Process Data Architecture. WAGO Controller Modbus TCP

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Process Data Architecture. WAGO Controller Modbus TCP | Manualzz

WAGO I/O System 750

750-890 Controller Modbus TCP; G4; 2ETH; SD

Pos: 85 /Alle Serie n (Allge mein e M odul e)/Üb ersc hrift en/Ebe ne 2/Proz essda ten aufb au - Übe rsch rift 2 @ 5\ mod _12 450 695 4381 3_2 1.d ocx @ 353 10 @ 2 @ 1

7.2 Process Data Architecture

Function Description 87

Pos: 86. 1 /Seri e 75 0 (WAGO I/O SYSTEM )/ Funkti onsb esch reibu ng/Pr ozess abbild /Prinzipi eller Au fbau (Co ntr oller) @ 6\ mo d_1 2560 332 431 71_ 21.d ocx @ 431 37 @ 3 @ 1

7.2.1 Basic Structure

After switching on, the controller identifies all I/O modules connected with the node that send or receive data (data width/bit width > 0).

In a node can consist of a mixed arrangement of analog input/analog output modules and digital input/digital output modules and special modules.

Pos: 86. 2 /Seri e 75 0 (WAGO I/O SYSTEM )/ Funkti onsb esch reibu ng/Pr ozess abbild /Hinweis: Mit Busv erlä nge run g bis z u 2 50 I/ O-M odul e ans chlie ßba r! @ 6\m od_ 1256 033 692 375 _21. docx @ 43 140 @ @ 1

Up to 250 I/O modules can be connected with coupler module and end module.

Using the bus extension coupler module 750-628 and bus extension end module

750-627 for local bus extension it is possible to connect up to 250 I/O modules to the Controller Modbus TCP; G4; 2ETH; SD.

Pos: 86. 3 /Seri e 75 0 (WAGO I/O SYSTEM )/ Funkti onsb esch reibu ng/Pr ozess abbild /Inf orm ation : Anza hl de r Ein- und A usga ngsbit s bzw. -byt es [.. .] en tne hme n Sie I/ O-M odul -Besch reib ung @ 6\ mod _12 560 3420 373 4_2 cx @ 4 314 6 @ @ 1

Additional Information

For the number of input and output bits or bytes of the individual I/O modules, refer to the corresponding description of the I/O modules.

Pos: 86. 4 /Seri e 75 0 (WAGO I/O SYSTEM )/ Funkti onsb esch reibu ng/Pr ozess abbild /Aus d er Da ten breit e un d d em Typ des I/ O- Mod uls ... (Cont rolle r) @ 6\ mod _12 5603 432 062 5_2 cx @ 4 314 9 @ @ 1 The controller creates an internal local process image on the basis of the data width, the type of I/O module and the position of the module in the node. This process image is broken down into an input and an output data range.

The data of the digital I/O modules is bit-oriented; i.e., digital data is sent bit by bit. Analog I/O modules represent the group of byte-oriented modules – data is sent byte by byte.

Pos: 86. 5 /Seri e 75 0 (WAGO I/O SYSTEM )/ Funkti onsb esch reibu ng/Pr ozess abbild /Zu dies en I/ O-M odul en g ehö ren z. B. Zähle r, I /O- Mod ule fü r Wink el- u nd .. . (7 50- 841 ) @ 6\m od_ 125 6034 612 343 _21. docx @ 43 155 @ @ 1 Counter modules or angle and distance measurement modules, for example, are included in this group of modules.

Pos: 86. 6 /Seri e 75 0 (WAGO I/O SYSTEM )/ Funkti onsb esch reibu ng/Pr ozess abbild /Fü r d as lok ale Proz essa bbild, D ate n ab hän gig vo n de r Rei henf olge i hre r Positio n (C ontr oller ) @ 6\m od_1 256 034 703 953 _21. docx @ 43 158 @ @ 1 For both, the local input and output process image, the I/O module data is stored in the corresponding process image depending on the order in which the modules are connected to the fieldbus controller.

Pos: 86. 7 /Seri e 75 0 (WAGO I/O SYSTEM )/ Funkti onsb esch reibu ng/Pr ozess abbild /Hinweis: H ar dwar e-Änd eru ng k ann Än der ung des P rozes sabbil des b ewirk en! @ 6\m od_ 125 603 522 525 0_2 1.docx @ 4 316 1 @ @ 1


Version 1.2.2

88 Function Description WAGO I/O System 750

750-890 Controller Modbus TCP; G4; 2ETH; SD

Hardware changes can result in changes of the process image!

If the hardware configuration is changed by adding, changing, removing or reparametrisation of I/O modules with a data width > 0 bit, this result in a new process image structure. The process data addresses would then change. If adding I/O modules, the process data of all previous I/O modules has to be taken into account.

Pos: 86. 8 /Seri e 75 0 (WAGO I/O SYSTEM )/ Funkti onsb esch reibu ng/Pr ozess abbild /Proze ssab bild Wo rt 0.. .25 5, 2 56... 511, 51 2...1 275 @ 6\ mod _12 560 353 517 18_2 1.d ocx @ 431 64 @ @ 1 A memory range of 256 words (word 0...255) is initially available in the controller for the process image of the physical input and output data.

For the image of the MODBUS/PFC variables, the memory range of words

256...511 is reserved; meaning the image for the MODBUS/PFC variables is created behind the process image for the I/O module data.

If the quantity of module data is greater than 256 words, all the physical input and output data above this value is added to the end of the current process image in a memory range; i.e., attached behind the MODBUS/PFC variables (word


Pos: 86. 9 /Seri e 75 0 (WAGO I/O SYSTEM )/ Funkti onsb esch reibu ng/Pr ozess abbild /Fü r zuk ünfti ge Pr otok ollerweit eru nge n ist der ansc hließ end e Bereic h a b Wor t 12 76... 153 2... (75 0-8 82) @ 9\ mo d_12 815 098 055 64_ 21.d ocx @ 630 00 @ @ 1 For protocol extensions in future the following memory range is reserved starting from word 1276 … 1532 for further PFC variables.

Pos: 86. 10 /Se rie 7 50 (WAGO I/ O SYSTEM)/ Fu nktions besc hreib ung /Proze ssab bild/Bei all en WAGO -Fel dbus cont rolle rn ist der Zu griff de r SPS auf di e Proz essd aten una bhä ngig von . .. @ 6\m od_ 1256 038 962 984 _21. docx @ 43 173 @ @ 1 Access by the PLC to process data is made independently from the fieldbus system in all WAGO controllers; access is always conducted through an application-related IEC-61131-3 program.

How the data is accessed from the fieldbus side depends on the fieldbus however.

Pos: 86. 11 /Se rie 7 50 (WAGO I/ O SYSTEM)/ Fu nktions besc hreib ung /Proze ssab bild/F ür den Fel dbusc ont roller kan n ein MODBUS/TCP -Mas ter übe r... (75 0- 842, -84 3, - 882 ) @ 9\m od_ 128 1510 776 928 _21. docx @ 63 008 @ @ 1 For the fieldbus controller, a MODBUS/TCP master can access the data via implemented MODBUS functions, whereby decimal or hexadecimal MODBUS addresses are used

Pos: 86. 12 /Se rie 7 50 (WAGO I/ O SYSTEM)/ Fu nktions besc hreib ung /Proze ssab bild/In for matio n: Eine det ailliert e Besch reib ung z u die sen f eldb usspe zifische n Dat. (7 50- 842, -8 43, -88 2) @ 9\ mod_ 128 151 103 347 2_2 1.docx @ 6 301 2 @ @ 1

Additional Information:

For a detailed description of these fieldbus-specific data access methods, refer to the section "MODBUS Functions".

Pos: 86. 13 /Se rie 7 50 (WAGO I/ O SYSTEM)/ Fu nktions besc hreib ung /Proze ssab bild/In for matio n: Das feld bussp ezifisch e Proz essa bbild ist ... ( 750 -84 1, 8 42, 843, 87 1, 8 80, 8 81, 882, 889 ) @ 6\m od_1 256 131 415 906 _21. docx @ 43 398 @ @ 1

Additional Information:

For the fieldbus-specific process image of any WAGO I/O module, please refer to the section “I/O Modules” > … > “Structure of the process data”.

Pos: 86. 14 /D okum ent ation allge mein/ Gliede run gsele me nte/ ---Sei tenwe chsel --- @ 3\ mod _12 211 080 450 78_ 0.docx @ 2 181 0 @ @ 1


Version 1.2.2


Key Features

  • High performance and large memory
  • Integrated PLC functionality
  • Support for various communication protocols
  • Wide range of connection possibilities
  • Suitable for complex automation tasks
  • Use in various industrial environments

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Frequently Answers and Questions

What are the main benefits of using WAGO Controller Modbus TCP?
The main benefits include high performance, extensive memory, integrated PLC functionality, support for various communication protocols, wide range of connection possibilities, and suitability for complex automation tasks in various industrial environments.
What sets WAGO Controller Modbus TCP apart from similar devices?
Key features that distinguish this device from similar ones include its high performance, large memory, integrated PLC functionality, support for various communication protocols, wide range of connection possibilities, and suitability for complex automation tasks in various industrial environments.
Can WAGO Controller Modbus TCP be used for complex automation tasks?
Yes, the device is suitable for complex automation tasks thanks to its high performance, large memory, integrated PLC functionality, and support for various communication protocols.
Does WAGO Controller Modbus TCP support various communication protocols?
Yes, the device supports various communication protocols, enabling flexible and efficient implementation of automation solutions.
Can WAGO Controller Modbus TCP be used in various industrial environments?
Yes, the device is suitable for use in various industrial environments thanks to its wide range of connection possibilities and robust design.
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