Working with eventListeners. Adobe InCopy CS6

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Working with eventListeners. Adobe InCopy CS6 | Manualzz

Events Working with eventListeners 78






If true, the event

propagates to scripting objects above the object initiating the event


If true, the default behavior of the event

on its target

can be canceled. To do this, use the PreventDefault method.

If true, the event

may be handled by eventListeners

registered to scripting objects above the target object of the event during the capturing phase of event propagation. This means an eventListener

on the application, for example, can respond to a document event before an eventListener is triggered.




The current scripting object processing the event

. See target

in this table.

If true, the default behavior of the event

on the current target

(see target

in this table) was prevented, thereby cancelling the action.

The current stage of the event

propagation process.



The type of the event

, as a string (for example,




If true, the event

has stopped propagating beyond the current target

(see target in this table). To stop event propagation, use the stopPropagation method.


The object from which the event

originates. For example, the target

of a beforeImport

event is a document; of a beforeNew

event, the application.

The time and date the event occurred.

Working with eventListeners

When you create an eventListener

, you specify the event type (as a string) the event handler (as a

JavaScript function or file reference), and whether the eventListener can be triggered in the capturing phase of the event. The following script fragment shows how to add an eventListener

for a specific event (for the complete script, see AddEventListener).

#targetengine "session" main(); function main(){ var myEventListener = app.addEventListener("afterNew", myDisplayEventType, false);

} function myDisplayEventType(myEvent){ alert("This event is the " + myEvent.eventType + " event.");


To remove the eventListener

created by the above script, run the following script (from the

RemoveEventListener tutorial script): app.removeEventListener("afterNew", myDisplayEventType, false);

When an eventListener

responds an event, the event may still be processed by other eventListeners that might be monitoring the event (depending on the propagation of the event). For example, the

Events Working with eventListeners 79 afterOpen

event can be observed by eventListeners

associated with both the application and the document.


do not persist beyond the current InCopy session. To make an eventListener

available in every InCopy session, add the script to the startup scripts folder (for more on installing scripts, see

Chapter 2, “Getting Started.”

). When you add an eventListener script to a document, it is not saved with the document or exported to INX.

N OTE : If you are having trouble with a script that defines an eventListener , you can either run a script that removes the eventListener

or quit and restart InCopy.

eventListeners that use handler functions defined inside the script (rather than in an external file) must use

#targetengine "session"

. If the script is run using

#targetengine "main"

(the default), the function is not available when the event occurs, and the script generates an error.

An event can trigger multiple eventListeners

as it propagates through the scripting object model. The following sample script demonstrates an event triggering eventListeners

registered to different objects

(for the full script, see MultipleEventListeners):

#targetengine "session" main(); function main(){ var myApplicationEventListener = app.eventListeners.add("beforeImport", myEventInfo, false); var myDocumentEventListener = app.documents.item(0).eventListeners.add

("beforeImport", myEventInfo, false);

} function myEventInfo(myEvent){ var myString = "Current Target: " +; alert(myString);


When you run the preceding script and place a file, InCopy displays alerts showing, in sequence, the name of the document, then the name of the application.

The following sample script creates an eventListener

for each supported event and displays information about the event in a simple dialog box. For the complete script, see EventListenersOn.

main() function main(){ app.scriptPreferences.version = 5.0; var myEventNames = [

"beforeQuit", "afterQuit",

"beforeNew", "afterNew",

"beforeOpen", "afterOpen",

"beforeClose", "afterClose",

"beforeSave", "afterSave",

"beforeSaveAs", "afterSaveAs",

"beforeSaveACopy", "afterSaveACopy",

"beforeRevert", "afterRevert",

"beforePrint", "afterPrint",

"beforeExport", "afterExport",

"beforeImport", "afterImport"

] ; for (var myCounter = 0; myCounter < myEventNames.length; myCounter ++){ app.addEventListener(myEventNames[myCounter], myEventInfo, false);


} function myEventInfo(myEvent){


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