Skyfood 1212E 12´´ AUTOMATIC SLICER 1/2 HP Instruction Manual

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Skyfood 1212E 12'' Automatic Slicer 1/2 HP Instruction Manual | Manualzz
Skyfood Equipament LLC
175 SW 7th Street - Suite # 2416
Miami, FL 33130
1-800-503-7534 | 305-868-1603
Data de Correção: 03/07/2023
1. Introduc on ...................................................................................... 3
1.1 Safety .................................................................................................................... 3
1.2 Main Components ................................................................................................ 5
1.3 Technical Characteris cs ........................................................................................ 5
2. Pre Opera on .................................................................................... 6
3. Opera on .......................................................................................... 6
3.1 Cu ng ................................................................................................................... 6
3.2 Grinding................................................................................................................. 6
4. General Safety Prac ces .................................................................... 7
4.1 Basic Opera on Procedures ................................................................................... 7
4.2 Safety Procedures and Notes before Switching the Machine ON ............................ 8
4.3 Rou ne Inspec on ................................................................................................. 8
4.4 Opera on .............................................................................................................. 9
4.5 A er Finishing The Work........................................................................................ 9
4.6 Maintenance ......................................................................................................... 9
4.7 Warning ................................................................................................................. 9
5. Analysis and Problem Solving .......................................................... 10
5.1 Problems, Causes and Solu ons ............................................................................10
6. Maintenance ................................................................................... 11
7. Electric Diagram............................................................................... 15
7. Electric Diagram
1. Introduc on
1.1 Safety
786 522 6765
When incorrectly used this equipment is a poten ally DANGEROUS machine. Maintenance,
cleaning or any other service shall be performed by a duly trained person and with the
machine unplugged .
To avoid accidents respect the following instruc ons:
1.1.1 Read all the instruc ons.
1.1.2 In order to avoid the risk of electric shocks and damage to the machine, never operate
it wearing wet clothes or shoes, install the equipment on a wet or humid surface nor dip
it in water or any other liquid, and do not spray water directly on it.
1.1.3 The use of the equipment must always be supervised, specially when used next to
1.1.4 Before cleaning and when not in use or before inser ng or removing accessories,
maintenance, or other services, disconnect machine from power source.
1.1.5 - Do not leave the electric cable on the edge of the table or counter nor let it touch
hot surfaces.
1.1.6 Do not use the equipment if it is not working correctly, nor if it has been damaged
in any way. In case that happens, take the equipment to the nearest Technical Assistance
to check it up.
1.1.7 The use of accessories not recommended by the manufacturer may cause personal
1.1.8 Keep your hands or any tool out of the machine while opera ng to avoid personal
injuries or any damage to the equipment.
1.1.9 Make sure the equipment voltage and the network voltage are the same, and the
equipment has been solidly grounded.
Make sure the cord is in perfect condi ons for use. If it is not, change it for a new
one in accordance with the technical specifica ons and safety rules.
The subs tu on shall be made by a qualified professional , and shall respect the
local safety norms.
This equipment must not be used by children or any persons with reduced
physical or mental aptness, lack of experience or knowledge, unless they are
under supervision or have received from the person responsible for safety, proper
instruc ons on how to use the equipment.
Children shall be watched in order to avoid them to play with the equipment.
In case of emergency take off the plug from its socket.
Never spray water directly on to the equipment.
c) Redirec ng a customer searching for a SKYFOOD product to a product other than a SKYFOOD product.
d) Indica ng or implying that a price that is below the IMAP price can be obtained at the online cart or checkout stage (e.g. “See price in cart”,
“Email for be er price”, “Click here for lower price”, “Log in for price”, “Add to cart for lower price”, “Chat for price”).
IMAP does not establish maximum adver sed prices. All internet dealers and reseller websites may offer SKYFOOD products at any price in
excess of the IMAP.
At the sole discre on of Skyfood, failure to comply with IMAP, inten onal and/or repeated failure to abide, it reserves the right to put
internet dealers and reseller websites account on hold, un l prices are adjusted.
SKYFOOD can terminate or amend any part or all of this policy at any me without prior no ce.
Return Policy
All returns are subject to the prior authoriza on of SKYFOOD, in its discre on. Buyer must contact Buyer Support at 305-868-1603, or by fax
at 305-866-2704, or via e-mail at [email protected] in order to request a Return Authoriza on number (“RA”) providing, along with the
iden fica on of the goods, a specific reason for return. Buyer Support will either authorize or deny the request for return. Only NEW and
UNUSED items are acceptable for return. Unauthorized returns will be destroyed and no credit issued. All authorized returned goods must
be shipped freight prepaid to SKYFOOD.
All returned goods are subject to a 20% handling/restocking fee. All returns must be returned in their original packaging and within thirty
(30) days from the shipping date.
SKYFOOD reserves the right to change the terms and condi ons of this Commercial Policy at any me without any prior no ce. It also
reserves the right to change the design and specifica ons of its equipment or any related documenta on at any me. The end user is not
en tled to upgrades or refunds resul ng from these changes.
These Terms and Condi ons were last updated on May 26th, 2022.
Unless otherwise specified, new SKYFOOD products, excluding accessories, sold by SKYFOOD EQUIPMENT, LLC. (“SKYFOOD”), for use only
in the con nental United States (collec vely, “Products” or singularly, “Product”), are warranted to be free from defects in materials and
workmanship for a period of one (1) year from the date of purchase by the original purchaser/user (“End User”), or eighteen (18) months
from the date of shipment from SKYFOOD’s warehouse, whichever expires first. Several new products and accessories may be warranted for
a period other than one (1) year while others may be subject to travel limita ons, as specified on the products Instruc on Manual. Proof
of purchase must be presented; if not this warranty will be VOID. No warranty is given or implied to a subsequent transferee or any other
third party. This warranty is expressly condi onal upon SKYFOOD being no fied of any defects in materials or workmanship within five (5)
days of its occurrence, within the warranted me period. If a no ce of a claim under this warranty is mely made by the End User, SKYFOOD
or a SKYFOOD’s designated service company (“Service Company”), will repair or replace the Product, at SKYFOOD’s discre on, subject to the
addi onal condi ons hereina er described.
This warranty shall not apply if damage occurs from improper installa on or maintenance performed by an unauthorized service company
(“Service Company”), wrong voltage, nor to the extent that Products or parts have been used other than in conformance with opera ng
and maintenance instruc ons, subjected to misuse or abuse or damaged by accident, acts of God, abnormal use, stress or any other ma er
unrelated to SKYFOOD, and beyond its reasonable control. This warranty does NOT cover service labor and travel to perform adjustments
on products and/or accessories. In addi on to wear and tear of certain items, such as, but not limited to; glass parts, blades, stones, chopper
cu ng knives, plates, slicing knives, cu ng disc, gaskets, oil changes, sealing tape, heat seal wires, worm gears, self-lubrica ng bushings,
carbon brushes for electric motors, and other parts expendable by nature and that need to be replaced frequently. Electrical components
are subject to natural wear and tear, and are NOT covered by this warranty. THIS WARRANTY EXCLUDES ALL ORAL, STATUTORY, EXPRESS
MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Under no circumstances shall SKYFOOD be liable for loss of use, revenue or
profit or for incidental or consequen al damages. SKYFOOD shall under no circumstances be liable for any loss, damage, concealed damage,
expense or delay of goods for any reason when said goods are in the custody, possession or control of third par es selected by SKYFOOD
to forward, enter, clear, transport, or render other services with respect to such goods. The sole and exclusive remedy for breach of any
warranty is limited to the remedies provided in the paragraph above.
All products held at non-commercial facili es or domiciles, must be taken or shipped, shipping charges prepaid, either to SKYFOOD's facility
or a SKYFOOD's designated service company ("Service Company"). Products held at commercial facili es and weighing less than seventy (70)
lbs. must be taken or shipped, shipping charges are prepaid, either to SKYFOOD's facility or to a Service Company. Mileage or travel me will
NOT be paid. SKYFOOD offers a limited on-site warranty for products ONLY held at commercial facili es, whose net weight exceeds seventy
(70) lbs., provided they are installed in a loca on that is within a thirty (30) mile radius of a Service Company. End Users are responsible for
all extra travel and mileage rates. In this case, warranty services will be provided during regular business hours.
Accessories will be replaced or repaired under warranty, for a period of (30) days, beginning from the date of purchase by the original
purchaser/user (“End User”), or eighteen (18) months from the date of shipment from SKYFOOD’s warehouse, whichever expires first.
This warranty shall not take effect un l a properly completed and executed WARRANTY REGISTRATION form has been received by SKYFOOD
EQUIPMENT, LLC, within thirty (30) days from the date of purchase. The WARRANTY REGISTRATION is available either in the Instruc on
Manual of every Product or at SKYFOOD’s website The End User must fill out the WARRANTY REGISTRATION form and send
it to SKYFOOD according to the instruc ons posted on the referred website. Failure to do so will VOID the warranty.
No extended warran es for third party products. There are no other express warran es or condi ons other than the one offered by each
manufacturer for products sold by SKYFOOD, not under the SKYFOOD brand.
For ques ons or assistance, do not return the product or accessories to the store, please call Toll Free 1-800-503-7534, or visit the Customer
Service sec on at For faster service please have the items name, serial number, and proof of purchase for the operator to
assist you.
SKYFOOD reserves the right to change the terms of its limited warranty at any me without any prior no ce. It also reserves the right to
change the design and specifica ons of its equipment or any related documenta on at any me. The end user is not en tled to upgrades
or refunds resul ng from these changes.
These Terms and Condi ons were last updated on May 2nd, 2016.
For ques ons or assistance, call SKYFOOD EQUIPMENT Toll Free: 1-800-503-7534, or visit the Customer Service sec on at
Terms of Sale
Purchase of any products sold by SKYFOOD shall be subject to and expressly limited by the terms and condi ons contained herein. No changes
to, waiver of, or addi on to any of these terms and condi ons shall be effec ve unless agreed to in wri ng and signed by SKYFOOD. Buyer
acknowledges and agrees that these terms and condi ons supersede the terms and condi ons of any purchase order or other documenta on
used by Buyer and, except for delivery and billing addresses, and quan es prices and items ordered, any conflic ng or addi onal terms are
void and have no effect, but that Buyer may place orders by use of purchase orders and other documenta on for its convenience purposes
only. Notwithstanding the foregoing, SKYFOOD reserves the right at any me to amend these terms and condi ons, and Buyer shall be
deemed to accept such amended terms and condi ons by ordering products herein offered a er the date of such amendment. Addi onal
special terms and condi ons of SKYFOOD may be applicable with respect to certain products.
Orders Acceptance
All orders from Buyers, whether solicited and wri en by either a SKYFOOD EQUIPMENT, LLC (“SKYFOOD”) Sales Representa ve, distributor
or dealer, are deemed offerings to purchase un l accepted by SKYFOOD. SKYFOOD reserves the right to accept orders in full or in part.
Acceptance may be either by wri en confirma on or shipment of the order, in full or in part.
TERMS – All prices are FCA (Free Carrier) shipping point. Unless express instruc ons in wri ng are received from the Buyer, SKYFOOD has
complete freedom in choosing the means, route and procedure to be followed in the handling, transporta on and delivery of the goods.
SKYFOOD will advance the shipping costs on behalf of the Buyer and charge it accordingly. SKYFOOD shall under no circumstances be liable
for any loss, damage, concealed damage, expense or delay of goods for any reason whatsoever when said goods are in the custody,
possession or control of third par es selected by SKYFOOD to forward, enter, clear, transport, or render other services with respect to such
goods. Please, inspect your unit upon arrival at the des na on and report any transit damage to SKYFOOD and to the shipping company,
in order to ini ate a claim with the la er. Claims must be reported to the transporta on company within fi een (15) days as of the date
of the shipping.
Free Shipping
Orders of $3,500.00 or more, with a minimum of 2 pieces (mixed or matched), shipped to the same address in the con nental United States
will have free shipping.
Rush Order
Rush order, when available and shipped to the same address in the con nental United States, is subject to a “Rush Order Fee”, in the amount
of $30.00. Please check lead mes prior to ordering. If the due date is not met, the “Rush Fee” will be refunded.
Tax Informa on
Any tax, duty, custom or other fee of any nature imposed upon the products, their sale, transporta on, delivery, use or consump on shall be
paid by Buyer in addi on to the price quoted or invoiced. If SKYFOOD is required to prepay any such tax or fee, Buyer will reimburse SKYFOOD.
Buyer must provide SKYFOOD with a resale/exemp on cer ficate in order to avoid the withholding of applicable taxes.
Past due balances are subject to a interest charge of 1.5% per month or the highest rate permi ed by law, whichever is lower, un l paid.
Internet Minimum Adver sed Pricing - IMAP
Our IMAP pricing policy is intended for consumers to purchase from internet dealers and reseller websites based on loyalty and customer
care expecta ons. This policy is effec ve as of the effec ve date stated below, and supersedes all previous Minimum Adver sed Pricing –
MAP policies related to SKYFOOD products as of that date. This IMAP policy shall work under the following guidelines:
The Internet Minimum Adver sed Price for all SKYFOOD products can be found on our current Price List.
This IMAP applies only to the adver sing and sales of SKYFOOD products which are sold to U.S. customers in the United States via the
This IMAP policy is not applicable to: 1) Any physical store loca on, 2) Any email newsle ers sent to your customer database, 3) In print
publica ons or on any other media.
You can choose to adver se and sell, at any price, any SKYFOOD product on the internet. SKYFOOD will not control adver sing and selling
prices on the internet.
- Adver sing and/or Selling below IMAP Price:
It shall be a viola on to this policy to adver se and sell or offer for sale a SKYFOOD product on the internet at a sales price below the internet
minimum adver se price (“the IMAP”). Repeatedly re-pricing due to IMAP prices breaches by other internet dealers and reseller websites is
not an acceptable jus fica on for viola on of this policy.
Sales Price shall not include the cost of shipping or tax. In order to avoid any doubt, customers may offer free shipping to end users, without
impac ng this policy.
SKYFOOD reserves the right to suspend the enforcement of this policy for certain products, as and when SKYFOOD in its sole discre on,
deems appropriate (e.g. product closeouts, specials, etc.).
- Prohibited Adver sing Methods:
SKYFOOD has wri en this policy in an effort to protect and communicate the expecta ons for the internet dealers and reseller websites.
Therefore, SKYFOOD considers any of the following to be damaging to our brand and thus are not permi ed by internet dealers and reseller
websites that use our brand for adver sing:
a) Adver sing SKYFOOD products on third party internet dealers and reseller websites at a price that is below the IMAP Price.
b) Using split screen, side by side, or pop-up adver sing to adver se any similar product other than SKYFOOD’s in conjunc on with offering
a SKYFOOD product for sale.
1.2 Main Components
All the components of this machine are made with materials sensibly selected to suit their
func ons, according to test standards and also Skyfood’ knowhow.
01 – Conversion Handle
02 – Slicer Engine Switch
03 – Thickness Adjusted Handle
04 – Out and home frame
05 – Out and home control switch
06 – Entering the knife and pulling the pole
07 – Grinding knife frame
1.3 Technical Characteris cs
Power Ra ng
Net Weight
Gross Weight
Cu ng Height
Cu ng Width
Blade Diameter
Maximum Cut Thickness
8 1/2
2. Pre Opera on
6. Maintenance
Put the machine in a steady work table and connect with the ground wire in the back of
the machine.
<1> Checking and preparing before using
3. Opera on
Manual cu ng: pull the conversion handle “1” out to “A”. At that me, out and home
frame is apart from the automa c working pa ern. Then press the cu ng engine’s green
bu on “2” and press the out and home control’s engine red stop bu on “5”. Now the
machine has entered the manual cu ng working pa ern.
Automa c cu ng: please pull the conversion handle “1” out to “B “, press the out and
home control switch’s “5” green bu on. At that me, out and home frame has entered the
a oma c woking pa ern.
3.1 Cu ng
The frozen meat should meet in the foam box or the icebox in the -5ºC for thaw for several
hours a er the meat got from the the refrigerator in order to make the meat temperature
inside consistent with the outside. You can press the center of the meat lightly by your nail.
If you feel the meat is tender, it would be good. According the experience, the meat in the
-5ºC to 8ºC range is the best me to cut.
Before the machine is working it should be put the lubrificant in the pulling pole of frozen
meat supplying equipment in order to that the pressed meat plank could send the meat
to the knife-edge smoothly. (Do not use the edible oil as the lubrificant, such as rapeseed
oil, bean oil, etc.)
3.2 Grinding
<1> The knife should grind frequently and lightly. It should clean the smear of the knife before
grinding it in case that the oil would smear the grinding wheel. Once the grinding wheel is smeared,
please clean it.
<2>A er loosening tlie fixed aim of the grinding knife frame the grinding wheel will li and
circumvolve to the posi on of grinding knife. Tiren screw down the fixed aim of the grinding wheel.
<3>Turn on the cu ng engine switch, and turn off the out and home control engine. At that me,
knife just circumvolves to press the grinding wheel frame’s handle to the back of the knife blade. It
usually needs grinding for more than ten minutes. When the blade is in reverse, it’s shapest.
<4> A er grinding, please turn off the power and put the grinding wheel frame back
A. Every ac ve place of the machine should inject the lubricant tennly. Especially the oil hole that
has the oil oil mark in the side of the machine. It must use the oil mirror height in the back of the
machine. If it is too low, it must inject some oil in the center of the oil mirror (you had be er use
hyperbola gear oil).
B. Please confirm the blade is sharp. If not, please grind the knife according the item 3.2 Grinding).
A en on: The blade is very sharp, so it should be careful when assembling and cleaning.
C. This machine water-repellent grade is IPX1. It means that it cannot spurt the water directly.
D. If the wires need changing, plase contact our factories. Or you could change them by yourselves,
plase show that the wires are 300/500VX0.75mm---57(RVV).
Plate synchroniza on belt adjustment:
Please put down the machine, unlade four feet, loosen four nuts, take down the soleplate,
separate the upside ride from the downside base, loosen the connected acrial pin, and
take the pin. Then you can see the plate’s engine in the upside ride and the synchronous
belt. You should use the spanner to ghten the adjusted bolt beside the engine to make
the belt ghten.
A en on: Do not make it too ght. It should be suitable that it just feel ght by pressing
the belt finger.
The way to change the belt:
Plase upload the blade, loosen the impacted bolt of the plate’s engine, put the belt into
the precending belt of the engine, set the other side of the belt in the engine’s axes, and
ghter the bolt again.
5. Analysis and Problem Solving
4. General Safety Prac ces
5.1 Problems, Causes and Solu ons
The electric fryers have been designed to require minimum maintenance. However,
some performance failures may happen due to natural wearing caused by the use of the
If any problem arises check the table - 03 below, where there are some detailed and
recommended possible solu ons.
- The cu ng engine has the
clash a er working for a
period of me
- The synchronous belt of the
cu ng plate’s engine is loose
- The engine inside stops
working a er it goes on
- The fan-cooled radiator in the
machine is broken down, so it
cause the temperature is too
high that the engine is in the
self-protected situa on.
- Adjus ng the adjusted screw
beside the cu ng engine yo
make the belt ght.
- Change the fan-cooled
1. The electrical outlet is not
connected very well.
1. Checking wether the
electrical outlet is connec ng
- The machine stop running or 2. Th wire is cu ng or the
running slowly.
switch is dropping because of
the bad transporta on.
2. Checking whether every
part os connec ng well as tje
switch is locked well.
3. The voltage is not steady.
1. The frozen meat has frozn in
a short me that the meat is to
3. Make sure that the voltage
is steady.
1. Following the third point
about cu ng.
2. Following the grinding of
2. The blade is not sharp
- The meat is not cu ng very
well. It doest not connect
with each other. And the meat
3. Filling some lubrificant into
3. The frozen supplying
cannot drop down. It needs
the pulling pole for entering
equipment is lack of the
pressing by hand.
lubrificant so that it isn’t running
4. Pushing two pressed poles
of the clamping equipment to
4. The ghtening equipment
the side of the meat.
clamps the meat too ghly.
If any recommenda on is not applicable to your equipment, please ignore it.
The following safety instruc ons are addressed to both the operator of the machine as
well as the person in charge of maintenance.
The machine has to be delivered only in perfect condi ons of use by the Distributor to the
user. The user shall operate the machine only a er being well acquainted with the safety
procedures described in the present manual. READ THIS MANUAL WITH ATTENTION.
4.1 Basic Opera on Procedures
4.1.1 Dangers
Some areas of the electric device have parts that are connected or have parts connected
to high voltage. These parts when touched may cause severe electrical shocks or even be
Never touch manual commands such as switches, bu ons, turning keys and knobs with
your hands wearing wet clothes and/or wet shoes. By not following these instruc ons
operator could be exposed to severe electrical shocks or even to a lethal situa on.
4.1.2 Warnings
* The operator has to be well familiar with the posi on of ON/OFF Switch to make sure the
Switch is easy to be reached when necessary.
* Before any kind of maintenance, physically remove plug from the socket.
* Provide space for a comfortable opera on thus avoiding accidents.
* Water or oil spilled on the floor will turn it slippery and dangerous. Make sure the floor
is clean and dry.
* Before using any commands (switch, bu ons, lever), be sure it is the correct one. In case
of doubt, consult this manual.
* Never touch any manual commands (switch, bu ons, lever) unadvisedly.
* If any work is to be made by two or more persons, coordina on signs will have to be
given for each opera on step. Every step of the opera on shall be taken only if a sign has
been made and responded.
4.1.3 Advices
* In case of power shortage, immediately switch the machine off.
* Use recommended or equivalent lubricants, oils or greases.
* Avoid mechanical shocks, once they may cause damages or bad func oning.
* Avoid water, dirt or dust contact to the mechanical and electrical components of the
* DO NOT change the standard characteris cs of the machine.
* DO NOT remove, tear off or maculate any safety or iden fica on labels stuck on the
machine. If any labels have been removed or are no longer legible, contact your nearest
dealer for replacement.
4.2 Safety Procedures and Notes before Switching the Machine ON
Carefully read ALL INSTRUCTIONS of this manual before turning the machine ON.
Be sure to well understand all the informa on contained in this manual. If you
have any ques on contact your supervisor or your nearest Dealer.
4.2.1 Danger
An electric cable or electric wire with damaged jacket or bad insula on might cause
electrical shocks as well as electrical leak. Before use, check the condi ons of all wires and
4.2.2 Advices
Be sure to well understand all the informa on contained in this manual. Every opera on
func on or procedure has to be thoroughly clear.
Before using any commands (switch, bu ons, lever), be sure it is the correct one. In case
of doubt, consult this manual.
4.2.3 Precau ons
The electric cable has to be compa ble with the power required by the machine.
Cables touching the floor or close to the machine need to be protected against short
The oil reservoirs have to be filled un l the indicated level. Check and refill if necessary.
For your own safety read all the machine s ckers.
4.3 Rou ne Inspec on
4.3.1 Advice
When checking the tension of the belts or chains, DO NOT insert your fingers between the
belts and the pulleys and nor between the chain and the gears.
4.3.2 Precau ons
Check the motor and sliding or turning parts of the machine in case of abnormal noises.
Check the tension of the belts and chains and replace the set when belts or chains show
signs of wearing.
When checking the tension of belts or chains DO NOT insert your fingers between belts
and pulleys, nor between the chains and gears.
Check protec ons and safety devices to make sure they are working properly.
4.4 Opera on
4.4.1 Warnings
Do not use the machine with long hair that could touch any part of the machine. This might
lead to a serious accident. Tie your hair up well and/or cover it with a scarf.
Only trained or skilled personnel shall operate this machine.
Never touch turning parts with your hands or any other way ,
NEVER operate the machine without any original safety devices under perfect condi ons.
4.5 A er Finishing The Work
4.5.1 Precau ons
Always TURN THE MACHINE OFF before cleaning by removing the plug from the socket.
Never clean the machine unless it has come to a complete stop.
Put all the components back to their func onal posi ons before turning the machine ON
Check the level of oil.
Do NOT insert your fingers in between belts and pulleys nor chains and gears.
4.6 Maintenance
4.6.1 Danger
Any maintenance with the machine in working situa on is dangerous. TURN IT OFF BY
Always remove the plug from the socket in any emergency situa on.
4.7 Warning
Electrical or mechanical maintenance has to be undertaken by qualified personnel. The
person in charge of maintenance has to be sure that the machine is under TOTAL SAFETY
condi ons when working.


Key Features

  • Automatic & Manual Slicing
  • Thickness Adjustment
  • 1/2 HP Power
  • Frozen Meat Slicing
  • Knife Grinding

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Frequently Answers and Questions

How do I adjust the thickness of the slices?
Use the 'Thickness Adjusted Handle' (number 3 in the manual) to set your desired slicing thickness.
What type of oil should I use for lubrication?
The manual recommends using 'hyperbola gear oil' for lubrication. Avoid using edible oils like rapeseed or bean oil.
How do I grind the knife?
Loosen the 'fixed aim' of the grinding knife frame, turn on the cutting engine, and press the handle on the grinding wheel frame towards the blade. Grind for at least 10 minutes.
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