Important notes on using analogue equipment . AGFEO AC 14 analog

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Important notes on using analogue equipment . AGFEO AC 14 analog | Manualzz



Important notes on using analogue equipment

Only analogue Apparatus which are approved to be connected to the Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) may be connected to the analogue side of the system.

This includes all 2 wire telephones, answering -, fax machines, and modems.

The system supports both dialling method Loop Disconnect (LD) or Dual Tone Multi Frequency

(DTMF). DTMF is a faster dialling method. The system will dedect the dialling method automatically.

From an analogue phone, you can call any extension free of charge by dialling the internal phone number. You can call an external number after seizing an outside line. To do this dial 0 to get an outside line and then dial the telephone number required.

If you set “spontaneous exchange line seizure with internal ” for your telephone extension then you must press the hash button before the internal phone number. Note in this mode you cannot call an extension if your phone is an older LD or rotary type dial phone.

To carry out system functions, your phone must have a STAR Button (*). The sequence to enter will be * followed by the function number. If your phone is an older type LD phone then you can dial 99 instead of * .

To make an enquiry call you phone must have an R Button (Recall Button). The signalling for this must be set to Timed Break Recall (TBR). On older rotary dial phones you do not need to press the R Button when making an enquiry call. System functions such as last number redial, abbreviated dialling etc, can be carried out from any LD phone.

You can also use the functions of a standard analogue telephone (e.g. redial, abbreviated dialling) in conjunction with your telephone system. Please refer to the operating instructions for the telephone concerned for details of these functions.

Details of how to operate the functions of your telephone system that you are able to use from a standard analog telephone set to DTMF are given in the instruction manual.

Each programming entry will be acknowledged by a confirmation tone. If this tone is not received or if an error tone is returned then you must repeat this entry.

Please ensure that your provider has disabled charge pulses to avoid any inteference on your phone calls.

For data transfer via the analogue ports, the telephone system supports the V.90 standard (up to 56600 bps, a reduction in speed is possible due to transmission path and cables used, down to 28800 bps V.34). When operating a modem, it is imperative to configure the modem to blind dialling because most modems do not detect the dial tone of a telephone system. On modems that operate with the Hayes command set, blind dialling is set by means of the X0..X4



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