br0 -d $(nvram get eth1_ipaddr)/$(nvram get eth1_netmask) -j DROP
Step 1
--Nienberg 08 February 2010
• if you want to be able to control some of the wireless settings from the GUI, you can improve the
startup script to something like the following. Remember you have to reboot the router though after
you make a change in the GUI so the startup script will run. You could extend the concept for the m
and w parameters, but you will have to convert them from the text stored in nvram to the integer
expected by the command line.
PSK=$(nvram get wl0_wpa_psk)
SSID=$(nvram get wl0_ssid)
REKEY=$(nvram get wl0_wpa_gtk_rekey)
killall nas
nas -P /tmp/ -H 34954 -l eth1 -i eth1 -A -m 132 -k $PSK -s $SSID -w 6 -g $REKEY &
• if you have port redirection (Virtual Servers) on the LAN and if you want wireless users to be able to
access the Virtual Servers then you must be more careful with the order of the firewall rules. The
following script is an example:
LAN_IP=$(nvram get lan_ipaddr)/$(nvram get lan_netmask)
# we want users of our wireless to be able to access our virtual servers,
# so our rules must come after the rules that forward to our virtual servers.
# we insert them just before the last two rules.
# delete this rule created by the GUI. it is too high in the order
iptables -D FORWARD -i eth1 -j ACCEPT
# count the number of lines in the output of the list minus 3
INSERT_LINE=$(expr $(iptables -nL FORWARD | wc -l) - 3)
# prevent the wireless from sending to the LAN
iptables -I FORWARD $INSERT_LINE -i eth1 -d $LAN_IP -j logdrop
# accept anything else from the wireless (put back the deleted rule)
iptables -I FORWARD $INSERT_LINE -i eth1 -j ACCEPT
--Cdufour 27 February 2010
Running V24 preSP2 build 13064 VINT/nokaid on a WRT54G v2.2, I found out that the culprit is not the
missing '-l eth1' parameter for the 'nas' service, but rather a services order start issue. I found out that
restarting the 'nas' service a few seconds after the end of the boot process solves the problem of clients not
being able to obtain a DHCP lease (Note: I use DNSmasq DHCP, for I have the 'DHCP Server' disabled on
the LAN segment; see Separate LAN and WLAN):
In 'Administration -> Commands -> Save Startup':
sh -c 'sleep 15; nas=$(ps w | grep "^ *$(pidof nas) " | sed "s/.*nas -P/nas -P/"); killall -9 nas
Separate LAN and WLAN


Key Features

  • Wireless network sharing
  • Separate wireless network
  • DHCP server
  • Wireless encryption
  • Firewall configuration
  • Multiple DHCP servers

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Frequently Answers and Questions

How do I configure a separate wireless network on my Linksys WRT54G router?
To configure a separate wireless network, you need to access the router’s web interface and navigate to the Wireless settings. Set the Network Configuration to Unbridged. Then, set the IP Address and Subnet Mask for the wireless network. Additionally, consider enabling AP Isolation to prevent wireless clients from communicating with each other. This can enhance security. Remember that these steps are specific to the DD-WRT v24 firmware.
Can I restrict access to specific websites on my wireless network?
Yes, you can configure the router's firewall to block access to specific websites or domains. This option is not described in the provided manual, but it is a common feature of many routers. You can find the firewall settings in the router's web interface, usually under the Security or Administration section.
Can I create a wired network that is separate from the wireless network?
Yes, the manual describes a way to configure separate wired and wireless networks, preventing them from communicating with each other. This is achieved by assigning separate IP address ranges to each network. This configuration is useful for creating a more secure network for business environments or for separating guest traffic from the main network.
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