System Functions. Bosch Solution 2000, SOLUTION 3000

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System Functions. Bosch Solution 2000, SOLUTION 3000 | Manualzz

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System Functions

This section explains more advanced features, such as Installer Code, Master Code, and holddown functions that are required for testing and regular maintenance of the system.

Operations described in this chapter are based on use with the IUI–SOL–ICON codepad. For the IUI-SOL-TEXT codepad, follow the prompts on the codepad display.

Installer Code Functions

Installer Code functions allow the installer to perform various system tests and tasks without knowing a Master Code.

To access the required Installer Code function, enter the Installer Code and corresponding function digit, and press [AWAY]. The Installer Code functions are listed in the table Installer

Code Functions below. You can access these functions only when the system is disarmed.

Installer Code Functions

Function Description




Add/delete RF wireless devices / keyfobs / repeaters

Set the number of days until the first Test Report

Change domestic telephone numbers




Change the Telco arm/disarm sequence

Set bypass zones for STAY Mode 2

Turn report monitor mode on and off




Walk test mode

Event memory recall mode

AWAY arm/disarm

Add or Delete RF Wireless Devices


The Solution 2000 control panel does not support wireless devices.

The Solution 3000 control panel can accept up to 16 wireless devices on the system. It is possible to enroll wireless PIRs, reed switches, and smoke detectors to the control panel. This control panel supports the following RF sensors:




– RFPR-12

– RFPR-C12

– RFDL-11




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Installation Guide 2017.10 | 03 | F.01U.298.026


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Control Panel

You can allocate only one wireless device to each zone.

To program an RF wireless device:


Use the installer code to configure the RF receiver as RADION receiver (address = 395).

Save the changes and Exit programming mode.


Enter the Installer Code and press [0][AWAY]. Two beeps sound and the STAY and AWAY indicators flash.


Enter the RF device number (1 to 16) you want to change and press [AWAY]. Two beeps sound and the corresponding codepad indicator lights to show the RF device number you selected.


There are two ways to enter the RFID:

– Enter the nine-digit RFID number found on the back of the RF device and press

[AWAY]. Two beeps sound. The control panel will sound one error beep and exit if the wrong check-sum or a duplicated RFID number is entered.

– Press [STAY] to switch into auto-learn mode. Note that all the codepad indicators

(1~16) flash on the icon codepad. Trigger the wireless device. The control panel will sound 3 beeps and learn the RFID. The last digit of the RFID number is displayed on the codepad. Press [AWAY] to confirm. If the zone has already been used in the system, the panel will ignore this RFID.


Press [AWAY] to accept the default value for the zone input option, or enter a different zone input option value (0~15) and press [AWAY] to finish this function and reset the control panel.


The user can press [STAY] to cancel the wireless zone enrollment at any step except during the delete process. The codepad sounds one error beep, cancels the enrollment, and exits.


To add RF wireless device number 3 whose 9- digit ID number is 000094946, enter [1 2 3 4 0]

[AWAY][3][AWAY] [0 0 0 0 9 4 9 4 6][AWAY][AWAY].

To delete an RF wireless device:


Enter the Installer Code and press [0][AWAY]. Two beeps sound and the STAY and AWAY indicators flash.


Enter the RF device number (1 to 16) you want to delete and press [AWAY]. Two beeps sound and the corresponding codepad indicators light to show the RF device number you selected.


Press [STAY] to delete the RF device. The STAY and AWAY indicators are extinguished.


Repeat steps 1 to 3 to delete another RF wireless device.

Add/Delete RF Repeater


Solution 2000 does not support RF repeaters.

For Solution 3000 , set RF receiver as RADION Receiver B810.

Add RF Repeater


Enter the Installer Code, followed by [0] and the [#] key (for example, [12340#]).


Enter the point ID of RADION Repeater (822 to 829) you want to add (822 = 1,823 = 2, etc.), followed by the [#] key. Repeater number (1 to 8) displays on the ICON codepad.


Use manual mode or auto mode to configure Repeater RFID.

– In manual mode, enter the 9-digit RF Repeater ID number, followed by the [#] key.

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– Or press [#] key to switch into auto mode. When icon numbers (1 to 16) flash, tamper the RF Repeater. The panel learns the RF Repeater ID number and the last digit of RFID number displays on the codepad. Press [#] key to confirm.


Enter [#] key to confirm the operation, or enter [*] to cancel.

Delete RF Repeater


Enter the Installer Code, followed by [0] and the [#] key.


Enter the point ID of RADION Repeater (822 to 829) you want to delete, followed by the

[#] key.


Press the [*] key to delete the RF Repeater.


To delete existing RF Repeater 8: Enter your installer code and press [0] [#] [8] [2] [9] [#] [*].

Add/Delete RF Keyfob


Use Master Code to add/delete the RF keyfobs.

More than 3 heading levels are not supported! Using an ICON codepad

Add WE800EV2 Keyfob


Learn all WE800EV2 keyfobs via WE800EV2 receiver Learn/Delete button before adding the

WE800EV2 keyfobs to the system. Refer WE800EV2 manual for learn/delete fobs.


Set RF receiver as WE800EV2 Receiver (Value 2 in Location 395).


Enter the Master Code, followed by [1] and the [#] key (for example, [25801#]).


Enter the WE800EV2 keyfob number (301 to 332) you want to add (301 = keyfob 1, 302 = keyfob2, etc.), followed by the [#] key. Up to 21 WE800EV2 keyfobs can be added, but only current keyfob number (1 to 16) displays through zone indicators on the ICON codepad.


The user number will display on the codepad. Press [#] to continue.


When icon numbers (1 to 16) flash, press button 1 or 2 of the keyfob. The panel learns the WE800EV2 Keyfob ID number and the last digit of RFID number displays on the codepad. Press [#] key to confirm.


Enter [#] key to confirm the operation, or press [*] to cancel.

Delete WE800EV2 Keyfob


Enter the Master Code, followed by [1] and the [#] key.


Enter the WE800EV2 keyfob number (301 to 332) you want to delete, followed by the [#] key.


Press the [*] key to delete the WE800EV2 Keyfob.

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Add RADION Keyfob


Solution 2000 does not support RADION keyfobs.

Set RF receiver as RADION Receiver B810 (Value 1 in Location 395).


Enter the Master Code, followed by [1] and the [#] key (for example, [25801#]).


Enter the RADION keyfob number (301 to 332) you want to add (301 = keyfob 1, 302 = keyfob2, etc.), followed by the [#] key. Up to 32 RADION keyfobs can be added, but only current keyfob number (1 to 16) displays through zone indicators on the ICON codepad.


Use manual mode or auto mode to configure RADION keyfob RFID.

– In manual mode, enter the 9-digit RF device ID number, followed by the [#] key.

– Or press [#] key to switch into auto mode. When icon numbers (1 to 16) flash, press button 1 or 2 of the keyfob. The panel learns the RADION Keyfob ID number and the last digit of RFID number displays on the codepad. Press [#] key to confirm.


Enter [#] key to confirm the operation, or press [*] to cancel.

Delete RADION Keyfob


Enter the Master Code, followed by [1] and the [#] key.


Enter the RADION keyfob number (301 to 332) you want to delete, followed by the [#] key.


Press the [*] key to delete the RADION Keyfob.


To delete existing RADION keyfob 1: Enter your Master Code and press [1] [#] [3] [0] [1] [#]


More than 3 heading levels are not supported! Using an Alphanumeric codepad


Set RF receiver as WE800EV2 or RADION receiver through the menu [3][5][1].

Add the Keyfob


Enter the Master Code, followed by [1] and the [#] key (for example, [25801#]).


Choose a user number then press the [#] key.


Choose keyfob then press the [#] key.


Keyfob RFID displays. The letter "M" appears in the top right corner of the display indicating it is in manual mode.

– In manual mode, enter the 9-digit RADION keyfob RFID, followed by the [#] key.

– Or press [*] key to switch into auto mode to configure RADION or RE012EU keyfobs.

The letter ‘A’ should appear in the top right corner of the display indicating it is in automatic mode. Hold button 1 or 2 of the keyfob till codepad displays RFID number.

Press [#] key to confirm.


Enter [#] key to confirm the operation, or press [*] to cancel.


Press menu [-] to exit.

Delete the keyfob


Enter the Master Code, followed by [1] and the [#] key.


Choose a user number then press the [#] key.


Choose keyfob then press the [#] key.


Press the [*] key to blank the RFID and then press the [#] to accept.

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Installation Guide Bosch Security Systems, Inc.

Control Panel



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Press menu [-] to exit.

Set the Number of Days until the First Test Report

This function determines when the system sends the first Test Report (Contact ID Event Code

602). If you do not use this Installer Code function, the first Test Report is sent to the base

station receiver after the repeat interval programmed in Location 434 (refer to Test Reporting

Time, page 112). If you want the system to send the first Test Report sooner than the repeat

interval, use this function to set when the first Test Report is sent.

To set the first Test Report:


Enter the Installer Code and press [1][AWAY]. Three beeps sound and the STAY and

AWAY indicators flash.


Enter the number of days (1 to 15) and press [AWAY]. Two beeps sound and the STAY and AWAY indicators are extinguished. The system returns to the disarmed state.

Change Domestic Phone Numbers

When the system is set up for domestic dialing, this function allows the installer to view and

program the telephone numbers the system calls if an alarm occurs. Refer to Domestic Dialing,

page 79 for more information.

To change domestic phone numbers:


Enter your passcode and press [2][AWAY]. Three beeps sound and the STAY and AWAY indicators flash. There are 8 telephone number locations. Numbers 1 and 2 are for receiver 1. Numbers 3 and 4 are for receiver 2. Numbers 5 and 6 are for receiver 3.

Numbers 7 and 8 are for receiver 4.


Press the sequence number to view and set/modify the corresponding telephone number.

– If telephone numbers are programmed, they are displayed one digit at a time using the remote codepad indicators. Refer to the table Domestic Dialing Digits below for the indicators and their meanings.

– If no telephone numbers are programmed, [15] is displayed and an additional two beeps sound after entering this mode. These two beeps normally sound after you enter the last digit of the last phone number.


Enter the digits for the phone number. Each digit is displayed as you enter it.


Press the [AWAY] to save and exit from this mode.


Repeat steps 1 - 4 to program another phone number.




Digit Required



Number to Program Digit Required










7 7

Table 7.1: Domestic Dialing Telephone Digits





4-sec Pause


* 3

* 5

* 1

* 2

Number to Program



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Control Panel


To program telephone numbers (96721777-primary and 96721233-backup) for receiver 1, enter the following sequence:

[1234 2][AWAY][1][AWAY][9 6 7 2 1 7 7 7][AWAY][2 5 8 0 2][AWAY][2][AWAY] [4 9 6 7 21 2 3


You can cancel domestic dialing at any time (for example, you are moving and do not want the system to continue calling your work place or mobile phone).

To disable domestic dialing:

Enter your Master Code and press [2][AWAY] [1][STAY][5][AWAY]. Once the primary number is disabled, the secondary number will be unavailable also.

Change Telco Arm/Disarm Sequence

This feature allows you to program the telco arm sequence and telco disarm sequence. This feature is available only if your telecommunication provider has the call forward option

available. Refer to Telco Arming Sequence, page 73 and Telco Disarming Sequence, page 74

for more information.

Telco Arm Sequence

This allows you to program the Call Forward – Immediate On sequence or Call Forward – No

Answer sequence that automatically operates when you arm the system in the AWAY Mode.


The examples provided for this feature apply only to Australia.

Call Forward – Immediate On

You can redirect calls to anywhere in Australia, including mobiles and answering services.

When this Call Forward option is turned on, the telephone to which the control panel is connected does not ring.

Call Forward – No Answer

If your telephone is not answered within 20 sec, this feature redirects the incoming call to another number anywhere in Australia. You can still make outgoing calls.

Telco Disarming Sequence

This option allows you to automatically disable the call forward sequence when you disarm the system.




Digit Required






Table 7.2: Dialing Digits

Number to Program Digit Required













4-sec Pause


Number to Program



* 1

* 2

* 3

* 5

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To program the telco arming sequence:


Enter your passcode and press [3][AWAY]. Three beeps sound and the STAY and AWAY indicators flash.


Press [1][AWAY] to change the telco arming sequence. Three beeps sound.

– If a call forward sequence is already programmed, the sequence is displayed one digit at a time using the codepad indicators. Refer to the table Telco Arm/Disarm Digits above for the indicators and their meanings.

– If no call forward sequence is programmed, an additional two beeps sound after entering this mode. These two beeps normally sound after the last digit of the call forward sequence is displayed.


Enter the desired call forward sequence. For example, program [* 6 1][phone number][#] for the call forward – no answer sequence, or [* 2 1][phone number][#] for the call forward – immediate sequence.


When you program a * in the telco arm sequence, enter [STAY][1]. When you program the # in the telco arm sequence, enter [STAY][2].



Press [STAY][2][AWAY]. Two beeps sound and the system returns to the disarmed state.


If you want to automatically divert all unanswered incoming calls to another telephone number

(for example, 9672 1777) when the system is armed in AWAY Mode, enter:

[1234 3][AWAY][1][AWAY][STAY]

[1 6 1 9 6 7 2 1 7 7 7][STAY][2][AWAY]

You can suspend the telco arming sequence at any time. To disable the telco arming


Enter your passcode and press [3][AWAY][1] [AWAY][STAY][5][AWAY].

To program the telco disarming sequence:


Enter your passcode and press [3][AWAY]. Three beeps sound and the STAY and AWAY indicators flash.


Press [2][AWAY] to change the telco disarming sequence. Three beeps sound.

If a telco disarming sequence is already programmed, the sequence is displayed one digit at a time using the codepad indicators. Refer to the Telco Arm/Disarm Dialing Digits table above for the indicators and their meanings.

If no telco disarming sequence is programmed, an additional two beeps sound after entering this mode. These two beeps normally sound after the last digit of the sequence is displayed.


Enter the desired call forward disable sequence. For example, program [# 6 1 #] to disable the call forward – no answer sequence, or [# 2 1 #] to disable the call forward – immediate sequence.


Press [AWAY]. Two beeps sound and the system returns to the disarmed state.

You can suspend the telco disarming sequence at any time. To disable the telco disarming


Enter your Installer Code and press [3][AWAY][2] [AWAY][STAY][5][AWAY].

Setting STAY Mode 2 Bypass Zones

This function allows the installer to select the zones that are automatically isolated when the system is armed in STAY Mode 2.

To arm the system in STAY Mode 2, press and hold [0] until two beeps sound. Refer to Arming

the system from STAY Mode 2, page 33 for more information.

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To set STAY Mode 2 zones:


Enter the passcode and press [4][AWAY]. Three beeps sound and the STAY indicator flashes.


Enter the number of the zone you want to automatically isolate and press [STAY]. The corresponding zone indicator flashes.


Repeat step 2 for each zone you want to select.


As each zone is selected to be isolated, the corresponding zone indicator flashes. If you make a mistake, enter the incorrect zone number and press [STAY]. This zone is no longer selected to be isolated and the zone indicator is extinguished.

This function does not work on a partitioned control panel system.


Press [AWAY]. Two beeps sound and the system returns to the disarmed state. The indicators for the zones you selected and the STAY indicator are extinguished.


If you want to select zones 2, 5, and 6, enter:

[1 2 3 4 4][AWAY][2][STAY][5][STAY][6][STAY] [AWAY]

You can disable selected zones to be automatically isolated for STAY Mode 2 at any time.

To disable STAY Mode 2 zones:

Enter your passcode and press [4][AWAY] [AWAY].

Turning Report Monitor Mode On and Off

Report Monitor Mode allows you to use the codepad for visual representation of data transmissions between the control panel and the base station receiver. The transmission sequence is also shown in this mode.

The codepad beeps once every two sec when Report Monitor Mode is active, whether the system is in Installer’s Programming Mode or normal operating mode. The first five indicators on the ICON codepad show the progressive steps during a transmission to the base station receiver for Receiver 1 and 3, Indicator 9-13 for Receiver 2 and 4.

After you activate Report Monitor Mode, hold down [9] until two beeps sound to initiate a

Test Report.

Report Monitor Mode Indications

Zone indicator

1, 9

2, 10

3, 11

Dialing event

Telephone line seized

Dialing phone number / Network connect

Handshake received

4, 12

5, 13

Data is being transmitted

Kiss-off received

None Telephone line / Network released / idle

Zone Indicator 1-5 for Receiver 1 and 3, Zone Indicator 9-13 for Receiver 2 and 4.

To turn Report Monitor Mode on:


Enter the Installer Code and press [6][AWAY]. Three beeps sound.


Zone indicators turn on to indicate report events for receiver 1 and 2.

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Press [AWAY] to shift the zone indicators to indicating report events for receiver 3 and 4.

Press [STAY] to switch back to receiver 1 and 2.


Press and hold [9] until two beeps sound. A Test Report is sent.

To turn Report Monitor Mode off:

Enter the Installer Code and press [6][AWAY]. Two beeps sound.


You must exit from Report Monitor Mode to resume normal operations.

Walk Test Mode

Walk Test Mode allows you to test detection devices to ensure they are functioning correctly.

Before activating Walk Test Mode, isolate any zones that are not required for testing. Refer to

Isolating zones, page 35 for more information.

To enter Walk Test Mode:


Enter the passcode and press [7][AWAY]. Three beeps sound and the STAY and AWAY indicators flash. The codepad beeps once per sec when Walk Test Mode is active.


Unseal and seal the zones to be tested. The codepad sounds one long beep and the horn speaker sounds one short beep each time a zone is sealed or unsealed.


Press [AWAY] to exit from this function. Two beeps sound and the STAY and AWAY indicators are extinguished. The system returns to the disarmed state.

Event Memory Recall Mode

This function allows you to play back the last 256 system events that occurred. Event Memory

Recall Mode reports all alarms and each arming or disarming of the system , on Text LCD

Codepad, it can also helps with troubleshooting system faults. The events are displayed using the codepad indicators.

To enter Event Memory Recall Mode:

Enter the Installer Code and press [8][AWAY]. Three beeps sound. The events are played back by the codepad indicators in reverse chronological order.


If the events occurred in the following order:

Sequence Event

1 System armed in AWAY Mode

2 Alarm in Zone 3



Alarm in Zone 4

System disarmed

5 System armed in STAY Mode

The alarm memory plays back in this order:

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Indicator On Event

Stay armed by User 2

2 , ,

2 Disarmed by User 1

1 ,

3 Alarm in Zone 4

4 ,

4 Alarm in Zone 3

3 ,

5 AWAY armed by User 2

2 , ,

Each event is indicated by a beep every 2 second and a lit indicator. You can also press [STAY] key to review the previous event.

After the last event, three beeps sound to indicate the end of playback. You can stop the replay at any time by pressing [AWAY].

When working with a text codepad, the events are played back automatically after entered event memory recall mode. And you can also page up or page down manually to review the events. You can stop the replay at any time by pressing [AWAY].


If the system is armed in STAY Mode 1 or STAY Mode 2, the STAY indicator shows the event memory playback. There is no differentiation between STAY Mode 1 and STAY Mode 2.

If the control panel is powered down, the memory of all events is saved.

AWAY/STAY 1 Arm/Disarm

This function allows you to arm/disarm the system in AWAY mode or in STAY 1 mode with the installer code.

To arm the system in AWAY mode:


Enter the Installer Code and press [9][AWAY].


Two beeps sound, the AWAY indicator lights, and Exit Time starts.

To disarm the system from AWAY Mode:


Enter the Installer Code and press [9][AWAY].


Two beeps sound and the AWAY indicator is extinguished.

To arm the system in STAY Mode 1:


Enter the Installer Code and press [9][STAY].


Two beeps sound and the STAY indicator is lit. Exit Time starts.

To disarm the system from STAY Mode 1:


Enter the Installer Code and press [9][STAY].


Two beeps sound and the STAY indicator is extinguished. The system is now disarmed.

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Master Code Functions

Master Code functions allow those users that have the appropriate priority level to perform certain supervisory level functions. You can use these functions only when the system is disarmed.


The default Master Code (User Code 1) is 2580. It is possible to program multiple Master

Codes. Refer to User Code Priority, page 89 for more information.

To access a Master Code function, enter the Master Code and press the corresponding function digit and the [AWAY] button. Except the Master Code functions listed in the table below, Master Code functions also allows the users to arm or disarm single area.









Arm or disarm both areas at the same time

Add, change and delete user codes / remote radio user codes (RF keyfobs)

Change domestic phone numbers

Change Telco arm/disarm sequence

Set bypass zones for STAY Mode 2

Turn outputs on and off



Set the date and time

Walk test mode



Event memory recall mode

System reset

Table 7.3: Master Code Functions

Arm or Disarm both Areas at the Same Time

This Master Code function only operates with partitioned control panel systems and allows

Master Codes allocated to both Area 1 and Area 2 to arm or disarm both areas at the same time.

This feature allows a Master Code holder to arm or disarm the system by pressing one extra button rather than entering a code twice. You can use any area codepad by a User Code assigned to both areas with this function. To enable this feature, select Option 2 in Location

501 (refer to Partitioning Options 2, page 144).

To arm or disarm both areas at the same time:

Enter your Master Code and press [0][AWAY]. Two beeps sound and both areas are armed or disarmed from AWAY Mode.

Arm or Disarm Single Area

This Master Code function allows to arm or disarm single area with any codepad.

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How to arm Area 1 or Area 2 in AWAY Mode

Enter your user code followed by [0][1] and the [#] button ( for example, [258001#]) to arm

Area 1; or enter your user code followed by [0][2] and the [#] button ( for example,

[258002#]) to arm Area 2. Two beeps sound and the AWAY indicator displays. Exit Time starts counting.

How to disarm Area 1 or Area 2 in AWAY Mode

Enter your user code followed by [0][1] and the [#] button ( for example, [258001#]) to disarm Area 1; or enter your user code followed by [0][2] and the [#] button ( for example,

[258002#]) to disarm Area 2. Two beeps sound and the AWAY indicator extinguishes.

How to arm Area 1 or Area 2 in STAY Mode 1

Enter your user code followed by [0][1] and the [*] button ( for example, [258001*]) to arm

Area 1; or enter your user code followed by [0][2] and the [*] button ( for example,

[258002*]) to arm Area 2. Two beeps sound and the STAY indicator displays. Exit Time starts counting.

How to disarm Area 1 or Area 2 in STAY Mode 1

Enter your user code followed by [0][1] and the [*] button ( for example, [258001*]) to disarm Area 1; or enter your user code followed by [0][2] and the [*] button ( for example,

[258002*]) to disarm Area 2. Two beeps sound and the STAY indicator extinguishes.

Changing and Deleting User Codes

This function allows a Master Code holder to change or delete a User Code.

When using a partitioned Control Panel, the Master Code holder cannot add, change, or delete

User Codes unless the User Code is allocated to the same area as the Master Code. Refer to

User Code Priority, page 89 for more information.

To change a User Code:


Enter your Master Code and press [1][AWAY]. Three beeps sound and the STAY and

AWAY indicators flash.


Enter the number of the code (1 to 32) you want to change and press [AWAY]. Two beeps sound and the corresponding zone indicator lights.


Enter the new code and press [AWAY]. Two beeps sound and the STAY and AWAY indicators are extinguished.


Repeat this procedure to change other User Codes.


One long beep indicates that the code already exists or you entered an incorrect user number.


To program User Code number 2 as 4627, enter: [2 5 8 0 1][AWAY][2][AWAY][4 6 2 7][AWAY]

To delete a User Code:


Enter your Master Code and press [1][AWAY]. Three beeps sound and the STAY and

AWAY indicators flash.


Enter the number of the code (1 to 32) you want to delete and press [AWAY]. Two beeps sound and the corresponding zone indicator lights.


Press [STAY] to delete the User Code. Two beeps sound and the STAY and AWAY indicators are extinguished.


Repeat this procedure to delete other User Codes.


To delete User Code number 3, enter: [2 5 8 0 1][AWAY][3][AWAY][STAY]

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Adding Remote Radio User Codes

This function allows a Master Code holder to add a remote radio User Code ( RF keyfob).

To Add a WE800EV2 Keyfob

Set RF receiver as WE800EV2 Receiver. Confirm that the keyfob has been added to the

WE800EV2 receiver. Refer to WE800EV2 receiver, page 18 – Add/delete keyfobs.


Enter your Master Code, followed by [1] and the [#] button (for example, [25801#]).


Enter the WE800EV2 keyfob number (301 to 332) you want to add, followed by the [#] button. Up to 21 WE800EV2 keyfobs can be added, but only current keyfob number (1 to

16 ) displays through zone indicators on the ICON codepad.


Only use auto-learn mode to configure keyfob RFID. Press [*] button to switch into autolearn mode. When icon numbers (1 to 16) flash, press button 1 or 2 of the keyfob. The control panel learns the WE800EV2 keyfob ID number and the last digit of RFID number displays on the codepad. Press [#] button to confirm.


Enter [#] button to confirm the operation, or press [*] to cancel.

To Add a RADION keyfob

Set RF receiver as RADION Receiver.


Enter your Master Code, followed by [1] and the [#] button (for example, [25801#]).


Enter the RADION keyfob number (301 to 332) you want to add, followed by the [#] button. Up to 32 RADION keyfobs can be added, but only current keyfob number (1 to

16 ) displays through zone indicators on the ICON codepad.


Use manual mode or auto-learn mode to configure the RADION keyfob RFID.

– In manual mode, enter the 9-digit RF device ID number followed by [#], or press [*] to switch into auto-learn mode. When icon numbers (1 to 16) flash, press the 1 or 2 button on the keyfob. The control panel learns the RADION keyfob ID number and the last digit of RFID number displays on the codepad. Press [#] to confirm.


Press [#] to confirm the operation, or press [*] to cancel.

Deleting User/Radio Codes

Only the Master Code holder can delete other system user codes.

To Delete a User Code


Enter your Master Code, followed by [1] and the [#] button (for example,

[25801#]).Three beeps sound and the STAY and AWAY indicators flash.


Enter the user code number (1 to 32), followed by the [#] button (for example, [2#] =

User 2, [16#] = User 16). Two beeps sound and the selected user number displays on the codepad indicators.


Press the [*] button to delete the selected User Code. Two beeps are heard and the STAY and AWAY indicators turn off.


To delete other User Codes, repeat this procedure as many times as required.

To Delete a WE800EV2 Keyfob


Enter your Master Code, followed by [1] and the [#] button.


Enter the WE800EV2 keyfob number (301 to 332) you want to delete, followed by the [#] button.


Press the [*] button to delete the WE800EV2 Keyfob.

To Delete a RADION Keyfob


Enter your Master Code, followed by [1] and the [#] button.

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Enter the RADION keyfob number (301 to 332) you want to delete, followed by the [#] button.


Press the [*] button to delete the RADION Keyfob.

Change Domestic Phone Numbers

See also

Change Domestic Phone Numbers, page 45

Change Telco Arm/Disarm Sequence

See also

Change Telco Arm/Disarm Sequence, page 46

Setting STAY Mode 2 Bypass Zone

See also

Setting STAY Mode 2 Bypass Zones, page 47

Turning Outputs On and Off

If an output is programmed for remote operation, you can turn the remote output on or off using this Master Code function or remotely using the A-Link Software or smartphone application (RSC).

To use this Master Code function, you must program one or more of the outputs with these

Output Event Types, refer to Output Event Types, page 123.

Remote control output 1 = Output Event Type 2,8

Remote control output 2 = Output Event Type 2,9

Remote control output 3 = Output Event Type 2,10

Remote control output 4 = Output Event Type 6,2

Remote control output 5 = Output Event Type 6,3


Remote control output 22 = Output Event Type 7,4

To turn an output on from the codepad:


Enter your Master Code and press [5][AWAY]. Three beeps sound and the STAY and

AWAY indicators flash.


Enter the number of the output (1 to 22) and press [AWAY]. Three beeps sound and the output turns on.


Repeat Step2 to turn on another output.


Press [AWAY] to exit from this function. Two beeps sound and the STAY and AWAY indicators are extinguished.


If Output 2 is programmed as 2,9,1,0,0,0 in Locations 442 to 447, the Master Code holder can turn on this output by entering:

[2 5 8 0 5][AWAY][2][AWAY][AWAY]

To turn an output off from the remote codepad:


Enter your Master Code and press [5][AWAY]. Three beeps sound and the STAY and

AWAY indicators flash.


Enter the number of the output (1 to 20) and press [STAY]. Two beeps sound and the output turns off.


Repeat Step2 to turn off another output.

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Installation Guide Bosch Security Systems, Inc.

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Press [AWAY] button to exit from this function. Two beeps sound and the STAY and AWAY indicators are extinguished.


If Output 2 is programmed as 2,9,1,0,0,0 in Locations 442 to 447, the Master Code holder can turn off this output by entering:

[2 5 8 0 5][AWAY][2][STAY][AWAY]

Setting the Date and Time

Use this function when the date and time must be changed or if the system was powered down.

If the date and time is not set, the date and time fault appears only when the Auto Arming

Time is programmed in Locations 482 to 485 ( refer to Auto Arming Time, page 137), or when

you enter Fault Analysis Mode by holding down [5].

To set the new date and time:


Enter your Master Code and press [6][AWAY]. Three beeps sound and the STAY and

AWAY indicators flash.


Enter the day, month, year, hour, and minute in DD, MM, YY, HH, MM format (where DD is the day of the month, MM is the month of the year, YY is the year, HH is the hour of the day, and MM is the minute of the day) and press [AWAY].

Use 24:00 hour format when programming the hour of the day. Two beeps sound and the

STAY and AWAY indicators are extinguished. If a long beep sounds, an error occurred when you entered the date and time.


To set the date and time for 1st January 2014 at 10:30 PM, enter:

[2 5 8 0 6][AWAY][0 1 0 1 1 4 2 2 3 0][AWAY]

Walk Test Mode

See also

Walk Test Mode, page 49

Event Memory Recall Mode

See also

Event Memory Recall Mode, page 49

System reset

Use this Master Code Function to reset the system manually.

To reset the system:

Enter your Master Code and press [9][9][8][9][AWAY]. Two beeps sound and the system is reset.

If the control panel powers up after it is powered down, the system resets automatically.

User Code Functions

See also

Partitioning, page 144

Arm or Disarm both Areas at the Same Time

This User Code function operates only with partitioned systems and allows User Codes allocated to both Area 1 and Area 2 to arm or disarm both areas at the same time.

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Control Panel

This feature allows a user assigned to both areas to arm or disarm the system by pressing one extra button on a partitioned codepad rather than entering a code on each partitioned

codepad. To enable this feature, select Option 2 in Location 501 (refer to Partitioning Options

2, page 144).

To arm or disarm both areas at the same time:

Enter your User Code and press [0][AWAY]. Two beeps sound and both areas are armed or disarmed from AWAY Mode.

You can also arm/disarm both areas from a common codepad (assigned to both areas) with a common user code (assigned to both areas).

Arm or Disarm Single Area

See also

Arm or Disarm Single Area, page 51

Hold-Down Functions

Hold-down functions allow easy activation of specific operations. When you hold down a button for 2 sec, two beeps sound and the corresponding function operates.

Arm the System in AWAY Mode

Holding down [#] until two beeps sound arms the system in AWAY Mode. This hold-down

function operates only if you select Option 2 in Location 497 (refer to Consumer Options 2,

page 142).

Arm the System in STAY Mode 1

Holding down [*] until two beeps sound arms the system in STAY Mode 1. This hold-down

function operates only if you select Option 2 in Location 497 (refer to Consumer Options 2,

page 142).

If there was no alarm during the armed cycle, holding down [*] a sec time disarms the system from STAY Mode 1. To enable single button disarming from STAY Mode 1 using this hold-down function, select Option 4 in Location 497.

If an alarm occurred or entry warning was activated, a valid User Code is required to disarm the system.

Refer to Zone Options 2, page 101 for information on programming each zone to be

automatically isolated in STAY Mode 1.

Arm the System in STAY Mode 2

Holding down [0] until two beeps sound arms the system in STAY Mode 2. This hold-down

function operates only if you select Option 2 in Location 497 (refer to Consumer Options 2,

page 142).

If no sound alarm occurred during the armed cycle, holding down [0] a sec time disarms the system from STAY Mode 2. To enable single button disarming from STAY Mode 2 using this hold-down function, select Option 4 in Location 497.

If an alarm occurred or entry warning was activated, a valid User Code is required to disarm the system.

For more information, refer to Setting STAY Mode 2 Bypass Zones, page 47.


STAY Mode 2 does not work on a partitioned control panel system.

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Installation Guide Bosch Security Systems, Inc.

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Horn Speaker Test

Holding down [1] until two beeps sound activates the horn speaker for a 2-sec burst. No other sounding device operates during this mode.

Bell Test

Holding down [2] until two beeps sound activates the internal screamers for a 2-sec burst. No other sounding device operates during this mode.

Strobe Test

Holding down [3] operates the strobe. No other device operates during this mode.

To turn the strobe test on:

Press and hold [3] until three beeps sound. The strobe flashes.

To turn the strobe test off:

Press and hold [3] until two beeps sound. The strobe stops flashing.

Turning Day Alarm On and Off

Holding down [4] turns Day Alarm on or off. If you want the STAY indicator to indicate the status of Day Alarm operation (enabled or disabled), select Option 8 in Location 496 (refer to

Consumer Options 1, page 141). When this option is selected, the STAY indicator flashes once

every 3 sec when Day Alarm is active.

To turn Day Alarm on:

Press and hold [4] until three beeps sound.

To turn Day Alarm off:

Press and hold [4] until two beeps sound.

Fault Analysis Mode

Several system faults can be detected by the control panel. When any of these faults are

present, the FAULT indicator flashes and the codepad beeps once per minute. Refer to Fault

descriptions, page 37 for more information.

To determine the type of fault:

Press and hold [5] until two beeps sound.

The STAY and AWAYindicators flash. One or more zone indicators (1 to 16) light to indicate the type of fault that occurred.

To exit from Fault Analysis Mode:

Press [AWAY].

The STAY and AWAY indicators are extinguished and the system returns to the disarmed state.

Initiate a Modem Call

Holding down [6] until two beeps sound forces the control panel to dial the callback telephone number programmed in Locations 159 to 174 in an attempt to connect to the installer’s remote computer.

The remote computer must be running the A-Link Software and must be set to Waiting for an

Incoming Call. If no callback telephone number is programmed, holding down [6] has no effect.

See also

Call Back Telephone Number, page 75

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Control Panel

Reset Latching Outputs

Holding down [7] until two beeps sound resets any output that is programmed to remain on after it is activated. The output must be programmed with a latching polarity.

See also

Output Polarity, page 130

Change the Codepad Buzzer Tone

Holding down [8] continuously changes the tone of the buzzer in the remote codepad. There are 50 different tones from 1500 Hz to 5000 Hz. In an installation with multiple codepads, you can set a different tone for each codepad.

To change the buzzer tone:


Press and hold [8] continuously. The tone of the buzzer increases in pitch.


Release [8] button when you hear the desired tone.


Every time the system is powered down, you must reset each codepad to its individual tone using this function.

On partitioned control panels, this hold-down function also indicates the area to which the codepad belongs.

To determine the area to which the codepad belongs:


Press and hold [8] until two beeps sound. A zone indicator lights to show the area to which the codepad belongs.

– Zone 1 = Area 1 codepad

– Zone 2 = Area 2 codepad

– Zone1,2 = Common Codepad for both Area1 and Area2

– If no zone indicator lights, the codepad is set up incorrectly or an incorrect codepad is used.


Press [AWAY] to exit from this mode.

Send Test Report

Holding down [9] until two beeps sound transmits a Test Report (Contact ID Event Code 602) to test the reporting capabilities of the system without activating the sirens.

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Installation Guide Bosch Security Systems, Inc.


Key Features

  • Supports up to 8 zones for comprehensive coverage
  • Stay and Away arming modes for customizable protection
  • Panic, fire, and medical alarms for emergency situations
  • Remote arming and disarming via telephone or A-Link Plus Software
  • Event Memory Recall Mode for easy review of system activity
  • Fault Analysis Mode for quick troubleshooting

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Frequently Answers and Questions

How many zones does the Bosch Solution 2000 support?
The Bosch Solution 2000 supports up to 8 zones.
Does the Bosch Solution 2000 have a panic alarm?
Yes, the Bosch Solution 2000 has a panic alarm that can be activated from any keypad.
Can the Bosch Solution 2000 be armed and disarmed remotely?
Yes, the Bosch Solution 2000 can be armed and disarmed remotely via telephone or A-Link Plus Software.
How do I reset the Bosch Solution 2000 to factory default settings?
To reset the Bosch Solution 2000 to factory default settings, enter Installer Code 961.
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