Vertical Wave Phone User guide

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Vertical Wave Phone User guide | Manualzz

WAVE ISM 1.0 Build 6 - 10.0.20070628.0.0 (0703)


Phone User Guide

Last Updated 7/15/07

Vertical Wave Digital Telephone - User’s Guide

Vertical Communications, Inc. reserves the right to revise this publication and to make changes in content without notice.

© 2007 by Vertical Communications, Inc. All rights reserved.

This publication contains proprietary and confidential information of Vertical Communications, Inc. The contents of this document may not be disclosed, copied or translated by third parties, in any form, or by any means known, or not now known or conceived, without prior explicit written permission from

Vertical Communications, Inc.


Vertical Communications, Inc. makes no representation or warranties with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the content of this publication and specifically disclaims any implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose, and shall not be liable for any loss of profit or any other commercial damage, including but not limited to, special, incidental, or consequential.


Vertical Communications and the Vertical Communications logo and combinations thereof are registered trademarks of Vertical

Communications, Inc. All other brand and product names are used for identification only and are the property of their respective holders.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1 - Introduction ................................................ 1-1

How To Use This Guide ................................................... 1-1

Wave Phone Features ................................................ 1-1

Specific Phone Model Information and Features ............. 1-1

Getting Help ................................................................... 1-2

Your System Administrator ......................................... 1-2

Vertical Technical Support .......................................... 1-2

Additional Documentation ........................................... 1-2

List of Features by Phone Type ......................................... 1-3

Chapter 2 - Basic Operation ........................................... 2-1

Wave Phone Account Management ................................... 2-1

Logging In To Your Account ....................................... 2-1

Setting/Changing Your Password ................................. 2-2

Recording Your Voice Title .......................................... 2-2

Managing Your Greetings ........................................... 2-3

Setting Status Commands .......................................... 2-4

Setting Voice Mail Call Notification .............................. 2-5

Basic Phone Handling ...................................................... 2-6

Using a Wave Phone .................................................. 2-6

Answering Calls ........................................................ 2-9

Switching Between Calls ............................................ 2-9

Ending a Call ........................................................... 2-10

Making Calls ........................................................... 2-10

Voice Mail Management ................................................. 2-14

Listening to Messages .............................................. 2-14

Chapter 3 - Using Wave Phone Features.......................... 3-1

Authorization Codes ........................................................ 3-2

Using Authorization Codes [ALL] ................................. 3-2

Auto Dial ....................................................................... 3-2

Programming and Using an Auto Dial Key [D] ................ 3-2

Call History .................................................................... 3-3

Using Call History [D] ................................................. 3-3

Call Park ........................................................................ 3-4

Directed Park [ALL] .................................................... 3-4

Self Park [ALL] .......................................................... 3-5

System Park [ALL] ..................................................... 3-7

Wave Phone User Guide July 2007 - Issue 1.0


Table of Contents

Call Pickup ..................................................................... 3-9

Extension Pickup [ALL] ............................................... 3-9

Group Pickup [ALL] .................................................. 3-10

Call Record ................................................................... 3-11

Recording a Call [D] / [A] .......................................... 3-11

Call Return ................................................................... 3-11

Returning a Call [ALL] ............................................... 3-12

Call Waiting .................................................................. 3-13

Using Call Waiting [ALL] ........................................... 3-13

Caller ID Blocking .......................................................... 3-15

Blocking Caller ID [ALL] ............................................ 3-15

Camp-on (Callback) ....................................................... 3-16

Using Camp-on (Callback) [D] / [A] ............................. 3-16

Callers List ................................................................... 3-18

Using the Callers List [S] ........................................... 3-18

Centrex Features ........................................................... 3-21

Using Centrex Flash [D] ............................................ 3-21

Accessing Centrex Features [A] ................................. 3-21

Conference Calls ........................................................... 3-22

Setting Up a Conference Call [ALL] ............................ 3-22

Dial By Name ................................................................ 3-24

About Dial by Name [D] ............................................ 3-24

Direct Station Select/Busy Lamp Field .............................. 3-25

Using the DSS/BLF Feature [D] .................................. 3-25

Directory List ................................................................ 3-26

Using the Directory List [S] ....................................... 3-26

Do Not Disturb .............................................................. 3-28

Using Do Not Disturb [ALL] ....................................... 3-28

Flash ........................................................................... 3-29

Forward Calls ................................................................ 3-30

Forwarding Calls [ALL] .............................................. 3-30

Headset ....................................................................... 3-33

Using a Headset [S] .................................................. 3-33

Using a Headset [D] / [A] .......................................... 3-34

Hold ............................................................................ 3-34

Placing a Call on Hold [ALL] ...................................... 3-34

Intercom button ............................................................ 3-36

Using the Intercom Button [S] ................................... 3-36

ii July 2007 - Issue 1.0

Wave Phone User Guide

Table of Contents

Joining a Call ............................................................... 3-36

Using the Call Break-in Feature [D] ............................. 3-36

Message Waiting .......................................................... 3-37

Retrieving Voice Mail Messages [S] ............................ 3-37

Multiple Call Handling .................................................... 3-38

Using Call Appearance Keys with Line Keys [D] ........... 3-38

Mute ........................................................................... 3-39

Muting a Call [S] / [D] .............................................. 3-39

Night Answer ............................................................... 3-39

Setting Night Answer [ALL] ...................................... 3-39

Page ............................................................................ 3-40

Paging the Entire System [ALL] ................................. 3-40

Paging a Specific Group [S] ...................................... 3-41

Page a Specific Zone [D] / [A] ................................... 3-42

Password Protection ...................................................... 3-43

Using Password Protection [D] .................................. 3-43

Privacy ........................................................................ 3-43

Using the Privacy Feature [D] .................................... 3-43

Redial .......................................................................... 3-44

Using Redial [S] / [D] ................................................ 3-44

Release ........................................................................ 3-44

Using the Release Key [D] ........................................ 3-44

Saved Number Redial .................................................... 3-45

Using Saved Number Redial [D] ................................. 3-45

Shift ............................................................................ 3-46

Using the Shift Feature [D] ....................................... 3-46

Silent Monitor ............................................................... 3-46

Using Silent Monitor [D] ........................................... 3-47

Speaker ....................................................................... 3-47

Using the Speaker Feature [S] / [D] ............................ 3-47

Speed Dial ................................................................... 3-48

Swap Key .................................................................... 3-48

Using the Swap Key [S] ........................................... 3-48

System Speed Dial ........................................................ 3-49

Using System Speed Dial [D] / [A] ............................. 3-49

Transfer ....................................................................... 3-50

Making a Blind Transfer [ALL] ................................... 3-50

Making a Supervised Transfer [ALL] ........................... 3-51

Transferring Calls to Voice Mail [D] / [A] ..................... 3-52

Wave Phone User Guide July 2007 - Issue 1.0


Table of Contents

User Programmable Keys ................................................ 3-53

Using Programmable Keys [D] .................................... 3-53

Visual Voice Mail ........................................................... 3-54

Using Visual Mail [D] ................................................ 3-54

Voicecall ...................................................................... 3-56

Using the Voicecall Feature [D] .................................. 3-56

Chapter 4 - About Wave SIP Phones ............................... 4-1

Wave SIP Phone Models ................................................... 4-1

Using a SIP Phone ........................................................... 4-8

Hard Keys ................................................................. 4-8

Navigation Arrow Keys (Scroll and Select) ..................... 4-8

Soft Keys .................................................................. 4-8

Line Keys .................................................................. 4-8

Line Status Lights ...................................................... 4-9

Display Information .................................................. 4-10

Phone Settings .............................................................. 4-11

Setting Options ........................................................ 4-11

Advanced Volume Controls for the Headset/Mic .......... 4-11

Outside Line Supported Features ..................................... 4-12

Outside Line Keys .................................................... 4-12

SIP Phone Feature Codes ................................................ 4-13

Chapter 5 - About Wave Digital Phones ........................... 5-1

Introduction .................................................................... 5-1

Edge 100 - 24 button ................................................. 5-2

Impact SCS - 24 button .............................................. 5-6

Impact SCS - 12 button .............................................. 5-8

Line Keys ................................................................ 5-10

Display Information .................................................. 5-10

Set Up and Installation ................................................... 5-11

Adjusting the Pedestal .............................................. 5-11

Making the Connections ........................................... 5-12

Phone Settings .............................................................. 5-13

Modifying the Display Contrast .................................. 5-13

Setting the Ring Melody and Volume .......................... 5-13

Digital Phone Feature Codes ........................................... 5-14

iv July 2007 - Issue 1.0

Wave Phone User Guide

Table of Contents

Chapter 6 - About Wave Analog Phones.......................... 6-1

Introduction ................................................................... 6-1

Special Tones ........................................................... 6-1

Analog Phone Feature Codes ............................................ 6-2

Appendix A - CounterPath SIP Softphones....................... A-1

About CounterPath SIP Softphones ................................... A-1

Configuration Instructions ........................................... A-1

About the Eyebeam SIP Softphone .................................... A-2

Recommended USB Headsets ..................................... A-2

Installing & Configuring the eyeBeam SIP Softphone ........... A-3

Before You Begin ....................................................... A-3

Installing and Configuring for Wave .............................. A-3

Using Counterpath SIP Softphones with Wave .................... A-6

Appendix B - Troubleshooting ........................................ B-1

Wave Phone User Guide July 2007 - Issue 1.0



Chapter 1 - Introduction

Thank you for purchasing a Vertical Communications phone. All Wave phones are multifunctional and specifically designed for use with the Vertical

Communications Vertical Wave system.


This guide provides a comprehensive description of each type of phone and its functionality. Depending upon the type of phone you have (SIP, digital, or analog), you will need to review the basic information in the first two chapters of this guide. You will also be directed to a specific chapter pertaining to each phone type as provided in chapter 4 through 6.

Wave Phone Features

It is a good idea to review the information in chapters 1and 2 to familiarize yourself with the basic operation of a Wave phone. You can then refer to specific model information as needed.

Specific Phone Model Information and Features

While general information for Wave phones can be found in Chapters 1 and 2 of this guide, information regarding each type of phone and phone model are covered in chapters 4 through 6.

If You are Using a SIP Phone

For information on a Wave SIP Phone or SIP Softphone, see chapter 4 to review descriptions for each of the SIP phone models shown below:

• Vertical 9133i SIP phone

• Vertical 9112i SIP phone

• Vertical 480i/480CT SIP phone

If You are Using a Digital Phone

For information on a Wave Digital Phone, see chapter 5 to review descriptions for each of the digital phone models shown below:

• Edge 100L and Edge 100 - 12 button

• Edge 100 - 24 button

• Impact SCS - 12 button

• Impact SCS - 24 button

If You are Using a Analog Phone

For information on a Wave Analog Phone, see chapter 6 to review specific details for analog phones.

Wave Phone User Guide July 2007 - Issue 1.0


Chapter 1 - Introduction Getting Help


If you need information that is not included in this guide, you can get help from your System Administrator, Vertical Technical Support and additional Wave documentation.

Your System Administrator

Your first line of support is your System Administrator. This person should be able to provide you with any additional information you may need regarding your phone. For example, the System Administrator can provide you with a list of any pre-programmed keys depending upon the type of phone you are using.

Vertical Technical Support

If you System Administrator is unavailable or you have questions that he/she cannot answer, you can contact Vertical Technical Support. Trained technicians are available during regular business hours to provide you with information regarding the operation of your phone.

Additional Documentation

There are two kinds of documentation available to you besides this user guide.

Contact your System Administrator for information about obtaining the following documentation.

Quick Reference Guides

These guides provide concise information about each phone type. It is designed to provide basic information and step-by-step instructions in a way that saves you time and gets you familiarized with your phone as quickly as possible. If you did not receive a Quick Reference Guide with your phone, contact your System Administrator. The following Vertical Quick Reference

Guides are available:

• Wave SIP Phone Quick Reference Guide

• Wave Digital Phone Quick Reference Guide

• Wave Analog Phone Quick Reference Guide

• Wave Voicemail Quick Reference Guide

Wave Viewpoint User Guide

The Wave Viewpoint User Guide describes how to use Wave’s Windows interface which allows you a quick and easy way to handle and manage calls and messages. Contact your System Administrator for more information about

Vertical Viewpoint.

1-2 July 2007 - Issue 1.0

Wave Phone User Guide

Chapter 1 - Introduction List of Features by Phone Type


The following table shows the three types of phones covered in this chapter and lists the features available for each phone type.


Authorization Codes

Auto Dial

Call History

Call Park

Directed Park

Self Park

System Park

Call Pickup

Call Record

Call Return

Call Waiting

Caller ID Blocking

Campon (Callback)

Callers List

Centrex Features

Using Centrex Flash

Accessing Centrex Features

Conference Calls

Dial by Name

Direct Station Select/Busy Lamp Field

Directory List

Do Not Disturb


Forward Calls





Wave Phone User Guide July 2007 - Issue 1.0


Chapter 1 - Introduction




Joining a Call

Message Waiting

Multiple Call Handling


Night Answer


Paging the Entire System

Paging a Specific Group

Page a Specific Zone

Password Protection




Saved Number Redial


Silent Monitor (Supervisor Only)


Speed Dial

Swap Key

System Speed Dial


Transferring Calls to Voice Mail

User Programmable Keys

Visual Voice Mail


List of Features by Phone Type




1-4 July 2007 - Issue 1.0

Wave Phone User Guide

Chapter 2 - Basic Operation

This chapter describes the basic features common to all phones. The information here should allow you to quickly familiarize yourself with the phones basic function. In this chapter you will find information about the following:

• Phone Account Management (login, password, greetings, etc.)

• Basic Phone Handling (making, answering, ending calls, etc.)

• Voice Mail Management (listening, replying to, deleting messages, etc.)


For details specific to your phone, please refer to the Table of Contents

or Chapter 1 (“How To Use This Guide” on page 1-1) to locate additional

information about your phone.


When you log on to your account, you hear the Voicemail/Account menu. From this menu you can customize and manage your Wave account. You will also

be able to set up and manage your Voice Mail account (see page 2-14 for more

information about managing voicemail).

This section will describe the following processes

• Logging In

• Setting/Changing Your Password

• Recording Your Voice Title

• Managing Your Greetings

• Setting Status Commands

• Setting Voice Mail Call Notification

Logging In To Your Account

You will need to log in to your account in order to manage the available account features for your phone (passwords, greetings, status, etc.). You can log in from your own phone or any Wave phone in your company’s phone system. In addition, if you have permission, you can also log in from outside your company’s Wave phone system*.


The very first time you log into your account, you will need to have the default password. Your system administrator will provide this number to you.

Once you log in, it is recommended that you change your password to maintain confidentiality of your account.


The initial key that you to use to log on might not be # on your Wave system. Ask your Wave system administrator if your system uses a different key.

To log in from your own phone

Pick up the handset and enter:

# # <your password> #

Wave Phone User Guide July 2007 - Issue 1.0


Chapter 2 - Basic Operation Wave Phone Account Management

To log in from a phone other than your own:

Pick up any Wave phone handset and enter:

# <your extension> # <your password> #

To log onto Wave from a remote phone:


Call your office.


Press 9 during your greeting to access your voice mail options.


When the system prompts you to enter an extension, enter:

# <your extension> # <your password> #

Setting/Changing Your Password

Once you are logged into your account, you can change your password. Your password allows you to maintain confidentiality with your account.

Your Vertical Wave phone system may be customized with specific rules or restrictions for choosing a password. Please contact your phone system administrator for details.

In addition, when choosing a password, be sure that it is something you can easily remember, yet not something someone else can easily guess.

To change your password:


Log into your account.

If you are setting up a new password, contact your phone system administrator to obtain the default password.


Press 6 to access the Account Preferences menu.


Press 3 to access the Password feature, then enter the new password.


Enter the new password again to confirm it.


Press # to save the new password.

Recording Your Voice Title

You will need to record or change your name as it will be heard by callers when they dial your extension.

To record your Voice Title:


Log into your account.


Press 6 to access Account Preferences.


Press 2 to access the Voice Title menu.


Press 1 to record your name, then press # to save it.


Press 1 to re-record your name (then press #)


Press 2 to revert to the existing title setting.


Press * to return to the previous menu, or hang up to end the session.

2-2 July 2007 - Issue 1.0

Wave Phone User Guide

Chapter 2 - Basic Operation Wave Phone Account Management

Managing Your Greetings

A greeting is the message that callers hear when they reach your voice mail.

You can record and store multiple greetings for use in different situations. A primary greeting can be used daily for times when you are unable to answer a call. You can also create alternative greetings that can be activated for a variety of reasons (such as if you will be out of the office for a particular period of time, travelling, in a meeting, or on vacation).

Example: Your primary/daily greeting might be something like: “You have reached the voice mail of Sue Smith. I’m either on the phone or away from my desk. Please leave your name, number, and a brief

message, and I will return your call as soon as I can. Thank you.”


Check with your phone system administrator regarding any company-established greeting formats.

If you do not record and activate a primary greeting, the system will play a default greeting which has been predefined by your company.

If you only have one greeting recorded it will be the “active” greeting.


Once you have created greetings, it’s a good idea to review them. Once you do that, you can make them active, change them, and/or delete them.

To manage your greetings:


Log into your account.


Press 4 to access Greetings and hear the currently active greeting.

From the Greetings Menu:

• Press 1 to replay the current greeting.

• Press 2 to skip to the next greeting (if you have more than one greeting recorded).

• Press 3 to make the current greeting active (if you have more than one greeting recorded).

• Press 4 to re-record an existing greeting, then press # to complete and save it.

• Press 6 to record/add a new greeting, then press # to complete and save it.

• Press 7 to delete the current greeting.

• Press to * return to the previous menu.

Wave Phone User Guide July 2007 - Issue 1.0


Chapter 2 - Basic Operation Wave Phone Account Management

Setting Status Commands

Status commands allow others to know when you are available and when you are not (and why). When another user in the Wave phone system calls your phone, the status command you have set will appear on their phone display.

To set status commands:


Log into your account.


Press 6 to access Account Preferences.


Press 1 to access Status Commands and hear the currently set status.


Use the following Status options as needed.

From the Status Commands menu:

• Press 1 to set your status to Available.

• Press 2 to set your status to Do Not Disturb.

• Press 3 to set your status to In a Meeting.

• Press 4 to set your status to Out of the Office.

• Press 5 to set your status to On Vacation.

If you are a member of a call center queue:

• Press 6 to set your status to Available (Queue only).

• Press 7 to set your status to Available (non-Queue).

• Press 8 to set your status to On Break.

2-4 July 2007 - Issue 1.0

Wave Phone User Guide

Chapter 2 - Basic Operation Wave Phone Account Management

Setting Voice Mail Call Notification

You can set up a voice mail notification destination that tells the phone system where to let you know if/when you have a voice mail waiting. You can designate either an internal (extension) or external (with access code) phone number for this feature.

To access the Notifications menu:


Log into your account.


Press 6 to access Account Preferences.


Press 4 to access the Notifications menu.


Set the appropriate notification option using the steps below:

To keep the current notification number:


Press 1 to keep the current Notification number (the default for this will be your own extension number).


To use an internal extension number:


Press 2 if you want to be notified at a specific extension within the

Vertical Wave phone system.


Enter the extension number.


Press 1 to accept the entry or 2 to change the entry.


To use an external number:


Press 3 if you want to be notified at a specific number outside the Vertical

Wave phone system.


Enter the external number.


You will need to include any access number (such as “9”), and any long distance numbers (such as 1 and the area code) if applicable.


Press # to hear your entry repeated.


Press 1 to accept the entry or 2 to change the entry.

Wave Phone User Guide July 2007 - Issue 1.0


Chapter 2 - Basic Operation Basic Phone Handling


There are certain basic functions about using the phone that is common to all phone models. This section describes that functionality that applies to whatever phone you are using.

The following topics are included in this section:

• Using a Wave Phone

• Answering a Call

• Ending a Call

• Making a Call

• Switching between Active Calls

Using a Wave Phone

You can pick up a Wave phone and place a call in the same way that you place calls on other phones. But you can also do much more. For example, you can dial other Wave users by name and use special key combinations to redial your last call or call back your last caller. Depending on your Wave system, you can also place calls over Centrex lines or over the Internet.

This section explains the following aspects of placing calls on a Wave phone:

• Using phones other than your own (another user’s phone)

• Dialing internal and external numbers

• Dialing by name

• Using the Hold feature (placing calls on hold to answer and switch between other calls, etc.)

• Making a call using the* options (redialing the last number you called, returning the last call that arrived

• Disabling call waiting for a call

• Using the Page and/or Intercom features


For information about placing calls visually using ViewPoint, refer to the

Wave ViewPoint User Guide.

2-6 July 2007 - Issue 1.0

Wave Phone User Guide

Chapter 2 - Basic Operation Basic Phone Handling

Using the Handset or Speaker

For Speakerphone Models

When making or answering a call, you can use the handset or the speakerphone. The following describes how to use each.

Using the Handset


Lift the handset.


Follow the usual process for making, answering, and ending calls as shown on the following pages.

Using the Speaker

To make a call:


Press a line or SPEAKER key.


You can also just start dialing at this point.


Follow the usual process for making calls beginning on page 2-10.

To answer a call:


Press the line or SPEAKER key.


Follow the usual process for answering calls beginning on page 2-9.

To end a call:

Press SPEAKER to drop the active call.

You can also use the RELEASE key (if programmed).

Adjusting the Handset and Speaker Volume

For Speakerphone Models

During a call it may be necessary to increase or decrease the volume.


Changes in volume level will be retained for future calls.

To adjust the volume:

Press the up or down VOLUME keys while the other party is speaking to change the volume as needed.

Obtain Information for Your Phone

You can access a prompt that tells you your extension number and station ID.

To hear the prompt:


Press the line or SPEAKER key to get a dial tone.


Press *00 to activate the prompt.

Wave Phone User Guide July 2007 - Issue 1.0


Chapter 2 - Basic Operation Basic Phone Handling

Using a Phone Other than Your Own

If you use another user’s phone to place calls, you are subject to that user’s dialing restrictions, outgoing Caller ID information, and other settings, and your calls are logged as being from that user. To make sure that your calls are placed and logged as yourself, do the following:


Log into your account from that phone (# <your extension> # <your

password> #).


Once you are logged on, press 5 1 to forward your calls to that phone.


When you are finished placing calls at the other user’s phone, press *0 0 to log off.


If the phone is idle for too long (for example, more than an hour) you may be logged off automatically.

Using an IP Phone

If you have a voice-over-IP phone, you can place calls with it as if it was a normal phone.

Using the * Options

When you press * at a dial tone, the system offers you a menu of quick call commands. These options include redialing and/or returning the last call as described below:


Refer to Chapters 4 through 6 for a list of * options available on your specific phone type.

To redial the last call you placed:

Press *66 .

To return a call to your last identified caller:


You cannot return unidentified calls, that is, calls that did not have a specific caller ID.

Press *69 .

Wave reads the number it will dial and prompts you to approve it before it dials the call.

2-8 July 2007 - Issue 1.0

Wave Phone User Guide

Chapter 2 - Basic Operation Basic Phone Handling

Answering Calls

Aside from using the handset or speakerphone (when available), the operation of the Wave phones is quite basic. The main functions you’ll probably be using are:

• Using the Hold feature

• Using the Call Waiting, Call Park, Pickup, and Transferring features

Using the Hold Feature

You can place calls on hold and place a new call, switch between calls on hold, and end a call without losing other calls on hold.

To place your current call on hold and place a new call:


Press Flash # to place the current call on hold.

You will hear a dial tone.


Dial your call.

Using the Call Waiting, Call Park, Pickup, and Transferring Features

These features are used slightly differently on each phone type (SIP, Digital, and Analog). You can find these Wave phone features in Chapter 3 listed alphabetically and each feature shows each phone type.

While on a call:




Dial the extension or press DSS.


Hang up to complete the operation.

Switching Between Calls

You can switch (or toggle) between calls that you have on hold. You can answer calls, make calls, and transfer calls without losing other calls by using the Hold feature to switch between the various calls.

To switch (toggle) from your current call to a call that is on hold:

Press Flash 4 .

If you have multiple calls on hold, you will hear a menu from which you can select the call to which you want to connect.

Wave Phone User Guide July 2007 - Issue 1.0


Chapter 2 - Basic Operation Basic Phone Handling

Ending a Call

You can either hang up the handset, press the SPEAKER key (if available) to end calls, or use the Hold feature when ending a call.

• For SIP Phone Models 9112i and 9133i, you can also press Goodbye

( also known as End Call on) to drop the active call.

• SIP Phone Models 480i/480CT also includes a “Drop” softkey that can be pressed to end the call.

Using Hold when Ending a Call

You can use the Hold feature to end one call without losing other calls that might be on hold for you.

To end a call without losing your call(s) on hold:


Hang up the phone or press Flash 3 to end the current call.

If you hung up, pick up the phone.


Press Flash 4 to connect to the call still on hold.

If you have multiple calls on hold, you will hear a menu from which you can select the call to which you want to connect.

Making Calls

Dialing Internal and External Numbers

Internal calls are calls to other Wave extensions. External calls are calls to outside numbers, including calls to another phone system (PBX), a Centrex extension, another Wave system such as a branch office, and an Internet address.


If you encounter a delay after dialing before your calls are connected, you can press # after the extension or number, for example, 187#. This skips the delay.

To dial an internal number:

Do one of the following:

• Dial the extension number.

• Dial the extension number followed by * to go directly to voicemail, if you administrator has enabled that feature (see below for details)

• Press 411 for the dial-by-name directory.

2-10 July 2007 - Issue 1.0

Wave Phone User Guide

Chapter 2 - Basic Operation Basic Phone Handling

To dial an external number

You must dial an access code to start dialing an external number. Ask your

Wave system administrator what types of external calls you can place and what access codes you must use.

Enter <access code><phone number> .

Example: In the U.S. if you want to call the external phone number

555 1212 , you must dial 9 (the usual access code) before you dial

555 1212 .

Dialing by Name

You can dial another Wave user by name if you do not know the user’s extension.

To dial by name:

Press 411 .


Your system administrator can remove you from the dial-by-name directory, or you can remove yourself using ViewPoint, so that only callers who know your extension can dial you.

Dialing a User’s Voicemail Directly

If your system administrator enables this feature, you can leave a message in a user’s voice mailbox directly without ringing the user’s phone.

To dial directly into a user’s voice mail:

Enter the user’s extension, then press * after the extension

(for example 187* ).


If the option is available, you may also dial extension-plus-* from when you hear the auto attendant or the user’s greeting to access their voice mail without having to wait for the entire message to play.

If available, this might be a useful feature for you to tell your frequent callers.

You can also use it as a quick way to leave yourself a voice message when calling in. Contact your system administrator to find out if this option is available on your company’s Wave system.

Wave Phone User Guide July 2007 - Issue 1.0


Chapter 2 - Basic Operation Basic Phone Handling


Using Account Codes

Depending on your office’s configuration of Wave, you may be prompted to enter an account code when you place an external call. Even if you are not prompted for an account code by the system, your office may require you to enter one. Your Wave system administrator can tell you what account codes, if any, you must use.

Account codes can be entered prior to placing a call or during an active call

Entering Account Codes When Prompted

If you are prompted to enter an account code when you place a call, you will hear one of the following prompts:

• A beep.

• “Please enter account code.”

• A double beep. This indicates that you are dialing a Wave contact who has an associated account code, so that you do not need to enter one.

If you hear one of the previous prompts:

Enter the account code followed by # .

If you hear the double beep:

You can press # to use the contact’s associated account code.


You can enter a different account code and press # .


If you enter the wrong account code, press Flash before pressing # and the system will let you re-enter it.


Depending on how your Wave system administrator configured your system, the prompt may occur either after you dial the access code or after you dial the phone number.

If the prompt occurs after you dial the access code, enter the account code followed by # , and then continue entering the phone number.

Example: You would dial 9 [listen for the prompt] 8812 # 212 123 4567

( where 9 is the access code and 8812 is the account code, and the numbers after # are the area code and phone number).

Entering or Revising an Account Code During or Before A Call

During a call you can enter an account code or revise an account code already entered.

To enter or revise an account code

Press Flash *11 and enter the account code followed by # . After pressing

# you are returned to the call.


You can also enter an account code before dialing the call. Press *11 at a dial tone, and then enter the account code followed by # . When you hear the dial tone, dial the phone number.

July 2007 - Issue 1.0

Wave Phone User Guide

Chapter 2 - Basic Operation Basic Phone Handling

Disabling Call Waiting for a Call

Disabling call waiting is useful if you are using your extension to send faxes or to connect to the Internet. In both cases, a call waiting tone disrupts the data flow.

To disable call waiting for a call:

Press *70 and dial the number.

You do not hear the call waiting tone during that call. Incoming calls while you are on that call are sent directly to your voicemail. After the call ends, call waiting is enabled again.


You can enter *70 as part of your fax dial string. For example, your fax dial string might be *70 9 1 617 555 7744.

Wave Phone User Guide July 2007 - Issue 1.0


Chapter 2 - Basic Operation Voice Mail Management


Vertical Wave Voice Mail offers state-of-the-art messaging services.

Previously in this chapter, you were given the steps to log into your voice mail/phone account, set up your voicemail password and greeting(s), as well as use voice mail notification. In this section, you will be shown how to use the following additional features:

• Listen to Messages (replaying, saving, deleting, replying to messages)

• Record Messages


You will always need to log into your own voice mail account before you can access any of your messages, options, and/or features. Please refer to

“Wave Phone Account Management” on page 2-1 for more information.


If you are using a Wave Digital phone, be sure to review “Visual Voice

Mail” on page 3-54.

Listening to Messages

When listening to messages you have received, you will have several options.

• Listening to new, saved, and deleted messages

• Using listening options

• Managing messages (after listening)

Listening to New, Saved, and Deleted Messages

Listening to New Messages

New messages are those that have not yet been listened to, saved, or deleted

To listen to new messages:


Log into your account.


Press 1 to listen to the first new message.


Press one of the designated option numbers to access other listening

options (see “Using the Listening Options” on page 2-16).


When the message has finished playing:

Press 2 to go to the next message.

2-14 July 2007 - Issue 1.0

Wave Phone User Guide

Chapter 2 - Basic Operation Voice Mail Management

Listening to Saved Messages

Saved messages are those that you have listened to previously and have

saved (see “Using the Listening Options” on page 2-16 for more information

about saving messages).

To listen to saved messages:


Log into your account.


Press 2 to listen to the first saved message.


Press one of the designated option numbers to access other listening options (see Listening Options described below).


When the message has finished playing

Press 2 to go to the next message.

Listening to Deleted Messages (from the current session only)


You cannot access deleted messages from any previous sessions.


Log into your account.


Press 5 to listen to the first deleted message.


Press one of the designated option numbers to access other listening

options (see “Using the Listening Options” on page 2-16).


When the message has finished playing

Press 2 to go to the next message.

Wave Phone User Guide July 2007 - Issue 1.0


Chapter 2 - Basic Operation Voice Mail Management

Using the Listening Options

Use the options below when listening to new, saved, or deleted messages.

• Press 1 to replay the current message.

Each time you press 1, option information plays and the message starts at the beginning.

• Press 2 to skip to the next message while the current message is playing.

• Press 3 to delete the current message.

• Press 4 to reply to or forward the message, or to callback the person that left the message.


See “Managing Messages” on page 2-16.

• Press 5 to play the previous message while the current message is playing.

• Press 6 to save the current message.

• Press 7 to rewind the current message (by 4 seconds)

Each time you press 7 while the message is playing, it will rewind another 4 seconds.

• Press 8 to undelete any messages deleted in this session.


If you deleted messages in a previous message session, these messages cannot be recovered.

• Press 9 to fast forward the current message (by 4 seconds).

Each time you press 9, the message will fast forward another 4 seconds.

• Press # during the “message-received” preamble to skip to the

beginning of the current message.

• Press # during the message itself to skip the rest of the message (and play the next message, if there is one).

Managing Messages

After listening to a message, while you are in the Listening menu, use the options below to:

• Reply to a message (directly to the sender’s voice mail)

• Forward messages

• Return a call to the sender

Replying to a Message

You can send an immediate reply to the person who left the current voicemail.

Your reply will go directly to their voice mail. If the message was sent to multiple recipients, you have the choice of replying to just the original sender or to all recipients.

2-16 July 2007 - Issue 1.0

Wave Phone User Guide

Chapter 2 - Basic Operation Voice Mail Management

To reply to a message:


From the Listening options messages, press 4, then press 1 to access reply options.


Press 1 to reply to the original sender only.


Press 2 to send to all recipients (if the message is sent to multiple recipients).


At the tone, record your reply, then press #.


Press 1 to send your reply.

Forwarding a Message

Send a copy of the current message to the voicemail of one or more users. In addition, you can include a recorded message that explains the reason you are forwarding the message.

Example: I just received this message from our customer, Mr. Jones. Can

you please call him and answer his questions? Thanks.”

To forward a message:


From the Listening options messages, press 4, then press 2 during or after listening to a message.


At the tone, record your message, then press #.


Press 1 to accept your recording.


Press 2 to hear your recording.


If you want to re-record the message, press 3.


Set deliver options or re-record your message, as needed.


Enter the extension to which you want to forward the message, then press #.


Repeat step 5 for each extension you want to include.


If you do not know a user’s extension number, press 411, then select the user by name.

If you want to send the message to all users on the system (which have voice mail capabilities) press 8888 #.


Press # to send the message to the designated extension(s).


Press * to cancel.


If you entered multiple extensions, press * to delete the most recently added extension. Press * to delete each extension. Once all extensions have been deleted, press * to delete the message itself.

Wave Phone User Guide July 2007 - Issue 1.0


Chapter 2 - Basic Operation Voice Mail Management

Returning a Call to the Sender

Instead of using the reply method to call the sender’s voicemail, use the

Callback method to directly call the extension or outside phone number of the sender.

To return a call to the sender:


From the Listening options messages, press 4, then press 3 during or after listening to a message (without deleting the original message).


Press 4 during or after listening to a message (the original message

WILL be deleted).


If you are calling back a forwarded message or calling a sender with more than one available phone number (for example a callback number and a

Caller ID number), the system will prompt you to select the appropriate number.

When the caller’s number appears:


Press 1 to dial that number.


To choose from a list of available numbers for the sender:

Press 2 to display a list of numbers, then select the appropriate number to dial the sender.

Recording Messages in Voice Mail

When you want to send a specific message without first accessing another user’s email, or when you call another user’s voice mail (either directly or because they are unavailable), you have several features to utilize:

• Record a message

• Use Recording Options

• Send a message

Recording a Message

You can record a message without accessing another user’s voice mail. Once recorded, you can use the record, send, and delivery options as appropriate.


Log into your account.


Press 3.


Record your message, then use the recording options as needed (see below).

2-18 July 2007 - Issue 1.0

Wave Phone User Guide

Chapter 2 - Basic Operation Voice Mail Management

Using Recording Options

Once you have recorded a message either before or after accessing a user’s voice mail, you can use the following options:

• From the Record menu, press 1 to accept the recording.

• Press 2 to review the recording.

• Press 3 to re-record the message.


When you are satisfied with your recording, press 1 to accept it.

Otherwise, press 3 again to record the message again.

• Press 4 to append to the end of the message.

Sending a Message

Once you have recorded a message, you can use the following options to send it to its destination. You will need to:

• Select a delivery option, if appropriate.

• Enter a destination extension (if you are sending a message without first accessing a user’s voice mail)

Selecting Delivery Options (optional)

After you have pressed 1 to accept the recording:

• Press 5 to mark the message as URGENT.

The recipient will hear messages marked as “urgent” before any other message regardless of time received.

• Press 6 to mark the message as PRIVATE.

When a message is marked “private” the recipient cannot forward it, nor can users who may share the recipient’s voice mailbox cannot play the message. Contact your phone system administrator for more information.

• Press 7 to enter a callback number.

This only applies to external callback numbers. You will be prompted to enter the external number.

• Press * to cancel the recorded message.

Wave Phone User Guide July 2007 - Issue 1.0


Chapter 2 - Basic Operation Voice Mail Management

Enter Destination Extensions

(if you have not yet accessed the user’s voice mail)

If you are sending a recorded message directly from your voice mail, without having accessed the user’s voice mail either by dialing it directly or because the user is unavailable, you will need to specify the destination extension for the recipient.

After you have pressed 1 to accept the recording and set any Delivery

Options (as described above):


Enter the extension to which you want to send the message, then press #.


Repeat step 1 for each extension you want to include.


If you do not know a user’s extension number, press 411, then select the user by name.

If you want to send the message to all users on the system (which have voice mail capabilities) press 8888 #.


Press # to send the message to the designated extension(s).

2-20 July 2007 - Issue 1.0

Wave Phone User Guide

Chapter 3 - Using Wave Phone Features

This chapter describes the various features of each of the phone types. Some features are offered on some phone types.

In addition, while some features are available on more than one phone type, the functionality may differ. Therefore, please be sure to review the descriptions carefully to make sure that you are reading the information for your specific phone type. To help you recognize which features belong to which phones, the following designations have been provided:

When you see...





It indicates that the feature description applies to the following phone type:

SIP Phones (unless otherwise noted, this designation applies to all SIP phone models: 480i/480CT, 3112i, and 3122i)

Digital phones

Analog phones

All phones (but not necessarily all models within a phone type)


For additional details specific to your phone, refer to the following:

Chapter 4 - About Wave SIP Phones

Chapter 5 - About Wave Digital Phones

Chapter 6 - About Wave Analog Phones

Wave Phone User Guide July 2007 - Issue 1.0


Chapter 3 - Using Wave Phone Features Authorization Codes


You might be assigned an authorization code that gives you the ability to make calls on restricted phone line keys. Authorization codes are used to override access restrictions.

Using Authorization Codes [ALL]

To use an authorization code


Dial a phone number.

You hear a long beep, and the display (on SIP and Digital phones only) prompts you to enter your authorization code.


Enter your authorization code, and press #.


Auto Dial allows you to dial frequently used phone numbers with one button.

You can also use your Auto Dial keys to dial digits while a call is connected.


Not all phone types offer this feature.

Programming and Using an Auto Dial Key [D]

For DIGITAL Phones


Not all keys are programmable, so you should first query the current programming (press


, then the appropriate key - see “Using the Query

Feature” on page 3-54 to find an available button. Once you locate an

unassigned button, follow the steps below to program it.


Also see “Storing the Saved Number as an Autodial” on page 3-45

To program an Auto Dial key:


Choose the key you want to program.


From an idle phone, press the


softkey on the display.






appears, then press the corresponding softkey.


Press the key you want to use for the Auto Dial (see step 1 above).


Use the keypad to enter the name you want to assign to this key.




when the name is entered.

3-2 July 2007 - Issue 1.0

Wave Phone User Guide

Chapter 3 - Using Wave Phone Features Call History


Enter the number you want to assign to this key.

If you are programming an external phone number, enter the full phone number (including the external access digit(s) and area code).

You can press the TAP or FLASH button to enter a flash at the start of the dialing string (to use Flash codes). You can press HOLD to insert a pause in the dialing string.


Press SAVE when all the information has been entered.


Press SPEAKER to exit the menu.

To use Auto Dial key:

Press the Auto Dial key assigned to the number you want to dial.


A list of up to the last ten outgoing, ten incoming, and ten missed calls is stored for each phone. Note that multiple calls to or from the same destination will result in one entry in the list.

Missed calls are not logged if the call is to a hunt group in which the user is a member.

Using Call History [D]

For DIGITAL Phones

To access the Call Lists:


From an idle phone, press


softkey on the display.





The display will show the number of outgoing calls (


), missed calls (


), and incoming calls (


) stored.




to view the outgoing list,


to view the missed calls list, or




to view the incoming calls list.

While viewing a list you can scroll through the list by pressing


, or press


to select the call and see when the call was made. Pressing


at this point will call that user.

To clear the Call Lists

From an idle phone:




softkey on the display.














Choose either the




, (or


, then)


list to clear, or


to clear all three.

Wave Phone User Guide July 2007 - Issue 1.0


Chapter 3 - Using Wave Phone Features Call Park


Use Call Park to place a call on hold for retrieval from any phone on the system.

Directed Park [ALL]

Directed Park allows you to park a call on another line. A specific extension number might be programmed on your Directed Park key to allow you to always park a call on a specific line.

For DIGITAL Phones

To Direct Park a call:


While on an active call, press Directed Park.

If you do not have a programmed Directed Park key, press FLASH, then

*66 to park a call.


Enter an extension number, if necessary.


Listen for two short beeps, and hang up.

If the key is configured to display the status of the parked call, the green

LED will flash until the call is unparked. If the call does not get answered, you can retrieve the call by pressing the Directed Park key. You can use the key to park another call on another line even if the green LED is flashing.

You can only park one call on any given line. Any other phones that have a Directed Park key targeted at the same line where the call was parked, and are configured to show status, will flash red, indicating that there is a call already parked on the target line.

If you leave a call parked for a long period of time, your phone rings back, and


is displayed.

To retrieve a direct park call:

Press Directed Park.

If the phone does not have a Directed Park key, dial *65 and the target extension number.

You can also use the Self Park key (if available), and the target extension number.


The Direct Park key will not work if it has been pre-programmed for an extension other than the target extension. Contact your Wave system administrator for more information.

3-4 July 2007 - Issue 1.0

Wave Phone User Guide

Chapter 3 - Using Wave Phone Features Call Park

For SIP Phones

To direct park a call:


With a party on the line, press

FLASH, then *66.


Dial the extension.


Listen for two beeps.


Hang up.

To retrieve a direct parked call:


Listen for dial tone.


Press *65.


Dial the extension.

For ANALOG Phones

To direct park a call:


With a party on the line, press

FLASH, then #, then *66.


Dial the extension.


Listen for two beeps.


Hang up.

To retrieve a direct parked call:


Listen for dial tone.


Press *65.


Dial the extension.


Self Park [ALL]

Self Park places a call in a parked state on your primary line for retrieval from other phones.

For SIP Phones [Model 480i/480CT]

This feature is pre-configured on the 480i/480CT model.

To park a call at your primary line:


While on an active call, press Park.

If your phone does not have a Park key, press FLASH and dial *64 to park a call.


Listen for two short beeps, and hang up.

If you leave a call parked for a long period of time, your phone rings back, and


is displayed.

Wave Phone User Guide July 2007 - Issue 1.0


Chapter 3 - Using Wave Phone Features Call Park

To retrieve a parked call:


From any phone, press Self Park.

If your phone does not have a Self Park key, dial *65.


Dial the extension on which the call was parked.

For DIGITAL Phones

To park a call at your primary line:


While on a call, press Self Park.

If you do not have a programmed Self Park key, press FLASH, then *64 to park a call.


Listen for two short beeps, and hang up.

If you leave a call parked for a long period of time, your phone rings back, and


is displayed.

To retrieve a parked call:


From any phone, press Self Park.

If the phone does not have a Self Park key, dial *65.

You can also use the Direct Park key (if programmed).


Dial the extension on which the call was parked.

For ANALOG Phones

To self park a call:


With a party on the line, press

FLASH, then *64.


Listen for two beeps.


Hang up.

To retrieve a self parked call:


Listen for dial tone.


Press *65.


Dial your extension.

3-6 July 2007 - Issue 1.0

Wave Phone User Guide

Chapter 3 - Using Wave Phone Features Call Park

System Park [ALL]

Place a call in one of the ten “parking slots” on the Vertical Wave system for retrieval from another phone.


Any Vertical Wave phone with the Enhanced Call Waiting feature within the system may be used to retrieve the call. Ask your phone administrator if you are unsure if this feature is available on your phone.

For SIP Phones

To park a call on the system:


While on an active call, press System Park.

If your phone does not have a programmed System Park key, press

FLASH and dial *62 to park a call.


Listen for two short beeps, and hang up.

The display shows the parking slot number at which the call is parked.

Make a note of this number as you’ll need it to retrieve the call.

The number will remain on the display until the call is disconnected, you place another call, or another call rings on your primary line.

The System Park LED remains lit until the parked call is retrieved.

If you leave a call parked for a long period of time, your phone rings back, and


is displayed.

To retrieve a call parked on the system:


From any extension, press System Park.

If your phone does not have a System Park key, dial *63.


Dial the parking slot number on which the call was parked.

Wave Phone User Guide July 2007 - Issue 1.0


Chapter 3 - Using Wave Phone Features Call Park

For DIGITAL Phones

To system park a call:


While on a call, press System Park.

If you do not have a programmed System Park key, press FLASH, then

*62 to park a call.


Listen for two short beeps, and hang up.

The display shows the parking slot number where the call is parked. Be

Sure that you remember this number since you’ll need to use it to retrieve the call.

The System Park red LED remains lit until the parked call is retrieved.

If you leave a call parked for a long period of time, your phone rings back, and


is displayed.


Even while a call is parked from your phone, and the System Park button’s red LED is lit, you can still query parking slot of the last call parked from your phone by pressing


, then the System Park button.

To retrieve a call parked on the system


From any extension, press System Park.

If you do not have a programmed System Park key, dial *63.


Dial the parking slot number on which the call was parked.

For ANALOG Phones

To system park a call:


With a party on the line, press

FLASH, then *66.


Listen for two beeps.


Hang up.


You can also use an alternative method:

1. With a party on the line, press FLASH, then 6.

2. Listen to the system prompt for the slot number.

To retrieve a system parked call:


Listen for dial tone.


Press *63.


Dial the appropriate slot number.

3-8 July 2007 - Issue 1.0

Wave Phone User Guide

Chapter 3 - Using Wave Phone Features Call Pickup


You can pick up a call on any extension within your call pickup group. If the line key you use to pick up a call is not part of a call pickup group you can pick up other calls on lines that do not belong to a call pickup group. There are two types of Call Pickup: Extension Pickup and Group Pickup.

Extension Pickup [ALL]

Extension Pickup allows you to answer any ringing primary or secondary line in your call pickup group.

For SIP Phones

To answer a specific extension:

Press Pickup.

If your phone does not have a programmed Pickup key, dial *75.

For DIGITAL Phones

To answer a specific extension:


Press Extension Pickup.

If you do not have a programmed Extension Pickup key, dial *75.


Dial the extension number of the ringing station.

An extension number might be programmed on the Extension Pickup key to provide directed pickup for a specific extension.


Speak to caller.

For ANALOG Phones

To answer a specific extension:


Listen for dial tone and press *75.


Dial the extension number of the ringing station.

Wave Phone User Guide July 2007 - Issue 1.0


Chapter 3 - Using Wave Phone Features Call Pickup

Group Pickup [ALL]

Group Pickup allows you to answer a call on any primary or secondary line within your call pickup group. Pickup groups are configured by the system administrator.

For SlP Phones

To answer a call in your pickup group:

Press Group Pickup.

If you do not have a programmed Group Pickup key, dial *74.


To answer a call in your pickup group:


Press Group Pickup.

If you do not have a programmed Group Pickup key, dial *74.


Speak to caller.

For ANALOG Phones (must be programmed for Call Pickup)

To answer a call in your pickup group:

Listen for dial tone and press *74.

3-10 July 2007 - Issue 1.0

Wave Phone User Guide

Chapter 3 - Using Wave Phone Features Call Record


Call Record records the currently active call and saves it as a .wav file to a

Voice Mailbox. The maximum length of a recording equals the maximum length of a Voice Mail message. The Call Record key is a programmed key, contact your system administrator for additional information.


This feature requires a license key, which will be issued at no charge upon request to your Vertical Communications reseller.


In many localities, it is illegal to record a phone call without first notifying the person or persons being recorded.

Recording a Call [D] / [A]

For DIGITAL Phones

To use Call Record:


Notify the person or people with whom you are speaking that you are about to record the call (see Warning above).


Press Call Record.

To end the recording session:


Press Call Record again.

Using another phone feature will end a call recording session.

You access the recording in the same way you access Voice Mail

messages. See “Multiple Call Handling” on page 3-38 for details.

For ANALOG Phones

To use Call Record:


Notify the person or people with whom you are speaking that you are about to record the call (see Warning above).


Press FLASH , then *16.

To end the recording session:


Press FLASH , then *16 (or hang up to stop recording & end the call).


Call Return calls back the last extension that called on your primary line.


Call Return does not return calls from external phone numbers.

Wave Phone User Guide July 2007 - Issue 1.0


Chapter 3 - Using Wave Phone Features Call Return

Returning a Call [ALL]

For SIP & DIGITAL Phones

To use Call Return:

Press Call Return.

If your phone does not have a programmed Call Return key, dial *69.

There is a 3-second delay that allows you to hang up and cancel the call return.

For ANALOG Phones

To use Call Return:


Listen for dial tone


Press *69 to dial the last dialed extension.

3-12 July 2007 - Issue 1.0

Wave Phone User Guide

Chapter 3 - Using Wave Phone Features Call Waiting


Using Call Waiting [ALL]

During a call on your primary extension, you might hear a call waiting beep and see the Call Waiting LED flash indicating an incoming call on Call Waiting.


Call Waiting will not be active during a transfer or conference, if both the primary line and an appearance for another line are connected, or if the primary line is ringing.

For SIP Phones

The L2 key on each model serves as the call waiting indicator. Also, models

480i/480CT has two softkeys: " Pickup" and "Ignore". Pressing the Pickup sofkey key is equivalent to the L2 key; it will connect you to the new call (and place the existing call on hold). However, pressing the

Ignore softkey sends the incoming call directly to to voicemail.

To accept a call waiting call:

Press L2 (or the Pickup softkey on models 480i/480CT).

You can also press FLASH to answer the call.

The initial call is placed on temporary hold. The corresponding primary line key LED blinks, and the L2 LED lights (solid).


Remember, on models 480i/480CT, you can also press Ignore to send the incoming call directly to voicemail.

To reconnect to the initial call:

Press your primary line key.

The call that was waiting is placed on temporary hold. The Call Waiting

LED flickers, and the corresponding primary line LED lights.

You can toggle back and forth between the initial call and the call waiting call by pressing the primary line key and the Call Waiting key. The LEDs and display update to reflect which caller is connected.

• Model 480i/480CT has a Toggle softkey that allows you to switch between calls.

• Model 9112i has a Swap key that allows you to toggle between calls.

To release the call waiting call:

While the call waiting call is active, press End Call.

• For Models 480i/480CT, press Goodbye ( softkey.

or use the “Drop

The call waiting call is dropped and you are reconnected to the initial call.

Wave Phone User Guide July 2007 - Issue 1.0


Chapter 3 - Using Wave Phone Features Call Waiting


To release the initial call:

While the initial call is active, press End Call.

• For models 480i/480CT, press Goodbye (

Drop” softkey.

or use the

The initial call is dropped and you are reconnected to the call waiting call.

The call waiting call is rolled onto the primary line key.


You can add a call waiting call to a call on your primary line by pressing

Conference. See “Blocking Caller ID [ALL]” on page 3-15 for more information

about the Conference feature.

You can transfer a call waiting call to another extension. See “Transfer” on page 3-50 for more information about the Transfer feature.

You can park a call waiting call for pickup on another extension. See “Call

Pickup” on page 3-9 for information about parking calls.

To disable Call Waiting:

Press *70, and dial the phone number.

Call Waiting is disabled for the duration of the call. Call Waiting is re-enabled when the call is terminated.

For DIGITAL Phones

To accept a call waiting call:

Press Call Waiting.

If you do not have a programmed Call Waiting key, press FLASH to answer the call.

The initial call is placed on temporary hold.

To reconnect to the initial call:

Press the TAP key.

The call waiting call is placed on temporary hold.

You can toggle between the initial call and the call waiting by pressing the TAP key. The display updates to reflect which caller is connected.


If Call Appearance keys are programmed for a line, additional calls on that line will appear on those keys. The Call Waiting key will only be utilized if there are no available Call Appearance keys to associate with the new call. For

more information see “Multiple Call Handling” on page 3-38 .

To disable Call Waiting:

Press Call Waiting or *70, then dial the phone number.


Press Call Waiting during an active call.

Call Waiting is disabled for the duration of the call. Call Waiting is re-enabled when the call is terminated.

July 2007 - Issue 1.0

Wave Phone User Guide

Chapter 3 - Using Wave Phone Features Caller ID Blocking

For ANALOG Phones

To accept a call waiting call:

Press FLASH to place the current call on hold and connect to the incoming call.

To reconnect to the original call:

Press FLASH, then 3, then follow the prompts.

To toggle back and forth between the two calls:

Press FLASH, then 4, then follow the prompts.

To disable Call Waiting:

Press *70 and dial the extension or external phone number.


Keep your caller ID information private when making a phone call. This feature applies only during the time of the current call. Therefore, it must be reapplied each time you want to make a call.

Blocking Caller ID [ALL]

For ALL Phones

To block caller ID:


Listen for the dial tone.


Press *67.


Dial your call.

Wave Phone User Guide July 2007 - Issue 1.0


Chapter 3 - Using Wave Phone Features Camp-on (Callback)


Camp-on (also known as Callback) allows your phone to automatically call back an extension that is busy, does not answer, or forwards you to Voice Mail.

Camp-on does not work on external phone numbers. The Camp-on key is a programmable key. Contact your system administrator for details.

Using Camp-on (Callback) [D] / [A]

For DIGITAL Phones

After receiving a busy signal or no answer:


Press Camp-on.

The Camp-on key red LED lights and you hear a beep.

If you do not have a programmed Camp-on key, dial *76.

Camp-on will remain enabled if you make or answer another call.

When the Camp-on target extension becomes available you hear a callback of three short rings, the primary line LED flashes, and

CAMP-ON appears on the display.


Lift the handset, or press your primary line key.

The target extension will ring when you answer the callback.

If you do not answer the callback in three rings, Camp-on is canceled.

Camp-on is not canceled if the target extension does not answer the call.

To cancel Camp-on:

Press Camp-on.

The Camp-on key LED goes out, and you hear a beep.

If you do not have a programmed Camp-on key, dial *77 to cancel.

To display the Camp-on target extension




softkey on the display.


Press Camp-on to display the Camp-on target extension.

3-16 July 2007 - Issue 1.0

Wave Phone User Guide

Chapter 3 - Using Wave Phone Features Camp-on (Callback)

For ANALOG Phones

After receiving a busy signal or no answer:



FLASH, then #, then *76.


Listen for two beeps.


Hang up.

When the target extension becomes available your phone will ring:


Answer the ring to retry your call.

To cancel Camp-on:


Listen for dial tone.


Press *77.


Listen for two beeps.


Hang up.

Wave Phone User Guide July 2007 - Issue 1.0


Chapter 3 - Using Wave Phone Features Callers List


SIP PHONE MODELS 9133i AND 9112i only

The Callers List is a stored log of your incoming calls. Your telephone logs the number and name (if available) of the caller, when they last called, and the number of times they tried to reach you.

When the Callers List is full, the oldest call records are deleted to accommodate the information of new callers. If the telephone number of an incoming or outgoing call matches a number that you have programmed with a name in a programmable key or the Directory, the Callers List will display the name and number.

The display shows you how many callers have been added to the list since you last checked it.


Contact your system administrator for information about the maximum number of calls allowed to be stored in your Callers List.

Using the Callers List [S]

For SIP Phones

Callers List Screen Display




XX New Callers


You have received a new voice message.

You have a call on hold. While browsing the

Callers list, indicates an unanswered call.

You are on an outgoing call. While browsing the Callers list, indicates an answered call.

You are on an incoming call. While browsing the Callers list, indicates a Call Waiting call.

You have an incoming Call Waiting call.

You have a new incoming call.

You returned the call from the Callers list.

This type of indicator shows that the caller has called twice. The display also shows the date and time of the last call from the caller.

This type of message shows the number of callers that have been added to the list since you last checked it.

3-18 July 2007 - Issue 1.0

Wave Phone User Guide

Chapter 3 - Using Wave Phone Features Callers List

Accessing and Dialing the Callers List

To access the Callers List:


Press Callers List ( ) and scroll through the incoming call list.


Press the up key to see the most recent call, or the down key to see the oldest call on your list.

To dial the displayed number:


Lift the handset or press


Press a line key.

• Press End Call to cancel.


• For models 480i/480CT, press Goodbye ( softkey that can be pressed to end the call.

to cancel, the “Drop


You can add numbers from the Callers List to your Directory. See

“Saving from Hard keys to the Directory” on page 3-27 for details.

Editing in the Callers List


The Callers List does not save changes. Editing in the

Callers List is generally used if you plan to call the number and need to add a prefix. Remember, you can add numbers from the Callers List to

your Directory. See “Saving from Hard keys to the Directory” on page 3-27

for details.


In the Callers list, if a dial pad key is pressed when a number and/or a name is displayed, the cursor will automatically add the digit at the left side of the number to enable the entry of the prefix.


Press Callers List ( ).


Scroll to find the entry you want to edit.


Press the up key to see the most recent call, or the down key to see the oldest call on your list.


Press any key on the dial pad to begin editing.


To erase one digit to the left of the cursor, press the left select key.


To add a one-second pause during number editing, press Hold

( .

Wave Phone User Guide July 2007 - Issue 1.0


Chapter 3 - Using Wave Phone Features Callers List

Deleting from the Callers List

There are two ways to delete calls from the Callers List: one call at a time, or all calls.

To delete items one by one:


Press Callers List ( ).


Scroll to find the item you want to delete.


Press the up key to see the most recent call, or the down key to see the oldest call on your list.


Press Delete.

A prompt will appear to ask if you want to delete the current item.


Press Delete again to erase the item from the list.

To delete all calls:


Press Callers List ( ).


Press Delete.

A prompt will appear to ask if you want to delete the current item.


Press Delete again to erase the item from the list.

3-20 July 2007 - Issue 1.0

Wave Phone User Guide

Chapter 3 - Using Wave Phone Features Centrex Features


The programmed Centrex Flash button allows you to access Centrex features.


You must subscribe to Centrex service through your phone service provider to use this feature. Contact your system administrator for more information.

Using Centrex Flash [D]

For DIGITAL Phones

To use Centrex Flash:


During a call, press Centrex Flash.

If you do not have a programmed Centrex Flash key, press FLASH, then *80.


Listen for dial tone, then enter Centrex feature code (as appropriate).

Accessing Centrex Features [A]

If your Wave system uses Centrex service, follow these steps to access the

Centrex features. See your phone administrator for more information.

For ANALOG Phones

To access Centrex Flash:


Listen for dial tone, then press *80.


Enter a Centrex feature code.

Wave Phone User Guide July 2007 - Issue 1.0


Chapter 3 - Using Wave Phone Features Conference Calls


You can set up a conference call that includes both internal and external parties. If you have a Conference ( a conference call.

) key or a FLASH key, you can set up


Contact your system administrator for the maximum number of parties allowed on a single conference call.

Setting Up a Conference Call [ALL]

For SIP Phones

To set up a conference call using the Conference ( ) key:


With a party on the line, press Conference ( party on hold.

) to place the other


Listen for dial tone, then dial the number of the next party.


When that party answers, press Conference ( calls.

) again to connect the

• If a party is not available, press End Call to reconnect to the first party.

• For Models 480i/480CT, press Goodbye ( first party.

to reconnect to the


Repeat steps above for each party you want to include in the conference

(up to the allowed maximum).


When all parties have been connected, press Conference ( ) one more time to complete the set up process and begin the conference call between all current parties.

3-22 July 2007 - Issue 1.0

Wave Phone User Guide

Chapter 3 - Using Wave Phone Features Conference Calls

To make a conference call with feature codes:


During a call, press FLASH to place the other party on hold.


Listen for dial tone, then dial the extension of the third party.


When the third party answers, press FLASH and dial *71 to connect the calls.

• If a party is not available, press FLASH and dial *72 to reconnect to the first party.

• If a party’s Voice Mail answers, or the party does not want to join the conference, press End Call.

• For Models 480i/480CT, press Goodbye ( rejoin the first party.

to drop the call and


Press FLASH again to place the conference call on hold and to add a fourth party.


Press FLASH and Dial *71 to connect the fourth party to the conference.

To disconnect from a conference call:

Hang up the handset, or press End Call

• For Models 480i/480CT, press Goodbye ( softkey.

or use the “Drop

For DIGITAL Phones

Since all Wave Digital phones have a hard-coded TRANS/CONF key, a programmed Conference feature key is not required. However, such a feature key is supported for backwards compatibility.

The functionality between such a key and the TRANS/CONF key is identical.

Therefore, you can use the steps below substituting the feature key for the


To set up a Conference:


During a call, press TRANS/CONF to place the other party on hold.

The HOLD key LED flashes red, and the line key LED is yellow.


Listen for dial tone, then dial the number of the next party.


When the other party answers, press TRANS/CONF again to connect the calls.

• The number of parties in the current conference call will appear on the display.

• If a party is not available, press TAP, or press the key corresponding to the initial call to reconnect to the first party.


Press TRANS/CONF again to place the conference call on hold and add a fourth party.


Repeat steps 2 through 4 to add additional parties.*


Complete the conference by pressing TRANS/CONF.

Wave Phone User Guide July 2007 - Issue 1.0


Chapter 3 - Using Wave Phone Features Dial By Name

For ANALOG Phones

To set up a Conference:


With a party on the line, press

FLASH, then #.


Dial the phone or extension number of a conference member.


After the conference member answers, press

FLASH, then *5.


Repeat for each additional conference member.

If you dial a member that is not available:


FLASH, then *4 to return to the conference.


The Dial by Name feature allows a call to be placed by entering a name using the keypad or by scrolling through a list of names. There are two lists of names that can be searched: one of internal names and one of external names.

About Dial by Name [D]

The Dial by Name Internal list will include the following numbers:

• Extensions in the database.

• Numbers listed in the Off-premise table.

• Primary Line Appearance Call List (if the calling party number is less than seven digits).

• Autodial feature keys (if the stored number is less than seven digits).

• System Speed Dial numbers (if the stored number is less than seven digits).

The Dial by Name External list will include the following numbers:

• Primary Line Appearance Call List (if the calling party number is seven digits or more).

• Autodial feature keys (if the stored number is seven digits or more).

• System Speed Dial numbers (if the stored number is seven digits or more).

3-24 July 2007 - Issue 1.0

Wave Phone User Guide

Chapter 3 - Using Wave Phone Features Direct Station Select/Busy Lamp Field

For DIGITAL Phones

To use Dial By Name:


From an idle phone, press the


softkey on the display.










to specify an internal or external name.






. The name search can be done last name first or first name first.


Press the keypad digit that corresponds to the first letter for the name being searched.


When the correct name is displayed, press


, then press


to place the call.

If you do not see the correct name right away, you can spell out the name further using the keypad, or press


to scroll through the list.


Direct Station Select/Busy Lamp Field (DSS/BLF) keys allow you to monitor the status of extensions, to call extensions with one key press, and to easily transfer calls to them.

DSS/BLF keys are configured by the system administrator or by user programming and can be configured for blind or supervised transfer.

A solid red LED next to a DSS/BLF key indicates that the line is in use. A flickering red LED indicates the extension is ringing. A blinking LED indicates that the extension has a call on hold.

Using the DSS/BLF Feature [D]

For DIGITAL Phones

Calling an Extension

Press the DSS/BLF key to call the programmed destination extension.

Using Supervised Transfer

A supervised transfer allows you to announce a call before completing the transfer.

To make a Supervised Transfer:


While connected to another party, press the DSS/BLF key for the destination extension.


When the destination party answers, announce the call.


Hang up or press SPEAKER to complete the transfer.

Wave Phone User Guide July 2007 - Issue 1.0


Chapter 3 - Using Wave Phone Features Directory List

To cancel a Supervised Transfer:

Press TAP to cancel the transfer before completion.

Using Blind Transfer

A blind transfer allows you to transfer a call to another extension with one key press and without announcing the transfer.

To make a Blind Transfer:

While connected to another party:


Press a DSS/BLF key.


Hang up or press SPEAKER to complete the transfer


SIP Phone Models 9112i and 9133i only

The Directory List is your personal phone book, conveniently stored within your phone. You can enter up to 200 entries into the Directory by adding them manually, or by saving the number and name from other lists stored on your phone. Each entry can contain a maximum of 16 letters and numbers.


If you do not have an Intercom key, you will need to enter the appropriate access code when adding an external number to be saved.

Using the Directory List [S]

For SIP Phones

To access your directory:


Press Directory.

The directory displays the number of entries in your list. If the Directory list is empty, Directory Empty/Use Save to add is displayed.


Scroll through the displayed list to locate and access the entries.


To search for an entry by name, press the dial pad number corresponding to the first letter of the name (for example, press 7 for the letter P).

Continue to press the dial pad number to access other letters on the same key (for example, press 7 three times to display names that begin with the letter R). If there are multiple entries under the same letter, you can scroll through the list, or continue to press the next letters.


To dial the displayed number, press line key.


Press Directory to cancel.

, lift the handset, or press any

3-26 July 2007 - Issue 1.0

Wave Phone User Guide

Chapter 3 - Using Wave Phone Features Directory List

Saving Numbers & Names to the Directory

You can save a number to your permanent Directory from the Redial list or

Callers list, or by entering a new number and name.

Saving from Hard keys to the Directory

To save an entry from your or Callers or Redial list:


Press the associated key for the list you want to view - Callers List ( ) or Redial ( ).


Scroll through the list (selected in step 1) to find the name and number that you wish to save to your directory.


Press Save to store the number and p


Press Directory to complete the process.

If the name is displayed with the number, both are saved to the directory.

If no name is displayed, you can enter the name using the dial pad.

Entering Numbers & Names in the Directory


Press Save.


Press Directory.


Enter number

prompt will appear.


Use the dial pad to enter the number.


To add a one second pause during number editing press Hold (


You will need to enter the appropriate access code when adding an external number to be saved.


Wave Phone User Guide July 2007 - Issue 1.0


Chapter 3 - Using Wave Phone Features Do Not Disturb


Do Not Disturb (DND) prevents your phone from ringing. It also blocks pages and voice calls. Callbacks from calls left on hold, park, and camp-on will still ring your phone.

• Using the Do Not Disturb key, you can enable or disable Do Not Disturb while you are using the phone without interrupting your conversation.

• If you enable Do Not Disturb while your primary line is ringing, the call is transferred to your busy forward destination (for example, Voice Mail), with one exception: if you are a member of a Ring-All hunt group, and you enable Do Not Disturb for a call to the hunt group, the call will continue to ring the other phones in the hunt group.


If your phone shares a line with other phones, only your phone is affected by switching DND on or off.

Using Do Not Disturb [ALL]


You can use the following alternative method for using DND on ANY phone or use the specific method shown for each phone type below.


Login to voicemail.


Press 6 for account preferences.


Press 1 for personal status.


Press 2 to cancel DND.


Press 1 (or any of the other options besides 2) to set DND.

For SIP & ANALOG Phones

To enable Do Not Disturb:

Press *41.

To cancel Do Not Disturb:

Press *42.

3-28 July 2007 - Issue 1.0

Wave Phone User Guide

Chapter 3 - Using Wave Phone Features

For DIGITAL Phones


The Do Not Disturb programmable key on your phone is set up by your system administrator.

To enable Do Not Disturb:

Press Do Not Disturb.

The Do Not Disturb red LED lights, and


is displayed.

If you do not have a programmed Do Not Disturb key, dial *41.


When you go off hook you receive "stutter" dial tone to indicate your phone is a special state.

To cancel Do Not Disturb:

Press Do Not Disturb.

The Do Not Disturb LED goes out.

If you do not have a programmed Do Not Disturb key, dial *42.


You can enable/disable DND using the softkeys as well.

1. Press MENU, then press NEXT three times.

2. Select DND .

3. Select ON/OFF .

4. Exit or SPKR to end.


The FLASH button is utilized in many of the features of this phone (such as when making calls, transferring calls, or placing calls on hold). It is often used in conjunction with “star codes” (see Star Code Reference listing on the back of this guide).

• The location of the FLASH button may vary from model to model. Your phone may have button labeled FLASH. However, it might have a button labeled Link or Call Wait. Check the diagrams of the various models in

Chapters 4 though 6 of this guide according to the type of phone you are using (SIP, digital, or analog).

• If there is no button labeled FLASH, you can emulate a “flash function” by tapping the button located under the handset.

Wave Phone User Guide July 2007 - Issue 1.0


Chapter 3 - Using Wave Phone Features Forward Calls


Use Forward to redirect your calls to another extension or phone number.


You can use the following alternative method for forwarding calls on

ANY phone or use the specific method shown for each phone type below.


Login to voicemail.


Press 5 for call forwarding.


Press 2 and follow the prompts for internal forwarding.


Press 3 and follow the prompts for external forwarding.


Press 4 to cancel forwarding.

Forwarding Calls [ALL]

For SIP Phones

The Forward key applies only to calls received on your primary line. You can activate only one Forward key on your phone at any given time.

The Forward feature will behave differently depending on whether or not your

Forward key is programmed with a target phone number.

To forward calls to an internal extension:


Press Forward, then dial the extension number to which you want calls forwarded.

If you do not have a programmed Forward key, press *43.


Enter the extension number to which you want to forward calls.

To forward calls to an external phone number:


Press Forward.

If you do not have a programmed Forward key, press *43.


Enter the external access digit(s).

This is the digit that allows you access to an external phone line

(usually a 9).


Enter the phone number to which you want to forward calls.

If you enter an international phone number, you must enter a # at the end of the number.


If you are prompted for a password, enter your Voice Mail password, and press #.

You will hear two beeps, the Forward key will LED flash (indicating that

Forward is enabled), and


is displayed.

3-30 July 2007 - Issue 1.0

Wave Phone User Guide

Chapter 3 - Using Wave Phone Features Forward Calls

To cancel call forwarding:

Press Forward.

The Forward key LED goes off.

If you do not have a programmed Forward key, dial *44 to cancel call forwarding.

For DIGITAL Phones

The User Forward key applies only to calls received on your primary line. You can activate only one User Forward key on your phone at any given time.

The Forward feature will behave differently depending on whether or not your

User Forward key is programmed with a target phone number.

To forward calls to internal extensions


Press User Forward.


Enter the extension number to which you want to forward calls.

The User Forward key red LED flashes indicating that Forward is enabled, and


is displayed.

If you do not have a programmed User Forward key, dial *43 plus the extension number to which you want to forward calls.

To forward calls to external phone numbers


Press User Forward.

If you do not have a programmed User Forward key, dial *43.


Enter the external access digit(s).

The digit that allows you access to an external phone line (usually a 9).


Enter the phone number to which you want to forward calls.

If you enter an international phone number, you must enter a # at the end of the number.


If you are prompted for a password, enter your Voice Mail password, and press #.

You will hear two beeps, the User Forward key red LED will flash

(indicating that Forward is enabled), and


is displayed.


When you go off hook you receive "stutter" dial tone to indicate your phone is a special state.

To cancel call forwarding (internal/external)

Press User Forward.

The User Forward key LED goes off.

If you do not have a programmed User Forward key, dial *44 to cancel call forwarding.

Wave Phone User Guide July 2007 - Issue 1.0


Chapter 3 - Using Wave Phone Features Forward Calls

Using Forward (Follow Me)

From any phone in the system, you can specify an extension to which you want your calls forwarded.

Example: You go to work in a lab room and want all calls forwarded to that room, but have forgotten to set the forward prior to leaving your office. You can pick up the phone in the lab and set it for the

Follow Me forward. All calls to your office phone will then ring in the lab (until you cancel the setting).


Listen for the dial tone.


Press *78.


Enter the destination extension.


If prompted, enter the appropriate voice mail password.

To cancel Forward (Follow Me)


Listen for the dial tone.


Press *79.

Programming the User Forward Key

To program a number on your User Forward key:


From an idle phone, press


softkey on the display.






appears, then press the corresponding softkey.






appears, then press the corresponding softkey.


Press the key you want to assign as the User Forward key.


Enter the number.

If you enter an external phone number, be sure to include the external line access digit (usually a 9).




to store the setting.


Press SPEAKER to exit the menu.

To use the programmed User Forward key:


Press the User Forward key.


If you are prompted for a password, enter your Voice Mail password, and press #.

You will hear two beeps, the User Forward key red LED will flash (indicating that Forward is enabled), and


is displayed.

3-32 July 2007 - Issue 1.0

Wave Phone User Guide

Chapter 3 - Using Wave Phone Features Headset

For ANALOG Phones

You can have your calls forwarded to an outside line (for example to a branch office or your home) or to another extension within the Wave phone system.

To forward your phone to an external phone:


Listen for dial tone and press *43.


Enter the external line access code.


Dial the external (destination) phone number, then #.


Listen for two beeps.


If prompted, enter the appropriate voice mail password, then *.

To forward your phone to another extension:


Listen for dial tone and press *43.


Dial the destination extension.


Listen for two beeps and hang up.

To cancel either external or internal forwarding


Listen for dial tone and press *44.


Listen for two beeps and hang up.


Using a Headset [S]

Follow the procedure below when making and receiving calls using a headset.

For SIP Phones


Ensure that you have selected a headset audio mode by accessing the

Options list (under

Option 7.Headset Settings



Plug the headset into the jack.


Press ( on models 9112i and 9133i) to obtain a dial tone or to answer an incoming call.

Depending upon the audio mode selected from the options menu, a dial tone or an incoming call will be received on either the headset or the handsfree speakerphone.


See pages 4-2 through 4-6 for information about phone models

and their associated keys/buttons. Also see “Using the Speaker Feature

[S] / [D]” on page 3-47.


Press End Call. for models 480i/480CT, press Goodbye ( to end the call.

or use the “Drop” softkey

Wave Phone User Guide July 2007 - Issue 1.0


Chapter 3 - Using Wave Phone Features Hold

Using a Headset [D] / [A]

When using a headset on digital or analog phones, you can adjust the volume by using the Volume buttons on the front of the phone. In addition to begin or end calls, you will need to use the Speaker buttons with the headset plugged into the jack.


You can place a call on hold to keep the other party connected while you hang up the handset or use other phone features.

Placing a Call on Hold [ALL]

For SIP Phones

To place a call on hold:

Press Hold ( on models 9112i and 9133i, or the key labeled Hold onModels 480i/480CT.

The LED flashes next to the line key with a call on hold.

You can hang up the handset or use other phone features.

If you leave the call on hold for too long, your phone rings back to remind you.


The FLASH key can be used to place calls on temporary hold.

To reconnect to a call on hold:

Press the key corresponding to the line at which the call was placed on hold.

Using the Reconnect Soft Key (Model 480i/480CT only)

Use this soft key to reconnect to a call that is on hold or parked.

Using the Toggle Soft Key (Model 480i/480CT only)

Use this soft key when it appears on the display to switch between two calls in progress by pressing the appropriate line appearance keys alternately.

3-34 July 2007 - Issue 1.0

Wave Phone User Guide

Chapter 3 - Using Wave Phone Features Hold

For Digital Phones

To place a call on hold

Press HOLD.

When a call is on hold, the red LED flashes next to the corresponding line or call appearance key.

You can hang up the handset or use other phone features.

If you leave the call on hold for longer than the system hold time (three minutes is the default), your phone rings back and


is displayed.


The FLASH key can be used to place calls on temporary hold.

However, you cannot hang up the handset or you will be reconnected to the call on hold.

To reconnect to a call on hold

Press the line or call appearance key that corresponds to the call that was placed on hold, or press the TAP key to retrieve the most recently held call.


If more than one call has been placed on hold, press TAP, then the

HOLD key while not connected to a call will scroll through all calls on hold.

When the desired call is shown on the display, press TAP to retrieve that one.

For ANALOG Phones

Place the current call on hold while you use other phone features.

To place a call on hold:


With a party on the line, press

FLASH, then #, then *64.


Listen for two beeps.


Hang up.

Reconnect to a call on hold:


Listen for dial tone.


Press *65, then #.

Wave Phone User Guide July 2007 - Issue 1.0


Chapter 3 - Using Wave Phone Features Intercom button


SIP PhoneModels 480i/480CT only

You can use this button to make calls from your phone to another extension within your phone system.


To see other call procedures, refer to “Making Calls” on page 2-10.

Using the Intercom Button [S]

For SIP Phones

To make an intercom call:


Press Intercom (


Dial the extension.



To end the call, press Intercom ( ), Goodbye, or the Drop softkey.


When a line appearance on your phone is in use by another party, the LED next to the corresponding key indicates whether you can join that call.

• A Red LED indicates that Break-in is blocked.

• A flashing green LED indicates that Break-in is allowed.

Using the Call Break-in Feature [D]

For DIGITAL Phones

To join a call:

Press the line key corresponding with the call if the green LED is flashing.


Some outside lines can carry more than one call at one time. Break-in permission is not allowed on those outside lines.

3-36 July 2007 - Issue 1.0

Wave Phone User Guide

Chapter 3 - Using Wave Phone Features Message Waiting


If you have a Message Waiting key, the corresponding LED flashes when there are new Voice Mail messages. If there are new Voice Mail messages, you will hear a stutter tone when you select your primary line key. In addition, the

( number of messages waiting will appear next to the Message Waiting icon

) on the display.

Retrieving Voice Mail Messages [S]

For SIP Phones

To retrieve Voice Mail:


Press Voicemail.

If you do not have a programmed Voicemail key, dial extension 550.


Extension 550 is the default voicemail number for your system.

Contact your system administrator for additional information.


Follow the Voice Mail prompts.

Refer to “Voice Mail Management” on page 2-14 for more information

about using Vertical Wave Voice Mail.

Wave Phone User Guide July 2007 - Issue 1.0


Chapter 3 - Using Wave Phone Features Multiple Call Handling


Using Call Appearance Keys with Line Keys [D]

To handle multiple calls on the same line, your system administrator can program Call Appearance keys to work in conjunction with the Line key.

For DIGITAL Phones

• Using call appearance keys with line keys will increase the number of calls allowed to ring into the line since calls will be allowed to ring if they can be shown on either the Line key or a Call Appearance key.

• If you have one or more call connected or on hold, you are allowed to place another call by pressing an available Line or Call Appearance key.

You can select one of the multiple calls by pressing the corresponding key, thereby placing the other calls will be placed on hold. If there is not an available Line or Call Appearance button (or Call Waiting button if Call

Waiting is enabled) then calls will immediately forward or will return a busy signal if the call cannot be forwarded.

• Call Appearance keys can also be programmed to correspond to a

secondary Line Appearance key (see “Line Keys” on page 5-10). If a line

is shared with another user, and that user has the line engaged, the corresponding LED(s) on your phone will reflect the calls that user is handling. Conversely, if you are using the shared line, then the user with whom you share lines will see the corresponding LED(s) lit.


The number of Call Appearance keys for the lines on both phones need to be equal or not all calls will be reflected.

Your system administrator can also increase the number of calls allowed to ring your phone by increasing the number of Call Waiting calls allowed.

However, without an available Line or Call Appearance key programmed to show the call, the calls will be more difficult to manage from the phone.

Increasing the number of Call Waiting calls allowed to be greater than 1 is not recommended unless you are using the Vertical Wave ViewPoint application to manage the calls.

3-38 July 2007 - Issue 1.0

Wave Phone User Guide

Chapter 3 - Using Wave Phone Features Mute


This feature allows you to prevent the caller at the distant end to hear anything through your microphone or handset during a call.


If the Mute is enabled (on)via the speaker, it will be disabled (off) if you lift the handset

Muting a Call [S] / [D]

For SIP & DIGITAL Phones

To mute a call:

While on a call, press MUTE ( ) to mute the microphone or handset.

The MUTE LED is solid red. You can hear the other party, but the other party cannot hear you.

If you are on a hands-free call, the SPEAKER LED is solid red.

To speak to your caller:

Press MUTE ( ) again.

The MUTE LED will be cleared.


By using the Night Answer feature, you can manually place an Vertical Wave system into a mode where all inbound calls to the Vertical Wave system are redirected to a predetermined destination. Your system administrator can configure any on- or off-premise phone number as the destination.

Setting Night Answer [ALL]

For SIP & ANALOG Phones

To turn on the Night Answer Service:

Press *85.

To turn off the Night Answer Service:

Press *86.

Wave Phone User Guide July 2007 - Issue 1.0


Chapter 3 - Using Wave Phone Features Page

For DIGITAL Phones

To turn on the Night Answer Service

Press Night Answer.

If you do not have a programmed Night Answer key, dial *85.

When the Night Answer Service is active, the Night Service LED flashes red.

To turn off the Night Answer Service

Press Night Answer.

If you do not have a programmed Night Answer key, dial *86.


The Page feature can operate in one of two ways: the Page key gives you access to the public address system and all the phone speakers on your system, or pages only a specific zone (group) of phones.

Paging the Entire System [ALL]

For SIP Phones

To page all phones with speakers:


Press Intercom ( ).

If you do not have an Intercom key as shown above, dial *11.


Make an announcement.


Hang up or press End Call when you are finished making your announcement.

for models 480i/480CT, press Goodbye ( or use the "Drop” softkey.


When receiving a page on the phone speaker, you can press

End Call or press Goodbye ( onmodels 480i/480CT to disconnect the phone from the paging service.

3-40 July 2007 - Issue 1.0

Wave Phone User Guide

Chapter 3 - Using Wave Phone Features Page

For DIGITAL Phones

To page all phones with speakers:


Press System Page.

If you do not have a programmed System Page key, dial *11.


Make the announcement.


Hang up when you are finished making your announcement.

You will remain connected to the public address system until you hang up.


Telephones receiving a page on the phone speaker can press

SPEAKER to disconnect the phone from the paging service.

For ANALOG Phones

To page all phones with speakers:


Press *11 and begin speaking.

If you do not have a programmed System Page key, dial *11.


Make the announcement.


Hang up to end the page.

You will remain connected to the public address system until you hang up.

Paging a Specific Group [S]

For SIP Phones

To page a specific group:


Press Intercom ( ).

If you do not have an Intercom key as shown above, dial *12 and the group number.


Make an announcement.


Hang up or press End Call when finished making your announcement.

For Models 480i/480CT, press Goodbye ( or use the “Drop” softkey.


When receiving a page on the phone speaker, you can press

End Call or press Goodbye ( the phone from the paging service.

onmodels 480i/480CT to disconnect

Wave Phone User Guide July 2007 - Issue 1.0


Chapter 3 - Using Wave Phone Features Page

Page a Specific Zone [D] / [A]

For DIGITAL Phones

To page a specific zone:


Press Zone Page.

If you do not have a programmed Zone Page key, dial *12 and the zone number.


Make the announcement.


Hang up when you are finished making your announcement.

You will remain connected to the public address system until you hang up.


Telephones receiving a page on the phone speaker can press

SPEAKER to disconnect the phone from the paging service.

For ANALOG Phones

To page a specific zone:


Press Page (Zone).

- OR - *12, then the zone number.


Begin speaking.


Hang up to end the page.

3-42 July 2007 - Issue 1.0

Wave Phone User Guide

Chapter 3 - Using Wave Phone Features Password Protection


You can configure your phone so that it requires a password before allowing user programming such as editing the Autodial buttons, programming feature keys, and changing the voice mail display. Contact your Wave system administrator for information about password protection settings.

Using Password Protection [D]

For DIGITAL Phones

To activate/deactivate password protection:

From an idle phone:




softkey on the display.






appears, then press the corresponding key.


Enter the appropriate password, then press # or






to require a password before allowing user programming.




if you don’t want a password required.


The privacy feature is used to mark a call as private which means that shared line appearances will be prevented from breaking into the call.

Additionally, a held private call can not be retrieved by a shared line appearance. Privacy is generated from any privacy enabled party to all parties in a call.

Transferring or parking a private call removes privacy from the call.

Using the Privacy Feature [D]

For DIGITAL Phones

To make a call private:

While ringback is heard or during a call, press Privacy.

• If you don’t have a programmed Privacy key, press FLASH, then


• If a call is in privacy, all parties in the call will have the LED on any configured Privacy key illuminated red.

To turn privacy off:

Press the illuminated Privacy key.

If you don’t have a Privacy key, press FLASH, then *21.

Wave Phone User Guide July 2007 - Issue 1.0


Chapter 3 - Using Wave Phone Features Redial


Redial will place a call to the last phone number you dialed from the phone.

Even if you dialed digits while connected to a call, the system will only keep track of the phone number you dialed.

Using Redial [S] / [D]

For SIP Phones

To redial a number:

Press Redial ( ).


To display the last number dialed, press Program, and press Redial.

Press End Call to clear the display.

For Models 480i/480CT, press Goodbye ( or use the “Drop” softkey.


You can add Redial numbers to your Directory. See “Saving from Hard keys to the Directory” on page 3-27 for details.

For DIGITAL Phones

To redial a number

Press Redial or #.


You can also use Saved Number Redial to save a number you have just dialed or to which you are connected (see “Saved Number Redial” below).


To display the last number dialed, from an idle phone press



Redial or #. Press SPEAKER to return the phone to idle.


The Release key disconnects an active call, clears the display, mutes the speaker during a page, and cancels transfers, conference calls, and the

Program feature.

Using the Release Key [D]

For DIGITAL Phones

To use the Release feature key:


3-44 July 2007 - Issue 1.0

Wave Phone User Guide

Chapter 3 - Using Wave Phone Features Saved Number Redial


This feature allows a user to save a number he has just dialed or is connected to on a key so it can be easily re-dialed. Saved Number Redial requires a programmed Save/Repeat key on your phone. Contact your system administrator for more information.

Using Saved Number Redial [D]

For DIGITAL Phones

Saving a Number

While hearing ringback or while connected on a call, press Save/Repeat.

If the number to be saved is from an outgoing call, the number will be saved as dialed. If the number to be saved is from an incoming call (and provided caller id for the call is available), the Call Return access code will be added to the beginning of the before saving so that it can then be dialed.

Redialing a Saved Number

From an idle phone, press Save/Repeat.

The most recently stored number will be dialed.

Storing the Saved Number as an Autodial

The Save/Repeat key is intended to be a quick method to temporarily store a number. Only the number is stored; the user is not prompted to enter a name and the value stored is not password protected.

For numbers that will be used often by the user, programming an AutoDial key

is recommended (see page 3-2).

To program a saved number on an AutoDial key:


From an idle phone, press


softkey on the display.






appears, then press the corresponding key.


Follow the prompts; enter the location and the name to be assigned to the key.


Press the

Save/Repeat key when


appears on the screen.

The number stored in that key will be copied into the AutoDial key.

Wave Phone User Guide July 2007 - Issue 1.0


Chapter 3 - Using Wave Phone Features Shift


The SHIFT key will allow the user to access a second level of feature keys.

When the shift key is pressed, the phone will enter into the shift mode, allowing the user to use the 12 or 24 programmable keys as auto dial keys.

If no keys are pressed, the phone will automatically exit the shift mode after 5 seconds.

Using the Shift Feature [D]

For DIGITAL Phones

To use the Shift feature keys:


Press SHIFT.


Press a feature key.


For Supervisors Only

Silent Monitor allows a supervisor to monitor an agent call with either the agent or the caller knowing that the call is being monitored. The supervisor hears both sides of the call but cannot speak to either the agent or the caller. This feature requires that the supervisor’s phone have a (programmed) Silent

Monitor key and that the extension to be monitored has Silent Monitoring enabled.


Most states have laws requiring businesses to inform both their employees and their customers that calls may be monitored.

This feature requires a license key, which will be issued at no charge upon request to your Vertical Communications reseller.

3-46 July 2007 - Issue 1.0

Wave Phone User Guide

Chapter 3 - Using Wave Phone Features Speaker

Using Silent Monitor [D]

For DIGITAL Phones

To use Silent Monitor:


Press Silent Monitor.


Enter the extension to be monitored.

If the extension you enter does not have Silent Monitoring enabled,

Feature Unavail

appears on the phone display.

When a silent monitoring session is in progress, the information on the supervisor’s phone display is the same as that of extension being monitored, with the added designation


in the upper right.

If the agent being monitored places a call on hard hold, the monitoring session will be terminated.


When you are finished monitoring a call, terminate the monitoring session as you would any phone call.


The SPEAKER key lets you switch between using the handset and using hands-free mode during a call. It also will terminate a call while in hands free mode.

Using the Speaker Feature [S] / [D]

For SIP Phones

To toggle between the speaker and your handset during a call:

Press ( on models 9112i and 9133i).


If you have a headset plugged into the phone, this action will then only toggle between the headset and the handset. The speaker will not be available

until you unplug the headset. Also see “Headset” on page 3-33.

For DIGITAL Phones

To switch from the handset to hands-free mode during a call:

Press SPEAKER and hang up the handset.

To switch from hands-free mode to the handset during a call:

Pick up the handset.

Wave Phone User Guide July 2007 - Issue 1.0


Chapter 3 - Using Wave Phone Features Speed Dial


Speed Dials can be programmed to dial directly to another person’s line or extension, or set up to quickly access features such as Call return (*69), or


You can configure your speed dial number by saving a listing from your

Directory list to a programmable key through your phone. Your system administrator can also program these keys through the configuration files.

For SIP Phones

Saving a Speed Dial Number [S]


Saving a new number to the key through the Callers List ( ),

Redial ( ) or Directory buttons on your phone, overwrites the previous entry.

To save an entry from your Directory lists:


Press Directory.


Scroll through the selected list to find the name and number that you wish to save to your speed dial.


Press the programmable key to which you want to assign the speed dial number.

If the name is displayed with the number, both are saved to the speed dial.


Press Save to finish.


It’s a good idea to label the newly programmed key so that you know what speed dial number is assigned to what key.

Dialing a Speed Dial Number [S]

To use a programmed speed dial number:


Pick up the handset or press ( on models 9112i and 9133i).


Press the programmable key assigned to the speed dial number you want to dial.


Using the Swap Key [S]

For SIP Phone Model 9112i only

The Swap key is a programmable key that allows you to toggle back and forth

between an active call and a call waiting (see “Call Waiting” on page 3-13).

3-48 July 2007 - Issue 1.0

Wave Phone User Guide

Chapter 3 - Using Wave Phone Features System Speed Dial


Using System Speed Dial [D] / [A]

Depending on the feature key’s programming, System Speed Dial may work in one of three ways:

System Speed Dial -- the System Dial key programming does not contain an index, and the Preview option is not selected

System Speed Dial with a programmed number -- the System Dial key is programmed with a default index to use.

System Speed Dial with dialing preview -- the System Dial key is programmed with the Preview option selected. If a default index is programmed, the browsing of the list will begin at that number. If not, it will begin at the last index viewed.

For DIGITAL Phones

To use Regular System Speed Dial


Press System Dial.


Enter the speed dial index number (from 001 to 999).

The number is dialed as soon as you enter the last digit.

To use System Speed Dial with a Programmed Number:

Press System Dial.

The programmed number will be dialed.

To use System Speed Dial with Dialing Preview


Press System Dial.


Use the VOLUME keys on your phone to browse the list.

If a 3-digit index number is entered, the corresponding system speed dial number will be displayed.


Press System Dial again to dial the displayed number.

For ANALOG Phones

Dial frequently used phone numbers using a predefined three-digit code.


Ask your system administrator for the list of available defined speed dial numbers.

To use a Speed Dial number:


Listen for dial tone.


Press *89.


Dial assigned speed dial number.

Wave Phone User Guide July 2007 - Issue 1.0


Chapter 3 - Using Wave Phone Features Transfer


Transfer places a call on hold while you dial the destination extension number.

Your system administrator configures the Transfer keys as blind or supervised transfer keys.

Making a Blind Transfer [ALL]

A blind transfer allows you complete a transfer without announcing the party to the destination extension.

For SIP Phones

To make a blind transfer:


While on a call, press Transfer ( ) to place the active call on hold.


Listen for dial tone, then enter the destination extension number.


Press Transfer ( ) again or hang up.

The party is transferred to the destination extension.


For models 480i/480CT and 9133i, you can also use the L2 button to make this transfer. See the Hint under Supervised Transfer for details.

For DIGITAL Phones

To make a blind transfer:


While on a call, press TRNS/CONF to place the caller on hold.


Listen for dial tone, then enter the destination extension number.


Hang up to complete the transfer.

The party is transferred to the destination extension.

For ANALOG Phones

To make a blind transfer:


While on a call, press



You can also use this alternate step: While on a call, press FLASH then 1, then listen for the prompt to assist you with making the transfer.


Dial the destination extension.

Hang up to complete the transfer.

3-50 July 2007 - Issue 1.0

Wave Phone User Guide

Chapter 3 - Using Wave Phone Features Transfer

Making a Supervised Transfer [ALL]

A supervised transfer lets you announce a call before completing the transfer.

For SIP Phones

To make a supervised transfer:


While on a call, press Transfer ( ) to place the caller on hold.


Listen for dial tone, then enter the destination extension number.


When the destination party answers, announce the call.


Press Transfer ( ) to complete the transfer.

To cancel the transfer:

Press End Call to reconnect to the calling party.

• For Models 480i/480CT, press Goodbye (

Drop” softkey.

or use the

• Models 480i/480CT and 9133i can use the L2 button to make this transfer.



A Transfer can become a Conference by pressing Conference

) after the second party answers.

For DIGITAL Phones

To make a supervised transfer:


While on a call, press TRNS/CONF or FLASH, to place caller on hold.


Listen for dial tone, then enter the destination extension number.


When the destination party answers, announce the call.


Hang up to complete the transfer.

To cancel the transfer:

Press TAP to reconnect to the caller on hold.

For ANALOG Phones

To make a supervised transfer:


While on a call, press



Dial the destination extension.


Wait for the destination extension to answer.


Announce the call.


Hang up to complete the transfer.

If voice mail answers:

Hang up to transfer the call to Voice Mail.



FLASH, then *4 to reconnect to the caller.

Wave Phone User Guide July 2007 - Issue 1.0


Chapter 3 - Using Wave Phone Features Transfer

Transferring Calls to Voice Mail [D] / [A]

If you are using a Wave Digital or Analog phone, you can transfer calls directly into voice mail without ringing the destination extension.


This feature requires a specially programmed feature key. Contact your system administrator to find out if this feature is available on your Wave

Digital phone.

For DIGITAL Phones

To transfer calls to voice mail:


While on a call, press Transfer VM to place the active call on hold.


Enter the destination extension number.


Hang up.

The party is transferred directly to the destination extension’s Voice


For ANALOG Phones

To transfer a call to voice mail:


With a party on the line, press *83.


Dial the destination extension.


Enter the voice mail hunt group.

Contact your phone system administrator for a list of hunt groups.


Hang up to complete the transfer.


You can also use this alternate method:

1. With a party on the line, press FLASH, then press 2.

2. same as current procedure.

3. no step 3 for alternate procedure.

4. same as current procedure.

3-52 July 2007 - Issue 1.0

Wave Phone User Guide

Chapter 3 - Using Wave Phone Features User Programmable Keys


The following features are user programmable (keys): Autodial, Call Return,

Camp-On, Do Not Disturb, DSS/BLF, Extension Pickup, Group Pickup,

System Speed, Unassigned, User Forward, and Voicecall. In addition to choosing which feature is associated with an assigned key, the user can also specify select values for the keys.


Some phones may have a programmed key (usually named

Program”) available for performing these programming tasks. Contact your

Wave system administrator for more information about whether or not a

Program” key exists on your phone.

Using Programmable Keys [D]

For DIGITAL Phones

Programming a Feature Key


Not all feature keys are user programmable, thus you cannot edit a key that is not in the above list. Display the feature information as described above to determine which keys are available for programming.


From an idle phone, decide which key you want to program.




softkey on the display.






appears, then press the corresponding key.




until the desired feature is displayed, then press the corresponding key.


Press the key you wish to program.

If additional options are available (such as an extension for User Forward or Blind Transfer for DSS/BLF) you will be prompted at this point to enter the information.


Press SPEAKER to clear the display.

To clear a feature key:

Follow the above steps, and program the key as “Unassigned”.

Wave Phone User Guide July 2007 - Issue 1.0


Chapter 3 - Using Wave Phone Features Visual Voice Mail

Using the Query Feature

A query of a feature key will display what feature has been programmed onto the key.

To display feature information:


From an idle phone, press


softkey on the display.


Press a feature key.

The feature key information is shown on the display including the feature name, key number, and extension number, target number, or programmed number if applicable.


Press SPEAKER to clear the display.


The Visual Voice Mail feature allows the phone to display applicable prompts and soft key options while the phone is connected to voice mail.

Example: : When listening to a new voice mail message, the display will offer the choices “

Replay Save Del

” (replay the message, save the message, delete the message), so that the user can select one of these options without having to wait to hear the prompt.

Using Visual Mail [D]

For DIGITAL Phones

To use Visual Voice Mail:


While the phone is connected to voice mail, read the prompts on the display.


Press the corresponding soft key of the feature you want to access.

To increase the number of visual options offered:


When using Visual Voice Mail, there are basic options you have available




). However, you can increase these options by enabling the Verbose Prompt Mode. Once this feature has been enabled, you can press the More softkey to view additional options for listening to voicemail.

Example: : In addition to the typical options of enable this option, you can press






, once you


to see additional options such as




. If you press


again, you’ll see

Rew and


. Press


a third time and you will be returned to the original options of








From an idle phone, press


softkey on the display.






appears, then press the corresponding key.




to select the Verbose Prompt mode.

3-54 July 2007 - Issue 1.0

Wave Phone User Guide

Chapter 3 - Using Wave Phone Features Visual Voice Mail

Voice Mail Message Number Display

When the phone is idle its display will either show


there are no new

Voice Mail messages in the phone’s mailbox), or

# Msg

(where # equals the number of new messages in the mailbox).

To retrieve messages:

When either



# Msg

is on the display:

Press the leftmost softkey to initiate a call to Voice Mail to retrieve the messages.

To deactivate/activate Voice Mail Message Number Display:


From an idle phone, press the


softkey on the display.






appears, then press the corresponding key.


If a password is requested at this point, enter the phone’s password. Contact your Wave system administrator for information about passwords.




to have



# Msg

, where


equals the number of new messages in the mailbox) displayed.




to have the extension number of the phone displayed.

Wave Phone User Guide July 2007 - Issue 1.0


Chapter 3 - Using Wave Phone Features Voicecall


Voicecall is a page directed to a specific digital phone extension that allows the receiving party to reply.

Using the Voicecall Feature [D]

For DIGITAL Phones

To use Voicecall:


Press Voicecall.

If you do not have a programmed Voicecall key, dial *82.

Listen for dial tone.


Dial an extension.

The other party hears a tone on the phone speaker.


Begin speaking.

To receive a Voicecall:

If your phone is two-way, your speaker is automatically enabled during a voice call, and you can speak to the other party through the speaker without pressing any keys.

If your phone is configured for one-way communication, the SPEAKER red LED flashes during a voice call, and you can lift the handset or press the SPEAKER key to speak to the calling party.

3-56 July 2007 - Issue 1.0

Wave Phone User Guide

Chapter 4 - About Wave SIP Phones

This chapter illustrates and describes the specific features of the different

Vertical Wave SIP phones.


The following pages show the details of each SIP phone model.

Vertical 9133i SIP Phone

The 9133i SIP phone includes:

• 7 unassigned programmable key buttons with status lights

• Programmable key support for up to 6 additional lines (set up by your system administrator)

• 7 fixed/hard feature keys to manage phone features and settings:

Handsfree/Headset, Hold, End Call, Redial, Transfer, Callers List, and Conference

• 6 programmed buttons: Options, Directory, Save, Delete, Flash, and


• 3 line appearance buttons (L1 - L3)

• 4 navigation buttons for scrolling through and selecting items from the display

Vertical 9112i SIP Phone

The 9112i SIP phone includes:

• 1 unassigned programmable button

• 7 fixed/hard feature keys to manage phone features and settings:

Handsfree/Headset, Hold, End Call, Redial, Transfer, Caller Lists, and Conference

• 7 programmed buttons: Options, Directory, Save, Delete, Swap, Flash, and Mute

• 4 navigation buttons for scrolling through and selecting items from the display

Vertical 480i/480CT SIP Phone

The 480i/480CT SIP phone includes:

• 2x16 character display screen

• 11 fixed feature keys to manage phone features and settings:

Hold, Redial, Goodbye, Options, Intercom ( ), Services,

Transfer, Conference, Volume Down/Up, Headset/Handsfree, Flash, and


• 6 soft key buttons (3 on each side of the display)

• Speaker and microphone for hands-free operation.

Wave Phone User GuideJuly 2007 - Issue 1.04-1

Chapter 4 - About Wave SIP Phones

2 - Handset

Wave SIP Phone Models

SIP Phone 9133i

4 - Scroll &

3 - Hold


6 - End Call

5 - Display

7 - Programmable


1 - Speaker/


8 - Options

9 - Directory

10 - Save

11 - Delete

12 - Flash

12 - Callers List

13 - Conference

14 - Transfer

15 - Redial

19 - Volume

18 - Line



Vertical 9133i SIP Phone

Feature Keys & Functions

16 - Mute

17 - Hands-free/Headset

Feature Used to …

1 Speaker/Microphone switch between using the handset and using hands-free mode during a call.

2 Handset answer or place an internal or external call.

3 Hold Button

4 Scroll and Select


5 Display place a call on hold and keep the party connected while you hang up the handset or use other phone features.

scroll through menu options and select items shown on the display.

6 End Call provide information about what is happening on your phone.

disconnect from the current call.

4-2July 2007 - Issue 1.0Wave Phone User Guide

Chapter 4 - About Wave SIP Phones Wave SIP Phone Models


7 Programmable Keys

8 Options

9 Directory

10 Save

11 Delete

12 Flash

13 Callers List

14 Conference

15 Transfer button

16 Redial

Used to … by the System Administrator to program special phone functions.

access a list of configurable options (for example, special phone settings). access and dial names and numbers for speed dialing.

store settings made for the Options, Directory, and

Callers List functions.

erase information stored in the Directory or Callers


access various features, and work with star codes.

place a call to a number stored in your phone log of previous incoming calls.

set up a call between multiple parties, both internal and external.

place a call on hold while you dial the destination extension number.

place a call to the last phone number you dialed from your phone.

17 Mute

18 Hands-free/Headset prevent other party from hearing another conversation.

speak to/hear a caller when using a headset instead of holding the handset.

19 Line Appearance Keys make and receive external calls without entering an external access code; one or more outside lines may be assigned to your phone.

20 Volume Button adjust the loudness of the speaker or the handset.

Wave Phone User GuideJuly 2007 - Issue 1.04-3

Chapter 4 - About Wave SIP Phones Wave SIP Phone Models

SIP Phone 9112i

2 - Handset

3 - Hold

4 - Scroll &


7 - Callers List

5 - Display

6 - End Call

8 - Conference

1 - Speaker/


20 - Volume

9 - Options

10 - Directory

11 - Save

12 - Delete

13 - Swap

14 - Flash

15 - Transfer

16 - Redial

17 - Programmable


18 - Mute

19 - Handsfree/


Vertical 9112i SIP Phone

Feature Keys & Functions

Feature Used to …

1 Speaker/Microphone switch between using the handset and using hands-free mode during a call.

2 Handset

3 Hold Button answer or place an internal or external call.

place a call on hold and keep the party connected while you hang up the handset or use other phone features.

4 Scroll and Select


5 Display scroll through menu options and select items shown on the display.

provide information about what is happening on your phone.

4-4July 2007 - Issue 1.0Wave Phone User Guide

Chapter 4 - About Wave SIP Phones Wave SIP Phone Models


6 End Call

7 Callers List

8 Conference

9 Options

10 Directory

11 Save

12 Delete

Used to … disconnect from the current call.

place a call to a number stored in your phone log of previous incoming calls.

set up a call between multiple parties, both internal and external.

access a list of configurable options (for example, special phone settings). access and dial names and numbers for speed dialing.

store settings made for the Options, Directory, and

Callers List functions.

erase information stored in the Directory or Callers


toggle between an active call and a call waiting.

13 Swap

14 Flash

15 Transfer button

16 Redial Button access various features, and work with star codes.

place a call on hold while you dial the destination extension number.

place a call to the last phone number you dialed from your phone.

17 Programmable Button by the System Administrator to program special phone function.

18 Mute prevent other party from hearing another conversation.

19 Hands-free/Headset

20 Volume Button speak to/hear a caller when using a headset instead of holding the handset.

adjust the loudness of the speaker or the handset.

Wave Phone User GuideJuly 2007 - Issue 1.04-5

Chapter 4 - About Wave SIP Phones

2 - Handset

Wave SIP Phone Models

SIP Phone 480i/480CT

3 Hold, 4 Redial,

& 5 Goodbye

6 Options 7 - Display

8 - Soft Keys

1 - Speaker/


9 - Scroll &


10 - Intercom

‘11 - Services

17 -

Volume 14 - Transfer

15 - Mute

16 - Handsfree/Headset

Vertical 480i/480CT SIP Phone

Feature Keys & Functions

12 - Four Line

Appearance Keys

13 - Conference

Feature Used to …

1 Speaker/Microphone switch between using the handset and using hands-free mode during a call.

2 Handset

3 Hold Button

4 Redial Button

5 Goodbye Key

6 Options answer or place an internal or external call.

place a call on hold and keep the party connected while you hang up the handset or use other phone features.

place a call to the last phone number you dialed from your phone.

disconnect the current call.

access a list of configurable options (for example, special phone settings).

4-6July 2007 - Issue 1.0Wave Phone User Guide

Chapter 4 - About Wave SIP Phones Wave SIP Phone Models

Feature Used to …

7 Display

8 Soft Keys provide information about what is happening on your phone.

to access specific features set up by your system administrator such as: speed dial numbers, Do Not

Disturb, or quick access to features such as Call


9 Scroll and Select


10 Intercom

14 Transfer button


scroll through menu options and select items shown on the display.

make calls from your phone to another extension within your phone system.

11 Services

12 Line Appearance Keys make and receive external calls without entering an external access code; one or more outside lines may be assigned to your phone.

13 Conference set up a call between multiple parties, both internal and external.

place a call on hold while you dial the destination extension number.

15 Mute

16 Hands-free/Headset prevent other party from hearing another conversation.

speak to/hear a caller when using a headset instead of holding the handset.

17 Volume Button adjust the loudness of the speaker or the handset.

Wave Phone User GuideJuly 2007 - Issue 1.04-7

Chapter 4 - About Wave SIP Phones Using a SIP Phone


This section describes how to use the physical features on your Vertical SIP phone, including:

• Hard Keys

• Navigation Arrow Keys

• Soft Keys

• Line Keys

• Display Information

Hard Keys

The hard keys on your phone are dedicated to specific call handling features.

See the Introduction section of this guide for a picture and details of your phone.

Navigation Arrow Keys (Scroll and Select)

The navigation keys are located below the display, and are used to scroll through display lists and to select options.

Scroll UP


Scroll DOWN

Soft Keys

Soft keys are the programmable keys that appear to the left and right of the display. For example, your system administrator can use these keys to set up speed dial numbers, your Do Not Disturb function, or for quick access to features such as Call Return.

Line Keys

All Vertical SIP phones support a primary line, which corresponds to your primary extension number. Your extension number appears on your phone’s display, and for the 480i/480CT and 9133i is also printed on the label strip next to your primary line key.

Depending on the model, your phone may have additional line appearance

keys. See pages 4-2 through 4-6 for details .

4-8July 2007 - Issue 1.0Wave Phone User Guide

Chapter 4 - About Wave SIP Phones Using a SIP Phone

Line Status Lights

Model 480i/480CT or 9133i - An LED next to the line appearance key indicates the status of that line.

If the line status light is:


Flashing quickly


Flashing slowly

The line status is:

Idle (no call activity)

Call is ringing

Call is connected

Call is on hold

Model 480i/480CT - An icon in the display next to a line appearance soft key indicates the status of that line.

Icon: If the icon is:





The line status is:

Idle (no call activity)

Call is ringing

Call is connected

Call is on hold

Model 9112i - The status light for the single line is located at the top right corner of the phone:

If the line status light is:


Flashing quickly

Flashing slowly

The line status is:

Idle (no call activity)

Call is ringing

New voice message

Wave Phone User GuideJuly 2007 - Issue 1.04-9

Chapter 4 - About Wave SIP Phones Using a SIP Phone

Display Information

The Vertical SIP phones include a back-lit display that provide information about what is happening on your phone. During normal operation, you will see the following information in the display:

Idle - When your phone is idle, the display shows your name, the date and time, and your extension. The 480i/480CT display also includes soft key options that you select by pressing the corresponding soft key buttons on either side of the display.

Dialing - While you are dialing, line one of the display shows your extension number and line two displays the digits as they are dialed.

Active call - During an active call, line one displays the other party’s name or the trunk group your call is using, and line two lists the other party’s phone number.

The display does not show caller ID information on an inbound call if that information is blocked by the other party, or if your phone service provider does not send caller ID. The display shows “Private” or inbound trunk group information instead. A call timer indicates the length of time your call has been connected.

In certain circumstances, you may see other information in the display:

Vertical splash screen - Appears when you first plug in your phone, and each time you restart it.

‘Updating Config’ or ‘New Firmware’ - Appears whenever your phone is being automatically updated. Typically, updates are scheduled to occur during non-business hours, but if you see either of these messages, allow the update to complete (do not unplug your phone.)

‘No Service’ or ‘Network Disconnected’ - Contact your system administrator if you see this message on the display.


If your phone display is blank, see page Appendix B on page B-1.

4-10July 2007 - Issue 1.0Wave Phone User Guide

Chapter 4 - About Wave SIP Phones


Phone Settings

Setting Options

Pressing the Options button gives you a list of configurable options.

The first seven options allow you to customize your phone settings.

Setting Options 01 through 06

Press Options, then follow the prompts that appear on the display (use the navigation

keys as shown on page 4-8 to scroll and

make selections as appropriate.

Setting Option 7

For option 7, see “Advanced Volume

Controls for the Headset/Mic” on page 4-11.

Setting Options 08 through 10

Contact your system administrator for information.

01 Language

02 Time and Date

03 Set Ring Tone

04 Clear Msg. Wtg.

05 Contrast Level

06 Live Dialpad

07 Headset Settings

08 Network Settings

09 SIP Settings

10 Phone Status

Advanced Volume Controls for the Headset/Mic

(Option 7)

There are three options for the headset microphone volume.


By default, the volume for the headset microphone is set to medium.

To change the volume:


Press Options to access the options list.


Scroll down the list of options.



Headset Settings



You can also press 7 to directly access the Headset settings, then press the corresponding select button to select Headset Settings that appears on the display.


Scroll down and select

Headset/Mic Volume



Scroll down the list and select the appropriate volume.




to store the settings and exit.


If you do not want to save changes, press the left select key to return to the previous screen.

Wave Phone User GuideJuly 2007 - Issue 1.04-11

Chapter 4 - About Wave SIP Phones Outside Line Supported Features


Outside Line Keys

You may have one or more outside lines assigned to your phone. These lines allow you to make and receive external calls without entering an external access code.

On idle outside lines

When an outside line is idle, the following features are supported on outside line keys:

• Do Not Disturb

FLASH (to restart dialing)

• Goodbye ( also known as “End Call” on models 9112i and 9133i)

• Speaker/Mute

No other features are supported on idle outside line keys. Star codes are ignored while dialing on an outside line.

On connected calls

When you are connected to a call on an outside line, you can use the following phone keys:

• Primary, secondary, and other outside line keys (press to toggle between calls)

• Keypad digits, Auto Dial, Redial, Message Waiting (sends digits)

Transfer or Conference


On Models 480i/480CT, the following softkeys are available on the display during a call:

• Toggle

• Park

• Reconnect

• Flash

• Drop

4-12July 2007 - Issue 1.0Wave Phone User Guide

Chapter 4 - About Wave SIP Phones


SIP Phone Feature Codes

Call Park . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*

Directed . . . Flash + *66 + ext.

Retrieval . . . . . . . *65 + ext.

Self . . . . . . . . . . . Flash + *64

Retrieval . . . . . . . *65 + ext.

System. . . . . . . . . Flash + *62

Retrieval . . . . . . . *63 + slot

Call Pickup

In Group. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*74

Specific Ext. . . . . . . .*75 + ext.

Call Return . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*69

Call Waiting . . . . . . . . . . . . Flash

Disable . . . . . . . . . . . . . *70

Caller ID Blocking . . . . . . . . .*67

Conference . . . . . . . Flash + *71

Connect Party . . . . . . . . . .*71

Reconnect to Conference .*72

Do Not Disturb . . . . . . . . . . . *41

Cancel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . *42

Forward . . . . . . . . . . . *43 + dest.

Cancel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . *44

Hold . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Flash

Night Answer

Activate. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . *85

Deactivate . . . . . . . . . . . . *86


System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . *11

Group . . . . . *12 + group num.

System Speed Dial . . *89 + code

Toggle* . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . *73

Transfer . . . . . . . . . . Flash + ext.


After dialing feature codes, there is a 3-5 second delay until the feature is confirmed. You can expedite this by dialing # at the end of the feature code entry.

Wave Phone User GuideJuly 2007 - Issue 1.04-13


Chapter 5 - About Wave Digital Phones

This chapter illustrates and describes the specific features of the different

Vertical Wave Digital phones.


The following pages show the details of each Digital phone model.

Edge 100 - 24 button

This phone model includes:

• and adjustable 2x16 character display

• twenty-four programmable feature keys

• a headset jack

• a speaker and microphone for hands-free calling capability

Edge 100 & 100L - 12 button

This phone model includes:

• 2x16 character display

• twelve programmable feature keys

• a headset jack

• a speaker and microphone for hands-free calling capability

Impact SCS - 24 button

This phone model includes:

• and adjustable 2x16 character display

• twenty-four programmable feature keys

• a headset jack

• a speaker and microphone for hands-free calling capability

Impact SCS - 12 button

This phone model includes:

• 2x16 character display

• twelve programmable feature keys

• a headset jack

• a speaker and microphone for hands-free calling capability

Wave Phone User Guide July 2007 - Issue 1.0


Chapter 5 - About Wave Digital Phones

Edge 100 - 24 button


1 - Headset (auxiliary) Jack

(located behind front panel)

2 - Handset 3 - Hands-free Speaker

(located under the handset)

4 - Display

5 - Soft Keys

(not programmable)

17 - Volume Up

16 - Volume Down

15 - Redial

6 - Twenty Four



7 - Message

8 - Shift

9 - Tap

10 - Transfer/Conference

13 - Hold

14 - Microphone Opening

(located under the front panel of the phone)

11 - Speaker

12 - Mute

Edge 100 - 24 button

Feature Keys & Functions


1 Headset (auxiliary)


2 Handset

3 Hands-free Speaker

4 Display


Used to … speak to a caller when using a headset instead of holding the handset.

answer or place an internal or external call.

hear the other party during a call without using the handset or headset (hands-free mode) provide information about what is happening on your phone.

July 2007 - Issue 1.0

Wave Phone User Guide

Chapter 5 - About Wave Digital Phones Introduction


5 Soft Keys

Used to … selections when choices are offered on the display.

6 Programmable Buttons by the System Administrator to program special phone functions.

7 Message Button

8 Shift Button access user voice mail.

access a second level for the programmable buttons.

9 Tap Button reconnect to a call on hold. Also, while dialing, pressing this key once will erase the last dialed digit and pressing it twice will clear all the dialed digits.

initiate a transfer or a conference.

10 Transfer/Conference


11 Speaker

12 Mute Button

13 Hold Button

14 Microphone hear a caller when using the Hands-free speaker instead of holding the handset.

prevent the other party on your call from hearing anything from your phone.

place a call on hold and keep the party connected while you hang up or use other phone features. If you are not currently on a call then pressing this button will scroll through your held calls; pressing Tap will reconnect you to the displayed call.

speak to a caller when using the Hands-free speaker instead of holding the handset.

15 Redial Button place a call to the last phone number you dialed from your phone.

16 Volume Down Button decrease the loudness of the speaker or handset while on a call, or the ringer when not on a call.

17 Volume Up Button increase the loudness of the speaker or handset while on a call, or the ringer when not on a call.

Wave Phone User Guide July 2007 - Issue 1.0


Chapter 5 - About Wave Digital Phones

Edge 100 - 12 button


1 - Headset (auxiliary) Jack

(located behind front panel)

2 - Handset

3 - Hands-free Speaker

(located under the handset)

4 - Display

5 - Soft Keys

(not programmable)

17 - Volume Up

16 - Volume Down

15 - Redial

13 - Hold

14 - Microphone Opening

(located under the front panel of the phone)

12 - Mute

6 - Twelve



7 - Message

8 - Shift

9 - Tap

10 - Transfer/


11 - Speaker

Edge 100 - 12 button

Feature Keys & Functions


1 Headset (auxiliary)


2 Handset

3 Hands-free Speaker

4 Display

Used to … speak to a caller when using a headset instead of holding the handset.

answer or place an internal or external call.

switch between using the handset and using hands-free mode during a call.

provide information about what is happening on your phone.

5-4 July 2007 - Issue 1.0

Wave Phone User Guide

Chapter 5 - About Wave Digital Phones Introduction


5 Soft Keys

Used to … make selections on the display.

6 Programmable Buttons by the System Administrator to program special phone functions.

7 Message Button

8 Shift Button access user voice mail.

access a second level of phone functions/features.

9 Tap Button

10 Transfer/Conference


11 Speaker reconnect (or toggle between) calls on hold, during call transfer, and when creating conference calls.

place a call on hold while you dial the destination extension number when transferring calls or creating conference calls.

hear a caller when using the Hands-free speaker instead of holding the handset.

prevent other party from hearing another conversation.

12 Mute Button

13 Hold Button

14 Microphone place a call on hold and keep the party connected while you hang up the handset or use other phone features.

speak to a caller when using the Hands-free speaker instead of holding the handset.

15 Redial Button place a call to the last phone number you dialed from your phone.

16 Volume Down Button decrease the loudness of the speaker or handset while on a call.

17 Volume Up Button increase the loudness of the speaker or handset while on a call.

Wave Phone User Guide July 2007 - Issue 1.0


Chapter 5 - About Wave Digital Phones

Impact SCS - 24 button


1 - Headset (auxiliary) Jack

(located behind front panel)

2 - Handset 3 - Hands-free Speaker

(located under the handset)

4 - Display

5 - Soft Keys (not programmable)

6 - Twenty Four



16 -Volume Down

17 - Volume Up

7 - Message

8 - Shift

9 - Tap

10 - Transfer/


11 - Speaker

15 -Redial

13 - Hold 12 - Mute

14 - Microphone Opening

(located under the front panel of the phone)

Impact SCS - 24 button digital phone

Feature Keys & Functions


1 Headset (auxiliary)


2 Handset

3 Hands-free Speaker

4 Display

Used to … speak to a caller when using a headset instead of holding the handset.

answer or place an internal or external call.

switch between using the handset and using hands-free mode during a call.

provide information about what is happening on your phone.

5-6 July 2007 - Issue 1.0

Wave Phone User Guide

Chapter 5 - About Wave Digital Phones Introduction


5 Soft Keys

Used to … make selections on the display.

6 Programmable Buttons by the System Administrator to program special phone functions.

7 Message Button

8 Shift Button access user voice mail.

access a second level of phone functions/features.

9 Tap Button

10 Transfer/Conference


11 Speaker reconnect (or toggle between) calls on hold, during call transfer, and when creating conference calls.

place a call on hold while you dial the destination extension number when transferring calls or creating conference calls.

hear a caller when using the Hands-free speaker instead of holding the handset.

prevent other party from hearing another conversation.

12 Mute Button

13 Hold Button

14 Microphone place a call on hold and keep the party connected while you hang up the handset or use other phone features.

speak to a caller when using the Hands-free speaker instead of holding the handset.

15 Redial Button place a call to the last phone number you dialed from your phone.

16 Volume Down Button decrease the loudness of the speaker or handset while on a call.

17 Volume Up Button increase the loudness of the speaker or handset while on a call.

Wave Phone User Guide July 2007 - Issue 1.0


Chapter 5 - About Wave Digital Phones

Impact SCS - 12 button


1 - Headset (auxiliary) Jack

(located behind front panel)

2 - Handset 3 - Hands-free Speaker

(located under the handset)

4 - Display

5 - Soft Keys

(not programmable)

6 - Twelve



16 - Volume Down

17 - Volume Up

7 - Message

8 - Shift

9 - Tap

10 - Transfer/


11 - Speaker

15 - Redial

13 - Hold

12 - Mute

14 - Microphone Opening

(located under the front panel of the phone)

Impact SCS - 12 button digital phone

Feature Keys & Functions


1 Headset (auxiliary)


2 Handset

3 Hands-free Speaker

4 Display


Used to … speak to a caller when using a headset instead of holding the handset.

answer or place an internal or external call.

switch between using the handset and using hands-free mode during a call.

provide information about what is happening on your phone.

July 2007 - Issue 1.0

Wave Phone User Guide

Chapter 5 - About Wave Digital Phones Introduction


5 Soft Keys

Used to … make selections on the display.

6 Programmable Buttons by the System Administrator to program special phone functions.

7 Message Button

8 Shift Button access user voice mail.

access a second level of phone functions/features.

9 Tap Button

10 Transfer/Conference


11 Speaker reconnect (or toggle between) calls on hold, during call transfer, and when creating conference calls.

place a call on hold while you dial the destination extension number when transferring calls or creating conference calls.

hear a caller when using the Hands-free speaker instead of holding the handset.

prevent other party from hearing another conversation.

12 Mute Button

13 Hold Button

14 Microphone place a call on hold and keep the party connected while you hang up the handset or use other phone features.

speak to a caller when using the Hands-free speaker instead of holding the handset.

15 Redial Button place a call to the last phone number you dialed from your phone.

16 Volume Down Button decrease the loudness of the speaker or handset while on a call.

17 Volume Up Button increase the loudness of the speaker or handset while on a call.

Wave Phone User Guide July 2007 - Issue 1.0


Chapter 5 - About Wave Digital Phones Introduction

Line Keys

All phones have a primary line key. Your phone might also include one or more secondary line keys and outside line keys. Line keys are idle when there is no

LED lit beside them. Lines with a red LED are in use and you cannot join the call. Lines with a green LED indicate calls connected to your phone. Lines with a flashing green LED indicate calls connected to other phones that allow you to join the call.

Primary line key

Your primary extension number is assigned to one of the programmable feature keys on your phone. Your extension number should appear on the label strip next to your primary line key. If your phone is idle and you take it off hook, the LED next to the line key will light up, and the extension number will be displayed.

Secondary line keys

You might have one or more secondary lines assigned to your phone. These additional lines might be primary lines that appear on other phones. You can use these additional lines to make or receive phone calls.

Display Information

The Edge 100 and Impact SCS phone models all provide a back-lit, two-line display to give you additional call information.

When you are not using your phone, line one of the display shows the date and time, and line two of the display shows either:

• the number of voice mail messages in your mailbox

(for example,

2 Msg






if no messages are in your voice mail box

While you are dialing, line one of the display shows your extension number and line two displays the digits as they are dialed. During an active call on your primary line, line one displays the other party’s name or the trunk group your call is using, and line two lists the other party’s phone number.

The display does not show caller ID information on an inbound call if that information is blocked by the other party, or if your phone service provider does not send caller ID. The display shows “Private” or inbound trunk group information instead. A call timer displays the length of time your call is connected.

5-10 July 2007 - Issue 1.0

Wave Phone User Guide

Chapter 5 - About Wave Digital Phones


Set Up and Installation

Adjusting the Pedestal


Firmly grasp the back of the pedestal base with one hand and lift the back portion upward with your other hand.


Lift the front panel of the phone upward with one hand and, with the other hand, raise the supporting arms.

Notice there are three sets of notches behind both sides of the front panel. Each notch represents a different angle.


When the phone is at the desired height, select the closest pair of notches and insert the supporting arms in the notches.


Press down gently on the front panel until you feel the supporting arms snap into place.

telephone supporting arm first notch

(lowest position) second notch

(mid-position) third notch

(highest position) pedestal base

Wave Phone User Guide July 2007 - Issue 1.0


Chapter 5 - About Wave Digital Phones Set Up and Installation

Making the Connections

The connectors for attaching your Vertical Wave phone to the network are located behind the front panel. Here you will also find connectors for attaching the power supply and an optional headset.

This is also the location of the connection for the handset.

BACK OF THE PHONE handset jack headset jack telephone line jack

5-12 July 2007 - Issue 1.0

Wave Phone User Guide

Chapter 5 - About Wave Digital Phones Phone Settings


Modifying the Display Contrast

To adjust the display contrast

On an idle phone:




softkey on the display.






appears, then press the corresponding key.






to change the contrast.




or SPEAKER to save the setting.

Setting the Ring Melody and Volume

To adjust the ring volume

On an idle phone, press the up or down VOLUME keys to adjust the ring volume as needed.

You will hear a short ring that allows you to hear the current ring volume.

The volume level will also appear on the display.

To set the ring style

On an idle phone:




softkey on the display.








Press the sofkey under



Press the




keys to adjust the ring style as needed.

You will hear a short ring for each style so that you can decide which one you want to use.




or SPEAKER to save the setting.

Wave Phone User Guide July 2007 - Issue 1.0


Chapter 5 - About Wave Digital Phones Digital Phone Feature Codes


Call Park

Directed . . . . Flash + *66 + ext

Retrieval . . . . . . . . *65 + ext

Self . . . . . . . . . . . Flash + *64

Retrieval . . . . . . . . *65 + ext

System. . . . . . . . . Flash + *62

Retrieval . . . . *63 + slot no

Call Pickup

Extension. . . . . . . . . *75 + ext

Group. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . *74

Call Return . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*69

Call Waiting Answer . . . . . Flash

Disable. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*70

Caller ID Blocking . . . . . . . . .*67

Camp-on (Callback) Flash + *76

Cancel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . *77

Centrex . . . . . Flash + *80 + code

Conference . Flash + phone no +

Flash + *71

Reconnect . . . . . . Flash + *72

Do Not Disturb . . . . . . . . . . . *41

Cancel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . *42

Forward . . . . *43 + destination no.

or ext

Cancel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . *44

Hold . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Flash + *64

Night Answer . . . . . . . . . . . . *85

Cancel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . *86


System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . *11

Zone . . . . . . . . . . . *12 + zone

Syst. Speed Dial . . . *89 + speed dial no

Transfer . . . . . . . . . . . . FLASH + destination ext

Voicecall . . . . . . . . . . . . *82 + ext

5-14 July 2007 - Issue 1.0

Wave Phone User Guide

Chapter 6 - About Wave Analog Phones

While previous chapters in this guide have provided information on the basic features and operation of all Wave phone types, this chapter specifically describes special information regarding Analog phones only.


Because not all of the features described in previous chapters and in this one, are available on all Vertical Wave analog phones, it is recommended that you contact your phone system administrator for additional information.

Special Tones

You will hear different tones while using your phone:

• Dial Tone

A continuous tone.

• Stutter Dial Tone

A broken dial tone indicates you have a voice mail message, the phone is forwarded to another extension, or is in Do Not Disturb mode.

• Success Tone

Two short beeps indicate a successfully completed command.

• Error Tone

A fast busy signal indicates the desired command was not completed. Try the command again.

• Interrupt Tone

The short tone you hear during a conversation on the phone indicates an incoming call.

Wave Phone User Guide July 2007 - Issue 1.0


Chapter 6 - About Wave Analog Phones Analog Phone Feature Codes


Call Park

Directed . . FLASH + *66 + ext

Retrieval . . . . . . . . *65 + ext

Self . . . . . . . . . FLASH + *64

Retrieval . . . . . . . *65 + ext

System. . . . . . . . FLASH + *62

Retrieval . . . . *63 + slot no

Call Pickup

Extension. . . . . . FLASH + *75

Group. . . . . . . FLASH +

+ ext


Call Return . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*69

Call Waiting Answer. . . . . . . FLASH

Reconnect . . . . . . . . . . . . .*3

Toggle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*4

Disable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . *70

Caller ID Blocking . . . . . . . . .*67

Camp-on (Callback) . . . . . . .*76

Cancel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . *77

Centrex . . . . FLASH + *80 + code

Conference . . . . . . . FLASH + # + phone no+

FLASH + *5

Return. . . . . . . . . FLASH + *4

Do Not Disturb . . . . . . . . . . . *41

Cancel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . *42

Forward . . . * 43 + destination no

Cancel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . *44

Hold . . . . . . . . . . . . FLASH + *64

Reconnect . . . . . . . . . . . *65#

Night Answer . . . . . . . . . . . . *85

Cancel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . *86


System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . *11

Zone . . . . . . . . *12 + zone no

Sys. Speed Dial . . . . . . . . .*89 + speed dial no

Transfer . . . . . . . . . . . FLASH + #

+ destination ext

Transfer to VMail . . . . . . FLASH + 2 + ext

6-2 July 2007 - Issue 1.0

Wave Phone User Guide

Appendix A - CounterPath SIP



Wave supports the eyeBeam SIP softphone.


See page A-6 for a table that describes how eyeBeam features interact

with Wave.


The configuration procedures in this manual describe only those steps necessary for the CounterPath SIP softphones to work with Wave. Other settings may be left in their default configuration. For information on using other softphone features, see the documentation that came with your softphone.

Wave Phone User Guide July 2007 - Issue 1.0


Appendix A - CounterPath SIP Softphones About the Eyebeam SIP Softphone


Wave supports the eyeBeam SIP softphone on platforms running Windows

XP, 2003, and 2000. If your system has properly configured SIP trunks, the eyeBeam softphone can turn your PC into a SIP-based voice-over-IP telephone.

To speak and listen, you can use your PC's microphone and speakers, or a

USB phone which will provide much higher quality. To place calls, you can use

ViewPoint or the eyeBeam window.

This section describes how to install and configure an eyeBeam SIP softphone for use with Wave.


Wave supports multiple line appearances with the eyeBeam SIP softphone. Contact your system administrator for more information.

Recommended USB Headsets

While many headsets work with the eyeBeam softphone, the following headsets are recommended:

Plantronics (

• The CS50-USB VoIP Headset (cordless)

• The DSP-500 USB Folding Headset (corded)

• The DSP-400 USB Multimedia Headset (corded)

GN Netcom (

The GN 8120 USB digital USB-to-headset adapter (corded; compatible with any GN Netcom QD Headset)

A-2 July 2007 - Issue 1.0

Wave Phone User Guide

Appendix A - CounterPath SIP Softphones Installing & Configuring the eyeBeam



Before You Begin

Before installing an eyeBeam SIP softphone on your computer, talk to your system administrator and make sure you know the following:

• The IP address or name of the Wave SIP span

• The preferred codec(s), in order, of the Wave SIP span

(for example, G.711)

Installing and Configuring for Wave

Use this procedure to install the eyeBeam softphone on your PC and configure it for use with Wave.


• These procedures describe the eyeBeam audio-only softphone version

1.1 3004w or higher. It is recommended that you have the eyeBeam

User's Manual available as you install the softphone.

• The configuration procedure describes only those steps necessary for the eyeBeam phone to work with Wave . Other settings may be left in their default configuration. For information on using other eyeBeam features, see the eyeBeam documentation.

• VPN connectivity is required to work remotely.

To install and configure an eyeBeam softphone


Install the softphone on the PC that will be using it.


Start the softphone. When prompted, enter the license key that you were supplied, and click OK .


In the Audio Tuning Wizard , configure the phone with the desired audio settings. See the eyeBeam documentation for how-to set audio settings.

Wave Phone User Guide July 2007 - Issue 1.0


Appendix A - CounterPath SIP Softphones Installing & Configuring the eyeBeam


Next, the Settings dialog box opens. Choose the SIP Accounts \ Add a

New SIP Account \ Server tab.


If you accidentally exit the dialog box, right-click anywhere on the eyeBeam phone and choose Settings to open it again.


Check Enable this SIP account.

This enables the eyeBeam phone to register with Wave.


Under User details , enter the following information:

• Display name - Enter your name as you want it displayed to callers.

• User name - Enter your extension number.

• Password/Authentication user name - Leave these blank.

• Domain - Enter the name or IP address of the Wave SIP Trunks to which this phone is registered, as provided by your system administrator.


Under Domain Proxy , check both Register with domain and Use as outbound proxy .


Click the SIP Accounts \ Add a New SIP Account \ Advanced tab and uncheck Send SIP keep alives .

A-4 July 2007 - Issue 1.0

Wave Phone User Guide

Appendix A - CounterPath SIP Softphones Installing & Configuring the eyeBeam


Click the Media \ Audio \ Devices tab. Uncheck Enable VAD .

Disabling VAD creates a more natural audio sound, since the eyeBeam will transmit audio continuously rather than stopping transmission when it doesn't detect voice (which results in silence gaps).

Note that disabling VAD increases the bandwidth used during phone calls since audio is always transmitting.

10. Click the Media \ Audio \ Advanced \ Codecs tab. The following codecs on the eyeBeam are supported by Wave:

• G711 uLaw

• G711 alaw


• G729

For best results, arrange the codecs in the Enabled Codecs pane in the same preference order as provided by your system administrator.

11. Choose the System \ General tab. Configure the following settings:

• Auto answer - Enter the amount of time that the phone rings before connecting audio, when Auto Answer is enabled.

• Auto Dial Enabled - If checked, you do not have to press the Dial button to initiate a call. Note that if you find auto dialing to be slow you can decrease the Minimum and Maximum Wait times.

12. Choose the Media \ Audio \ Devices tab. Under Microphone Settings and Speaker Settings , make sure that the correct audio devices on your

PC are selected for voice capture and audio.

13. Click OK or Apply to save your changes. If the configuration has been made correctly the eyeBeam should show "Logged in - enter phone number" and "Your Number is <username>".


In the Settings dialog box you should also see a submenu under

SIP Accounts with the name/address of your Wave Server.

Wave Phone User Guide July 2007 - Issue 1.0


Appendix A - CounterPath SIP Softphones Using Counterpath SIP Softphones



This following table describes how eyeBeam softphone features interact with



Dialing a number


Dial numbers just as you would from a Wave phone, including access codes to place external calls. You can dial

Wave extensions or access the telephone commands without an access code.

Place a call by clicking the Dial icon:

You can either dial the number first, then click the icon, or click the icon first, then dial the number.

Note: When placing a Wave call that requires dialing an access code from an eyeBeam phone, you do not hear dial tone after dialing the access code. You can continue dialing the number and the call will be placed correctly. Or, to hear dial tone, you can press the

Dial button again after dialing the access code—for example, Dial, 9, Dial—and then dial the number.

To end a call, click the End Call icon:

Ending a call

Do Not Disturb

Auto Answer



Click the phone’s DND button to turn on the Do Not Disturb

Wave personal status.

Click the phone’s AA button to turn on automatic answering of incoming calls, similar to Wave’s hands-free answering.

You can use Wave call screening in combination with the eyeBeam auto answer feature.

Call the first conference member (on Line 1). Put the first member on hold and call the second member (that is, swap to Line 2, then make a call from that line). Swap to line 3 and dial *71, then press the green call button).

Calls with first and second members will be joined to line 3 as a conference call (lines 1 and 2 are now disconnected, with conference on line 3).

See the eyeBeam 1.1 User Guide about creating 3-way conference calls with additional features enabled such as

Auto Answer and Conferencing. See also “Setting Up a

Conference Call [ALL]” on page 3-22.

July 2007 - Issue 1.0

Wave Phone User Guide

Appendix A - CounterPath SIP Softphones Using Counterpath SIP Softphones




While on a call, you can use the Flash key to access a new line (like selecting another line key). Doing so will put the current call on hold so that you can then make or answer another call, or invoke a feature/star code from another line.

With 2 calls in progress, Flash acts as a call toggle button.

Click either the phone’s Hold button or an active Line button to place a caller on hold. Hold

Notes: If you use the Hold button to put a call on hold, no other calls can be received. In order to put one call on hold to answr or make another call, use the Flash button (see description above).

If a call on hold exceeds the hold ringback time, the ringback call is placed on a different line. You can either follow the ringback call prompts to connect to the call on hold, or hang up the ringback call and retrieve the call on hold yourself.



Click the phone’s Mute button to mute the call.

Clicking Record performs a local eyeBeam recording, not a

Wave call recording. See the eyeBeam documentation for details.



Note that the eyeBeam will not Auto Answer via the speakerphone. To automatically answer calls via the speakerphone, turn on Wave’s hands-free answering (see

“Speaker” on page 3-47).

See eyeBeam v1.1 user manual on how to perform both blind & supervised transfers.

Wave Phone User Guide July 2007 - Issue 1.0


Appendix B - Troubleshooting

This section provides solutions to basic problems you may experience with your phone. If you need further assistance, see your system administrator.

Why is the display on my phone blank?

Ensure that power is being provided to your phone. If your network does not provide inline power over Ethernet, your system administrator can obtain an additional accessory, the Vertical PoE (Power over Ethernet) inline power supply, that provides power over Ethernet locally to your phone. Contact your system administrator for assistance and more information.

My display shows ‘No Service’ or ‘Network Disconnected’. What should I do?

No Service

’ indicates that your user account may not have been set up correctly. See your system administrator for assistance.

Network Disconnected

’ indicates that your phone is not correctly connected to the network. (The phone also displays the default time and date of 12:00AM

Jan 1st, 2000.) Make sure that all phone connections are secure and that the phone has been installed appropriately: contact your system administrator.

Why can't I get dial tone on my phone?

Check that all phone connections are secure and that the phone has been installed appropriately: contact your system administrator.

Why doesn't my phone ring?

Check the ring volume on your phone to make sure that it is not turned down or turned off. To adjust the ringer volume setting, press the VOLUME button when the phone is on-hook and you are not on a call.

Why doesn’t my handset work?

Check to ensure that the handset cord is fully connected to the correct handset jack — not the headset jack ( )—and that it is securely connected to both the phone and handset. If it still won’t work, contact your system administrator.

Why doesn’t the message waiting light come on when I receive a new voice mail message?

Your phone system or service provider must provide visual Message Waiting indicator for this feature to work. Contact your system administrator for information about this feature.

Wave Phone User Guide July 2007 - Issue 1.0




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