Appendix. ESAB m3® Plasma Integrated Gas Control (IGC) System - ICH, m3® plasma Integrated Gas Control

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Appendix. ESAB m3® Plasma Integrated Gas Control (IGC) System - ICH, m3® plasma Integrated Gas Control | Manualzz


156 appendix


ESAB Serial Communication Interface


ESAB Serial Communication Interface (ESCI) is the software developed for operating the Interface Control

Hub (ICH) remotely. This software is developed on the .NET Framework which will communicate with the ICH through a serial interface.

For customers who have RS232, instead of RS422, an RS232 to RS422 converter may be used to communicate via RS422 with the ICH.

System Requirements

There are certain requirements that need to be met in order to install and operate the ESAB Serial

Communication Interface on your system.

Minimum Requirements:

1. CPU: 1.2GHz P4

2. Memory: 256MB

3. Operating System: Windows XP SP2

4. Hard disk: 30MB + Log Space

5. Serial Communication Port (RS232 or RS422)

6. Display: 800x600

7. Keyboard or Touch screen

8. Windows Installer 3.1 (Included in Redistro Folder)

9. .Net Framework 2.0 (Included in Redistro Folder)

Recommended Requirements:

1. CPU: 2GHz P4

2. Memory: 512MB

3. Operating System: Windows XP SP3

4. Hard disk: 30MB + Log Space

5. Serial Communication Port (RS232 or RS422)

6. Display: 800x600

7. Keyboard or Touch screen

8. Windows Installer 3.1 (Included in Redistro Folder)

9. .Net Framework 2.0 (Included in Redistro Folder)




Installation of the ESCI software is straight forward. Insert the media containing the ESCI setup file into the system on which you want to install ESCI and run the setup.exe file. Then follow the instructions on screen.

When installation is complete, run the configurator to setup the software for first use.

Figure 1: Communication Configurations

Figure 2: System Options

Figure 3: GRP File Generator



The communication settings (shown in Figure 1), i.e., Port, Speed, Parity and Stop Bit, must match the ICH settings.

The different log levels (shown in Figure 2) available are:

None - Do not record any information.

Errors only - Record the communication errors.

Errors and warnings only - Record communication errors and warnings.

Errors, warnings and information - Record communication errors, warnings, and information about the parameter database etc.

Everything (debug) - Record all the information. This is not recommended unless there are serious problems and the customer wants to debug it.

The GRP generator (shown in Figure 3) allows for the recreation of the GRP file, based on the power supply and a WIC being present. Select the power supply installed, if there is a WIC present, and then click generate. When the file is created, a message will be displayed.




This section shows how to operate the ESCI software with ICH for remote operation. Launch the ESCI software on your system, the ESAB logo, as shown in Figure 7, is displayed which states ESCI is loading parameters database.

Figure 7: ESCI Loading Screen



Once the ESCI has finished loading the parameter database, the user graphical interface screen, as shown in

Figure 8 for m3 Gen2 and Figure 9 for IGC, will be displayed depending on the mode of operation.

Figure 8: m3 Gen2 Parameter Screen with one station turned on



Figure 8 is with one station turned on. As stations are turned on, the tab for the station(s) will appear like they are in Figure 9 and 10.


Figure 9: IGC Parameter Screen with all stations on


Figure 10: m3 Gen2 with all stations turned on

Throughout the application, this document will assume there is a mouse or touch screen attached to the computer/CNC running the software. If only a keyboard is attached, the tab key can be used to move between buttons and dropdown lists, the arrow keys can be used to change the dropdown lists, and the spacebar key can be used to “click” the buttons.

From all the tabs, it is possible to view the consumables, edit the parameters, freeze the gauges, clear errors, get version information, minimize the application, get the information needing to be loaded on the CNC, and download parameters to the ICH. To view the consumables needed for the currently selected parameters, click the SHOW CONSUMABLES button, Figure 11 will then be displayed. To get rid of the consumables screen click it or press any key. To download the parameters to the ICH, click on the DOWNLOAD button. Once the download is started, a progress bar (Figure 12) will appear and when complete, the progress bar will disappear and a message box (Figure 13) stating that the download is complete will appear for a few seconds. The speed, kerf, and arc voltage (if height control is not controlled by the ICH) will have the values, needing to be set on the CNC, displayed in the bottom right area of the screen.




Figure 11: Consumable Pictures

Figure 12: Parameter Download Status Bar

Figure 13: Parameter Download Complete


The freeze gauges on error option allows the gauges to be frozen in the state they were last in when an error occurs. The station error list will display the error reported by the ICH, which can be cleared by clicking the

CLEAR button. This will also unfreeze the gauges. To get greater detailed information about the error, click on the error.

The version information will display the version of the ICH and the application’s version. The power supply type will also be displayed in the same area.

The GAS TEST buttons on the parameter screen will allow for testing each gas output for the currently downloaded parameters, which is displayed on the gauges to the left. The blue arrow is the start value and the red arrow is the cut/mark value.

The HEIGHT CONTROL TEST button will only show up if the ICH controls the lifter. This button will cause the height control to find the initial height for cutting/marking.

The AIR CURTAIN button will enable/disable the air curtain output. The CLEAR TIMERS/COUNTERS button will reset the number of starts and the arc on time, which are displayed on the station’s tab.

The EDIT PARAMETERS button will display the screen in Figure 14 (m3 Gen 2) or Figure 15 (IGC). This is where all the parameter editing occurs. On this screen all the parameters can be changed. When saving the parameters a parameter group must be specified and can not be the “Standard” group. The “Standard” group is reserved for the parameters from ESAB. The RELOAD button will reload the parameters on the screen back to what they were originally.

Figure 14: m3 Gen2 parameter edit screen



Figure 15: IGC parameter edit screen

The station’s tab is where the feedback from the ICH is displayed, as shown in Figure 16 (m3 Gen2) and Figure

17 (IGC). The red area on the gauges is the area where an error will occur. The yellow area is the area where the performance of the plasma system will be degraded, but still work without producing an error. The green area is the ideal area to be in. Below the needle in each gauge, there is the digital value being read back from the ICH. The yellow and red areas on the gauges measuring the output pressures and flow will only appear when the process is active. This is indicated when the process step is not 0. The process step displays the step number the ICH is currently in. The step 0 is the idle step, where gas and height control tests can be done. The coolant level warning text will only appear when there is a low coolant level detected in the coolant circulator, it is recommended to check for coolant leaks and refill the coolant circulator when this occurs. The warning will not stop the plasma system from functioning. But the coolant flow error is more likely to occur during a cut/mark operation, which can damage the part being made by the plasma system when it shuts down.



Figure 16: m3 Gen2 station tab




Figure 17: IGC station tab


Demo Server

This section shows how to operate the Demo Server. The demo server software will simulate an ICH via an

Ethernet connection. The protocol used on the Ethernet connection is the same as the one used on the serial connection. Launch the Demo Server on your system and when it is loaded, the screen in Figure 18 will be displayed.

Figure 18: Demo Server Main Screen

From here the system type, power supply, lifter, and WIC options can be selected. Once these options are setup to simulate the ICH system desired, the ESCI software can be launched. This can be done by clicking the

LAUNCH ESCI button or by running the ESCI software via other means. The recommended method is via the

LAUNCH ESCI button on the demo server. Once the ESCI software is launched, via the launch ESCI button, the

LAUNCH ESCI button will change to Quit ESCI. This button can be used to quit the ESCI software at any time.

The three buttons above the LAUNCH ESCI button simulate the digital inputs from the CNC to the ICH. The

PLASMA START button will start the process and lock out the MARK MODE button. The MARK MODE button will put the simulator into Marking mode. The CORNER button will switch the simulator between corner current and cut/mark current. The STATION ON buttons will toggle the station on/off, simulating the station on digital input from the CNC to the ICH.

The step is the current process step being simulated. The warning code, fault code and extended fault code are the raw codes sent back to the ESCI software. The meaning of the code is explained in the serial protocol section of the manual. By clicking the EDIT FAULT AND WARNING CODE button, they can be edited by the name of the fault/warning. This can be seen in Figure 19. By clicking on the ADD button, Figure 20 will appear where the fault codes can be added. The CLEAR ALL FAULTS button will clear all of the faults.




Figure 19: Demo Server Error Screen

Figure 20: Demo Server Error Selection Screen


ICH Serial Communication Protocol

The serial communication with the ICH can be achieved by RS-232, RS-422, or RS-485. This is selectable via the constant editor mode. Each command and response from the Interface Control Hub has a two character checksum on the end. The checksum can be calculated with the following formula:

Checksum = Hex (Truncate ((ASCII (Character1) + ASCII (Character2) + … + ASCII (CharacterN)), 8 bits))

Where Character1 through CharacterN are the characters of the command/response and data to be sent with the command/response. Truncate is a function that drops all bits higher than the number of bits specified. Hex converts the number into its hexadecimal representation in a string.


During the starting of the plasma process a high frequency generator will become active for about one second. This will cause communication checksum errors on messages sent and received for up to three seconds. The ICH will automatically resume normal communication after this time.


000: Hello command

This will also reset all errors.





001: Version request




001<Power Supply Version> <ICH Version><Checksum>

Power Supply Version is 4 characters long and in hexadecimal format. ICH Version is 4 characters long and in hexadecimal format. The first two characters are the major and the second two characters are the minor (e.g. Major.Minor)

002: Get station status




002<Station 1 Status> <Station 2 Status><Checksum>

Station 1 Status and Station 2 Status are 4 characters of hexadecimal, each in the following format:

Bit 11-15:

Bit 10:

Bit 9:

Bit 8:

Bit 0-7:


Coolant Level OK

Mark Mode

Station Selected

Process Step



003: Get station errors




003<Station 1 Errors> <Station 2 Errors><Checksum>

Station 1 Errors and Station 2 Errors are 8 characters of hexadecimal each in the following format:

Bit 15:

Bit 14:

Bit 13:

Bit 12:

Bit 11:

Bit 10:

Bit 9:

Bit 8:

Bit 7:

Bit 6:

Bit 5:

Bit 4:

Bit 3:

Bit 2:

Bit 1:

Bit 0:

Bit 31:

Bit 30:

Bit 29:

Bit 28:

Bit 27:

Bit 26:

Bit 25:

Bit 24:

Bit 23:

Bit 22:

Bit 21:

Bit 20:

Bit 19:

Bit 18:

Bit 17:

Bit 16:

Extended Errors exist

Lower Limit Switch




Power Supply Fault


Coolant Flow OK

Current too low

Current too high

Arc Voltage too low

Arc Voltage too high

Shield Gas 2 Flow too low

Shield Gas 2 Flow too high

Shield Gas 1 Flow too low

Shield Gas 1 Flow too high

Plasma Gas 2 Flow too low

Plasma Gas 2 Flow too high

Plasma Gas output pressure too low

Plasma Gas output pressure too high

Plasma Gas 2 input pressure too low

Plasma Gas 2 input pressure too high

Plasma Gas 1 input pressure too low

Plasma Gas 1 input pressure too high

Water Injection Module Missing

Power Supply Missing

Plasma Gas Box Missing

Shield Gas Box Missing

Lifter Missing

Arc Lost

Ignition Timeout

IHS Timeout

004: Remote Mode




0040<Checksum> if in local mode and 0041<Checksum> if in remote mode



005: Get extended errors (only available on version 1.7 or later)




005<Station 1 Errors> <Station 2 Errors><Checksum>

Station 1 Errors and Station 2 Errors are 8 characters of hexadecimal each in the following format:

Bit 16-31:

Bit 15:

Bit 14:

Bit 13:

Bit 12:

Bit 11:

Bit 10:

Bit 9:

Bit 8:

Bit 7:

Bit 6:

Bit 5:

Bit 4:

Bit 3:

Bit 2:

Bit 1:

Bit 0:


Lower limits switch

Current feedback, inside RAS, too low

Current feedback, inside RAS, too high

WIC Error

WIC Watchdog

RAS Error

RAS Watchdog

CGC Error

CGC Watchdog

PGC Error

PGC Watchdog

SGC Error

SGC Watchdog

Sensor short on lifter

Lifter Error

Lifter Watchdog

006: Parameter Loading Mark/Cut


0061<Checksum> for mark parameters are being loaded and 0060<Checksum> for parameters.


0061<Checksum> at all times.

007: Air Curtain enable/disable


0071<Checksum> for enabled and 0070<Checksum> for disabled.


0070<Checksum> if action not allowed and 0071<Checksum> if the action was allowed.



008: Retrieve Options



Response: 008<Lifter><Water Injection><Gas Control><Checksum>

Each is 1 byte long. There is a ICH controlled lifter if Lifter is “1”, otherwise there is no height control from the Interface Control Hub. There is a water injection module attached if Water Injection is “1”, otherwise there is no water injection module.

The Gas Control determines which type of control there is.

“0” - Water Injection only.

“1” - Combined Gas Control is used.

“2” - Full Gas Control is used.

028: Read current




028<Station 1 Current> <Station 2 Current><Checksum>

Station 1 Current and Station 2 Current are both 4 characters long and in the unit amperes.

058: Set currents


058<Start Current> <Cut Current> <End Current> <Pilot Arc Current><Checksum>

All the currents are in amperes and 4 characters long.


0581<Checksum> if allowed and 0580<Checksum> if not

060: Shield Cut Gas Test Begin




0600<Checksum> if not allowed and 0601<Checksum> if allowed

061: Shield Cut Gas Test End





062: Shield Start Gas Test Begin




0620<Checksum> if not allowed and 0621<Checksum> if allowed



063: Shield Start Gas Test End





064: Start Gas Test Begin




0640<Checksum> if not allowed and 0641<Checksum> if allowed

065: Start Gas Test End





066: Cut Gas Test Begin




0660<Checksum> if not allowed and 0661<Checksum> if allowed

067: Cut Gas Test End





069: IHS Test



On is 1 and Off is 0.


0691<Checksum> if allowed and 0690<Checksum> if not allowed

070: Set Corner Current



The corner current is in amperes and is 4 characters long


0701<Checksum> if allowed and 0700<Checksum> if not allowed



078: Gas Pressure/Flow loading


078<PG1 Start> <PG1 Cut> <PG2 Start> <PG2 Cut> <SG1 Start> <SG1 Cut> <SG2 Start> <SG2


Plasma gases (PG) are in millibar (mBar) and 5 characters long, while shield gases (SG) are in 1000 times cubic meter per hour (1000 * CMH) or milliliters per minute (mLM) and 5 characters long.


0781<Checksum> if allowed and 0780<Checksum> if not allowed

087: Set height settings


087<Initial Height> <Cutting Height> <Pierce Height> <Arc Voltage> <Thickness><Checksum>

Initial Height, Cutting Height, Pierce Height, and Arc Voltage are in micrometers and 5 characters long.

Thickness is in micrometers and is 6 characters long.


0871<Checksum> if allowed and 0870<Checksum> if not allowed.

094: Gas pressure/flow readings from sensors




094<Station 1 SG1 Flow> <Station 1 SG2 Flow> <Station 1 PG Output Pressure> <Station 1 PG2

Flow> <Station 1 PG1 Input Pressure> <Station 1 PG2 Input Pressure> <Station 1 SG Output

Pressure> <Station 2 SG1 Flow> <Station 2 SG2 Flow> <Station 2 PG Output Pressure> <Station

2 PG2 Flow> <Station 2 PG1 Input Pressure> <Station 2 PG2 Input Pressure> <Station 2 SG Out


All the readings are 5 characters each. Pressures are in millibar (mBar) and flows are in 1000 times cubic meter per hour (1000 * CMH). If water injection is in use than SG1 and SG2 flow are the water injection flow in milliliter per minute (mLM) and SG Output Pressure is the water injection pressure.

095: Load timers


095<Current Ramp Up> <Current Ramp Down> <Gas Off Delay> <Preflow> <Raise When


All timers are in milliseconds and 5 characters long.



096: Gas select



Gas Select is 2 Characters long.


0961<Checksum> if allowed and 0960<Checksum> if not allowed



097: Load thick plate timer


The timer is in milliseconds and 5 characters long.



099: Read current gas pressure/flow parameters




099<PG1 Cut> <PG1 Start> <PG2 Cut> <PG2 Start> <SG1 Cut> <SG1 Start> <SG2 Cut> <SG2


Plasma gases (PG) are in millibar (mBar) and 5 characters long, while shield gases (SG) are in 1000 * cubic meter per hour (1000 * CMH) or milliliters per minute (mLM) and 5 characters long.

098 & 122: Read gas select







Gas Select is 2 Characters long.

124: Reset Timers/Counters




1241<Checksum> all the time

125: Read Timers/Counters




125<Station 1 Timer> <Station 1 Counter> <Station 2 Timer> <Station 2 Counter><Checksum>

Timers are in the format “hh:mm:ss” and counters are 4 characters long hexadecimal numbers. The counter represents the number of times the torch has been fired since the last reset and the timer is how long the process was running since the last reset.



ICH Communication Errors

There are three possible communication errors:

500: Bad Checksum

The message was received but the checksum was incorrect. Wait one second and then retry. Another

500 will be transmitted after the one second is up.

501: Unknown Command

The command was received but the received command was not a recognized command.

502: Communication Not Allowed

Communication is not allowed because the Local/Remote toggle switch is set to local.

Toggle the Local/Remote switch to remote, and try again.

ICH Login Sequence

The login sequence should be in the following order:








Hello (000)

Version (001)

Get status (002)

Get errors (003)

Get Timers/Counters (125)

Check remote mode status (004)

Retrieve options (008)












0010168 010041

0020000 000032

00300000000 00000000B3

12500:00:00 0000 00:00:00 0000A0





ICH Communication Error Messages


IHS Timeout

Ignition Timeout

Arc Lost

Lifter Missing

Shield Gas Box


Plasma Gas Box


Power Supply


Water Injection

Module Missing

Plasma Gas 1 input pressure too high

Plasma Gas 1 input pressure too low

Plasma Gas 2 input pressure too high

Plasma Gas 2 input pressure too low


Check that there is a plate below the torch and within the stroke of the lifter.

Check the ICH display to see if the station is selected.

Check the lift amplifier in the lift box for a fault.

Call service if none of the above work.

Check that the power supply is turned on.

Check that the torch is within the specified distance to the plate.

Check that the pilot arc cable is attached, in the Remote Arc Starter box, to the pilot arc connection point and on the other end to the power supply’s pilot arc connection point.

Check that the electrode cables are connected to the block in the Remote Arc Starter box.

Check that the work cables are connected to the work piece, normally via a slat.

Check that the machine did not stall over a small hole or try to cut across a large hole (or off the edge of the plate).

Check that the input power to the power supply did not drop out.

Check that the lifter has the CAN cable connected and there are no empty plugs between the lifter’s CAN plug and CAN 1 on the Interface Control Hub.

If this setup has no lifter, then edit the constant, via the constant editing mode, to disable the lifter functions.

Call service if there seems to be no cabling issues.

Check for 230/115 VAC on the power plug of the Shield Gas Box.

Check that the Shield Gas Box has the CAN cable connected and there are no empty plugs between the Shield

Gas Box’s CAN plug and CAN 1 on the Interface Control Hub.

Call service if there seems to be no cabling issues.

Check for 24 VDC and 24 VAC on the power plug of the Plasma Gas Box.

Check that the Plasma Gas Box has the CAN cable connected and there are no empty plugs between the Plasma

Gas Box’s CAN plug and CAN 1 on the Interface Control Hub.

Call service if there seems to be no cabling issues.

Check that the Remote Arc Starter has the CAN cable connected and there are no empty plugs between the

Remote Arc Starter’s CAN plug and CAN 1 on the Interface Control Hub.

Call service if there seems to be no cabling issues.

Check that the Water Injection Box has the CAN cable connected and there are no empty plugs between the

Water Injection Box’s CAN plug and CAN 1 on the Interface Control Hub.

If this setup has no water injection box, then edit the constant, via the constant editing mode, to disable the water injection functions.

Call service if there seems to be no cabling issues.

Check the input gas regulator to insure the input pressure to the system is below 10 Bar (145 PSI).

If the input pressure has been verified to be below 10 Bar (145 PSI), then call service.

Check the input gas regulator to insure the input pressure to the system is above 4 Bar (60 PSI).

Check for a clogged inline filter.

Check for a gas leak or pinched hose between the regulator and the Plasma Gas Box.

If the input pressure has been verified to be above 4 Bar (60 PSI), then call service.

Check the input gas regulator to insure the input pressure to the system is below 10 Bar (145 PSI).

If the input pressure has been verified to be below 10 Bar (145 PSI), then call service.

Check the input gas regulator to insure the input pressure to the system is above 4 Bar (60 PSI).

Check for a clogged inline filter.

Check for a gas leak or pinched hose between the regulator and the Plasma Gas Box.

If the input pressure has been verified to be above 4 Bar (60 PSI), then call service.




Plasma Gas output pressure too high

Plasma Gas output pressure too low

Plasma Gas 2 Flow too high

Plasma Gas 2 Flow too low

Shield Gas 1 Flow too high

Shield Gas 1 Flow too low

Shield Gas 2 Flow too high

Shield Gas 2 Flow too low

Arc Voltage too high

Arc Voltage too low

Current too high

Current too low

Coolant Flow OK



Check for a pinched hose between the Plasma Gas Box and the torch.

Check consumables for correctness and damage.

Call Service.

Check for a leak in the hose between the Plasma Gas Box and the torch.

Check consumables for correctness and damage/wear.

Check input pressure to be at least 1 Bar (14.5 PSI) above command output pressure.

Call Service.

Check consumables for correctness and/or damage/wear.

Check for correct gas on the input lines to the plasma gas box and shield gas box.

Check for a leak in the hose between the Plasma Gas Box and the torch.

Call Service.

Check consumables for correctness and/or damage/wear.

Check for correct gas on the input lines to the plasma gas box and shield gas box.

Check for a pinched hose between the Plasma Gas Box and the torch.

Call Service.

Check consumables for correctness and/or damage/wear.

Check for correct gas on the input lines to the shield gas box.

Check for a leak in the hose between the Shield Gas Box and the torch.

Call Service.

Check consumables for correctness and/or damage/wear.

Check for correct gas on the input lines to the shield gas box.

Check for a pinched hose between the Shield Gas Box and the torch.

Call Service.

Check consumables for correctness and/or damage/wear.

Check for correct gas on the input lines to the shield gas box.

Check for a leak in the hose between the Shield Gas Box and the torch.

Call Service.

Check consumables for correctness and/or damage/wear.

Check for correct gas on the input lines to the shield gas box.

Check for a pinched hose between the Shield Gas Box and the torch.

Call Service.

Check that the torch did not just go over a hole in the plate.

Adjust the arc voltage calibration for errors between read voltage and actual voltage.

Check for a wavy plate.

Call Service.

Check for a damaged or missing VDR cable.

Adjust the arc voltage calibration for errors between read voltage and actual voltage.

Check for a wavy plate.

Call Service.

Check commanded current on the display on the power supply matches the desired current.

Call Service.

Check commanded current on the display on the power supply matches the desired current.

Call Service.

Check coolant level in the reservoir in the coolant circulator.

Call Service.

Check for damage to the torch consumables; replace damaged consumables with new ones.

Remove the obstacle(s) from the path of the torch.

Power Supply


Check the fault on the display panel of the power supply and follow instructions in the power supply’s manual.




Lifter Watchdog

Lifter Error

Plasma Gas Control Watchdog

Plasma Gas Control Error

Combined Gas

Control Watchdog

Combined Gas

Control Error

Remote Arc

Starter Watchdog

Remote Arc

Starter Error

Water Injection

Control Watchdog

Water Injection

Control Error

Sensor short on


Current Feedback, inside RAS, too high

Current Feedback, inside RAS, too low

Lower Limit



The Lifter’s control module has watchdogged.

Check the CAN cables for damage.

Make sure the terminating resistor is installed, if not, all 7 parts are in use.

Make sure the switch on the ICH is set to have the 120 Ohm resistor installed on the CANbus.

The Lifter’s control module has reported an error.

Check the ICH Error Log for exact error.

The Plasma Gas Control’s control module has watchdogged.

Check the CAN cables for damage.

Make sure the terminating resistor is installed, if not, all 7 parts are in use.

Make sure the switch on the ICH is set to have the 120 Ohm resistor installed on the CANbus.

The Plasma Gas Control’s control module has reported an error.

Check the ICH Error Log for exact error.

The Combined Gas Control’s control module has watchdogged.

Check the CAN cables for damage.

Make sure the terminating resistor is installed, if not, all 7 parts are in use.

Make sure the switch on the ICH is set to have the 120 Ohm resistor installed on the CANbus.

The Combined Gas Control’s control module has reported an error.

Check the ICH Error Log for exact error.

The Remote Arc Starter’s control module has watchdogged.

Check the CAN cables for damage.

Make sure the terminating resistor is installed, if not, all 7 parts are in use.

Make sure the switch on the ICH is set to have the 120 Ohm resistor installed on the CANbus.

The Remote Arc Starter’s control module has reported an error.

Check the ICH Error Log for exact error.

The Water Injection Control’s control module has watchdogged.

Check the CAN cables for damage.

Make sure the terminating resistor is installed, if not, all 7 parts are in use.

Make sure the switch on the ICH is set to have the 120 Ohm resistor installed on the CANbus.

The Water Injection Control’s control module has reported an error.

Check the ICH Error Log for exact error.

The Lifter has a sensor short.

Check the crash sensor for proper operation and adjust as needed.

The current feedback, inside the RAS box, is too high.

Check the 24 pin cable to the power supply for a short.

Verify the command to the power supply is greater than 10 volts.

The current feedback, inside the RAS box, is too low.

Check the 24 pin cable to the power supply for a short.

The lower limit switch was tripped on the lifter.

Shield Gas Control


Shield Gas Control


The Shield Gas Control’s control module has watchdogged.

Check the CAN cables for damage.

Make sure the terminating resistor is installed, if not, all 7 parts are in use.

Make sure the switch on the ICH is set to have the 120 Ohm resistor installed on the CANbus.

The Shield Gas Control’s control module has reported an error.

Check the ICH Error Log for exact error.



ICH Parameter Loading

The sequence for loading a whole parameter set.

1. Parameter type (006)

2. Gas select (096)

3. Gas pressure and flows (078)

4. Current (058)

5. Corner current (070)

6. Timers (095)

7. Heights (087) (if lifter exists)

The sequence for loading a single parameter is to send the parameter type command (006) and then the command for the parameter to be updated (with all the fields populated with the updated values). One marking and one cutting parameter set is the maximum the ICH will store. The parameters are only stored until the next power cycle of the Interface Control Hub.

Example :

The following example is for loading the parameters to mark and cut a 6 mm (~0.250”) plate with 200 Amps and only air for the gas when cutting.





0960807 0961D0

07800000 00000 02000 03030 04270 04270 00000 0000021 0781D0

0580100 0200 0100 002003


09500600 00600 00350 00000 01000 00100F4

08704000 03200 10000 00143 00600017









07802760 02760 00000 00000 02000 02000 00000 0000021 0781D0

0580012 0014 0014 00200C 0581CE


09500100 00100 00350 00000 01000 00000E9

08704000 04100 04000 00070 0250001A






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