Hydac PB_HLT 1100 SAE J1939 Operating/Maintenance Manual

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Hydac PB_HLT 1100 SAE J1939 Operating/Maintenance Manual | Manualzz

(Translation of original instructions)



SAE J1939

HLT 1100

Linear Position


2 HLT 1100 SAE J1939


1 Introduction ______________________________________________________ 5


Functions ............................................................................................................ 5

2 Address Claiming __________________________________________________ 5


General overview ............................................................................................... 5





Name ................................................................................................................... 5

Address ............................................................................................................... 6

Start-up process ................................................................................................. 7

3 Basic principles ___________________________________________________ 7


General communication characteristics .......................................................... 7


Display of numeric figures ................................................................................ 7

4 Configuration _____________________________________________________ 8



General overview ............................................................................................... 8

Settings ............................................................................................................... 8






List of the settings (Object List "OL") _______________________________ 8


Profile _________________________________________________________ 9 b.

General ________________________________________________________ 9

Name sections __________________________________________________ 9

Measured value transmission, position + speed

Measured values display, position

Measured values display, speed

______________________ 9

________________________________ 10

__________________________________ 10




Operation Data ________________________________________________ 11

Additional settings for position and speed __________________________ 11

Commands ____________________________________________________ 11


Setting of the Baud rate _________________________________________ 11


Settings for measured value transmission __________________________ 12


Settings of measured values display ______________________________ 13


Device status __________________________________________________ 14


Carry out configuration ................................................................................... 14


Structure of the SAE J1939 29-BIT CAN-ID .................................................... 15


Description PGN 61184 "Proprietary A" ____________________________ 15


CAN-ID Example for configuration communication with sensor address 1 _ 15


Short description of the configuration message ........................................... 16


Description "ack" (Acknowledge Code) of the configuration message ___ 16


Description of the configuration range "value" ______________________ 17

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HLT 1100 SAE J1939


Commands........................................................................................................ 17



Start editing mode ______________________________________________ 17


Saving the settings _____________________________________________ 18


Reset to factory default settings __________________________________ 18


Restart _______________________________________________________ 18


Example configuration process ...................................................................... 18


Example: Read out profile number ________________________________ 18


Example: Reading the serial number ______________________________ 19


Example: Edit Baud rate _________________________________________ 19


Example for a communication sequence ___________________________ 20


CAN Log Example HDA 7000 J1939 Address 1 Transmit-Rate to 100 ms _ 20

5 Sending of measured values ________________________________________ 21

6 Miscellaneous ____________________________________________________ 21

7 Contact _________________________________________________________ 22


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HLT 1100 SAE J1939

This documentation describes the intended use of the product within a superordinate control system. It will help you to get acquainted with the provided communication interface and assist you in obtaining maximum benefit in the possible applications for which it is designed.

The specifications given in this documentation represent the state-of-theart of the product at the time of publishing. Modifications to technical specifications, illustrations and dimensions are therefore possible.

Should you find any errors whilst using this manual, or have any suggestions for improvements, please contact:


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Phone: +49(0)6897 / 509-01

Fax: +49(0)6897 / 509-1726

Email: [email protected]

We look forward to receiving your input.

“Putting experience into practice”


This document, including the illustrations contained therein, is subject to copyright protection. Use of these instructions by third parties in contravention of copyright regulations is forbidden. Reproduction, translation as well as electronic and photographic archiving and modification require the written permission of the manufacturer. Offenders will be liable for damages.

In the event of translation, only the original version of the instruction manual in German is legally valid.

Edition: 2021-08-20 HYDAC ELECTRONIC GMBH Part no.: 670069

HLT 1100 SAE J1939




The HLT has a CAN 2.0 B interface and can be operated according to the process defined in the standards SAE-J1939. The interface functions are subdivided into 3 parts:

Address Claiming, Configuration and Sending of measured values

1.1 Functions

Measuring the current position using:


2 kHz sample rate


Resolution 0.1 mm

Measuring the current speed using:


2 kHz sample rate

Conversion of the measured values into a related user-scaleable linear process value

Sending of current measured values


Cyclically, within the range from 1 millisecond up to 1 minute


Address Claiming


2.1 General overview

Each HLT has a name and an address. Both can be configured by the user. The name of the

HLT is a 64 bit value and is clearly recognisable worldwide, the address is an 8 bit value which must be clearly recognisable by the bus. This means, it is not allowed to have two devices with the same address connected to the same bus.

During Address Claiming the HLT communicates its address and name to the other bus participants. This is a reaction to eventual address conflicts.

2.2 Name

The name consists of the following parts:

Addressing ability

1 Bit Arbitrary Address Capable

Function specific sections

3 Bit Industrial Group (i.e. Global, Marine, Agriculture, etc.)

7 Bit Vehicle System (depends on Industrial Group: Tractor, trailer, etc.)

4 Bit Vehicle System Instance (sequence number for systems of the same kind)

8 Bit Function (depending on Industrial Group: i.e. System Display, Levelling System, etc.)

5 Bit Function Instance (sequence number for functions of the same kind)

3 Bit ECU-Instance (sequence number for controllers having the same function)

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6 HLT 1100 SAE J1939

Manufacturer specific sections

11 Bit Manufacturer Code

21 Bit Idendity

The function-related parts are configurable, the manufacturer-related parts are firmly defined. This ensures a worldwide clear address identification.

Options for changing the J1939 name:

Via Index 10-19

The sensor supports the J1939 name management to standard

J1939-81. By means of the "name management" - Message (PGN

37632) the J1939 name can be changed during operation. The manufacturer code of the J1939 name may not be changed, it always corresponds with the manufacturer ID.

2.3 Address

The address can be set between 0 and 253. The address 254 is reserved for the status "no address assigned", the value 255 is used as broadcast address.

In each message the HLT sends, the address is assigned to the lowest 8 bits of the CAN ID.

Possibilities for addressing:

The sensor can be configured as a "service configurable device" via an extra process which is separated from the bus. With this process, our proprietary entries will be used to address the device (Index 1).

The sensor supports the dynamic addressing according to the J1939-

81 standard. Dynamic addressing is enabled if the bit "arbitrary address capable" of the J1939 name corresponds to 1 and inactive, when it corresponds with 0. If dynamic addressing is enabled, the device sends a "request for address claim" message at start-up, in order to detect all the used addresses and to select one free address in a second step.

The sensor supports the "commanded address" message (PGN

65240) to the J1939-81 standard. Herewith a new address can be assigned to the device after a previous failure of an address claim has occurred. The configured address is valid until next restart, however, it can be stored persistently via a subsequent configuration process by means of the entry 102.

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2.4 Start-up process

After each start-up, the HLT sends an "Address Claimed" message. Thus, it communicates its address and its name to the other participants. This message can also be requested by other participants using a "request" message.

If an other participant sends an "Address Claimed" message using the same address, the reaction of the HLT depends on the name of the other participant.

If HLT name is lower than the numerical name of the other participant, it again sends an

"Address Claimed" message.

If the HLT name is (numerically) higher and does not use dynamic addressing, it will send a

"Cannot Claim" message, it does neither have an own address nor will it start operating. It needs to be briefly disconnected from the supply voltage or it requires manual configuration by means of a "commanded address" message (PGN65240). If dynamic addressing is enabled, the HLT selects the next available address, sends a new "address claimed" message and, if necessary, performs a new priorisation of the name. This processus is repeated until a vacant address has been claimed or until no vacant address could be found.

If no vacant address could be found, a "cannot claim" message will be sent.


After sending an "Address Claimed" message, it takes 250 ms until the HLT takes up its regular operation mode. This is one of the requirements of SAE-J1939 to give other devices having the same address enough time to respond.

3 Basic principles

The following sections will explain non-product specific information for a better understanding of the functioning principle of a measurement system with a communication interface.

3.1 General communication characteristics

In general, the measurement systems are the end-nodes within a communication network.

They do not take control of their superordinate network themselves. However, these devices are able to generate and send information spontaneously. In doing this, the measurement systems mainly serve as a data source.

3.2 Display of numeric figures

The figures without additional marking are displayed as numeric figures with decimals

(number basis 10). For a more simple display of data blocks, however, hexadecimal representation is also very commonly used (number basis 16). In our document, the hexadecimals are generally marked by a "0x" as a prefix.

Decimal numbers, when displayed in a mixed representation, are marked with the additional suffix "d".

Binary numbers (number basis 2) are marked by suffix "b".






12 hexadecimal

A2 hexadecimal

16 decimal

66 decimal

10 binary

→ 18 decimal

→ 162 decimal

→ 10 hexadecimal

→ 42 hexadecimal

→ 2 decimal

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HLT 1100 SAE J1939

4.1 General overview

The HLT has different settings which can be read and written by a master using SAE-J1939 messages. This is carried out by means of a so-called proprietary parameter group A with the

PGN 61184 (0x00EF00). The data then contain information on which settings need to be read or written as well as information on the configuration parameters.

4.2 Settings


All settings are managed in an object list OL (similar to CANopen "object dictionary").

CANopen. All configuration objects in this list have a clear index, by means of which they can be addressed individually. Some of the objecs represent device settings which can also be changed by the operator. In the following tables, the objects or settings for the HLT 1300 are listed with their related index. The object list is specific for each sensor with its special requirements.

The object access can only be defined as "read only" (ro) or "read and write" (rw). Objects representing the device settings are generally changeable (rw).

The description of a communication process for reading or writing the settings in the object list can be taken from the following chapters:

4.3 Carry out configuration

4.4 Structure of the SAE J1939 29-BIT CAN-ID

4.5 Short description of the configuration message

4.6 Commands

4.7 Example configuration process

4.2.1 List of the settings (Object List "OL")

In the following table, all the settings with their corresponding index are listed. The entries are addressed via a numerical index. For complex objects, there is also the option for addressing subordinate entries by mean of a sub index. For simple objects, however, this value is "0".

The data type indicates how the data are to be interpreted. In a uint16 value for example, only the two first bytes are used and interpreted as an unsigned 16 bit integer value; see chapter

4.5.2 Description of the configuration range "value".

Some settings can only be read (ro = read only), others can be written as well (rw = read write).

All default settings shown in brackets are typical and may deviate from the pre-set factory settings.


All index and sub index values of the OL are indicated in decimal notation.

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HLT 1100 SAE J1939

a. Profile

Index sub index Data type r/w Settings

0 0 uint16 ro The profile number defines the layout of the setting table. It is always 0 for HLT.


b. General

Index sub index Data type r/w Settings




0 uint8 uint8 rw Address (1) rw Baud rate, see Baud rate table below.

(3 = 250 kBit/s)

3 0 string ro The characters 1-4 in the internal device ID correspond with the Software ID ("HLT1").

4 0 string






0 string uint32 uint32 ro The characters 5-8 of the internal device ID

(Software ID) ("000") ro Version and release number (i.e. 0102=Version1,

Release2) ro Product code, 32 bit number ro Serial number, 32 bit number c. Name sections

Index sub index Data type r/w Settings

10 0 unit8 rw 1 Bit Arbitrary Address Capable (addressing mode) uint8 rw 3 Bit Industrial group (0=Global) 11 0

12 0

13 0

14 0

15 0 uint8 uint8 uint8 uint8 rw rw rw rw

7 Bit Vehicle system (0x7F)

4 Bit Vehicle system instance (0)

8 Bit Function (0xFF)

5 Bit Function instance (0)

16 0

17 0

18 0


0 uint8 unit8 uint16 uint32 rw rw

3 Bit Control unit instance (0)

1 Bit Reserved ro 11 Bit Manufacturer code


21 Bit Identity Number (corresponds with serial number) d. Measured value transmission, position + speed

Index sub index Data type r/w Settings

21 0

22 0

23 0

24 0

25 0 uint16 uint8 uint8 uint8 uint8 rw Transmission rate [ms] (e.g. 100) rw Message length [Bytes], 2..8 (e.g. 8) rw Priority, 0..7 (e.g. 6) rw PDU format (e.g. 0xFF = proprietary B) rw PDU Specific (e.g. 0x00)


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10 HLT 1100 SAE J1939

26 0

27 0 uint8 uint8 rw Offset of the measured variable "position" in the

message [bytes] (e.g. 0), see chapter 4.2.3 Settings for measured value transmission

rw Offset of the measured variable "speed" in the

message [bytes] (e.g. 4), see chapter 4.2.3 Settings for measured value transmission

rw Extended Data Page bit (e.g. 0) 28 0 uint8

29 0 uint8 rw Data Page bit (e.g. 0)

E e. Measured values display, position

The default values depend on the measuring range of the linear position transmitter. In the following, the default values for an HLT 1300 linear position transmitter with a measuring range of 1000 mm are listed.

Index sub index Data type r/w Settings

41 0

42 0

43 0

44 0

45 0

46 0 uint8 uint8 uint32 int32 int32 int32 ro Unit (of measurement) 7: 0.1 mm rw Data length (4)

2: 16 Bit (2 Bytes), 4: 32 Bit (4 Bytes) rw Resolution per digit with 3 decimals (i.e. 50; increment here: 0.050 mm) rw Offset of the measured value with 3 decimals (e.g. 0) ro Lower measuring range with 3 decimals (i.e. 0) ro Upper measuring range with 3 decimals

(e.g. 1000000 = 1000.000 mm) f. Measured values display, speed

Index sub index Data type r/w Settings

51 0 uint8 ro Unit (of measurement) 8: mm/s

52 0 uint8 rw Data length (4)

2: 16 Bit (2 Bytes), 4: 32 Bit (4 Bytes)

53 0 uint32






0 int32 int32 int32 rw Resolution per digit with 3 decimals (i.e. 50; increment here: 0.050 mm/s) rw Offset of the measured value with 3 decimals (e.g. -

3000000 = -3000 mm/s) ro Lower measuring range with 3 decimals

(e.g. -3000000 = -3000 mm/s) ro Upper measuring range with 3 decimals

(e.g. 3000000 = 3000 mm/s)

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HLT 1100 SAE J1939 g. Operation Data

Index sub index Data type r/w Settings

81 0 uint16 uint32 ro Measured value, position

Data type depending on Index 42 "data length"




0 uint16 uint32 uint8 ro Measured value, speed

Data type depending on Index 52 "data length" ro Status h. Additional settings for position and speed

Index sub index Data type r/w Settings

91 0 uint16 ro Integration time of the speed [ms]

92 0 Uint8 ro Measurement direction 0 = forward, 1 = backwards

(e.g. 0)


E i. Commands

see chapter 4.6


Index sub index Data type r/w Settings

101 0 uint32 wo Start editing mode ("edit")

102 0

103 0

104 0 uint32 uint32 uint32 wo Saving the settings ("save") wo Reset to factory default settings ("load") wo Restart ("boot")

4.2.2 Setting of the Baud rate

HLT supports Baud rates from 10 kBit up to 1 MBit, according to the following table:

Index Baud rate










1000 kBit

800 kBit

500 kBit

250 kBit

125 kBit

100 kBit

50 kBit

20 kBit

10 kBit

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12 HLT 1100 SAE J1939

4.2.3 Settings for measured value transmission

During transmission of the measured values it is defined in which message the current measured values will be transmitted and at which byte position and how often. This enables to adapt the transmission of the measured values to an existing PGN. The data width, however, is always 16 bits, which means 2 bytes. The temperature can thus, for instance, be transmitted from the 4th byte in a message of 8 bytes length. The remaining 6 bytes in the message are empty.


If the offset of a measured value is set to 0xFF, the measured value of this measured variable will not be used in the PGN. Whether the offset is valid or not, depends on the offsets of the other measured variables, their data length and the total length of the message.

The following settings are possible:

The transmission rate (see Index 21) indicates how often the relevant measured value is transmitted. The value is expressed in ms. At 0 ms the measured value is only transmitted on request.

The length of the message in which the measured value is transmitted (see Index 22).

The priority of the message (see Index 23).

The PGN (Parameter Group Number) consisting of PF (Parameter Format) (see Index 24) and PS (Parameter Specific) (see Index 25). The result of this PGN combined with the priority and the address is the ID of the message by means of which the measured value(s) is (are) sent.

 Offset of the relevant measured values in the message (see index 26 and index 27).

Example: Transmission of the measured position value

Message length: 6 Bytes

Data length of the measured position value: 2 Bytes

Offset position: 2 Bytes

Offset speed: 0xFF

Data: 0xFF 0xFF PV PV 0xFF 0xFF

Example: Transmission of the measured position and speed values

Message length: 8 Bytes

Data length of the measured position value: 2 Bytes

Offset position: 0 Bytes

Data length of the speed value: 2 Bytes

Offset speed: 4 Bytes

Data: PV PV 0xFF 0xFF VV VV 0xFF 0xFF

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HLT 1100 SAE J1939 13

4.2.4 Settings of measured values display

The settings of the measured values display defines how the relevant measured values will be displayed as a numerical value. The following settings are possible:

The units of the position and speed can only be read (see Index 41 and 51).

The data length providing the current measured values is pre-set to 32 bit (4 bytes). It can be changed to 16 bit (see Index 42 and 52).

By setting the resolution and the offset (see Index 43 and 44, 53 and 54,), you can adjust the display of the current measured values. All settings have 3 decimals as well. The resolution indicates the relevant measured value per digit.

HLT only sends out the correct measured values if the measured values display is configured in a way that all values within the measuring range fit into an unsigned 16 bit or 32 bit value.


In the case of a 16 bit representation the measured value has to be configured in a way that it stays within a range of [0..0xFFFD].

In the case of a 32 bit representation the measured value has to be configured in a way that it stays within a range of [0..0xFFFFFFFD].

The values 0xFFFE (0xFFFFFFFE in a 32 bit representation) and 0xFFFF (0xFFFFFFFF in a 32 bit representation) are reserved according to SAE J1939 and can therefore not be used as measured values.

The 0xFFFE value signalises a measured value failure, the 0xFFFF indicates a measured value which is not available.

Should an error occur, the device mode and the device status provide more detailed information accordingly.

Example 1 Positon Measurement range from 0 up to 1000 mm

The current position value has to be sent in steps of 0.5 mm. This leads to the following settings

Unit (of measurement): 7 (= mm)

Lower measuring range: 0 (0.000 mm)

Upper measuring range: 1000000 (1000.000 mm)

Offset: 0 (0.000 mm)

Resolution: 500 (0.500 mm/digit)

This means, a value of 12000 corresponds with 600 mm.

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14 HLT 1100 SAE J1939

4.2.5 Device status

The 32 bit device mode and the device status (see Index 85) display the device status. Each bit of the device status indicates a status. In the following table, all of the possible statuses are listed.

In case of multiple errors, the status will result from an or-operation of the error values.

Status Error

0x00000000 No Error


Bit0 (0x00000001) Error while loading the user settings

Bit1 (0x00000002) Reserved

Bit2 (0x00000004) Reserved

Bit3 (0x00000008) Error while detecting position value

Bit4 (0x00000010) Reserved

Bit5 (0x00000020) Reserved

Bit6 (0x00000040) Faulty configuration of the 1 st PG

Bit7 (0x00000080) Reserved

Bit8 (0x00000100) Position value range not reached

Bit9 (0x00000200) Position value range exceeded

Bit10 (0x00000400) Speed value range not reached

Bit11 (0x00000800) Speed value range exceeded

Bit12 (0x00001000) Reserved

Bit13 (0x00002000) Reserved

Bit14 (0x00004000) Reserved

Bit15 (0x00008000) Reserved

Bit 16 (0x00010000) Reserved

Bit 17 (0x00020000) Reserved

Bit 18 (0x00040000) Reserved

Bit 19 (0x00080000) Reserved

Bit 20 (0x00100000) Reserved

Bit 21 (0x00200000) Reserved

Bit 22 (0x00400000) Error waiting in the receive queue of the module's CAN handler.

4.3 Carry out configuration

To read or write the settings, the master sends a message with the parameter group number

PGN 61184 (0x00EF00) "Proprietary A" to the HLT's address. The HLT responds to the request by the same PGN (parameter group number). The structure of the response corresponds with the inquiry and always contains an acknowledge code (see chapter

4.5.1 Description "ack" (Acknowledge Code) of the configuration message .

In case of reading requests the requested data which have been read out from the OL-Index are written into the value range of the response.

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HLT 1100 SAE J1939 15

This special PGN is intended for the customised communication according to SAE J1939-21.

The PGN is part of the specific parameter groups which means the "PDU Specific" part of the

PGN contains the address of the target device, in our case the device address of the sensor.

Procedure for the permanent change of settings must be strictly adhered to:

"Start editing mode", see commands chap. 4.6.1

o Reading and writing of the desired Object List Entries


"Saving the settings", see commands chap. 4.6.2

"Restart", see commands chap. 4.6.4

Please note:

The reading of entries from the Object List (OL) can be carried out directly.


4.4 Structure of the SAE J1939 29-BIT CAN-ID


29 Bit-ID

28 26 25 24 23 16 15



Parameter Group Number (PGN)

PDU Format

< 0xF0


PDU Specific

Destination Adress

Group Extension

8 7

Source Address


4.4.1 Description PGN 61184 "Proprietary A"

Transmission rate On request

Data length of the message

Extended Data Page (EDP)

Data Page (DP)

PDU format

PDU specific





239 (0xEF)

Sensor device address (see chapter 4.2.1 List of the settings (Object List "OL") OL Index 1)


4.4.2 CAN-ID Example for configuration communication with sensor address 1


29 Bit-ID

28 26 25 24 23 16 15 8 7



Source Address

1 1 0 0 0 (11000 binary = 18 hex)

18 EF 01 02

 CAN-ID = 0x18EF0102

Parameter Group Number (PGN)

PDU Format

< 0xF0


PDU Specific

Destination Adress

Group Extension

Priority, EDP, DP:

see Table 4.4.1 Description PGN 61184 "Proprietary A "


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16 HLT 1100 SAE J1939

4.5 Short description of the configuration message

The configuration message serves to read or write entries in the object list. Here, the data range of the configuration message (PGN 61184) is subdivided as follows:


Byte 1 r/w

Byte 2 dc

Byte 3 ack

Byte 4 Byte 5 Byte 6


Byte 7 Byte 8

Byte Name Content






Index Index of the object in the object list "OL" r/w Read or write access, 0=read, 1=write sub index

Sub index of the configuration (0 if no sub index is used) ack

Acknowledge code, see table description of "Acknowledge Code“

Value Used data, "Little Endian" format

For entries in which a sub index is used, i.e. 59 (status channel) a sub index has to be set in order to inquire the channel.

4.5.1 Description "ack" (Acknowledge Code) of the configuration message

Byte 4 "ack" of the configuration message (PGN 61184) will be defined by the query processing depending on the sensor. If requested by the master, this byte is always 0.

"ack" Byte 4 Description of "Acknowledge Code"














OK; always set to 0 in the case of requests

Parameters read only

Value too high

Value too low

Index does not exist

Error while saving parameters

Error while restoring parameters

Invalid r/w Byte (i.e. >1)

Parameters write only

Invalid data

Processor occupied

Error while accessing the hardware

Sub index does not exist

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HLT 1100 SAE J1939 17

4.5.2 Description of the configuration range "value"

The user data range "Value" of the configuration message will be defined using the data type of the OL (object list). The data type defines the number of used data bytes. The number is represented in "Little-Endian" which means the least significant data byte (LSB) will be located at the lowest address (byte 5).

Example: In a uint16 value, for example, only the first two bytes (byte 5 and byte 6) configuration message's value range are used and interpreted as unsigned 16 bit integer value.


Datatype Bit uint8 uint16 uint32 bool8 string[4]






LSB: Least Significant Bit/Byte

MSB: Most Significant Bit/Byte x Byte is not used

(Byte 5)






(Byte 6) x


LSB+1 x


(Byte 7) x x

LSB+2 x


(Byte 8) x x




4.6 Commands

Commands are a special function with the configuration They are handled via the PGN 61184 as well. In contrast to the general entries in the Object List (OL), writing on a control command index triggers a function in the device.

4.6.1 Start editing mode

Before the settings are written, the master must set the sensor to the editing mode. This is carried out by writing the string "edit" into the Index 101. In the editing mode, the sensor reacts exclusively to configuration commands. The editing mode can only be finished by restart.

Prior to restarting, the changes must explicitly be saved (Index 102).

If restart is carried out without saving, all changes will be lost!



(Byte 1)




(Byte 1)

101 r/w

(Byte 2)

1 r/w

(Byte 2)

1 dc

(Byte 3)

0 dc

(Byte 3)

0 ack

(Byte 4)

0 ack

(Byte 4)


(Byte 5)

Value (  "edit")

(Byte 6) (Byte 7)

0x65 "e" 0x64 "d" 0x69 " i


(Byte 5)


(Byte 6)


(Byte 7)

0 0

(Byte 8)

0x74 "t"

(Byte 8)


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18 HLT 1100 SAE J1939

4.6.2 Saving the settings

The changed settings will not automatically become persistent, which means, they will not be stored permanently. For this purpose, an extra storage process needs to be carried out explicitly. This is carried out by writing the string "save" into the Index 102.



(Byte 1)

102 r/w

(Byte 2)

1 dc

(Byte 3)

0 ack

(Byte 4)


(Byte 5)

Value (  "save")

(Byte 6) (Byte 7) (Byte 8)

0x73 " s

" 0x61 " a

" 0x76 " v

" 0x65 "e"




(Byte 1)

102 r/w

(Byte 2)

1 dc

(Byte 3)

0 ack

(Byte 4)


(Byte 5)


(Byte 6)


(Byte 7)

0 0

(Byte 8)


4.6.3 Reset to factory default settings

The settings can be reset to factory default settings at any time. For this purpose, the string

"load" must be written into Index 103.



(Byte 1) r/w

(Byte 2) dc

(Byte 3) ack

(Byte 4) (Byte 5)

Value (

(Byte 6)

 "load")

(Byte 7) (Byte 8)

103 1 0 0 0x6C " l

" 0x6F "o" 0x61 " a

" 0x64 "d"



(Byte 1)

103 r/w

(Byte 2)

1 dc

(Byte 3)

0 ack

(Byte 4)


(Byte 5)


(Byte 6)



(Byte 7)


(Byte 8)


4.6.4 Restart

A restart is carried out by briefly disconnecting the sensor from the power supply. A restart can also be carried out by writing the string "boot" into the index 104. This command is not responded to by the sensor, as the sensor will be reinitialised immediately.



(Byte 1) r/w

(Byte 2) dc

(Byte 3) ack

(Byte 4) (Byte 5)

Value (

(Byte 6)


(Byte 7) (Byte 8)

104 1 0 0 0x62 "b" 0x6F "o" 0x6F "o" 0x74 "t"

4.7 Example configuration process

The configuration message for all the following examples is the previously described PGN is

61184 (0x00EF00), in case of a successful request, the sensor responds by using the same


4.7.1 Example: Read out profile number

All the settings of one device are combined in one profile. By reading of Index 0 of the Object

List (OL) the 2 bytes long profile number is sent, the HYDAC inclination sensor HIT sends the profile number 4. As described earlier, the reading of the entry in the Object List is possible directly without a prefixed command.

Edition: 2021-08-20 HYDAC ELECTRONIC GMBH Part no.: 670069

HLT 1100 SAE J1939



(Byte 1)




(Byte 1)

0 r/w

(Byte 2)

0 r/w

(Byte 2)

0 dc

(Byte 3)

0 ack

(Byte 4)

0 dc

(Byte 3)

0 ack

(Byte 4)


(Byte 5)


(Byte 5)


(Byte 6)


(Byte 7)

0 0

(Byte 8)




(  4)

(Byte 6) (Byte 7)

0 0

(Byte 8)


4.7.2 Example: Reading the serial number

By writing onto the OL Index 7 the serial number can be read out.



(Byte 1) r/w

(Byte 2) dc

(Byte 3) ack

(Byte 4) (Byte 5) (Byte 6)


(Byte 7)

7 0 0 0 0 0 0

Sensor (PGN 61184)


(Byte 1) r/w

(Byte 2) dc

(Byte 3)

7 0 0 ack

(Byte 4)


(Byte 5)




0x12345678 [305.419.896d])

(Byte 6)


(Byte 7)


(Byte 8)


(Byte 8)


4.7.3 Example: Edit Baud rate

The Baud rate is set via a Baud rate index (see chapter 4.2.2

Setting of the Baud rate ). The

parameter is located on the OL Index 2 of the OL. In the example the Baud rate 500 kBit/s is set (Baud rate index 2). A new Baud rate will not be saved before the Baud rate index has been changed, saved and the device has been restarted. As an entry will be changed in the

Object List in this example, writing must be activated previously.



(Byte 1)

2 r/w

(Byte 2)

1 dc

(Byte 3)

0 ack

(Byte 4)


(Byte 5)



(Byte 6)


(  2 = 500 kBit/s)

(Byte 7)


(Byte 8)




(Byte 1)

2 r/w

(Byte 2)

1 dc

(Byte 3)

0 ack

(Byte 4)


(Byte 5)


(Byte 6)



(  4)

(Byte 7)


(Byte 8)



Edition: 2021-08-20 HYDAC ELECTRONIC GMBH Part no.: 670069

20 HLT 1100 SAE J1939


4.7.4 Example for a communication sequence

The following example is based on the communication between a sensor configured to the device address 1 and a sender using the device address 2 (i.e. controller or a PC with a CAN interface). The Baud rate of the sensor is changed to 500 kBit/s. For this purpose, the configuration mode has to be activated and afterwards, the Baud rate is changed, the changes in the OL will be permanently stored and finally, the sensor is restarted --> Please ensure that the Baud rate is also changed subsequently in the master.




Byte 1

101 r/w

Byte 2

1 dc

Byte 3

0 ack

Byte 4


Byte 5

0x65 "e"

Value (  4)

Byte 6 Byte 7

0x64 "d" 0x69 "i"

Byte 8

0x74 "t"


101 1 0 0 0 0 0 0


2 1 0 0 2 0 0 0

0x18EF0201 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0


102 1 0 0 0x73 "s" 0x61 "a" 0x76 "v" 0x65 "e"


102 1 0 0 0 0 0 0


104 1 0 0 0x62 "b" 0x6F "o" 0x6F "o" 0x74 "t"

0x18EF0201 104 1 0 0 0 0 0 0

4.7.5 CAN Log Example HDA 7000 J1939 Address 1 Transmit-Rate to 100 ms

ID (hex)

| Data Length

| | Data Bytes (hex) ...

| | |

----- ----+--- + -+ -- -- -- -- -- -- --

Rx 18EEFF01 8 00 00 80 0F 00 FF FE 00 Sensor „boot-up“

Tx 18EF0102 8 65 01 00 00 65 64 69 74 Start Editmode

Rx 18EF0201 8 65 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 Sensor Response OK

Tx 18EF0102 8 15 01 00 00 64 00 00 00 Write OL index 21

Rx 18EF0201 8 15 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 Sensor Response OK

Tx 18EF0102 8 66 01 00 00 73 61 76 65 Save OL

Rx 18EF0201 8 66 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 Sensor Response OK

Tx 18EF0102 8 68 01 00 00 62 6F 6F 74 Reboot sensor

Rx 18EF0201 8 68 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 Sensor Response OK

Rx 18EEFF01 8 00 00 80 0F 00 FF FE 00 Sensor „boot-up“

Rx 18FF0001 8 ED 03 FF FF FF FF FF FF Pressure value

Rx 18FF0001 8 ED 03 FF FF FF FF FF FF Pressure value

Rx 18FF0001 8 EC 03 FF FF FF FF FF FF Pressure value

Rx 18FF0001 8 EC 03 FF FF FF FF FF FF Pressure value

Edition: 2021-08-20 HYDAC ELECTRONIC GMBH Part no.: 670069

HLT 1100 SAE J1939


Sending of measured values


Depending on the configuration, HLT sends the current measured values for position and speed within one message. The configuration was described in the previous chapter, see

chapter 4 .

Configuration ), the specific settings for the measured value transmission (see

chapter " measured value transmission ").

In addition to being sent cyclically, the measured value can also be requested by means of a "request" message, PGN 59904 (0x00EA00) at any time.

6 Miscellaneous

The Software Identification (version number) can be requested by means of a "request" message on PGN 65242 (0x00FEDA). E

Edition: 2021-08-20 HYDAC ELECTRONIC GMBH Part no.: 670069

HLT 1100 SAE J1939 22




Hauptstr. 27

D-66128 Saarbruecken




Fax.: www.hydac.com

E-mail: [email protected]

Phone: +49 (0)6897 509-01

+49 (0)6897 509-1726

HYDAC Service

For enquiries about repairs or alterations, please contact HYDAC Service.


Hauptstr. 27

D-66128 Saarbruecken


Phone: +49 (0)6897 509-1936

Fax: +49 (0)6897 509-1933


The information in this manual relates to the operating conditions and applications described.

For applications and/or operating conditions not described please contact the relevant technical department.

If you have any questions or suggestions or encounter any problems of a technical nature, please contact your HYDAC representative.

Edition: 2021-08-20 HYDAC ELECTRONIC GMBH Part no.: 670069


Key Features

  • High-resolution measurement of position and speed
  • Fast sample rate for capturing even the smallest changes
  • Robust design for harsh environments
  • User-scalable linear process value
  • Cyclic transmission of measured values (1 millisecond to 1 minute)
  • Address claiming for clear identification on the bus
  • Configuration via industry-standard SAE J1939 protocol
  • Support for dynamic addressing for flexible network management

Related manuals

Frequently Answers and Questions

Can the device be used in harsh environments?
Yes, the Hydac PB_HLT 1100 SAE J1939 is designed with a robust construction to withstand harsh conditions.
How is the address of the device determined?
The device supports dynamic addressing according to the J1939-81 standard, allowing it to automatically claim an available address on the network.
Can the name of the device be changed?
Yes, the device supports changing the J1939 name via configuration or through the "name management" message (PGN 37632).