COMParator Subsystem Commands. Sourcetronic ST2516

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COMParator Subsystem Commands. Sourcetronic ST2516 | Manualzz

ST2516 Series Operation Manual


COMParator Subsystem Commands

COMParator subsystem commands are used to set the compare function of the insturment, including the setup of comparator switch, beeper mode, limit mode and other compare parameters.

Command Tree:

The :COMParator[:STATe] command sets the state of instrument comparator function.

The :COMParator[:STATe]? query returns to the current comparator state.

Command syntax:

:COMParator[:STATe] <ON(1) or OFF(0)>

For example, WrtCmd(“:COMP:STAT ON”); Set the comparator function of the instrument as


Query Syntax: :COMParator:STATe?

Return format: <NR1><NL^END>

<NR1> = 1 or 0

1: the current comparator function of the instrument is “ON”

0: the current comparator function of the instrument is “OFF”

The :COMParator:BEEPer command sets the comparator beeper mode of the instrument.

The :COMParator:BEEPer? query returns to the current beeper mode.

Command syntax:

:COMParator:BEEPer <OFF, HL or IN>

Where, OFF : the comparator beeper function is “OFF”

HL : it beeps when the comparative result is not qualified


ST2516 Series Operation Manual

IN : it beeps when the comparative result is qualified

For example, WrtCmd(“:COMP:BEEP IN”); Set the comparator beeper mode as IN.

Query Syntax: :COMParator:BEEPer?

Return format: <OFF, HL or IN><NL^END>

The :COMParator:MODE command sets the comparator limit mode of the instrument.

The :COMParator:MODE? query returns to the current limit mode.

Command syntax:

COMParator:MODE < ATOLerance or PTOLerance >

Where, ATOLerance : set the limit mode of the instrument as absolute tolerance mode

PTOLerance : set the limit mode of the instrument as proportional tolerance mode

For example, WrtCmd(“COMP:MODE ATOL”); Set the limit mode of the instrument as absolute tolerance mode.

Query Syntax: COMParator:MODE?

Return format: <ATOL or PTOL><NL^END>

The :COMParator:UPPer command sets the upper threshold of the instrument comparator function.

The :COMParator:UPPer? query returns to the current upper threshold.

Command syntax:


COMParator:UPPer < Upper threshold >

< Upper threshold > = 0 to 2.2E+6 (NR3) the upper threshold of the comparator function unit: “Ω”

For example, WrtCmd(“COMP:UPP 2000”); Set the the upper threshold of the instrument compara tor function as 2000Ω.

NOTE: The upper threshold must be greater than or equal to the lower threshold.

Query Syntax: COMParator:UPPer?

Return format: the format and unit of < Upper threshold ><NL^END> are the same as above.

The :COMParator:LOWer command sets the lower threshold of the instrument comparator function.

The :COMParator: LOWer? query returns to the current lower threshold.

Command syntax:

COMParator: LOWer< Lower threshold >


< Lower threshold > = 0 to 2.2E+6 (NR3) the lower threshold of the comparator function unit: “Ω”

For example: WrtCmd(“COMP:LOW 1800”); Set the the lower threshold of the instrument comparator function as 18 00Ω.

NOTE: The lower threshold must be less than or equal to the upper threshold.


ST2516 Series Operation Manual

Query Syntax: COMParator: LOWer?

Return format: the format and unit of < Lower threshold ><NL^END> are the same as above.

The :COMParator:REFerence command sets the reference resistance of the instrument comparator function.

The :COMParator:REFerence? query returns to the current reference resistance.

Command syntax:

COMParator: REFerence<Reference Resistance>


< Reference Resistance > = 0 to 2.2E+6 (NR3) the reference resistance of the comparator functio n unit: ” Ω”

For example: WrtCmd(“COMP:REF 20E+3”); Set the reference resistance of the instrument comparator fun ction as 20kΩ.

Query Syntax: COMParator: REFerence?

Return format: the format and unit of < Reference Resistance ><NL^END> are the same as above.

The :COMParator:PERCent command sets the tolerance of the instrument comparator function.

The :COMParator:PERCent? query returns to the current tolerance.

Command syntax:


Where, < Tolerance(%) > = 0 to 99.999 (NR2) the tolerance of the comparator function unit: ”%”

For example: WrtCmd(“COMP:PERC 10”); Set the tolerance of the instrument comparator function as 10%.

Query Syntax: COMParator: PERCent?

Return format: the format and unit of < Tolerance(%) ><NL^END> are the same as above.

The :COMParator:RESult command querys the last comparator result of the instrument.

Query Syntax: COMParator: RESult?

Return format: < HI, IN, LO, OFF or ERR> <NL^END>


HI: it indicates that the measurement result is greater than the upper boundary of the comparator

IN: it indicates that the measurement result is between the upper and lower boundary of the comparator

LO: it indicates that the measurement result is less than the lower boundary of the instrument

OFF: it indicates that the comparator function is “OFF”

ERR: it indicates that the comparator function is “ON”, but there exists the measurement error.



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