Chapter 61: Server Backups & Rollback . Naxa AC-1

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Chapter 61: Server Backups & Rollback
. Naxa AC-1 | Manualzz

Chapter 61:

Server Backups & Rollback

Magento enables you to perform different types of backups (backup of database, file system, or both) and to perform rollbacks automatically. Files are compressed using the .gz and .tgz formats. Backup files are stored in the var/backups directory in your

Magento file system. The content of the /var/cache, /var/log, /var/session and

/var/report folders is excluded from the backup.


Creating a Backup

To create a backup:


On the Admin menu, select System > Tools > Backups .


Click one of the following buttons, depending on the backup type you need to create:

System Backup Creates a complete backup of the database and the file system. On the next step you will have the possibility to choose whether to include the media folder to the backup.

Creates a backup of the database and the media folder.

Database and Media


Database Backup Creates a backup of the database.


To put the store into maintenance mode during the backup, select the checkbox.

After the backup is created, maintenance mode is turned off automatically.

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Chapter 61:  Server Backups & Rollback


If you are creating a system backup, select the Include Media folder to System Backup checkbox if you want to include the media folder. When prompted, confirm the action.

Database backup files are compressed using the .gz format. For the system backups and database and media backups, the .tgz format is used. Backup files are stored in the var/backups directory in your Magento file system. The files that are stored in the

/var/cache, /var/log, /var/session and /var/report folders are excluded from the backup.

Records of all created backups are listed on the Backups page. Deleting a record deletes the archive file as well.

Roll Back Changes

To roll back the whole system or the database:


On the Admin menu, select System > Tools > Backups .


On the Backups page, find the backup you want. Then in the Action column, click the

Rollback link.

All changes made since the backup was created will be lost after the rollback.


Confirm the roll back. When prompted, enter your Admin Password . Then, choose whether you want to put your store into the maintenance mode during the roll back.

When restoring file system or database and media files you can choose to use the FTP connection.

After the rollback, you are redirected to the Admin login page.


Refresh cache types and rebuild required indexes. This can be done under System >

Cache Management and System > Index Management, respectively.

Important! Use the Rollback with caution. Customers who are in the process of checking out when you start the rollback may not be able to complete checkout.

Limiting Access to Backup and Rollback

Access to the Backups and Rollback management tool can be restricted by configuring user


for backup and rollback resources. To restrict access, leave the corresponding checkbox unselected. If you need to grant access to the Rollback resources, you must grant access to backup resources as well.

Create a Backup from Magento Connect Manager

Before installing an extension, you should always perform a backup. In the Magento

Connect Manager (MCM), you can choose to create a backup before installing an extension or upgrading Magento.

Magento Community Edition: User Guide

Chapter 61:  Server Backups & Rollback

To create a backup from MCM:


On the Admin menu, select System > Magento Connect > Magento Connect Manager .


Select the Create Backup checkbox and select the backup type.

Proceed with installing extension or updating Magento. The backup is created automatically, and is listed under System > Tools > Backups.

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Chapter 61:  Server Backups & Rollback































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