Ethernet. WAGO Controller Modbus TCP

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Ethernet. WAGO Controller Modbus TCP | Manualzz

WAGO I/O System 750 Configuring via the Web-Based Management System (WBM) 185

750-890 Controller Modbus TCP; G4; 2ETH; SD

Pos: 98. 44 /D okum ent ation allge mein/ Gliede run gsele me nte/ --- -Le erzeil e-( 1Z )-- -- @ 28 \mo d_1 485 2629 958 37_ cx @ 4040 06 @ @ 1

Pos: 98. 45 /Se rie 7 50 (WAGO I/ O SYSTEM)/W eb-Bas ed -Ma nag eme nt-Syst em WB M/Seite E THERNET/Eth ern et - Einl eitun g mit MAC-Ad ress -Filte r @ 33\ mod _15 414 2532 909 3_2 1.d ocx @ 5070 79 @ 2 @ 1

10.12 Ethernet

Use the “Ethernet” WBM page to set the data transfer rate, the MAC address filter settings and bandwidth limit for each of the two switch ports for data transfer via Ethernet.

Pos: 98. 46 /Se rie 7 50 (WAGO I/ O SYSTEM)/W eb-Bas ed -Ma nag eme nt-Syst em WB M/Seite E THERNET/Eth ern et - Ta belle Teil 1 Phy./ MAC Addr. Filt er/Switch Confi gur ation (89 x) @ 31\ mod _15 236 222 5458 9_2 1.d ocx @ 481 889 @ @ 1

Table 60: WBM Page „Ethernet“

PHY Settings


Enable port

Default value Description

 Enable Port X1 or Port X2

 Disable Port X1 or Port X2

Enable autonegotiation

 Enable Autonegotiation for Port X1 or Port X2.

Automatically handling the best possible transmission mode and baud rate with the communication partner.

 Enable Autonegotiation for Port X1 or Port X2.

10 MBit Half Duplex

10 MBit Full Duplex

100 MBit Half Duplex

100 MBit Full Duplex



Use a fixed transmission mode and baud rate for Port X1 or Port X2.



 Enable Auto-MDI/MDI-X for Port X1 or Port X2

 Disable Auto-MDI/MDI-X for Port X1or Port X2

 Transceiver of Port X1 or Port X2 sends on Tx wire pair.

 Port X1 or Port X2 sends an Rx wire pair.


Version 1.2.2

186 Configuring via the Web-Based Management System (WBM) WAGO I/O System 750

750-890 Controller Modbus TCP; G4; 2ETH; SD

MAC Address Filter Settings

Entry Default value Description

Enable filter

 Activate MAC address filter.

Depending on the operating mode of the MAC address filter (whitelist / blacklist), the subsequently entered MAC addresses are blocked or permitt.

Filter mode

Allow WAGO devices

MAC address 1



 Deactivate MAC address filter.

Chose Whitelist.

Only the following registered MAC addresses have network access to the fieldbus coupler/controller, others are blocked

Chose Blacklist.

Only the following registered MAC addresses are blocked, others have network access to the fieldbus coupler/controller.

Activate MAC address filter.

The WAGO devices with the MAC address

00:30:EN:XX:XX:XX always have network access to the fieldbus coupler/controller, independent of the other settings of the MAC address filter.

Deactivate MAC address filter.

Only devices whose MAC address is entered in the list have network access to the fieldbus coupler / controller.

The settings of the MAC address filter apply.

Filter for the first MAC address (hexadecimal).

MAC address 2

MAC address 3

MAC address 4

MAC address 5











Filter for the second MAC address (hexadecimal).

Filter for the third MAC address (hexadecimal).

Filter for the fourth MAC address (hexadecimal).

Filter for the fifth MAC address (hexadecimal).


Version 1.2.2

WAGO I/O System 750 Configuring via the Web-Based Management System (WBM) 187

750-890 Controller Modbus TCP; G4; 2ETH; SD

Switch Settings


Enable fast aging

Enable port mirroring

Ethernet MTU

Input data rate limit

Output data rate limit

Default value Description

 Enable “Fast Aging”

"Fast Aging" ensures that the cache for the MAC addresses is cleared faster in the switch. This may be required if a redundancy system (e.g., using a Jet-

Ring network or comparable technology) needs to be set up.

 Disable “Fast Aging”.

The time to discard the cache entries is five minutes.



1 2 internal

 Enable port mirroring

Port Mirroring is used for network diagnostics.

Packets are mirrored from one port (mirror port) to another (sniffer port).

 Disable port mirroring

Maximum packet size of a protocol, which can be transferred without fragmentation ("Maximum

Transmission Unit" - MTU).

No limit

No limit

The input limit rate limits network traffic when receiving.

The rate is indicated in megabits or kilobits per second. If the limit is exceeded, packets are lost.

The output limit rate limits network traffic when sending.

The rate is indicated in megabits or kilobits per second. If the limit is exceeded, packets are lost.

Sniffer Port

Mirror Port

Pos: 98. 47 /D okum ent ation allge mein/ Gliede run gsele me nte/ --- -Le erzeil e-( 1Z )-- -- @ 28 \mo d_1 485 2629 958 37_ cx @ 4040 06 @ @ 1

Pos: 98. 48 /Se rie 7 50 (WAGO I/ O SYSTEM)/W eb-Bas ed -Ma nag eme nt-Syst em WB M/Seite E THERNET/Hinw eis: M TU-W ert nur für Fr ag menti eru ng ei nstelle n! @ 31\ mod _15 2362 525 576 7_2 1.doc x @ 4 818 93 @ @ 1

Enable broadcast storm protection

 

 Activate broadcast storm protection. The maximum number of incoming broadcast telegrams is limited and packets affected by the limitation are discarded.

 Broadcast storm protection disabled.

  Select the sniffer port the mirror port should be mirrored to.

  

Select the mirror port which should be mirrored to the sniffer port.

Set the MTU value for fragmentation only!

Only set the value for MTU, i.e., the maximum packet size between client and server, if you are using a tunnel protocol (e.g., 1452 for VPN) for ETHERNET communication and the packets must be fragmented.

Setting the value is independent of the transmission mode selected.

Pos: 98. 49 /Se rie 7 50 (WAGO I/ O SYSTEM)/W eb-Bas ed -Ma nag eme nt-Syst em WB M/Seite E THERNET/Hinw eis: ETHERNET -Übe rtr agu ngsm odus kor rekt konfi guri ere n! (z u "En able aut one gatiati on" ) 8 81, 882, .. @ 8\m od_1 280 406 054 684 _21. docx @ 61 618 @ @ 1

Configure ETHERNET transmission mode correctly!

A fault configuration of the ETHERNET transmission mode may result in a lost connection, poor network performance or faulty performance of the fieldbus coupler/controller.

Pos: 98. 50 /Se rie 7 50 (WAGO I/ O SYSTEM)/W eb-Bas ed -Ma nag eme nt-Syst em WB M/Seite E THERNET/Hinw eis: Nicht alle E THERNET-Po rts d eaktivie rba r! ( für K opple r/Co ntr oller mit 2 Et her net -Ports ) @ 8\mo d_1 278 673 988 234 _21. docx @ 59 482 @ @ 1


Version 1.2.2

188 Configuring via the Web-Based Management System (WBM) WAGO I/O System 750

750-890 Controller Modbus TCP; G4; 2ETH; SD

All ETHERNET ports cannot be disabled!

Both ETHERNET ports can be switched off. If both ports are disabled and you press [SUBMIT] , the selection is not applied and the previous values are restored.

Pos: 98. 51 /D okum ent ation allge mein/ Gliede run gsele me nte/ ---Sei tenwe chsel --- @ 3\ mod _12 211 080 450 78_ 0.docx @ 2 181 0 @ @ 1


Version 1.2.2


Key Features

  • High performance and large memory
  • Integrated PLC functionality
  • Support for various communication protocols
  • Wide range of connection possibilities
  • Suitable for complex automation tasks
  • Use in various industrial environments

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Frequently Answers and Questions

What are the main benefits of using WAGO Controller Modbus TCP?
The main benefits include high performance, extensive memory, integrated PLC functionality, support for various communication protocols, wide range of connection possibilities, and suitability for complex automation tasks in various industrial environments.
What sets WAGO Controller Modbus TCP apart from similar devices?
Key features that distinguish this device from similar ones include its high performance, large memory, integrated PLC functionality, support for various communication protocols, wide range of connection possibilities, and suitability for complex automation tasks in various industrial environments.
Can WAGO Controller Modbus TCP be used for complex automation tasks?
Yes, the device is suitable for complex automation tasks thanks to its high performance, large memory, integrated PLC functionality, and support for various communication protocols.
Does WAGO Controller Modbus TCP support various communication protocols?
Yes, the device supports various communication protocols, enabling flexible and efficient implementation of automation solutions.
Can WAGO Controller Modbus TCP be used in various industrial environments?
Yes, the device is suitable for use in various industrial environments thanks to its wide range of connection possibilities and robust design.
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