Important Notes. WAGO Controller Modbus TCP

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Important Notes. WAGO Controller Modbus TCP | Manualzz

WAGO I/O System 750

750-890 Controller Modbus TCP; G4; 2ETH; SD

Pos: 16 /Alle Serie n (Allge mein e M odul e)/Üb ersc hrift en/Ebe ne 1/Wichtig e Erlä uter ung en - Übe rsch rift 1 @ 4\ mod _12 414 288 991 56_ 21.d ocx @ 321 70 @ 1 @ 1

2 Important Notes

Important Notes 17

Pos: 17. 1 /Alle Se rien (Allgem eine Mod ule) /Rechtlic hes, Allg emei nes/Wic htige E rläut eru nge n - Einl eitun g @ 3 \mo d_1 221 059 818 031_ 21. docx @ 21 717 @ @ 1 This section includes an overall summary of the most important safety requirements and notes that are mentioned in each individual section. To protect your health and prevent damage to devices as well, it is imperative to read and carefully follow the safety guidelines.

Pos: 17. 2 /Alle Se rien (Allgem eine Mod ule) /Übe rschri ften /Eben e 2/R echtlich e Gr undl age n - Ü bersc hrift 2 @ 3\m od_ 122 106 062 6343 _21 .docx @ 2 1726 @ 2 @ 1

2.1 Legal Bases

Pos: 17. 3 /Alle Se rien (Allgem eine Mod ule) /Rechtlic hes, Allg emei nes/Än der ungs vor behal t - Ü bersc hrift 3 u nd I nhalt @ 3\ mod _12 210 600 364 84_ 21.d ocx @ 217 20 @ 3 @ 1

2.1.1 Subject to Changes

WAGO Kontakttechnik GmbH & Co. KG reserves the right to provide for any alterations or modifications. WAGO Kontakttechnik GmbH & Co. KG owns all rights arising from the granting of patents or from the legal protection of utility patents. Third-party products are always mentioned without any reference to patent rights. Thus, the existence of such rights cannot be excluded.

Pos: 17. 4 /Seri e 75 0 (WAGO I/O SYSTEM )/Wichti ge Erl äute run gen (alt e Struk tur )/Pers onal qualifik ation/P erso nalq ualifikati on 7 50- xxxx - Ü ber schrif t 3 und I nhal t @ 3 \mo d_1 224 061 2080 46_ 21. docx @ 240 63 @ 3 @ 1

2.1.2 Personnel Qualifications

All sequences implemented on WAGO I/O System 750 devices may only be carried out by electrical specialists with sufficient knowledge in automation. The specialists must be familiar with the current norms and guidelines for the devices and automated environments.

All changes to the coupler or controller should always be carried out by qualified personnel with sufficient skills in PLC programming.

Pos: 17. 5 /Seri e 75 0 (WAGO I/O SYSTEM )/Wichti ge Erl äute run gen (alt e Struk tur )/Besti mmu ngsg em äße Verwe ndu ng/Besti mm ungs gem äß e Verw end ung 750 -xxxx - Übe rsch rift 3 @ 3 2\mo d_1 536 041 141 528 _21. docx @ 49 849 4 @ 3 @ 1

2.1.3 Use of the 750 Series in Compliance with Underlying


Pos: 17. 6 /Seri e 75 0 (WAGO I/O SYSTEM )/Wichti ge Erl äute run gen (alt e Struk tur )/Besti mmu ngsg em äße Verwe ndu ng/Besti mm ungs gem äß e Verw end ung 750 -xxxx f ür G erä te - UL6 101 0 - Ve rweis auf Pr oduk t-HB @ 32\m od_ 153 604 097 805 8_2 1.docx @ 4 984 89 @ @ 1 Fieldbus couplers, controllers and I/O modules of the modular

WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750 receive digital and analog signals from sensors and transmit them to actuators or higher-level control systems. Using controllers, the signals can also be (pre-) processed.

This product fulfills the requirements of protection type IP20 and is designed for use in dry interior spaces. There is protection against finger injury and solid impurities up to 12.5 mm diameter is assured; protection against water damage is not ensured.

The product represents an open-type device. It may only be installed in enclosures (tool-secured enclosures or operating rooms) which fulfil the listed requirements specified in the safety instructions in chapter “Safety Advice

(Precautions)”. Use without additional protective measures in environments within which dust, corrosive fumes, gases or ionized radiation can occur is considered improper use.


Version 1.2.2


Key Features

  • High performance and large memory
  • Integrated PLC functionality
  • Support for various communication protocols
  • Wide range of connection possibilities
  • Suitable for complex automation tasks
  • Use in various industrial environments

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Frequently Answers and Questions

What are the main benefits of using WAGO Controller Modbus TCP?
The main benefits include high performance, extensive memory, integrated PLC functionality, support for various communication protocols, wide range of connection possibilities, and suitability for complex automation tasks in various industrial environments.
What sets WAGO Controller Modbus TCP apart from similar devices?
Key features that distinguish this device from similar ones include its high performance, large memory, integrated PLC functionality, support for various communication protocols, wide range of connection possibilities, and suitability for complex automation tasks in various industrial environments.
Can WAGO Controller Modbus TCP be used for complex automation tasks?
Yes, the device is suitable for complex automation tasks thanks to its high performance, large memory, integrated PLC functionality, and support for various communication protocols.
Does WAGO Controller Modbus TCP support various communication protocols?
Yes, the device supports various communication protocols, enabling flexible and efficient implementation of automation solutions.
Can WAGO Controller Modbus TCP be used in various industrial environments?
Yes, the device is suitable for use in various industrial environments thanks to its wide range of connection possibilities and robust design.
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