Zimbra Collaboration Administrator Guide

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Zimbra Collaboration Administrator Guide | Manualzz


Undeploying a Zimlet

When a Zimlet is undeployed, it is removed from all COSs and then removed from the LDAP.

Admin Console:

Configure > Zimlets

; select the Zimlet to undeploy.


From the Gear icon menu select






to confirm.

Adding Proxy-Allowed Domains to a Zimlet

Proxy Allowed Domains lets you configure which external domains can be accessed through a Zimlet. For the Zimlets that are included in ZCS, proxy allowed domains are already configured. If you download and deploy other

Zimlets, you can add additional proxy domain names.

Admin Console:

Configure > Class of Service

; select the COS to edit.


In the Advanced page, scroll down to the

Proxy Allowed Domains




Add Domain

to add domains.





Upgrading a Zimlet

Use the same steps as deploying a new Zimlet to upgrade a customized

Zimlet. The new Zimlet zip file should have the same name as the existing

Zimlet zip file.

Admin Console:

Configure > Zimlets; from the

Gear icon menu select





Flush Zimlet cache,

so that the upgraded zimlet will be used.


Browse to the Zimlet you want to upgrade, then click




Click Finish.

Managing Zimlets from the Command Line Interface

The following Zimlet management tasks are available from the command line interface.

Deploying Zimlets

When a Zimlet is deployed, it is available immediately to everyone in the default COS. If a Zimlet is not deployed to another COS directly, the COS displays the Zimlets but they are not enabled.

Deploy a Zimlet using the CLI, including modifying the COS before deploying.


Select a Zimlet and copy the Zimlet zip file to


folder on your Zimbra server.

Zimbra Collaboration Network Edition 311

Administrator Guide


Login as the zimbra user su - zimbra


Deploy the Zimlet zmzimletctl deploy /tmp/<zimlet>.zip

Adding Proxy Allowed Domains to a Zimlet

When deploying a Zimlet, the COS attributes,



must be set for the domain address that the Zimlet might call to get information


To set the zimbraProxyAllowedDomains attribute, type: zmprov mc <COSname> +zimbraProxyAllowedDomains


The * must be added before the domain.com.

This must be applied to all COSs that have your Zimlet enabled.

Deploying a Zimlet and Granting Access to a COS


Use steps in this section to deploy a Zimlet to one or more COSs other than the default:


Login as zimbra user:

su – zimbra


Copy the Zimlet file from Gallery to




Install the Zimlet to the default COS: run zmzimletctl deploy



For example: zmzimletctl deploy /tmp/<zimlet>.zip


To deploy the zimlet to additional COSs, run: zmzimletctl acl <zimletname> <cosname1> grant

This will grant permission to cosname1. You can also grant access to more than one COS on the same command line: zmzimletctl acl <zimletname> <cosname1> grant <cosname2> grant


To allow this zimlet to use the allowed proxy domains, run the following on each COS and add the allowed domains. zmprov mc <COSname1> +zimbraProxyAllowedDomains <*. domain.com> zmprov mc <COSname2> +zimbraProxyAllowedDomains <*. domain.com>

312 Network Edition Zimbra Collaboration


Viewing Installed Zimlets


Use the zmzimletctl

command to view currently installed zimlets: zmzimletctl listZimlets all

The output from this command displays the Zimlets installed on the server, installed in LDAP, and those available by COS,

Changing Zimlet Configurations

Some Zimlets may require additional configuration after they are deployed.

The Zimlet configuration template allows you to make changes on the configuration template and then install the new configuration file on the Zimbra server.


Use steps in this section to change a Zimlet configuration:


Extract the configuration template: zmzimletctl getConfigTemplate <zimlet.zip>


Make the required changes in the template, taking care to change only the required areas, then save the file.

Note: If you have more than one custom Zimlet, rename the config_template.xml file before updating the configuration in LDAP so that files are not overwritten.


Use the zmzimletctl

command to update the configuration in the LDAP.

If you changed the name of the configuration template, replace config_template.xml

with the new name.

zmzimletctl configure config_template.xml

Upgrading a Zimlet

Upgrading a customized Zimlet is performed by using the same steps as those used to deploy a new Zimlet.

Note: The new Zimlet zip file should be named identically to the existing

Zimlet zip file.


Use steps in this section upgrade a zimlet:


Copy the Zimlet zip file to the


directory, replacing the older version.


Deploy the Zimlet zmzimletctl deploy <zimlet.zip file name>

Zimbra Collaboration Network Edition 313

Administrator Guide

The Zimlet is copied to the


directory. If your Zimlet includes a .jsp file, the .jsp file is also copied to the

/opt/ zimbra/jetty/webapps/zimlet/<zimletnamefolder>



To ensure availability of the newer version, flush the cache: zmprov flushCache zimlet.

Using the Zimbra Gallery

You can download and deploy Zimlets from the Zimlet Gallery located on the

Zimbra web site. Go to www.zimbra.com/downloads and scroll through the

Extensions from the Zimbra Gallery section or select View More to access the

Zimbra Gallery.

Developing Customized Zimlets

To develop your own custom Zimlets, see the Zimlet Developers Guide on the

Zimbra Wiki at http://wiki.zimbra.com/index.php?title=Main_Page.

314 Network Edition Zimbra Collaboration


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