Mixed and Miscellaneous Expansions. Gezelschapsspellen Cthulhu Wars

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Mixed and Miscellaneous Expansions. Gezelschapsspellen Cthulhu Wars | Manualzz


Mixed and Miscellaneous


These expansions can fall into multiple categories—some include Independent Great Old Ones, as well as Neutral Monsters. Some add entirely new elements, and some are merely to replace die cut pieces with fancier plastic elements to jazz up the look and feel of the Cthulhu Wars experience.

“Outside the ordered universe is that amorphous blight of nethermost confusion which blasphemes and bubbles at the center of all infinity—the boundless daemon Azathoth, whose name no lips dare speak aloud...”

—H.P. Lovecraft,

The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath






The Azathoth Expansion is not a playable Faction.

Instead, it has Neutral Units and Spellbooks, available to any player. Players can individually access Azathoth itself, its Monsters, and its

Spellbooks. One player may have one Neutral

Spellbook, while another receives a different one.

They are mix-and-match. Similarly, two players may each control a different Monster type.


Azathoth is an Independent Great Old One, and as such is governed by the same basic rules for all

Independent Great Old Ones as detailed on page



Unlimited Battle, winning the game, and any other rules or abilities that reference Spellbooks on your

Faction Card (such as Nyarlathotep’s Combat rating, or the Moonbeasts’ ability for example).

Remember, Azathoth’s own Spellbook, Nuclear

Chaos, is NOT a Neutral Spellbook—it can only be placed on Azathoth’s Loyalty Card by the player who controls Azathoth. It is never placed on a player’s Faction Card.


The 4 Neutral Monsters in the Azathoth expansion are governed by the same basic rules for

all Neutral Monsters as found on page 80.


These Spellbooks are a unique type of gameplay item. To earn one, simply take it instead of your normal Faction Spellbook when you achieve a

Faction Spellbook requirement.

Example : Black Goat Awakens Shub-Niggurath for the first time, which fulfills one of her

Spellbook requirements. Instead of one of her own Spellbooks, she picks one of the Neutral

Spellbooks (in this case, the Mao Ceremony).

Once you take a Neutral Spellbook, no one else can earn it. You retain that Spellbook throughout the game (exception: Recriminations). This DOES mean that you will NOT have access to one of your normal Spellbooks in this game, so choose wisely.


A Neutral Spellbook counts as one of your 6

Spellbooks on your Faction Card for purposes of


“Everything you’ve been told about the nature of the universe is a lie. There was never any intent behind the formation of the constellations, nor placing Earth among them. Neither are the cold physics of the Big Bang Theory accurate. The truth is somewhere between, yet having little to do with either.

When well-meaning physicists begin talking about cycles of expansion and contraction, they draw near the truth. Theologists have a nugget of understanding when they discuss an all-knowing, all-caring ‘god’ (or ‘gods’) responsible for the formation of matter. But both are yet off the mark.

At the center of the universe is indeed a consciousness; an impossibly vast, monstrously cruel force that at once creates, and yet does not understand creation. It sloughs off galaxies to fend for themselves. It shudders and suns dim. When it dreams, worlds die in holocausts of madness and terror.

It is the center of all things, it is the creator and destroyer of reality.

It is Azathoth.

Madmen and sorcerers call out its name in reverential fear. They reach out to the Blind Idiot

God, hoping for secrets of power, immortality, wealth. What they receive is petulance, rage, and nightmares made real. They listen to the piping of the cavorting demons, hoping to hear a whisper of Azathoth’s truth, and come away mind-blasted shells.

Still Azathoth plays on. Unknowingly it creates universes, and moments later destroys them. Moments of its unquenchable insanity have no corresponding measure in our own time. Then there’s the real secret. The universe we inhabit, the reality we think we know… it’s not even the first one. Countless times has it been created and resorbed by Azathoth.

Countless times have beings warred, Battled, loved, died. Has it been the same universe, created and destroyed over and over? Have you lived this same life a million times? Made the same mistakes throughout eternity?

No one knows. Except Azathoth, who cares not.”

—Ben Monroe



Ramsey Campbell Horrors


Ramsey Campbell Horrors




High Priests


The High Priest is a new type of Cultist, and belongs to the Faction of its own color. He is Recruited, like an Acolyte. He generates 1 Power during Gather Power, can Create and Control a Gate, and can be

Captured. Each Faction has only a single High Priest available. Because the High Priest is Recruited, rather than Summoned, a Gate is not needed. The High Priests benefit from all Spellbooks or abilities that reference Cultists (but not Acolytes).

Tips and Tricks

‘ Sacrifice him during Gather Power to ensure you are First Player.

‘ Recruit your High Priest in the first Action Phase. Then Sacrifice him to enable you to Awaken your Great Old One (and still have Power remaining) in the second Action Phase.

‘ If your High Priest is alone on a Gate, and an enemy threatens to Capture him, on your turn

Summon a Monster and then immediately Sacrifice the High Priest. He is safely removed from the

Map and your new Monster is not only paid for, but can help defend the Area.

‘ Sacrifice him when the other players are out of Power to “resurrect” yourself. Now you have 2

Power left to spend on Actions while they have none.

‘ Sacrifice him to permit a Ritual of Annihilation at a critical time




Unique High Priests

The Unique High Priests are an additional set of rules for your High Priests, adding 8 unique abilities.

To play with the Unique High Priests rules, you need the regular High Priest miniatures.

When you Recruit a High Priest, you may choose for him or her to be a regular High Priest (with the

Unspeakable Oath ability), or to be one of the named, Unique

High Priests. (The Unique High Priests do NOT have the

Unspeakable Oath ability).

When your High Priest is

Killed or Eliminated, the next time he is Recruited, you can again choose for him to be normal or unique.

However, once you have selected a Unique High

Priest, that is the ONLY one you may Recruit during that game. Once a player has selected a Unique High Priest by

Recruiting him or her, no other player may Recruit that particular one (even if it is not currently in play, because the High Priest is dead or that player has Recruited him anew as a normal High Priest).

This is not a physical product. You can download the eight Unique High Priests from www.PetersenGames.com.





“Asenath, it seemed, had posed as a kind of magician at school; and had really seemed able to accomplish some highly baffling marvels. She professed to be able to raise thunderstorms, though her seeming success was generally laid to some uncanny knack at prediction. All animals markedly disliked her, and she could make any dog howl by certain motions of her right hand.”

—H.P. Lovecraft,

The Thing on the Doorstep



Colour Out of Space

The rules for the Colour Out of Space are presented below, and you can also download them in PDF form from www.PetersenGames.com

We do not recommend playing with these rules in every game. The grey Gates can be used to replace the regular die cut tokens from the core game.



The Shining Trapezohedron

The Shining Trapezohedron contains plastic representations and miniatures of things that are otherwise die cut punchboard tokens in various other products of the Cthulhu Wars game system.

Lovecraft Bust

First Player Marker

Use this in place of the First Player token found in the core set. When you are the First Player, simply point him in the direction you want play to go.

“Thro’ the ghoul-guarded gateways of slumber, past the wan-moon’d abysses of night,

I have liv’d o’er my lives without number,

I have sounded all things with my sight;

And I struggle and shriek ere the daybreak, being driven to madness with fright.”

—H.P. Lovecraft,




Battle Dice

Use these in place of regular six-sided dice during Battle. This image is for Pains. is for a Kill, this image

Custom Dice

Use these in place of regular six sided dice for various abilities and events in Cthulhu Wars.


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