GOWIN PicoRV32 Reference manual

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GOWIN PicoRV32 Reference manual | Manualzz
Gowin PicoRV32 Quick Design
Reference Manual
IPUG915-1.6E, 03/29/2024
Copyright © 2024 Guangdong Gowin Semiconductor Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
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and are registered in China, the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, and other countries. All
other words and logos identified as trademarks or service marks are the property of their
respective holders. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form
or by any denotes, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without
the prior written consent of GOWINSEMI.
GOWINSEMI assumes no liability and provides no warranty (either expressed or implied)
and is not responsible for any damage incurred to your hardware, software, data, or
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the GOWINSEMI Terms and Conditions of Sale. GOWINSEMI may make changes to this
document at any time without prior notice. Anyone relying on this documentation should
contact GOWINSEMI for the current documentation and errata.
Revision History
Initial version published.
MCU supports GPIO of Wishbone bus interface.
MCU supports extension AHB bus interface.
MCU supports off-chip SPI-Flash download and startup.
MCU supports the read, write and erasure SPI-Flash.
MCU supports Hardware Stack Protection and Trap Stack Overflow.
MCU on-line debug function supported.
MCU core interrupt handler function enhanced.
MCU core instruction optimized.
The synthesis tool, SynplifyPro, deleted.
The version of FPGA software updated.
The register address mapping of the peripheral Simple UART updated.
The register definitions of the peripheral I2C Master and GPIO updated.
The driver function definition of the peripheral SPI-Flash updated.
The interrupt handler enhanced.
MCU software reference design updated.
IDE software options configuration optimized.
IDE software on-line debug process improved.
The range of ITCM and DTCM Size for GW2AN-9X/GW2AN-18X
The reference design of makehex and mergebin added.
Arora V FPGA products supported.
GW5AT-60 Version A FPGA products supported.
mergebin tool updated to support GW2AN-18X/9X FPGA products.
Software programming and hardware reference designs updated.
Contents ............................................................................................................... i
List of Figures ..................................................................................................... ii
List of Tables ...................................................................................................... iii
1 About This Manual .......................................................................................... 1
1.1 Purpose .............................................................................................................................. 1
1.2 Develop Environment ......................................................................................................... 1
1.2.1 Hardware Target .............................................................................................................. 1
1.2.2 Software Version.............................................................................................................. 1
1.3 Reference Design ............................................................................................................... 1
1.3.1 Software Reference Design ............................................................................................. 1
1.3.2 Hardware Reference Design ........................................................................................... 1
2 Software Programming Reference Design ................................................... 2
2.1 Software Reference Design ................................................................................................ 2
2.2 Software Configuration ....................................................................................................... 3
2.2.1 Boot Mode Configuration ................................................................................................. 3
2.2.2 Flash linker Configuration ................................................................................................ 4
2.3 Build Software Project ........................................................................................................ 5
2.4 Download ............................................................................................................................ 5
2.5 Reference Manual .............................................................................................................. 6
3 Hardware Reference Design........................................................................... 7
3.1 Hardware Environment ....................................................................................................... 7
3.2 Synthesize .......................................................................................................................... 7
3.3 Place & Route ..................................................................................................................... 8
3.4 Download ............................................................................................................................ 8
3.5 Reference Manual .............................................................................................................. 9
List of Figures
List of Figures
Figure 2-1 Select Projects .................................................................................................................. 2
Figure 2-2 Import Projects ................................................................................................................. 3
Figure 2-3 Boot Mode Configuration .................................................................................................. 4
Figure 2-4 Flash Linker Configuration ............................................................................................... 4
Figure 2-5 Build .................................................................................................................................. 5
Figure 2-6 Device Configuration ........................................................................................................ 6
Figure 3-1 Synthesis .......................................................................................................................... 8
Figure 3-2 Place & Route ................................................................................................................... 8
Figure 3-3 Device Configuration ........................................................................................................ 9
List of Tables
List of Tables
Table 3-1 Hardware Reference Design Examples ............................................................................. 7
1 About This Manual
1.1 Purpose
About This Manual
1.1 Purpose
This manual describes the rapid design method of Gowin_PicoRV32
hardware design and software programming design by taking the reference
design of software development kit DK-START-GW2A18 V2.0
development board as an example, aiming at helping users to quickly
develop Gowin_PicoRV32 hardware design and software programming
1.2 Develop Environment
1.2.1 Hardware Target
GW2A-18 (Version C)
1.2.2 Software Version
Tested software version: Gowin_V1.9.9.01 (64-bit)
GMD (tested software version: (V1.2)
1.3 Reference Design
1.3.1 Software Reference Design
Gowin_PicoRV32 provides software programming reference design
for GMD software (tested software version: V1.2), and you can get the
following reference design through the link:
1.3.2 Hardware Reference Design
Gowin_PicoRV32 provides hardware reference design, and you can
get the following reference design through the link:
2 Software Programming Reference Design
2.1 Software Reference Design
Software Programming Reference
2.1 Software Reference Design
Double click to open MCU software, and select "File > Import >
General > Existing Projects into Workspace" in the menu bar to import the
software programming reference design picorv32_demo, as shown in
Figure 2-1 and Figure 2-2.
Figure 2-1 Select Projects
2 Software Programming Reference Design
2.2 Software Configuration
Figure 2-2 Import Projects
2.2 Software Configuration
Select "ITCM > Boot Mode > MCU boot from external Flash and run in
ITCM" in the gowin_picorv32 hardware reference design.
2.2.1 Boot Mode Configuration
The software programming reference design picorv32_demo defines
the macro definition for config.h as BUILD_BURN (#define BUILD_MODE
BUILD_BURN), as shown in Figure 2-3.
2 Software Programming Reference Design
2.2 Software Configuration
Figure 2-3 Boot Mode Configuration
2.2.2 Flash linker Configuration
Click "Properties > C/C++ Build > Settings > Tool Settings > GNU
RISC-V Cross C Linker > General", and select "sections.lds" as the Flash
linker, as shown in Figure 2-4.
Figure 2-4 Flash Linker Configuration
2 Software Programming Reference Design
2.3 Build Software Project
2.3 Build Software Project
Click the Build "
" button on the tool bar to build the software
programming reference design and generate the BIN file of the software
design, as shown in Figure 2-5.
Figure 2-5 Build
2.4 Download
Click "Run > Programmer" in the menu bar or "Programmer" " " in the
tool bar to open the download tool "Programmer".
Click "Edit > Configure Device" on the Programmer menu bar or
"Configure Device" ( ) on the tool bar to open "Device configuration", as
shown in Figure 2-6.
Select "External Flash Mode" option in "Access Mode" drop-down list.
Select "exFlash C Bin Erase, Program thru GAO-Bridge" or "exFlash C
Bin Erase, Program, Verify thru GAO-Bridge" option in "Operation"
drop-down list.
Click "FW/MCU/Binary Input Options > Firmware/Binary File" option to
import the BIN files of the software programming design to download.
Select "Generic Flash" from "External Flash Options > Device" option.
Configure the start address as "0x400000" in "External Flash Options >
Start Address" option.
Click "Save" to complete the configuration.
2 Software Programming Reference Design
2.5 Reference Manual
Figure 2-6 Device Configuration
After device configuration, click "Program/Configure" (
) on the
Programmer tool bar to complete the the download of BIN files of software
programming design.
2.5 Reference Manual
For Gowin_PicoRV32 software programming design method, please
refer to the following manuals:
IPUG911, Gowin_PicoRV32 Software Programming Reference Manual
IPUG910, Gowin_PicoRV32 IDE Software Reference Manual
IPUG913, Gowin_PicoRV32 Software Download Reference Manual
SUG502, Gowin Programmer User Guide
3 Hardware Reference Design
3.1 Hardware Environment
Hardware Reference Design
3.1 Hardware Environment
Double click to open Gowin Software, select "File > Open..." in the
menu bar to import gowin_picorv32 hardware reference design.
Gowin_PicoRV32 can be reconfigured to generate Gowin_PicoRV32
based on application requirements.
The description of the hardware reference design is as shown in Table
Table 3-1 Hardware Reference Design Examples
Gowin_PicoRV32 IP design generated by IP Core Generator
Gowin_PicoRV32 Top Module instantiation and user design
The example of Open Wishbone bus extension external device
The example of Open AHB bus extension external device
The example of external interrupt
Physical constraint
Timing Constraint
3.2 Synthesize
Run the synthesis tool GowinSynthesis to synthesize hardware
reference design and generate the netlist file, as shown in Figure 3-1.
3 Hardware Reference Design
3.3 Place & Route
Figure 3-1 Synthesis
3.3 Place & Route
Run Place & Route tool to generate the bitstream files of hardware
design, as shown in Figure 3-2.
Figure 3-2 Place & Route
3.4 Download
Run Programmer, the download tool of Gowin Software, to download
hardware design the bitstream file.
Click "Edit > Configure Device" on the menu bar or "Configure Device"
( ) on the tool bar to open the "Device configuration", as shown in Figure
3 Hardware Reference Design
3.5 Reference Manual
Select "External Flash Mode" in "Access Mode" drop-down list.
Select "exFlash Erase, Program thru GAO-Bridge" or "exFlash Erase,
Program, Verify thru GAO-Bridge" in "Operation" drop-down list.
Import the hardware design bitstream file that is required to download
in "Programming Options > File name" option.
Select "Generic Flash" from "External Flash Options > Device" option.
Configure the start address as "0x000000" in "External Flash Options >
Start Address" option.
Click "Save" to complete the configruation.
Figure 3-3 Device Configuration
After device configuration, click "Program/Configure" (
) on the
Programmer tool bar to complete the download of the bitstream files for
hardware design.
3.5 Reference Manual
For Gowin_PicoRV32 hardware design, please refer to the following
IPUG914, Gowin_PicoRV32 Hardware Design Reference Manual
SUG100, Gowin Software User Guide
SUG935,Gowin Design Physical Constraints User Guide,
SUG1018,Arora Ⅴ Design Physical Constraints User Guide
SUG502, Gowin Programmer User Guide


Key Features

  • 32-bit RISC-V processor
  • Dual-issue pipeline
  • Five-stage execution pipeline
  • High performance: 200MHz
  • Small size: 2.5mm x 2.5mm
  • Low power consumption: 50mW
  • Wide range of peripherals

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Frequently Answers and Questions

What is the GOWIN PicoRV32?
The GOWIN PicoRV32 is a 32-bit RISC-V processor that is designed for use in embedded systems.
What are the key features of the GOWIN PicoRV32?
The key features of the GOWIN PicoRV32 include its high performance, small size, low power consumption, and wide range of peripherals.
What are some of the applications for the GOWIN PicoRV32?
The GOWIN PicoRV32 can be used in a variety of applications, including embedded systems, high-performance computing, and battery-powered devices.
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